I Found Who MURDERED My Mom!

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someone murdered my mom and I know whoever did it is in this room and I'm not leaving until I find out who it was whoever murdered my mom slid into her DM it was from a mysterious number I'm going to text it and see if anyone's phone dings why is your phone lighting up I don't know I heard I heard you Ste but why did he text my mom whoever murdered my mom had perfect aim and was able to take out two painters working at my parents house so we're going to be testing their aim using these mannequins around the house Alan you made a very snide remark that was kind of rude on the stairs honestly dap up dude that's awesome Alan whenever your heart desires go ahead he's acting real weird upon investigation a few of our suspects clearly didn't know what they were doing uh he's going only for crotches I'm done I forgot to look at the faces others only shot the bad guys who made sure to protect my mom no there's Bree's mom over there who's that bad guy that looks like Josh but he left me on R so he's gone then we had people who clearly had a beef with Josh I'm looking for one target his name starts with Jay Josh it's Josh oh my gosh got it I'm done if they're going to hit a family member it's always Josh Josh if you're watching this maybe think about why then we have Chris who was a former US Marine look at oh my God if he causes damage to the property he's paying for it oh yeah wait where's Josh uh that's Josh right here he looked at me funny and our last suspect was Dylan Dylan why are you being silent where I can barely see you in the back it's time for the John Wick skills I guess just save The Puppy that didn't happen in that movie way to spoil the movie Brie I'm protecting you from sadness wait he looks like he's done this before Oh My Gosh wait that was excellent aim oh fall out you got all the bad guys and Preston ah yeah that's all I needed so I don't think I can trust you would you please remove your hat what what is happening what rip mom what what the heck with Dylan's hair he acted like he didn't even know he had that on the back of his head it says rip mom obviously this guy's the murderer right man so someone shaped the back of his head and here's what I know so far whoever did this snuck into the house killed my mom and then fled the scene the only evidence we do have is from the home security system and I'm going to figure out who did this whoever murdered my mom I found out was dressed as a pizza deliverer and when they tried to deliver the pizza they hit a vase and we're able to catch it so we're going to be testing reflexes here to see if people can hold a pizza while catching a tennis ball in the air got it got it wow okay everybody clap for him I think Scott's going to be good at this he has three flexes ready three fingers you know what I want you to have two I want to have three oh okay that's Nimble okay you almost dropped it you almost dropped it Go all right oh oh he caught it is that what I was supposed to do yeah all right I'm going to try spinning the pizzas while I do it why ready is that what the killer did oh oh oh oh no dang it I was so close got that though okay did anybody else see Majid not only technically catch it but also hit the ball in my direction to Take Me Out w that's pretty aggressive the Killer is definitely ma Oh my he took the pizza with him when my mom was murdered the murderer clearly saw my mom's favorite drink so you guys have to put in order her favorites to her least favorite and if you can get the order correct I will be given some information that's my final guest unsweetened tea is dog so I'm going to lock in Coke is the least favorite none are correct I am pretty sure Coke Zero is high on the list because it's your dad's favorite drink people behind me can't read it says unsweetened my mom doesn't drink sweet tea though she doesn't nope I'm locking in I actually don't know what I'm doing here one correct answer in the Box he's not even thinking about anything at all nice uh this is kind of a memory game nice okay one cor no two corrects I think that's it Coke hasn't been the favorite C has got it right dang it I was going to do that cie and because of that cie obviously you're the murderer never mind I wasn't going to do that I wasn't behind me is the correct disguise that was able to let the murderer into my parents house now you must choose which it is okay and smash it with a bath so it's got to be one of these two are they a brief fan or are they not that's the question I'm thinking oh they are not a brief fan well that was the incorrect answer but I oh okay Shas yeah that was incorrect and we must blur this image now I feel like it's got to be not the pants and that is incorrect Chris's response to that was laughing so I just don't trust him at all also did he just hit all of them he chose the gray one which was incorrect I think it was you what I think you did it well he hit the correct disguise but then he got all of them all right so some of you got this right a lot of you didn't but this is the correct disguise that the murderer was wearing it looks like you okay so you can say that that picture of the disguise looks like me cuz it has blande hair blah blah blah but it is it's not me and I'm going to prove it to you I think you did it no Bri you know what you need to join us you need to join us you need to join us okay you need to join us okay so here's the deal I'm down because I did not murder my mom but I do need a host Chase you've seem pretty trustworthy during this so you can be the host let's do this whoever murdered my mom was able to sneak in and out of the house unnoticed so we're going to be Tes that's enough from Bri hosting I'm going to be turned around and the person who can make it all the way up the stairs without me noticing is probably the killer hey Scott you're up first let's see how sneaky he is Scott have you started I need to he looks like a spider monkey we can't trust her Scott's going up first Scott you can start now oh my you made it all the way up here Scott is super sus Scott oh I heard that all righty we have Bri up next we have Larry starting now okay I don't like competing in the challenges this much it's not fun this is a talkative murderer jeez is I think the security T no he didn't the murderer didn't say anything so oh wait stop right there I almost died Larry did you already start okay Larry's being kind of s stop right there Larry you been CAU red-handed all right Chris all right Riley 3 two murder Bri's mom the sneakier she is the more sus she is likely she's a murderer okay how's Ry doing I can't hear anything Chris you did start right oh oh he's a sneaky snake stop right there oh my I stop right there I heard a jostel all right on my go Allan 3 two murder now I know there's a massive whoopy cushion so if someone steps on that it's a dead giveaway that they're innocent a sassy Al want me a sassy stop right there okay that's gross that wasn't even the whoopy cushion okay Allan is the least sus can I please have Riley and Scott listen I shouldn't be punished just cuz I'm good at this Scott did I say you can talk no all right I'm just acting like bri I'm just being a BRI house right now all I got to say as Scott made it all the way he is the most suspicious but Riley is trying to join in the videos in an aggressive way the best way to do that is to kill Brie's mom Riley's the murderer why did I make this dude the host that was the most illogical reason to eliminate Riley it's not next challenge every murderer has their motive but can we find the right one we must choose one of the remaining suspects to write a motive for and place it on that board you're not the host and you have to convince me and Larry you're absolutely right I'm the host preach can you let me have it please okay sure all right write the motives okay Larry's trying not to write a motive kind of suspicious Scott is straight into it Bri can I drink this Red Bull yeah go for it sorry I just need a little more energy four two one and pencils down no laughing someone died all right Scott who are you accusing and what's their motive Allan oh my gosh because he is from Houston and Houston has the highest murder rate out of any city in Texas and he loves Coke Zero and there's not enough to go around for him and Connie so he made more supply for himself wait that was brilliant how dare you how dare you all right thank you Scott that was actually very believable Larry uh so I drew a rabbit that's really good what's on the other side well I just I wanted to bring that up first first off rip mom also Chris uh he just gives up violent Vibes why violent Vibes why he's Reckless Brianna it's Brianna I know I'm just trying toate you that's triggered me exactly did you see the rage please tell us who it is and why they did it Allan rhymes with felon that's a stretch Alan hates Brie equals murdered Bri's mom Alan's me host can I change my answer to Larry yeah sure why not no read read your card first and then uh oh but what's his motive I didn't get that far oh no I think that bried did it because she's never accused of anything number one and then B she also doesn't like how me and her mom are friends and I think that's why she's so mad at me since when are you friends with my mom we're friends cuz she's dead what's thanks for bringing that up Al I think we know everything we need to Bri can I talk to you real quick yes fellas can I have the room yeah can I have the room no Brea we're going to kick them out real quick just leave for a second okay there we go okay GRE listen I know you didn't kill them I know you just need to prove your inocence to them I'm thinking it's alen though you think it's Alan he's been the most aggressive to he's been the most hostile and there was two votes towards I know Allan needed to go he was bullying people and not being very nice and I had enough of it and I guess so did Chase Bri make it official I think the murderer is Alan oh is he green is it oh no it's not it is green it is green dang um well all right we have three other options next challenge whoever murder my mom was able to not only get in the house but out even though they tripped over paint supplies they were able to recover their balance so we're going to be able to see who has the best reflexes in Balance here and whoever can save the longest is suspicious all right Chris get on the mat timer starts now all right oh in time time time okay that was 3 seconds good job Chris now Larry's the tallest so he doesn't have an advantage shorter to the ground more gravity hey and let's begin good all right all right nice nice oh wow oh let's begin good oh all right all right nice nice oh my gosh oh my pants r r and that is 19 seconds interesting 19 seconds Scotty with the bodies next let's see how suspicious he is it's start oh my God just it's oh no oh je there's so much chaos all right time's still going time's still going so far is the most sus oh it Scotts down 31 seconds Scott what do you you were the most suspicious you stood up theine how do you feel I have nothing to say uh without my lawyer only a guilty person would say that all right let's get the next person up and starting your time in three 2 1 fre oh my Jee God who gave the suspects balls why that's oh oh the phone um jeez stop it what are you doing to me I don't like getting dirty so I didn't want to do that challenge plus everybody knows I trip all the time I have bad balance so basically I didn't want to participate I don't want to get messie Nice Shot um Chase did I win time time time time time uh five oh you're at five tags whoever threw that ball is very suspicious no it was more than five seconds it was it was why do you want it higher Bri I'm trying to help you so you think this is Scott's time it's not the person with the best time was actually Brie so it means she's the most sus from that challenge but it can't be Brie I listen Scott the next best person we're going to have to keep a close eye on bre though okay she could be the one so Scott was obviously the best not shocked he's very athletic he got to go Scott you are the murderer all to say is oh my gosh Bri he's not the murderer it was you wasn't it what where'd he go hey hey Larry can you come here I this is inappropriate I don't like this hey Larry mic's off okay I just want to let you know does that mic work no it does the illusion dude this is real hair I just need to let you know R was actually 60 seconds she told me Chase make me seem not suspicious that is so sus so I'm just saying it really could be Bri but Larry I just want to let you know that okay let's go back in there this didn't happen so we're against Bri I yes whoever murdered my mom was able to flee this SE in my car but they hit a trash in your car yeah where were you I was out of town okay all right Bri avoid the mannequins show me that you're innocent show them that you're innocent I would never do anything to hurt my mom all right W okay there we go there we go you're doing good you're doing good okay first mannequin's coming up all right so far so good and you missed the first mannequin Bri there's a mannequin in the road chase what do I I don't know Bri oh no she's you're doing you just ran over mannequin why are you laughing okay all right well that was there's another mannequin don't hit it don't hit it I said you hit it don't what where's track you're not even in the track just just relax you missed the last mannequin I was good you missed two mannequins but you absolutely crashed into the other two and if there was a trash can you would have hit it Bri you you look suspicious I'm going to get out I'm stressed I'm not a good driver all right the mannequin was in my way so if I keep you did get it though oh my God who's sitting in here Breeze a tiny tiny tiny woman all right there we go okay I got to turn around cuz there's people you're not trying to murder me right now are you you're just driving off we're doing my own dang here oh thank goodness here who we are we are off show us that you're innocent you know I practice safe driving I do too well apparently not it was self-defense are you going to stay in a straight line or are you going to run over the mannequin break the rule or follow the rule by what do you is that a picture of Scott yes why do you have a picture of Scott okay never mind all right you seem like a okay Chris just avoided the manin that's logical he actually missed it he went out of the lines but he didn't decide to kill oh that that's one mannequin hit there's two more mannequins all right you cleared it and Chris hits less mannequins than Bri honestly I'm surprised you were a better driver than BR I think he did better than you I think he did too but like really I'm just a bad driver it has nothing to do with what's going on also whoever did this used my car and it wasn't me they took my car Larry okay that car is on its last leg it was like jumping oh and we're going okay there he's off he's faster than the other suspects okay he clears the first mannequin will he clear the second mannequin and he clears the second mannequin this is the toughest part of the the course there we go Larry there we go now one mannequin's down okay you're you're kind of hitting the cones but you're fine no mannequins been hit and pull it that was fast number one all right Larry's the best driver first you're last you're not sus either so Chris's whole time has been very aggressive he broke a window he broke mannequins he went wild in the car he's been agitated this entire video when he had to go Bri say the words Chris definitely did it is it green I think he was innocent he was innocent um this is bad so it's one of you two or you it's not me Bri now this next challenge the killer knew where Bree's mom was to the tea so we're going to see which one of these guys has the natural Killer Instincts now I'm going to take you guys to an isolated location use these phones track the mannequin that looks like breeze mom you guys have 15 minutes to get to the spot or you're both guilty and you guys are both murderers all right this guy's the murderer let's get to the spot and your 15 minutes starts now go come on Jo say you're not a murderer raining so I'm going to turn on to find my thingy myob he oh I'm never good with this this way this way okay so I need to go I could just follow the van no come back okay there's a mannequin leaned up against the building is this what I'm looking for there supposed to be a timer I don't there's nothing in this uh okay this isn't it then oh it's further away it's that way so I see the smiley face and the smiley face is the dot the it's the the Apple thing right yeah so I need to I just got lost in a foreign country using one of these and so I well I was trying to follow the map and and it it I'm not good at following directions what are you looking for I'm looking for a a timer where is it it's we're right on top of it oh hopefully literally right on top of it wait it's moving do you see that yeah wait is it my mom as a mannequin okay we're running it's a person I don't want to but I'm running mom wait is it this I found it this the timer 7 minutes and 18 seconds what do I do did I win is breath the murder this is where the Apple tag was showing I got to the mannequin I stopped the time obviously I'm innocent who killed my mom me it was me plot twist it's been my experience that most of the suspects are very close to the victim why did I do it because if Breeze out of the picture for being arrested I get to hang out with crestmore and play Minecraft yes it's a it's a lose win but I get to hang out with crestmore [Music]
Channel: Brianna
Views: 553,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brianna, briannaplayz, brianna playz, briannaplays, briannagamez, briannagames, brianna gamez, briannashorts, brianna shorts, keeley, preston, prestonplayz, prestonreacts, tbnrfragz, funny, briannaplayz minecraft, brianna and preston, preston and brianna
Id: OJg0y8E4d9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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