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oh for gay do you want the easiest chance to win a thousand robux well great all you got to do is join my roblox group uffer squad like this video subscribe if you are new and click that notification bell then comment your roblox username down below in the comment section i'll announce the winner at the end of every video good luck yo what is up gang it's your boy a.i.z back with the pikachu plushie [Music] is my pikachu plushie so cute let me go get it real quick everyone say oh if it's cute y'all say oh by the way me and him match like if you see me wearing this which i've been wearing in every single video this is officially the aiz fix okay this is the aiz fit okay write it on the screen right here that's how official it is but anyways today in the worlds of brookhaven rp there is a new update and i'm going to be showing you every single thing added in this new update get it guys look at everyone in my private server i see some signs it's your boy aiz back with um what'd he say he's not he's he's he's not stopping moving aussie back with one two threes i see everyone with the with the signs up in here this guy has ufo gang on his sign this this one says get z to two milli that's lit y'all who's gonna give me the two mill who's gonna be my two millionth subscriber wait up i can't get this house okay there you go i got it i got this house so the first thing we're gonna be checking out i would say the houses but i want to see if they added anything i think they actually did add one thing which is this right here they added a couple things because i don't remember this trophy either maybe this trophy is a thing but this cart right here for sure no one ever had this cart like what is this this is called like a wagon or something i don't think this wagon was in the game before i might be wrong so correct me if i'm wrong but maybe i think this i think this wagon is something new in the game guys so we have a wagon where you can just pick anyone up and just take them wherever you want you know you could like role play with your kids if you want that would be that'll be cute having like a kid role play i might do that i might like adopt some kids and then just take them off to the park on my wagon or something that'll be super dope and then there's also like let me see what else they added let me see if i notice anything that i haven't noticed before i think these these balls might be one like this basketball and soccer ball i'm not sure if this was in the game before but look you can actually shoot a basketball can actually throw a basketball you all see that like i'm literally throwing basketballs that guy's over there running to go get the basketball go get it my boy that is so dope so as you guys can see there's a basketball let's let's check out this soccer ball as well wait where'd it go i don't see the soccer ball nowhere oh there it is so you can actually just run around and kick this soccer ball wherever you want huh yo that's so dope so they added like a basketball and a soccer ball and then did they add any more foods i'm not sure if they added more foods i think maybe this green apple they didn't have before or maybe they did i don't know i'm kind of confused on what they added and what they didn't they should have like a list somewhere where it shows everything they added and everything they didn't add i wish they had a list that would be really useful if they had like a list to use but yeah this is another thing right here let's also go to huh what else should we go to let's go to like clothes i'm i'm not gonna be able to check what's the new clothes in this game because i don't even wear the clothes but i'm just gonna go through and show you guys like there's like a lot of clothes in here i don't know if there's any new clothes but there's definitely a lot of clothes that you can pick from yeah i'm not even going to try to find out what is new and what's not new because that would be impossible whoa whoa this one's crazy there's like a killer what's look at this you could wear like a killer outfit the shirt has blood all over it and everything that is dope i need to do this for a role play as well that will be so sick like a killer role play that would be lit and then also the cars i don't think there's any new cars but for sure in this new update guys all the egg cars disappeared so you're not gonna have any of the egg cards anymore unless you did the extreme one then you still have the extreme car right here as you can see i could spawn it but other than that if you do if you did not do the extreme one you lost your chance of getting this extreme egg car so i'm sorry for anyone that wasn't able to get this car but yeah let's go check out these three new houses there is three new houses as you guys can see at the bottom and then right here's like a haunted creepy looking house guys there's they added they're adding so much new things where i can do role plays on and it's so dope it's so dope so you know we're gonna spawn we're going to spawn the premium one last because i know all of you guys are going to want to see the premium because i know a lot of you guys probably don't have premium so we're going to save the best for last but right now we're going to move on to the haunted house yo that's what we're going to do right now we're going to move on to the haunted house so i kind of want to lock oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay never mind i was going to say i kind of want to lock it so i could show you guys around the house but you know what i'll just lock it right now so not that much people could join but as you can see look it has like a weird color to it it's like super creepy in a blue house but let me turn on the lights just so you guys can see it better right here it has a light control where you can change any of the lights in your house to whatever color so see i could change it to pink so now it's pink up in here and then i could change it to like red so it's red up in here and then i could change it to blue so it's like that creepy blue up in here and then i could change it to a green so it's like some slimy like goblin looking green color so yeah it's super creepy guys and my bad for locking the door here in this server i just don't want too much people in here so i won't be able to show you guys the house but yeah um yeah let's just turn all the lights to white so we'll be able to see what's in this house better so as you can see there's like this creepy like bench everything over here is like super wait up guys i thought someone was ringing my doorbell in real life but that was just someone in the game that's embarrassing that is embarrassing but yeah as you guys can see there's like a couch everything here's like it's like a jail or like look there's like a casket right here guys it's like this is a vampire's house or something creepy this is a creepy old house everything's black okay and there's like more coffins and stuff just leaning against the wall and like just bricks of wood i'm not even sure what the heck this is and then everything in here is just super like gothic and scary that's what it is it's just gothic and creepy huh my dream came true nice to meet you my boy he said my dream came true since he met me that's so dope y'all he's in one of my videos but as you guys can see look there's something over here see that whoa yo okay so this house has a couple of secret hidden spots but i'm not gonna show them in this video i'm gonna upload a short on youtube just like a a 40 second video and you guys are gonna see that there's a lot of hidden areas in this house so let's go check out over here let's go check out this is i think the master bedroom guys this has to be the master bedroom maybe not oh yeah it is because it has the safe and so here's the master bedroom so this is just a creepy house look like everything is so dark and black and evil looking and i'm kind of scared i'm not gonna lie i'll be terrified to live in this house like with just caskets there's probably like dead bodies in these caskets or something so let's go check out you know the kids room here is the kids room as you guys could see there is actually a secret area in someone robbed me for real one of my subscribers is going to rob me are you for real but yeah as you guys can see it's like a bunk bed for kids we got a bunk bed for us kids well i'm not really a kid except for when i role play as a kid then this will be my room but if i'm an adult then you know what i'm going into this room the big boy room but anyways let's head over here and check out the guest room now as you guys can see this is the guest room it's it's not nothing too big but all these cages and stuff around the house are just creepy i feel like this is like a killer's house and he keeps his like prisoners in the house it's kind of it's kind of crazy i'm not gonna lie and that is everything in this house like i said oh my god is this my this is my bodyguard he was guarding the door for me what the heck that was crazy i had a bodyguard with a gun just guarding the door like this that is a savage y'all all right now it's time to spawn another house i might have to leave the game and rejoin so let let me try to spawn one let me try to spawn a new house let's spawn this one the timer hasn't ended i have four minutes left are you for real are you for real so um i'm gonna tell everyone be brb guys so i'm gonna have to leave this game and join back as fast as i can guys you ready for this hopefully the server does not fill up and then i can't enjoy my own game that's alright guys i made it back in my server i'm so happy i was actually so nervous that i wasn't gonna be able to make it back in the server but i did so that's good my private server will be linked down below in the description click it right now and maybe i'll be in there recording a video and you guys could be in one of my videos so let's head back right here and let's spawn the next house so the next house we're gonna spawn is this one right here it's like another modern mansion so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna lock this room as fast as i can i'm just gonna oh god oh god everyone's everyone's already in here everyone's everyone's already in my house okay that is not that why can't i lock you okay there you go i locked it oh there's already too much people in here but i guess we're gonna have to just do it with this much people so i wish you could like private your lawn so it kicks out everyone at the same time but i guess you can't home sweets home what the heck is this yo yo this one has a basement guys oh my goodness whoa this one has a base mints that's lit yo this is lit guys like it teleports you to the basement if you go up those stairs it literally teleports you back to your house like this is crazy guys let's go back wait wait i want to see the fish over here look there's literally like fish over here and stuff a bunk bed yo that was so dope this guy said it's cool fish sushi hey i said don't eat my fish he said sorry my bodyguard is like i got you my bodyguard's literally getting mad at that guy for eating my fish that's funny and someone just robbed my house again are y'all for real y'all gonna keep robbing my house you guys are savage so as you guys can see oh i didn't even check out the backyard of the other house did the other house even have a backyard i'm not even sure maybe i'll check that out at the end of the video whoa this house has a playground back there yo this house is perfect for like a kid role play so if you guys this you don't even need premium to have this house so this is like the perfect house for a kid role play guys if you don't even have premium so as you guys can see i'm gonna head upstairs first that was the kitchen living room and everything now let's head upstairs so this is the kids room right here what the kids have their own computers to like play roblox on or something that's so lit look i can literally like change the channel okay never mind too much people too much too much people are in the way i can't change i can't change i get i can't change the chat too much people are in the house they're all standing on my desk y'all gonna break my computer okay let's head in here oh so you're the guy that robbed me huh austin austin robbed me eats these doritos hey those were my doritos she just ate my doritos wow she said mine now ha ha so everyone's just going to be stealing my stuff now is that how it is everyone's just invading my house just eating all my stuff destroying my computer my subs my subscribers are literally savage guys this is the master bathroom right here now let's head downstairs and into the backyard to show you guys the litmus of this backyard so we're gonna unlock my house real quick check this back yard out in the house yo they have like a jacuzzi back here and then a giant pool where the pool doesn't come with it but still and then a playground back here what i'm too big for this playground what the heck i have to like shrink my character so this is a kids only playground let me shrink my character a little bit so i can fit in here as you guys can see it just has like a little circle of a playground guys my bodyguard is like way too big to fit in here my bodyguards i see i see you with the chain mr bodyguard mr z mr z is coming through i'ma say thanks bodyguard thanks bodyguard now i have to leave the game this was house number two guys i'm gonna leave the game right now join back whoa this house is huge look at that i'm gonna leave the game join back and show you guys the third and final house which is the premium house let's get it guys this is about to be insane all right guys we are back in the server and we are going to look at the final house which is the premium house you all ready let's check this out whoa this thing is a freaking building guys this is literally a building what the heck one two three four stories tall yo this is absolutely insane a four-story okay you know we're gonna go check out this garage first so let's open the garage what the garage just goes straight into my backyard i could put a pool down right there yo so the pool is built into my house just like the garage this is so dope everyone hit that like button right now let's get 10 000 likes on this video oh my goodness guys look at this okay let's check out this area right here it's like a bedroom so we already got a first guest bedroom right here this house is so lit we got a first guest bedroom and then we can head over here and then walk up the poolside area and then we got our living room and our dining table right here look at the living room the dining table with like a dope depending on which house you guys have this would be a dope view guys the whole house is like basically made out of glass yo and then over here is like a balcony where you can just check oh no this is the front door what this is the front door that's crazy and then in here you got like a super modern looking kitchen yo this kitchen looks so nice by the way listen to his sign right there it says subscribe to ayazi listen to my boy hit that subscribe button oh someone gave me a burger thanks man he just gave me a burger so in here is the first bathroom look i can literally take a shower up in here this is so dope and then like it's a huge window so basically people could see me bruh bruh people will see me poop in here literally what the heck is this the toilet is right in front of a window the toilet's right in front of a window what the heck everyone's saying ella will so let's oh wait how is my girl sitting okay she oh above her head it says ufo gang for life yeah oofer gang let's go all right i said gag okay i need to learn how to spell let's go up to the third floor now we are officially at the third floor what the heck is this oh i just came out of this this is the elevator the elevator has a huge glass door so you can see through it and then we got like another living room or like a guest area with a computer right here and then we got the kids room on the third floor and then what is this the master oh yep and i just got a guy laying down on my master bedroom bro you are drooling on my bed why are you drooling on my bedpunk he's literally drooling on my bed someone's saying help i'm stuck someone got stuck but as you guys can see this is my master bedroom imagine this view if we're on eagle view yo that would be so dope this view would be so lit and he's still sleeping my boy i'ma jump on his head wake up wake up let's check out in here so in here is our closet with the safe uh-oh hopefully no one sees the safe guys i don't want no one to rob me everyone keeps robbing everyone in my house but no one has robbed this house yet so that's good and whoa check this out guys this is literally the biggest bathroom in the game okay you're gonna take a poop my boy are you for real above it says said ufo gang get lit in here and then he said ah that's better so you gonna take a poop my boy take this febreze okay it tagged everything but as you guys can see look i could like shower right here or take a bath and it i just have huge windows all around me so i can see outside while i'm taking a bath like this is so lit guys and now it's officially time to check out the top floor emily z's biggest fan z i'm playing your pc hey that's lit that's lit she's literally playing my pc even though it's all black let me let me turn it on for you my boy there you go i mean my girl my girl shout out to all my girl subscribers out there let me let me put on roblox for you okay okay that's not roblox that's not roblox okay there you go there you go my girl i put on roblox for you all right let's go up to the last floor which is the rooftop floor guys this looks so lit yo check this out we literally got a rooftop this is officially the tallest house in the game which is like five stories check this out guys we literally got a rooftop with like a jacuzzi up here we could grill up here let me grill some um burgers real quick let me turn the temperature up there you go now we're grilling some burgers up on this john let's just close this so you know the burgers could like grill in peace so no flies get on no the flies would burn right but yeah as you guys can see this is the huge mansion right here it literally has a tree i have a tree on top of my mansion which is so dope which is literally so dope so i'm grilling the i'm grilling the burgers right now and this girl said don't burn them all right i won't psych i'm gonna put it all the way to a thousand degrees i'm burning these i'm burning these right now there you go it's at a thousand degrees now i'm just gonna close it and it's probably gonna light on fire rip but anyways y'all as the sun sets i'm just gonna end this video on this beautiful view i hope you guys enjoyed this new brookhaven rp update as much as i did because this update is literally so awesome let me know what you guys think about this update down below oh my god my boy's on fire oh my god i gotta put out oh my god i'm on fire help anyways i love you guys i'll see you guys tomorrow with another video and as always i'm burning live peace hey congrats to you for winning today's robux giveaway the robux should be in your account right now go check if you didn't win don't be bummed because we do this every day on this channel if you enjoyed this video then make sure to click this one on the screen right now it's just as awesome i'm waiting click it click it come on you still haven't clicked it well i'm leaving now peace out
Channel: AyeYahZee
Views: 326,875
Rating: 4.9284225 out of 5
Keywords: AyeYahZee, roblox, family friendly, no cursing, oofer gang, ayeyahzee roblox, brookhaven rp, brookhaven, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven rp roblox, roblox brookhaven rp, new update in brookhaven, new update brookhaven rp, brookhaven rp new update
Id: 6MFD_Kf2d-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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