I Found The BEST DIAMOND METHOD In Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 (#2)

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whole Diamond by the end of the episode I don't know about you but that shouldn't be too hard hi how you doing everybody it's me your waterly boy and welcome back to Minecraft hardcore 1.21 we got a little bit of catching up to do oh the roof it's looking more slapped over and beautiful than ever before all of these fences yeah so in between episodes I did a little bit of work on our house here and voila look at this thing it looks like a castle the the abod of the dreams if I do say so myself right next to the local Cemetery so it's like you know nice and quiet and everything and it's only a little haunted no big deal now in today's episode I've got big hopes big hopes and very very big dreams my mission plan for today's episode I think is going to be relatively straightforward we chop down that wood right there check out the inventory and find out that I have even more logs oh my gosh yeah I did a lot of between episodes not only did I continue to work on our beautiful masterpieces over here but I slid over to the local jungle over there yes yes amazing amazing I slid over to the local jungle because I'm a hard work I wanted to get a little bit more jungle logs I harvested the bamboo Farm behind the house you can see through my beautiful wall that I'm not possessed over by the way I saw some comments wondering and no it's beautiful house down below this video do me a favor tap that like button right now and drop a challenge that I could take on in the next episode so before we go off to the L here today I'm going to need to gather up a little bit of food considering the fact that setting up a proper food farm is going to take a little bit of time in fact way too much time than I have right now considering all those facts I think what we can do alternatively is run around and maybe harvest the local produce run around and locate the local villagers and make sure they're nice safe and sound you know lock them in their house probably cover up the windows too just in case you never know and just like that I think I've done it do I really only own live with two villagers oh man that's crazy oh okay well that's a little awkward e my dear friend oh you you you're my new roommate you're going to have to to to just wait here for the whole time I'm out and the way with the food situation Under Wraps I think it's about time we head off and oh that yeah that's right uh I don't have any armor I don't have any armor so we're like literally start starting at the bottom so first things first I think it's over to this local cave over here I remember seeing this thing a while ago and this looks mighty mighty suspicious to me before we jump down into that cave though I'd like to see maybe just hopefully maybe fingers crossed like two pieces of coal three four even all right well I'll do it this way considering the fact that we have absolutely nothing to our name right now the sakes are pretty high but at the same time the Tak are pretty low like you know having nothing no armor no coal no nothing like that well there's nothing to lose oh and you know what also I'm just now thinking about it just a hunch or you know something like that it might be a good idea to make a sword so uh this whole light situation going on right now oh this whole light situation going on right now is now over we did it six pieces of coal later it's all I got but oh it's great well hello okay let's think about this a little bit my friend my friend are you going to be able to get out of the water I don't think you will you're just a little too stuck and figure that out now so today's relatively simple straightforward easy piece of cake I think that creeper right there is the perfect sign cave sweet cave where do you go cave sweet cave no don't do this to me oh no don't do this to me if I need to find diamonds I need to go down I can't go up that's a bloody waste of time well small problem left with but zero options other than I suppose this cave at the end of the at the end of the cave you know how it goes in Minecraft Caves can be well weird caves aquifers weird other caves non caves cut them off maybe maybe maybe hopefully I could dig like a couple blocks specifically down I need to go down to a little bit of a lower cave maybe I could dig down and before too long get something good please oh well I was about to give up I was about to give up never give up your hopes your dreams everything you've ever wanted it is just one more Minecraft block away that's right you have a goal you're not getting there I want you to obsess over that goal like continue to give up that don't give up that gold excuse me don't give it up keep working at it until eventually maybe hopefully eventually you get that or you waste like 80 years of your life I don't know something like that oh you know what I think I should probably think strategically these rails are beautiful well I really really would like to collect these rails but maybe I should look around for like I don't know ores a little bit of iron or something versus coal or copper whatever you call it is beautiful but how about some armor or a bucket even and so look at that just like that not only have I located copper not going to get it today not right now I've located more coal in fact more coal than I could ever dream of this is perfect for all of the depths that we'll head into I hope soon and even better iron the sweet deliciously beautiful iron I know where I can find a little bit of water as soon as I smelt up this iron oh look it's all over right here they call it home sweet home you can tell it's home sweet home because we've got a furnace and inide of that furnace all of the iron I have to my name so M shaft M shaft I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse is this a blessing in disguise or is this the worst thing that happen if we end up hitting a bunch of spiders yeah you know kind of sounded like that with skeleton do maybe it's the worst thing but alternatively it could be the best it all really just depends on the mobs and how they want to play it with me if we want to have a bunch of skeletons coming at me maybe not I do you if we want to have a is that a cave I think that's a cave oh baby oh sweet baby I got to be careful there's spiders and skeletons oh my but that's a cave and not only just any random oh not only R any random old cave no we got to go we're gone no not today all right and this is the most frantic hectic terrifying run of my life I have torches all over the place but I don't remember placing a single one of these torches which way is back oh this is it okay wow so yeah they definitely buffed that one up I also should probably sleep so we could not have night time on the surface or actually maybe I maybe I shouldn't sleep yeah well they really buffed that one up and look no coward I'm no coward at all you want to be able to see the video I know I know but I'm no coward we don't need any armor at all yep that's right I make a new rule the brand new challenge for us to take on we have a law we can't make any armor at all none of it not single one piece no armor at all until I can get diamond armor after all I'm a king I want nothing but the best all right so thinking about this strategically Minecraft the craft the diamonds everything like that the iron pickaxe I think is the next strategic move we'll go ahead and make one of those keep it nice and safe and then for now I think to conserve the iron pickaxe for the sweet sweet diamond until we have those I'll make a backup stone pickaxe and get some of this coal before we head to the [Music] depths oh well well well I was kind of just blanking out to be honest like looking at this thing fully zoning out a name tag a little bit more torches that's the beautiful thing I think I'm actually just going to go ahead and leave everything else inside of that thing the lapis too we'll come back for it later ah that's a beautiful find and even more coal too very cool well well well who do you think you are nice drive buddy you don't scare me anymore not with this big thing blocking the screen give me the golden apple give me the golden apple give me the golden apple okay you can't make this stuff up always when that kind of stuff happens inside of a world I never know if I should like leave that inside of the video or does it completely make it look entirely staged ah either I leave it or there's a random Apple in my inventory and with that it's off to the depths for us so today the whole depths operation I was thinking with 1.1.2 technically were're beyond that with 12.2 and those increased diamonds I don't know how hard this really could be it might actually be pretty easy so thinking about the longevity the longterm operation here I'm probably going to want a quick and easy way up and down I say I probably maybe slow it down a little bit take my time dig a small staircase going all the way down to the deepest gate considering the fact that I can deep slate considering the fact that it's 1.2.2 and Beyond finding say 32 diamonds shouldn't be too hard all right I have a feeling maybe leaving this thing open yeah yeah leaving this thing open like that is maybe a really dangerous terrible idea and so we've done it the very first block of deep slide in this world I've touched it I've now caressed it with my sweet stone pickaxe that is now completely broken okay all right so I'm thinking any minute here we should break our way down into the deepest caves inside of this world all I need to do is locate where in the world the cavern has gone please perhaps did I not staircase underneath the thing it's got to be somewhere right I all right well there we go finally after quite a bit more digging I broken my way okay I I guess I'm not as low as I thought uh let's go ahead and try that one more final time after a tiny bit of mining I've done it I've broken my way all the way down into the very bottom of this deep deep Cavern the very first thing that I'm seeing is a little bit of lava a tiny bit of skeletons whole lot of stone and all I could dream of is sweet profet okay well it's about the profit but also about how in the world I'm going to deal with those skeletons over there oh three skeletons that's a death sentence for a lad like me stranded naked and alone m maybe I can despawn them all right my skeleton friends not so much friends I went far away uh I I guess you migrated you walked a little bit farther away from me and that's fine by me that's fine that's cool maybe I could continue my staircase down a couple more blocks or just magically send myself plowing down into the caves with hopes and dreams of being perfectly fine and finish the staircase up all right so look the first big move that we need to do as soon as we're down into the cave is run around as as quick as I can and start to light things up hey tough skeleton falling from the sky no not so fast no nice try buddy so now that I've made it all the way down into the caves and had no no close calls at all now that I made it all the way down into the caves if I can run around quickly and light up a bunch of stuff you see it's pretty simple if I can move relatively quickly and Dodge every single skeleton in existence you right there it should be a cake walk a piece of cake oh excuse me sir sir excuse me where did you come from I thought you didn't care about me anymore oh you came from the ceiling lost all your health nice going buddy all right so carefully very boldly and carefully we move into the big cavern the big cavern is great because it's a giant big cavern with lots of potentially exposed diamonds but it's also kind of bad news because well I mean big cavern until I can get this thing nice and bright it might be a little bit dangerous I feel like maybe the smartest move is to move along the wall and maybe while I walk along the wall I'll give really lucky and find an exposed diamond or two I move carefully along the wall and start lighting it up probably from like the outside outside uhhuh we move from the outside of this cave over to the inside all I need to do is walk to the middle find a cave that goes even deeper oh that's even better an even deeper cave light it all up along the way all of the coal that I have in the inventory from the M Shaft come on come on this is it's rigged kids it's like it's rigged and here we are I can almost taste them inside of my mouth the crunch blue shining diamonds themselves and oh well would you take a look at this I could make a diamond pickaxe first but what is that that looks like one pair of diamond boots well actually one pair of diamond boots and that's a very brilliant smart safe idea but what if maybe I kept moving around found a couple more diamonds and I just made a chest plate yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that sounds even better what if I dream big and just go all the way this St glow likeing get out of here you trick me every time what if I dream big go go home dream big and go home whatever they say yeah something like that you tricked me too glowing sack I really thought you were a diamond I don't know why I thought you were a diamond but oh boy you believe it I thought you were a diamond and look at how safe this cave is now it's home sweet home wow I mean wow guys we couldn't have gotten even more any lucky than this cave right here this is like it's got everything I could dream of and more I mean aside from the occasional Enchanted skeleton and appar and thunderstorm oh that's bad living in the middle of a stranded desert it's not that I have a ton of stuff that could burn down or something like that but just in case all the local Forest I mean look I'm a conservationist I suppose venturing even farther Into the Depths let's see what we've got here it looks like a winding cave that is please not going to just lead me back to where I came from please don't okay that probably leads me back to where I kind of came from but this way no chance but this way no chance mining inside of Minecraft hardcore 1.2 21 oh it's a piece of cake it's a dream while running around inside of the deepest caves today we manifest nothing other than pure success and sweet sweet profit pure success and sweet sweet profit what is this a lava fall that's a pain I'm not going to pull that out no I'll take the gold in set and I guess turn around back over here at the approximate start of the cave I feel like I should Mark it somehow maybe like a small pillar something like that that'll like make it really obvious and like hey look massive Cobblestone right behind that tiny pillar if I miss the massive cobblestone I see that thing and I know that's my ticket a home sweet home all right so moving over further into the cave if I know my thing about diamonds or two this could be perfect the giant aquafer giant oh okay a slightly small aquafer I was really hoping that would lead me to Diamonds but I guess not hm decisions decisions do I take my water bucket perhaps and say dump said water bucket across the lava right here and Venture off to the darkness I think the answer is yes you know I got to be honest it's been a long time since I've done any caving let alone any caving inside of Minecraft hardcore let alone any caving without any armor at all but I have to be a little bit grateful today I'm moving through this whole lava thing right here and because of this whole lava there's not going to be any mobs over here H I got to look around for diamonds I I get so excited with these caves and I want to just keep going but where does this take me oh this takes me even deeper oh I see at least one more Diamond a witch which is terrible but at least one more Diamond feel like water pouring down there whatever's down there is oh is that a Geo I think that's a Geo I I feel like water pouring down there is maybe not exactly like the most helpful thing in the world oh more creepers okay all right nice oh okay that's a really dangerous fall that's a really dangerous fall but judging by the maap that we're at right now that's got to be just about the bottom of the world I feel like if I could get this diamond over there get out of here get down to the bottom will there be a ticket and then we could get out of here really quick and easy all right so look nobody see me nobody see me and you don't care about what I'm doing I'm just extracting one diamond or two make sure it's clear behind me one diamond or four one diamond or four please one diamond or four it'll be a full chest plade no zombie you're blowing my cover buddy buddy old friend no you're going to blow my cover no carefully carefully we take you out go away not now not now no no no no diamonds they're mine and I'm out I'm out I'm gone don't I don't care if there's more I don't care I don't need them hey oh wait seven Diamonds oh No I need one more I need literally one more no this is so with seven down only like 20 more diamonds to go I think I know my next move and that move well the word begins with stare and rhymes with [Music] case all right so after a little bit of mining I found this hole right here it looks like it dropped straight down into lava this is what I'm thinking maybe I could drop a bucket of uh water water right there let it Pour down it it'll go ahead and do that then hopefully I could jump down here and locate at least one more bucket of O bucket of skeleton oh boy what did I do bad idea hold on I got a different one this is the biggest brain move in the whole book ah you think smart you remember where you came from keyword you remember where you came from where did we just come from only but a few M moments ago oh we came from the water aquafer of all time ah it's go time baby we starting to slightly run out of food dud it's go time and look I'm envisioning it from here on out and this point in the episode it's all like happy peaceful orchestra music it's very nice and light and Airy and just wonderful and all that's happening because I'm surrounded by diamonds and even Oh Yes actually even more diamonds diamonds are all I can see down here you see what I mean ah this is perfect diamonds sweet sweet beautiful diamond oh that's one Diamond chest plate and oh what is that a diamond sword or a d even better a diamond hole I could here as well yes yes a diamond pickaxe no a diamond pickaxe we're going to have full armor in no time my friend let's do [Music] this so guys one classic Minecraft Youtuber off camera mining sequence later and I can't believe I'm saying this but I think it's too easy I I think actually getting diamonds is maybe actually too easy for once I don't think I've ever had luck like this especially first cave no armor none of it like that and no fortune 3 either I have 22 diamonds two more diamonds and that's a full set 10 more and I can make every tool that I could dream of in the world and I didn't even finish checking out the lava it's too easy either look it's too easy or maybe I need to go outside a little bit more because I played this game for way too long and just have gotten way too good at this I can't be stopped anymore the trial Chambers whenever we take those bad things on it looks like we're going to go into it with full diamond not so mid game anymore is it this cave in this whole lava pit has been one of the biggest clutches of all time I think and in fact I know I guarantee it the thing that really made this whole this whole Hardcore Minecraft Di extraction Extravaganza today such a cakewalk is all of the lava because we have this giant lava ocean I have had to deal with a total of like zero mobs other than right at the start and to just like that over 24 diamonds count them that's over a full stack of armor and to think I was actually nervous about the food like going into the cave after seeing all those skeletons I was thinking oh no there's no chance I'm going to be able to like actually get all the diamonds that I wanted to have today I'm going to have to like come up with an excuse a different way to switch up the plan and just not come out with all the diamonds 27 diamonds this what we're packing right now and I got a brand new and final challenge of the day we need to get out of this cave with a total of 32 diamonds and now officially no diamond tools or no diamond armor until I'm out of this cave honestly I think it'll be like our fifth Cakewalk of the day [Music] moral of the story today if there was a story to be moral is I'm pretty straightforward don't let me anywhere near diamonds because in no time at all with Zero armor from scratch literally less than an iron pickaxe I'll take them all they'll be mine and it'll be mine EAS if I had time I could do it all day long no need to be too greedy here now though we don't need every Diamond we'll save some of the diamonds for later or something like that I don't know right here me and you us together Victory just sweet sweet victory that's 32 diamonds let's hight tail it out of here you know what I realized oh I I didn't even stop and take a second to pick up any of the TP blocks that I want to build with too like like not only is my inventory full of absolute garbage all over the place but no tough at all uh I guess we'll just have to come back oh how in the world did I miss that how in the world did I miss that a little bit more diamonds I said diamonds with an S maybe there's got to be a little bit more buried here come on there's got to be a little bit more buried here no all right uh one more Diamond well one more Diamond it is can I mine gold with a stone pickaxe all right well that's on me all right so back up inside of the M shaft I remember this place I remember just like it was my home sweet home the home sweet home we got got to go no okay little bit off home sweet home we got to go right down this way turn the corner turn the corner again and boom I should see a furnace I should see a crafting table yes yes beautiful I'll come back for you later all right so this place that was a great cave maybe even one of the best caves that I've ever found to my entire existence of Minecraft that was beautiful but I looking at my skin here the clean suit oh yeah by the way why am I in the suit for today's episode well I forgot to take it off okay I just forgot home sweet home how I've missed you you're beautiful my cross-side cow friends you're wonderful the village is all nice and quiet and safe and oh no where is Paul Paul rern oh no Paul oh Paul rern oh you look sick all right well back up here at home sweet home we have a little bit of caretaking car tending care business villager friend my sweet friend thank you for being patient while I was away you can go and free you go run wild and free like your dreams have always dreamt I don't know where you when when you're excited to get back to work I love it first things first immediately my dear security guard the service over here is not doing too well we'll smelt up some iron oh blocks blocks and even more blocks we're all blocked up in today's episode this is so much great for building we're going to have to build something marvelous in the 1.21 soon I can feel it PA ball defending the Village from the terrible traitor thank you so much your services are so saluted thank you hey while we're at it real quick might as well do a little bit of Farm farming today right let's expand this boy what does one have for sale oh what's up oh no that is so sad anyways you know what time it is it's Cactus time you know matter of fact now that I think about it I think the most dangerous thing in today's episode was my gigantic cactus farm and nothing else the loss without any further delay I think it's finally time you know exactly what we're doing Champions diamond armor we've been waiting for this moment the entire episode it was a long fight a really easy fight but we've been waiting we've been waiting we've been grinding for this exact moment diamond pickaxe full diamond armor well look simply put I can only put it one way at this point all we need to do is fully suit up and maybe find some trim but when it comes to diamonds Minecraft 1.21 it's not so bad dearly and sincerely thank you all so much for watching this episode of Minecraft hardcore and thank you so much for all the support in the series so far oh in the the world seed I made it way too easy I saw a common guessan in the first like 10 minutes smash like for more episodes playlist of the series on the end card if you need to catch up already and I'll see you next time thanks for watching goodbye everybody it's me watles
Channel: wattles
Views: 84,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore minecraft, hardcore minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.21 hardcore, hardcore minecraft lets play, minecraft lets play 1.21, minecraft hardcore diamond, minecraft diamonds, how to find diamonds in minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival 1.21, minecraft hardcore ep 2, how to find diamonds in minecraft 1.21, how to find diamonds in minecraft 1.20.1
Id: X7AvUPvZ_5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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