I Gave Birth to My Killer Brother's Baby | Our Life

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[Music] Vicki Jaggers was born in Tilbury Essex the youngest of four siblings she remembers her childhood fondly it was just normal two brothers and a sister and I had budgie and you know I'm a dad just go work Vicky idolizes her father Len always happy always joking Lynn said I want a little girl um and he got a little girl that's actually what I think he's called Victoria because he was Victorious Vicki forms a special bond with half-brother David avril's son from a previous relationship Annie you just used to cuddler all the time kiss her he loved it faces and any sweets he'd try and give her and and things like that you know he was he was good with her and he was a happy kid always giggling and pulling faces the family spent happy times together on holidays across the southeast of England this is my brother I trusted him I trusted him more than I trusted anyone else kept his eye on her and and a school we wouldn't anybody bully or anything just that family thing where you all protect each other [Music] but protective Older Brother David starts showing a darker side to his personality he'd had fights at school because he'd lose his temper he hurt one lead it divided him and he got a black eye and a split lip and as he grows older David starts getting involved in criminal activity [Music] paint ideas always fighting by 15 sort of onwards cars where he's singing he loved driving him and his mates actually stole a car that had been left in a car park and we had the police there then because they'd recognized him because everybody recognized him because they were so well-mannered at the age of 13 David asks his mum to buy him an air rifle so he can shoot at animals with his friends but you don't have any idea about a fortnight and we had a placement at the door apparently him and his friend had gone down the alley and they were firing through the bushes it was right near the railway line and the fella that did the gates on the railway line they nearly shot him [Music] something needs to be done about their delinquent son they need a fresh start for the family so they move away and become temporary Pub managers traveling from Pub to Pub every few weeks with 17 year old David and 12 year old Vicki into it was quite I suppose Lively Lively sort of atmosphere because like a lot of them were country pubs yeah they were happy memories although the pub lifestyle suits Avril and Len it is beginning to have consequences for their children forensic psychologist Dr Kerry Nixon works with merseyside police profiling serious violent offenders she's been analyzing Jagger's Behavior we know from looking at Jagger's past that he had difficulties in childhood the family didn't settle in one place very long so in terms of building up long-standing relationships there doesn't seem to be any Security in Jagger's life we see a lot of delinquent Behavior which again from the literature we know is a risk factor he's got previous convictions for delinquent Behavior anti-social traits it's a risk factor for violent Behavior but also for sex offenses he and David actually used to spend a lot of time downstairs with us I was always with older people in the pubs and and things like that as well that's when all my schooling went out the window psychologist Emma Kenny works with victims of family abuse in her clinics and recognizes the impacts this has Vicky would not have been able to form secure supportive attachments with peers she wouldn't have been able to have reliances on teachers and Educators who could have helped her when tragedy struck and in fact what that would have done was it built a Reliance on her brother's relationship with her Jaggers is becoming a ticking Time Bomb already a danger to the public he now sets his sights on those closest to him he was about to commit one of the sickest crimes imaginable come into the room um and then I felt the bed um I felt someone getting to the bed at the time what did you think was happening oh it was too scared I said I'm never going back in that room I said brother all right these are the people that you trust the most in your life that trust had been destroyed the childhood of twelve-year-old Vicki Jaggers is about to be destroyed by the one person she trusts the most her older brother David Vicky remembers the pub she was living in at the time I know it was an old coaching a little bit spooky because where it was old it used to create and you had all the old wooden floor balls I went to bed early I think it was about nine because everyone was still downstairs as Vicky sleeps upstairs her brother David returns home I remember waking up I think when the door opened would have been about half ten someone come into the room um normally my mum and dad check on me so I just went back to sleep but it's not Vicky's parents entering the room that night it's her brother David and then I felt someone get into the bed um and then he did what he did left and then I just like there crying all night [Music] until it was him because certain smells um different aftershaves and all that sort of thing I knew it was him [Music] scared I cried most of the night [Music] detective Sergeant Tracy wheeler has worked in the child protection unit at Essex police for more than 10 years dealing directly with family abuse cases he would have been 17 at the time he had sex with her without a word and threatened her didn't say anything to her and consequently she didn't say anything back and I can't imagine how frightened you have to be to not move muscle or say anything or not cry out in any way he took away her childhood in that instant and for that it's Unforgivable but the question for Dr Kerry Nixon is how did David Jaggers go from stealing cars to committing incest on his 12 year old sister from what we can see from in how young people sexually abuse it would suggest that Jaggers has actually seen had some kind of early initiation of sex now this could be through pornography it could be from seeing sex in the household but it certainly suggests the manner in which he raped Vicky how he went about it the raping her from behind they're not saying anything the control it all suggests that this is something that he has witnessed in his background the next morning Vicky goes down to breakfast with her family I couldn't sleep at all at night and the next morning I did actually have to go into the kitchen and he was in there and he was just normal everyone was just getting on with life as normal whilst this has changed her life to everybody else's eyes she's just getting up and walking in the kitchen and having a breakfast and that normality shifts you it makes you think hang on did this happen has this happened I'm imagining this what would I say if I needed to talk about it although I was confused I didn't know whether it was normal or or anything um been in the pubs moving around I didn't spend a lot of time with any friends so I didn't know what their families were like um so yeah I just thought it was normal she loved her family she loved her mum she adored her father the idea of speaking words that would transform that experience forever was just too overwhelming for her and that's the tragedy with family abuse David the protective older brother she trusted has become her abuser it's got such an evil look sometimes he just he's only got to look at you and it's and he's just a seeing evil streak my whole view of him changed almost like in non-verbal communication a message is given you won't talk she's scared of him he's not who she believed he was if he's capable of raping her what else is HE capable of the fact that he managed to control Vicky not to say anything gave him an enhanced sense of confidence he got away with it and he then could go on and get away with further crimes David Jaggers isn't finished with his sister Vicky I went home that night after school the pub opened as normal I had dinner I went to bed didn't really sleep much and he coming again and the same happened again that night he got in my bed and he raped me for a second time on the third consecutive night David rapes his sister Vicky again I just know after the third night I didn't like it and I made up an excuse because the pub was haunted um the the ghost was in my room and I wasn't sleeping in there anymore um and I used to sleep on my mum and Dad's floor in their bedroom when she was talking like saying there was ghosts there she seemed to be absolutely terrified so obviously we didn't force her to go back into the bedroom this is the last time David rapes Vicky but her worst fears become reality I was 12 and I just found out I was carrying my brother's baby and I was terrified I was really worried about him finding out and didn't know whether he was going to hurt me or or anything like that so um yeah I was scared very scared when David finds out Vicki is pregnant he moves out of the family home but Avril still has no idea her beloved Son is the father we asked her who he was and she said a boy at school and she said that um it had happened in the in a field at the back of the school as Vicky is underage the police get involved and she makes up another story to hide her dark secret I actually told them that it was someone who I was seeing on a on a caravan Park um whose baby it was who was underage as well so there was no no further action there was never a point that that I thought I even thought of telling the truth the police don't believe Vicky's story and ask Avril if the father could be a family member they asked me if I thought it could be Lynn and I said no I'm sorry no way it just absolutely no way and then they said well what about David and I said to be honest I really don't know I I just didn't know but Vicky can't bring herself to tell the truth a few months later at the age of 13 Vicky gives birth to Kirsty there was no no hate no no nothing it was just love it is I don't look at everything David's daughter I look at everything my door Avril agrees to bring up Kirsty and Vicky goes to boarding school to continue her studies over the next three years David Jaggers keeps a low profile but he remains a threat to women we know from sex offenders that the average age of first offense for a sex offender is about 23 and many sex offenders have had previous offenses that they've not been uh so therefore they go on to offend more and more and the more that they get away that they learn from that behavior they learn and they learn how to how to offend they learn how to control how to manipulate having got away with the rapes on Vicky David Jaggers begins a relationship with a single mum of two Helen Mitchell whose parents live opposite Avril This Man Called Jaggers David Jaggers come to visit somebody in the flats who lived underneath my sister and he sat out there all day and right till late at night and then my sister like being a kind person went out there and said to him you're welcome to come up well my sister didn't know anything about in what he'd done to his own sister because she wouldn't have let him in a flat if she knew he was an evil person so she let him in and then he sort of done the charm of my sister and I ended up getting together even though Helen was considered a outgoing bubbly young woman liked by lots of people people like David can seek out people's weaknesses and in this case that played out in an incredibly tragic way Jaggers was intelligent and he was able to manipulate the people in his lives probably because of his intelligence so he had the risk factors that made him a very violent and dangerous person but he also had the intelligence and the glibness and the charm to be able to execute all this it's not long before David becomes violent towards Helen and then she started like a few black eyes here and there and I decided to educate their meal I'll I'd done that on the door or or I fell and then in my mind I used to think I know he's he's done that but she's saying no no no no no no don't be silly of course he ain't sort of protecting him we were sitting eating dinner and he just said straight across the table to her shut your mouth I can't eat with you with your mouth wide open I don't want to see what you're eating in front of everybody the risk factors that we can see in Jagger's Behavior towards Helen the emotional abuse the physical violence combined with what's happened to Jaggers as a child makes him a very dangerous character indeed Helen's two daughters Tara and Lucy are just four and two at the time I used to get a phone call to come down because he's broke Tara and Lucy's toys or knit the money at the telly I think you broke my mom's nose once and you come down to open but she always got back with him my dad just sort of felt like there's only so much he could do you know her family would have wanted her to confide in them but actually how many of us are ready to say my relationship's going wrong how many of us think it won't happen again she's a classic example of a really fantastic young woman who met the wrong man we see in his relationship with Helen that he demeans her he humiliates her he controls her he tells her what to do he puts her down in front of people and these are all risk factors in domestic abuse perpetration Sheila's concerns over Jaggers were confirmed when her sister Rings her asking for help when our case with all different types of knives in it and I said to him before you put that knife through my sister he'll put it through me first he put all the nice back put him in the case and I said Ellen get your stuff because you're coming home with me and I took Tara Lucy and Ellen and they come and stayed with me Tara remembers David Jaggers threatening her mum in front of her they're like a suitcase and then he opened the suitcase up and it was like big knives little knives and they pulled the biggest one out and he put up against my mum's throat and they surrender that's all I really remember that day it was only a couple weeks later that she was found dead really fun place and that's it um [Music] my sons just told me he's got his girlfriend he took my mom away he may done it he's evil foreign sister Vicky David Jaggers has moved on to his next victim his girlfriend single mum of two Helen Mitchell [Music] anything like that jaggers's Behavior towards Helen is spiraling out of control there's verbal abuse there's emotional abuse there's a humiliation there's threats with knives weapon uses a known risk factor this humiliation the sexual assault you know the risk factors are endless in Jagger's history something tips them over the edge on that day when Helen comes home from a night out Jaggers is waiting up for her they start arguing I can see Amir does well my mum trying to get to a door to run into the door but he's pulling off I struggled her he strangled my sister with his bare hands and at the night he killed my sister my two nieces was in the house upstairs I was two years old when my mum was killed I don't remember my mum at all and no memories ever when Helen's eldest daughter Tara is in the room watching I just remember saying to him where's mummy he pointed to an armchair shut and the sheet was up to there [Music] and they said kiss Mommy and I'll take you to Nanny's my last two memories of my mum were kissing her and she was she was asleep I think he's sick for making new kisses he took my mom away in me done it he's evil how can you do that and I know that sometimes you're in the heat at the moment but there was two little girls in the house that night but Helen's daughters aren't alone her 14 year old sister is also there in another sickening act Jaggers goes upstairs and has unlawful sex with Helen's sister then he takes Tara to his mums leaving Helen's dead body undiscovered I said to him what's the matter and he said I've killed Ellen I've taken her life for Dr Kerry Nixon David Jagger's remorse is at odds with his violent Behavior incredibly mixed up in one hand he's controlling the victims unbelievably he's controlling even to the point where he's telling the daughter to kiss her mother he's showing No Remorse after the rape of Vicky to his family members they say that his behavior isn't changing but on another side he breaks down Avril has to make a decision a fun place and I'll sit down my sons just told me he's killed his girlfriend he kept saying I ate taking the little girl's mums away he took a relationship that a mother and daughter have which I've never heard Helen's death at the hands of David also has a huge impact on Vicky I felt guilty um scared because that could have been me um guilty because I should have said something so nah he could have hurt Kirsty he could have hurt me um so yeah I made the decision to never say anything David is arrested by Police and charged with the murder of Helen in February 1990 20 year old David Jaggers pleads guilty to manslaughter and is sentenced to six years in prison he's also convicted of unlawful sex with a girl and is given six months to run concurrently but Helen's daughters will grow up never knowing their mum they took my mom away and that's the most important thing in your life really everyone's got mum yeah basically it's different because if your mum dies of that cancer or something like that you've got someone to you can learn to deal with it but when someone's took you Mum away it's a bit harder because it weren't our time then [Music] with David Jaggers behind bars for the killing of Helen Mitchell Vicky feels safe enough to return home from boarding school and starts building her relationship with her daughter Kirsty she's always known to picky as a mum I mean we've never hidden it it's it's always been there although like from then she called me mum she called Lynn Dad she called Vicky Vicky but this happy time was short-lived for the family Vicky's beloved dad is diagnosed with terminal cancer and David Jaggers is released early having served just four years for killing Helen David is back in Vicky's life and the consequences are terrifying David come in one day and had a go at me um saying that I didn't care about my dad and I actually turned around to him and said why do you care he's not even your dad and he actually strangled my entirely blue that reinforced the what he did to his girlfriend and why I was so scared that just put it in place like I'm definitely never sign anything after the attack Vicky Cuts David out of her life and moves on having four more children she gets married to Kelly and over the next 10 years has virtually no contact with her brother but the threat posed by David to her and her family is never far away eighteen years after he raped his sister David Jaggers is staying at his mum avril's house and Vicky's teenage daughters are also there visiting their grandmother I don't think Vicky realized that he been spending time at mine his computer and everything was there because he'd lost his flat and this particular day I got up um and he was on the computer and he obviously been there all night Vicky's girls were upstairs and they were all playing around and laughing and joking [Music] and David got up and went and shouted at him so they were North home I was going absolutely mad at um stomping up the road I just know I wanted my girls out there because she was going up to obviously sort out what was going on um but she was going nuts at me and I was turning around to her and I was saying calm down calm down so no he's this is your brother's who knows what are you worried about is you know so he's turned around and had a go at one of them I was defending him it's totally out of context it doesn't make sense into Kelly her partner this absolutely doesn't make sense but he knows because he knows her he loves this woman and he recognizes there has got to be something more deep that has got to be she was at the bottom of the stairs screaming that um he was there all night with her girls and she weren't going to have that he weren't going to do it again David was standing near the window and there we could hear a load of shouting downstairs and David just turned around and he said everybody's Gonna Hate Me Now and I went why don't be daft you know love you um and he said no everybody's gonna make me and I said well why and he said they just stole mum oh no they are Vicky had challenged him and he knew that that the rape of Vicky was about to come out so suddenly all the things that he was controlling in his life and had control over was starting to fall down around him he realized everything was going to come out and he went off with David on the run a confused Kelly takes Vicky home taking her home and opening that communication starting to talk to her about what he's just seen his concerns recognizing that there has to be something more opens the opportunity for Vicky to talk and finally in her loving supportive relationship with the recognition that David is dangerous and could harm her children she does the ultimate courageous thing she tells the truth [Music] it was so harrowing it was unbelievable she was just she just burst bursting at tears and I sort of smell why old it is oh and and that's when she just blurted that's the only word I can use blurted out everything it just all sort of just spilled out everything just it all come out at once um and it was like a relief to actually finally tell someone she was saying it's him it's him he did this and I was I I remember saying who and she and she said David David's the one I said David someone what David's her dad David's her dad what do you want about all right that's when she said she said David David was the one who raped me when I was 12. and I was just gobsmacked I didn't know what to do um I just literally just put my arm around her and said right well no it'd be all right we're all right I know what's going on so no you we can sort this oh and she was just a wreck you're talking the person that one of the people that she could should most trust in the world has let her down in that way in that moment Everything Changes that's when she reclaims her power and Kelly is able to help her start the process of bringing David to Justice Kelly must now break the news to Vicky's mother Avril he said I've got something to tell you and Vicky is really really frightened she's really really worried and I said what was she why what's the matter with her you know I thought there was something wrong and he said I've got to tell you David is cursed he's dead and it didn't seem surprising it was as if in somewhere I knew I knew and all I could think about was is Vicky okay you know she must be in a dreadful state if it's she said it now after all this time her words were I need her to know that I do believe all right and that is the first thing she wanted to do was to make sure that her daughter knew that she believed her granny called me down and she was like I could tell she'd been quite analysis were already in it and she was like shaking a little bit and it's just told us that um it baby to Daddy right [Music] thank you and oh she was worried actually was speaking it's this is she all right and I said I don't know [Music] I just didn't know what to do I didn't I didn't even start crying at first it just didn't register like it couldn't be true you know I just didn't know if I was dreaming if it was real or what we went to Vicky's and and as soon as I walked in the door I just grabbed older from cuddled her and she'd cry ahead and we both cried actually and I just kept saying to her I'm sorry um [Music] Kirsty gave me a big cuddle um we sat there crying for hours she just give me a hug and said sorry but I didn't see why she had to be sorry it wasn't her fault this is the saddest part of this journey because all of those fears that she had that she'd be rejected that people wouldn't believe her that she would lose her family don't happen and in fact Avril and Kirsty just want to go and find her and hold her and that's exactly what happens and in a way that's one of the hardest things that abuse survivors have to realize that very often the people that they believe they will lose actually become their greatest support but Vicky's ordeal was far from over she has to make a statement to the police about the rapes he went up and then I felt him in one final desperate act Jaggers kidnaps another woman and holds a hostage for three days from my experience at David [Music] what damage there police launch a Manhunt but will they find him in time it's December 2004 and convicted killer and rapist David Jaggers is a wanted man realizing his sister is about to go to the police Jagger's kidnaps a young woman in Essex and is holding her against her will joggers is very much what I term a violent control individual high levels of aggression high levels of violence but also high levels of controlling Behavior to the women in his life particularly so this is just another extension of his violence and his control against women meanwhile Vicky is about to be interviewed by police Vicky has carried a secret with her for 18 years 18 years she's tried to avoid the feelings put it to the back of her mind get on with her life and then all of a sudden secret is out and the secret has consequences and in this case she needs to tell the police and a DNA test needs to be carried out and Kirsty to confirm what she's saying and even though everybody believes her the process has to occur and that process involves giving statements and talking about it for only the second time in her life and to strangers this is ultimately terrifying for anybody who's been through an abuse cycle when I first interviewed her the release with the catharsis was unbelievable she just absorbed and sobbed and sobbed um and when I first met her it was like walking into a room with a 12 year old girl again she became that little girl that had happened to all those years ago um my night he went up and then I felt him she knew instantly that it was dated she knew his smell she knew he's after Shea boy's cologne that he always wore and he had long hair at the time and that she felt his long hair on her back um she said it was Pitch Black she had blackout curtains and there was absolutely nothing she could see but she knew instinctively and by the build of the body that it was her brother where on your body did he touch you um what my legs um to slide my body up okay and then on my arms felt like he was holding me down on my side at the time what did you think was happening I don't know I was too scared did you know about sex at that age not properly [Music] and then he stopped and then you just got out and walked out and she didn't say anything to anybody nothing was said the next day and the next night exactly the same thing happened again and the next night exactly the same thing happened again she she got very upset and we had to stop at times um she I think she went out a couple of times for a cigarette and she needed to make sure that Kelly was there and Kelly was nearby he wasn't in the room for the interview who's in the Next Room but he saw everything and heard everything that she said but she needed him nearby in order to to get have the strength to speak to us I don't know video statements were were hard it was seeing her in that chair again um explaining exactly what she had to explain to me but having to go into great detail s between my legs was that the first time you'd had sex with anybody yeah was there any bleeding at all not that I know of I can't remember any that is the hardest thing I've ever ever been through um because this woman that I love um she didn't she didn't deserve that and it wasn't fair David Jaggers releases his victim then calls a friend saying he's evil and deserves to die I'm police clues in on Jaggers in the process of the investigation in relation to the incest and I was aware that I was made aware that David Jaggers had been arrested after a Siege involving um what was thought to be a replica imitation handgun Jaggers is transferred to the police station where he meets Tracy wheeler I interviewed David Jaggers with a colleague of mine over five or six tapes and if you think a tape is 45 minutes long that's a long time to be interviewing somebody he knew exactly why he's arrested he knew exactly what was going to be questioned about and chose to say no comment all the way through the interview but this was the end for Jaggers DNA tests confirm he's cursed his father it was at that time then he changed his plea to guilty um and then obviously was convicted and sentenced in May 2005 David Jaggers is convicted of kidnap rape making threats to kill use of an imitation firearm and finally three counts of incest the rapes of his sister Vicky 18 years earlier he is given an 11-year determinant sentence to run alongside a life sentence with a minimum Tariff of six years we know the judge sent when sentencing Jaggers to life imprisonment said that he had a very disturbed childhood that helps me understand what led to the sequence of these events this individual has been created you know he has got serious issues from childhood from my experience of David Jagger's ECS are very damaged individual what damaged him or who damaged him I don't know something must have happened to him or he must be ill to have behaved in the way that he did despite David Jagger's despicable crimes the families and the victims Left Behind have remained strong if we all destroy ourselves he's going to love that sitting in prison he's won an A and he ain't about who's winning in a game so we have to be strong for each other you ain't got no choice in life you've either got crack up or carry on I think we were the only sisters that didn't actually argue markets don't stop yeah [Laughter] they were the kids in that situation they have grown up knowing that the only other shared experience the only other person you can truly relate to that the only person you can Comfort them in those moments where they haven't got a Mother's Day card prepared they don't have a celebration of a birthday they don't have somebody to comfort them in the way that only a mother can they have each other and they can Comfort one another and that in a way is where David loses his power because these children became women who have a strong lifelong bond that a mother would be proud of and yeah it might be a stronger person [Music] um ruined ruined to the first part of my life but made me a stronger person in in adult life everything had been on hold it's as if life had been on hold and um and the release and Vicky actually got a nice sleep when everything's over you realize and you realize why and it puts everything into place so you're able to move on but because that jigsaw is now complete all right and now we're on a new one and it doesn't involve him what almost destroyed Vicky now gives her the strength to carry on her family my family is everything to me um I wouldn't be here without them I really truly believe that if I hadn't have had my kids I wouldn't be here today and he would have actually won [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: True Lives
Views: 325,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: our life, documentary, world documentary, documentary channel, award winning, life stories, best documentaries, daily life, real world, point of view, story, full documentary, documentaries, real life, Britain's darkest taboos, Britain's Darkest Taboos, True Crime, true crime, serial killer
Id: 5CRZlJJ25ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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