I Fixed 6 Oil Leaks On My Mercedes-Benz For $150 And So Can You! Sorted EP.2

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel my name is Alex and today's episode of sorted we're going to be fixing six oil leaks on my 2005 si 55 AMG and if you think this is nuts completely insane do not worry you're gonna see that most of this stuff is actually really easy to do and super cheap as I only spent about a hundred and fifty dollars for all these parts - the oil change so you guys are gonna be able to do this stuff at home no problem and the best part is if you don't have a c55 don't worry about it Mercedes use this basic engine design for about a decade in about a dozen different Mercedes makes and models so basically if you pop your hood and your engine looks like this or like this or like the baby little six-cylinder version then most of these repairs apply to you now because I have to drive this very C 55 to work in a few short hours we have to get to work so first let's go over to the table of high performance as I like to call it or in this case the table of normal performance and take a look at all the parts that we're gonna be replacing in today's video welcome to the table of normal performance let's take a look at what we're replacing today we have two mercedes-benz valve cover gaskets and then we have a breather chamber reseal kit and guys you know I love FCP euro because they have a lifetime warranty but along with that they're super organized and they put together nice little kits like this that saved me a ton of time of having to research part numbers and whatnot so they put together a breather chamber reseal kit they sell this on their site it includes all the screws for the breather chambers all the little connectors all the breather hoses and the proper sealant so this is only about 45 bucks and saves you a lot of time from having to research different part numbers so I love that moving along we have the oil cooler seals as you'll remember from the video I made of everything that's wrong with this car those are leaking and then these are two items I'll be doing just because we're in there they leak sometimes on these engines and I just want to show you how to do it and that is the oil filter housing seal and there's a pressure port on the timing cover and that's the seal for that so these two are not actually leaking right now and then we have the dipstick tube seal that you remember from the last video is leaking so and this is where we need to pause the video for a I didn't end up replacing the oil dipstick tube grommet but I did fix that leak now as you can imagine when you're filming a video where you're fixing six different oil leaks the video has to be filmed in a specific order and at a certain point you get to a point of no return where you can't go back and redo footage now this will all make sense to you in a few short minutes so right after you see my e55 sitting on some Mickey Thompson drag radials I'll explain it all we have one two three four five six oil leak repairs and we're going to top it off with some liqui moly 5:40 synthetic oil and a man filter so let's get going we're gonna rip these valve covers off first all right guys with my official mercedes-benz fender covers in place we are ready to get started first things first we want to get these valve covers and the upper breather Chamber's often in the parts washer to soak while we do all the other repairs now in no way shape or form do you need to take the valve cover off to reseal the upper breather chamber but in this case I just want to show you guys how to do a valve cover gasket so we're gonna be taking off the entire valve cover first thing you got to take off the connectors from each ignition coil pack after that we're gonna remove the t30 screws that hold each coil pack in and then you're gonna gently pry off the ignition wire from the spark plug this is an excellent time to replace your spark plugs although I'll be leaving them for a future video on the ultimate mercedes-benz tune-up so with the coil packs completely out of the way you can remove the screws for the breather chamber with all of them out then you just need to gently pry using a little pry bar or even a flathead screwdriver on the breather chamber be gentle here and it'll come right off with that off then we're gonna take out all the perimeter bolts for the valve cover and that will pop right off as soon as you get the last bolt guys check out how mint this engine is with the valve cover we can see that everything is like perfectly clean this guy really kept up on his oil changes so with the valve cover off we can just rip the old gasket off like so and get rid of it that's garbage check out the inside of the valve cover it's like perfect and guys I just want to show you how I clean these I took an old screwdriver believe it or not and I just ground ground out the middle there of the flat end and all I do is I simply go like this and and this stuff comes right off all this old sealant on here that is leaking oil all over the place comes right off and then we're gonna dunk it into the parts washer and guys check this out this is new it's called a black widow I'll put a link down below this is only a hundred and thirty dollars I'll do a full review on this including what kind of cleaning solvent I use as well but pretty neat I can't have a sink in Chicago in my garage so this will do quite well so we're gonna clean off as much of the sealant as possible and then we're going to let everything soak in here while we move on to the other repairs [Music] I have about an hour into cleaning the valve covers and breathers and they are looking really good but this is just one of those really tedious time-consuming jobs you have to sit there and scrape off all of that old sealant and then clean up the covers as best as humanly possible so that the sealant adheres properly but it's very important and something else that's also important are these breather hoses like I was showing you on the table these get very brittle sometimes sometimes they get really mushy but either way they can break and tear like you can see here and this one as well as broken so you want to inspect and replace as needed with the breather hoses I just like to do the entire kit so moving on to the front of the engine I already loosened up the oil filter cap here so we will put that down and you can see inside of there we have a nut so you need a 46 millimeter 12-point in order to get the nut off to remove this entire lower oil filter housing to replace the seal and that typically leaks on these engines before that we're gonna take off the oil cooler and to do that there are four screws two in the bottom that you can't see this is a great time to replace your serpentine belt I'm just gonna take it off so it doesn't get dirty mine's in great shape but if yours isn't replace it while you're doing this job so let's get these two parts off and then I'll show you that timing cover seal that leaks on these as well [Music] with everything loosened up we can simply just pop off this lower oil filter housing and bam you got a couple oil seals right here for the oil cooler now you don't have to remove this entire contraption to replace these two seals but to be honest with you you're literally one knot away from removing this cleaning it up really nicely making the job of replacing the two seals easier and most importantly you get to replace this lower seal here that can typically leak and that's only a couple dollars so while you're in here why not so we're gonna be cleaning up this inside of the cooler right here we'll stick this in the good old parts washer and by good old I mean I just started using it basically and then we're gonna be taking a look down here I put my magnet right there you can see it's on the top inverted Torx bolt that is where that square seal will go into so we'll remove those two bolts pop that pressure port cap off and replace that seal and that ladies and gentlemen is going to seal everything in the front of this engine and honestly the parts for this part of the job I think we're $20 I mean it's just insane and this is the easiest part all three repairs here maybe take a couple hours with some really good cleaning so guys this is something you should definitely be doing at home and saving yourself hundreds if not thousands compared to what they would charge you somewhere else to make these repairs so let's go do that we'll clean everything up replace the seals and then we're moving on to that guy right there check this out guys I'm seriously stepping up my parts washing game this thing is perfect and ready for some new seals and this is that front timing cover pressure port I was talking about you can actually buy this entire thing for like eight bucks but I just clean this up really well and replace the copper washer and we're good to go what I wanted to show you here guys is that I like to put a little bit of lubricant on these types of seals before they get installed I'm using some old Mercedes stuff I had leftover from my dealership days but you guys can use something like white lithium grease on these seals and I'll list a few products down below that you can use but just a light coating right on the rubber seals and you right in and now these two parts are ready to get put back on the c55 engine [Music] okay everything is back together including the oil filter I know it's kind of hard to tell here but everything is just so much cleaner than it was before unfortunately I've run out of time for today which means I have to drive the e55 to work this is totally gonna suck but for you guys you're gonna be able to see me replace that dipstick tube and put those valve covers on right about now welcome back guys it's a brand new day for me it's literally a few seconds later for you guys but either way we have some work to finish up we have to seal those breathers back into those valve covers and install them back onto this engine but first and this is where we need to stop and talk about that oil dipstick tube grommet seal in this part of the video I go on to show you how easy it is to remove the dipstick tube because it's only held in by two bolts one here and one down there now this is where I totally goofed up and where I got super lucky at the same time after loosening up the dipstick tube I realized it wouldn't come all the way out of the oil pan which is needed to install the new grommet I even tried removing the EGR valve to gain more room and that didn't work at all and this is when I started to remember that on some of these Mercedes engines the entire oil pan must be removed to gain proper clearance to pull the tube out all the way at this point I thought I had a pretty big job ahead of me but then I noticed that the original grommet didn't actually look all that original it was still very flexible like this new one I then looked up to the sealant around the oil pan and it looked a little too good kind of like maybe this job had already been done already now where I got lucky is that I noticed that the dipstick tube didn't quite slide into the grommet perfectly it was off ever so slightly I decided to clean it up lubricate the seal and reposition the tube correctly it's been a hundred miles since filming and editing this video and the oil leak is totally fixed so what does this mean for you first off it's very rare to have any kind of significant leak from the dipstick tube Gromit so if you have a leak and it's minor I'd wait until you need to reseal the oil pan which is a full-day job for sure and not nearly as DIY is everything else in this video now ironically there's no actual dipstick in the dipstick tube Mercedes decided to leave that out and let you check your oil level through the instrument cluster go figure but if you want a dipstick you can order and install one and I'll leave a link down below now let's get back into it and reseal the these breather chambers resealing the breather chambers is very straightforward and the most important step was the cleaning prep work basically everywhere that you scraped away old sealant is where you now need to apply the new RTV sealant and that includes around each bolt hole now you don't have to be an artist here and you don't have to go crazy with the amount of sealant you use just make sure that it's a level amount in the groove of the breather chamber and around each bolt hole you can also use your finger to kind of level this out even more and then you're ready to install it back onto the valve cover the breather chamber just pops right back into place and then you're ready to install your two screws now I just used an electric impact to draw these in but these require very little torque so be careful here and use hand tools for the final tightening at this point you can flip it around and install your brand new valve cover gasket which is formed for this valve cover and will fit in the grooves perfectly now you're ready to reinstall the valve cover onto the cylinder head with the breather chamber all sealed up you are almost ready to install that valve cover under that cylinder head but first you want to make sure that the mating surface at the top of the cylinder head is perfectly clean that way we get a good seal between the valve cover gasket and the top of the head now something else that is very important is that almost immediately after you reseal that breather chamber you go ahead and put the valve cover back on let's see if I can do this with one hand there we go and the reason for that is because there are two bolts that not only hold the valve cover down but they also hold this breather chamber down so before all of that RTV sealant dries you want to make sure to get those two bolts in and then obviously the rest of the valve cover installs in reverse order so you have all your perimeter bolts that go all the way around then you install your coil packs and your ignition coil wires and you're pretty much done with that job now something else I wanted to show you guys was I already replace all of the breather hoses see they're nice and shiny and new and what makes life a ton easier is to just simply remove the mass airflow sensor and then you can get to all the hoses back here now when you take that sensor out you want to make sure to clean and lubricate this seal so that when you put it back in you don't get any weird air leak problems that'll do it for today I have a few little odds and ends like that valve cover some ignition coil packs that are laying over there and I should probably fill this thing back up with oil that's always a good idea and then I'm driving the c55 out of the garage and hopefully in about an hour or so because of course I have to leave for work and I probably look like total hell right now but luckily I work in a dirty shop and literally no one will care with that being said guys I hope you really enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up button if you did and also make sure to check out the description box down below I'll link a few parts and a few tools and also possibly a discount code that I don't want you guys to miss out on if you're new consider subscribing if you've been around for a while thank you so much for the support and don't forget to hit that notification bell as well I hope that you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you in the next episode [Music] [Music]
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 239,337
Rating: 4.9357848 out of 5
Keywords: MERCEDES, HOW TO, FIX IT, OIL LEAKS, MERCEDES-BENZ, BROKEN CAR, FIXED CAR, CAR PARTS, GASKETS, SEALS, AMG, motor oil leak fix, ENGINE, engine oil leak, expensive car repair, GERMAN CAR, C55, E55, S55
Id: yU4K-mBDSeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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