I Found Multiple *ERROR PACKS* in a ONE OF EVERYTHING from Pokemon Shining Fates! (opening cards)

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breaking family in today's video we are going to continue with a tradition for the past few years right here on this channel when a new set got released we would go to the store and we would buy one of everything and this pokemon series goes all the way back to around the release of burning shadows it's a really interesting series because you get to take a look at everything and it helps decide what you want to add to your pokemon collection and breaking family i didn't want to let you down i know there's one pokemon set you really really wanted to see me do this with you wanted to see me open up one of every single pokemon shining fates product breaking family let the tradition continue what is up my breaking family sending some as the vibes in your direction and i am hyped for today's pokemon opening inside of this box right here you see one of every single shining face item ever released right here inside of this box and we are going to open up everything and i mean everything in today's video that is correct psy duck it's going to be a long video so sit back relax take your shoes off take your socks off get a drink get a nice beverage some h2o grab some snacks some broccoli some bagel bites whatever sit back relax let's open up one of every single shining fates item first up on the list are going to be the shining fates mini10 right here is one of every single one of them that was released we have celebi kyogre we got manafee zurud and then right here we got a regiram so let's go ahead and get started and i need all of you to do me a favor down in the comment section below right now i need you to comment how many shiny pokemon do you think we're gonna pull and out of all all every single one of the shining fates pokemon packs that we open up in today's pokemon opening how many shiny pokemon cards do you think we're going to end up pulling and then as we go through every single one of these items on the screen you will see the retail price for each one of these items that way can better help you determine what you might like to add to your collection and hopefully this helps if you are new to pokemon card collecting or playing the pokemon tcg all right here we go we have shining face the very first booster pack for today's pokemon opening and hopefully we pull some cards to add to our shining fates binder that is sitting right back there we might uh you know actually we might add some of the cards to it today we pull any that we need we're trying to pull one of every single card from shining face every reverse holo every ultra rare every shiny pokemon energy it's a big task but i'm willing to take on that task cramer amp cacnia going into a yawn mega and i will give out the code card for every single booster pack in today's pokemon opening all right so the very first shining fades mini 10 we have a yon mega and a cachnia we got more pico more pekko running away horsey with those kanto vibes energy ro tom writing a book rusted sword the wacky horsey and a zero so no hollow rare inside of that first one it's perfectly okay nothing wrong with that going into zero next which i actually might need to grab something right over here all right there we go i got a sweet coin or a suicune pin not coined right here so i can easily open things up now there we go much much better will zarood give us better luck than the last 10. as you can see it kind of creates an entire scene when you put everything together so that's really really neat there is both of the packs the front of the 10 the back of the 10 as well all right first pack from the mini 10. now i haven't had i think i've opened up maybe two or three of these on the channel so far haven't had the best of luck with the mini tens yanma grooky going into a tutor energy i'll put that right back there rusted sword kramer ant trophies there we go we got ourselves a shiny swivel go ahead put up one point on the shiny pokemon board and then a rainbow rare al creamy v-max whoo breaking family now that right there was a shining face pack and of course right as i say i don't have the best of luck with the mini 10s i end up pulling two two pulls from one pack through evil which i'm not sure if we already have i know we already have the al creamy v-max right up there inside of the vip section the very important pokemon card section dragopol is the next pack artwork all right here we go give us some good luck dragapul we have a snomed sitting on a bench adorable you know sometimes it's it's nice and relaxing to just sit on a bench watch the birds watch them fly by watch the squirrels kramer ant the wacky gym trainer and there we go amazing rare restaurant and a celebi flying right in to the picture there's the code card we'll go ahead and sweep up our restaurant now however remember remember we only have one point on the shiny fate counter that sweevil right there let's go ahead and go into this amanaphy which has a little bit of a bend right there or a dent right there in the tin all right sweet do your job there you go those pins multi-purpose right there another coin and there is the artwork for the mana fee 10. all right another dragapult seems to be a dragopole in every single one of these let's go ahead and start off with the dragon pole i didn't count how many pokemon booster packs [Music] i have to say i've been uploading a lot of pokemon videos here on this channel well it's the only thing i've pretty much uploaded here on this youtube channel been uploading pokemon videos since 2014 right here on this channel almost a thousand videos a thousand pokemon videos here on this channel not once have i ever pulled two code cards in one pack breaking family we have an error pokemon pack situation there's the code card right there for that one and the code card for that one as well wow okay interesting very very interesting first time that has ever happened and we caught it right here on video horsey shanks spinner rack grooky energy i put that right over there rusted shield i know that was pretty interesting i agree cyda ball guy dreadnough going into a bosses orders i mean how crazy would that have been if uh if something else was wrong with the pack too like what if it was all shiny pokemon now that that right there would be pretty crazy okay next one we have a more pico more pekko going into a swimming eevee energy i'll put that right back there tropius we have a ball guy more pico more peco and a yawn mega so uh so far only have probably the best of luck inside of the zeroed shining fates mini 10 suicune doing its job once again thank you so much suicune now that wasn't nice to say about sweden at all be nice to people if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all remember that remember that you need to have a talk with psyduck over there okay all right we all gotta get along here let's all get along okay we all love one another there's the coin right there kyogre there's the kyogre right there we have toxicity and dragapult there there's the lid all right these seem a little bit brighter is that just me here's toxicity right there no no all right all right they just seemed a little bit brighter but that must have just been in my brain that it seemed brighter okay going into the next one i don't know if we're gonna do the card trick for every single pack because we do have a lot of packs to open up today jim traynor luxio eldagas more pico more petco and a professor's research only one shiny pokemon card so far and it is that sweevil right there actually and no no hollow rares oh interesting okay we have a glossy glossopher coughing more pico more peco running away canto vibes there you go there's some water uh rusted sword wrote tom arthur rotom dreadna and another janmega i'm sensing some sort of pattern with these yanmegas there's the code card for that one our last shining fates mini10 going to a celebi right there suicune doing its job once again there is the coin which is the same in every single one of them we have that beautiful celebi which i think out of all of these i think the celebi might be my favorite we see that rillaboom hiding in the background some nice hide-and-go-seek going on all right we have corbin i and a charizard tack artwork let's just go straight to it in this one we have a weasel swimming eevee and a dreadnaugh that is our third dreadnall the other two are reverse hollows but it is our third one rusted shield and a team yell towel code card once again everybody loves a good code card in their life all right canto vibes with that horsey swimming eevee rowlet and a professor's research so only one of those tens producing a hollow rare or better we didn't even get a hollow rare um so one of those tents just one so let's go ahead and go into the next item all right now before i continue any further with today's pokemon opening i have to mention that when i started this i totally forgot to add in the premium collection boxes of dragopol and acrobat my bad i'll take the blame for that one so in the rest of the video you're probably gonna hear me say the pokemon tins are the last thing that we're gonna be opening up that is not true these are the last things that we'll be opening up in today's video the pikachu v box right here i've had some pretty good luck with the pikachu v box let's go ahead and open it up let's just get straight to it right there on your screen you do see the retail price for the pikachu v box i'll set that back there there is the pikachu v jumbo card almost said coin and then three charizard packs inside of this one there's the code card for that and then boom right over there four packs inside and of course you do get the pikachu which is the promo starting off with a charizard pack artwork uh-oh i see something i see something breaking family grooky shanks coughing i think it's a really boom and a really boom v max shining grilla boom v-max beautiful beautiful card and a vault canyon for the rare energy i'll put that right back there ro tom and the code card once again and uh there's something we all need to talk about all right let me sleeve this up [Music] right up there in the vip section i promised i would talk about it i'm getting ready to tell them just give me a second okay and i know you don't like it at all i know you don't but everybody keeps saying i need to get a haircut um no no it's my hair it's my hair no i'm not gonna get a haircut um at least not anytime soon this is the longest i've ever had my hair um i do things i do things how i want i don't let anybody try to um try to tell me how to do things i'm just being myself do things the way you want to do things if you want to grow your hair grow out your hair obviously within reason obviously you obviously want to make sure that you're not um doing anything negative towards anybody else but when it's something like hair you know do what you want it's your hair and another al creamy rainbow rare goodness there is the code card right there we'll go ahead and sleeve it up so as of right now no haircut whoop i'm vibing with it i'm vibing with this so you can see how long it is right now it is crazy i'm looking at the screen it is crazy crazy long i think i actually might have to start wearing my hat like this um just so i can actually see i think if we ever pull a shiny greninja um that's probably when i'll get a haircut but we gotta pull a shiny greninja from hidden fates first it's been a long journey maybe one day probably won't happen anytime soon but we're going to try we're going to try i got a hidden face opening coming up soon so if we pull a shiny greninja i'll get a haircut rusted sword floatzl vol canyon going into a celebi there's the code card right there like i said this is the longest i've ever had my hair and uh i'm just being myself no apologies don't ever apologize for being you the important thing is that you're trying not to be like anybody else don't be like anybody else that's boring be you you're the only person that's like you in this world so why be like somebody else right be proud to be who you are coughing more pico more peco energy i'll put that right back there the wacky gym trainer luxio and there we go silly cobra acting so silly it looks like it's taking a nap don't take a nap we're in the middle of a pokemon opening and there we go our first decidueye which is definitely a little bit off-center i would say probably a little bit more than just a little but definitely off-center back of it looks nice but front of it off-center but we do have another shiny pokemon card number three it's our third one right there so you can see the vip section is growing and growing we're serving bagel bites pepperoni and three cheese bagel bites right now inside of the vip section all right i say the next thing we go into is the shining face elite trainer box of course as you see on the screen you are seeing the retail price once again goes for about 50 and if you are wanting the most shining fates booster packs from one item from one shining fates item the elite trainer box is going to be the way to go because you are going to get 10 packs inside of this make sure i'm not missing anything all right put that right back there ever so gentle there is the exclusive ev max promo that you can only get inside of this box we have our 10 packs right there we have a nice little booklet we have our dice our counters our dividers are energy cards and a nice little storage box for your bulk or for your ultra rares whatever you want to store in there there is the code card that will unlock that evie and of course don't forget those sleeves right there so adorable all right let's make sure we have ten packs one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten all right three shiny pokemon so far so if you uh guessed two you're definitely you're definitely wrong so we've pulled three it's it's a math situation don't ask me about math that i can kind of figure out but you know i'm no no good at math philosopher snow i'm sitting on a bench energy put that right over there we have eldergas luxio garuki and a volcanion all right there's the code card for that one let's just go straight to [Music] a no card trick straight to it snomed coughing uh-oh full art trainer please full art trainer another another rainbow rare el creamy v-max that is our third rainbow rare in just one pokemon opening el degas dartrix and luxio there's the code card so we have pulled the same amount of rainbow rares as we have pulled shiny pokemon right up there in the vip section dare i say we have a river a lazy river of ultra rares today going into toxicity let's just go straight to it we have bleazel cacnia the weevil and a frost moth which i believe is only our second hollow rare that we have pulled in today's video let's double check one two our second hollow rare in today's video that's actually really really interesting to be honest with you all right spinner rack ooh bugs coughing grooty ball canyon well another air pokemon pack you know this uh this this pokemon opening is really revealing a lot um no reverse hollow no reverse hollow none we got a rare we got the bulk canyon no reverse hollow though that's unfortunate because we are trying to pull every reverse hollow so that definitely did not help the situation we have a shanks more pico more pekko and once again no reverse hollow back to back oh that is that is sad that is definitely sad oh and it has to be in the elite trainer box too of course all right let's see if it happens again spinner rack rowlet uh oh cacnia and a ditto v but no reverse hollow once again that's three packs in a row that we have not pulled a reverse hollow that is definitely definitely a big error a big uh oh very big oh and a very even bigger no-no i don't know how else to put it there we go ditto b that is a no-no okay all right let's see if it happens again horsey grooky once again four packs four packs in a row and we did not pull a reverse hollow there's the code card right there wow that is rough that is rough breaking family we have three packs left definitely a no-no that is a pokemon no no all right it's all right it's all right we got plenty more to open up we don't let it ruin our day this doesn't make it a bad day shanks horsey and indeedy v and a vault canyon so luckily luckily that would technically be the reverse hollow spot so that time i would say we we got our reverse holo um so to speak in ddv shiny in ddv and a vol canyon i know i did not have that one for our shining fates binder so that will definitely be put inside of the shining fates binder and that is a beautiful beautiful shiny all right two packs left from the shining face elite trainer box opening one of everything one of everything true pinch grookie spinner rack spinner rack and a professor's research no reverse hollow once again there's the code card ouch and two spinner racks whoo whoo that is rough that is rough especially when you're trying to collect one of every reverse hollow more pico more pekko bueno play okay there we go and a deciduous so luckily not every single pack maybe they just ran out of reverse hollows there's the deciduous i'd rather it happen to me than somebody else so i'll i'll take it for the team i'll take one for the team right there but i'll bay nice let's go and sleeve that up right up there in the vip section let's go ahead back there grab the binder all the way back here boom there is our shining face binder as i swim upstream and there we go as you probably saw i do have a new chair that i recently bought a little bit better on my back i do have some back issues so all right here we go let's go ahead and open this up let's go ahead and put our bundle b in all right bundle b you are card number 97 so remember we are trying to get one of every single card so 97 that is 101 so 100 oh counting backwards great 100 99 98 97 right there it's going to add it to the binder nice bundle b we have in ddv which is card number 114 114 i think we can go over one page perfect perfect toxicity is 112 113 114 that one's easy math for me all right and ddv right there boom and i believe that oh maybe silly cobra silly cobra is card number 70. card number 70. so let's move back just a little bit that is card number 48. uh card number 64 65 66 67 68 69 70. all right so 70 right down there silly cobra and i believe we do have everything else in there oh maybe not maybe sweevil all right sweevil number 82. all right 82 sweevil oh there we go boom and then sweevil goes right there at the very top of the page if i can get it in the binder there we go let's continue breaking a family we will continue onward with um let's save the tens for last we got all three of the tens let's go into the mad party collection boxes we have every single one of them right here we have bundle bay polti geist gallerian mr rhyme and de dene as you see on your screen right now the uh the retail value or the retail price for um each one of these individually not altogether but individually you get three packs inside of it as well as the promo which you can only get from each of these boxes you do get the adorable pin and i gotta say i think that the dinner might be the most adorable of all the pins three booster packs boom boom boom and of course your code card boom and then when you actually throw the plastic it explodes watch pretty neat right pretty neat obviously that's science i can't i can't really go into much detail but it is science it's related to science evie horsey and a corvus squire all right there's the code card right there somebody is it you it's you isn't it you're pulling you're pulling a prank on me i knew it i knew it psyduck pulling a prank on me another rainbow rare al creamy v-max there we go sleeve it up we still have plenty more packs to open up i wouldn't be surprised if there was another one el creamy v-max and a corvus squire we already have both of those but let's just go ahead and take a nice look at all the rainbow rare el creamies that we have pulled in today's video right there four of them and the corpus choir you can't make this up you really can't more pico more peco i don't know if i gave you those code cards but there they both are all right we have a glossopher bosses orders and a crowbat okay there we go a different ultra rare inside of our rare spot finally something different than al creamy v max right up there in the vip section dragapol laughing at us we're pulling all the al creamy v-maxes we have trepinch going into a frost moth and there is the code card for that one all right let's go into gallerian mr rhyme right back there explosion explosion all right and just like the da dene you get the exact same stuff but with galerion mr rhyme there's the code card for that one explosion perfect okay it's science nice uh nice reference there more pico and a double v another shiny pokemon that we did not have we are gonna be we're gonna be getting up to at least a good 90 i think with getting a complete set here very very soon 80 90 i would say double v right there i don't know there is a lot of baby shinies inside of this set so it might it might take a while spinner rack coffer bull canyon going into a manafee energy put that right back there the wacky and the code card once again something very interesting is we have actually not pulled any full art trainers no full art trainers yet spinner rack more pico more petco and a zeroed now if we pull a full art trainer it's actually going to be in the rare spot not where the shiny would be all right there is polti guys right there i'll set that right back there and that right there all right we do have the polti geist we got the nice polti geist pin all three of the packs code card and then of course the scientific explosion okay if you did not see yesterday's video i will link you up at the very end but um marie [Applause] i was gonna say marie kind of got ice cream kind of you'll just have to go and see um yep you see i don't know what's going on i have no idea at this point i'm in some sort of pokemon twilight zone right now another el creamy v max there's the code card right there the pokemon twilight zone okay whoop right up there in the vip section all right that is our fifth one our fifth al creamy v max i told you i wouldn't be surprised if we pulled another one and there we go we pulled another one more pico more pekko celebi and bosses orders we're seeing a lot of those oh coke guard there we go put it right back there there's some h2o for you psyduck and charizard pack artwork i'm breaking a sweat opening up these pokemon cards more pico more pekko and a celebi come on i want to see a full art trainer full art trainer all right we're going into a bundle b and then that is all of the mad party pen collections all right there we go and there is the bundle b now this is a series we have done on the channel for uh for many years now like i said towards the start of the video scientific explosion like i said towards the start of the video um this goes all the way back to around when burning shadows was released and i i find them fun but i also find them very informative and a great way to help figure out what you want to get uh and add to your collection there we go there we go full art trainer poke kid wow and that right there that is some fantastic artwork with the uh with the eevee costume on oh i love that that is awesome and a rotom with a code card right there whoo there we go we got a full art trainer breaking family that's what i'm talking about at least it wasn't an al creamy v-max there's the code card right did i i don't know what code cards i've showed you i have a bunch of them laying over here so my apologies if i miss one more pico more pekko glossopher glossopher and a professor's research energy and there's the code card all right psyduck i'm turning to you once again because you're gonna do the energy this time okay no it's you got it this time i believe in you i believe in you hey no be nice okay believe believe in psyduck okay be nice be nice we believe in you psyduck no stage fright this time you got it spinner rack philosopher there we go shiny pokemon goodness hatred and an indeedy not in ddv just a regular hollow rare indeedy all right are you ready here we go oh and even hit you on the head my apologies i know next time you'll get it i know it can be it can be a little it can be rough to uh to yell energy on camera you'll get it you'll get it next time next time okay i believe in you i'm believing it all right there we go code card code card psyduck you confused me you used confusion all right there we go in the vip section shiny pokemon how many do we have so far i don't know i've lost count um before we get to the shining fates tens let's go ahead add in some cards to the binder i think we're just adding in these three right here so i got the binder let's go ahead and start off with hat trim which is number 55 number 55 we got card number 48 49 49.50 one two three four and five right there beside the dragapult let's make sure that we didn't mess that up 55 and uh 62. wait a minute wait a minute 55 oh i messed up somewhere oh is my is oh no is the binder is the binder all messed up 49 50 1 2 3 4 5. how did i mess that up you really used confusion didn't you wow okay math is math is hard okay we have uh poke kid which is 70. i legit got confused right there totally totally confused myself all right there is bird keeper uh 67 68 69 70. all right pokey kid going right there boom 70 yes all right just double checking after that last card and our double v which is number 120 oh that al creamy 120 going all the way back here all right 120 we got 119 and then 120 right there nice nice beautiful all right we got some more left gotta stay hydrated taking a drink from the ocean all right perfect rehydrated i am ready to go we have one two and three shining fates tens these are all of them we got cramer amp we got bolton and we got elder goss v all right there on your screen you do see the retail price for those individually not all together um i would say honestly out of all the products these are the ones that i see the least pikachu v boxes are probably the ones i see the most stores typically have been stocking with a lot of elite trainer boxes there is the uh the oh no oh no my bolton my bolton [Music] try not to cry try not to cry okay okay i got it i got it i'm fine i'm fine we still love you bolton we still love you there's the code card oh oh no that yeah oh we're still gonna love it we're still gonna put it in the collection all right we'll set it right there that's rough hi see what i did there well bolton that's rough rough rough no one really no one again no one okay all right that's fine that's fine all right somebody's laughing at my jokes out there somebody is we get one two three four five six packs inside of this one oh i feel really bad about that bolton evie yanma going into a gallerian wheezing for the rare in that one but like i was saying i uh i feel like there's a lot of shining face elite trainer boxes um that are getting stocked in stores i personally haven't seen a whole lot of them in stores at one time but i've seen pictures i've seen pictures of but i i do tend to find the the tins i see in stores just a little bit more often really boom however it is difficult to find pokemon cards in store in general so unless i'm pretty much going to a store on a friday or saturday i'm i'm i'm typically not finding any pokemon cards at all so and i'm not waiting in it i'm not going to wait in line so we have a at chutel there we go drizzle shiny goodness and it appears in the same pack now that right there whoo that right there is beautiful there's the code card right there ah drizzle oh that is a beautiful beautiful shiny and appears in the same pack you cannot complain about that cannot complain about that at all whoop right there and there is the piers beautiful beautiful nice yeah definitely not going to wait in a line for a long time definitely not for a long time coughing and a double v bosses orders right there we go right there and an energy put that right back there and a code card i think maybe i think maybe a half hour might be my limit for being able to wait in in line for anything all right double v going into the next one i'd wait in line a half hour for some pokemon cards absolutely i don't think i could do like three four or five hours that's that's too much i got things to do uh tr pinch and a yon mega energy put that right over there and the code card right there oh i was going for a sleeve and i had no reason to sleeve anything up horsey snomed sitting on a bench and another corvus squire and then a celebi there's everything and the code card right there let's go ahead and sleeve up corvus squire right there and let's go into the cramer ant [Music] all right please don't let the cram ramp be bent because this is actually the first cramer at 10 that i've ever opened up so definitely definitely need that i'm gonna put that back on here and let's see if this one explodes i don't know i don't know if there's any science behind this one oh yeah that was a big explosion okay here we go six packs once again let's see what we got inside of the first one i've yet to pull the shiny charizard there we go car call and a boss's orders but we do have a car called that we are adding to the collection there's the code card for that one here we go sleeve it up whoop right there in the vip section feels like there was something on the back of it no no okay there we go luckily i don't think there's anything coming out that i would need to go wait in line for right now i don't think they're really seeing anything soon i don't think so true pinch elegas and a rose and now we are seeing all the full art trainers there we go full r rose you know one thing that i have not seen in stores is a battle styles elite trainer box i haven't seen one rose there we go uh four packs left inside of that tin all right we got coffer more pico more pekko spinner rack rowlet restaurant and a dreadnough there we go restaurant goodness there's the code card for that we'll set that right back there if i can get this sleeve out here there we go restaurant if you've seen a lot of videos on the channel lately you know we haven't had the best of luck when we go out searching trying to find pokemon cards that's something i like to do here on the channel is actually take you on an adventure and going and searching for some pokemon cards it's what we've always kind of done here on the channel have a good time i enjoy doing that but it's obviously a little bit more difficult to do that right now but i'm trying my best i'm out there searching i'm out there searching trying to find them like you are grooky yanma dartrix and a celebi there's the code card for that one i am glad there is such things as pre-orders though because if it wasn't for pre-orders i would definitely not have a lot of things uh available at the moment and an l creamy v full art i love the background in that al creamy v that is so stunning and now i have a little bit of a sweet tooth going on one thing i miss is uh whoop the original butterfinger if you haven't had a butter finger and in a long time it's not the same recipe it's different it's different it tastes different it's not the same it's not owned by the same company anymore nestle doesn't own butterfinger anymore um so it's a little bit of a sad situation butterfinger used to be my favorite candy it's not anymore it's it's definitely not anymore so oh original butterfinger r.i.p we miss you we miss you original butterfinger remember butterfinger bbs like way back in the 90s that's uh i might have just unlocked something in your memory banks restaurant and another yon mega crameran and the code card for that one all right let's go ahead and sleeve up our restaurant right there in the vip section there's the code card if i didn't give it to you just a couple packs left hopefully today's video kind of gave you some information or hopefully maybe you were entertained you had a good laugh or two or just enjoyed hanging out that's what i enjoy hanging out with every single one of you we are on the road to a million subscribers right now do me a favor if this is the first time you've ever watched the channel hit that subscribe button become part of the breaking family we're here to just have a good time hang out enjoy each other's company be ourselves which is really really important be you don't try to be like anybody else and enjoy some pokemon at the same time leave your negativity at the door of the world doesn't need any more negativity why why would you want to spread negativity spread positivity nothing but positive vibes here on this channel energy elder goss luxio and kramaria v beautiful beautiful kramer ant v let's go ahead and sleeve that up whoop and did i give you that code card i don't know i don't know anymore i'm still sad about that bolton all right we have grooky evie corbin knight and a decidueye for our rare there is the code card i say right before the very last pack let's go ahead and add in everything to the binder that we need we got horsey cacnia rowlet there's another cacnia and a celebi energy put it right back there next video i want you to really try your best okay there's the code card we have one pack left i believe out of everything right here if it's an al creamy vmax i want to be a little upset um we need the rose the charcoal the drizzle the piers and that is it i believe all right let's grab the binder right here breaking family let's go ahead and add in the car coal which is card number 68 card number 68 um gonna be about right over here we got 64. five six seven eight right there in the middle of the page cartel you represent the page very very nicely drizzle is card number 26. right i don't think i have that one yet 26 we have 21 22 23 24 25 26 right there in the middle bottom row oh i love that i love that shiny all right next up we have pierce which is card number 69. all right we have pokekid which is 70 so 69 going right there and then last but not least we have rose now that is a style right there rose rose you got some style all right pokey kid it's going right beside poke kid wow we really we really added some full art trainers to the binder nice nice still missing that skyla though all right our last pack all right what's inside of the last one here we go could be a shiny hopefully it's a shiny all right here we go spinner rack snome horsey rowlet more pico more pekko energy put it right back there in my filing cabinet let me go ahead and give you that code card so i don't forget luxio dartrix the last card oh there we go is a dell mize v beautiful rusted shield going into a grim snarl v-max grim snarl you definitely did not ruin the party all right the pokemon tins were not the last thing that we were opening up in grim starl obviously did not ruin the party i realized that i forgot to add these in as i was cleaning up everything off of the floor the energies the packs the empty packs all that stuff i realized i forgot to add in the shining fates premium collection boxes as you see on your screen is what they retail for these were actually both game stop pre-orders for me and one of them one of them came open uh this is actually how i got it it came open i think it just was not glued well enough so we're gonna go ahead and open up the dragon pulp first hopefully this is perfectly okay i'm assuming it probably is i'll set that right back there uh science explosion but we do have our dragapult v shiny and our dragopul v max shiny oh and the code card is right behind that one so let me go ahead and get that for you boom there you go i'm gonna put that back on so i don't lose them and you do get that coin which is definitely a lot bigger than a regular sized pokemon coin and there we go there is our jumbo pokemon card and we do get seven packs of shining fates pokemon cards so we have 14 more packs to open up so a chance at some more shinings and a chance to add some more cards i can scoot this chair forward to the shining fate binder obviously you can see i've already cleaned everything up except for the poor poor bent bolton all right here we go let's see what we got inside of our first pack from the shining fates premium collection we have a corbin and a ditto v going in for a high five and everything else there's the code card right there i went ahead and set that back there so now i'm gonna have to clean everything up once again i don't want to do it but responsibilities okay here we go whoop right up there in the vip section the very important pokemon card section continuing on we do see an eevee swimming right along it's about to be summertime well technically it just became spring but swimming is definitely some summertime vibes i'm looking forward to getting some nice swimming in relaxing relaxing bye or in or on the pool more pico more peco yanma and a professor's research and the code card for that one all right so only a ditto v so far no shiny pokemon so there is nothing to add we cannot add another um another point to the board and a three bowl that probably came in and stole all of the shiny pokemon we have a ball guy which i don't know ball guy's doing a dance or something so i don't know ball guys situation that's a ball guy situation i have no idea what ball guy is doing uh oh maybe it's taking oh it's taking off its helmet that's what it's doing i will take off my hat that's a lot of hair it's a lot of hair all right put the hat back on okay here we go what do you think you like the long hair you don't like the long hair i mean if you don't like it i'm still it's still not going to make me get a haircut but i'm just curious to what you think uh we have snomed philosopher we got grooky and a zarood and the code card for that one we definitely have a lot of uh shiny or not shiny but uh reverse aloe grass pokemon oh zurud my apologies you go in the rare section right over there all right evie chutel i think we found her evie and every one of them there is grooky once again and indeedy indeed okay what is this all about what is this all about i don't know i don't know how in the world i forgot to add in the premium collection boxes i really don't i really don't know how i forgot to add those in i do i have a fever do i have a fever is something is something going on here how did i forget to add those in i got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell that's right all right here we go that is a classic classic saturday night live uh skit there is the coin there is the shiny uh crobat and the shiny crobat v max let me get you that code card right there and there is the code card i got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell all right said that right back there there is crobat v max i definitely cannot do a christopher walken impression that's for sure i'd love to be able to do one but i i definitely can't i can kind of do like wow wow that's all i i think that's all i got wow that's it that's all i got all right toxicity we have more pico more pico with the shuckle squad right in the background true pinch rusted sword and a celebi no shiny pokemon so far in any of the premium collection boxes interesting very very interesting you think with the word like premium oh there we go i take it back i take it back psyduck no you didn't hear me say anything you didn't hear me say anything philosopher spinner rack going into a grim snarl i guess that only makes sense and a more pico more pekko v there we go two in one pack energy put that right back there there's the code card for the pokemon tcgo i always give them out in every single video i never keep any of them i always give them to you so if you enjoy a good code card whoop hit that notification bell icon so you don't miss any videos i upload 45 times every single week all right going into the next one we got that adorable adorable eevee yanma grooky and a sweevil pulling some doubles but that's okay and the code card for that one let's go ahead and sleeve up our the weeple we pulled our first sweevil that is hard to say uh earlier in the video there are some code cards i don't know if i'm giving those to you i think i am pulled my first one earlier in today's video and now i've pulled another one we have spinner rack ooh bugs elder gas and a hollow rare frost moth now we're pulling a lot of hollow rares earlier in the video we were pulling no hollow rares which was concerning it was a little bit concerning but cacnia chuta and a vulcanion evil looking ball canyon we got author rotom writing a biography last two packs we'll go ahead and do the card trick on both of those i'll go ahead and give you the code card for that one one two three four one two we have horsey snowmon a bench going into energy we got floatzel chutel and a professor's research saying hey how you doing it's always nice to wave to people it really is just wave to somebody just be nice put some positivity out there could change someone's day you never know you never know all right last pack we are ending on let's see if something actually ruins the party this time i'll give you the code card for that one we have a rowlet weasel with those summertime vibes i'm getting a little jealous more pico more pekko horsey energy tropius thank you for the good luck i appreciate that ro tom more pico more pekko ending on more pico more pekko v max you did definitely you do you definitely did not ruin the party more pico more pekko breaking family that's it for today's pokemon video make sure you hit that subscribe button check out these videos right over here i'll see you all in the next video and i truly love every single one of you all around the world do it with me now peace love and high five
Channel: RealBreakingNate
Views: 489,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, error pokemon cards, one of everything, pokemon opening, opening pokemon cards, pokemon card opening, pokemon, error pokemon pack, pokemon pack opening, shining fates, shining fates opening, error, opening every pokemon pack, shining fates elite trainer box, finding pokemon cards, found, everything, every pokemon, shining fates pack opening, pokemon errors, best pokemon cards to buy, realbreakingnate, realbreakingnate pokemon, real breaking nate
Id: oo12kDm6USQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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