I Froze 2 Nissan LEAFs For A Cold Weather Experiment! And It Didn't Go To Plan...

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new towing service out of spec it's just it's just slime into another out of spec reviews video it is one o'clock in the morning it is 18 degrees below zero fahrenheit really coming up on minus 30 degrees Celsius properly cold those lights just turn off on us yep yeah the camera's out everyone's uh shutting lights off around here um and I got two Nissan Leafs behind me that I've totally cold soaked you know we do a lot of things with expensive cars on this channel we did a Tesla you know plugging into a supercharger with a frozen battery pack we've been doing a whole bunch of other experiments in the cold and well I wanted to um bring it down to earth a little bit you guys know I own at least it was at the time it might be now the cheapest electric car for sale in the country I bought a Nissan Leaf that is pretty much fully functional uh for 3 700 bucks and uh this uh one covered in snow right over here also Nissan has sent us a brand new Leaf I asked for one to do a little comparison with so you'll see other videos on this and this is the new Leaf 62 kilowatt hour 64 kilowatt hour uh this one's the SV plus it's the mid-spec we've reviewed uh this this car many times but now that I have the old Leaf I was like oh let's do some comparisons and well I think it's kind of cool we have the smallest and the biggest Nissan Leaf battery pack ever offered the 24 kilowatt hour and again that 60 plus kilowatt hour pack I've cold soaked them both they're both sitting at the exact same state of charge or at least I left them with the exact same state of charge let's see if they even charge if the battery heater is enough to even get them going will they even start I have no idea I have no experience with Leaf in the cold um let's start with the old school one and then see the improvements into the new one basically the cars are just ice bricks and we're going to plug them in and see what happens the premise behind this we just did this with the Tesla Model 3 Performance and hopefully you guys enjoyed that thought it was kind of interesting took 45 minutes on that car before it even started charging now I want to know what the leaf logic is like really cold I can't even feel my face right now so let's do this quicker rather than slower see uh what keys I have I have Audi Keys we we're doing so many experiments tonight this is my lead there it is you can see it lighting up under there okay I'm gonna pull it around [Music] start oh no well it wants to do it's trying she's too chilly I think what's probably happening is the 12 volt battery it's too cold uh I think we might need to jump the 12 volt let me turn off the lights in here headlights off yeah everything's blinking I got the transmission light on it doesn't know what to do come on in take a look at this key is not detected I got the key right here oh no the poor old Leaf won't start I think we broke it oh no turn off the light the lights are off I'm hitting the start button this is not uh this is not starting without probably a 12 volt uh jump box of some kind so I guess it's a point of comparison see if the new one starts shall we then I think we'll run and grab the 12 volt jump box hook it up and that should be enough to get it to kick the high voltage systems on it also has a solar panel because this is the SL version this is the top spec Nissan Leaf by the way especially with that it's not going to help us much right now but right here is a solar panel and this is supposed to charge the 12 volt battery up all right let's see what happens with the new one shall we join me over here I think they have better electrical supply yeah it's lit up like a Christmas tree in here and it's fired right up I just heard the contactor go speedometer went 43 state of charge that's really weird I think I only charged it to 39 so it magically gained energy don't know how that works um let's just see what happens when we plug this one in we'll do that one later I don't know should be kind of interesting [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] went Full Throttle to see if it would break didn't care um that's just the leaf thing isn't it they're really Hardy Vehicles you see these things up in the Arctic Circle in the the uh Scandinavian touches and you're like what is a leaf doing on studded tires up here and then you're like oh it's actually built pretty well for this stuff Leafs hate the cold there's no active cooling um uh yeah but but in the cold whatever I try to say they hate the heat yeah there's no active cooling they love the cold it's one in the morning we're freezing let's try this out foreign [Applause] I think I'm gonna get frostbite just by touching it do you want me to do it I'm gonna lift up for it are burning Secret yeah activate it my pinky is literally Frozen okay let's uh let's go to the truck connector [Applause] heated steering wheel nice okay charger number one swipe the charge let's just drive up there it'll be nicer yeah um and uh here let's see what happens here we're not actually blocking any stations because none of these work none uh charging start error of course why don't you no that's okay I that thing was so cold you know when you like burn your hands yeah that's cool yeah frostbite that was really wild um let me just go see what the charging error is on this we might have like a failed video here I don't even know what I was attempting to show everyone I really wanted to see okay the old leave took an hour to start charging the new Leaf took 20 minutes to start charging that was my idea but this thing doesn't even want to charge that one doesn't stop just says charger error okay well that's not a surprise is it um let me try reconnecting see if we can get the old Ice Cube and Juice It Up if not it'll be warmer tomorrow and we can try it then here I'm gonna redo this process all right I just gave Kyle my gloves I believe that helps a bit but it seems that this cable is just so Frozen right now everything is just so so cold hopefully that worked well I'll tell you one thing the chadamo plug thanks for the gloves by the way I'll tell you one thing the chat about plug uh you gotta turn the music off uh does not like the cold it's totally uh they seem to like shrink at different rates there we go initiating charging yeah I know it's got the light uh well I think it's actually trying to charge yeah it says welcome Kyle you monitor the session here says it's at one percent that's not accurate okay 15 seconds ago how fast will it charge I mean it's really cold out there obviously um if I was the leaf I wouldn't accept any power at all I think we need to run over the charger to get accurate uh accurate data let's let's hop out let's go check on this thing yeah four kilowatts that's really pretty good I still can't believe that I uh parked it at 39 which is what that one was at yeah because I used leaf spy on that I think that's I may have left the OBD plug in it and that's why it's kind of dying poor thing but four kilowatts holy smokes look at this 255 minutes left until 85 percent that's not terrible that's crazy so um it's charging yeah totally totally charging that's that's a shock now I wonder if the four kilowatts just the battery heater let's actually jump in the leaf and see what it says on the screens here I'm curious I don't remember what these really tell you when they're charging Let's see we are in the leaf right now it says charge plug is connected okay let's kick on the uh accessory modes there we go we're on charge plug is connected okay we're still pulling four kilowatts 2.6 miles per kilowatt hour that's what I got driving over here because it was so cold let's go over here to the charge menu battery pack in the cold battery capacity full mine is not full and 3.4 kilowatts 3.3 kilowatts interesting see what happens if we go full Heat full fan oh boy it's actually going down very interesting see that so probably what that is showing is what's going in the battery so if I turn this off that should go up 2.6 7 8 9 3. so this is what's actually going into the battery pack it's allowing it to charge the leaf says minus five degrees it's definitely colder than that um wow I'm surprised it's even charging [Music] um that's a that's a surprise so it just in full comparison we took our Tesla Model 3 Performance just earlier this evening it was -12 when we did that test that car sat we dropped all the cars off on the same time roughly for two days and turned into an ice brick and um that car took 45 minutes before it accepted any power into the battery pack it right a seven kilowatt heater for 45 minutes before it was like yes give me even the slightest drop of juice and this thing's just like yeah three kilowatts into the battery crazy um wow a heated steering wheel heated seats I wonder what this would do to battery capacity I don't know but that's a really interesting situation that it's even allowing it to charge the charger claims it's outputting three kilowatts we're getting 3.7 into the battery pack I assume maybe Leaf owners would know different but uh wow I would be really curious to see what mine gets uh yeah we got to get the 12 volt jump box for it 3.8 kilowatts now nice well the old Leaf I can actually go over here as well take a look at this to energy usage uh it doesn't really tell us much does it this is just electric motor other systems predicting 83 miles of range at 43 that's pretty good better than your e-tron EV info driving range nearby EV settings battery and power alerts nothing nothing yeah interesting so it's it's charging so what do you say we run get the 12 volt jump box see if we can get ours going while we let this charge and warm up and we'll come back and see if it's Juiced up anymore okay yep and we're at a gas station right down the road to see if there's a jumper thingy started um hopefully so so we can complete this no such luck again you may have to run home we know where it is at home no idea oh goody we are back with the old leaf I don't know if you can hear that it's trying to do something it's trying to wake up and become alive shows no indication inside the vehicle of course okay let's see if we can find a jump box I think I actually have one in here believe it or not from a last prior incident I gotta look for it we are now 21 minutes into this charging session and we have approached five kilowatts being delivered honestly so far beating the Tesla Model 3 with cold weather performance at the risk of battery degradation I don't know you guys tell me is the chemistry in this car better you guys are better some of you are much better chemistry experts than I am I want to learn more and that's partially why I'm doing these cold weather tests so I can learn more but um yeah we've delivered 1.7 kilowatt hours I don't know how much that's gotten to battery heating no noise is really happening here but uh yeah we'll let this thing go we gotta find a way to get the old Leaf jumped and going well a little update on our plan I think what we're gonna do is give each car a one hour charging session to see how many kilowatt hours it can accept in that one hour now we have so many different experiments to do and this is probably the least interesting one I think it's cool because we're not doing expensive car stuff this is I love fun cheap cars not to say that the new Leaf is cheap that's quite an expensive car especially in the context of Bolt and others things 38 thousand dollars as tested but my lease only three grand uh and I'd rather have 10 of my Leafs than one of these it but that'll be a video for another day um so yeah this is gaining a percentage for sure this is a 53 state of charge so far we're 51 minutes into it it's peak of five kilowatts but uh I think what we'll do as soon as it's done charging we'll bring it over plug my leaf in with the 12 volt jump so situation and it just needs just a bit to get the high voltage contactor to go once it does the DC to DC booster will start charging the high voltage battery and uh it should charge no problem I don't know if it'll accept any charge um and that'll be that that'll be kind of interesting we'll give that an hour to do what it does now I'd also really be curious to see if we drive them around a little bit warm them up if we yo-yo the hell out of them Drive the piss out about how much faster they'll charge after that but I don't think we have time to do that tonight if you're curious I can always do those experiments with my leaf it just won't be in the crazy cold temperatures but we can still do that even when it's you know below freezing easily any night we are now 60 Minutes in we're sort of making up the rules as we go and five kilowatt hours 5.2350 have been delivered and of course it's pulling five kilowatts so that adds up and makes sense we've gone from 43 to 55 state of charge with only five kilowatt hours hmm that doesn't make so much sense the leaf I think sends some weird state of charge reporting signals in uh cold temperatures or really just all the time related to charging so anyway that's what uh my old Leaf let's see how close it can get I I would be surprised if we even get one kilowatt hour in an hour that would be a win I would say so let's pull this around let's jump start the old girls that thing was making some bad noises good thing we're never selling it because I would never want to sell it to anyone after all the noises I just heard coming out of it feels so bad it's a poor car it's like a sad puppy hopefully it starts up and um yeah let's stop charging on this it would take hours for this car to charge I mean on a it would just this is what if you were a leaf owner and this is genuinely the only fast charger working all the new ones don't work we made a video about that a few days ago uh what if you just like arrived here at zero percent and then wanted to go full and it took 10 hours there's no nothing stopping you from doing that no crazy isn't it I also tried the rivian again on the new Chargers no work still days later the same issue so it must not be software it must be a hardware problem Okay so we're gonna have to pop the hood Colton if you were watching that you're welcome sorry to do some swirls all right let me pull it around to the uh to the race car she made it yeah Target since we're done with this car for the test just to keep the heat blasting let's see that's our culprit right there 12 volt system man it's amazing how they used the exact same hood rod these are the same so we go black to red and red to Black right right yep I actually think one of my clamps was on a plastic surround so now I got it all metal to metal oh yeah look at this thing lighten up it says shift to prange huh it doesn't make any sense break and start button when parked apply parking rig he is dead is it on no [Music] it doesn't it's not in a gear it's got like a full transmission fault here let's try shutting it off yeah see we have the actual like gearbox error when parked applied parking brake parking brakes applied ikey system fault [Music] oh yeah all the good clicks it's good wow the gauges are going so low also take a look at this I think it really lost quite a bit of charge it says five miles left I parked it at 38 state of charge no temperature on the battery pack if you take a look there holy smokes all right let's disconnect them the the 12 volt booster should be engaged now so it should have enough juice to run on its own wow this poor car that's why we got it we're doing experiments and I think eventually we're going to end up putting the big 62 kilowatt hour battery pack in it yeah all right let's disconnect the uh tables yep well that really worked out great good job New Leaf helping out and grandfather the front ends look totally different The Heist well I'm going to keep these in the ribbian all righty There She Goes Felicia's go in reverse it's actually sucking a lot of snow so that's gonna be another problem oh easy never underestimate the leaf kind of does look like a cockroach oh look at that wheel spin it's definitely it's just the Cockroach era of cars they'll never die oh initiated for you hey thanks so much appreciate that let's uh get it plugged in so it was in Turtle mode it shows four miles of range there's zero bars on the battery temperature I just can't believe it lost that much I wonder if it was just trying to keep the 12 volt alive or yeah what happened there but I know it needs a new 12 volt battery pack but we're in I think yeah initiating charging will it even charge will it blend wow this poor this poor thing it's a good thing we're going to be recycling this battery pack at some point uh-oh vehicle timeout plug and reconnect okay well somehow it released the connector but I think we have to re-jump start the leaf because plugging it in uh shut it off so I think actually what I'm gonna do is just jump start it and put it back over here and then tomorrow it should be above freezing it'll be like 40 degrees and that'll be a little bit better for it I know the battery can charge then on chadamo so I'm just going to pull it back over here and uh no charging test for this one but I hope this has been a little bit interesting those two bars that we had in the battery the four miles projected it's got nothing now it won't even go into gear so we're gonna put it in neutral and we're just gonna roll it back over here okay and we'll deal with it when it's warmer yeah this poor battery is going to sit dead and deep Frozen does this mean I gotta push this means we're gonna have to push it uphill tomorrow not much but we'll just back it over here for now it shouldn't be a big deal okay and uh all right so this has gotten to dire situation the Leaf's dead there's nothing we can do to get it going it won't charge because the battery's a brick we can't turn it on because instead like we can turn it on put it in neutral but then we're 12 volt connected to the other leaf and we can't roll it back so we're we're resorting to Brute Force so I got the recovery strap out I've hooked it up to one of the rivian's recovery points it's a little janky but we're going four feet so don't don't worry too much this is out of spec style here we're not professionals and we're gonna do uh the thing that I hate to do the most which is I'm just going to yank the thing back which makes makes my heart hurt a little bit for the parking paw and the transmission I wish there was a way we could get it into neutral but unfortunately when we're in uh neutral we disconnected the uh other Leaf the high voltage battery won't kick on the whole thing shut off and it went to park so we're just gonna have to yank it on the little trailer hitch back here it's pretty icy yeah thankfully it's pretty icy so it shouldn't put too much stress on anything but um might have some flat spots on every tire no I don't think I think if anything we're going to rip the trailer hitch out of the car that's fine too yeah well until it comes flying through our windshield yeah I just want you to keep tension I'm gonna back the rivian up really slowly okay and then you just go really far away okay all right so hold on to this one foreign [Music] this is just and she slides oh my gosh welcome to the day in a life that's good [Applause] that worked out pretty good [Applause] nice hey well that's what we should do if you ever have a leaf blocking your charging station for an hour charger um yeah new towing service out of spec oh gosh guys I'm driving the leaf and I don't think I'm gonna bring it back to the charging station mostly because there's a hill over here and I don't think I'd be able to get up the hill uh the tire on this is just really not so good so here I'll demonstrate a full braking situation this is already gone I've had to go so slow but then carry momentum for Hills I mean I don't mind driving in Slippery conditions when no one else is around right no problem but I wouldn't want to drive this with other cars around me and um yeah I think we just call it a video sort of a failed Leaf experiment today look I'm coming over this crested at 30 miles an hour just as a reference and I'm going to hit the brakes on the downhill here in just a moment when it kind of levels out so I don't go off the edge but look 30 miles an hour here we go full brakes that's full brakes can see speedometers all over the place I think we're accelerating I'm as hard as I can stand on the brake pedal I'm in the deep snow over here if I go over here to the ice pretty much no break still full brakes no one's behind us of course still full breaks I haven't stopped yet and I think I don't think we'd make it up this hill I also think it's probably a bit dangerous to drive with this tire on this surface I mean this is she ice and so that's why Alyssa is able to just drive like a freaking Maniac because she has studded gnocchi and winter tires but look I'm just I don't know are we gonna make the turn yes because we have deep snow in the middle thankfully uh but let's get all of our speed off first off the brakes and very gently come down this road I think I'm Gonna Leave the leaf over here for safety and you can see any bit of acceleration just triggers traction control by the way I do think it's worth a comment I have not noticed any increase in regen but just now the battery temperature went up one bar so it definitely is warming it up even though I'm not able to get much power output out of it and definitely not much regen uh it definitely seems to be running some sort of heater you can see minus 16 degrees Fahrenheit indicated minus 18 degrees Fahrenheit indicated just crazy cold so I say we leave the leaf here and uh we'll pick it up on a warmer day and you know what sometimes not all things go to plan but we have four other videos to shoot tonight it's already 2 35 and as long as those go to plan then cool with me so thanks for watching another out of spec reviews video we'll see you on another one soon oh man keep an eye on my personal channel to see how we rescue our leaf if you're curious
Channel: Out of Spec Reviews
Views: 292,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Review, Acceleration, Braking, POV, Handling, Test, VS, Comparison, Interior, Exterior, Supercar, Hypercar, Sedan, SUV, CUV, TFL, Redline Reviews, Motor1, sports car
Id: 3mvUF4dJJcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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