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i got adopted by the friday night funken family in roblox at least i thought i had to battle a lot of familiar faces so make sure you watch until the end don't forget to hit the subscribe button down below and like the video if you guys like friday night falcon oh man stuck in here again this place is so boring i don't know how much longer i can take it being imprisoned here this is literally like a prison hey be grateful that i'm even giving you a place to stay be grateful girl this place doesn't even have a bathroom do you know how long it's been since i've gone girl i want to hear another word from you glitch i can see why these families never want to adopt you rude just you wait any second now there's gonna be the best family in the world ready to adopt me wait hold on a second what what's that sound it sounds kind of catchy where's that coming from but i can't see anything [Music] what is that why are they i am so confused right now who are these people and why are they purple with red glowing eyes what in the world what are they even human and is it just me or is the music getting louder interesting establishment you've got here a little bit more medicine than what we're used to all right i'll keep it short and simple i need a willing to do some very enjoyable and safe [Music] investigations excuse me this is my very own theme song if you even think about disrespecting it one more time you'll face the consequences ah these people don't seem to be very friendly unfortunately under normal circumstances i can't give you any of these kids you seem kind of [Music] dangerous you can't be serious right you're you're letting me go home with these purple people what all right here and here and he's all yours have fun what you're kidding me this can't be happening wow i didn't think it'd be this easy you humans are really something else daycare lady you can't be serious right now you cannot be taking me home with these people what if i turn purple and grow chest hair like that no please no i'll do anything you'll do well to help us or else [Music] all right uh if you say so i'm literally getting threatened in front of the daycare worker and she's not doing anything so if i'm getting this right humans normally just take your kids home i guess we can do something like that all right pipsqueak hop in we're going okay uh if you say so how do i get in this thing it's on fire bruh what oh wow that's not good boy this is hot you know for demon looking people you have a really normal human looking house i just uh let myself in whoa this is so big boy seems way less dangerous than i expected something seems off like this is a cover-up or something all right get settled we need you to get to work okay i'll get settled bro there has to be something weird about this place like there's gotta be like a button or something that hey stop where do you think you're going you you just told me to explore you did just adopt me that's what i meant to do foolish boy we didn't adopt you to be our child we adopted you to help us track down someone we need you to find a certain pipsqueak he's seeing our daughter blue-haired red cap shorts what why am i looking for him why is that my responsibility i don't care if someone's dating your daughter why do you want to track him down anyways that's bratz he embarrassed my husband we need to teach him a lesson that'll show him not to disrespect me also do not tell our daughter that we're doing this or else ah sure i guess i have nothing better to do your daughter hey huh where could she be there are so many rooms in this place but which one's hers a toilet finally i've been waiting so long guys just give me a second [Music] oh wait wait bro i didn't even see her last time what she's been there the whole time i wonder if she can give me any clues about boyfriend they're dating after all i hope she is stupid so she doesn't realize i'm tracking him down uh hey oh hey who are you uh i'm glitch your new brother i think why the sad face oh well i haven't been able to see my boyfriend for a while now well maybe we can try and find him is there any place you last saw your boyfriend anything he said to you really well he did say he was going to visit a haunted house what if a ghost got to him a haunted house there's no such thing in brookhaven what are you talking about you're kidding right there's actually a haunted house in brookhaven what is this where did this even get here who owns this place i'll wait outside let me know if you find him wow wow girl you're kidding right you're not leaving me alone in there that place is definitely haunted i'm not going in there by myself i'm scared oh man all right fine we'll just do a quick in and out we'll have a little peek inside and then we'll just run out sound okay oh okay this place can't be that scary whoa why is it all blue in here ah this place is this place is actually pretty creepy is anybody anybody home uh i don't know about the one wait a second no not that stupid dog again how does it keep fighting me i'm getting out of here okay i don't think anybody's down here but there is an upstairs let's just go up there real quick okay we'll just go up take a look turn around and get out of here what do you say you promise we'll be in and out don't even worry about it a quick look and we're out of here okay yeah exactly wait hold on a second did you hear that what was that uh i don't know but it it sounded like it came from upstairs let's go take a look uh any anybody anybody out here i i can't see anyone the bedroom's empty bruh this place is so creepy hello wait wait wait do you see them are they are they people uh hello oh it's just a decoration bruh bruh these halloween decorations are just getting more and more realistic aren't they i think the ghost is clear don't even worry about it oh wait wait wait what hey rude yeah we have feelings too you know what is going on rough now you guys are real and you can talk of course we can we can also rap battle wow i don't want any trouble i i'm just i'm just looking here to uh to find someone sure we'll help you out if you can beat us alright i guess i'll have to show you who the real rap master is [Music] [Music] be all right i win now can you help me out here i'm looking for a short guy blue hair have you seen him i think gotta be happy boss ain't gonna be happy what are whoa probably that lightning was loud what what is that you know you can't leave i'm out of here see you later don't even think about that brass already daytime get out get go go quick quick quick quick let's go no i didn't know i could drop i'm out of here that was terrifying bro what even was that thing was that was it a lemon i have so many questions you looks so scary though i wonder what his lemon juice tastes like this looks like a good place to hide you don't think that monster hurt boyfriend do you i i hope not uh hey who is this who's making all that noise on my turf ah you're you well well well if it isn't the one that stole him away stole what's going on right now what are you talking about you shouldn't know each other oh well i may or may not have stolen boyfriend from pico over here pico you what what does that even mean to be honest i've been waiting for my revenge for a very long time and today will be that day what whoa whoa whoa let's settle down for a moment uh pico was it let's uh let's settle this another way let's uh let's not shoot people in broad daylight the better way huh you don't mean rap battle [Music] easy peasy no way you beat me that's right i still got it anyways uh i've got some questions for you questions yeah you seem like you know this boyfriend person we're looking for do you know where he is or could be ah last thing i heard was that he was hit to school oh really thanks we'll be looking everywhere for it hey can i tag along too i happen to be looking for him as well you too i guess it doesn't hurt to have more people helping okay here we are brookhaven school this place is huge how are we ever gonna find him here there's so many rooms we're never gonna find him at this race we should split up we'll cover more growl that way okay good idea i'll get upstairs downstairs for me then uh i guess i'll just explore this floor ah where could he ah be this guy and why does he have a girl next to it must be uh he must be pretty popular and he might have some clues i'm gonna go ask him hey you did you happen to see a short person blue hair red cap round here kind of hard to miss him honestly did you see him anywhere no not at all also who are you i'm glitch i'm here to look for somebody if you don't know where he is it's all right i'll go check someplace else what's up i can't find him anywhere oh brah really i really thought we'd find him here what an absolutely gorgeous person please go out with me i will tell you everything if you go out with me please go out with me no way get away from me uh hey buddy can you can you relax like honestly i don't know who you think you are but she's got a boyfriend in fact that's who we're looking for can you just tell me where you saw him please you won't go out with me i can't believe this fine let's settle this like adults rap battle me why does everyone want to solve everything with rap battles if you lose i get to date the girl if you win i'll tell you everything you just said we were gonna settle this like adults [Music] [Music] haha victory yet again now tell me where is he i can't believe this i lost me noose yeah you did my man now tell me where is he he's over there what [Music] wait hold up where are you going boy don't just run from me you're speeding so much running today can we can we just you know stop maybe take a breather find a beautiful toilet ah we'll never fight him at this race where's where did pico even go this whole day has been a bra moment i mean there's literally nothing else to even look at here girl can we just give up and uh call it a day go home you know i think we've had enough trouble but hold on a sec who's that he looks kind of weird the way he's standing there i guess we should just try and ignore him we probably should but he might know something i'ma go ask him hey my man who looks very strange i don't know what you're doing here or who you are but you haven't happened to see someone running around here have you he's got blue hair red hot he's really short old beauty humans this is a restricted military area no civilians allow oh bruh i didn't realize i'm sorry uh what if we just uh walk around it is that rough we won't uh we won't go any further you have forced my hands prepare for battle rap battle are you serious man that's like that but i've just finished rap battling like half of brookhaven already i mean the rest were pretty easy this can't be that hard [Music] [Applause] um [Music] victory ugh you're pretty dang strong what even are you i will be taking you what what let me oh where do you think you're going he's too fast wait hold on a second what bra is that is that him that's boyfriend out of my way human or be destroyed where have you been silence human you don't want to get hurt do ya a challenge on a second my man you could understand him what is he saying it's just going boop beep bop you can't actually understand him can you you challenge me huh a rap battle prepare to get destroyed [Music] uh [Music] [Music] no way bruh did you just beat him how did you do that i couldn't beat him what's your secret be pop puppy how could someone like you defeat me we'd be looking everywhere for you where were you matt man mission success great does that mean we get to go home now boy finally i get to stop running around now i can take you back to daddy dearest let's go guys what hold on a second wait wait daddy darest what why is he running so fast uh to die what are you doing here actually i was kind of following you guys what you following us the whole time i agree people beat you know why i saw what you did back there boyfriend you saved my daughter even though i don't like you you did something nice for me just for that i'll allow you to keep seeing my daughter well i guess everything started now to be honest glitch i'm surprised you made it this far considering how bad your rapping is excuse me my wrapping's great your job here is done for now i'll take you back to the adoption center ah back to the adoption center can i stay with you guys anyway i don't care if you're demons was that an explosion ah witty so we meet again [Music]
Channel: Glitch RP
Views: 7,220,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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