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okay not one not two but three carts of new merchandise I like this too and then we come over here to the Peter art now this is a print and it's an old print except maybe this vase over here looks possibly Italian no made in Spain oh is this one of those waffles acrylic with the satin Edge we're not done shopping I'm going to head right up the street to the Salvation Army yeah I think we're going to leave it oh no [Music] way I've been a reseller for nearly 40 years and I can't imagine my life without thrifting I've learned about a lot of things over the years and I love to share my knowledge and Adventures with you so let's go be profitable and make it fun I am back at Goodwill I'm out of Goodwill in Henderson Nevada which is just south east Southeast of Las Vegas had to think of my directions for a minute anyway I don't get over here too often now I don't give the location of every single Goodwill that I go to because I just don't need to give a pattern to anybody who might be wishing me harm if you know what I mean and yes I do I do have that it's a thing uh but I do not let it deter me I keep going because you have to live life right you just have to live life but to the commenter who said they're unsubscribing and not watching me anymore because I won't give the location bye I don't know I I you know I just live and let live in this world is what I got to say but um yeah some people just really they rub me the wrong way anyways I am going to share this Goodwill adventure with all of you that care to stay and watch and it is in Henderson on Stephanie Street I will tell you that all right let's get in here and let's get shop done all right let's get inside and get ourselves a lucky cart let's see which one is it I feel like it's this one right here by the door and we are purple and wait it's Monday wow it looks like they've had a little run on chairs okay not one not two but three carts of new merchandise are out here to be perused let see what we can find this looks like a lot of household and Tool items some Plastics the dish wear in here nothing nothing too exciting in this one all right let's get on to the next one and they've already been putting stuff out so there's some new goodies out on the shelves to be discovered all right check the third one here something see what this is uh some kind of a little Chopper Chopper de we don't need a chopper de o we got a big old Shield oo let's look at that it's a big old Shield $24.99 it's actually pretty nice quality but a little little bigger than I want to be dealing with see ladybug teapot is awful cute take a peek at that uh choc I don't know five many 9 not super exciting but let's look at the the picture here I've been picking up some really nice art Pottery lately this was made by Sandy in 1982 actually Sandy did a very nice job of that $3.99 I kind of like it even though it's a hobbyist piece I'm kind of digging that for $3.99 all right let's get over to the shelves and see what made its way over here already look in the holiday section first since that is what's over here oh my goodness this poor poor kitty cat has lost its head oh that was it they just have one little shelf of holiday items now we're on to the vases but we aren't looking for vases we are looking for vases which I am not seeing too much evidence of right now let's see what are you contemporary white flowers though I do see white flowers for those who are new to my channel we're picking up white flowers for my daughter Jordan to used in her wedding later this year it's $2.99 for this little pair they're like little centerpiece ones I think she can find those useful see if there's any others in here I don't see any white she specifically said white flowers I do like the little wild flowers but that is not what we're searching for all right let's see what the candle section has to hold it's a little busy in here today might have to jot around people a bit all right nothing so far it's exciting that is not a basket that is a piece of pottery made to look like a basket who makes that I need my hands does that say treasure craft under there $4.99 I'm going have to look this one up well I'm going to hold on to it for a minute I can't find any good sold results but sometimes I'm a little bit determined to look a little further because I like something I don't know I'm probably going to I'm probably going to put it back cuz it is 15 and unfortunately I think it's only worth about 15 to 20 but I'm going to enjoy it in my basket for a short time had a nice feel to it but it is not a name that is plastic not glass if that had that been glass I'd have bought that I liked it pressed H piece of old transfer wear looks like a good one Masons look at the crazing and discoloration oh chips and cracks and all of that we must put that down that is too bad oh that's a pretty probably Bavarian dish don't know if there's a mark under there I think I see that there is something underneath there it's a nice size and color and I think I'll pick that up for $4.99 all right we've got the metal section I like this little organizer thing here it's outbox inbox that at some point in my life would have been super functional personally and I'm still wondering if I could hang this and utilize it in some way but it is $12.99 I like it though I do like it I like this too oh my goodness look it these are on a piece of um it's Cactus what's the what kind of cactus is it choya Cactus oh there's so many little loose heads in there that is a shame I I would I would would have picked that up had that not been broken that was really fun fun piece and this is a fun piece this looks actually vintage okay I do think this is vintage for $3.99 this is fabulous I love it I'm picking it up oh it's a trivet but it's this little uh mosaic tile yeah yeah that's a good one and since I bought Silver Plate the other day I'm like a little bit more in tune to the Silver Plate because after doing a little research on those pieces I realized there are some pieces of silver plate that are worth a whole bunch of money look at this beautiful beautiful Market Tre wood bowl planter I don't know what someone used that for it it almost looks like there's ink and I don't know if that will come out it's a really nice piece of wood it looks probably handcraft raed $7.99 I love it these aisles aren't quite wide enough so when uh people go by each other the uh the poles hit okay let's see something over here might be rot iron antique interesting like lobsters and crabs would do like that but it's a newer piece we don't need the lobsters and crabs okay let's see what we've got over here it's a nice little I thought it was a candle holder it's not it's it's some kind of a uh maybe like for a curtain curtain or drapery tie kind of thing no no these look like nice baskets but no they're nice baskets but they're not longer Burgers just sold one of these but this one is missing a coaster you got to have them complete let's see oh I can't wait a couple weeks I'll be able to see the ocean not actually going to go visit the ocean but I am going to get to see it a little bit from afar as I go wedding shopping and planning with my daughter in San Diego the plastic section is quite full we will peer through it I do always check the Melamine Plates to see if they're one of the higher end Brands these are Evolution those are probably like a Target or Walmart brand we're looking for like pure one Crate and Barrel cuz they all do make a a line of Melamine plates and they do sell very very well all right all right let's look in the mugs I've been selling quite a few mugs lately which I love doing super easy to list and ship and all that jazz but I don't see any here today that fit the criteria so we'll look in the glass wear we were looking and see if there's anything anything Colin wow nothing even Colin to really look at H wine glasses champagne glasses nope ah yes and there's a vacuum being tested in the background I mean it just wouldn't be a trip to Goodwill if somebody wasn't testing a vacuum now would it B HS plates sir Reginal Steakhouse I want to know how the plate ended up at Goodwill this is a pretty little set it's not super old you can see look how white that is on the bottom there's no Makers Mark it's just pretty it's nice it's not something we're going to pick up but I think it's an honorable mention all right this is kind of a Hopping little Goodwill today I guess it is the $1 Monday sale I kind of think of it I generally don't go on a Monday early in the day for this reason I don't know what possessed me actually I think it's just cuz I was on this side of town and here it was I know my viewers really love Cardinals and this is a nice little set of cardinal salt and peppers they are five bucks but you know what I can make I can make a few bucks on those they're Cape Shore ink and they are vintage so we'll pick those up all right let's take a peek at the art look at the little art first and I kind of just stand here and see if something jumps out at me cuz that's generally a pretty good indication of something de de you know I look I look at the edges of the frames and I look vintage frames but those are not anything special and then we come over here to the beater art now this is a print and it's an old print unfortunately it's got some creasing to it I bet the original of that is a a very expensive original I can't tell it's Mar marillo pastry eater huh so the original is in a museum somewhere I am sure let see Dr Seuss oh the Places You'll Go Noah's Ark that's kind of cool momentum a little push in the right direction can make a big difference okay let's see there's a tile under here kind of C calling me what are you you are just just a tile okay not really set up to be much more than a tile that's a cool little cheeseboard down there oh it's got a goat but it doesn't have a lid t a he 2013 that's a bummer cuz that's uh interesting enough that I probably would have picked that up had it had a lid all right oh a very very uh what do you call it not faded peeled no that doesn't seem like the right word uh worn out &em yeah something like that and oh and then that ladybug teapot had little cups that go with it too they have now put it on the Shelf see cocktail shaker but it's pretty worn as well H oh wow that's an ice bucket I thought it was a picture at first I'm like look at the uh diameter of that picture but no it's an ice bucket and let's see anything else of Interest I don't see anything except maybe this vase over here looks possibly Italian no made in Spain made in Spain they do want $14.99 for it I don't yeah I don't it's probably maybe like a$ 25 to $30 base so I think we can leave it all righty the small appliances are pretty packed full it's kind of a cute tea kettle but I think it's missing its little spoutyookidoo that okay o it was quite greasy too I got that greasy feeling on my hand I hate that all right I don't think there's anything in the cooking section for us today all right this is their crafty section party supplies is that like a honeycomb rooster it is but it's not an old one if you find the old ones they can do quite well to tiue pom poms don't need tissue pom poms oh what is that some kind of a metal cut guitar thing okay not my thing is that a pumpkin basket it is a pumpkin basket nice math activity box oh that sounds terrifying oh it looks fun though fun first or second grader okay I just confessed I find math terrifying I can do it but I don't like it me and math are not friends we do not get along well but they are a necessity of life if you run a business unfortunately okay I just have to say this is kind of cracking me up um wow the like who could I gift this to I there's got to be somebody I could gift this to I mean I I just can't because sometimes you just find something that you've never seen before and probably will never see again so you pick it up and you figure out what to do with it I don't know maybe somebody wants to buy it off of me that's a definite possibility as well we'll see we'll see where that goes all right we've got some household and pet supplies oh for everybody who was saying that we should get a halter for our new doggy Kora we did that it was already on order when I had made that little video and it is working fabulously we are also finding out that she is not food motivated so treats are not a good training tool for her toys are she is toy driven she loves to play especially tug ofar all right let's peek at the lamps nothing Too Groovy today and as usual we have to peruse the pillows for anything outstanding because I do love to ship pillows I got to tell you that but I don't see anything no not today a always have to peek in what they call the Fabrics because you never know this is kind of their catch-all place for things they don't know what else to do with them and sometimes there can be some interesting things in the Fabrics it is also the season where people are starting to donate their blankets from the winter so always be looking through there for Things o is this one of those waffle acrylic with the satin Edge sometimes those can do really well but it's definitely the time of year to start looking all right we will look at the purses see if anything jumps at us I'm mostly looking for vintage or something just like super fun generally the designer purses because it hasn't name they know what it is number one or another reseller is going to know what it is and usually get the jump on it so I don't find too many designer purses but this is a Montana West I know that's a that's a good name see it's a little dirty and worn and missing a foot that's probably why it's still here that's too bad as I do know that's a good name in purses but condition still has it here y okay no purses for us today all right we'll take a peek at the jewelry see if there's anything we need those are kind of interesting those ones right right there I might take a closer look at those they're pretty busy we'll see if we can get someone to show those to us all right the rest of it looks like pretty cheap costume I don't know oh sorry that's quite the glare isn't it let's try that yeah my go did you Google it an interesting bracelet right there thank thank [Music] you okay standby I wish I could get closer to that that's what they're pricing to put out right now M okay so I'm ending up with this little rhinestone bunny pin for $2.99 and these I do believe these are the Tibetan those are real lapis and coral and they're on brass for $3.99 so we'll grab those too okay we're going to head to the checkout but we're not done shopping I'm going to head right up the street to the Salvation Army so we'll hold off our recap until I finish there all right here we go Salvation Army and as usual we'll get us a lucky cart definitely no pole we won want no pole always got to look at their little upper sections first where they tend to put more like the boutique things fun little Korean masks see what that looks like h interesting whoops but we're leaving it and they have a second one over here let's a pastry frame with rolling pin cover huh interesting I am not a baker so don't really understand the use of that so much these guys are not very good quality but they are Super C cute and it looks like yellow tags are 50% off all right their table wear as they call it is now like a quantity pricing so five or more pieces is 9 cents each so you can save you know half price if you find enough the trick is finding enough oh I like these for personal sentimental reasons this is from Monmouth Park spectacular bid now I had a son of spectacular bid uh he had a really foul attitude that horse uh and Seattle slooh is a name everybody kind of knows and loves I don't really think these are worth a whole bunch that just brought back some memories for me okay let's see mugs mugs mugs mugs I like finding mugs for 99 but we'd have to find five mugs to make them 99 and that's not looking all that promising at all no no I don't even think we're going to find one I do like the Simplicity of this little Pottery base I like The Ridges that shows that it's a turned piece there's no signature see it had a UPC code now is that considered yellow cuz if it's only two bucks I'm all about it it's a great it's a great little accent piece so I'm going to see I'm going to get that if it's 2 bucks I'll have to look and compare that to other yellow tags and see if that is indeed their yellow versus like a orange cuz sometimes I know after having color tags at my store sometimes when you buy the tags they're very similar and it's hard to distinguish like between some of like the purple and the blue looked very very much the same all right Metals it's an old aquarium thing that's actually oh no I thought that was crack it's just the ridges I would never recommend getting one of those and just putting it straight into your aquarium make sure you bleach it make sure you make sure there's no other fishy germies on it things that can come back to life safe as it were this looks like a Pioneer Woman sure is $3.99 it's missing something on the top though unfortunately uh there's another little kind of a market Tre wood bowl I don't like this one nearly as much as the one I already bought and that also has a yellow tag though so I just don't get around to fixing these things up got to tell you see this needs a little it needs a little love all right I'm not going to get it because it needs a little love I know that is so out of character for me but I'm really I'm really trying to just be more careful that's a bookend okay see what oh you are plastic but that right there looks like a kth Studios oh it's not it's totally a copycat and it's plastic now had that been the real thing I would have been scooping that up but it was not see little Amber glasses and then a little Amber moon and stars dish for four bucks I could clean that up now I wouldn't spend a whole lot on that piece because they're not worth a ton what is it's a nice little desirable mid-century piece of glass and the price was right that is the the determining factor for picking things up boy I almost couldn't spit that out what is up with me today all right let's see what's in the kitchen oh look at these look at those little spreaders those are awful cute I just don't think they're worth a whole bunch just really liked them they had a nice weight to them too got to tell you the truth nice little Stone wear midwinter Wedgewood Wedgewood group huh made in England Sur price on that what's the price on you you don't have a price of course not a price here no price no [Music] price yeah I think we're going to leave it oh no way did we just find Pyrex we sure did look at that $4 for the little one and $6 so $10 for that little Pyrex set we will grab that okay look at this fun vintage set in its original box probably somebody had it in a closet got it as a gift never used it it's prodine Illusions thick acrylic I know it's vintage cuz there's a date on the bottom this is 1993 it is eight bucks but I just love the fact that it's all original and it's all there he just brought out this little tea canister as well I wish I could see if the final was okay I think it probably is I'll check it at check out but it's only four bucks I'm going to grab that oh that looks like Linux butterfly Meadows but it's not it's English garden by tabletops unlimited look how pretty that is it's like watercolor flowers unfortunately it's really really chipped o really chipped so we have to leave it that's a shame cuz I was kind of in love with that piece all right we'll keep looking liable to be more cool stuff cuz he's loading the shelves as we speak that's got a raised pattern it's Orchard [Music] wear made in California that's a cool that's a cool piece but one dinner plate doesn't really do a whole lot for me so we will keep it going all right pots and pans I'm looking for more of this like new in the package stuff might have come from the same estate and all I don't think those pieces actually go together oh wait truly wireless Bluetooth meat thermometer Noah's thermometer stopped working and he's been a little distressed cuz he loves his thermometer oh that looks pretty new too you know what I wonder if it works with Android six bucks it came from Amazon you know what I think I'm better off just buying them a new one with a warranty all right their art is kind of all piled on a shelf here so we're just going to do the same old does something stand out to us looking at the edges or getting a peak of you know floral and Hardy but I'm not seeing anything of note what are you a little perpetual calendar with this little ducky person on it that's kind of cute is it a duck it is a duck right it is a duck all right we don't need him we don't need him crafty section yeah white flowers any white flowers oh gosh I have three of these that I have yet to list on eBay and that's where I need to list them to get them sold so I'm not picking up any more even though they're they're good they're collectible yes I see the turtle I can leave the turtle all right not too much more else here and crafty section platter with cheese knife what are you oh you're very christmy definitely don't need any christmy platters with cheese knife take a little jaunt through this furnace Furniture section over here sometimes some cool items get placed over here as accent pieces I'm not really seeing anything though got some collector plates nope nothing there well I think that's going to do it here and I'm going to head home because I've got some shipping to do now if you are in the niche ation membership at the all-in level I go live when I do my shipping now so if you're in that level be watching for those announcements it's not going to be the same time every time it's going to get varied up and it's not going to be every day because it's only when I have shipping to do but that is now a new perk of the Allin level so I hope to see you there and uh with that stay tuned for a recap everything I bought at the Goodwill before Salvation Army that's coming up everything I bought how much I paid and how much it's [Music] worth [Music] this is the joy of thrifting you never know what you're going to find on the shelves Pyrex I almost never find Pyrex and I never find it in a desirable color and pattern so super jazzed about that it was all I could do not to just stay there and wait as he they they don't bring out a card or a or a um a shopping cart stuff anymore it was all in these little tubs that were wrapped and closed until he revealed what they were and put them on the Shelf so he had like three more tubs to go I kind of wanted to stay and see if the rest of that Pyrex was there but I didn't dare because it is time for me to get home and get some other things done so with that you go be profitable and make it fun we'll see you on the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: The NICHE Lady
Views: 37,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrift with me, thrifting, thrift vlog, reseller, Ebay reseller, nich lady, Crazy Lamp Lady, thrift flip, how to sell on Ebay, selling on Ebay, how to thrift, ebay seller, come thrifting with me, Goodwill, Goodwill thrifting, nich, nichlady, Thrifting Vegas, Goodwill shopping, Let's Go Thrifting, Picker, Flip for a profit, Danni Ackerman, Danny Ackerman, Thenichelady, the nich lady, Danni the Niche Lady, Danny the Niche Lady, thriftingvegas, las vegas, the nitch lady, whatnot
Id: e0Wtnla9JzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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