I Finally Met CATNAP! | Poppy Playtime Chapter 3

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poppy playtime chapter 3 is back on the channel we have played through this entire game today is the day I finally meet catnap okay so this is where we left off last video we just got away from dog day and all the rest of the smiling Critters it was actually terrible and then did we get the next key didn't oh there it is there it is I just heard it there it is all right so we just had a phone call from olly olly gave us the last key here we go he said it was almost the end of the game he said now basically the only thing we have left is catnap and I guess the Prototype I don't know if we're going to be facing the prototype in this game or maybe poppy Play Time chapter 4 so where have we not gone yet I think this is the only building we haven't really gone in yet this has to be it yes it is oh man oh I do not want to be here I do not want to be here if you guys want to see more poppy plate I'm on the channel make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to my Channel right now so we've got candy cats snacks those snacks are really old I would not recommend eating those snacks would not recommend eating those oh there's the gas uh that door's locked so you know what let me put my gas mask on how do I put the gas mask on again F all right all right and let's go in here oh wait that's locked okay apparently that's also locked so you know what forget the gas mask I need a battery to open that door oh I bet it's up here I bet it's up here yep there it is there's the battery put that in there and the door opens all right you guys keep telling me that this boss battle against catnap is impossible it is so difficult I have no idea what I'm going to do oh there's the tape that one says wait let me read it it says August 8 1995 I don't know what that date means but let's put it in how do I there we go and let's watch the TV where's the TV oh there it is uhoh uhoh what's that what's that it says emergency alert system August 8th 1995 at 11 a.m. uh playtime company issues a Workforce danger what does that mean the following message is for all playtime company employees okay at 11:01 a.m. eastern standard time an unknown hostile force was declared present within the Playtime company facility huh Personnel are to begin enacting emergency evacuation protocols immediately leave all personal belongings do not engage with any hostile individuals oh if no exit path is available seek shelter in a hidden location oh use blankets or pillows to cover your body and remain silent do not look through any Windows do not open doors for any IND uals do not make contact okay that's where the video's going to end that is where the video is going to end oh wait open the doors now the hour of Joy has arrived dude I don't like this tape that was my least favorite tape I've ever seen that tape gave me the creeps all right that door is locked can I pull this wait a second so I need another battery to open that door can I maybe grab this one from here aha so now I'm kind of locked in here which is not great but we opened up the next door all right we are going deeper and deeper in this facility not a facility I really want to explore this is not a facility I want to explore all right uh I don't think there's anything in this room oh I don't know what that was all these doors are locked oh there's another battery that I need h i probably yeah yeah that's going to be locked I need a battery oh oh wait here's there's like a map it says offices cubicles bathroom graber's office maintenance and break room I feel like I hear someone breathing I feel like I hear someone breathing all right that's uh wait what's that person's name Maria Ashan asan I don't know what that said but this is an office H I can't see anything I think I yeah I was going to say I can light stuff up with my hand what's the point of all these rooms it says turn and go home honestly I want to turn around and go home oh there's B is that bunzo that's bunzo I forgot about bunzo okay we have officially seen catnap catnap is in here and is not friendly oh can I reach that battery can I reach that catnap please don't eat my hand oh I got it I got it I got it I did not I think that was going to work all right well catnap is officially in here and uh for some reason I'm going farther in the building why because I'm dumb this says run I kind of want to take your advice I kind of want to take your advice man oh gosh oh gosh this game freaks me out dude this game freaks me out oh there's another one Eduardo Gala am I supposed to know these names I don't feel like I recognize Mar or Eduardo that's locked that's locked oh there we go grab it and go Brandon grab it and go oh yeah yeah I was supposed to go this way all right uh let's drop down and let's switch to the purple hand purple hand please and thank you let's get a running start there we go all right where am I oh wait we're back here we're back in like that underground area where I'm pretty sure the Prototype is oh I don't know about this all right so I see a purple hand but right now it's deactivated so I probably have to activate that with electricity oh there it is let's switch to the green hand aha that's what I needed that is what I needed and then wait but how do I Power the purple hand oh there's a hand that I can grab aha ah all right ah and now I should be able to walk around here and there we go and I powered the purple hand wait but then if I maybe I touch that wait but then if I grab the purple hand then it's going to go back down oh this is tricky man all right all right I see you poppy playtime you're going to hit me with some tough puzzles to end this game I see do I need the green hand like what if I switch to the purple hand can I oh I don't think I needed the green hand oh I was just being dumb all right so now if I glow go over here okay and then I go around here i h i uh lit up this purple hand and then well then where do I go I got an idea I got an idea so what if we power this then we Run and Jump across and now we actually let go of the electricity okay now I repower it we start from here wait what would take less slack would that be no that's going to be more all right so let's go around this way and now let's jump back across and now can I grab that from here ah I can yes yes yes yes yes that's got to be it okay and now I go go around here that sounded like we did it I don't know what we did but I think we did it so now can I still can I still jump across here yeah that's still going to come up so let's go oh I missed it I missed it wait I might not need it I might not need it let's just jump let's just jump can I make that jump oh gosh okay okay wow all right that was a tricky puzzle but I figured it out oh now we're back in here now we're back in here you know what I want to go back to the puzzles normally I hate the puzzles in this game but now that I have to deal with catnap I would rather deal with the puzzles I definitely hear things I definitely hear things walking around all right that door's locked that door is locked we found another office this is Stella Graber I I don't know who Stella Graber is oh wow okay that was the key I think that was probably the key that I needed is there oh here we go there's going to be another tape somewhere there's going to be another tape usually they are not hidden very well uh here it is there's the tape grab it let's throw it in the TV right throw it in the TV and let's watch oh that's a creepy kid I don't like that kid oh Mr and Mrs Hartman heartman come on in please have a seat oh gosh is this the light again what was your right down it was uh nothing like we were expecting Mr L's speech was well it just confirms for us that you're the orphanage we want to go through it's a truly magical place it's not I felt right at home from the second I entered turn around you opened that door the first time and you just know you're never never going to leave that's true kind of like finding a home as a child and always thinking of it when you want to feel comforted I understand you want to give Jeremy at home yes and we would like to adopt ah amazing you'll be perfect for oh for what what well it appears there's been some complications oh boy here we go complications what kind of complications what all the kidss are gone I I don't know um the form says testing what does that mean tell us what does that mean Miss graper we deserve a better explanation than that don't you think you're in charge of all this how could you not know and why are we only finding out about this now I I don't I'm sorry whoa okay that was freaky so I think that probably happened in this office because this was Miss graber's office all right well again didn't really like that tape very much that tape also gave me the creeps all right where's that door that was locked uh yep all right so I got the key for that that's fantastic here we go Oh there's uh what's her name again hi I'm a crafty corn crafty corn can you help me with my painting I don't want to help you with my the blue please okay she wants the blue you guys told me to keep pressing the button and she will keep talking so let's try it thanks now can you give me some red no no not red anything but red more R please I don't want to give you red out yeah we're out of red who hiding more red from me I'm not I know you are I'm not hiding red I'm not hiding red is it here okay okay thank you thank you for making me press the button more and getting yelled at by crafty corn I assume this door yep that's also going to be locked uh and that one's locked all right all these things say run on the wall I'm trying man I want to get out of here just as much as you and we've got another vent wait which vent do I go in I go in here is this the correct vent oh I hate vents you guys know I hate vents I really really hate vents I'm glad I'm able to light it up now with this new hand makes me feel a little bit better not really that much better but a little bit better and please tell me this is the end of the vent this is way too long of a vent for me I do not appreciate this vent oh here we go oh red smog red smog red smog F okay okay I got the gas mask on oh I can't see anything I can't see anything all right so I need a battery what does this say head of Home Sweet Home Lisa ban all right that one's open hopefully there's a battery in here and I could just get the heck out of here I really don't like the gas mask it makes it so hard to see I don't think there's anything in there can I light it up all right I can light up the room a little bit oh there's a battery over there Aha and aha what did that do did that open this door no wait what did that do I'm just trying to light up the room and see this says keep locked ah wait if I switch to the green hand I charged it oh wait did I have to I think I'm going to run oh I see there okay I get it I get it there's going to be power in each office all right I knew there had to be a reason uh a reason for all those offices all right so you know what let's charge the hand let's charge that one then let's charge the hand again let's charge that one and then let's charge the hand again and let's charge that one and I heard something open yes yes yes yes yes and now I should be able to take the gas mask off all right hey I'm doing this I'm not doing a good job but I'm doing it another one of these puzzles my absolute favorite all right so this thing is going there which Powers the elevator but then where does this go that goes over there that goes up there wait so what if I just want to move this uh this way how do I move these again what if I turn the power off okay ah and then the elevator comes back down maybe I can't move this ah I can't move it while it's being powered okay I get it I get it so this is going to go there that's going to go there that's going to go there oh and then I powered up those purple platforms okay and it looks like I need a battery over here all right so right now the way that I have it aimed let's pull the lever and then eventually it will it should power these shouldn't these oh there we go there we go they turned purple all right so let's switch to the purple hand we're going to go one at a time Brandon H nice and easy nice and easy and Ah that's see that's why I said easy we we were nice but we weren't easy you got to try to go nice and easy there we go can I make it ah there we go now I made it all right if I pull this that opens all right I'm totally confused right now oh there's a battery there is a battery oh it's like in glass though wait how do I get that I wonder if I can wait if I grab this battery and jump can I knock it off the ledge no a I was really hoping I could pull it oh there I can ah and then it breaks the glass okay okay okay now can I jump with the battery can I go back up with the battery yeah I can all right sweet so let's go there let's go there let's go there and let's go there and let's put the first battery in okay okay so far so good I got half of the batteries powered we're trying to open up that door and I have a feeling that door is going to lead to catnap so I need to go back down I need to find the second battery oh wait I wonder if I needed that battery for here oh wait let me try to go back up let me do that so if I grab this battery and I go down here that's going to open up that and that gives me the second battery okay okay okay first battery plop now the second battery I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to jump with that one all right so you know what I'm going to need I knew there was a reason for this elevator it's got to be for that reason all right so now I think I get it I think I get it so if I turn this off and now I re aim this guy to go wait wa wait wait re aim this guy to go there and if I pull the lever we should be able to send that up Perfection all right n oh wait but isn't that going to come down ooh this is tricky this is tricky because now if I undo this and I power up the purple yeah that's going to go back down ah here we go again with these puzzles 6 and a half hours later I got an idea so right now I have the battery on the elevator let's move this bad boy back over there let's pull the lever beautiful all right now that's going to pull or that's going to power up the purple platforms which will take about 5 Seconds there we go now let's go up here I've gotten pretty good at this now okay there we go now I wonder if I can unhit that come on there we go turn that off and maybe re aim it oh no I thought this was going to be it no oh oh yes yes that is it that is it pull the lever and now that should open up this there we go yo I'm proud of myself I am proud of myself all right now I need to take this off with me bam that broke and now I should be able to go up here we go and battery in place pull did that not work oh I need to get the laser to press that wait how do I do that it's got to be something with this one it's got to be something with that one there we go that's the one that's the one all right so now if I pull the lever again pull the lever it should go up that way there we go look at the big brain on me not really that was a very simple puzzle but I made it seem very hard I maybe climb these boxes and Crouch this okay that's it that was it that was it all right all right here we go I'm going to switch to this hand cuz I feel like I'm going to have to defend myself oh purple gas or red gas oh I almost died there I almost died there all right let's go down here I do not want to be here I can smell catnap right now I can smell them oh there we go there we go hello it says the Prototype has saved us all yep catnap was definitely here so I need a battery but that door is locked oh this one's open this one is open and there's nothing in there well that's just great that is just great B oh here we go battery grab L battery no whoa okay we have already been attacked by catnap that's that's just a fantastic start to this battle next episode we are going to finally beat this game also check out my other YouTube channel it's called TFG Vlogs and I will see all of you in the next [Music] video
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 159,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime 3, I Finally Met Catnap Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, I Finally Met Catnap, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap death, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap boss fight, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap jumpscare, the frustrated gamer poppy playtime chapter 3, the frustrated gamer poppy playtime, the frustrated gamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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