My GF has JOJO

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hey everyone my name is Thomas and I accidentally got into an extremely delicate story usually you don't brag about this to your friends and don't tell their parents so I'm sharing it here we met with Lilly probably in a too typical way for the modern world on tinder we liked each other an active and cheerful conversation with a pretty girl after a couple of weeks of texting we agreed on the meeting because she well she was really cool and I was afraid that someone else would simply snatch her up instead of me I had problems with jealousy so in real life I had never built a relationship before everything ended up with just a couple of dates and my jealousy ruined everything later and I understood that there was no reason but I could not stop all these other people's views incomprehensible smiles attempts to talk away from me suspiciously yeah even if I had no right to say something write in the comments if you were also jealous and how you fight your jealousy maybe someone will help your experience like me for example I swore to myself that if I lost her I would just remain a lonely virgin forever objectively she seemed to me the best one the perfect one at least in photos and in chat and though I understood there was almost no hope in the photo since Photoshop and editors existed I was ready to accept it anyway again I swore to myself that but Lilly turned out to be a real miracle my little son she was even prettier than in the photo big eyes perfect hair and minimum use of makeup not in the sense of this terrible makeup in three layers which doesn't look like a natural face but really with minimum my mom is a makeup artists and I understand this thing very well believe me and it was easy and simple to communicate with her as if we had just not met for a couple weeks but hadn't known each other all our lives her hobbies were strange like for a girl but they coincided with mine a hundred percent she even supported the same baseball team it seemed to me that I got into a fairytale because in life this does not happen there was a chance that she was simply pretending of course I somehow decided to check it out and asked unexpectedly about the team so she gave me the whole history of this team the biographies of the players and personal comments on each that's surprisingly coincided with mine as a bonus she showed her personal mini collection of the fan even t-shirts with murals of players and a real ball from one of the games everything was fine with us even after six months of communication she continued to seem to be the most amazing and beautiful girl and for some reason my famous jealousy was silent maybe because she never hid anything she was generally very natural and simple without these girlish troubles for some reason she did not have friends although she did not behave like a closed person it seemed to me that this type of girl should have at least friends for shopping and coffee but no no but I personally have no questions the only negative was the lack of attempts at intimacy we kissed hugged but that's all Lilly was discouraged by the fact she had never done anything like that and was still afraid and I was a 17 year old virgin so ok I accepted her conditions and just waited we even met each other's parents and they were completely delighted Lily's dad tried to take me away for a private conversation but we still couldn't be left alone with him her mom distracted him first then Lily did it herself but my parents really liked her unconditionally they even jokingly began to hint to me that it would be nice to have an engagement and I myself was already thinking about something like that it was too early for us to think about the wedding I could no longer imagine my life without Lily I began to plan how to do everything more interesting I didn't want the simple down on one knee and ring at all because there was one more problem that we didn't solve sex in spite of our half a years relationship it never happened to us I tried honestly and the unread enos was already poorly believed in rather in some kind of secret I even thought to myself that maybe she doesn't want to show me her own defect scars for example they say girls are embarrassed by this or a wooden leg or that she is in fact a spy of special services or an alien guessing could be endless and she herself walked away from the direct answer and promised to say everything later so in my wonderful tradition I just forgot I forgot because something else was spinning in my head Lily finally told me yes and she promised that next weekend we'll have sex even if an apocalypse comes and we die in agony what happened then I cannot comment in any way because my comments ended immediately and forever it turned out that my guesses were not so far from the truth no Lily it was not an alien and she also did not work for secret services although to be fair to her Lily tried to tell me something a couple of times even hinted a little but I thought it was just excitement I didn't find time to just talk in all two weeks of preparation and planning I ran around somewhere and thought that my actions were more important than what she wanted to say I learned the very first important lesson always listen to your girls always with no exceptions even if she talks about her manicure or something very boring it's better to listen to her because there may be something that will change your life I didn't know this and was just getting ready is courted my parents out of the house to their vacation then made some repairs on the terrace with my own hands installed all kinds of curtains and lanterns there even planted a couple of some beautiful plants to make the view even better at sunset I moved a mattress there and I tried it while I was preparing and added mosquito nets against all kinds of insects this was our first time so everything had to be at the best level a beautiful place beautiful music a gift for her was bought with a sense to remember for a long time I was confused and I hoped we would succeed because otherwise I would have all the potential flowing through my ears and it would be inconvenient for friends Lili was also determined but judging by her clenched fists and tense face she tuned in to war and not love I had to relax her with all sorts of nonsense kissed behind her ear and promised the golden mountains before we got to the third base and then I made a decisive jerk and pressed her to me and then my face can be described as a picture of a lemur from Madagascar super wide eyes complete shock and nightmare because to meet my sympathy from under Lily's skirt rushed to me her own sympathy my girlfriend had such a big surprise judging by the sensations many times more than mine I even felt embarrassed purely subconscious although at that moment penis measuring was not part of my plans I thought something like what the hell and seriously lily was immediately embarrassed stepped away from me and tugged at her skirt with her hands she obviously didn't know how to behave now that her secret was revealed and the sunset burned out behind her that evening we had nothing of course well except for the fear shock and the desire to forget everything that happened as a nightmare but still I was not a complete so I called her a taxi and honestly told her that I needed to think or him anyway it doesn't matter the main thing is that I needed a break for a week I thought over the pros and cons has defied my hate as I could looked at our joint photos and emptied my father's bar I do not advise anyone to repeat it but I do not think that anyone else has encountered such surprises Lily did not call me and generally disappeared from the radar and at some point I woke up looked in the mirror at my unshaven rumpled face and asked myself if something had changed because Lily had a penis in his pants and not a vagina did she become worse off than she was have I ceased to understand myself nope in fact she remained the same Lily with whom I fell in love with and with whom I was happy all the time well except for the penis yes it was difficult for me to accept that not even because the girls weren't supposed to have that but purely technically like how it was a shame and disgust to read literature I did not become gay the organs of someone else than my girlfriend caused only horror and disgust but ok figured it out then I met with Lily judging by her first tearful and then surprised face she came to leave and did not expect I would offer her a try and I turned out to be so mysterious yeah already after all Lily said she really wanted to confess earlier she asked to speak before the date but she was always afraid that after such news I would definitely leave her she explained she wasn't a freak it just happened that she was born in a male body and then it's very relatively masculine because apart from the penis she had no other signs of masculinity up to the point that her breast was natural and not from hormones here is a joke of nature with which Lily has been living for 17 years even her parents after her first request began to talk to her as a girl and this incidentally happened to be a happy five years that is when she was still a kid anyway we tried and we did it it turned out that a person's gender does not matter at all if you're in love with a person not with his or her sexual characteristics lily and I have a little dirty secret that no one knows about well now you know only this is still anonymous and no one will figure me out except for Lily herself so taking this opportunity I write Lily I love you and want you to become my wife we will surely cope with everything that life will give us most importantly together write in the comments what you would do in my place and do not hide really important things from your second half because the truth will come out anyway and it would be better for them to do this before everyone gets hurt
Channel: Teen Stories
Views: 264,451
Rating: 4.7505054 out of 5
Id: vGMlcMyL7vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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