I Found 100 SpongeBob ERRORS & GOOFS...

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I'm sorry guys but we're back to ruin your childhood even more because can you believe that this mistake happened in an episode of SpongeBob or even this one dude it is crazy how many mistakes there are in SpongeBob and we're going to be exposing a bunch of them in today's video so let's get right into it ah here we go onions ready Gary [Music] one of my favorite seasons of SpongeBob is season 2 like don't get me wrong season 1 and three are also really good and even modern SpongeBob has some good episodes season 13 was pretty good and season 14 has been all right so far but anyway season 2 the episode we're going to be covering is something smells and yeah this episode has a couple of mistakes here's the first one grapple gang let's see if you guys can spot it catchup did you guys catch it because this one even took me a couple of times to actually understand the mistake here it has to do with SpongeBob's hand as when SpongeBob opens up this giant ketchup bottle like that is a massive bottle of ketchup and squeezes it into his Sunday bowl a ketchup Sunday disgusting look his right hand is backwards and to really show you guys I want you to take your arm all right your right arm and position it like SpongeBob's arm in this shot and you'll see that his hand was drawn backwards again it's very easy to miss but yeah this is totally a mistake and here's another one from the same episode oh I mean it's one thing if you have bad shoes or even bad hair but you're not ugly your breath stinks really bad so this next one happens really really fast it's only for about a frame or so but when SpongeBob starts screaming Patrick in the clips you guys just saw a majority of his holes just disappear like look at this spongy dude over here it's so weird seeing him without all of his holes also just saying it kind of makes it a little funny but if you look at SpongeBob's reflection in the same shot the reflection has the holes like his reflection in the water so why doesn't he have his holes it's so weird it's nothing compared to the next episode we're going to cover though which has three whopping mistakes let's keep it rolling grapple gang hi yeah you hey I want to learn how to do that well what you mean karate uhhuh we're heading over to season 7 for this next one and this episode is not liked by the SpongeBob Community very much it's karate star I personally don't think that the episode is that bad but a lot of fans just do not like this one mainly due to the plot but surprise surprise the episode itself also has a bunch of mistakes and let's get right into them here's the first one in grapple gang try to guess what the mistake is before I reveal it try to comment what the mistake is before I actually say what it is I know you guys can do it anyways roll that footage oh what's this H I haven't seen this before oh yeah hey look it's Patrick hi you SpongeBob what are you doing there Neptune so this one's weird all right let's take a look at the Crusty Crab from the out side and you'll notice that the Crusty crap doors have these yellow handles on them all right it's been there ever since the first ever episode and it's just how the doors look man all right it's how they look but in the clips you guys just saw when Patrick chops through the Crusty Crab doors with his karate or his karate those yellow handles do not appear on the floor when they really should like this mistake is a bit of a nitpick on my end and I can understand why the animators were a little too lazy to put the handles in this shot but it's still technically a mistake lipids and cream we're all out in fact we're out of [Music] everything all right mistake number three so as you guys saw in the clips Patrick over here orders a delicious ice cream all right I could go for some ice cream right now comment down below grapple gang what's your favorite flavor of ice cream mine is cookie dough but anyways when Patrick orders his large ice cream the amount of scoops on his ice cream inconsistently change in between shots for example when he first gets it it looks like this and there's this many scoops but when the shot changes look so do the scoops of ice cream not a huge deal but this one is most certainly a mistake and hey mistakes happen sometimes it's a 2d animated show but I caught you and let's catch more heading over to another episode and guys stay tuned because the mistakes are only going to get crazier as we go I'm saving the craziest mistakes for the end why don't you just take it off so you don't have to go to work today I I'm afraid it doesn't work that way buddy I hate that hat you know we cover a ton of mistakes on this channel and there are some mistakes that just actually crack me up and this is one of them it's from the episode no hat for Pat which is kind of an underrated episode just saying with Patrick becoming an attraction at the Crusty Crab because he constantly Falls and hurts himself I actually feel kind of bad for Patrick in this episode but anyways here's the first mistake let's see if you guys can catch it grapple gang roll that footage who that's enough lad what do you think I made a ketchup yeah this one's pretty straightforward but the Crusty Crab sign all right normally it looks like this and as you can see it says the Crusty Crab of course it's the Crusty Crab sign after all but in this one shot from NOA for Pat look the sign is misspelled with the U in crusty being replaced with a Y but yeah that's not how the sign is supposed to look as a matter of fact here's a side by side of how the sign looks in other episodes and yeah you guys can really see the mistake now so weird but not as weird as this next episode set of mistakes let's keep it rolling gang how much is this Joker um it's a [Music] wristband awesome so this next episode is actually one of my favorites in terms of modern day SpongeBob especially in terms of season 9 the episode is Maul girl pearl and it's a cool episode because it is n about SpongeBob Patrick Sandy or Mr crbs it's all about Pearl anyways though we're here for mistakes all right we're not here for a deep dive into pearls so here's the first mistake from this [Music] episode no you don't work at the mall do you Derek no but all my girlfriends do so this one is a bit of a nitpick but it's still technically a mistake and listen closely because it's kind of technical but when Pearl first reads her Coral cuties magazine we can see that the Magazine's name on the back is shown in yellow text remember this all right it's yellow text however though after Pearl puts it down and the scene progresses look that yellow text which was yellow is now red it just randomly changes also as you guys can see in this shot when Pearl's reading the magazine this guy right here Derek is on the back of the magazine we can see her looking at it however the when she puts the magazine down look Derek has just completely disappeared from the back of the magazine he does reappear when she picks it up but yeah very very messy and here's another mistake from ma girl pearl dang guess what I have no idea pearly this next mistake is a major issue and it's because it goes against SpongeBob lore I know I sound crazy when I say Spongebob lore but there is a cannon to this stuff now for context back in the episode sleepy time I love this episode it's iconic we see Mr kbs's driver's license and as you can see it says that his birthday is on November 30th 1942 and that his address is 3541 anchor way remember this all right remember this as in m girl pearl we get another look at Mr kbs's license and things have just completely changed now like whoever animated this shot of Mr kbs's license needs to go and watch older episodes of SpongeBob because they're wrong with it claiming that he was born on September 25th 1960 and that his address is 2219 Anchor Street instead of the other address I mentioned before now don't get me wrong dude could have moved like maybe Mr Krabs moved but you're not able to change your birth date all right like you're not you're not able to it's kind of funny because if Mr Krabs did this himself maybe Mr Krabs forged his ID so that he comes across as younger this would make makes sense cuz if we go back to midlife crustation like that episode from I think season 2 it's all about Mr Krabs wanting to be younger so a bit of a SpongeBob Theory here but also the mistake is that at first his ID or driver's license said this and now it says this making for a mistake and we ain't done yet baby let's keep it moving let's head over to our next episode and this is where things get spicy Christy crab patrons behold it's a jar of seeds BN seeds today only the Crusty Crab presents our first annual bun seed guess and contest next up we've got for here or to go from season 6 and this episode you know it's kind of mixed some people like it some people don't like it I personally do like it I will admit though it has some gnarly scenes like look at this one shot from the ending of the episode where you see the digested contents of a crabby patty in plankton's stomach oh come on Karen what happened I just did what you asked I Anze the contents of your stomach and use them to synthesize a crabby patty like wow dude but anyways we're here for mistakes not gross SpongeBob scenes that's actually a good idea for a video though comment down below should I do a video on like the grossest scenes in SpongeBob but anyways here's the mistakes from this episode Ru the [Music] footage Karen quick you got to cut this crabby patat ofy stats so this one you need a really good eye to catch it all right so this right here is Karen all right Plankton's computer wife and because Karen is a computer there are multiple different versions of her there's only one Karen but she can be in this like robot version but there's also this wall version that we often see inside the Chum Bucket where Karen's like on a monitor on the wall ultimately though there is only one Karen so why in this one shot can we see both the mobile robot version and the w all version of Karen at the exact same time I'll tell you why it's because they made a mistake I guess the animators accidentally Drew both versions at the same time cuz it looks really weird on the bright side for Plankton I guess he has two versions of Karen now which could be kind of convenient anyways though before I get myself in trouble let's head over to another episode this next one's a banger but more importantly the mistakes in it are going to blow your brain all right let's keep it moving no yes I will have a quad party with a sprinkling of Himalayan salt smoked paprika and micro greens give me a quad hold on I'm not finished with my order come on I've said this many times before but I personally being a massive SpongeBob fan love episodes where it focuses more on another character than just SpongeBob or Patrick and the episode Larry the floor manager is a good example of this it's nice to see our boy Larry get some more representation we've got two mistakes for you from this episode episode here's the first one rule the footage what are y'all doing out here you should just go home we can't go home there's no grabby Patty's at home I need my crabby patties man you got to help me did you guys catch that because it's really bad it happens for like a couple of frames so I'm surprised that the animators didn't catch it but in the scenes we just showed you if you look closely our boy incidental 40 his left eyebrow just randomly turns blue normally they're black but as you can see here it turns like transparent or something and it Blends in with the sky which is why it's blue definitely a weird mistake and here's another one from the same episode no come on listen closely guys because this one's a little complicated so when Fred is first seen in the line at the start of the episode in the clips you guys just saw he's wearing this fresh watch right here on his right fin all right remember this he's got a watch right here as eventually when he and the other customers complain about Bubble bass taking too long to order look that same watch is just gone now like maybe he took it off for a second but I doubt it I think this was just a mistake the animators Drew him with a watch and then they forgot about the watch and that's why we got this scene with him wearing no watch which hey at least we can get a laugh out of it right at least it's funny I'm sure Fred over here doesn't think it's too funny though he's probably worrying about where his watch went but you know what I'm worried about more mistakes in SpongeBob so let's head over to our next episode guys and this one's going to shock you try not to get in the way yeah it's a play day I mean all right I'll partner up with you this time next up we've got squid Noir and this episode's really really cool I actually think it's a very underrated episode now we're going to get into the mistake but a big part of this episode is that Squidward becomes a detective and when this happens the whole art style changes everything becomes all black and white and it starts to feel like a Noir film so we're going to get into the mistakes but here are some clips showing you guys this because it's a really cool episode and then we'll expose the mistakes and take a poop on the episode how you ready my dear we've got [Music] to that's how it began my life smashed to bits I figured a little good cop bad cop would get his jaw flapping so I no can I be the bad cop please please can I please yes if you get out of my hardboiled narration sorry see really really cool stuff now we can just you know like I said we can take a poop on the episode and bring up the mistake roll the footage don't make me turn this boat around no I still could have pass you off as near mint I am so sorry here you lost this one's actually pretty easy to miss especially because the scenes in black and white but when one of bubble bass's friends try to comfort him after his Suburban dad action figure breaks the veil that one of the friends wears disappears for like a split second it happens really fast it then pops right back on but look for this one frame it's gone I'm actually going to play the clip in slow motion again like look at this I'm playing it and like yeah like it just disappears randomly at least he gets it back though so yeah but crazy mistake and let's keep it moving H which SpongeBob episode should we talk about next or actually maybe it's time for the random mistake of the day where we take a quick break from SpongeBob to talk about mistakes in another cartoon suggested by you guys don't worry we're going to go right back to SpongeBob I know a lot of you guys prefer SpongeBob but let's hang out for a second and talk about another cartoon and expose some mistakes today we're going going to do Paw Patrol but comment down below and let me know other cartoons you want me to cover for the random mistake of the day segment the episode in question is Pups Save the space alien and for context it has to do with this character right here Marshall pay attention to them all right you guys got it roll the footage made [Music] it so this type of mistake is actually pretty rare usually 3D animated shows are really good when it comes to mistakes because it's 3D model so there's 3D models of everything and there's less of a chance of there being like a 2d animation style mistake but we got one right here as when Marshall goes back to sleep and we see this elevator close look our boy Marshall is actually clipping through the elevator doors meaning his body is going through the door's model this shouldn't happen especially in 3D animation and is a mistake and with with that said let's head right back over to SpongeBob baby let's go remember though comment down below other cartoons you want me to cover in the random mistake of the day segment but yeah let's get back to SpongeBob sit Rex sit roll over Rex roll over now stay Rex stay good boy Rex okay so this one is kind of minor but I'm so proud of myself for catching it like I've never seen this mistake before and I've actually covered this one episode plenty of times the episode is dumped where Gary decides that he wants to hang out with Patrick way more than SpongeBob it's actually really really sad but anyways roll the footage let's see if you guys can catch the mistake and here's a Hint it has to do with a picture in the background of SpongeBob's house oh Gary why did you have to go why Gary why why why why why why why Gary hey SpongeBob did you guys catch it it has to do with Gary's design so let's take a look at Gary for a second and as you guys can see our beautiful snail right here he has purple dots on him these are important and this like red squiggly line right here all right his design is Iconic now I can understand why they did this because it's just a picture in the background and they didn't want to give it too much detail but look at this picture of Gary in the back of SpongeBob's house we can see that they got his design wrong they got the red squiggle but they were just too lazy to draw the purple dots which is kind of shocking because like they're just dots I'm kind nitpicking but still technically a mistake guys come on and that's going to do it for today's video guys but click this video right here on screen for more SpongeBob mistakes and guys here's a secret the mistakes in this video right here on screen are worse than the mistakes I covered in today's video so trust me click it and of course a massive shout out to the grapple gang I love you guys genuinely I seriously appreciate all of the support
Channel: Grapple
Views: 661,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1O1PmNzBC18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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