I get a thrill from pain! - My Big Secret

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hi guys my name is Rachel and I want to tell you my big secret most people hate pain right when they stub their toe or Knick their finger they say ouch and shake the area they hurt like a maniac I've seen other people do this my mom for instance as she's the clumsiest person ever but I'm not like most other people you see I'm a masochist this means I get pain for pleasure yeah so okay I know it sounds wrong but to me it just feels so right it all started when I was ten I was a naughty kid I drew on walls threw rocks at my neighbor's window and swore a lot one time I was in my parents room searching through their things when I saw my mom's favorite silver necklace it was so pretty so like a magpie drawn to shiny things I couldn't resist picking it up and trying it on mom came in and yelped when she saw me wearing it what do you think you're doing young lady take that off this instant no it's mine I clutched onto it mom got mad and screamed out how I was a vile child this made me angry so I yanked the necklace off which broke the chain then I threw it at her as I said here have it mom saw red and slapped me hard across my face I felt a jolt of pain so I ran to my room it hurt but it kind of felt exciting I was too young to understand it all I knew back then was that I found it thrilling mom came into my room and apologized to me I'm very sorry for slapping you can you ever forgive me I quickly smiled and said sure it's quite all right this surprised her as I normally held a grudge I decided to get in trouble again so I could see if my pain thrill was a one off or not I went into the kitchen grabbed a plate and smashed it my parents were furious at me especially when I shrugged and told them I'd done it because I just felt like it my dad grabbed his belt and whipped my hand instead of doing the normal kid thing and crying I smiled my dad looked at me very oddly then he asked me what was wrong nothing I guess I like the feeling of pain I replied like it was no big deal they were so shocked that my mom almost fainted she looked at me like a monster and took a step back while tears were falling out of her shocked eyes she's so overreacted my dad was convinced that I was definitely ill and they instantly rushed me to the hospital and demanded to see a doctor right away it wasn't long before the doctor found out what was up with me no I wasn't ill instead I was just a masochist after that my parents never struck me again instead if I misbehaved they'd take my phone or games console off me they told me not to tell anyone that I liked pain as other people wouldn't understand I wasn't stupid I'd already figured out that other people just didn't get it there have been some occasions where I almost revealed my fondness for pain secret one time I accidentally closed my locker while my hand was still there I was squealing happily and jumping around one of my friends came to me and said are you okay I told them I was fine I was just working through the pain then one time in the school canteen I had a run-in with this girl named Brittany who thought she was amazing because she was a cheerleader when she was just a mean girl who sucked at the chair routines she came up to me and started calling me bad names I didn't care as I get so excited when people roast me but I pretended to get mad and I threw chocolate pudding at her cheerleader outfit she flipped out and lunged at me she actually put her hands around my throat do it harder I coughed out to her she stopped and told me I was crazy then she stormed off the other kids were looking on in confusion then my one friend asked me if I was okay I rubbed my eyes to make them look red and I acted like I was upset things changed when I met Stanley he works in my local coffee shop one day I was about to order my usual but he'd already made it up for me as well as my drink he also passed me a napkin with his number on it we started talking and a few weeks after that we became official boyfriend and girlfriend I was so excited as well as being worried Stanley didn't know about my love of pain and I didn't know how to tell him as I didn't want to freak him out one time I was around him and I accidentally knocked over my glass of wine and cut my hand I didn't flinch or wince or anything instead I just smiled my behavior confused Stanley as he cleaned up my hand I knew I had to tell him my secret um Stanley you should probably know that I'm a masochist which means I get a kick out of feeling pain his jaw was wide open I knew I shouldn't have said that now he's going to think I'm a weirdo but surprisingly he eventually said well it's okay you're just being yourself that's what makes you special and then he leaned over and kissed me Wow I knew he was amazing but I didn't realize just how amazing I was falling for the most perfect and understanding guy ever a few weeks later I was over at his place watching a romantic movie when I heard a knock at the door Stanley quickly opened it expecting to see the pizza delivery guy but no instead it was Britney the girl who picked a fight with me why did she come to Stanley's house what is she doing at your house she'd shouted this was confusing so I asked Stanley what was going on turns out Britney is his ex-girlfriend this was shocking how could he have dated that bimbo Britney started yelling at us she said some pretty horrible things but I just smiled at her then she picked up a photo frame and hurled it at me it hit me in the face it ate but I just laughed which made her even angrier I'm gonna kill you you freak she lunged toward me Stanley grabbed her around the waist and pulled her out of the house then he locked the door and called the police to report her he asked me if I was okay I was fine in fact it'd been an enjoyable experience and I was giddy and giggly from it Britney got into serious trouble she now stays out of my way and she knows if she messes with me she'll end up with a restraining order and have to move schools unsurprisingly I haven't had more trouble off her since apart from the odd dirty look but whatever thanks for listening to my story I might like pain and I know it's weird but no matter with it right what do you think of my story do you feel pain just like me please leave a comment as I'd love to read them
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 2,549,989
Rating: 4.8037968 out of 5
Keywords: shortstories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, storybooth, I get a thrill from pain, My Big Secret, i don't feel pain
Id: WIt7pKOA_dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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