i finally play miitopia so beef boss can destroy elisa

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if you activate spot pass for this game you can use recommended me characters created by other players wow guess what we can't do that though choose a me to represent you well we need to make beef boss and i already forgot how to make beef boss i do not like this song this background music is like a very poorly constructed me channel mixed with diarrhea sound effects and beeps and boops see there's the bun no no no no but that just doesn't exist yeah i think that's it right there i think that's it what sort of personality would you say beef boss has beef boss is most certainly cool metopia so i know this isn't tomodachi life but it's kind of similar i don't know i have never watched metopia i have never played metopia i have no idea what to expect about metopia i do know that it's what do they call it it's like a rpo a mmo i don't know i don't even know what they call it but isn't it like a pokemon type game or something i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm trying to say it's a watering game a dancing game it is a world where every me can live in peace and harmony okay well i guess this will tell me what miitopia is or at least it was they lose their faces the darkness came without warning that's just called night time it happens every day a great and terrible shadow threatening all of metopia oh no how horrifying an unspeakably evil fiend started stealing everyone's faces hmm it's a good way to get your dick sucked though and then to add insult to injury he turned them into plants and snakes the fiend gave the faces to monsters and then we have our hero beef boss behold a simple traveler yes that is him yawn all right we're already tired sounds like my life another peaceful day beef boss is wandering alone wherever the path takes him [Music] oh he's startled a bubble appears with eyes it is like a pokemon game isn't it okay we're scared of a butterfly with eyes wow beef boss you're a new level of [ __ ] aren't you huff puff and you're a smoker where am i ah beef boss spies in nearby town green horn are these me's from the from the wheat yeah these are wii u me's i recognize some of them wait is this this is elise isn't it elise yes or alice worried mother alice stop it ricardo calm down or you'll hurt yourself this child has me at wit's end oh an adventurer please excuse me yes excuse yourself and spread them cheeks baby girl we about to have another kid my child has so much energy it's hard for me to keep up well it's easy for me to keep up when hard this is your child oh there's no way i can compete for a child is that color your husband is probably hung like a horse can't compete beef boss green horn's a nice town but i'm the mayor so i kind of have to say that huh uh oh hey what is that just my wiener don't have to stop and stare what where oh hey you're saying it's small what is it mommy oh goodness beef boss most certainly took his pants off nope never mind i guess it's not beef bosses weiner we don't know what it is a wicked present who rules monsters from the shadows choose a me to play the dark lord the role has been assigned dark lord elisa this is kind of scary i'm kind of spooked out here what a typical line for an evil villain i am the dark lord alisa i've come to wreak havoc in terror on the miserable little world and i'm starting with you people of greenhorn take him first time to taste true fear say goodbye to your faces you cannot steal beef boss's beautiful face this will do nicely for now i guess me and me and the mayor get spared for whatever reason get used to a life of wordless terror because that's what you're stuck with and those who've been spared take a nice long look at your poor little friends they are my friends i really don't care alyssa so long oh adventurer i beg you please to what please help my ricardo what do i get in return elise alice no i think i have to help ricardo unfortunately someone trying to be a big hero yes give ricardo's face back what this whole thing maybe i'll give this one back to you but you'll have to earn it i'm pretty good eep beef boss might not be there what the [ __ ] is he a scoop of ice cream to be seeing you if you survive that is all right beef boss we gotta fight a scoop of ice cream that has ricardo's face on it why wouldn't ricardo just not attack us power of jobs your job is your key to defeating monsters now select a job you would like pop star female pop star inspires the party with boundless energy in the magic of song beef box looks good as a cleric but i cannot help myself to make beef boss a female pop star i gotta do it oh boy i might regret this one down the road oh lord oh lord [Music] wow okay would you look at that ho ho this is just what you need to deal with the dark lord's fiends now fight oh beef boss take your foes or whatever the [ __ ] it said i don't even care there goes nothing what do we got to do we gotta sing do we actually have to sing this is like pokemon isn't it start attack well that was i mean all i did was hit the attack button at least i know my outfit may be confusing to you but i assure you i still want my reward of lots of sex oh thank the stars no thank beef boss [ __ ] girl give me some goddamn respect please take this gift as mother's appreciation oh yes baby week i don't want money this is meaningless to me what can i do with this money we could have made an army of ricardos now then beef boss my child i have another task for you can i change my power please you've seen the deeds of dark lord elisa he's made quite the mess and that's putting him mindly it's actually a she though and so i commission you and gulp defeat the vile elisa and save this world no well unfortunately you have no say in the matter wow they really thought about that you do owe me for saving you from that monster your new powers should help you contend with elisa now pop star beef boss go forth and defeat the dark lord oh there's two of them this time how horrifying i can't fight these things okay i i guess we are having a tough time we fought a whole two monsters oh we have to create a me to travel with duty dude oh he doesn't look right i think i made his glasses too big oh duty dude is most certainly a chef wow dude you just smacked it with a pan woo so tired me too i'm wondering how long i can last be careful with that wait what's that found in how how convenient right when you say you're tired there's apparently a motel six it's time for you to the two of you to pick a room are we gonna be sleeping together too the closer the two characters are the more they'll help each other out in the battle so pop them into a room together and watch how long they get along oh we put them in uh oh we're gonna have some [ __ ] up looking babies here you want a megaphone all right there's your megaphone beef boss oh and beef boss bought candy instead last time i give you any money be sure to give them all a nice big meal after each leg of your journey incidentally the amount their stats will increase is directly linked to how much they like the food i think beef boss will like jelly do you like it is that liking it all right we'll feed duty dude the the ham blurg i'm guessing he did not like that all right let's let's give him this then we found it delicious can't wait indeed it's a weird game god erg are you okay beef boss linda thanks doody dude is grateful to beef boss uh-oh what happens once the heart is full did we get a baby is han wu's face around here somewhere what a random thought beef boss it'd be stuck to a monster right who knows why you squinting like that beat boss less talking more looking beef boss changed eyes this is so much fun i don't know i don't know if that's really the thought process right now oh look it it's juan wu's face [Music] oh it's a boss battle i think butterfly juan wu how intimidating butterflies are so evil didn't they have picked a scarier freaking villain than a butterfly oh beef boss is getting hurt either you guys need to beat this butterfly before this butterfly beats you home cooking dig in okay okay i guess they decided to have a [ __ ] romantic dinner instead of fighting the butterfly [Music] okay now beauty dude's [ __ ] hurt again okay this is this dynamic duo is not working out they're not doing too hot duty dude just keeps on cooking oh he cooked for himself good job duty dude this butterfly is a humongous pain in the dick juan wu stop being a [ __ ] did he finally die you dick i hope your [ __ ] face doesn't get back to your body okay we can't let these two get too close here beef off we're gonna have to bring an abby real quick here he did not like yeah look at him he's shaking his head he does not want that ham no neither does beef boss none of them want it i think that's enough for today's meetopia i am going to save and quit [Music] foreign
Channel: Poofesure
Views: 346,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i finally play miitopia so beef boss can destroy elisa, miitopia, poofesure miitopia, poofesure miis, poofesure mii, beef boss miitopia, poofesure beef boss, funny miitopia, beef boss vs elisa, poofesure elisa, poofesure funny moments, miitopia funny, miitopia memes, poofesure plays miitopia, mii topia, mii, beef boss, vs, elisa, funny, memes, poofesure
Id: o5PRAvhxTXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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