I Gave A+'s To My DUMBEST Students... | Papers Grade Please!

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get the official be kind collection from kindlykian.shop available now are my students complete failures if i'm their teacher probably [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome to papers grade please a game that has me very concerned about my basic knowledge of elementary school level things i'm expected to grade these students but i'm also expected to know the right answers to these questions that's going to be an interesting situation this kid is very confident that this is america it's not got bad news for you kiddo that's an f and i got i i get an xp streak because i'm so good at this game i have failed as a teacher clearly um this is not florida that's india let's go ahead and give her an f i'm sorry but i'm not because you're not very smart we got a winner here we got a kid who actually knows something give him an a give him an a plus that's all it takes you just need to know where the us is my standards are so low i made 120 bucks for grading three kids papers that seems pretty good oh okay i see so now i can upgrade my school with the money that i've earned i like this look at how much better that is now you actually know that it's a school because before it just looked like a pile of garbage i like the name of my school hyper high school does that imply that all of my students are incredibly hyper i don't know let's just let's play let's answer some more questions let's try not to embarrass ourselves as the teacher of these brilliant minds draw a flower you know what you've done it a plus for you kiddo draw a cloud my dog ate the drawing really really this kid had time to write my dog ate the drawing which probably took longer than it would actually take to draw a cloud that's going to be an f yeah make a line i i've truly failed these kids i've failed them i mean i'll take the money but man that's pretty bad let's go to our next class i hope these kids start getting a little bit smarter just a little bit that is very good well done stanley you you answered that one correctly find a look at you stacy you found cat jonathan my my dear sweet jonathan unicorn a flying unicorn is not a verb i do have to say though that is a beautiful drawing it is it is very nice i'm so tempted to just give you an a because it is so absurdly glorious and dumb but jonathan i have to give you an f i'm sorry gosh these kids at least they give us some laughs at least they give us some laughs hey we can upgrade let's do it yo we're moving up in the world of teaching also what are these buttons down here you can like oh you can change your teacher okay i like the dude who i am very snazzy dresser what about the students oh amelia oh okay so there are actually names i was just giving them random names dora the explorer elijah elijah looks mad you gotta chill out elijah oh and then our classroom of course it actually is in very bad shape what are you guys doing pretending that you're like on a ship or something you found you found an island it's happening wait what there's like mini games gym class drag into position what tap to exercise i don't understand what it wants me to do but uh what oh draw okay okay i'm doing a squat and then i'm putting my left arm up and then i'm putting my right arm over there and then they're all going to imitate me okay okay this is so weird okay all right so we're basically like doing a little dance and then and then we tap what is this maneuver how does this qualify his gym class oh my goodness that was amazing next class please all right they're actually the questions are getting a little bit harder i'm not saying they're hard but they're a little bit harder so the moon orbits what leo here he got it right he got it right a plus dude well done name each part of the treat leaves and trunk wow gregory you've done it a plus okay susie the first cells were probably oh susie i really want to give you an a plus just for making me laugh so good but uh it's incorrect and her name was actually amelia so i don't even know the names of my students big deal whoa home econ protect your egg baby no scratches no breaks and i appreciate that you gave your little egg baby a shrek hat it's actually an ogre it's an ogre egg uh looks good to me i don't know if i can move the the egg around i can't see the the back of it that's fine you get an a plus well done bring me your egg no cool hats but it looks pretty good to me a plus what is happening oh my goodness i wish i could give an even better score than an a plus an s s plus that is adorable a plus man all three of my students lucas emma josh setting the standard setting the bar so high now my expectations are going to be way too high for the rest of the students well done to all three of you let's go back to the classroom and let's do some upgrading i want to upgrade my classroom i feel like it desperately needs this uh get a bookshelf get some plants going can we fix the windows that'd be really nice how about abc's these kids look way too old to be learning their abcs but you know what we'll give them whatever it is they need i kind of want to watch the ads to get the skeleton and the the science thing going on you know what let's do it one minute 37 seconds later yo that's a much better looking classroom still a little messed up with the broken windows and the unpainted walls and whatnot but we'll ignore that for now and let's give our school another little upgrade we got the money we got basketball court now it's like a weird curved basketball court but whatever which country canada well done draw a means of transportation via water i like how he actually wrote boat next to the boat a-plus beautiful the shape of the artist tina tina tina tina i gotta give you an f you haven't been watching my solar smash videos oh her name was sandy tina sandy it's the same thing we got some money to spend and that is precisely what i am going to do oh i see okay so we can upgrade different sections of the school if i upgrade the main part of the school does it improve the look of the classroom no it does not oh wait upgrade oh here we go okay let's get a new floor dude new windows and new walls you guys earned it except for sandy and a new ceiling while we're at it there you go beautiful you guys want new desks too bad i don't wanna watch an ad oh all right i'll get you new desks a few minutes later congratulations you all have new desks to stand on and pretend that they're on a ship or whatever it is that you kids do oh it's recess time okay let's do it i'm gonna get 300 bucks just for going out into the recess yard move around to break up the fights oh my goodness uh okay here i am i have to keep an eye out for oh hey stop it stop it youtube quit that troublemakers why aren't they actually playing they're just beating each other up what is wrong with this school stop don't fight it's stop please okay hey we made some cash and i got an a plus a perfect i didn't realize that teachers actually get grades too complete with the right number five plus four is indeed nine well done a plus paint two quarters of the circle you know what you did it fantastic job find the x to be fair he did find the x i mean i can't really argue with that what it was asking for is the number that x actually is which for the record i don't think i could do i think it's the pythagorean theorem but i don't really remember and a lot of you are probably going to call me out on that but in ted's defense here he did find the x and that was the questions i feel like i need to give him an f to continue my xp streak but i also deep down in my soul i want to give him an a plus for for just being creative i'm sorry to do this to you ted you get an f i got to keep this streak alive maybe we'll play around with the idea of giving all the students who answer problems correctly f's and all the students who answer the problems creatively a's i don't mind being the world's worst teacher oh oh my okay it's it's science time um what so am i giving him instructions on how to make this volcano erupt so like you go you go oh oh okay you fill it up with the little blue you fill it up with a little pink and then you fill it up some more with some blue and then you get yourself an amazing uh volcano look at that it spews confetti that's that's science at work oh my this is much more complicated all right lauren you gotta make this so hard on me but i feel like i'm the one doing the work here okay i did pass the line a little bit there and that's that's bad i'm gonna let you guys know that that's that's not great do i still get an a uh okay she looked very concerned for a second there okay now we go we go purple we go blue we go wait a little bit more blue a little bit more blue okay and then we go back to purple that's that's an a plus i like how the students presented me with this project and i feel like i'm the one who did the project let's go back to our school let's do some upgrading and i feel like we should upgrade stuff like around the school yeah like the playground much better much more usable what is this the lunch area maybe okay so before they were just sitting on like wood planks on the ground i'm glad that we could give them something a little bit better let's improve the playground a little bit more and you know what while we're at it give them better cafeteria oh my gosh they have a donut shop now that's kind of amazing draw a cow i had such high hopes too you know i thought finally these kids were we're starting to understand things were starting to click that's gonna be an f bud draw an object that flies that's that's an object that flies you did it the mona lisa is a famous type of food yep okay that's gonna be an f congratulations dora you're very dumb what's going on in the students section oh oh i can upgrade my students i can give them exciting new looks i can give amelia a shrek hat you know what amelia congratulations you are the most fashionable student i've ever had and dora you get a diver helmet let's uh continue shall we school dance oh my goodness am i like a chaperone i sure am separate couples dancing too close okay how do i do that i don't know there you're getting too close nope back off you guys get nope stop stop that get out of here okay i don't i can't even tell when they're dancing too close and i'm just like spotlighting them i guess with my little remote control so i can't even be bothered to stand up to separate these kids i gotta use a spotlight to embarrass them what's the common name of the composite what does it i okay we're getting into some higher level language stuff here and uh i d don't know what is the actual answer i'm guessing this is wrong f okay i mean i was right but i don't know why i mean i totally know why i'm a very very intelligent teacher name the shape and f complete the correct plural brushes that is correct well done he just what he just scratched out the question i think the question is how many vowels have the word car there was no question so i get an a plus the wording of the question is kind of weird right how many vowels have the word car shouldn't it be how many vowels are in the word car so i worded the question wrong so actually but i know the game wants me to give him an f we're changing things up now i'm a new teacher i recognize the fault in my ways i need to be more creative like these students you know what a plus bud you're great lucas you're great i don't care if the school grades me with the b these students need to be recognized for their creativity we're changing things around let's go back into the school what planet has rings saturn incorrect i don't have a quippy response because i know it's the correct answer but you get an f because that's the way we're rolling i'll give you 30 dollars whatever i don't care matter is pulled to the ground by aliens of course a plus guys are brilliant brilliant minds what happens if i mess this up oh my goodness i'm just gonna fill it completely up with the pink goo [Laughter] either way it's safe to say i'm probably the best teacher ever let's go with that
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,096,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, mobile, funny, new, new mobile, mobile game, android, ios, new game, funny game, papers grade, teacher game, school game
Id: J7sEDfsHUkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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