I Got a K-Beauty Makeover in Korea

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in the last video I got a professional color analysis in South Korea if you want to avoid some spoilers go and watch that video first and then come on back here I promise it's a good time as well as being told my best color options for fashion I was also told what my best hair and makeup colors were according to color analysis I wanted to put the science of color analysis to the test and so the very next day I went to one of the most popular beauty salons in South Korea frequented by some of Korea's most famous idols and actors Jenny house where I gave them free reign over my hair and makeup as long as they stuck to the colors from my color analysis results laughs when I arrived I met some of the lovely Jenny house team where they gifted me a whole bag of their incredible hair products I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this because I've been using those little shampoo and conditioners that come with your hotel it I'm not gonna lie it was destroying my hair I could have cried when I saw that bag it was the best day of my life all of the hair products that you see using this video are Jenny house owner products which as you'll see in a minute are absolutely wonderful but we talked through the products that we'll be using during this session as well as the general flow of the day before getting me gowned up and into the chair [Music] once I was sat down they used a very powerful camera to see how clean my scalp was and if there were any issues I have always wanted one of these done because I see them all the time on YouTube but honestly I regreted it I feel like there are some things that should be left unseen I was so irked out by my own scalp so it's so it's so gross I just wanted to rip the whole thing off anyway despite me thinking my scalp was absolutely vile it was allegedly clean but which is good I guess we then discuss the color options for my hair with the two options being a warm deep brown with a pink undertone and a cool light blonde with a white undertone I left up to them to decide which one to pick because I trusted their judgment about which one would look best I trust her my trust is they decided on the warm Brown tone and decided the best way to achieve that color was by mixing together two Jenny house own brand dies these are the colors that we're using we're gonna mix them together which I don't think I've ever mixed those together before I mean the only time I've dyed my own hair was I bought a box dye one time from a shop and it was like seven pounds it was horrible and it stained my ears and my scalp don't don't dye your hair yourself come to Jenny's house the two colors that we're using are rose gold Brown and natural Brown so in case anyone wants to recreate the look at home oh it's so fun oh it's purple oh purple action I'm gonna come back from this trip and my family's gonna be like what did you do in Korea they'll be like why do you look so different the wonderful team at Jenny house then got started on dyeing my hair they were so gentle and worked so quickly together to get this done they're Modern Marvels honestly it was so Speedy I've mentioned before how my mum was still is a hairdresser but she's about to get her PhD so she doesn't really do it much anymore love you Mum good luck with your PhD babe because of that I never went to a hair salon until two years ago when I was 22 when I dyed my hair Ginger I am so not used to this whole hair salon experience it was absolutely wild to me they gave me hot tea and coffee they offered me snacks too everyone was just so friendly and kind I felt so comfortable I could live there so it's just it's not the best look I mean I don't think I'm going to be winning any awards for like the best looking person at all it's not it's not the best I feel like my mum would be embarrassed that I looked like this she'd be like I gave birth to that it should just be mortified because it's very dark a little bit nervous be fine for sure I was waiting for my hair to die I had plenty of time to think about how my data is being sold by online data Brokers but that's where in cogney the sponsor of this part of today's video comes in do you ever get those annoying calls from robots not in the fun way like the AI sentient way where a robot calls you and tells you about its day the type where a robot calls you and says this is the tax revenue service please send me uh all of your money or we're gonna take you to court I thought being threatened by a robot would be at least a little bit sexier than that but it turns out not so much this happens because online data Brokers aggregate your personal information like your name addresses your phone numbers email addresses and even your location history and online browsing history this information is available to purchase by big companies and so can easily fall into the hands of tiny little criminals little cyber criminals but the good news for you is that you actually have rights shockingly enough and you could use these rights to protect your privacy and request their online data Brokers delete the information that they have about you the bad news is is that you have to do this manually and it might take you a long time and then when you think you're done you have to start doing the whole thing again because they can start storing new information about you once they've deleted the old stuff this is where incogni comes in they make requests on your behalf for data Brokers to delete the information that they hold on you and they even conduct repeat removal requests so that your data is automatically protected that's what makes their yearly subscription such a sleigh so if you want to try incognitive self and protect your digital behind and your front and both of your sides as well it's top and bottom the first 100 people to use the code lbat deal all capitals baby Albert deal will get 60 percent off I think cogni look at that sixty percent that's a big number or if you don't fancy scrolling into the description you can go to incogni.com forward slash lbat deal and still get this banging little promotion look at that thank you so much to incogni for sponsoring this part of today's video and thank you to you for supporting my sponsors because that allows me to keep making cool content like this uh right back to my existential crisis about data privacy whilst getting my hair dyed at a salon in South Korea bye now goodbye once we had waited the appropriate amount of time for my hair to die it was time to rinse off this book was a little bit of ASMR Heaven if you're an ASMR girly like me I tried to get my mic up and close but I remembered a lot of people actually hate ASMR um so I didn't want to include too much of it I use Jenny house shampoo and conditioner as well as their intensive protein ample treatment to help repair and restore my hair this hair serum has keratin and wheat extracts for intensive repair for damaged hair which bestie my hair was it was very damaged I bleached a few years ago and it just never forgave me it's been so sad and just gagging for a bit of support it smelled amazing too this treatment has a sandalwood and Rose scent which made me feel like I was in a spa especially because I had steam warming my scalp and they even did a little head and neck massage is this typical for when you get your hair dyed I have no idea but I was in absolute heaven we had our very own little private room for this whole hair dying experience which I later found out it's called their VIP room me a VIP honestly my ego inflated a thousand times when I heard that my head was so large I couldn't fit it back out the door I was just imagining how many famous people had sat in this very chair so I ended up asking out of curiosity we just found out that Lisa from blackpink comes to the salon so if I just start living in the salon until Lisa comes Noah say anything a basic hair dryer it was time for makeup Jenny house do makeup for a bunch of different events like weddings and graduations so you can hire them for a specific look but their makeup artists also do makeup for k-dramas and Idol event shoots on this particular day there were loads of the makeup team out on location for the filming of a kdrama nearby we discussed the color palette for the makeup and opted for the Light Summer option going for a clear and clean makeup look with pink accents on the cheeks and lips something I love about getting your makeup done in a different country is experiencing the difference in makeup styles and techniques look at the coverage on this makeup base it's like it's it's the night and day babe so weird how we make different colored hair it's like I keep looking in the mirror and I'm like oh who is that my hair is very soft though whatever they put in it it's like it feels protein it feels like so Silver Dude my hair was eating like the equivalent of a beef burger like that's what they they were just like get the protein in you also I was so excited when I saw the lighter and wooden stick pop out because this is a super famous Korean eyelash curling technique where you use the heat from the wooden stick to gently curl and set your eyelashes it's often called curling with fire and it is all over Tick Tock but it's something that I have never seen in the UK and it works so well I also fell in love with the way that my eye makeup was done I am notoriously bad at makeup I've talked about that a lot on this channel and so I have never been able to do eyeliner on my eye shape and make it look pretty it was honestly just such a happy moment when I looked in the mirror and I saw my eyes because I I just truly felt like it's to me and I felt pretty I feel like everyone deserves a moment when they get to look at themselves and be like damn that's a bit of me that is once we were done with the makeup it was time to get my hair styled unfortunately as I mentioned very briefly in the last video this was the point at which the translator I had hired went a bit nuts any chance we can do this over a message later just because we are filming right now and I'd rather not talk about this stuff he refused to leave the shoe and began shouting to the point where I had to ask him to go outside because he was disturbing both the staff and the clients at Jenny house he continued to shout at me outside for an hour to the point where he made me cry this is a 34 year old man he is a decade my senior everyone at Jenny house was so supportive of me the entire time that this man behaves like this and I feel that I owe them a thousand apologies for the behavior of this man and a million thank yous for how they handled the situation and supported me if you can spare a minute to go and check out their Instagram and their products I've Linked In the description it would really mean a lot because I feel like that's the least I can do I just I'm so grateful and apologetic anyway one teary breakdown later the wonderful ladies who were doing my hair and makeup got back to helping me fix the mess on my face and styling my hair I did ask both of these women for their IG handles so that you could check them out because they were absolutely amazing and just so sweet but I think one of them gave me the wrong one because I can't find her anywhere on Instagram I'll update the description as soon as I find out what her actual IG handle is by the time they were done you couldn't even tell that I'd been crying and that's just a true Testament to their skill to be honest look at that look how Flawless they even got me some hot tea to help calm me down I I literally love them with my whole heart women supporting women am I right they used the Jenny house heating care spray mist to protect my hair during The Styling which helped to keep the goodness that they put into my hair earlier using the protein ample and the silk repair Essence Mist intact they went all out on trying to fix my damaged hair they then used the volumizing root fixer to give my a little healthy bounce at the root I didn't even realize that my hair could look and feel this healthy I didn't know it was a thing I just kept touching it like you guys are just walking around with hair that felt like this the whole time and I don't even know and then we were done and it was time for simple fours and afters [Music] right so this is the after I have officially been pampered and loved by literally everyone possible this has been so much fun it's like playing dress-up but as an adult so it's infinitely better I really love it the hair turned out so much better than I thought it was when I walked in I was like you do whatever you want I trust you and we showed the colors from the color analysis that we did yesterday and they just absolutely smashed it especially because I came in here looking like a Haggard like cat I feel like I could catch a date in this catch a hot date don't tell my boyfriend I said that catch a hot date with my boyfriend no one else but if you want to get your hair and makeup done like a K-pop Idol like Lisa from blackpink anyone got some stands in the chat come to Jenny's house honestly they were the most understanding nicest ever insanely talented makeup artists and hair artists I did get this gifted but I cannot recommend enough how much I would have paid for this experience if you're ever in Korea they have two locations so they have this one and they also have another one called Jenny's house primo and they also if you're worried about speaking Korean and you're not so good at it like me they also have people on site who can speak English so that they can help you kind of communicate and navigate exactly what you want but yeah if you want to get your makeup done for any event whether you're a foreigner in Korea or you're native to here please come and try out Jenny's house and get your hair done and look as good as me what do you think about my K Beauty makeover do you think the colors from the color analysis were correct are these my best colors or did you prefer it before thank you so much again to Jenny house for allowing me to come and film with you a special shout out to my hair and makeup artists who were genuinely the most wonderful women on the planet and to xinjiang for my Jenny house goodies I've left all the links to Jenny House Down Below
Channel: Ellbat
Views: 838,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellbat, elbat, kbeauty, korea, korean beauty, Kpop, Kpop makeup, korean makeup, jennyhouse, idol makeup, korean skincare, Jenny house, Lisa blackpink, Kpop idol makeup, blackpink
Id: tiqkmB-tH_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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