"I ended up strangling her somehow..." | The Case of Samantha Bodsworth | Aus Crime

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[Music] on a morning walk in the holiday town of NSA a couple of tourists see a site they have not expected a young woman's body fully clothed lay as if she were asleep her wounds would tell a different tale police would rely on a neverbe used area of forensic science it doesn't just fly in it has to be transported by something to convict the most cunning of killers the questions had to be asked did she go there of her own free will was she in fact dead at that stage we have a pretty high burden of proof to be able to charge anyone with murder there's something not right there's something a Miss with this whole picture we put it there cuz it facilitates the grandest scheme of committing the perfect murder every single one of us knew that it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] him The First 48 Hours of a murder case are critical to its outcome and in this case it was no different police had their suspect then as the hours weeks and months went by it appeared the killer had created the perfect [Music] murder I got a phone call that a young female was found deceased in the vegetation off a parking area down at the nusa Parkland and the body was found uh some distance from the parking base the area was very heavily vegetated there was AA wattle trees in the vicinity and other vegetation she was obviously in a state where it had been violence under her body by that I mean there was marks around the throat and around the cheeks and eyes area the body was discovered by a group of holiday makers at about 8:30 this morning lying in bushes only a few hundred meters from the beach front police say it's unlikely the body had been there longer than the early hours of this morning it appeared she'd been bashed and strangled here we have one of the top Hol destinations in Australia not possibly the world and we have a crime of such violence of such um propensity to cause harm to another human being in what should be an idealic environment and idealic lifestyle that goes with it as far as what may have caused her to be at this location he go through all the scenarios that are conceivable had she been there there was she attacked at the beach or the riverfront was she assaulted in the city area was body dumped there NOA being a big tourist destination you wonder whether she's met Foul Play after meeting someone at nightclub whether she's gone out for a night on the town and met someone and something tragic happened and it's occurred uh pretty much close to where her body was found there was all sorts of perambulations that go through your mind as to how this has happened and obviously you can't discount anything at that stage it was a matter of um Gathering all the scientific evidence that's present at the scene and cting the scene off so this can be conducted by the scientific staff we bag the hands up and locked them down so that anything that falls off the fingers or off the nails um is found in the bags at the mall there are a number of what we call tape lifts collected that's from the clothing on the body to see whether or not there was any uh fibers or hairs there that may have been associated with an offender your examination is Manu tires Footprints anything at all remember it's a Sandy location and that's very difficult at time to get these sorts of Impressions but those things become very important in the examination of a crime scene a number of Sho Impressions were found along the public track to where the body was found but the prins were not the only possible link back to the killer soil and vegetation were also gathered in the hope that if they found their offender it would Place him or her at the scene initially the main focus is to identify the person or the body uh there was no identification on her there were a number of tattoos and a significant amount of earrings in her ears the tattooed name she had Michael and Corey obviously was a very very important clue to the puzzle as it were as to who she was the descriptions of the deceased were given to the media and it was broadcast so members of the public might be able to recognize who uh the deceased was and try and identify her the investigation hid an early hurdle when police discovered the victim was carrying no identification the woman is in her mid to late 20s with shoulder length brown hair she's dressed in a red uh colored pair of jeans a dark colored top and she's got a number of tattoos the woman also had numerous earrings in both ears and a distinctive s-shaped silver ring anyone with information is asked to contact Crim Stoppers or NOA police as a result of that um people came forward from the gimpy area who would recognize those tattoos and piercings of a lady that they had known gimpy was an hour's Drive North of NSA I was surprised it was gimpy area I thought it would be more a local girl I still thought that perhaps the nightclub scenario was possibly what had occurred she'd been to a nightclub and possibly met with Foul Play after that so traveling up to gimpy it was put another angle on the investigation was what's going to happen now who is this girl and uh what are these people going to tell us when a call went out to the public to help in identifying the tattooed body of a woman found in NSA the police received an immediate response there were people in gimpy that thought that they knew the identity of the deceased female they described the tattoos as they had known them and they were quite sure that the person that we found or the body we found was Samantha bodsworth obviously the formal identification hadn't been made they asked us to to go with them to Brisbane to identify or see if it was her our daughter but I think from our description of her and the body that they had retrieved I think that it was almost a formality they virtually knew that um our daughter was the one in the mor I did in my head but not in my [Music] heart and as soon as I saw it was Sam I just I just had to hug her even though she wasn't there stupidly trying to warm her up even when you know a person's dead and she got no makeup on not a scrap of makeup she had a car accident several years before and she was very self-conscious of her scar on her cheek and that was so odd there is no way on this planet she would have gone anywhere even to the the front door without her makeup on so why had Samantha been found one hour's driveway in NSA without her makeup police had believed that she may have gone there for a night out and that something had gone wrong with someone she met and she'd been murdered by a strange one night stand or whatever you call him today I don't know but that is that wouldn't have been Samantha she would not have done that it wasn't her scene she liked to be with the people she knew and she [Music] loved and that was her two children Corey and Michael who were with their paternal grandparents on the night Samantha went out and never came home the house the three shared was now under forensic examination upon entry to the house through an open garage door there were a couple couple of spots of blood upon further examination throughout the house there were some blood stains in the bedroom there was some wiped up blood stains in the lounge room dining room area people often try and clean up crime scenes after they have occurred and this had all of the characteristics of Fairly rudimentary clean up samples of blood and blooded items were collected in hope that the killer might have been injured and left his DNA behind Samantha's bedroom gave the impression that some sort of struggle had taken place we found a hair dryer uh that had a little samples of Blood on the cord so obviously that suggested that perhaps it could have been used in the assault with Samantha whether it be wrapped around her throat or whether it was used in some other way in the course of her being assaulted during the examination of the laundry area there was a number of items of clothing in the washing machine we pulled those out and the items of clothing were bloodstained and amongst the Blood Stained clothing was a pendant that was one of Sam's much loved items cuz her uncle in Britain gave it to her and you can't get that stone anywhere else but in that particular little part of Britain one of the the most intriguing aspects of the pendant was that we'd had information from Sam's parent that she'd never removed it even she was having a share going swimming anything that pendant stayed with her it was obviously very important to her and yet here it was basically in a washing machine uh in a house uh where there had been blood stains and other signs of violence so this sort of indicates to you that there's something not right there's there's something a mess with this whole picture why was it that she didn't have a pendant who would have taken it offer where was the change these questions were things that and formed part of how we needed to to Really progress the inquiry while there seemed no forced entry into Samantha's house a screen near the front door was off the window and her car was not in the garage where her parents had told police it was usually parked nor was it at the car park in NSA where her body was found we had the crime scene at NSA which was still very important to us as a crime scene we had the potential of a crime scen at her house and obviously the distance of some hour travel from the house to NSA was significant the questions had to be asked did she go there when she was alive did she go there of her own free will was she in fact dead at that stage and these scenarios were part of of the whole uh Gambit of of what we had to look at and try and establish at the postmortem the pathologist was able to proved that the cause of death was strangulation and this was consistent with what we saw at the scene the the number of marks that were there scrapings were taken from underneath her fingernails if Samantha had put up a struggle then potentially the offender's DNA had been captured there was evidence that her clothes that she was in when she was found at nura weren't necessarily clothes that she subsequently died in Samantha's injuries would suggest that blood spatter would have been found upon her clothes there was none in other words someone have changed her clothes which showed a fairly callous and motivated desire not to be apprehended by police while un someone's part we were the impression that Samantha bodsworth was killed in her home it was a mystery how she went from gimpy to H road at NSA but we have no doubt that she was murdered in her home at the time the search of Samantha's house was being conducted her ex partner was helping police with their inquiries like her friends Michael bodsworth immediately contacted police on hearing a news report of a tattooed woman's body being found in NSA I'll come down to see it's my ex okay all right soon I heard Mark M cor that was that's all I needed he all right and do you have two sons do you yes I have two sons and Nam Michael and Cory Michael bodw was was interviewed at the gimby police station he was there of his own free will and he may have been able to help us with their inquiries now whether help us meant he would be able to provide us with information or whether the help us meant he became a person of interest uh was yet to be proven at that stage we had a very open book and how long have you know on Samantha been together for 11 years are you um still together with Sam no what's the situation with the two of you I got on to the drink and kept on arguing and fighting all the time so she asked me not leave I moved to the pub do you remember when that was it's about 3 4 months ago and when was the last time you saw samanth uh just after 5 on Friday yesterday yesterday okay and where abouts did you see her at 5:00 p.m. uh Mount Pleasant hotel we was standing in the doorway talking saying that she drop the boys off at Mom and Dad's and I asked if I could have a shower at her place said yeah no problem cuz the hot water systems blowing up at the M I went upstairs chucked all my clothes in the bag then went back downstairs in me car went up see me kids my par place in the lengthy interview Michael bodsworth detailed everything he did in the entire 24 hours from the time he saw Samantha and what time did you leave your mom and dad's pass I got up at 6 and I went to W what' you get then get smack what smack you long [ __ ] did you get a receipt at all from yeah do you have that receipt with you no there let me room right do you know what time the purchase was made 6:4 1844 on there how are you able to say what the time was on the docket cuz he could written on the docket did you look at the docket and see no I always check the docket did you always check the time on the docket yeah okay get tell I don't wear a watch oh okay then I ran Sam and told him the car wouldn't start what was wrong with the account the battery terminals a bit dippy so I rank s she said she'll come and get me and then she ran me back and she locked herself out the house at what stage was that that was she was coming to get me she walked out to her car and she locked herself out the housez she didn't pick the keys up I told her that she'll have to try and break in somehow he says that's the last he saw or spoke with Samantha and that uh he waited for a small period of time before beginning to walk to her house what's happened when you got to Sam's Place there was carp doors up there was no car no Sam no nothing any lights on inside the house no no lights no [Music] nothing he's then walked all the way back to his car at the car park managed to get it started and then simply driven back to the Mount Pleasant hotel where he's gone had a shower changed his clothes and gone downstairs to have a drink at the bar can you give us any explanation as to what she would be doing at NOA heads she won't be do you ever go down there together no do um has she ever gone down there on her own not as far as I know and uh were you in M head last night no did you travel south of gimpy at all last night no I didn't go anywhere out of last night he's then consented for us to go to his unit which was on top of the Mount Pleasant hotel to have a look at his room to conduct scientific investigations and to seize the article of clothing that he said that he was wearing the night before when we went to the Mount Pleasant Hotel I was aware that there are a number of patrons at the bar drinking there's there I wouldn't call it a Lynch Mob mentality there was certainly a lot of people in the bar that night that did know Samantha that had perhaps formed an opinion by that stage of who they believe might have been responsible for it the person making most of the accusations was Scott NS that Saturday evening um because we just found out that we'd lost Sam there was a lot of anger with a lot of people cuz she was so well loved my anger was at boiling point because of my suspicions that Michael had done it Scott Nolls was Samantha's new boyfriend Sam and my relationship developed 2 months after that split up we always got on well together and we just enjoyed one another's company Michael bodsworth had mentioned this relationship in his interview yeah I'm still love yeah was it fair to say that perhaps in of those circumstances you may have felt a bit of jealousy um I felt a bit hurt cuz the boys had seen him in the bed but Sam swore black and blue that she's not sleeping with him or she's not having sex with him or anything of the nature and I believe her so would you have any problems at all if they did have a relationship together no no not at all he moved in he can move in there that's fine your knowledge it same and Scotty ever had any arguments no I don't think so would you describe him as being a violent person Scotty I don't think he's called volent V his body Scott NOS seemed to be very emotional and I think at one occasion he may have had to have been restrained by a friend because he was very upset so he obviously wanted to avoid confrontation and just took Michael straight upstairs scientific and S to Crime officers then made examination of his room took photographs and he gave us clothing items he said he wore uh the night before which he had washed and were hanging on the line outside of his unit some people wouldn't allow police to do that they didn't seem to be uh too reluctant in that regard but he certainly um came across as not being overly concerned in relation to us um taking those samples and um really trying to corroborate or otherwise his version of advances he gave to us during the interview Michael bodsworth was escorted from the hotel to his parents' place to keep him out of Harm's Way not long after the detectives were told of a discovery only streets away from here that would help them determine what really happened to Samantha on that Friday night on Friday night 29-year-old Samantha bod sorth left the gimpy hotel where she worked and drove home she never returned to have drinks with her boyfriend her battered body found near no's tourist strip yesterday morning Samantha had worked at the hotel to help support her two sons age five and seven She also did part-time charity work after the first 24 hours of the investigation we had confirmation that deceased was in fact Samantha bodsworth we had two prime Persons of Interest that being Mr Michael bodsworth and Mr Scott Nils how that took an extent Mr bodsworth sh a bit brighter Scott NOS said look at your hand I just noticed before you got a the cut there on you yeah got one there middle finger there well this one's here that appears to be a fairly fresh sort of cut that one there obviously we were interested in those to see whe they had any bearing on perhaps um him being involved in Samantha's death can you tell me where they came from yeah where from what when did you do those Friday you got another one there oh yeah so we photographed those Mr bodsworth was asked if he would voluntarily supply speci of his blood for the purpose of DNA he declined this saying that he didn't like needles too much but was prepared to give us a mous swab as the detectives waited for results from scrapings taken from underneath Samantha's nails to compare with the DNA provided by her ex partner forensic investigators were busy examining Samantha's car it was found here at the back of a nightclub in [Music] gimpy there were a number of flowers and bits of leaf and bark and other vegetative type items on the driver's seat and on the driver's floor and around the back of the vehicle jammed into the uh number plate holder was a fairly large fluoresence which looked like pollen and was fairly consistent with those that we had seen earlier that day at nusa the Botanical specimens along with other items like cigarette butts were bagged for evidence while the butts appeared to be the brand Smoked by Samantha it was noted they were the same as those bought by Michael bodsworth when he had gone to walworth's he had given police the receipt and also a set of Samantha's keys that had mysteriously turned up in his room the night Samantha was murdered and he pointed out that the car key was missing from that set of keys they were in my room last night where'd you get them from s must have left them behind cuz s's got a key to my room too oh okay but do you do you have a personal set of keys no I do not have a personal set of keys to San night so the keys that she I I don't understand about the keys being in your no I don't understand either but there's no car key and the blue key missing she's got um color code and the blue one's not there and the car keys is not there we believe that the person who's responsible for her death has driven the vehicle one Theory police are working on is that the mother of two young boys was abducted from gimpy then driven to NSA where she was brutally murdered anyone who may have seen the white Corolla registration 299 cqo should contact police later tonight police will set up a major incident Caravan here at the murder scene in the hope that someone will remember having seen Samantha her car or her killer as a result of that a local truck driver by know with Mr Higgins came forward on that night come along a white car traveling north my direction going very slow got past him in the end and up the next Hill he passed me again and yeah got stuck behind him again so I noticed it a bit more the truck driver Mr Higgins was adamant that the registration number was exactly the same as the decease and it was her vehicle that he cited on the highway while the truck driver did not get a good look at the driver or notice if there was a passenger it was clear that whoever had driven Sam his car had placed it back at the car parking gimpy for a very specific reason I think that Mr bodsworth put it there cuz it facilitates part of the grandest scheme and his idea of committing the perfect murder we wanted to interview and speak to as many people as possible that could help us either corroborate Michael's version of the events or disprove it I was coming down this day at the Mount Pleasant hotel and down the bottom there was Sam and Michael talking and they were very loud um I wasn't quite sure what they're talking about but they were doing a lot of arguments lately since he moved into the hotel whoever she spoke to in the pub any male Michael would be right onto him you know or it'd be fist up or whatever and he'd grab her arm and and things like that I mean he they did have quite a few arguments while Pauline was able to confirm Michael's story about the hot water system not working it was the information she gave police about what he did on Saturday that was proving of great [Music] interest he said oh I want to do a basket full of washing he never did any washing because Sam always did his washing she'll come through you she'll clean up my room and and she'll take my washing home or she'll ask me to bring her washing around and that wasn't the only strange thing he did when he had the kids he used to take them places you know he'd take them the big pineapple or he'd take them for a drive somewhere you know but um that particular day he just stayed at the hotel all day asking all the time was Sam and there was more the Mr bodsworth was inquiring with persons at the M pleason Hotel as to what the time on the W was receipt meant and he was questioning people as to what that is in a normal time do you know what time the purchase was made 6:4 1844 on there do you always check the time on the dock yeah okay that's I get to tell time I don't wear a watch oh okay I thought it was very odd that he was saying that he had a receipt for cigarettes because um you wouldn't go around telling people you just bought cigarettes and and the time of it you know the receipt the keys the washing the broken down car walking to and from Samantha's Place were all suspicious but the police could not discredit Michael bodsworth version of events he had a pretty well constructed Ali boy that led us to believe that he was either very confident innocent or possibly trying to convince the police that uh he was removing himself from this investigation and U being a suspect we're waiting for information to come to us from our Pathologists to try and give us some sort of direction as to where we need to go with this investigation Well it can't be easy in the meantime the detectives were about to put their faith in the power of a psychic well you know I've had Sam coming in I've been talking to her and she just said go and see Michael she just keep saying go and see Michael a week after Samantha's murder police had one hot suspect but no evidence to arrest him every day that goes by that frustration increases that that feeling of of inability to successfully finalize a chapter in a very very sad [Music] story you were so happy and now so tragically gone from us but your love and our memory of you will be in our hearts always a mother's words of sorrow as the tears flow in memory of Samantha bodsworth a 100 people have packed The Chapel at the Kula Coast crematorium to pay their final tribute they vowed to never forget 29-year-old Samantha and to make sure her spirit lives on for the two boys she left behind the fact that no one had been arrested was very frustrating especially for Sam's parents there was no closure Michael was still free unfortunately the place didn't have anything to get him with straight away we weren't in a position to alleviate the Hall's pain we weren't in a position to say yes we've we've been able to arrest someone anyone for this defense because there was no evidence a number of persons came forward to assist us in the investigation one of those being Patricia Kelly who was known to both Samantha and Michael she's a tarot card reader and she believed through previous readings with both of them that she had formed almost a bond with Michael she believed that if Michael had done it then she thought there was a chance that he might tell her oh get me stay way with Pat's permission she wore a recording device on a person and arranged to meet Michael in a park in gimpy to try and see whether she could get any information out of him that would prove that his version that he gave police was untruthful and to see whether he would ultimately confess to her that he killed Samantha you know I've had Sam coming in I've been talking to her and she just said go and see Michael she just keep saying go and see Michael and I put the cards out and they weren't good and it didn't look good for you so whether it's whether it's nothing's been looking [ __ ] good for me so I know I know but she keeps she keeps pointing the finger at you Michael I have to tell you that and if you've killed Sam and you want to talk to somebody you can talk to me I'm not going to judge during this conversation with Kelly bodsworth maintained The Alibi and the story that he supplied to us and there was nothing significant that came out of it evident wise Marco the problem is that you're under suspicion what I've given them couple is though they they can't find the killer I've given everything that they've asked for BL but they gave me a cotton wall chew on to get Sal or something and I said oh we do DNA said that's fine you find my [Applause] DNA those results were now back it was discovered that Mr bodsworth DNA was present on a tea tow it was F in the kitchen and on the floor in the bedroom his DNA was also found on one of five cigarette butts found in the ashtray near Samantha's bed but none of those in her car belonged to her ex partner the postmortem pathology reports were a different matter the DNA came back under her fingernails of that belonging to Michael bodsworth obviously that was a break through in the investigation and we now had something uh physical that we could work with to say that something has occurred between them that would have his DNA under her fingernails but the defense Michael B worth had given his tarot card reader was good he had lived in the house was now a visitor and freely admitted he and Samantha did have arguments police desperately needed to put him not just at her house but at the place her body was dumped it seemed likely that the the one link that we hoped would be the link between the vehicle the clothing and the scene was pollen pollen evidence had never before been used in a murder case in Australia in fact it had only been used nine times before worldwide so it was going to take some time to investigate the possibilities and get the answers we have a pretty high burden of proof to be able to charge anyone with any offense we wanted to make sure that at the end of the day every Avenue was exhausted and that we had everything that we could possibly get back before us to make a decision whether we had enough evidence to charge Michael bodsworth it was now 3 months since Samantha had been murdered there was a custody hearing where Malcolm and Lynette Hall wanted to have full custody of the two boys in their mind Michael was was responsible for Samantha's death and they didn't want him to have custody of her children custody on that day was awarded to samanth his parents and Mr bodsworth shortly thereafter left Queensland and went down to south Australia to reside when Michael bodsworth went to Adelaide when he lost custody of the children we were very skeptical then whether we would get him I was terrified he would get away with it because that meant I would have to use other resources that I don't know if I could live with but we wanted to try and let the law take its course before going Michael bodsworth left a further statement of his innocence a cross had been placed at the entrance to the car park in Hall Road where Samantha's body was found the location of the Cross was nowhere near where the body was located giving the impression that that's where he thought the body was placed thus giving more credibility to his version that he didn't take part in her death Samantha bodsworth body was found among flowering Acacia or wle trees samples had been routinely taken when her car was located pollen was also found in and outside of the vehicle police also had in their possession the washed clothes that Michael bodsworth wore the night Samantha disappeared now my job was to find out if the the flowers in the car on the tape lifts and in the vacuuming filter sample was the same as those species at NSA there were two Acacia plants flowering at the time where Samantha's body was found and one of them was like it's a bushy type plant then that species was Acacia sopore and this is the species that we found on the number plate and we also found it um in the vacuum filter from the the car in the front driver's side which shows that the car had actually been in NOA right near the crime scene Dr mil could say this with certainty because Acacia has a particular characteristic Acacia is insect and animal pollinated it doesn't just fly in it has to be transported by something and so when somebody brushes against them and the PL flowering to get into the carart transfers from their clothing onto the seat and whatever they have on their shoes in this case it was the front driver's seat and floor of Samantha's car interestingly the subject was brought up in the interview police conducted with Michael bodsworth on the day Samantha's body was found have you ever been in Sam's C when was the last in Sam's C A week we're about in the car you passenger front of B front Okay have you ever been the driver see that vehicle no so if bodsworth was the guilty person then we would expect to find some of that particular Acacia pollen from Acacia Soper on his clothing that would then put him into the car now as I understand his clothing was actually washed after the murder and before the police picked them up so instead of thousands of pollen grains from aracia on there there were only a few but it was enough the clothes Michael bodsworth wore that night were of a coarse texture and became a pollen trap one wash couldn't rid the tiny microscopic evidence that had now put him at the place Samantha was dumped however before they could make an arrest the police wanted to do one last [Music] check [Music] we then decided to walk the route that Mr bodsworth at told toy took that afternoon uh it was for the purpose of ensuring that there were no Acacia pollen trees along that route where the pollen may have gotten onto his clothes thus having a legitimate reason for having the p on his clothes the plants that were growing around in that area were well off the path and none of those particular species were flowering at the time so I actually had pollen collected from the herbarium from those gimpy species and I looked at that pollen to compare it with the ACAA Soper pollen in NSA and they were totally different we traveled to south Australia where we spoke with Mr bodsworth at a service station near christe's beach and upon being informed that he was going to be returned to Queensland in charged with the murder he was quite surprised and anxious the man has been arrested in Adelaide and charged with the brutal murder of his deao wife in gimpy 8 months ago The Battered body of mother of two Samantha bodsworth was found in sand dunes at newa it was on the way back that he without any prompting said that he wished to speak to us about it tell us the truth and because we didn't have any recordings with us we asked him could he hold his information till we got back to maruch door where we had suitable equipment so we could electronically record his conversation all right well as I said before what do you what do you wish to tell [Music] us oh Sam picked me up the night she died from we got back to her place so going have a sharing it there what did he say he said he saw you driving like an idiot in the car with the kid and she was telling me that you after the weekend I can't see the kids and and all this cuz the dad's been in the ear about um know I dri dangerously with the kids in the car the kids don't mean everything to me and then she said I couldn't see them I just saw a lost what do you mean you lost well I ended up streaming or some uh can't remember much about it there was there was marks on the on the top on the water top there was some marks there she W go out like that so I changed [Music] her where're about in the vehicle did you put it front pass okay why' you do that before this we she was se he is very strong mentally very very strong and I do not believe for one minute that his mind went blank in any way shape or form he knew exactly what he was doing he planned it but what he didn't reckon on was the DNA and the pollen and the fact that we knew every single one of us who knew Sam knew that it was him drove a carard back to um to and Par the car at the um the Night disco that it can I ask you why you did that uh I as if she went out for the night or something [Music] when Samantha bodsworth body was found dumped in sand dunes at the newa spit her family suspected her former deao Michael James bodsworth 7 months later the 36-year-old mechanic was charged with Samantha's murder after forensic evidence linked him to the scene despite confessing to police though bodsworth pleaded not guilty basically when you're facing life imprisonment you've got nothing to lose so why not plead not guilty ultimately the jury did see through him and um they believed the evidence that the police had gathered The Acacia pollen comparisons which put him at the scene the DNA the blood found at her house together with his confession the jury were able to come back with a conviction of murder and he got life imprisonment unfortunately life doesn't mean life he's taken someone's life away and he's still living he gets to get out eventually and have a life again Samantha doesn't Michael bodsworth will be eligible for parole in 200 and 10 I understand that bodsworth thought that he committed the perfect crime and I'm sure that he felt that he had but science is always on the move and there's always new developments in fentic science so was he smart was he cunning conniving I don't know all I know is that he's been punished for something he did in the way he should have been [Music] punished [Music] a
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 121,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, murder mystery, murders documentary, true crime stories, true crime recaps, true crime podcast
Id: Y9eEB01_l70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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