I got all my Sealed Video Games Graded by WATA

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folks i'm not gonna lie i've been thinking about this video for a long time a few months in fact and for the past few months i've been saving up any mid to high dollar sealed video games that i can possibly find we've got everything from wii u to original xbox to wii to playstation 2. nothing super super vintage like cartridge stuff or anything unfortunately but titles that are definitely at least somewhat sought after and what i'm going to be doing today in this video is giving you a little bit of background on all of these sealed games how i got them and what i paid and then we're going to cut immediately to the future when i send these all in to wada to get graded and i get them back from them i'm able to see what the grades are and we'll be able to find out together what this stack of games might actually be worth relative to what i paid and if you guys can't already tell i am super excited about this process not only is this something that i've never done on this channel before it's something i've never done period uh never taken a sealed game and sent it in for grading i did it if you guys recall earlier this year for a couple of pokemon cards that i found at a yard sale but never once for video games and it will likely be a lengthy process it will very possibly be months before i get to see these guys again but i'm gonna take this video now save the footage and then whenever i do get these puppies back i'm gonna post the whole thing and you guys just get to come along for this entire process together hopefully we'll learn something together and without further ado let's get into how i got my hands on some of these sealed games so the first one up that we have is super mario galaxy 2 on the wii now this one i'm not super certain about to be honest because it is the nintendo selects version uh it is a very highly sought after title though being a main series mario game and there were not very many listed if any if i'm remembering correctly on uh ebay in graded condition okay yeah so the only two listed right now that are graded from wada are both graded a 9.4 and they're listed at the 900 plus dollar range but neither of them are the nintendo selects version so i would guess this one's probably going to be a little bit less uh my buy cost on this was really solid i actually i was trolling around mercari looking for sealed games i found one listing for like 58 bucks sent an offer of 50 and the guy reached out to me he said is this the real phoenix resale so apparently he had been a viewer of the channel and he said hey if you respond to my most recent comment on my video so that i know it's you uh then i'll give it to you this and another uh mario odyssey regular game that wasn't sealed for 30 bucks so just like a huge discount much more than i was asking for um so that was very generous thank you joppy if you are watching this for this deal this guy's going to go in to get graded i have no idea uh because i have 30 well technically more like maybe around 20 or 25 dollars into this game i'm almost certain i'm not going to be losing money but i really have no idea how much value a grade is going to add to the sealed game so this one is a little bit of a question mark up next we have this entire stack here of mostly vintage gold that came believe it or not from the same video game store they're all sealed and i got pretty decent deals on all of them this is another similar situation to the mario this is the player's choice edition of resident evil 4. i picked this up for like 54. um i know that the solds on ebay for this version go for around 90 or so in sealed condition uh and so i'm just i'm gonna send this one in it the seal looks really nice and everything i didn't see any breaks or tears and that's something that is the case on all of these copies that i am going to be sending in i don't want anything that i can visibly see is not sealed going in to get graded and this one's actually interesting because it does have a uh sold listing for the player's choice version sixty 367 dollars for a uh 9.6 so a really solid grade on that one i would guess this one will probably be in a similar neighborhood um and i think i'm gonna have to pay around 80 or so dollars a piece to get these guys graded because uh the services are just so backed up right now and the prices are a little bit jacked up as well so that's what we're looking at for this guy paid 54 a potential return of maybe 300 plus i would say but yeah either way a lot of my mentality with all of these games is even if it's not guaranteed that i'm going to make a better return than i would just selling them as sealed on ebay i'm using it very much as a learning experience because the knowledge that i gained from grading all of these games and looking at values and selling them online is just going to be really valuable and helpful to me as i'm finding sealed games going forward so that's part of my mentality with all of this this was a really solid find twenty dollars for the lord of the rings two towers sealed on playstation two uh this game i'm not sure honestly i may have to go back here and try to remove this little security device i actually did that on two of these other games with just a hair dryer and being very gentle with it pulling it off so i may end up doing that with this one as well the only downside was that it did seem to leave a little bit of like warping or maybe a little bit of stretching in the plastic so we'll have to see if that affects the grading at all um but either way 20 for this game this goes sealed on ebay for like in the 80 or 90 range even just like this and i don't see any wada graded listed items or solds for this game so this one is a little bit of a wild card but uh my hopes are high for it up next we have midnight club three dub edition on the xbox this was one that i was really happy to find i think i paid maybe 40 bucks for it it was either 10 or 40 dollars i can't remember which one it was uh the only one listed for this uh in sealed condition the american version is at 97 so i could definitely make some money on this if i wanted to just selling it like this uh none listed or sold in graded condition which to me is very alluring because it signifies that maybe this is somewhat uncommon uh in that condition in unsealed condition it's really not all that valuable maybe like 10 bucks or so um but a game this old i think usually if the seal is nice it's probably going to be worth grading uh but don't take my word for that we'll have to see uh at the end once you know we get these things back but definitely an interesting one then here we have one of the more expensive ones blood omen two uh this one i believe is selling in sealed condition over a hundred dollars i paid 50 for it maybe it was like 90 to 100 plus um this is one that i did remove the security uh little sticker from the back there and i don't know if you can tell kind of when the light catches it this is where it was and there are a little bit more wrinkles there we'll have to see if that affects the grade or not and again it looks like none listed or sold when i search blood omen 2 wada so your guess is as good as mine on this guy then we have not one but two copies of odd world strangers wrath these were 20 bucks a piece in sealed condition they go for like 30 to 60 um and again nothing in the graded condition category part of the reason i'm so optimistic on a lot of these is that the supply right now for graded games is so low a lot of them are going for like kind of ridiculous premiums as we saw with a couple of those early examples uh so anyway that's a part of the rationale behind this as well then we have blood wake this is one i think this was the one actually that i got for ten dollars in sealed condition which is kind of crazy it i think goes for like 50 or 60 just like this so we'll have to see there were again no listings sold or active for this game uh in graded condition from wada and then finally we have the incredible hulk ultimate destruction this one also goes for like 90 plus i believe or i think there are a couple sold for 90. that is not good so this one actually has one sold waddle listing sold with bids for only 109 on january 23rd that one was only graded an 8.5 so that probably could have affected what it ended up going for i also definitely would not sell something like this in an auction looks like there is one listed as well uh with zero bids at 300 which is also an 8.5 so i'm not really sure what to think of this i mean it's safe to say that we're not going to lose value by grading it but will it actually be worth what i have to pay only time will tell oh and i forgot there was one other game that i got from that stop as well minecraft story mode tell tale uh complete adventure the reason that i got this one is i think that minecraft will be one of those franchises that future generations are going to be very nostalgic for not future generations but this generation when it's older so this may be one that i grade and hold on to they are pretty tough to find in sealed condition they they're going for around 80 right now on uh like you know amazon but this one was just kind of a gut feeling i think i paid 25 for it yeah no graded listings to be found on this either so we'll have to see what happens with it up next we have super mario bros u and luigi u this game i actually got for 25 at a video game store it was sealed in the case but for some reason was only priced at the same level as non-sealed copies which was kind of a head scratcher for me but the seal looks great on it in sealed condition this goes for like 50 to 70 and again no sold comps for an actual one graded from wada up next we've got not one not two but three copies sealed copies of legend of zelda breath of the wild that i just got at a local walmart in my area i found most are actually sold out of this but i was sort of digging through the bottom compartment of one of their glass cases and managed to find these guys for 33 bucks a piece looks like right now they're going for in the neighborhood of 50 a piece just sealed so i know i was getting a somewhat good deal and i think that price is only likely to rise and there is one watta sold comp on this game from february 28th and it looks like it went ooh dang 9.8 was the grade on those on that one so definitely a really pristine seal on that game but it ended up going for 350 plus shipping so if i can get these guys to grade in that range uh that's definitely a pretty big swing and would definitely be worth it so i'm excited to see what those come back as and then finally the gem of the whole stack the final one that i am sending in is my sealed rhythm heaven fever a lot of you guys probably saw the video where i picked this up for one dollar at a pawn shop one of my better pawn shop finds ever in sealed condition this game goes for like 140 150 but it's pretty darn uncommon to find sealed and so obviously there are no solar listed comps for this game on ebay that i could look at to understand what it might be worth in graded condition but i was really happy looking at the seal it just seemed like despite being on a pawn shop shelf it had been fairly well preserved so uh also stoked to see what this guy comes back as and yeah folks that is the history of this beautiful stack of sealed games right here all that's left to do now is actually send these puppies in and wait but you guys luckily get to skip that entire process so let's just cut to me receiving the package right now well folks the day has finally come a solid two months after i filmed the initial portion of this video my returned wada games are here oh my gosh people the anticipation for these packages has been absolutely killing me the worst part of it was they sent me an email like halfway through about a month and saying hey your games are graded here are your grades and i could have opened it up and seen what grades i got on this stuff but i didn't do it i didn't do it for you guys because i wanted you to get my live reactions to what the heck kind of grades we got on these games boy this is a big moment lots of value packed in these boxes here i actually as i'm opening this i sent them a message about like maybe six weeks in or so uh just asking hey i saw that these have been graded for a while but i didn't see any shipment confirmation uh you know just wanted to check in and make sure everything's okay and they did end up getting back to me around a week later or so saying that apparently because of like out of whack supply chain stuff uh they weren't able to get a hold of one of the crucial components of the plastic casings that they use for a while so they got really backed up eventually they did get a shipment of them in and they were able to go back to actually encasing all the graded games like normal so i think that was why it took a little bit longer than usual it was supposed to be about a month okay so looks like in this box i'm not gonna look but we only have two of the games in this i actually don't know over the course of the last couple months i've sent in a total of three different shipments to wada i believe this is probably just the first one that i did show to you guys i don't know when the vga ones are coming back so that probably won't be a part of this video it will be a part of a future video later on the channel so definitely subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell if you want to be notified whenever i you know am able to unbox those ones but without further ado let's get into this first my first ever wada graded game unboxing on this channel never held one of these in my hands before here we go okay it is the mario and luigi and we got nice oh fantastic a 9.6 a plus plus super mario bros u and super luigi you that is fantastic i don't know i mean you really can't expect any better on that especially since i believe i got this at a video game store for i think like 27 bucks or something like that an absolute steal paid about a hundred to get it graded and look at that nine point six a plus plus let's go so i'm trying to look at some sold comps here and it looks like the only one i can find is a new super luigi u only not sure how the value of that compares to this one but that sold with 35 bids that one was graded a 9.4 a plus so definitely not in as pristine condition as this one and that went for 475 dollars so i'm really optimistic for the value of this game here wow what a great way to start off this unboxing okay number two looks like all right zelda breath of the wild i think i sent in a few of these and let's see what we got okay this one is an eight plus also 9.6 so not quite as pristine as the first one i bought this one on clearance from walmart i think it was like 33 or something like that oh and look this one even has a little wada sticker in it which i definitely will be using on one of my bottles around here but yeah 9.6 a plus really happy about that ooh this is really promising folks legend of zelda breath of the wild wada 9.4 a plus so slightly worse condition than this one here sold for 983 dollars and i've got like 130 or so invested in this puppy so i have a really good feeling about the roi that we're going to see on this wow fantastic start all right now we're going to be getting into the big boy so it feels like there are quite a few graded games in here and i could not be more excited you guys can probably tell all right we'll give you guys a look as i'm seeing it as well i kind of forgot how many games we sent in in the first batch let's see oh wow okay this looks really good we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve games still to go in this unboxing wow this this video is going to be killer i really hope this gets some solid exposure okay first one covering it up we've got the sealed midnight club three dub edition on the original xbox it got a okay 9.68 plus i am really happy about that i couldn't tell you what the difference is between an a plus seal and an a plus plus seal it also has a little asterisk here that says no country e10 plus rating i don't know if that means there are probably variants that do have a country and maybe a different rating i'm not really sure and this is one that i'm just not seeing any sold or listed comps for so this one in terms of value kind of a question mark all right next one to be honest i took a peek at one of the grades already this is oddworld stranger's wrath on the xbox also 9.6 a plus that is what we like to see again no comps on this so your guess is as good as mine in terms of value next one up so the first way that i'm going to be trying to sell these is probably through like collectors facebook groups so i can avoid fees if any of you guys are interested in them you are welcome to reach out although i would guess by the time this video does air most of them probably will be sold okay next up oh nice first 9.8 on lord of the rings and the two towers i actually i cannot believe that grade the seal is graded in a plus and this is one of the ones that we did have to remove the security device from the back uh with like a heat gun and some goo gone and stuff and you can even still see some of the wrinkles we got the hang tabs still back there and everything i'm really surprised this grade is so pristine 9.8 holy cow and an a plus on that seal is absolutely fantastic it's black label i don't know if there was a red label of this or not but wow that is an amazing grade okay next one here is okay blood wake on the xbox this is one i don't know if i actually should have gotten this graded or not who knows how it'll actually help the value i don't think there are any comps on this one either it is all right another 9.6 a plus sweet on this one i am noticing i don't know if you guys can see this but there's a little bit of like scuffing on the inside of the plastic of the case that's a little bit disappointing to be honest that's not on the actual seal of the game but definitely kind of detracts from the overall aesthetic of this presentation so that's a little bit unfortunate but i guess if i could pick one game for that to happen on it'd probably be this one so can't complain too much i guess oh okay this is an interesting one the nintendo select mario galaxy 2 got a okay this is the worst one so far 9.4 still a plus seal i mean to my untrained eye this looks pretty pristine so this one in sold and listed i'm not seeing a graded nintendo selects version of galaxy 2 but this one that's not nintendo select sold for 820 with 43 bids and that was an 8 plus 9.4 as well so i will be interested to see how the value stacks up on that either way still very happy with that grade okay next one we've got another one of the wii u breath of the wild this one is a again 9.6 a plus all right so this one value-wise is a little bit of a wild card as well this is minecraft story mode the complete adventures on xbox 360 the grade is oh yes 9.8 a plus plus i can't believe that i think i got this for super cheap i'm almost sure under 20 at a video game store no water comps on this whatsoever i honestly have no idea what the value will really be but that grade definitely will not hurt really cool to see that we got one 9.88 plus does it go higher than that i don't know if they give out tens or not either way that is exceptional oh this one i'm really interested in the wii rhythm heaven fever that we found for a dollar at a pawn shop and brand new sealed condition got a grade of 9.48 plus definitely not going to complain about that one since it was sitting on a filthy pawn shop shelf but this one i have a very good feeling about value-wise this is uh definitely a cult favorite and just in sealed condition it's worth around 150 bucks so graded to the right collector i can only imagine what this might go for i don't think i'm gonna have any luck finding comps for this bad boy all right the third and final breath of the wild grade here we got a 9.48 plus so i think 9.6 a plus was the best that we were able to do on these which it is kind of surprising that some of the ones that i pulled off walmart shelves are not grading quite as high as some of the ones that i got on video game store shelves just shows a little bit of my ignorance when it comes to the actual grading process up next we've got the incredible hulk ultimate destruction this one i also got at a video game store the same one that i got some of those other sealed xbox games this one graded a 9.6 a plus definitely i'm gonna take that all right here we have the only was it the only one i don't know there might have been one other one but we got the players choice resident evil on gamecube this one got a all right another 9.6 a plus so this is another one that in sealed condition this version recently sold for 160 bucks so i guess you can come to your own speculations on so i guess you can come to your own speculative conclusions on what i might be able to get for it in 9.6 conditions then finally the last one of the box we have oh the other odd world stranger's wrath this one got a 9.6 a condition steel so this is definitely the worst uh seal grade that we've gotten but hey none below a so i'll definitely take that i'm really not sure what it was that knocked it down just a bit but either way still very happy with a 9.6 a so weirdly enough minecraft story mode came back as the most pristine conditioned game of this whole lot also a close runner up lord of the rings black label 2 towers on the ps2 i am really excited to get this stuff photographed and listed and hopefully sold in the near future i will do some sort of an update video on uh what i have been able to get for the graded wada games but until that happens i appreciate every one of you guys that made it this far in this video i can only imagine it's probably like gonna be 20 plus maybe 30 minutes so i really appreciate you guys let me know in the comments if you did make it this far and until next time i will catch you all are you guys ready for this this is the best condition one here we go highest stakes flip yet on this channel on the flip [Music] you
Channel: Phoenix Resale
Views: 147,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XxeqWwnprAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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