I Got Abducted By A BILLIONAIRE! (True Story Animation)

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we're watching the real story of somebody that got abducted by a billionaire it all started one day when i was coming out of school as usual i saw all my classmates with their expensive backpacks getting inside their fancy cars many of them even had a chauffeur watch them on my way to the bus stop i could always hear their laughs as they gossiped behind my back i'm 13 years old and never had any family other than my mom and she passed away three years ago oh never had money but my mom taught me that the only thing no one would ever take away from me was knowledge so i studied hard all my life and that's how i got a scholarship to this fancy school i was going to the bus stop there was a restaurant on that street and i always smelled the coffee and the cookies my stomach rumbled it made me so hungry but i didn't have money to buy any of that as i continued walking i saw a little kitten crossing the street oh she's such a good player the kitten crossed to the other side and i decided to follow it to make sure it was safe i followed it for a couple of blocks until it turned into an alley and hid inside a trash bin well i thought at least it would be safe there so i turned around to leave and that's when i saw a black car parked at the end of the alley there was a man outside leaning against the car dressed as a chauffeur and inside on the back seat i saw a man and a woman kissing i learned to mind my own business a long time ago so i kept on watching the bus stop and after a moment the car appeared at full speed and stopped abruptly inches away from me i realized it was the same car as before just seconds before i heard a door opening and someone pushing you inside onto the back seat as the car sped up again i looked at the man sitting next to me it was actually a handsome older man around 40 i guessed he looked at me seriously but his gaze looked tired and lost it didn't make me scared he was somewhat mysterious and then i'd be scared what do you want and that brought me back to reality i don't understand i said it was true what do you want in exchange for keeping the secret he asked he got closer to me and scanned me from head to toes i see he said i know this little game he added and because she saw what they were doing in the purchase to them all i didn't want to ask any more questions but that didn't mean i didn't have them who was this man who did he think i was what secret was he talking about gosh the car stopped and the chauffeur opened the door and pulled me out and of the handsome man appeared from inside the car with a credit card in it get her whatever she wants hit that like button if you want a credit card we can buy whatever you want the chauffeur grabbed the card and took me inside the mall by the arm and as i stepped in my mind went blank i had never been inside a place this big lights shops people coming and going rooms and i had to be dead but the chauffeur was still pushing me so i pulled my arm away and told him to stop he looked at me and said well well what i asked what do you want he asked i don't understand would you get guys it's true again and he said it's not the first time we do this the boss knows what you all girls want for the silence geez the silence who were these people i had no idea and thank you dodgy but i wasn't stupid and i wasn't going to let my only chance get away i didn't want to spend a second so i went directly to the school store to borrow the books from school from the public library so this was my chance to get my own the man paid and we went back outside the handsome man from the car rolled down the window and said are we good i nodded this person just got an unlimited credit card and only bought books did i get a playstation xbox pc or a load of clothes load of games new ipad but you know what this girl's a good girl she got books but what's gonna happen next surely something's gonna happen the bizarre situation i just lived but the fact that for the first time in my life i had new books and then i heard it again the car was coming back it's coming back you have got to be kidding me oh no i knew it wasn't over i knew it wasn't over annoyed is this a joke you spent 200 on books two hundred dollars i asked i didn't know they were so expensive i'm sorry i said and offered the books back to him but he just stayed there and looked at me then he looked at the driver and back at me take us back to the mall perkins he shouted then he got really close to me and said okay this is how it's going to be we're going to go inside the mall again and you're going to spend real money on real things you hear me i couldn't understand why he needed this threat but i nodded in silence at least i got to keep my new books as we arrived back at the mall we got out of the car he took the books away from me threw them inside the car and said leave them you'll get them later we went back inside the mall and again i was amazed by the amount of information and different noises he took me directly to the jewelry store yes so expensive sounded like he was in a hurry but i was definitely not going to choose anything from that store i looked at those expensive things as they were glowing but did not dare to touch it said impatiently i sighed and answered i live in a foster home and share my room with seven other orphans there's no chance any of this will survive there that's the mantra again i don't understand he said i assumed he was referring to the school uniform how could an orphan pay for that fancy school my mom said that knowledge was something no one would ever take away from me so she told me to study as hard as i could i have a scholarship i said wise woman he said and then added still no it must be something you want well honestly i'm a bit hungry and i've never seen this many options before i said as we entered the food court what do you want to eat he asked i didn't have any idea what to choose i knew nothing about this food so i just said i will eat whatever you choose a tiny smile appeared on his face it was imperceptible he walked to a specific place he knows exactly what you want comfortable reading the sign i said best in town he added i smiled as i saw him eating that strange food he didn't look at all like that angry man from before and he was right maybe he is a nice guy after we finished we continued to walk through the mall i was stunned with all that merchandise in the different stores we passed in front of a place that had neon okay and the music sounded loud there were mostly kids inside they all looked like they were hitting the subscribe button yes you would go to the arcade as well before he replied i denied in silence still dazzled with all that how do you play this i asked he looked around and hesitated i don't know we got inside he bought some special coins to put in the machines and gave them to me i walked to the first game i saw it was a shooting game i put the coins in the machine and lifted the gun he looked at me in silence but a few moments later as he saw how much i sucked at the game the gun out of my hand and said no no no you're missing everything he then started to shoot at everything with the nobility that was human it was so much fun this was in fact a very strange man after a while the screen showed the words congratulations that's how it's done he said i looked at the screen and said look two players he hesitated again but then agreed we started playing the game together and we lost track of time you're getting really good at this he said after we won a hard fight against the opponent we even high-fived he continued to buy coins and we were there for a couple of hours well i said thank you for this day i have to go but he got instantly serious wait he said i'll take you home i got in the car and hugged my books again he looked at me and said your mother really was a wise woman when i got out of the car and he left i thought i had dreamt it all what a stranger that is weird believe me if i told them i couldn't sleep much that night so i used the time to study for the upcoming test the next day with my new books as we were doing the exam i saw that my classmate tania was having problems with it she was writing things and erasing them many times we were close to the end of the show she's not revised closer to her and let her copy from my exam when i got out she came we walked together to the cafeteria talking but when we arrived the popular girl in my class stood in front of us and oh no with disapproving eyes i looked to the floor ashamed and somehow scared of andrea are you coming to the party tonight andrea asked tanya i don't know she replied she's got the same hair color as the man the puzzled no one ever invited me to those fancy parties and as i mentioned andrea i could tell she was not happy with the idea sorry i have to study i said and andrea said see she's not interested in hanging with us she's a smart girl but tanya said she is smart and she saved my life today i think i'll study tonight too andrew is josh speaking she's probably truly indignated she took my new books away from me and said oh right smart sheila and her new books i wonder where you got the money to buy them andrea stop it tanya said she took the books from her she's defending her that's nice being such a jerk she added i was amazed at how tanya stood up for me i was such a chicken i could never stand up for myself but andrea took it even further no pocket i was in so much trouble now i didn't have the money to buy a new shirt oh my gosh because she's a bully we hate boys got inside after me and told me not to pay attention to her she said that andrea was miserable and that i didn't deserve what she was doing as i was walking to the bus oh no handsome old man stopped by with his fancy car i was crying and i hated when other people saw me cry he realized anyway and how's he keep on appearing i tried to cover my face but he got out of the car and grabbed me by my shoulders he looked at my ripped shirt what happened he said nothing i slipped i lied i've heard that one before he said and added you want to shoot some people he looked back to the arcade baby we went to the mall and the man bought a lot of coins we went back to the shooting game and played for hours please i hadn't noticed it was to release stress i was having fun for the first time in my life and i didn't even know the man's name we became so skilled at that game that we even started to have an audience nice and clapped as we passed away and then we went to eat shawarma i laughed as i told him i felt tired like it had been me running through the minefields and not being characters he smiled for a second but then said are you going to tell me what happened today now i sighed as i remembered andrea she was a horrible person there's a girl in my class who makes my life a living hell i said why he asked but i looked at him with irony and said you really have to ask because i'm poor of course and what did you do he asked but i replied there's nothing i can do i can lose my scholarship if i get in trouble but to my surprise she's gonna be careful the best lie i've heard this year i'm not lying i replied but he looked at me intensely and said if you don't stand up for yourself no one will when i was younger i was the smallest in my class and i was vulnerable and shy everyone made fun of me and it only ended when i started defending myself trust me dude is huge you have to stand up for yourself or you will get walked all over i stood silent i couldn't imagine this powerful man is a shy kid i nodded and then he took me back home i was still here because i saw andrea in school the next day but when she started to make fun of me at the cafeteria in front of everyone i thought about the man's attitude went straight to her table to confront her she got up and told me to go away but instead i took her orange juice and dumped it on herself okay she started that's a bit funny grab my hair but i dodged her and grabbed hers instead i pushed her head to the table and told her to stop messing with me then i let her go she stood up looked at me but said nothing she turned around and rushed out of the cafeteria all the kids there said your own medicine hey bully i felt relieved but it didn't last long a teacher got inspired i think she may have taken it too far but against all odds i felt good the man was right this had to end and i was ready to face the concept before she loses they go to the principal's office andrea was already there waiting too drenched in orange the principal called us both inside his office and demanded an explanation but before any of us could speak i heard noises outside the office and when the door opened i saw the last person i could have imagined there it was the handsome rich man andrea looked up too inside as she saw him they exchanged glances for a moment and i realized at that precise moment he was andrea's father anderson please come in dude i said but did i not say he frowned i denied in silence he looked at andrea and then back at me and i swear i saw him trying to hide a smile the principal explained the situation and he told andrea's father that if he wanted to kick me out of school he could certainly do it there's no need to do that he answered but the spoiled andrea complained shut up andrea your father said and added you she's getting it's coming get out of here tell perkins to drive you home andrea was about to say something but he looked at her menacing she gave me one of her killing looks and then left then he told the principal that it was okay that i was probably under a lot of stress but i didn't like this at all she's so lucky he's a hypocrite he was andrea's father i stood up and said i don't need you to defend me i must stand up for myself remember the man stood silent surprised i looked at the principal and said i'm sorry for what i did i take full responsibility andrea had been bothering me for years and i got fed up but i understand this wasn't the best way to react yes she went too far excuse me and i left i went to my locker and grabbed my new books if i was going to be kicked out of school at least i would take them with me i walked to the bus she's gonna stay in this i didn't want to see the man but i kind of hoped he would appear but he didn't i let three buses pass but he never showed up i wanted to see him i demanded an explanation but when the fourth bus came i got in and went home feeling like do you think she'll ever see him again the billionaire get much sleep that night and when i woke up the next morning i felt terribly sick perhaps it was me being a chicken again i didn't want to go back to school ever again the director of the foster home called the school and told them i was sick i stayed home for the next three days wondering if i had houses after all andrea's father seemed like two completely different men he was so kind with me and so mean to his own daughter yes maybe that's why she bullies people he's mean to him i had a visitor when i got up to see who it was i found mr anderson at the door i was still mad at him but i was relieved to see him what's he gonna say we went to the garden and sat on a bench he told me he was sorry for not coming to see me sooner he wanted to make some arrangements first arrangements i asked and he said adoption arrangement what what i looked at him in silence i was stunned he said you don't need the scholarship anymore if you agree of course for a moment they're going to be systematic andrea's sister i said well perhaps i was being overdramatic i know but he laughed i said don't laugh i'm still mad at you you can't solve everything with money he got instantly serious and said i know i had a talk with andrea last night i didn't realize what a terrible father i'd been until i met you you reminded me of what having a good time means and i felt guilty that i wasn't sharing that with her they've all learned to be a father and i want to continue doing it wow billionaire good speeches i smiled i don't even know your full name i said and he answered and i don't know yours but we have the rest of our lives to get to know each other no way that's incredible more videos on screen here click to watch another story i'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 3,096,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3n0VDd9HOhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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