First Start Of The Abandoned Fastest SUV In The World & What I Found Inside The Engine! DIY FIX!

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previously on legit street cars i bought a clean title 98 5.9 liter jeep grand cherokee limited with a hundred and nineteen thousand miles sight unseen from an auction for only seven hundred and fifty dollars back in 98 this was the fastest suv in the world but mine was abandoned for 5 years and wouldn't crank it had oil the engine spun by hand but the starter was bad so 80 later and we had a new starter and a cranking engine but it still wouldn't run the fuel smelled like varnish so i drained some out feder 5 gallons of 93 and some heat and still nothing the jeep had spark it had fuel pressure compression power to the injectors but even with starting fluid it just wouldn't go i also found a mystery bag of mush in the back and we did a lot more in that video so if you haven't seen it yet i'll leave a link down below okay now that you guys are up to speed and before we dig into my jeep grand cherokee uh just three things before we start here first off there's going to be bloopers at the end of this video that show you what i have to deal with filming out in front of my house it has a lot to do with noise second there were many comments in the last video that i want to address and they basically all had to do with throwing parts at the jeep so you guys had said replace the cam sensor replace the crank sensor put a new battery in it replace the fuel sending unit which requires the entire tank to be dropped replace the fuel filter a whole slew of other things the distributor i agree there are many possibilities here but the last thing you want to do is just start tossing money at a car with many many unknowns so we don't even know if this engine is any good and i don't want to spend a bunch of money on this car if it's got a bad engine because i gotta reevaluate what i'm even doing with the jeep at that point so just in general it's not a good diagnosis method to just spend a ton of money on parts and just hope that they work yep there's a van just driving by come on people and a plane there's a plane all right i'm gonna stand here for one minute in the same spot hang on okay i think that plane is sort of gone but anyway my point is don't throw parts at a problem you want to get in there you want to actually diagnose it before you waste a bunch of money lastly before we get to this i'll bring it to the back many of you were bothered that i dumped out all of this mush in the back of the truck and normally i would be very bothered by that as well but maybe you guys didn't see that there is a plastic liner protecting the actual carpet so i didn't actually dump it on the carpet and this had been sitting here leaking and oozing out for probably years so this thing was already destroyed see i didn't go anywhere back there and it just leaked out all in there so it really didn't matter where i dumped this out so just to let you guys know i don't make it a habit to dump out garbage inside of a car that i just bought so we will definitely be cleaning that and uh yeah we are whipping out the big guns as far as diagnosis though we have the maxis elite here we're gonna be scanning this car and take a look this is gonna look great guys if this thing runs i'm going to fix this seat we're going to sew it up and the interior is going to be great a lot of you guys thought it was disgusting but i don't think it's that bad and let's just take a quick look at this steering wheel a plane is coming act quick all right what do we got here what do we got you know it's not bad it's not bad definitely some wear here on the top so maybe we'll find a used wheel or but just put that back or dye this i don't know we'll see we have the boroscope as well to inspect the engine so i've kind of written down a list of things we're going to check in my brain there's going to be a methodology behind all of this so we don't waste a lot of money before knowing if this engine is good so anyway with that let's just start right off with the borescope and we're going to start off with zlinda number one because we can also check to see when it's at top dead center because i want to verify that the distributor is installed properly as well so das zlinda one come out right this thing's not german benz didn't take over for another year i think after this thing was sold this is straight up american plug number one out still looking fresh and clean i'm just gonna film with this it's looking pretty good ah all right here we go cylinder numero uno what are you gonna look like okay all right so far so good at least we know half of the piston isn't melted away to nothing it doesn't have a gigantic hole yet and okay yeah a little carbon build up never hurt anybody not too bad just want to look at the edges of the piston make sure the ring land hasn't blown out i've been there before on boosted ls setups but i don't suspect any issues with that here and yeah overall it's looking pretty good this thing's definitely been sitting a while you can see a little bit of rust build up in the cylinder wall area here and uh you can see where the ring was kind of resting for a while and if this was something more expensive something i was really worried about it it's a good idea to fog the cylinders first so i've done that before on the channel but we just kind of went for it this time and it was cranking over so easy by hand i wasn't really worried about it if you get a lot of resistance though you definitely want to fog it out and loosen up the rust around the rings because you can snap one off but yeah the ring lines are looking good the piston looks good the cylinder looks good i'd say cylinder one is good so at this point since we have the bore scope in here let's get it to top dead center and then we're gonna make sure that the rotor which is installed on the distributor is pointing to the cylinder one terminal on the distributor cap that way we know it's going to be the first in line to fire and that'll verify that our engine timing is in order so some of you guys had mentioned that you could have a bad timing chain guide that can cause the chain to skip a tooth and the timing would be off you can also have a bad distributor gear as well so this is going to verify all of that all right so there is a mark on the balancer and then there's a mark on the timing cover that'll tell you when you're at top dead center on cylinder one or you can pop off the valve cover and take a look at the rocker arms and make sure that they are both in the closed position that the valves are both closed that way you know you're at top dead center compression stroke but ow ow ow this belt just ate the hair off my arm oh alternator and belt why all right almost there and as soon as this basically stops we know it's top dead center all the way there we go top dead center right there all right let me pop this belt off really quickly i can't get my camera in there to show you guys something important so we're gonna take this belt off it's a brand new belt by the way and it looks to be a brand new water pump also so that's nice okay so this is what i wanted to show you right here my finger is it says top dead center and you can see that our mark on the balancer is lining up directly with that so this is a very easy way of figuring out when cylinder one is at top dead center and now we're hoping that that rotor is pointing to the number one lug here on our cap and i can tell already that it's at least in the ballpark so let's just put this guy back on and yeah i think we're gonna be good this is cylinder one let's take it off and our rotor is lining directly up with number one so we are good to go this is great news guys a lot of people don't like working on cars with distributors because they just don't know much about them they get a little intimidated on how to remove and install them and set the timing but it's actually quite easy it's quite basic i've never worked on a chrysler engine with a distributor before and it's pretty much the same as everything else so there is no reason to pull your hair out if you have to work on a car with a distributor there are many many other things out there that will cause you to lose your hair one of them is genetics and unfortunately 36 has not been good to alex and i'm starting to lose a little up top so i've decided to take control with keeps keeps is a subscription service that makes treating male pattern baldness easy and affordable by keeping everything online so you consult with a real doctor from the comfort of your own home come up with a plan and everything is automatically shipped right to you prevention is the key and the earlier you start the better and it's as simple as a drop on your head this is fda approved medication custom tailored for your own needs ship to your house for an affordable price stay in contact with your doctor 24 7 online and hundreds of thousands of men trust their hair loss prevention to keeps so if you guys have decided that it's time if you're ready to tackle hair loss head on then head over to legit when you do you're going to save 50 off your first order so that's legit and a big thanks to keeps for continuing to support automotive content creators like myself now let's get right back into this jeep grand cherokee 5 9 limited engine i want to take off this driver side valve cover and see how maintained this engine really is well i got to say it's a little worrisome that i just removed one of the nuts just by pulling it right off it's not a good sign at all oh and there's a bolt that's totally missing also nice okay before we take this valve cover off i think we should clean up all these leaves so nothing falls in there's a bunch of crud down there as well [Music] all right [Music] this looks better already getting rid of all these minnesota leaves hey in a boot an a and a boot oh not bad don't you know let's take off this fuel line here it's kind of getting in my way get out of here oh i need a fuel line tool all right we have our little fuel line remover thingy push it in there and it releases the little clips and now we have more room excellent oh there we go sounded good come on come on come on it's a thing of beauty people this is looking really good in here and you can see where the oil has come back up just from us cranking it so much so i'm going to go ahead and venture to say we have oil pressure i haven't tested it or anything yet but everything looks clean you can see these two rocker arms are all the way up that means the valves are closed that is exactly what you want when you're at top dead center and we got one that's a little slightly depressed there one right there these two are closed uh no sludge it looks very clean in here very nice and this is a good indication that the engine oil was changed on time usually when it's not there is a lot of gunky black stuff that just kind of looks like what we have in the trunk of the car so good sign right here guys i'm going to go ahead and throw the valve cover back on we'll put the plug back in and yes i will do a valve cover gasket if this engine is good i'm not gonna do it right now we're going to take little baby steps in rewarding the jeep for doing good things the distributor was installed right so it got a cowl cleaning and we will reward it with more new parts as we go along and as this jeep is good to us yeah we got a flat all right everything is back together eight seven six five okay we're checking actual live data here and take a look at these guys right here crank and camshaft position it's not the quickest but it is showing something and that is a good sign so i was looking mostly at the crankshaft position counter if this was at zero we may have a bad crankshaft position sensor this is all going away because i turned the key off but it looks like we're getting a reading from both the cam and the crank sensor so that is good and were we getting any engine rpm there we go it's just really slow okay so yeah it's picking up some engine rpm 133 that's totally normal for the state of this battery right now that one didn't have the booster on there so uh so yeah that's good and you guys are curious the battery has died a million times so we don't have any faults there all right so i've just been checking spark and injectors randomly everything seems to be good our timing is good our wires are good and it still doesn't start so we're gonna go ahead uh try the starting fluid one more time and i've used a piece of wire to crack the throttle body open a little because my helper in the car cannot reach the pedals are you ready to go all right i'll tell you when go ahead [Music] all right that's good okay so we've essentially replaced the entire fuel system with a can of starting fluid so this should at least start and run and sometimes you can keep an engine running just by spraying a little bit in there at a time so we have eliminated a possible bad fuel pump or clogged fuel filter even though it very well may have those i may have to replace those right now that shouldn't be an issue we know we have sparked the timing's good if you guys watched the last video we had good compression as well so to me this is pointing to a clogged exhaust system if the exhaust is totally clogged it's not going to start no matter what [Music] it's got flow it's got flow go go go keep on going baby keep on going keep on going all right guys i got my neighbor in there i'm gonna give it a little gas i have started the ml this thing just seems to need some juice all right it needs a little juice i'm here too go for it kev whoa yes what this is beautiful all right see if it idle we did it all right it's a little rough it's a little rough oh yeah all right now i want to see and it wants to die hang on hey uh so i did swap that that relay and it could have been the auto shuttle it could have just variable yeah possibility hang on let me just swap it back real quick and we'll see all right if you guys are wondering what i did to make it start all i did was swap the auto shutdown relay i guess that's a common thing on these all right so let's see if it doesn't start we know it's the relay relay could have been stuck open yeah possibility yeah that's the only thing okay it's running runs really bad okay let's talk about how i got the jeep grand cherokee running yesterday or in the last scene for you guys it's a new day for me it's a little cold it's been raining but whatever we have a jeep that runs and now i have a battery that's charged so i fixed my cheapo battery charger last night it had a broken solder joint inside i let it bake overnight and now this thing will crank on its own so we no longer need the ml55 any longer i hope uh so in the first video we had a bad starter that's why it wouldn't crank we had really bad spark plugs and now you just saw everything we checked to verify this engine is good so our second issue was this the auto shutdown relay now i haven't thought about this relay in like 20 years since tech school i learned about this guy but in most cars the function of this relay is simply built into the engine's computer so it's just software it's logic in the engine's computer so here's what this does basically the engine's computer grounds this relay and then this relay powers up the ignition system the fuel injectors and on some cars the o2 sensor circuit and this has a timeout feature so if it sees you turn the ignition forward for about two seconds or the engine hasn't started for about two seconds it will shut it all down so the reason i think we were getting spark and injector pulse width was because this thing was failing it hadn't completely failed just yet um but because we had the varnish fuel or we still do and the battery was a little low depending on how my little jumper was doing it wasn't enough time for it to start immediately so it was timing out a combination of timing out but probably more so that this thing was just bad it just had an open because we tried this you know 50 times and it would never even come close to starting so i swapped it with the ac clutch and it worked now i've since swapped it back and it still works which makes me believe that this just had an open and me just jarring it around fixed it temporarily but either way it's just a cheap normal relay we can just get this at any auto parts store and the jeep runs but it doesn't run very well i think this is maybe running on four or five cylinders at the most and i'm gonna go ahead and say it's because of the fuel injectors with the way that that fuel smelled four or five years old there's no way these injectors aren't clogged up they might even have a little bit of rust depending on what type of fuel if it was a fuel with 10 or 15 ethanol it can definitely mess up injectors after so long but this is a budget project guys we got away with a starter an 80 starter and a relay to get it running and i don't want to drop 400 on new fuel injectors so we're gonna try and fix them and i'm going to see what we can do with this little guy here oh yeah it's still rough okay real rough yeah it's running really bad yep and it's dead hang on i want to show you guys something if i can keep it running okay see how i got it running real nice now oh i got to be a ninja here check it out keep it yeah all right if you can get it to run and idle smooth like this with the starting fluid it tells you that you have a fuel system issue so right now this is running really nice and that's because each cylinder is getting some fuel or some starting fluid in this case it's a really good indication that it is the fuel injectors that just aren't functioning look at that it's perfect it kind of eliminates ignition issues and stuff like that sounds good guys listen to this engine no knock no tick all right good night all right one last thing i want to do here yeah we got good fuel pressure all right i wasn't able to hold the camera at the same time but while i kept it running on the starting fluid i held this gauge open here uh just to purge out as much fuel as possible we were holding steady before i hit that button at about 50 55 psi fuel pressure uh and that is fantastic so i just wanted to purge as much out as i can to get the new stuff and the heat and the fuel injection cleaner in the tank kind of all mixed together so a fuel injector is a very basic thing it just opens and closes there's a seat and a little needle and that's what sends the fuel through the injector when it's activated by power and ground so what we want to do here is we want to see if we can jar up whatever crud is in there and we're going to do that by activating the injector quickly with this little guy so all you do is give it power from our battery that now works and is charged and it comes with a connector uh you can get different connectors for these things depending on your injector but we have the right one so all we did was disconnect the factory fuel injector connector and we put in our little test connector there and here you guys can probably hear this we're gonna hit this button i'll do it again and right now that is pulsing the fuel injector so that just gave it 50 pulses we can even do a hundred pulses all right so right now we're activating the injector just like it would be activating with the car was running um but we can modify the speed here and so i'm going to go around to each injector and i'm just going to pulse it we'll give it probably like i don't know maybe 500 pulses or maybe a thousand probably just take me a couple minutes to do all of them we're going to try and jar them up and then we'll fire it up again it's running on its own again so we might have purged out enough of that bad fuel to uh give it a little bit of a better chance of running i'm gonna let this go for a few minutes guys let's see what happens [Music] oh wow this is the nicest it's run on its own i know it's still running bad but this this is uh this is pretty good oh yeah wow okay hang on a second i have an idea we got to take advantage let's get this thing in the driveway so i can at least air up the tire and we'll be closer to the garage all right let's find out if it shifts into reverse yeah we're in reverse we're rolling we're rolling in the jeep with a flat tire and you miss fire engine oh too close to the curb it goes goes into drive as well sweet this is so cool don't die on me now baby don't die on me now just gotta make it to the driveway luckily this thing's not leaking anything i can't say the same for the ml i think it's leaking power steering fluid right now look at this we're driving the auction jeep yes all right here we are it's shaking yeah it's not running the best i hear a bunch of coolant when i rev it up might be a little low wow this might actually be running on six or seven cylinders right now wow all right i'm gonna shut it off and check the coolant oh yeah okay it's not good these tires are all shot anyway so i don't really care best shocks ever mush hello i will dispose of you ah there's an extra belt in here okay great yes nice oh this is great look at that tire perfect oh man i was worried it was just gonna be a just a normal black steel wheel but they hook you up with a five nine specific wheel oh no my gosh this is holding air guys i did not know this i didn't see that this is still holding air crazy look at that this thing is very very damaged and yeah i mean we're gonna go with it because the other one's not happening right now and this is holding air so we're gonna roll with this guy oh no yep oh yeah it's holding all right so the tire pressures have been set nice the coolant is definitely a little low let's take a look at what we have in here it's nice and clean nice and clean and green that's a good sign so we'll just top up the reservoir a little bit we should be good to go all right let's keep going i'm going to pop up the fuel rail we're going to leave the injectors connected we're going to pressurize the rail with the factory fuel system and then we're going to use the injector tester tool to pulsate each injector and watch the spray pattern [Music] just get these harnesses out of the way too there we go let's give this little gentle persuasion here and yeah okay pretty much out of there all right yeah that is not what you want to see look at all that corrosion it was a miracle these things were working at all oh this is so bad but when i went around to tester they were all clicking they all sounded normal these o-rings are probably super dry rotted but we can probably clean these up and save ourselves about 400 versus just throwing new ones in there so let's hook up the tester let's pressurize this rail and see what it looks like wow that is really bad i should probably have a rag soaking this up i'm just spraying fuel everywhere okay wow that is really bad it's just a straight up stream that's horrible let's try this one it's not going to run really great without it being atomized it should be more like a mist oh this one too wow that's hard for you guys to tell it is working it's doing the exact same thing as the other ones kind of not a lot of fuel coming out and what is coming out is just straight as an arrow no atomization whatsoever so these injectors just need a serious serious cleaning and some new o-rings and this engine should run like new all right so there are plenty of tools on the market to clean fuel injectors some of these machines hook up to your car's fuel system and you end up running the car off of a cleaner that's kind of sold at shops and dealerships as more of a maintenance item and then they have serious machines where you remove the injectors and clean them outside of the car these tools can range anywhere from a hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars but in the next video i'm going to put together a budget solution for you guys this is gonna cost maybe three or four dollars you don't need any special equipment and it's gonna clean these nasty injectors outside of the car it's gonna be a serious cleaning and we're gonna restore these injectors to new and we're gonna make this 5.9 liter engine run like new and then we're gonna go for our first drive and if this thing shifts if it drives nicely we're gonna reward it maybe some new brakes maybe some new tires we're gonna continue on with this little mini restoration project on the jeep there'll be some cleaning you guys are really gonna be impressed with this interior when i'm done with it so stay tuned guys for the next video and if you haven't seen the first one i'll link it down below so with that give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed this type of content subscribe if you're new we got a lot of cool stuff coming to the channel i bought a new and really old and questionable car that hasn't ran for a long time that i'll be revealing in a couple of weeks so stay tuned for that but most importantly have an awesome day i'll catch all of you in the next video [Music] was because this was inter [Applause] was because this thing was you guys are really going to be impressed with this interior when i'm done with it so okay hang on plane's coming [Music] you
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 681,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FASTEST SUV IN THE WORLD, ABANDONED CAR, BUYING A CAR SIGHT UNSEEN, BUYING AN SUV, FAST SUV, WILL IT START, FIRST START AFTER YEARS, SRT GRAND CHEROKEE, GMC TYPHOON, 5.9 LITER JEEP GRANS CHEROKEE, LAMBO URUS, ML63, RSQ8, TRACKHAWK, QUICKEST SUV, LEGITSTREETCARS, DIY FIX, Fixing cars, fixing cars on a budget, legitstreetcars jeep, jeep grand cherokee limited, 5.9 liter jeep grand cherokee, zj jeep grand cherokee
Id: 1tEprli_vl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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