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today we will be finding zebra Sonic in Roblox and we are going to be doing that in Sonic Speed simulator guys it's been so long since we've played this game I know a lot of you guys have been missing it out there I keep seeing you know where's the Sonic Speed simulator vids well today we got one for you we're gonna be getting zebra Sonic now I don't know what made the devs of this game put in uh Sonic mixed with a zebra but you know what I am all forward today by the way and let me know in the comments what is your favorite Sonic Speed simulator skin first of all we're gonna go ahead and switch currently we have Renegade Knuckles on but I kind of want my boy Sonic you know it is time so we're gonna equip some Sonic here at least you know until we get Batman right here oh look at zebra Sonic my man is looking real nice with his zebra fit on in the shades what do we have to do to get this character though collect chaos orbs we gotta have a good amount of boost time we gotta complete some races rail grind and Destroy bad Knicks okay but you know what we got a lot to do today so I think the first thing we're gonna try to accomplish here is maybe get a okay a quest complete I don't know what I just completed but like I was trying to say the first things that we're gonna complete are the orbs right here we're gonna collect as many of these as we can and we're gonna do the Boost because as you know as long as you're collecting orbs you can just like continuously boost in this game so I'm gonna boost as far and as long as I can and you know gather as many of these orbs as I can let me know in the comments guys if you have zebra Sonic already how long did it take you to get this character I remember back in the day when we to play this game like every other day as some challenges they used to take us like almost all day to do let me know how long this one took you we are actually flying through this right now by the way I don't know how at least a minute straight right now I actually want to stop hold on let me go ahead and stop well you can see right here we go to zebra Sonic we already collected a thousand chaos orbs all right so that was pretty easy and now we just gotta knock out the Boost time which is 600 seconds all right and that should be you know pretty simple all we got to do is I guess just keep running around like we're running there should be like an easier way to do this though right I I don't know so we're gonna keep doing it on my way we're just gonna keep collecting and boosting by the way wait till the end of this video we are going to be doing some races and whatnot with Mr zebra Sonic I'm actually excited to see the way that character looks as we use him actually I don't know why it's been a long time since we've seen anything different with my boy Sonic by the way guys comments if you've been missing in the Sonic Speed simulator vids and you know if you want me to make more throw me out some ideas say whatever you want I'll make it by the way I don't know what all these things are it's a folder with a question mark on it and if I collect it I don't always says find 40 investigation Clues I don't know what that's to just yet but we're not going to be finding all those Clues at the moment like I said we are looking for zebra Sonic that is literally our only Mission we've got too much to do to be collecting some investigation files is that like to unlock a skin or something like that if you know what that's for let me know in the comments hold up I'm running the ocean all right we've been boosting for a hot minute here let's go ahead and see how much we have the 218 out of 600 we're still not even halfway yet bro I have been boosting out here man you got a boost for so long how many minutes is 600 seconds does anybody know how long that is well if you didn't know 600 seconds is 10 whole minutes so basically we have to be boosting in here for 10 minutes and you know what we've made some good progress so far I think I'm gonna go to another map by the way I don't know if Green Hill is the best place to you know continuously boost I feel like there's definitely other spots that are better like you know maybe one of the new maps or something like that if you know where the best spot to boost is let me know in the comments City we've got Emerald Hill and uh well let's go to New York all right now as we can see over on this map you know it is a lot bigger I feel like but now I don't even see any orbs bro what were the okay there's some orbs this city might be the worst for boosting bro what in the world you know what get me off of New York all right well we definitely wasted a little bit of time there but we are now back on Green Hill and you know hopefully we can speed this process up a little bit I'm just trying to boost as long as we possibly can and you know to shorten down this time to get zebra Sonic we're on a really good path right now I can tell you that much ladies and gentlemen all we gotta do make sure we collect the orbs and you know we'll just keep on posting by the way I don't think it's the orbs that give you the uh the energy look at this I'm collecting orbs and it's not giving me any types of energy but if I walk next to the Rings they boost up my energy okay I was wrong it's all rings so if you're at a place that has a bunch of rings then that is how you keep on boosting I thought it was orbs this whole time guys it's been a minute since I played this game I have no clue what I'm talking about at the moment but now we do all we got to do is keep collecting Rings instead of orbs I mean I guess orbs give us some XP and whatnot but that is not what we're looking for ladies and gentlemen we are solely looking for the Rings so we can get the energy I feel like this map might actually be the best map for boosting by the way there's like a bunch of lines of rings so like every so often you'll just come across you know a big line of rings and you can just continuously boost and if you want to look at a little bit of grinding railage so yes my advice if you're getting zebra Sonic and you know you haven't gotten them yet stay on for the Rings and uh well if there's something better let me know in the comments we should be getting very close to beating this challenge finally I've been doing it let me go ahead and see actually we have 521 out of 600. that means we pretty much need just a little bit over one more minute of continuous boost and then we should be able to move to the next challenge which I'm pretty sure has to do with this grinding rail right here which by the way shouldn't be that difficult I think the only thing that you have to do is like grind on the rail for 25 000 points and you get you know a couple thousand every single time you hop on one of those rails so like I said it should be pretty easy to do all right guys all we need is about 10 more seconds of the Boost and we should okay really I bumped into a tree let me check how much do we need we literally need seven more seconds I would have got it if I wouldn't have bumped into that tree that's all right because we will get it right now let's go ahead and see if it completes and I'm just gonna check it yup there we go 600 out of 600. now let's move on to the the rail grind points we have 7 000 currently and let's see how much it gives us if we just rail grind right here we went from seven thousand to nine thousand and all we need is twenty five thousand so basically what I'm telling you is that this challenge should be pretty easy especially if we can just jump up here and hit him okay I missed the rail let me try that one more time real quick and how did I miss it that time okay everybody relax now I'm just gonna hook onto this there we go finally now we can get some rail points on a longer rail and maybe we can even get it when we hit the and here oh I didn't even know this rail was up at the top of this map they've been doing some updates bro and I have not been attending but I am happy to be back on this game who's happy about us playing sonic speed Sim Again by the way we're at 17 000 rail grind points so all I gotta do is hit this thing one more time and I think we should be good to go there we go I'm gonna go ahead and grind this rail all the way up to the top again and maybe once we get to the end we will have that 25 000 pointage that we need and we won't have to do anything else with the rails really look how many points I have right now actually never mind we completed it 25 000 is complete so now the next thing should we destroy bad Knicks or should we complete races I think we're gonna go to the races there's currently one in progress so right now I think what we're gonna do is destroy a few bad Knicks where's a really good spot to destroy these things because we gotta do 500 and all I'm saying is like groups of three bro like look at these people right here there's only groups of three bad Knicks on this map there's got to be a better spot somewhere does this guy count as a bad Nick by the way we've destroyed oh hold up now we have 48 out of 500 but if I destroy one of these I think it counts as like three yeah literally after I destroyed him we now have 54. okay these giant robots count as three of them so if you're still working on this challenge go to New York City locate all of the big robots and just destroy them I think it only takes like two hits for me I don't know how much it will be for you but this seems like the best way to do this challenge all you gotta do destroy the robots it seems better than finding you know one by one and doing it literally 500 times at least this way you could kind of you know you destroy one robot you get three so when you find their groups of three it's basically like you're destroying nine Bad Knicks instead of just three after this group I want to see how many we've done already actually three more bad Nicks well technically nine and we've destroyed already 111. you see what I'm saying I thought this was gonna be the hardest challenge but since we found this out and this might be one of the easiest let me know what you had the hardest time doing in the comments was it the bad Knicks was it the racing oh let me know all right finally the next race is gonna start too so we can go ahead and knock out a race and you can see the bad next we've already destroyed of them but so far I'm telling you New York City is the place for these bad Nicks all right here we go in the first race of the day somebody back there said I'm a fan big shout out to that guy but I'm sorry buddy right now I've got a win me a race I really don't know if we have to win or if we just have to complete it I can tell you one thing this race is one that I've never done but it is kind of cool at the same time if you guys have a favorite race let me know what map is the best right now I mean I really like the way this map has been going bro it's a really okay other than that I bumped straight into a wall we're about halfway done with the race right now and I did not know they made these these so long now it's kind of crazy bro I've been running on this map for almost a minute now usually they took you like what maybe 20 seconds to complete now they take you at at least over a minute right and um my boy Sonic he's just running his little life away oh wait a minute finally we are coming up on the end what was our time we got a time of one minute and 30 seconds and not that great but let's check if okay that did work we completed one out of five races all right back in New York City I think the move right now is every single time a race pops up we're gonna click join and then you know it takes us about 30 seconds for us to actually get into the race so during that time we will just destroy as many bad Knicks as possible because I think we have yeah we have like 330 destroyed right now okay yeah and right when I say that it throws us into a race where we are going to be racing this man right is that zebra Sonic we are going to be racing against zebra Sonic my boy I'm trying to you know what I don't even want to look at him we're going to be looking at our own zebra Sonic very shortly but for right now I can't move anyway well I was gonna say we're blasting off but oh there we go finally we are blasting off officially now and we're gonna try to actually win this race today we lost our last one but you know I didn't really know what I was doing now my boy Sonic we 100 know what we're doing we're winning us a race now am I lying at this very moment in time I might be because wait a minute I think I'm in first at the moment the only problem with being in first is I have no clue really where I'm going I'm just kind of guessing where I am but you know what don't even worry about it because it's kind of working out for us right now we are still in first place and oh you know what as long as we beat our time of one minute and a half I will be one happy camper all we gotta do also is just you know not not fall off the map come on no way I think we got first I don't know if you guys saw but at the very end zebra Sonic snuck right under me and if he just got first place I'm gonna be so mad let me see it's a he got first no way wow that is actually impossible let me see the time look we both got a time of one minute and 10 in seconds and somehow his was faster I led literally the entire race you know what that's fine let's go back to New York City and do our challenges I mean we did beat our personal mess it was one minute and 30 seconds We Beat It by 20 seconds but bro we definitely won that race I'm calling that a win in our book ladies and gentlemen another race is about to start right now but in the meantime like I did the last time we are destroying a few more bad Nicks oh and this race is different we are now on a hoverboard with my boy summer Sonic Challenger has appeared win the race for bonus rewards wait a minute who is Challenger what what in the world is this man talking about I don't know but I'm winning this race we are not coming in second at this time ladies and gentlemen I promise oh no that is a horrible start okay there we go we did speed it back up a little bit but like I said guys I have not played this game in a long time and I don't really know how the races go I don't know the map don't worry about it guys we are currently in first place but just like last time that can change in an instant bro I thought we were winning last game and somehow we didn't end up winning come on Cappy's speed did we get it I don't know we got second place again okay you know what it doesn't matter back to New York all right here we go back to destroying a bunch of robots I actually need to check on how much we've actually destroyed let me go back here 399 out of 500. so all we got to do is destroy like I don't know like 30 more of these and that's really not bad because all we're gonna do is keep destroying until you know the race pops back up we're gonna hop in the race and we're gonna be back it's a long drawn out process guys but if you just kind of follow what I've been doing this whole time you'll get zebra Sonic in maybe like 45 minutes it doesn't take that long it just feels like it's taken a long time while you're doing it but it's really only like 45 minutes and now for some reason that race that we just completed is still going on so we haven't been able to get into another one but what we have been able to do let's check it out we destroyed 500 bad Nicks now all we need to do is complete two more races and we will have that man zebra Sonic I'm excited bro get me in another race all right here we go back in another race ladies and gentlemen this time mark my words we are winning last time you know I was just kidding this time I mean absolute business we are 100 look I didn't even hit that thing this time maybe not at the same time there's a few people in front of me but at the moment um we might be losing this race but all we need to do is complete two to actually get up out of here and get zebra Sonic oh wait a minute if I can just go towards the ground please I think I won guys we won a race well it is about time let me see my character yes finally you can see Kathy dancing in first place that is exactly what we wanted to see and we got a personal best and look at that gold first place a medallion let's check our zebra Sonic stats wait a minute why does it still say a three out of five okay now I'm real confused it should be four out of five right now we're about to go to the next race which is metal Madness but why don't we have four out of five oh I remember this race too bro this is the metal Sonic one and I'm pretty sure we'll come in first place because we had a really good score on this one all we gotta do is hold this boost and wait a minute how are people in front of me already oh maybe they hit those little boosters that's fun all we gotta do is like I said hold the Boost and hold on to the okay that was actually a beautiful Landing what is that thing okay maybe we won't win this race but you know what we'll have fun doing it and that's that's all that matters right time out don't speak too soon by the way because currently we are in first place but as you guys know things can change very quickly in this game wait a minute guys we're coming up on the end I can see it in sight I think we got another first place and now that should be five out of five races look at my boy up here in first place dancing again let's check zebra Sonic four out of five bro it should definitely be five I guess we'll do one more race all right I'm not gonna lie to you guys you saw me complete five out of five races right I just did it again and look four out of five but it says five out of five over here I'm so confused do we have them or not if I'm looking through oh here we go we have zebra Sonic ladies and gentlemen look how good this character looks now we'll say there's not much different about this character you know he does have a really cool fit on he's got some nice glasses he's got the gloves with the shoes and the shirts and you know when he does his little boost animation it's all white and whatnot it looks really cool guys let me know what you think about the brand new zebra Sonic and Sonic Speed Sim right now though we worked very hard to get him I've been recording for like an hour ladies and gentlemen that is the end of this video let me know what you thought about zebra Sonic I will see you tomorrow I love y'all goodbye this is [Music]
Channel: Captain Capi
Views: 31,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain capi, captain capi roblox, sonic speed simulator, zebra sonic sonic speed simulator, sonic speed sim, sonic speed simulator roblox, roblox sonic speed simulator, zebra sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic speed simulator zebra sonic, capi, capi roblox, sonic roblox, roblox sonic, sonic the hedgehog roblox, roblox sonic the hedgehog
Id: oVLlBKM57dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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