DONT MISS OUT Like I Did! | Thrift With Me Goodwill | Fusion Paint IOD Upcycle

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okay you guys I swear I did not plant this here but you guys are going to be so I only saw a little bit of it so all right you guys mistakes were made on the last Goodwill shopping trip so I am back at the O Creek Goodwill and I'm going to see if I can pick up some of those pieces that I missed you guys really helped Point some of them out in my last video specifically that like Asian tile that I said oh this is so heavy and broken um apparently that can go for hundreds of dollars I'm gonna see if that's there I'm gonna see if that barber bowl is still there that like antique looking bowl uh that I found out was a good um chunk of money and then yeah let's see if they stocked anything new within the week I usually don't go to the same Goodwills right in a row but you guys I couldn't resist so let's go see what we can find also at the end of this video I will be showing you how I can upcycle this basket I'll put the picture here and that will happen at the end of this video so stay tuned for that and let's go thrifting all right so this is the Goodwill that actually gives me a lot of grief when when it comes to their music I get copyright strikes on my YouTube videos when um YouTube Here's just even a little snippet of Music this let's see oh there goes a zipper this is kind of pretty how did they do this is this like some kind of enamel thing interesting I have no idea about those oh this looks like maybe a Hager piece or something all right giving myself an hour here today because um I'm actually doing a live sale tonight over on our Lily Works jewels and lots so let's see I think was a tile over here last time I'm going to have to search for it looks like somebody already looked at what this might be it does say Italian and yellow is the color of the day so I mean this is not too bad of a pickup very dusty though um but I'm really looking for that tile you guys was it over here last time H maybe it was in the next stle let's go to the next stle over here maybe it was down here maybe oh I see something pretty though oh all chipped up up that is a little clock thing okay so down here maybe someone had it hidden last time um to wait for it to go on sale or something here's that platter that was here last time as well you guys remember that all right clocks H I am not seeing it all right let's go down the metal little tiny owls those are cute cute says made in Canada these feel like soap stone H that's I'll put that in the cart those are cute all right dolls and plates not super exciting unless the tile is hidden in there hummingbird feeder that's actually really pretty and then what is that the basket thing metal basket um we still have this wood face that's still there okay I see a green oxidized piece here that is H I don't know what that is oh look at this this is made in China [Music] I have a feeling you guys are going to be like that is such and such for so much money but while I'm recording I don't really look things up and if it doesn't really like excite me then I usually don't look it up um I actually wonder if I don't need this thing right here I think it holds jewelry right there okay we have this I don't know I don't even know what it'sing made out of lightweight something and then wood love the wood section it makes me want to paint so many things and actually the things that I've been painting have been turning out so so cute so I am on a roll and if if it's like a wood piece that has texture it's even better so let's see what is this oh this looks like a crummer like the tray for for sweeping the crumbs in but what in the world would this be for scooping something else I don't know I have no idea this would be actually really cute painted right here but it's full of stuff and then maybe I'll go back to get that if I don't find anything else here what is this this might be to hold puzzles or something or no wait what is this is it for bats butterflies do butterflies hide in here or bats or something I don't know what is this thing up here um still hold something it says products Chicago Illinois okay okay all right let me show you some of the things I did grab this is actually only $3.99 very heavy duty this would be so nice with all the pretty things and then trays you know trays are always really popular to upcycle and make like vintage looking and beautiful and then I love these cutouts if you put something here honestly and even leaving it black I think that that would look great and then I think I'm just going to use this as like a booth display piece because can hold some things on the shelf and that might be perfect what is this little box there's some damage on that one anything new well there's a little box here and there used to be a pen in it okay moving along here we have a trinket box and this one looks like a crystal box here that's nice it's a really nice let's see does it open or is it completely taped that's completely taped if it had like more facets and things to make it like really sparkle I probably would get it all right what are these 19 I'm sorry 1777 Liberty Bell so these were $2 a piece they're PE okay oh this would be so cute with a transfer on it it's like that depression glass pink I cannot resist here we go I'm getting that and it's going to be so cute okay we have a vintage hanger and a poster and this is a lovely slle glass angel little chinois Bell and then h n nothing else down [Music] there a ballerina she has a bunch of flowers on her it is a music box by Schmid Sri Lanka oh it's the fur cute look at all these owls oh my gosh is this a vintage piece I think it's vintage owls look at them okay we need the Vintage owls we know that vintage owls are pretty popular and then what are these guys are they Penguins they like a a duck Avon buffal head duck this elephant look at him that's a cutie elephant we have another trunk of elephant here he feels like a can handle okay W there's a lot of elephants here you guys is this salt and pepper no okay well I guess there's two nope more elephants oh my we have a lot of elephants I do like this ruffled shoe here it has that porcelain lace that Dresden is known for so this one is Japan um really lovely though it does have a lot of damage if it didn't have the damage and it was excellent condition I might be tempted to grab that oh another owl oh look at this carved wood owl okay that one is a yes okay we have a bunny bank and oh I think we saw the guitar last time and now there's a mandolin I don't see the guitar again today but that looks like that would have been a set okay so I'm here in the candles and I'm kind of obsessed with this color again it's that shinaz look made in China you know the whole the whole Spiel Spiel where it says um you know not for food use and all that but I love this I actually love a lot of things that say not for food use I just think that that is lovely let make sure yeah that just scratches off one candle let's see if there's any more maybe back there nope um I actually just love the look and that's totally something I would put in my own house what's going on with these candles here okay anything I see like an egg is that an egg candle um that looks like a candle wick candle holder possibly okay so the color section totally disappointed me last time wonder if they put in anything new all right blue oh this is lovely I have something like this in my kosha booth right now still has not sold there okay we have the proper place made in Heartland winefield so do you guys remember there was like this big bowl here and then Hannah over at florid de Montage or montin or whatever I can never say it right she was like that's like a $100 Bowl um so it's not here anymore it looks like it was $1.99 at one point this looks like it would have matched something like that so I might look this one up this Pottery napkin holder very comforting looking so I'll look that one up let's just keep moving purple um okay I did look this up and there's only a couple things listed uh feel like it would sit forever in a booth so I'm going to put this back into the blue section here let's make it to my favorite color pink um I see this right here that definitely looks like a flashed cranberry though etched flashed cranberry I do like this big ball here right here in the bottom these are also flashed but I mean cranberry is so pretty that color is lovely um and again pink I did not score on the pink yellow oh I like that let's move these out of the way and see what this is okay this might be like there's a chip on it it might be like Imperial or Indiana or something um okay I'm going to leave it because of the Chip And then and moving down nothing all right back to the swans and the geese there's a little sponge Croc oh a little raccoon egg look at him 99 cents half off we'll at him he's cute okay we'll do the raccoon egg from this section A little swan trinket dish that one's kind of cute the flowers okay I'll get that one and it was half off as well I think I looked at this last time little set here little um yeah very cracked okay and anything what is this this looks older definitely an older shape and there is some some damage to it so sbm or something like that if that was in really great condition that might be a score but it's not we are in the kitchen where these are pretty Ridgeway Staffordshire and there's a little chippy on that one those are pretty but I don't think those are a high value for sale okay what is down here that is Pressed Glass oh whoa look at this look at this groovy wall decoration okay cherry blossoms this one is the pitcher milk glass pitcher with the grapes and stuff I don't think it's I think West Morland or something we have a an owl cookie jar someone must have gotten rid of their owl stuff this is just from old tape like they literally had it sitting there with tape on it so this one is $6.99 and it does say threshold okay so someone had an owl cooking jar from threshold which is Target um just taped clothes I guess what are these okay those were very prar precariously set in there where can I put these uh H well I'm tall and I will put them right there and then I'll move them back down once we're done looking [Music] H okay that does feel like a metal lid this might actually be enamel on metal I know that can actually do kind of well but I'm not totally into it [Music] okay there's a pretty tray this one is Target home I actually have a mug that matches from Target that matches that exactly here is the biscotti from last time that is Jean biscotti someone did not snap that up quite yet we have little fox salt and pepper okay we need this those are adorable okay that we'll go with the owls in there that's one thing that I'm discovering with live sales is people really love animals all right this is where I picked up the metal shaving Bowl before um I do have a friend who does watch my videos who shops in the same stores as me so maybe she picked it up which would be awesome if she did okay I had a lady just watching me record so I kind of felt like I wanted to stop so I'm back um Poppy Trail by metlock California Pottery that's cute but not exciting enough for me um all right so in place they put this big red cranberry pedestal Bowl um so this is pretty it says Winter High hly handp painted collection that is a modern piece we do have a giant pear back there like a cookie jar all right okay so before I head out which I'm actually making really really good times it was pretty easy to go through things that I've already seen before but before I leave I'm going to take a look in the pictures picture frame section what is this this is a signed print well that's Lovely Isn't that pretty watercolor by a something and it is $1.99 H I kind of love that that is a really pretty art piece they like did the art where it's inside the frame then going onto the matting that is really unique and unusual so I will have to look that up later here's a big Mexico tile Cancun Mexico okay so last time I was here I ended up getting a lot of like needle point type stuff and then I saw that gold framed mirror that held shelves and when I was editing the video I was like kind of wish I grabbed that so we'll see if it's still here coming up but yeah I guess if I wasn't recording I would probably take my time go through these pictures find some little you know metal art or little signed pieces sometimes it could be challenging talking to yourself holding the camera moving out of the way from other people this is santorina windmill that's a print of a picture what is this oh my this is super stacked in here do we see any vintage metal art in here maybe H I bet the stuff on the way bottom is yellow tag so oh my gosh okay I'm probably not going to have luck with that all right I will let you know if I find something here okay you guys I swear I did not plant this here but you guys are going to be so surp I only saw a little bit of it so I tried pulling out this right here and then look what I saw peeking out no way no way I am oh it's a little bit broken I don't care look at the morpho butterflies in this box this is insane oh my word yeah a little bit broken there all right let's see how much he is okay we're grabbing we're grabbing this we're rescuing it that is so neat I am so excited okay that was that was fun so I'm here looking through um all the artwork and everything like that and then like by my feet there's something that like moved right there and it really like I I was kind of scared but I don't even know what that is hanging down there that is funny all right so I did find this it feels kind of kind of like suede like this boho thing going on not sure if this is like a handmade Mirror On Wood uh I'm if I find another one like it's like a stagger panel mirror thing I think I would grab it I'm not completely sold I think it would be a I would be totally sold if there were two but there's just one I'm not super sold all right this one looks like from Israel maybe or what is this okay okay maybe maybe not from Israel um okay yeah I didn't see the gold mirror here that is okay I literally found nothing that I thought I I think I missed that last time that's okay that's how that goes um do you see a vintage frame pecking out here that's just a print yeah okay I think I think I'm good to go you guys unless I see something on the way out I'm probably going to put back this here oh I did find that little cutie even if it's just a plastic frame here I love the birds and the gold frames this one says a home Co okay so it's $2.99 but so cute I'm collecting a lot of those for my gallery wall so I'll either sell it or put it in my gallery wall and that's a definite yes for me all right you guys I think I'm ready to go check out now so my total that I spent today was 2333 it originally was a little bit more but I had some points so yeah for everything that's in my cart I think I did a pretty great job let me know what your favorite piece was and yeah I'll see you guys in my next video but make sure you stay tuned to see that piece that I upcycle I'm really excited to start carrying the fusion mineral paint in my booth yay so some of you have been asking what I'm doing with this basket for as an upcycle and you are going to see it here but I just finished another project so I still had paint on my hands and I'm using the Lysol dual action wipes just to wipe it down there's like spiderwebs and price tags and all kinds of dust and things like that stuck but I do really like the high quality of this picnic basket and I like that uh there's like a whole flat top here that I can decopage or paint and it's a little bent out of shape but not too bad I am using the fusion mineral paint just as before this is the French eggshell color and it's actually super super pretty it kind of looks like the the same color as my shirt but a little bit actually goes a long way and I decided that I kind of wanted to give it a whitewashed look where you kind of use a little bit on your paintbrush and then you let the detail of the wood kind of come through because I didn't want to paint every little nook and cranny on the sides here so I wanted it to be more of like a white w whitewashed weathered look but with that nice blue tint to it here I'm picking out some of the fuzz but I'm really liking how this um looks here just by brushing it and that means I use much less paint so I think I was actually able to get four different projects out of this little tiny Fusion mineral paint like sample and I'm going to have them for sale in my booth for I think $8 so $8 for some fusion mineral paint can go a long way and of course I'm going to be selling the fusion pint sizes and that's going to be for bigger projects like dressers and I mean if you really love the color and you want to do multiple projects so you might be able to see there are some broken bits to this basket but honestly that doesn't bother me at all I think it looks really chming and rustic someone from the comments in one of my latest videos said that they have a basket that looks just like this and um they said it might have been a longer burger you can usually tell if baskets are longer burger they will be signed on the bottom usually or they'll have a plaque that says longer burger so even though this was a nicer quality basket it was not a longer burger basket I probably wouldn't be upcycling a longer burger basket unless it was like way too far gone to be um used used or for meant for resale and so if things have like a lot of antique character and charm I'm not going to be you know using Fusion mineral mineral paint to paint all the wood that I find definitely I have appreciation for antique wood and um I definitely want to use it as more of like a rescue and upcycle Decor piece so I'm giving this basket a little bit of life here and you can even paint Hardware with the fusion mineral paint so I'm just going around the edge and then I not going to be paint I am thinking that someone who uses this basket will either put like maybe blankets or throw pillows in their Cottage core house or maybe even actually go on a little picnic like a girls afternoon out a little tea party or something I have all kinds of ideas for this but I decided I'm not going to paint the inside because I think that the outside has a lot of aesthetic but I did paint the inner lid so it does have like a little bit of a surprise I did want to paint this like Rim part here you guys can see because it is sticking out and it's brown so I did go ahead and paint it um but then I wanted to use this IOD ink and their ink pad to use the kindest regard stamp again and I'm actually going to be using this for multiple projects because it adds like a good um depth and layered effect to if to your pieces um it doesn't matter if the words are eligible it just kind of gives it that romantic look so I kind of put it off to the side and then I'm going to choose again the atmology IOD transfer I used this for the last project and I'm going to pick out maybe a bird and a butterfly but I was as I was saying before you want to make sure that it's dry before you start doing your transfers and your stamps um but Fusion paint usually isn't cured completely until like 24 or 48 hours so even though it's dry it's not completely cured um but I'm still ready to go and then also if you are kind of impatient like me I would invest in a heat gun I bought one on Amazon and even though it's not like recommended to always use a heat gun I haven't had a problem with it it could make if you're using a heat gun it could make the wood bubble if it has like sap and stuff um because it Heats it up or you know it could make metal really hot and um it might not dry evenly but so far I haven't had any problems so here is the bird and a little butterfly um I am so sorry you guys that I couldn't get the camera higher I did invest in a better camera that does face down it's just it's going to take until July or something to get here so this is what we're dealing with I literally have my phone taped to my ring light and it's kind of ridiculous but you guys can see a little bit of the setup here of what I'm working with and I think it turned out so cute with a couple of butterflies and then the bird and the words and then I decide okay I'm going to use the black here this is called the coal black by fusion and I am going to paint the handles it's going to be a pop of black which is going to look really nice and I'm going to also use this same color combination uh on a couple other projects the black and the French eggshell and the black words and I just think that that looks so nice together and again it doesn't have to be perfect because I do um like like that weathered older paint look but I'm doing my best as you can see I made a little boo boo right there doing my best trying to not get the paint on the blue paint and all I did to clean it up a little bit was I went back over with the blue right over the black after I wiped it off and it was good to go not completely perfect but I was actually pretty pleased with how it looked and so I'm going to do the other one here and I am totally enjoying upcycling pieces it is extremely therapeutic for me very relaxing and it feels kind of like you're bringing your art to your booth and so I feel a little bit more invested in these pieces and it's just nice to be able to like even upcycle display pieces it just really turns out very nice and as you guys know a lot more uh people of the younger generation are actually really getting into the older shabby chic Cottage core Grandma core look people are really loving home studing and making bread and doing the older projects like knitting and raising chickens and things like that which totally sounds like my life right now but um for a long time like having older Antiques and things really wasn't trendy and now it actually is trendy so don't be afraid to pick things up and make them look older because higher quality things that actually are vintage are upcycled so much better than just going to Hobby Lobby and getting you know pieces of wood to paint so and these are also going to last a lot longer the Vintage quality wood is just so much [Music] better and here we are the inside lid and again I I want to put the stamp but I actually instead of just putting it on one side I wanted to put it on the entire length so I kind of just lined it up and had it continue I mean nobody's going to read it but I kind of just wanted it in the background as like a pretty design and so there we go and then I wanted to find maybe one or two transfer pieces that would look nice so I ended up finding like this big moth so I'm using the transfer stick that comes with the transfer and then I was finished there we go this is what it looks like outside the blue is a little bit brighter because of the Sun but look at how cute this is and then you pop the top open and there's the moth it is so stinking adorable let me know know what you guys think and make sure to subscribe oh there's Gideon giving me a rock bye guys a huge shout out to all the patreon members for supporting both YouTube channels and our Lily Works Facebook Community come on over to our new selling platform called we have two stores one is called Lily Works antiques and collectibles the other is Lily Works jewels and lots become a member you can also become a seller also if you're interested in anything you see from this video or reseller merge go ahead and head over to Lily Works where you can find different collections for sale also make sure to like And subscribe and I'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Lilyworks Antiques and Collectibles
Views: 7,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _7-tXNKir3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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