I Exposed International Arms Deal With North Korea | Minutes With | @LADbible

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they drove us album what i assume must be the northeastern pyongyang to a very slummy area where well to be honest not the kind of north korea they want to show people but in my opinion it is a real north korea then and they asked us to go down in a basement in one of these old houses which were about to collapse i was like waiting for the the sound of a gun having to know loading it and then lights out [Music] i grew up in the southern part of denmark in a town called naxco it's located 170 kilometers south of copenhagen and my dad he works on the ferry who sails to germany and that was before it was reunited as the germany we know today so sometime he went to the west another time to the east but one day i went with my dad on the boat to east germany and i was told by the staff on the boat when we arrived don't go down there because you will probably be shot or kidnapped or tortured orders what's it even worse because they are communist and you know telling that to a child my age at that time 10 11 years of age was quite scary so i stayed of course on board on the ferry but during one of those trips i met up with an east german boy named mike and then we exchanged addresses and became pen pals and at one point my family said well let's go to east germany and meet up with this kid's family and you know coming from the place i was born and raised to east germany during the cold war was like a big shock for me they were nothing in the shops and we waited two and a half hour at the bakery for a piece of bread it was just completely out of my world but you know i paid a lot of attention to it and then i grew up and you know time changes the wall went down the two germans were reunited and i had an education as a chef and after 10 years of working as a chef i had an incurable disease in my pancreas which prevented me working as a chef and made me a lot spent a lot of time in the hospital i found it interesting enough to reach out to mas boiger and never expected master reach back but but he did and well so to speak the rest is now history to be honest my idea was not even close to what we ended out to be i had this naive thought that i could film those people walking around north korea in well like monty python and north korea kind of style because they are funny people with funny statesmen and i'm a big fan of mountain biking and i saw some similarities with those people um the chairman could easily be john cleese or something but you know that was actually my whole idea but and the thing was how can i actually going to film these people and now we are back in 2011 and i went to a meeting telling them hey you know this media called youtube and the member of the association is all plus 60 years so they was just looking at each other like no what is it so i explained what youtube is and that i could film some small propaganda videos telling the real story about north korea and the chairman he loved to see himself on the big screen and he was like let's do it after five or six days in north korea i was awarded with a friendship medal of the regime and i had the badges from the leaders which shows to me that they respect me and i respect which is very important is to respect the leaders of the country and when i had those batches and mellows it was like all doors opened for me this is a jacket from my north korean soup which i had taylor made back in 2017 in pyongyang this is the batches of the leader which shows the leaders who was dead now and kim wilson and kim jong-il you only give to people who the regime trust and wearing this around in pyongyang on north korea it just shows a population that you are accepted you are you are friendly to the country you you will practically die for the nation to to defend him about the evil capitalism at one point i met alejandro cao de venis he ended up telling me that if i could find somebody who wants to invest money in north korea and at that point he's talked about 50 000 euros to a million euros we could maybe do something so literally he wanted me to find an investor so for three years i walked around in all meetings in europe and kfa you know hosting a speech or you know just loving north korea and all the i think i went to probably six or seven countries for three years participating in in meetings from who was arranged by the kfa and alejandro gets more and more pushy to me like have you found an investor and i was like you know if i came up with one the first day it would look quite suspicious so to speak the day before we didn't have an investor and i have a reinsta meeting in oslo with alejandro and an investor and we just came up with mr james which is uh his real name is jim and jim is a former criminal in denmark he spent eight years in prison for selling cocaines to the to the jet set people in copenhagen he knew the criminal game he wasn't just then you know a random person it was actually a person who knew about drugs and and weapons from his past so and now he was representing this rich family and i think it was norway we told him he was they were located um so we just went to oslo me and mr james met up in the airport had a breakfast spent 20 minutes to find out a cover story which we never used and luckily enough alejandro he was he was in love with mr james or at least a deep pocket of mr james for for the regime and just being there for five minutes with alejandro and mr james alejandro he just said what he could present from north korea what mr team was able to buy and we were like when the meeting was always like if if this is true it's well we just got something that north korea is doing sanctioning busting or at least trying to but also kept in mind that maybe alejandro just trying to to fool us and just to reach out the money of mr james well what happened thing next is that i'm actually was taught by we had a security man behind the the mall and he decided that if this need to go further on i need some training somehow how to act as an undercover agent and so i went to the u.s and spent a little week with a former ca agent in field training with how to do and what not to do and actually on the flight home to copenhagen from washington i got aware that alejandro was arrested in spain for arms trafficking so it was not just some story alejandro came up with and from then on the north sorry the spanish government withdrawn alejandro's passport and he was not able to leave spain and that put me in a whole new position because alejandro has been working on bringing me and mr james to north korea to meet up with the right people as he says and and suddenly i was i was alejandro i was a man with with the power from kfa to bring in mr james to north korea well arriving in north korea with mr james i i was just walking out of the flight and down to the border patrol and there was this officer opened my bag and saw my camera and he was like i need to speak with my a higher ranking officer and i was like oh um but then mr kang which were my contact person in in north korea he was like hey all right don't you have your badges and medals with you yeah of course and so i have a badger in the middle from the regime and i just literally opened my jacket and showed to that officer and he was like i'm so sorry and really put all the things down my back and closed it and gave it to me and bowing for me he was very sorry that he interrupted me and like he did something wrong i was like oh it's his job so don't be sad but he was like wow this foreign person is really some somebody here in north korea so i literally walked through with my cameras and everything out in a waiting mercedes-benz and drove to the hotel we spent two days actually just walking around talking and they were showing a lot of things which was nothing that alejandro promised us we would talk with the north koreans about so i took mr kang aside and said hey in 96 hours i would be in a flight with mr james back to denmark and we haven't been shown anything of what alejandro told mr james so you're probably losing a investor here if you you don't speed it up and well next morning we were asked to be ready a bit faster than normal and we went down in our car and they drove us out in what i assume must be the northeastern pyongyang to a very slummy area where well to be honest down the road we're running faces and urine from from the house blocks it was it was not the kind of north korea they wanted to show people but in my opinion it is a real north korea then and they asked us to go down in a basement in one of these old houses which were about to collapse and i was literally expecting that my time on earth when ran out because i was like waiting for the the sound of a gun having to know loading it and then lights out but the door was like this thick and was covered in black leather and it was really scary but start opening it it was some like fire works or something lights inside and i was really you know trying to keep calm and i could see a gym that okay this is probably not a good way to end up our lives here but because nobody wants to hear from us again or found out what happened to our bodies but then we walked in this room with a karaoke machine running and a big round table with i think they will could could be eight seed or something and a lot of food and beers and sodas and wine everything and then we were told that the president from the uh state-owned weapons factory in arraya trading will attend in the meeting and so would the president of the medical industry as well and they just showed up in this room and thinking back now they want us to go down there because it was a place where they felt secure and nobody would hear what jude was talking about and no but nothing could you know nothing came in or out and sitting there they just took out like a pizza menu a card with all the weapon systems on how to use them the prices the quantity and the time to deliver and you know practically the whole weapon system in north korea besides the nuclear weapon systems they went we have even tamarbaric missiles on the menu for that they would like to sell to mr james so we were literally you know surprised down there and still expecting us not to leave that room and live but then suddenly the president of the arms factory he stood up grabbing out for a microphone and then he started singing karaoke just in the middle of an interpretation and i was like what the hell is happening here and then they want me to sing and i'm a bad singer and no doubt about it and but the north korean culture is like like like it says in south korea that if you ask to sing a song it's very unpolite just don't want to do it but the i don't know if they thought i looked like her but they put on celine dion my heart will go on from titanic so i literally sang two two lines and asked him to stop the music and say hey i'm spoiling a very very beautiful song so what i did not to lose my face was actually i started to sing a children's song which i was saying for my children while they were very small and doing some of the um the funny things you do among the song and and that made the north koreans so happy and they hugged me and kissed me because as they said we could feel it comes from your heart this comes from your heart which means you love your children and our leader and that's the most important thing in north korea always love the leader otherwise you're screwed so you talked about this weapon deal what are were the other things that throughout this 10 years you've exposed in um north korea with north korean government with the deal was they making and stuff well what scares me the most is that north korean is operating in africa when we had the meeting in pyongyang we agreed on because i said hey i'm very happy being in north korea i love it i have to play my role i love i love the leader i love the country i will do anything for north korea but it would be quite suspicious if me and mr james will travel in and out of north korea 10 20 times a year to to just talk with you guys here because that would make some attention for some intelligent service if those two danish people were traveling in and out so the north korean came up with the idea that we could find a place in africa to build up a factory to produce our own weapons and mr james could you know literally sell them from there then north koreans will send you know the workers to africa they will build the factory and they've literally shown us papers of how it should be and they had cooperation with namibia at that point so we decided to go to namibia but the in the period of time before entering there in namibia caught the connection to north korea so then next country was it was uganda and we figured out it could be very right to buy an island in the lake victoria in the ugandan part of the lake so we could do our things peacefully and ride the government to yeah just to be there and look the other way we then went to uganda first to meet up with some real estate broker about buying an island and many people has been asking how do you find an island for sale in in the lake victoria out of uganda and coastline and it was like well it's quite easy you just googled it we said adam for sale uganda victoria lake and came up with an offer so we've we get in contact with those real estate brokers and we went out to see the island and it was a cost of five million dollars which was in mr james quite cheap so we took a two hours boat ride from kampala to the island and when we get close to the island we could see a lot of people in a little harbor and they were dancing and screaming and it looked like they had fun we've got a very warm welcome me and mr james and were quite surprised because we were actually trying to buy this island but just before entering the island the real estate broker told us hey don't tell them you want to buy this island because i told them that you guys are here because you want to build a medical clinic to care for the people here at that point i really wanted to beat up that real estate burger with something cheap and hard because i think it's so cruel too well those people would never have another place to go what happened next is that the north koreans also came to uganda and the problem is north koreans traveling around the world are not traveling on north korean passports because being in kampala during a lunch i talked with one of the people from one of the business men from north korea that you know chit-chatting and i was like hey how is think back in pyongyang how was mr kang kang was not attending and he literally jumped across the table holding for my mouth hey shut up we're not north korean we're chinese we're traveling on chinese passport and he weighed a chinese passport for me which makes big concerns for me because if china gives passports to north korean criminals to travel around the world to do business we have a big problem because already now china is deep into the market in africa and if the north korean goes in to do production of weapons of medium vitamin and africa it could look really bad for yeah especially for world peace we brought to north koreans to copenhagen to sign a final contract of the whole no cooperation with we have to produce weapons in africa we would buy oil in jordan who will send the oil to north korea and and that will make the payment for mr james to produce the weapons that he couldn't sell and buy so it was like a triangle deal and if all those things happened well what could we have done we could have been selling weapons to isis or yeah as i said before syria or just terrorist organization or even start a civil war in a minor country if you wanted to so was that when you blew your cover and you gave that information further on how how how did you put the end of the to the operation well we have arranged at the hotel danglite which is the most beautiful hotel in copenhagen in whole denmark the most exclusive place and we have arranged the north koreans to meet up with mr james in a suite and there we would sign the final agreements and put an order of weapons and in that meeting mr james was really you know looking forward to he was really happy like and let them know that this is gonna be the most fantastic thing for north korea for many years and we i could literally see by knowing spending so much time with north koreans in north korea and outside north korea that mr jew as your name was he was being filled up with proudness of coming back with those papers and signing and it was it was some some kind of you know touching in some in other ways it's like okay now now it's soon will be over and after the signing our next step was literally to pay up front five but around eight million us dollar upfront to to make the next process going on and of course we wouldn't even pay 50 cents because otherwise we would have been breaking all the laws against north korean sanction so what happened was that um mr james he disappeared i spent a whole year trying to figure out what happened to mr james which i knew that was happened but i was you know really playing a role play with with great acting skills and then kovit came and it was like okay what what should we do now what is the next step and i was still had the contact and at one point in september in 2020 we agreed on now it's time to tell the truth to alejandro so we when i told and i did ask alejandro he wanted to be a part of a storytelling about north korea because i was going to a school to tell the kids about north korea and some of the kids found out this there's this fantastic mr alejandro cowderpin as the president of kfa and they would really much if he could be on a soon connection to answer some questions and alejandro he likes to be seen and heard and he was like oh i'm ready to this i'm ready we show then went to a hotel and i was having a chit chat with him before say hey i'll be ready in 10 minutes a student has to go in in their seats and then i will go online with you just to tell you a few things on how many questions and blah blah blah and what i first got aware of very late in this project was that back in 2006 when mass boycott did research for the red chapel he went to north korea and he used alejando as he's a man to bring him into north korea and because of the red chapel alejandro hates masboyga and certainly now i will be sitting next to the man that alejandro hates the most maybe and now the one he trusts the most me will be he has been working with this guy for 10 years next to me so i was really scared of when i was telling my story for him that he will literally hang up because it was so important for me to have mass sitting next to me so alejandro could see us together and i think it's it took me 20 seconds to tell alejandro that i've been the mole for 10 years then that everything is just uh yeah it's a documentary and that he has to meet this person and i think looking back now alejandro thought i was like prank doing a prank on him or something because he literally trusted me so much that i met his parents and family and a mass just say hey alejandro we meet again nice to see you this is being recorded and all the things in the past with ulrich has been recording and we can just just lift up his arm how did your family react when you opened up to them when i have to and after when i told my wife it was you know the day before i told her hey tomorrow there will come some people who are they are doing a documentary and i've been helping a bit with the cameras which was my cover story for her that i went into a movie company and helped them with their equipment and that was what made me able to travel around the world without chiefs paying any notice to what i was doing and didn't ask me any questions then the mask came the photographer came the producer came and we had a cup of coffee and and then we started shooting it and and matt said hey i think alright got something he wants to tell you so i told her my story and i think it was two or three hours just talking with her and and but and she but as he said i don't understand this but are we in danger what is going to happen now have you been in danger i was like well yeah i've been but i'm here today and well you just wait to see the documentary so you it will maybe give you an idea are you ever scared or like paranoid about anything about the fact that north korea officials can get to you somehow or anything like that well i use some of the skills that i was taught by the cia agent in washington um but i i think i'm that kind of person who who doesn't go out in public like trying to to to get attention from people but i think now that the world has opened more after the pandemic there are places which i would be more aware of if going there and i've also been told there is a lot of countries with the intelligence has asked me kindly not to even consider visiting again like of course north korea but i don't they don't want me to go to china to uganda jordan syria russia belarus those kind of countries are you glad about what you achieved with that alejandro is as you said as now wanted man you've exposed the weapon deals and stuff like that do you feel sense of achievement from all of that well i think with alejandro we have only seen the top of the iceberg but you know thinking back now i think that the fbi has been into all this and maybe other authorities as well and that is the reason why he wasn't arrested when the mall was released because they were really getting evidence against him to to remove him and now he's among the most wanted and on the run i guess so and even that if he goes on the run it just shows me that he is a he is a criminal and he went out on twitter asking for lawyers to help him so i think he is really he's really fearing what's going to happen now i think he could face up to 20 years in prison and i find which could be easily a million british pounders and out of everything you've been through is there anything you regret um no not really because i have at any time i had the chance just to say stop it this is it and but i think that the timing between the the things that happened i had the time to digest what i've just been through maybe i regret not to be honest to my wife and family of course because those are the people i loved loved the most but once again i think the love for me was also to protect them and they arrest me in front my five years old child my heart is just beat with and i know that is if i arrested and sent back to north korea i just execute or prison camp
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 708,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, north korea, undercover, undercover agent, undercover spy, mole, dictatorship, ulrich larsen, mads brugger, Alejandro Cao de Benós, arms deal, crime, international crime, spy stories, international scandal, africa, uganda, weapons, selling weapons, totalitarian regime, illegal, arms export, weapons export, russia, china, denmark, minutes with
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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