I Found My Old iPhone 6S from My Old Video - 6 Years in a Creek

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what's up guys techrax here in this video i'm gonna try and go on an adventure to find one of my old iphone 6s so i made a video this was over six years ago where i dropped an iphone but the thing is it wasn't just one iphone it was three iphone 6s in one kind of little confined area i know exactly where this area is and i'm going to try and go back there i'm going to hope that the creek that was once there is not there anymore because i know it's going to be more dry um we had some hot summers here i'll show you guys this exact same tree as you see here on the left side the same tree in the same spot and i know if i really look around like i really hope i want to find this iphone 6s because i know there's three of them i dropped three brand new unlock perfectly working 6s's in this area and i just want to go on an adventure i want to see if we can find one of them guys i'm going to go take you straight to this area and we'll see what we can find as you guys could see this is like a long hike to the spot where i dropped these three iphones and look at these um interesting artifacts we're finding here not sure what kind of animal that is what is this let's take a look here six years later this is the spot guys it's crazy how this place changed i want to show you the biggest thing is the water level if you guys remember from last video there were there was way much more water now when you're looking here i mean you can literally walk around here i just want to show you guys closer i'm going to get my gopro set up and we're just going to be walking around here it could easily be just somewhere here in the mud even under these rocks it could be anywhere yeah be looking and then if something beeps just start digging you know what i'm thinking because i remember like the angle of the drop i think it's somewhere like in here this is a good place to look at okay go right here no nothing what it's like i feel like it was making this kind of noise that means this far i think i'm just gonna walk along the river like to the very left it's right here to check right here see you and then you have to okay then it's here look at that right here right there so we can do it yeah we found a strategy over here right here oh what the heck okay that's a nail so we found a nail looks like an old washer rusted nail see nothing is detecting oh yo like big time oh let me grab a shovel i have to move i don't know there's definitely something there okay just step aside [Music] yeah there's something in here oh right here no hold on i think i've seen something oh what is that what is it is that a fish hook let me see let me see what it is what is this from the how you guys did the what's it called it's a piece of metal i don't know what it is though yeah if it's like that we got it right here yeah let's see what else we got in store maybe some remnants of an iphone it's like big you know oh right here yeah well let me see yeah that's what is that oh that's just the piece of barbed wire that's barbed wire yeah yeah that's cool cool little find not what we need but let's keep searching searching every side every angle trying to find this iphone or remnants of the iphone i'll take that too but i know that a couple of those iphones literally sink down they weren't even strapped to the sodium metal okay [Music] so something here where's the shovel yeah i think i got something here okay hold on because i got something too come check with your things let me so i found it i found the iphone 6s come over here it's literally in the full shape here let me wash it let me wash it it was literally in the side wall by the seaweed seaweed looking stuff oh my goodness there is literally corrosion there's rust there's like star buildup but this thing is literally fully preserved so this was one of those two iphones that just sank down and it wasn't strapped properly to the sodium metal three iphones are in this area and we just found one of them i cannot wait to actually try and restore this i cannot believe we found it literally under the side wall all the water was filled up here we searched five hours two separate days this is day two we were here yeah the first day we searched here we couldn't find it and this is literally where the drop was the throw was right here the water was already full before i cannot believe we found the iphone 6s guys i'm going to take it home i'm going to try and clean it up and see if we can even like try and restore this thing i want to give you guys a perspective of where we found this iphone 6s the first one out of the two days searching so we made holes everywhere trying to figure this out we were digging things we found random small barbed wire mostly all around here but i remember one thing is that we threw it in that area kind of between where that green patch is and those thorny vines and we found it let me zoom this thing in basically right under this seaweed looking stuff so definitely in that layer of sediment where there was you know water previously and the water just went down wow just some work and we were able to get it done i want to show you guys a close-up of the iphone and one thing i'm really surprised is the condition of the front i know you guys could see all these stains here but considering this phone was just under wind and rain and the soil for so long it's actually interesting that like this part of the iphone is fine and you can actually the button is clickable ports are actually filled up with some black gunk so i can't even plug it in to see if it would like turn on i don't know what it is it's not like soil but then when we look at the back guys absolute total um destruction you can see there's weird black spots there's the color is fading there's rust um just really a bunch of stuff and this is like after i really try to clean this iphone up this camera looks like it's in perfect condition so that's really weird too so that wraps it up guys thanks for watching as always stay tuned for more videos and i'll catch you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: TechRax
Views: 958,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPhone, durability, drop, test, hammer, smash, 6s, 13, pro, max, comparison, google, pixel, samsung, galaxy, coca, cola, creek, sodium, metal, experiment, life, hack, secret, orbeez, pool, spiral, staircase, scuba, diving, detector, searching, exploring, abandoned, adventure, journey, found, finding, broken
Id: 0cu3Qav_yE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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