Creating the BEST ALIEN ARMY in the WORLD in ROBLOX

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today ladies and gentlemen we create the greatest army to ever be assembled in Roblox and we start right here as we look around do you want to see my Army anywhere well that's simply because I don't have one here is my base currently I've got an evil mad scientist right here but literally my Army is is nowhere I'm gonna go ahead and spawn a spawner real quick and would you look at that we have our first Army member and what is that a barbarian and it says open mutation station okay I'm gonna go wait a minute okay I can evolve them for 900. right now I just have this bucktooth man hey whatever works I guess is he gonna be spawning out of this thing right here with the Giant his name is Club Man by the way he's gonna come out and where are you going sir you are only one man out here by yourself all right I guess we're currently gonna see what happens to my boy club man as he goes out into the middle of the woods do you know what's in the middle of the Woods by the way well just in case you don't know let me go ahead and show you we've got the Archer right here okay just hit me with a bow and arrow let me see if my club man can destroy him real quick come and do your thing big Bella okay this battle it's going very very slow my dude's gonna die oh me never mind he took him out let's go what about this guy this Cyclops oh okay um the Cyclops destroyed my club man and he hit me too you know what happened how big fella you will go ahead and turn around I got 125 for that oh Neanderthal let me show you a few of the other ones too we've got the the Java Lanier or whatever this man's name is over here we've got the Cavalier this man's got a whole sword and that's not all ladies and gentlemen it gets even crazier like this guy we got the cannon here all right now everybody's got a Giant Cannon and then one of the craziest is Omega right here he's got the face of an alien and he just dropped me off okay I'll see you again but right now though I'm not seeing anybody what we need to do we have 435 you can see in the bottom left let's go ahead and spawn another one of my barbarians for my club man whatever it is and wait a minute we have an AK right here my boy club man put down the club get a gun we'll see if they listen to me my boy's supposed to be popping out of here with hopefully instead of instead of a club my boy still has this club oh wait a minute we are getting a little better by the way we have the slingshotter right here so now they don't just have a club they got a slingshot we still need to do better bro who's my next guy I'm gonna go ahead and spawn the special spawner who is this man with the chest hair well I I guess I'll wait and see what this guy has to offer hopefully oh hold up now oh he's the Neanderthal okay so he's got a giant spear looking thing hopefully that can do some good damage I'm gonna collect some money and keep it rolling here man I guess we just gotta evolve them right the only problem this man costs 900 to evolve and my next guy [Music] Searcher station right here oh okay he's giving me plus 10 profit and you know what I'm gonna buy him a little cubicle I don't know why I would do that right now I mean it literally just holds three pieces of paper but you know what he's gotta be he's got a cubicle we're also gonna collect our cash and if we wanted to we could go ahead and you know what I'm doing it I'm gonna evolve my man right here into what oh my is that a mummy okay Tom out a minute I gotta wait until he comes out of here we got the Neanderthal and then the next person should be the mummy and my boys got a dagger in his hand I want to see what kind of damage he does all right Mr mummy let's go ahead and see what kind of damage you can do with my Neanderthal okay this but he does it pretty fast you know he still has nothing on my pistol over here check me out the javelinir take a seat actually do it go ahead and help my Army out here for a little bit because we can collect a lot of money that was 400 for that so right now I think that's what we're gonna do we're gonna actually can I destroy this guy the Omega alien uh giant Fireball launcher man I know that's a long name but listen we gotta chop them down and see how much money he's gonna be giving us and give me your lunch money big fella a thousand dollars we love to see it what about this alien the serious Invader okay yep I'm not there yet but I will be though look at that five thousand dollars profit I just gained and that means we can go ahead and mutate this guy right here he is gonna be becoming what I don't know what that is but it's cool now what about my Neanderthal over here three thousand dollars what is he gonna become it gotta be something something crazy what is that oh it's a shaman okay origination 4000 BC he's got to be strong right I don't know what he is but I'm about to go ahead and build some things over here we got paths to build we got walls to build and some wood Stacks so what do I need this for literally three pallets just cost me like three hundred dollars oh hold up a flat and customize oh yeah can customize the flag we're gonna make it you know Captain's crew with light blue colors love to see it and something else I'd love to see look at my Shaman go into absolute battle out there he's gonna do a lot of damage for us I already know and we have a helipad a gold helipad with no helicopter okay kind of pointless oh wait a minute a gun broker you mean to oh I can upgrade my gun that's beautiful uh hold up I was looking through the guns right and look at this the gold Desert Eagle for 349 Robux I gotta buy it I mean that's something that had to be wait a minute it still costs 700 000 oh wait never mind now it says equipped it I was about to say bro you mean to tell me oh look at that Golden Eagle all right before we do anything I gotta see what kind of damage the gold Desert Eagle does what about to the shaman right here oh my goodness okay this thing's really good what about to the night though he's running up on me bro I don't care how much armor you have big fella I got a golden eagle so basically what I'm telling you guys is if anybody looks at me I don't care you look at me wrong you're getting chopped down by the Gold Eagle wait a minute you can aim too I did not know you could actually scope in bro I'm getting so much money destroying everybody right now we got the Omega Man oh I missed take a seat now what is this guy we got a sniper oh we chopped him down real quick I think the Omega guy is the best one in the game other than that man the gamma Trooper they're giving me about the same amount of money all right back to the base of where we can do some things man we've got nine thousand dollars I'm just gonna build some stuff we got a med kit front windows I just built a laser door as well and like I said I'm just gonna keep going what what is this thing right here a back wall okay we are officially building our walls finally it's just been an open base this whole time we're gonna build over here we got some stairs that you need to tell me we're gonna have a second floor here does that mean we have even more tubes to we do well that's a cash sensor whatever that said something about some cash oh we got a shooting range okay this is kind of sick the attack researcher that's gonna give my guys some more damage and you know if I want to I can work on my craft here we also have this table right here it's a Munitions table giving my guys some more ammo and whatnot but I think we need to do a little something for ourselves because we're out of money now actually Ty take that back we got 37 000 right here to spend is there anything else I can build on the first floor I think we're officially good on the first floor let's just continue on the second we've got another path and I'm just gonna build everything that I can real quick other than that because that's a lot of money literally 20. wait a minute what is this equipped armor okay Cappy is now a barbarian you know what I'm fitting in with my crew you know what I'm saying we got the profit researcher I built him another cubicle for whatever reason and we need to build our walls I don't need anybody looking in here seeing what I'm doing especially if I'm dressed like this we do kind of look cool though you already know this is like some tiger skin or something on your boy and here we go we just built a third floor ladies and gentlemen and can I get some like new people or something we got a pathway a gem map add space for gym equipment you mean to tell me we're gonna be lifting weights too and a four thousand dollar water fountain this better be the cleanest water in the world bro 4K you know what we got some other stuff to build out here too I've been neglecting the fact that I've got other stuff out here and another shooting range real quick let's work on our crap yeah we don't even need to work you already know Cappy who here at the Captain's crew we are Sharp Shooters man and I've got 24K to collect give me that cash and let's go ahead and finish the outside space after we do this though we're about to go crazy and destroy a bunch of people wait a minute there's walls out outside of my walls look at this watch tower I'm also gonna build my tube segment all the way bro we got a bridge right here so I can get over but then right here we got another tube segment I'm leading you all all the way out to battle another wall uh more stuff bro I'm just building until I run out of cash oh my gosh now if you went into my base look what I have to do I have to open the gate for you that's kind of sick actually I'm gonna keep that open for right now and I'm gonna build a light for 650 that seems like a lot of money for a life we've got a couple more things to build here we got the Watchtower for 12 000. I want to see what the Watchtower looks like okay so up here we got like a little meeting table where imagine having a meeting with me and this Gold Eagle but if I want to I can kind of watch over my people you know I can see this guy going after him and absolutely destroy them so yeah if we needed some like quick cash or something we could just look out here and as long as I'm hitting my shots we can get cash wait a minute I did just notice this over here too if we run just to right here you can see this giant ladder going up right well can I actually climb this I can I'm about to go to this Watchtower and see if we can get a few bodies out here man we need to make some money oh yeah this is beautiful they have no idea where I'm sure not all right that's my bad let me let me go ahead and make it back up to the tower here all right let's try that again but without moving we got the alien down here chopping them down for a thousand dollars as easy as that bro every single person I see they have no idea where I am and I can just chop them down for some cash like even the super strong ones like this guy right here that's the one that has one of those big guns take a seat all right I think we've made enough cash for right now wait a minute a flamethrower oh heck no you gotta take a seat off that all right like I was trying to say I think we've made enough cash we got 17K and I guarantee we're gonna have a lot of from this mad scientist let's see how much he has for us 30 000 let's go ahead and collect we have 48 000 into our name right now let's go all the way back to the top here and just keep building it out bro everything that we can get we got we got some gym equipment I don't know what this is even gonna do for us but I bought all of the gym equipment up there we got crates down here to buy as well I forgot to build the left wall bro we've been exposed there we go now I've got the walls built and we officially I think we have the best Army in the entire game what do you guys think so far actually I am tripping ladies and gentlemen I've been forgetting to evolve my people over here this one costs 7 500. so what is he gonna be now he's gonna oh okay he's got he's got a nice sword this guy costs 14 000. I don't know what we're evolving him into oh we got the javelin guy okay that's nice and then my next evolution is gonna be my mashaman guy I don't know what he's gonna go to but it's gotta be pretty cool so right now we go out and help my people and you know obviously get us some cash I told you guys we would have the best army in the world look at my Army right now over here absolutely obliterating some zombies and look at him jumping this man I'm so sorry Mr legionary whatever your name is you're going down big fella we're too good out here bro nobody can hold us in this game we officially have the greatest army to ever do it we're still leveling up though I think it's about time we do it man we're upgrading the shaman into what he's got a mace he's a cyclops okay I'll take it let's go ahead and upgrade him again bro we got the Knight who has a great sword we got a bunch of armor on him how much does this one cost again thirty four thousand all right love that we're gonna have to wait on that for right now I just noticed that we can get other guns to like this sniper for 12 000. actually you know what let's get an assault rifle for 1.2k and that's gonna be our primary so we have this bad boy now and we got our Gold Eagle who can stop us let's go ahead and see if this gun's any good by the way it's the first gun you can get in the assault rifle category okay yes it's very good my goodness bro this thing absolutely chews you know it doesn't do a ton of damage but bro it shoots like every move it has in literally no time at all and for some reason using this gun it gets me even more money than what my Gold Eagle was giving me like look if I destroy this Ranger right here watch how much cash we get 1200 just for a ranger and what if we destroy this guy right here the tech Knight this guy is extra strong okay another 1600. you know what man I've got 91 000 to my name I think it's about time we upgrade this assault rifle oh I just found the one we want right here we got the scar for 95 000 let me go ahead and take that out it's beautiful it's so beautiful but is it gonna do a good amount of damage here we've got this guy in front of me okay listen here the scar ladies and gentlemen this thing is about to chop so many people down it's not even funny and the accuracy with this gun dude it like doesn't even move we could just absolutely mow every single person down like this blue alien back here watch them take a scene her that man gave us two thousand dollars by the way that is a beautiful amount of money everybody that I'm seeing right now where's my Army by the way I've just been going off by myself oh here's my Army right here they are going to work oh no he just dropped him off but my Cyclops is about to get dropped off as well yo my Army what are you doing that's all right they do have us with the giant scar you know what I'm saying so it doesn't really matter we chop everybody down anyways all right let's go ahead and collect one more time and see how far we can go ahead and upgrade we have 72 000 this guy can upgrade for 34 but I kind of want to upgrade the Cyclops for 56 000. he is gonna transform into a wizard do we have a wizard on our team I kind of want to see what he does he hasn't came out just yet oh we've got the Knight and the javelin guy down there where in the world is my wizard coming from oh I see him my boys coming out of the tunnel right now the wizard has arrived let's see how much damage he can do he better be doing a lot I spend so much money on you sir if you're not doing a lot of damage I'm a champion you down let's go ahead and see on this Neanderthal oh okay he threw out a little magic spell right there I like that but how long is he gonna last over here Mr Wizard versus another Cyclops he's about to be on his own um this actually you know what let's chop him down quick and now we're just gonna push forward with the greatest army the world has ever seen I've got Knights Cyclops javelins and I've got a wizard now and of course I've got me with a with a machine gun I mean we literally have everything that we could want keep moving forward ladies and gentlemen we gotta get the oh no it's the Zeta Invader the alien My Wizard is somehow still alive right now I'm trying to help him out and you know not let him die and okay my wizard just bit the Dust and the super soldier he dropped me down too ladies and gentlemen that's the end of this video we did create one of the best armies ever though I will see you tomorrow thank you for watching I love y'all goodbye [Music]
Channel: Captain Capi
Views: 47,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain capi, captain capi roblox, war age tycoon, war age tycoon roblox, roblox war age tycoon, roblox war, best army, best army in roblox, roblox best army, creating the best army in roblox
Id: zT9DIie0JaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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