How I Reached 150,000M F2P In Dusty Trip

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hey guys King Kade here welcome back to another video and in this video we are going to be beating the world record on a Dusty trip let's get right into this so the current world record on a Dy trip is 138,000 M and we are going to be beating it but there is a few changes that we have to make so to actually beat this record and have it be qualified we have to do this completely free to play meaning that we can't use any revives and we can't use any game passes or any of the Robux cars or guns so what I did is I deleted all my game passes that give me Buffs we do still have our cars but we can't use any of them so for the speedrun what we are going to do is we are going to be using the van I was actually thinking about using this car right here but I think the van would probably be a little bit better because for this one we are able to find doors for it which would be pretty nice but if it gets struck by lightning we can't really place them on there anyway so we might as well use this one with the limited skin which is actually awesome anyway let's go ahead and hop into a game though and we got to do this completely solo without using any revives we're now in the game so let's go ahead and start building our van and as you see at the bottom left we no longer have any of our game passes that also means that we're going to lose health extremely fast so we got to make sure not to take any damage also one of the main challenges is getting past the ghost town because the ghost town is actually quite hard to do solo without dying so we got to try to pass it so our plan is we're going to go ahead and try to find a church and then kill the vampire so we can go ahead and get the vampire's dagger because the more mutant that you kill with the vampire's dagger the more damage that does and if he kill I think it's like 12 mutants the dagger becomes a one one hit kill so that means we can use the dagger to instantly kill everyone at the ghost town which is going to be very op yeah once again we can't use anything from those other cars so we just got to go ahead and leave them behind let's also make sure that we do grab another wheel to go ahead and put on top so we don't accidentally flip our car over we now went ahead and attached everything to our van let's go ahead and attach that one as well and now let's go ahead and hop in and let's head off once again there's the gas only 9 L right now so anyway let's go and close this and let's go ahead and start driving so the ghost down is going to be the hardest part about this especially since we don't have our time through health game pass the ghost down is much easier when you have lots of health but right now we're going to have barely any health so that means just a few hits and we're already going to die anyway what we're going to do is we're going to go and look for shops because we do need some of the parts from the shops including food as well but if we can find like an upgraded radiator that would be pretty nice we also need to look out for a church building because if you don't find a church building that's going to make this run a lot harder because then that means we can use the vampire dagger on the 20,000 M checkpoint also by the way if you haven't already please make sure to smash that subscribe button we're super close to 100,000 subscribers so if you could click subscribe that'll be much appreciated also in this run we are able to use bottle caps I believe because anyone can easily gu and get bottle caps so let's go and check in here and there is a pistol we are actually going to need this pistol for if we find a church building so we'll go and take that we will also go ahead and take some food and I think I'm going to take the VA engine let's go and make sure it has oil yep I will go and take this just in case if we find any diesel then we can just go ahead and instantly switch to that before the 15,000 M checkpoint so that would be awesome anyway we'll just go and attach this to the top for now and the sandstorm doesn't do too much damage so we don't even need to worry about that anyway let's go and hop back in our car and now let's go ahead and head off and we just went ahead and looted this building I did almost die but we went ahead and looted up and I did go ahead and grab two of these police lights because what we can do is we can actually attach them to the front of the car like this and they kind of work like headlights so we don't even have to turn on our headlights because I believe if we turn on our headlights they do eventually burn out so having many these right here kind of work as like two permanent headlights so that's pretty nice but I mean we can always just go and click this and have much better headlights but anyway the should help a little bit I guess we are actually going to go ahead and stop at this building because if we could find an upgraded radiator that would be pretty nice anyway hopefully there's not too many people and all right there's a dude right there I forgot that we can actually look through the windows and there's actually two upgraded radiators that is insane and all right we can't shoot him through the window let's go and get him close though and all right just have him get stuck there shoot him dead and now there is this other dude I'm not sure if he's going to chase us so I will go ahead and shoot him just in case and then that other dude is just in the top so we already found an upgraded radiator which is awesome and we did also find an ammo box which is pretty cool so let's go and grab this because we will actually need this later on if we aren't able to find a church building and find a dagger because our backup plan for if we can't find a church building and get the vampire dagger is we're going to go and grab an RPG and then we're just going to shoot at them from far away with the ammo box right there and that will allow us to reload our RPG I will go and take the second radiator also just in case we somehow lose this one and also this one should have 15 L of water as well anyway now let getting set off we don't really need stuer well because we still have tons of gas gas and now we have even more water so we can just drive all the way to 15,000 M we now made to 10,000 M so hopefully we can get through here pretty fast without taking too much damage when we let's speed through here because if we get shot too much or crash we're pretty much done for all right so there we go we got through the first section let's make sure that we can easily get through the second one and all right I think we actually passed all of them and actually I think there might be a few more and never mind all right that was actually pretty easy we barely took any damage and now we're just going to drive all the way to 15,000 M we now made to the 15,000 M checkpoint so let's go and stop here and all right hopefully we don't get too close to that dude or else he will like obliterate us anyway let's pull up so we are going to switch over to the VA engine this engine has actually been pretty good like we've been going pretty fast nearly the entire time I'm assuming that's just because there weren't too many Hills but we are going to switch over to the va8 engine anyway because this will allow us to go so much faster we now went ahead and fully fueled up on diesel and I'm not going to take any of the other stuff because we're still pretty good and we can get from the ghost town but we need to hurry though because we are very low on Hunger so our health is going to start going down pretty quickly so we got to make it to the shop super fast and all right our health is actually going down pretty fast like we will probably be dead in like 20 seconds anyway let's go and hurry hopefully there's food here and all right there's only one piece of food let's go and grab it and quickly flip the lever and now it's going to eat it there we go so we do still need a lot more food though and luckily there is another tomato but we are still going to have to stop at more places let's make sure we do take the pistol just in case if we do need to stop at more places and then eat this food and all right that was was pretty close if he went ahead and stacked up on all the other stuff then we would have definitely died but anyway now we just got to go ahead and keep driving and we are going to stop at the next building we find because we do still need quite a bit of food we now just passed 20,000 M and at the radio tower over there I did find another ammo box so that's pretty good and now we need an RPG so let's go ahead and grab this one and let's go ahead and buy it so once we run out of ammo for this we should be able to use the ammo boxes to fill it up and all right making sure that there's nothing else there that we need and we could buy the AK but I don't really think we need it so we'll just goad and continue driving and if we don't find any churches to go ahead and get the vampire dagger then we'll just going to use the RPG instead we now made to the ghost town so let's going to park our car right here and we got to be very careful because if we die here the whole run is over and also I believe it's going to be storming once we get closer so we also got to make sure that we don't get struck by Ling so what we want to do is we want to get close enough that our RPG will reach them but far enough away that they don't start chasing us well anyway let's get kind of close I believe they start chasing us from quite far so let's try shooting them from here I'm really hoping that this hits and let's see and I think that did hit they might have died and they might just be standing there anyway let's get a little closer let's shoot another one so here we go hopefully this kills them and all right I think that did kill him their arms aren moving so they should despawn soon I think we actually almost got struck by lightning anyway let's shoot another one so that one was actually right next to me so if they despawn then we should be fine anyway let's get back near our car yeah dang we almost got struck like three times already so once we get close then I believe our RPG should like automatically reload I believe so let's goad and get up here near the ammo boxes well we're actually about to die from Hunger so what we'll do is we don't have enough time to defeat them right now so we'll actually go ahead and turn around we'll find a place eat some food and then we'll go ahead and come back here once we have a full bar of hunger we now found a double garage so let's go ahead and stop here and we might need to scrb our pistol depends on how much are in here and all right I think what we can do is we can just quickly run in and then run out or just grab the chocolate bar that's sitting right there so grab this eat it and all right we will go ahead and kill them just to make it easier for us so here we go let's grab the pistol and then just go and shoot them and there we go let's go and attach the pistol and now we can just go Ahad and eat all this food and then go ahead and head back there and I will go ahead and attach some food to my car just in case we need later on and now let's go and head back over to the ghost town and now let's going and finish them off we now made back to 25,000 M and it actually looks like they all despawned so I guess that's kind of good I'm assuming that's a glitch but that is not my fault that they did go ahead and despawn yeah I guess if you make it to 25 5,000 m drive backwards and then drive back over here they all just despawn so I guess that's kind of cool anyway we did find another a slot backpack which is kind of cool we already own it but here is another one right here so if someone else was on this journey they could go ahead and take it yeah that's pretty cool but anyway let's go and see if there's anything good and we did actually find a rare item the blue paintball gun let's go this is like 150,000 I think we can go and open chat so in chat it is a 148,000 all right I'll take it so we'll going and store this in our backpack for later so this does does no damage it just makes things blue so we'll just toss it in there and actually if we won we can go and make our doors blue so let's actually go and grab it let's shoot our doors and it works most of the time I'm not really too sure why it's not working now anyway let's just toss in our backpack we'll go and keep that for it later so that's pretty nice we now went ahead and finish looting up so we got some ammo boxes we got some AKs right there and then on this side we have another AK a pistol we have the VA engine the upgraded radiator we have nearly a full tank of diesel we emptied out all of those and then on top we have tons of water we have quite a bit of oil as well another ammo box and then we also have another engine so we have this engine right here just for whenever we go ahead and run out diesel because diesel is actually quite hard to find out there you are able to find it but it's a lot more rare than gas so once we completely run out of this diesel then we're going to go ahead and switch over to this engine right here and then we have all these containers of gas right here for whenever we need to switch over because we don't have any more diesel here so we just have that engine for backup anyway let's go and keep driving I did see a double garage up there so yeah so there is a double garage right up there so we're going to stop there grab some food and then we're also going to attach some food to our car as well because I went ahead and ate the food that was already attached so we do need to go ahead and restock because hunger would definitely cause us to lose so now we shouldn't have to stop for quite a while cuz we're fall in hunger and we have some food on the side of our car so let's just go and drive all the way to 50,000 M and hopefully we can get there pretty easily we now made it to 50,000 M and we just escaped one of these stores because I was in the store and I grabbed a piece of food but for some reason it thought I like stole it and all the tur started shooting at me but we were luckily able to escape which is awesome so let's go and check the damage I hope that doesn't mean that other storage start shooting at me so it looks like we did lose our other engine which is fine I did toss off some of the other gas containers so it didn't destroy all those and let's see we do still have our guns overall it didn't really destroy too much it mostly just like removed the skin which kind of stinks because that skin actually looked awesome but I guess we got to be more careful whenever we stop at stores because I grabbed a tomato I didn't even eat it it just random disappeared and then the Tet started shooting at me so we got to be careful and it actually looks like my skin is back so that's pretty nice I guess we now just passed 100,000 M which is actually crazy because that's actually my previous record whenever I did pay to win which is insane so we already made it farther as free play than I did as a pay to win so this is insane so all we have to do is travel 38,000 M and then we'll be tied with the world record but we are trying to beat the world record so we have to get to 140,00 M to actually beat it and so far we're doing pretty good we haven't died at all which is insane and I think we're still pretty good on fuel I'm surprised we didn't run out diesel already but our diesel is actually going down extremely slow so we'll go ahead and check it out once it does turn daytime we now made it to the previous world record which is crazy 138,000 M and once we hit 139,000 M we should go ahead and beat it so our meters are starting to go up very slowly though because we do have to kind of slow down because look at how like glitched the map is because after you pass like the 50,000 M Mark the map like really starts to glitch out and it makes it very hard to see if there's rocks in front of you so we do have to slow down because if we hit like a cactus or something by accident while we're going super fast our car will actually glitch out and there's a chance that I could detach one of the wheels and not allow us to place it back that's actually how I lost my 100,000 M run and we actually made to 139,000 M that's awesome so we now beat the previous world record and now we're just going to continue on to see how far we can go we're now at 1 15,420 M and we are going to go ahead and end it right here because the game is starting to get very choppy and also our distance is starting to like go up slower and slower because we have to go slow to make sure that we don't hit any rocks and also as you can see we are out of water we do still have a little bit of water left in here but this is only going to get us maybe 10,000 more M at most and we only have 1 canister of oil we are still very good on diesel though like we do still have tons of diesel in here still 20 L which which is crazy because we had like 59 lers at the 25,000 M Mark so the fact that it only went down like 35 is actually insane but also by ending it here it gives only a chance to actually go ahead and beat it because if I got to like 500,000 M that would be just crazy hard to beat but anyway we did go ahead and beat the world record which is insane we beat the world record by like 12,000 M and we did it completely free to play so it should go ahead and count because we didn't use any Robux items at all I even deleted my game passes so we could go ahead into do this run but anyway that is going to be all for this video though so make sure to leave like subscribe and turn on post notifications and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Kingkade
Views: 231,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Kingkade, Dusty Trip, Dusty Trip Roblox, How To, World Record, Dusty Trip World Record, Free to play, f2p
Id: PiKr6npstOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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