I Get a Pentakill While Im Dead... This Is How!

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we're playing one of my all-time favorite builds okay and it's honestly you're probably thinking buns this is the off meta series what the heck are you doing this looks pretty legit to me with a little twist okay there's an ability in the game or item i should say that is so broken once a burn is involved i love it yo where are my plants at oh here we go if i just get one of these plants uprooted and swinging i can fight right next to it and be a-okay yo i need another one now where's my passive is there a seat out here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh here we go here we go here we go oh my gosh we're winning we're winning we're winning how is this guy healing for a billion dude he's hacking i thought we were gonna 50 billion iq that one for a second okay plants can help take waves do what we do best i got it we're nasty with it baby we're live we're doing our best okay but i just looked away for one second and mr c.s i'm now on sad panda thank you very much thank you very much to these guys getting the cs is beautiful also guys if you take the time to drop a thumbs up on the video i appreciate it but you know what i don't like just asking for likes i like deserving them okay so hopefully this video is as entertaining as possible to deserve said like oh here we go here we go okay you know what we can roll with that we can roll with that land e he died big boom but as for burn build i don't know if you guys have seen this build in action before it's nice it's nice asriel how are you oh heck yes count me in on that and here comes are you i yes meal does anyone know what that means is there you know what language that is i'm pretty sure it's a bad word maybe maybe we forget about that part and me saying that but i kind of love and hate when this uh what the he did not mean to hook volleyball right there i'll tell you that i love and hate when the lane's in the spot because it pushes like crazy and also makes it extremely hard at the same time i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm in trouble oh boy thresh and i are playing this lane wrong unless if we bait this guy into a situation he definitely does not want to be in got the ward there's the kill baby oh boy i missed the q hopefully these seed armies will treat me right my gosh he's in trouble he's in trouble bully bear you can't escape this you cannot you cannot escape this i i need to get my seed back up oh there we go i was honestly a little worried i wasn't gonna get that kill there i thought somehow some way he was gonna swindle his way out of there i have a seed right here that's what i'm talking about no yes yes yes see it for the win i need another one where's my passive do i have to see it anywhere no ezreal's here died nah yeah yeah there's my scene dude i had to run to this stupid little falcon here we go here we go build wise man not so much an issue i want to abuse that fact i thought volibear was gonna step up for a second that kind of spooked me not gonna lie i need more seeds because our poke is ridiculous oh my gosh with them maybe i should save one seed considering uh thresh you're banned sorry that was toxic dude it's honestly just like an auto of command to him sometimes i need to realize i'm being a little little dick it's okay heart look at us dude we're working things out that's amazing oh man being in touch with your emotions isn't it great here we go here we go if bolivar charges us we lay down the e pink missed that cs no one sell it come on buddy oh my goodness no flash needed baby no flash needed that guy's getting stabbed beyond belief with all these guys i think that was a good trade end of the day i like what we saw i need to utilize my passive seeds or else things are going to go south real quick the cooldown on the actual seeds is ridiculous oh if i hit that he's dead come on buddy oh my gosh no i missed the r coming back friendo i have heal i want to bait him even more oh here we go the healed move speed brought him out of it what is going on i have a seat in two seconds there's one and here comes the other he's out of mana this is our moment our passive seed has sprung let's bait him in closer and utilize it maybe he doesn't see it it's there it's under a minion don't notice the falcon don't notice the falcon oh my gosh he wants to heal me so bad but he's out of mana he's dead oh slap up you stupid see yes i'm getting way too excited right now oh my gosh i actually used to play a bunch of zyra a bunch of zyra in scrimmages on every team that i played on so uh i feel like playing this champion's almost like riding a bike at least the combo ewqw oh my gosh it feels so good to get it on someone with a lot of ap my goodness sometimes i auto go to it even when it's not the best option it's bad it's a bad habit but uh hopefully we can knock this out of the park what the not what i was expecting here we go here we go is it team part time i'd be so down ulti's back and um note to self let's watch out for the ezra ultimates oh yeah yeah i actually thought we had them in the bag and i just missed another cs all right buns listen if it happens again we're gonna have a problem that one doesn't count maybe i should actually put some points in w if we're going damage i don't think it's bad oh here we go dude these are my favorite kind of fights i want to put seeds exactly where they want to run and these guys are trying to kill the dragon under our noses oh check this out i put up a scene to hopefully block him oh my god i thought he was going for that wait this guy's one hp what are you doing you're dead did we get it we got it that's what i'm talking about baby i'm so scared can scuttle step over my things nice nice i was about to die right then and there my gosh any crowd control this dude's done so uh oh that's one of those situations where me otto doing the combo was actually bad i did eq and then i was already working on uh wq even though we knew that he pieced out it was a waste of my q i go in autopilot mode on that said combo sometimes it works out great sometimes not so much oh gosh that's that was bad that was bad okay we got a lot of gold i'm not falling for the same stick twice i'm out of here coming on through boys coming on through oh my cue is looking so juicy baby thank you for all that and if that lands he's freaking dead too bad oh gosh oh my god we both double panicked give me these seeds for days baby oh that's what i'm talking about oh my gosh this guy's going in there he took a tower shot didn't he i was so curious where his hp went then i realized oh baby hit this he's dead boom i thought he was going for the freaking mumbo jumbo all right thresh literally missed everything and ezreal just dunked on his face and now i'm getting dunked on block the q we just got ezreal you just eat in oh wow bolivar's playing as well did we just kill this guy or what i'm scared of the bear okay now he's running okay now we're actually kind of screwed thank you very much what do we do here don't clump up here we go wish us luck dude i didn't plant the seed fast enough this is not good dude we're getting destroyed stay spread out as i'm doing that classic thing where if you lane with your like main champion you're like you try to teach him how to play and play it and then you get frustrated because he's not playing it to perfect abilities that's me right now there's a fine line and offering advice and trying to micromanage someone played league of legends which is impossible okay the only thing i care about he could miss every hook in the game for all i care um but getting w's right it like hard hard involves me so i'm i'm pushing it for uh i'm pushing it big time oh hot diggity dog oh dude if we had if we had our item that would have been even more juicy all right you guys will see what i'm talking about in a second what the heck do you think you're doing mate this lee sin is crazy i see why too i don't have any seeds in my spank bank right now but we gotta make some thank you very much we can't poke the eyeball i'm going around yes that counted oh he's so done so he is so done so they are split off beyond belief you're dead and sore the rest of you uh here goes nothing like i said miss hooks don't even care you mess up my w we got a problem do i flash do i flash do i flash yep yo stab him what are you doing that's a double kill or not or not or not or not we're gonna freaking die to lee sin in this bush and i'm scared did he go over where in the world all right i kind of want to go hunting here huh there's no way he's in here right if he has old i'm literally dead i'm actually dead this guy just dipped out dude oh my goodness we need 3 000 gold collector is the item baby burn plus collector equals the biggest gg on the planet okay oh my gosh we gotta we got a ball game here folks we've got a ball game oh hello our old would look real good right about now i'm not gonna lie thank you there we go dude we're learning we're get over here my friends get on over here i just sprouted so many seeds our old would look real juicy on that why hello the map just opened wide open uh let's not die and say hello listen you're done so that's a fatty shutdown we have the gold thresh i'm so sorry i maybe possibly probably could have healed that go go go go no i missed that i got you he's dead no are you kidding me if we had triumph easy kill here we go folks here we go hook that boot okay you know what remember like i said don't care about the hooks it's not about the hooks it's about the w's that will make that's what makes a great thresh what do we got going on oh that is free burn guys we have the item we have collector notice people are gonna randomly start getting dropped this champion scares me a lot i wonder if i should actually start autoing a lot more in fights considering the situation you're in trouble oh my gosh this is bad this is bad this is bad i can turn this good if oh god no not if ezreal going to the wall makes things real freaking hard dude get me out of here get me out of here there are some burns this is juicy this is juicy he stole my red that's messed up you don't do that to someone come on there's the bird dude this is actually so sweet on zyra oh you're in trouble you're in trouble you're in trouble give me the burn kill no we got this come on come on yes collector bird this is sweet baby oh you didn't see that did you you didn't see that coming did you you didn't see that damage he tried getting around it no siree bruh i am in love with this archangel's stacking and if we get a jj off this we'll be super good to go there's one last burn item we got to get in the bag okay you guys may have heard of it you may have seen it you may have even buyed it but buy it bought it all right i feel like an idiot i'm just going to go buy the items your turret has been destroyed oh my gosh i want to flash in so badly right now i am holding back yes oh that's a good freaking sprout sprouting about i need a seed what do we got we got one right there if i can snipe this guy oh maybe what i'm okay yep that's not good that's really not good gotcha you want a lifesteal go right ahead this guy's dead booty you're scaring him i have a potion i have a potion when in doubt slurp on pot hey oh spaghettio there it is the comet snipe on top dude the fact that now anyone on low hp is gonna get absolutely destroyed i'm in love with that let's get this and this fire drag is just gonna add another layer of potential crazy burn-ness on top is ridiculous ridiculous let's do this and head on downtown shall we hot dog let's see here let's get this going as well as by the way the last burn item i was talking about you guys definitely know what i'm talking about this one right here they have a lot of hp they're not going to be our friend or wait i mean it's like a good and a bad thing and i don't know if pushing like this is a good thing double buff cyra botlane chillin they either go baron or gank me and kill me so uh i don't recommend what we're doing whatsoever but you know what we're just gonna go about our day as long as lee sin is not here i feel like i can't get one shot and that's all that matters but problem we definitely don't see lee sin is he there's no way dude they would be the most big brain team i've ever seen if they're busting out baron they're dead oh god they definitely are do your best to steal that we're just all into pushing this at this point this lee sin is smart he noticed me bought and instantly started sending it team you might be able to stop them there's a lot showing i'm pushing this stop them vigor you got this start laying down bombs we need vision on this thing dude i need more seeds here to tank oh i thought we got that for a second seize for days ow ow ow out do you guys take this trade in your games the bot wave for the baron pepperoni we might be able to sneak away with one more inhibitor by the way maybe possibly maybe oh god they have been recalled there's no way this works honestly one tower would be worth how you doing hello how you doing dude holy jesus okay buns don't be greedy actually they both had a recalled gwen's up in five i might be able to get this here we go i'm gonna sprout seeds like this slow em down oh no that was not good run through my seeds have fun have fun have a great time doing that oh my god we just sprouted up a bajillion of them yeah i'd be a little scared too if i were you coming through you're dead the snipes are actually so sweet we're out of here folks we just played the frogger i don't know an ally has been slain [Music] please sin get the heck on over here my guy get the heck on over here so now that we have bot wave they have baron this is a very weird situation we've got burn for days i think we just shove and poke it's the someone stop that bear it's the best way to do things check this out even just landing a little bit of this is insane two shots he's getting dropped thank you very much they're all getting mega slapped oh dude those are some slick moves i need more seeds dude no he popped that one once they would commit that's when we lay down the carpet of death i like to buff up seeds but we've got absolutely nothing right about now all right we have some in combat this is good oh that's a swain pull oh my gosh we're okay we're okay we're okay seeds do your thing baby play aggressive buns oh my god what where the heck the heck did that just come from bro that's what i'm talking about cutting back is oh go go go go go don't you take it not me i think you did i don't know oh nobody try this at home this is for the penta and for the penta only yay i got him i got him i got him does my collector not work when i'm dead i got oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my gosh i thought i was gonna lose that holy i love it i will do my best to do what we just did that was awesome by the way we just bought a depth cap so things got a little more scary and this is my favorite thing on zyra just throwing up a seat of being the most annoying champion in the game by a mile just that right there oh are we doing this ow ow ow this is where an hourglass comes in handy am i screwed i feel like i gotta go this way the whole fight's down there i don't know what to do oh wow that's a volleyball um everything's gonna be fine there we go you're dead there's the burn out here i'm coming buddy i'm coming dude i was meaning when i said i will do my best to do it again i did not think we would this build success or not let me know down below in the comments i am having so much fun with this automatic series give me another chance to play this burn build on holy guacamole this is the most fun crap you can possibly do burn plus collector equals win thank you very much thank you very much oh hello uh booty here you're dead oodier wait i meant bullet bear not here anyways guys thumbs up appreciate a lot hopefully i deserved your like and uh also subscribing totally free don't forget about the giveaway we have in the top description it'll take you like three minutes honestly enjoy that and hopefully you'll win the pc peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 26,429
Rating: 4.9569602 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, zyra, penta, pentakill, while, dead
Id: ZbrBKqN5Mco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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