I Got All 102 Advancements In Hardcore Minecraft

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all right here we go activate the Joker please shoot me puffer fish suspicious stew art yes let's go this is me achieving the most difficult advancement in all of Minecraft how did we get here well allow me to show you this all started when I created a brand new world and set up the most outrageous goal I could imagine just to teach you guys what exactly I'm capable of however I ended up teaching myself what not I'm capable of so without further Ado grab a snack sit back and watch as I tell you the story of how I completed every advancement in Hardcore Minecraft the first few advancements as expected were a piece of cake I got Cobblestone then a stone pickaxe it was great I was getting every achievement in the order that it was listed well almost in the order it was listed some things can't be avoided okay hey iron armor baby I walked into this massive Lush cave where I found two little axolotls swimming around doing their thing so I grabbed my bucket and hey cutest Predator that was my nickname in high school advancement after advancement after advancement it felt as if I was speed running this challenge hot stuff that's what my grandma said the girl would call me when I was older and they do soon I ran out of food so I mined my way out and killed about 30 pigs after cooking all my food I realized some of these advancements are cumulative which means I can complete them over time so as this journey goes on I not only get closer to completing my goal of finishing all the advancements but the advancements themselves get closer to completion I won't bother showing me walking into every single biome or eating every single food just every once in a while spiced up have little things pop up to show that I went into a new biome or killed a new hostile mob just to remind you that I'm still getting advancements done even when it doesn't look like it oh snap I actually needed this amethyst for a spyglass which is required for like three separate advancements well no diamonds in that cave oh dip I forgot sleeping was an advancement hey new bomb who this while exploring I'm binging my new second favorite YouTuber gross the photos first of course oh everyone portal hey Ice Bucket Challenge let's go I wonder what's in this cave oh yes diamonds finally oh let's go all right oh no that's the sword and skulk stuff that's what ended my last hardcore world uh I am going to be very careful that skeleton could set off a warden please don't see me Mr skeleton okay yep the skeleton skeleton's shooting me I gotta get out of here oh that's more scope okay die creepers I already removed all the streakers from this oh nope I guess I didn't okay okay that's a trigger that's a Shrieker holy cow okay yeah I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go that's the one that's cool let's go let's go diamonds no way oh I made it out hey cover me with diamonds and enchanter hey look a pill is your Outpost they're like 50 advancements I can get from these You've Got a Friend in Me for a legal reasons I had to sing that badly so I wouldn't get copyrighted it's it's definitely not that I can't just sing Hey listen up I got something of extreme importance to show you have you ever seen someone get two advancements at relatively the same time me neither so this will be an experience for both of us boom using a crossbow and shooting an arrow time to unearth my inner rocks and pillage this Pillager hey yo Beppo what are you doing I bully villagers not pillagers leave them alone all right I think that's all the advances I can get here hey yo look it's a jungle temple yo Beppo that's a desert temple you idiot Crocs how are you still here and it's absolute Garbo load all right now I need to head to the nether hey look ruin portal hey look a non-rune portal the last few Minecraft Overworld advancements required me to complete the nether advancements let's go while speedrunning these next advancements let me speed around telling you about my sponsor Dragon City which is a free to play mobile game that is available on all devices the grown Empire you can breed dragons together to make brand new species using food to evolve then train up your dragons and bring them to battle to gain experience and become more powerful then take part in PvP battles such as the master Arenas where you can challenge your friends and face other Dragon Masters oh hold on it's a guess well Mr balloon body guess who played baseball in the seventh grade and got a home run on his first attempt not me become a member of an alliance interact with other Dragon Masters and work together in exclusive team events to unlock chests of awesome rewards complete exciting weekly minigames to claim prizes and catch new dragons as well as a Divine pass complete extra goals and earn even more rewards you'll also find more dragons or your favorite YouTubers Mr Beast dream Georgetown found and not Beppo excuse me Dragon City download Dragon City by clicking the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen and you'll get this amazing free starter pack with oh snap I got a Wither skull from that anyway get a special free starter pack with 15 000 food 30 000 gold and the Epic zombie Terra dragon which not gonna lie I kind of want to get my hands on oh sick that wasn't even on purpose but I just explored every Nether biome it's pretty dang good if I do say so myself which I do say so myself so I'd say that's pretty dang good Bastion Bastion Bastion Bastion this is the Bastion song Sebastian Bastion I needed one of these for a few advancements which include and is limited to killing all the fruits check wait is that netherite must be because I'm never wrong check four pigs check absolutely crushing all these advancements check will to live all right the next one I'm going for is probably the second most difficult nether advancement requires a giant portal big enough to fit your mom so I gotta build it really big wait what crying obsidian is an enhancement all right I'll take it this next advancement is called non-loyal social French uneasy Alliance that's right basically I bring a gas to the Overworld and kill it pretty simple right wrong look at this all right first of all I waited around for a few minutes and no gas responding so then I made a little platform that was just far enough away so gas would spawn on them however they never did and when a gas finally did spawn I started Hawking firing rookies at my butt and then up and despawned on me when I went in for the capture and on top of that while I was waiting a group of piggies stole all my gold eventually though a gas did spawn two of them actually and well just watch how this played out [Music] okay okay I did a lot of damage okay just come near me come on oh it's so difficult oh I gotta hide okay come here oh I can't throw far enough ow power how am I supposed to do this is so difficult holy cow holy cow out okay okay okay I think I can get him here push that away come on no all right he's pretty close to the ground I think I can grab him here with the fishing rod I can't go too far otherwise this fishing all people to break so I have to continually pull him out oh no we stuck behind the blocks uh that's not good that's not good if he flies away the fishing rod will break oh no no no no no no ow oh oh okay okay oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it did not work out oh but you know it did work out I got The Nine Lives advancement by making a respawn anchor in the nether so at least I got something out of these last two hours hey is that a boat with legs it is a boat with legs you know what else is a boat with legs anyway back to befriending a gas so I can murder it after 30 more years of no gas I decided the problem was my placement of the portal so I built a new one lower to the ground in a flat area and waited turns out the problem was not the placement of the portal bro where the gas at all right gassy I'm not playing around anymore this is this is it oh block clutch I'm a SkyWars player that's like second cast all right come here yes what oh I grabbed the fireball not the gas oh man this is so annoying you know I'm tired of this nonsense let's get another one while we wait come here Strider this one I'm supposed to ride a super long distance in the Overworld on a Strider and lava now if our annual average idiot I would spend hours getting all the lava and making super long distance in the Overworld luckily I'm a slightly above average idiot and I'll use circular reasoning to achieve it and of course by circular reasoning I mean riding around in circles for 10 minutes and then realized that the developers were also above average idiots and saw this coming a mile away literally because I have to ride a mile on this dude without turning hey there we go finally and after much more time spent in the nether I finally got a gas to come to the Overworld come on come on yes oh yes okay he went through let's go oh man it's literally been two and a half hours of trying that all right now all I have to do is kill him and uh huh wait what where is he wait what oh was the portal too small so we suffocated and died all right I meant the portal bigger dude all right come here come here no come here guest come on come on come on I'm so close he's so close to the ground oh no oh man my health is going down fast oh my God no [Music] okay okay okay oh wow holy cow all right all right come here guys I figured out how to launch my fishing rod higher I just jump as I do it and it goes like twice as high all right yes I pulled him down and pulled him down come on what why is not going to the portal what okay okay okay okay yes okay went through now I gotta go okay these books okay I need to kill him yes this is and and let's go that literally took me four hours holy cow now that most of the nether advancements have been completed let's take a break from them and complete the main Minecraft Overworld ones which entirely consists of going to the end portal yeah I spy with my little eye a big old stronger baby country load take me home um I can't finish the song cause copyright all right so before I complete any end advancements I've completely finished all the Nether and Minecraft advancements let's go back to the nether to get cover me into three problem is to make a full netherright I first need full diamond oh sick I just killed a new mob haha sweet I'll take it shirt boots oh a new bile a more diamonds hey another new biome let's go all right now that I have enough diamonds I need a bunch of never all right now that I have another right I need to make it all right now that I made it I need to put it on now that I put it on it is completed yeah all right only a few more another advancements to go first off I need a potion after I get a potion I then need to get every single potion for a furious cocktail however I can't make potions without netherwork so I'm kind of on the hunt for it also by the way I'm testing out new editors so let me know how this next clip is because it is not edited by me oh hold up there's a skeleton I think there's an advancement for killing one from Super far away hey let's go I got it was it good do you guys do you guys like it you think I should keep this editor all right now I need some sand glass bottles water bottles hey I got that local Brewery baby all right this year is known as the potion chest right everything potion related and I just don't have quite enough mushrooms for fermenting spider eggs oh look at that a zombie villager I need to cure one of these guys that's the last main Minecraft achievements and suck it I'll sweep the more and picked up an item so now we won't despawn the last potion I need is resistance oh but pepper resistance potions don't exist okay first of all you're an idiot second of all I hate you and third of all potions of turtle Master do exist and they give you resistance but I'm not gonna get one just too hard and I can just Beacon for resistance oh you don't have enough wither skulls yes I do I just collected two while you were complaining now shut up and watch the video withering Heights baby all right I'm gonna try to kill him as fast as possible I'm speed running this thing so he does not have much time to kill me oh he's just pounding me he's just smacking right at me all I can do is shoot up I'm already losing Hearts so fast oh I'm gonna Chuck like apples okay okay okay dude oh man that one did like four hearts of damage holy cow holy cow look out okay I really should have gotten like a total of a dime before this all right okay between stage and sword stage oh man my health is depleting so fast holy cow okay okay okay okay oh oh yeah I mean oh he's right behind me how is he on top of me I have to eliminate him with that okay now I'm in a cave all right I'm just hiding down here you know I can probably use this as my advantage if I just stay down here I don't think yes oh Steph he's breaking the block she's breaking the Box okay okay I just keep going down okay now he's swinging his tail all over the place I'm dead I'm dead oh snap okay oh I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead okay come on come on please please come on come on oh [Music] bro wow wow I really thought I might die there that was insane holy cow okay well I'm alive [Music] bring home the beacon baby oh Phantom I actually need a phantom membrane to make potions of slope on now I have to bring the beacon to its full power which requires 244 mineral blocks after much Mining and exploring caving spelunking on our thing tunneling burrowing bowling and some fried chicken after the bowling hit the gym did some school what was I talking about again oh yeah I finally acquired enough minerals to bring home the beacon ha oh also I ate a melon which contributed to my balanced diet advancement 95 of the way to getting this next advancement which is one of the hardest of them all besides the last one and a few others along the way however the other five percent is probably a pretty perplexing problem because one of the potions I'm missing is jump boost and I can't use a Beacon for that because my beacon is my regenerative resistance oh just kill a rabbit while I could go spend 20 minutes searching for rabbits just to kill them for the rabbit's foot yes I don't want to oh what's that I can't get the investment without jumping yes the muffin I can what I'm doing is creating a new concoction using a Cornflower and some shrooms also I only brewed up one potion of weakness because I'm a literal so I have to Splash the zombie villager and me with it at the same time to also cure him now before I do this I have to say that I do not condone underage drinking all right here we go Gotta Splash this zombie villager with the weakness as well as I'm splashing myself so that we both get it because I only have one weakness potion because I'm an idiot all right if I mess this up I will be very mad because I have to redo everything I gotta do this in order of whichever potion has the longest effect alright here we go three two one virus invis night vision strength water breathing swiftness slowness okay weakness potions glasses feed him yes good slow falling all right all right then that regeneration poison and here we go here we go here we go here we go suspicious stew hey let's go look at oh oh man that's crazy and this is even close to the hardest advancement I'm getting at the very end dang boy oh snap Let's Go zombie villager here boys check it out all the Minecraft advancements all the nether advancements oh wait hold on there we go all the nether advancements completely complete it however there's still one another advancement that's hidden away and will likely take me a week or so just to complete but I'll save that one for me shut up Beppo wait I'm Beppo and this is Beppo merch you should buy it look at this stuff okay we got the Beppo store right here look at that I got this thing with this bad boy right here just chilling it up looking absolutely spiffy boom sweatshirt boom whatever that color is that I don't know what the colors are because I'm doing this after I'm editing it look at all these Colors oh also check out out this stuff is absolutely legendary bucket hat [Music] also yeah this is my face if the first time seeing it suck it buy my merch of it have it want it have it mine's bigger not to mention this material is extremely nice like it is feeling red just pause the video and click the link in the description it's time to slay the dragon and complete all the end advancements oh hold up is it a balloon I had the same thought when I saw your mom okay so one of the end advancements is respawning the dragon but in order to do that we need end crystals so I've literally just been running around here waiting for gas to spawn so I can kill them for their cheers and make end crystals since there are 10 pillars in the end I need 10 end crystals which is 10 gas tears and there we go took me a few hours but I got them all hold on hold on I'm an idiot I only need four end crystals to respawn the dragon not 10. bro I just wasted two hours of my life for nothing oh well at least I have enough crystals to get the advancement man we made it to the end advancements fast not the only thing that ends fast all right so we gotta kill the dragon foreign next we have to collect the dragon egg then we need to respawn the Dragon after that collect the dragon's breath next leave the main island remote Gateway wait that's his getaway I always thought it was Gateway you know now that I think about it it makes a lot more sense as this remote ghetto way and now I have to find an End City because a few new advancements have appeared on the list oh no wait I've literally been walking for like a minute and there's an end city right here with a ship to see the end of the game mom's the limit all right now I believe there's just one more end advancement to get before we move on to the really interesting advancements well this one's pretty interesting actually I have to fly up 50 blocks from the shulkers making me levitate like the baby this looks like a good place to get this shulker's all around the edges and a huge tunnel upwards this is especially difficult because levitation only lasts a few seconds so they have to keep shooting me repeatedly as I'm flying up you know I don't think the Mojang developers are familiar with Einstein's definition of gravity or maybe this game was just made before he invented it okay I think this is it and what wow I can't believe that wasn't high enough that felt like 50 blocks one of the hardest parts about this is the shulkers are dealing mad damage but I can't wear a chest plate because when the levitation wears off I won't be able to Glide down if I don't have my lights are on all right I opened it up a bit the shulker should be able to shoot me at the end with no blocks getting in the way I'm 100 certain that I'm zero percent sure this will work come on come on yes oh no there are any more bullets coming at me if this doesn't bring me to the top yes let's go with the exact right I literally lost levitation right when I hit it let's put the next 30 minutes Gathering resources from the end cities and making the best tools and weapons now that is complete there are only two advancement categories left adventure and husbandry both are equally difficult to complete so let's speed run it first I need the jungle now a parrot is it a bird bruv what else could it be a drone actually oh wait I just realized I'm a I never looked at the dragon with a spy glass for is it a plane it's in the adventure category instead of the end advancements so I totally forgot about it oh well I'll get it later next I need a village all right and what a deal I was getting ripped off a deal oh maybe it's the Villager saying it this one's pretty interesting I'll be completing two advancements with one pillar first I gotta get high but in order to do that I need a ton of dirt now constructive pillared build limit now I need to fill the pillar with kelp you know what I just remembered I still have to eat everything that is edible so let's eat this puffer fish before I forget bruh if I die here I'm gonna be so mad I'm just a Sitting Duck at half a heart I don't see why puffer fish count as something that's edible because sure you can eat it but it basically kills you does that mean it's edible all right I survived now I need to make another board find some Soul Sand make a bubble column push the villager into it I said push the shut up and trade with him at building it are you the Villager from Villager News I'm a tire straighter baby however you know the vibe I said this pillar will help you complete two advancements the other one is falling from height limit to bedrock at the bottom of the world however I would prefer it if I didn't die so I kind of need a totem of undyne the problem is that means I have to find a woodland mansion and the only way to do that is through a cartographer villager so I gathered unreal amounts of clay to trade with every Mason on the Block and slowly traded my way up to a woodland Explorer map off to the mansion hey yo floating to her sheep floating dark sheep floating Dirt Cheap wait a minute there's another Ingot right here and there's a diamond hoe right here people always say never waste your netherright on hoes but you know what I say I say people can suck it on my way to the mansion I found many new biomes including but not limited to your mom's house I also bred a few mobs along the way hey we made it that took way longer than it should have remember I need a totem for the next advancement just in case it kills me all right boys let's crack this nut foreign well that was easy everything is set I put some water on your bottom I mean on the bottom just in case and here we go this is taking a lot longer than I thought it would ah there we go next advancement on the list is balls eye which requires me to shoot a target from 50 blocks away in the very center I have shot hundreds of arrows and not a single one has hit the bullseye oh wait a minute I only have to shoot it from 30 blocks this whole time I anyway I have a better idea in order to think like the Mojang developers you must first think like the Mojang developers AKA if I have to do things their way I'm gonna do things my way I'd advise to plan to shoot many an arrow into this trapdoor and then activate the trapdoor from 30 blocks away like so and oh wait the Redstone line isn't far enough and then activate the trapdoor from 30 blocks away like so and aha gotcha oh sick of jungle I needed some pandas debris for the 2x2 advancement well I found two together but one is a baby oh fun fact I was a baby once all right now he's all growns up and here we go man rip me off I was trying to trade some bamboo for a baby and he stole the bamboo without pooping out a baby where's my baby at uh oh turns out the problem is that I'm an idiot bamboo has to be near them and there we go I've only bred five animals so far so as I'm exploring I'ma just breed every animal I find house oh sheep oh I also need to make a lightning rod for whenever a thunderstorm comes for the surge protector advancement yes finally prove my parents wrong I knew I could make friends all right now I'm getting the honey related advancements campfire and now I extract the honey and boom Be Our Guest thank you I will if I share a beehive I should huh why can't I share it turns out beehives need to have honey in them for them to be sheared and I just extracted the honey I could wait 30 minutes for the Beehive to replenish its honey or fly around till I find another one floating dirt cow floating dirt cow it's a floating go I call him Dynasty that's sh coming to the top Dynasty oh sick of swamp I need frogs for quite a few advancements so this is great breed them for two by two okay now I need to collect these tadpoles to grow frogs in a warm biome in a cold biome for the different variants wait what oh no I just destroyed the frog eggs I'm guessing that's not how I'm supposed to collect the tadpoles is it ah okay so I just had to wait for them to hatch you know getting advancements is like working out you can't do all upper body and Skip Leg Day the key is balance which is why I just never do any of it oh let's go bees I can finally get the wax achievements first year beehive wax on wax off Danielson also I gotta grab the Beehive because getting a beehive with three bees in it is weirdly an advancement all right I found another beehive let's get a honey block for a sticky situation while waiting for these bees to repopulate my honey Supply I'm stabbing fish so I can later tame every cat variant oh wait a minute I just realized I have all the materials for pumpkin pie next time I get hungry I'll eat this for a balanced diet it will also eat this cooked and uncooked salmon as well wait a minute so breeding every animal is an advancement but what if I breed a donkey and a horse together to make a mule well that complete breeding both horse and donkey or really students either I mean they are cousins right well it looks like it only completed one but I have no idea if it did the donkey or the horse a sticky situation wait so the bee's breeding wasn't the sticky situation oh yes I got total B location now I need an axolotl to breed as well as the advancement the healing power of friendship supposedly this advancement is achieved when Axolotl helps me kill a mob but it doesn't seem to be working and I'm not sure why I've been trying for about 10 minutes now and I still haven't gotten it now I'll just put it off for later Village chats only spawn in villages so now that I found one I can tame every cat variant for that achievement one cat chewed cat breed them nuke cat brief Cat fourth cat black cat white cat and there's a villager crushing my blocks as I sleep this is actually the third Village I've tamed cats at because there's so many repeat cats oh Apple oh rats I guess I've already eaten an apple oh cat oh rats I guess I've already tamed that cat variant oh potato oh yes I knew I hadn't eaten a cooked potato yet fishy bit is you're more of a fishy business kind of guy or fishy business kind of guy hey new cat who diss oh Snappers Lush cave and there we go 12 out of 22. oh check it out I found this dope goat horn okay I'm bored let's speed run this achievement process welcome powder snow with leather boots Put a boat and a goat new goat who this killer stray new cat who it is and yeah another new cat who it is oh I have to breed these arctic foxes as well oh man still so many advancements to go hey nubai Moodus breed rabbits eat some rabbit oh this is a lot of work next I need a trident as well as the healing power of friendship advanced hey I got the advancement but no Trident yet I think there's actually an advancement that uses glowing sacks lo and behold idiots oh sweet I actually needed a crossbow for a hidden advancement and using the piercing four book I got from the temple and now I can get one of the most difficult hidden advancements pumpkins oh sorry pumpkins don't help me get the advancement but they do help me get hired freaking help baby all right now it's time for one of the most difficult advancements in the game The Hidden one that uses a crossbow and I need five unique mobs all lined up for it sheep chicken oh man this cow is so far well I can't find any other passive mobs let's use a zombie as well and finally a pig now I just need to lower the health of each of them to one heart uh looks like I'll need to find another cow and sheep and this time instead of using a cow I'll be using a horse why you might ask a horse is actually much better for this for a multitude of reasons what those reasons are I have no idea I'm just doing it because I ran out of cows to murder Well turns out horses are actually worse for this advancement because they are too fat to fit in boats hey how do you get a pig without legs by by putting in a boat apparently if you haven't figured out what this advancement is by now you're likely an idiot oh wait was I supposed to tell you what it is oh right now it's killing five unique Mobs with one arrow and piercing arrows allows the arrow to pass through mobs so I can shoot all of them with one shot if that didn't make any sense well too bad I'll show you what it is then all right here we go bro what what no oh the arrow hit the boat man that literally took me an hour to get all these mobs lined up I traveled high and low to find five different mobs days weeks months years amount of time larger than years wait what was I talking about I don't even remember what I was gonna say all right I got it all set up again and here we go somebody kill me please okay so it's been a day and I think I know the problem the arrow is hitting the boat before I can hit the other mob so my new plan is to put a ton of mobs in a pit and shoot an arrow into the pit honestly I should have done this from the first place finally yes it worked a man that took forever next advancement there are three advancements that required me to use a trident so let's try and get one no Mushroom Island that's dope I actually needed that for Adventure Time and two by two so this is great eau de poisonous potato finally I tried and don't mind that took muffin forever I guess guess what you are a a throwaway joke okay oh sick finally a thunderstorm oh never mind just a regular rainstorm oh but there are Phantoms here so I can feed two birds with one stone [Music] surely it's it really man oh yeah this is an advancement hey yo it's a pink sheep that's kind of cool hey yo is that an abandoned Village don't answer that I literally cannot hear you well I tame two cats here and I'm still at nine out of 11 cats tamed okay here's a new Village maybe there's a new cat fair in here nope oh I see what I haven't teamed before 10 out of 11. let's go apparent left for me to tame and I have no idea what it is oh I think I can make a cookie with these brown beans and that'll get me one step closer to a balanced diet oh snap it's an ocelot let's trap it and find a partner oh parrot that's dope I'll tame you just in case I find another one for breeding and finally another ocelot get in the hole and boom only four mobs to go oh look at that little baby oh dip I just found a new biome I only have two left to find that's crazy I have no idea what they are but I'll find them all right I think I'm gonna set up camp here and max out my gear with some villagers narrator narrates all if it blows you up cause aboard turning on the narrator narrator narrator off and it's just rained on a thunderstorms every time it's like day 100 in this world and oh man this depression hasn't been a single thunderstorm well while I'm waiting for a thunderstorm let's read the last mod I know there are some on the nether so let's go there come here Strider man I love baby mobs in Minecraft I just want to pick them up and punch them across the world now I'm trying to feed husbands they're so extremely annoying to breed ah they just keep hitting me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh yes all right only two more to go honestly I can only think of one other mod that I haven't read yet and that's the Llama so let's go find something and through the magic of editing a two-hour Journey has become a two second journey I I was trying to trade some wheat for a baby llama and they up and stole it from me like the pandas did this was not a good transaction all right so I guess I had to tame them first and then I gave them the Wii and now hey yo it's a baby with a full grown beer to age zero what look at this fool well I have no clue what mob I haven't read yet so imma just breed every mob and see wait did I seriously just don't tell me man I literally stopped recording to go get something and I came back and never pressed record again and I literally just got the advancement for breeding every mob and it was dope and it was awesome the last bump was a horse if you were curious I always have replay mods going so here look at this Replay that I have of it of me getting it see look I give the horses the food they make a baby I get the achievement I'm dancing around like it's amazing and then I realized I wasn't recording an instant impression hit on also look you can see in chat right here guys this is suspect also breeding two horses is literally the easiest thing ever of course I didn't fake it or did I I anyway I gotta finish a balanced diet and I've beaten 36 out of the 40 edible items off the top of my head I know I haven't eaten cake so I'm currently making some all right now all I gotta do is shoot myself in the face to get hungry and huh what why didn't number go up numbers they say same number they'll go up I guess cake doesn't count on this list I don't know it doesn't didn't do anything oh I do have this tropical fish though oh never mind number didn't go up I guess I already ate a tropical fish oh you know what is going up hey it's raining let's find a village and hope this turns into a thunderstorm well I found a village but it never turned into a thunderstorm I waited your days for this thunderstorm look I even made a parkour course out of Florida and look how good I got at it I could do a blindfolded hey yo Robin just made the number go up let's go 37 out of 40. yo this place is absolutely beautiful holy guacamole this is the greatest thing to ever happen in the history and future oh also I'm pretty sure I haven't eaten a glow Berry or a Notch Apple so let's put our aim to glowberries oh snap it skulk sneak 100 anyway oh it spreads anyway I'll stick a mine shaft man looks like I've already eaten a glow ball at some point either way though I still need a notch apple and through the process of Illumination I discovered that I haven't consumed a honey bottle I almost did before but I stopped myself for some reason but luckily I got one right here now there's only one thing left for me to eat to complete the balanced diet advancement next all frog variants on Elite at once I need a warm bomb a cold bottom and a medium temperature biome for all three of the variants let's start with this jungle and what oh the frog is supposed to be white but it's orange they're only orange and regular bottoms and the jungle is bruh the one single block that is in muffin jungle is the singular is the same the one block I decided to put the tadpole on how is the odds of that are crazier than the odds of you subscribing right now now I don't even have enough tadpoles for all three frogs unless okay now when this tadpole grows up I can breed it with this frog and together they will wait a minute I don't have to have all the frogs that'll lead at the same time it's in a cumulative advancement ain't no away well I guess it's actually a good thing because it's way easier to get but this whole time I've been putting it off because I thought it was going to be super hard anyway let's just let's go to the next advancement okay I also need each frog light in my inventory and this one is simultaneous but I have to make a portal find magna cubes make a pathway bring frogs to magma cubes and voila frog lights now I just have to deal with the last frog grain but first I need a cold bottle this ought to do and there we go the last frog variant and hey when the whole frog jumps into town now I just gotta bring him to the Nether and hey after your frog life baby okay next on the list is monsters hunted I've killed 28 of the 34 mods two of them only spawn in Ocean Monuments so let's use the water breathing potions I've gathered from the last three shipwrecks and infiltrate this puppy and boom that's a guardian dead now I just have to find a grandpa guardian and destroy him and there we go only four mods to go whoa this builds your Outpost looks sick all right now it's time for the next hidden advancement oh but first this is zombie spawning let's go okay I think I'm just gonna eat this now for the advancement and a balanced diet my 10 years of playing this game never have I ever once gotten this advancement because I never ate some of these Foods or any food in real life too throughout all of Time Forever never food all right now it's time for the hidden advancement first off is voluntary Exile now if I go into a village a raid will start [Music] nice and hero of the village also I killed a new hostile mob the rappinger so I'm 31 out of 34 mods killed let's find the last three mobs and kill them first of which is the endomite which spawns five percent of the time when an ender pearl is thrown die in your bed oh bro that Enderman was trying to Humble me nice try Enderman no one can humble me not because I'm not humble but because I'm so humble it's literally impossible to be humbler hey I got an endermine 32 out of 34. all right now I need to kill a zombified hoglin and the only way to get one is to bring a hogland into the Overworld and kill it from Ms hoggins are scared of portal blocks so it's very difficult to ah there we go and die fiend sweet only one mob left and I'm pretty sure it's the warden I will finally be getting my revenge on the warden before I fight this Warden however I need a thunderstorm to get two other advancements so I'll just stay in this Village until a thunderstorm starts oh finally a thunderstorm all right now I just have to strike the Villager and yes very frightening and let's also strike this lightning rod and there we go only five advancements to go okay so after some research it looks like I couldn't find the last cat to tame because it only spawns in swamp Huts so I need to find a swamp nice and a swamp put Nice kill the witch nice and tame a cat nice check out all these Advanced Foods I completed crazy now there's one more advancement I need before the last three hardest ones of all time now time to find myself an ancient city let's type her up and fight this Warden baby so basically my evacuation plan is I run in here I put on elytra and I zoom out the top of there this is so scary this is literally how I lost my last hardcore world I'm also gonna lose some chest down here because there's a lot of loot that I want to get like Swift sneak I really need to get my hands on some schwift sneak um I'll I'll show I need some uh um uh words are hard oh dip oh dip oh oh dip I love the loot here oh man this is the best XP farm in the world what the heck what the sorry to stop the video but my game sounds didn't record so I'm here to fill in for them first oh almost oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm shooting this guy I'm killing him now haha get shot at stupid Warden I'm shooting you and you can't do anything you good boy oh boss okay okay okay he can reach me he can reach me he's not aware of that am I damaging him there we go if I had TNT right now I could drop it on his head that would be dope hey what did I get the advancement whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the warden doesn't count as one of them I didn't even have to kill him what what and if that if there's still one more what's the last mob this is not Bueno this could not be good guys I I don't know what the other mob is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask after some quick research and a milkshake I discovered that this idiot right here is the last mob to be deathified next up is Adventure Time One biome evades me and I believe it to be the Windswept Gravelly Hills biome also known as this random patch of gravel in the middle of a plane's biome [Music] now it is the time that everyone's been waiting for the entire video is built up to this very last commandment which is hidden from the public view every single effect active on a player at once first off let's get the conduit power effect which I need this prismarine for there we go as well as a conduit which is crafted using eight naughty shells and a heart of the suit of which I have seven oh this man has one and boom a conduit stuck on that oh baby turtles bro that meant absolutely flew next I need unreal amounts of obsidian portal hey yo wait what how is there a dog here I don't remember taming a dog maybe it's because this video is taking me over a month to record now I need wither skeleton heads to make a Wither holy moly that is a ton of mobs wait what this absolute clown of an individual strip stole my wither skeleton head one more to go oh no I think oh oh yes oh I caught it I'm a menace call me the dentist now I need to get a ton of eggs so let's make a small chicken farm I guess now would be a good time to explain what I'm doing one of the effects I need is the weather effect and the easiest way to get that is with a Wither Rose which is only acquired when a Wither kills another mob so I'm using baby chickens to get murdered by the Wither wait what seriously none of them died and dropped rose that means I have to do this all over again ah there we go now we need glowstone for spectral arrows and a rabbit's foot fermented spider eyes every potion ever invented okay these chickens are way too annoying and noisy let's teach them about the fourth law of thermodynamics get them to the nether roof make a pit for the conduit power it make a beacon paste and regen snatch a dolphin and pop it into a hole for Falcon's Grace okay now that all the easy steps are out of the way there are a few things I gotta do the first is as you may have guessed bringing a shulker to the Overworld for the levitation effect it took me a few hours just to find an End city with a Gateway close enough but then to also bring the shulker into it dang this is taking forever no how does he die eventually with a few mishaps I was able to get the choker to the Overworld and as I was Voting him over to the island and I'm getting the advancements at somebody kill me please while recovering from the four hours of time I just wasted I decided to spend my time searching for a notch apple as it gives many of the effects that I need for this advancement oh great awarded oh great it's a notch apple and after another hour I finally secured shulker now there's one more thing I have to do before I can complete this advancement 1.19 adds a new Effect called darkness which is only applied by a warden so I'm currently in the midst of capturing one and what oh he went back through the portal again all right I finally got him in uh guys how did he escape I guess wardens can fit through one block gaps wait oh did he go back to the portal again oh sweet all right boys everything is set up let's do this thing there's just one slight issue the warden is right next to my shulker box full of potions so I have to swoop in and grab it without him shooting me no no no no no aha there we go oh wait no I also need my brewing stand yes oh no I only got the potion from another brewing stand itself all right let's start the effects first I need bad Omen now hero of the village however now that I completed the raid I need battle one again and lastly I need mining fatigue all right now everything is perfectly set let's do this thing [Music] all right here we go throw all these I'm ready all right activate the warden come on feed you to give me blindness all right there we go activate the shoulder please shoot me yes okay okay now I have to shoot myself in the narrow okay puffer fish vicious stew yes let's go oh you've no idea how many times I practice this in this ever world let's go oh wait a minute there's still one more advancement advancement in the in the entire game completed boom how do you like them apples what thank you guys so much for watching this video it took me almost three months to make it um it was a pretty sweet video make sure to download Dragon City huge thanks to them for sponsoring me again if you download it using my link you get 15 000 food and thirty thousand gold and not to mention the Epic zombie Terror Dragon so definitely go ahead and do that and uh yeah you did subscribe right to my channel 99 of you aren't even subscribed thank you for subscribing just click the little red button [Music]
Channel: Beppo
Views: 2,600,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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