I drove the Skoda Enyaq IV80 down to 0% | This is what happened AND this is how far I got!

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this is the last hill this is the last hill if we can get over this hill then it's downhill basically the rest of the way almost all the way to the charters the last section is flat but yeah i can push the car if we it comes to that but oh i don't want this to be the day when i run out of juice because i'm going to pick up my daughter in half an hour guys hey guys chris here in this video we're taking the skoda aniak iv80 out on the road and driving it down to zero percent to see just how far we can get on a full charge a battery as well to see what happens when we're down low in the battery percentage will the car put on the hazards will we lose all of the power will we lose climate control will the car open up the sunroof eject me out of the roof and onto the road yeah i i don't think the last one but these evs are very different and behave very different when down low in the battery percentage so that's what we're gonna find out in today's video and guys if you're new to the channel thanks for stopping by i'm chris i have this channel dedicated to evs where i do a whole bunch of tests range tests charging tests this test you know driving the cars down to zero percent state of charge reviews time attacks over distance so be sure to drop a like on the video down below that is such appreciated and also hit that subscribe button and also sound that notification bell so you don't miss out on any of the cool and upcoming videos next week i have the audi e-tron gt oh yeah oh i can't wait for that car and also guys if you are a norwegian viewer please go ahead and check out my norwegian channel chris rifa point and subscribe to that channel i'm really trying to get that channel to 1 000 subscribers so i can put more time and energy into that channel as i said we're gonna try to go as far as possible today and i think if we're lucky we may be able to get close to 450 kilometers with an average speed of 90 kilometers an hour that is 95 kilometers on the speedometer so this is usually the speed i do this test at and we're starting here at esso in ireland we're going south to the swedish border and then back again one round is about 220 kilometers so two rounds should be for 4k i think we may be able to do that today's conditions are quite nice 16 degrees celsius dry roads overcast but it may start to rain that is you know the big you know joker under today's test to see if it starts to rain well we won't be able to get that range so we're just starting to 100 state of charge here and then we will be on our way we are now oscar mike heading south on the e6 and you can see from the windscreen here guys that we have some drops it's been you know just dripping a little bit nothing major and you can also see the temperatures now up to 17 degrees we've actually seen 17 and a half and it looks like the skies a bit further south are a bit more clear so what i've decided to do because you guys can see that we've been on the road for 25 minutes 38 kilometers and our consumption is 14.2 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers which is very very good so what i'm gonna do i've decided to go a bit faster i'm now doing 105 on the speedometer we are in the 110 zone so that will you know approximately translate to around 100 kilometers an hour in average speed in the real world because you know the speedometer has this built in safety margin where it actually shows you more speed than you're actually doing so you know depending on how the consumption is on the way back i'm going to adjust the speed just a little bit because you know i want to do this run as quickly as possible because the quicker i do this the more relevant it will be for people you know going on a long trip but i also you know wanted to have a balance here so you can see if you're able to go very far with the car and also to make these videos a bit more comparable between each other but yeah primary goal is to try to you know go over 400 kilometers if i can do that at an average speed over 100 kilometers an hour that is very very good so just keep that in mind guys i will be adjusting the speed and we may you know even adjust the speed higher if we see this low consumption you know keeping on okay we are now approaching our exit and the swedish border and of course because of covet restrictions we are not going to cross the border because returning back into norway would mean quarantine and why would i put myself into quarantine when i don't have to so the temperature outside gas has now risen to 22 degrees this is the warmest day this year thus far and has come so late in the middle of may usually at this point in time we would have had you know a heat period already maybe even two or three seeing this temperature but that guys means that um average speed now 100 kilometers an hour it has risen and the consumption is now at 16.4 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers we have covered 107 kilometers so that means yeah consumption is pretty pretty good and look at the poster too oh that is such a pretty car on those 20-inch wheels the non-performance pack wheels tasty tasty okay so that means we're gonna keep the speed which is has been 110 kilometers an hour no 105 110 wait 110 kilometers an hour is the average speed i have been or the speed i've been keeping on the speedometer we should average out to about 105. so according to the wind map we had a slight tail window about one to two meters per second so if that persists me that means we will have higher consumption when we get back and yeah so we're going to see if we adjust the speed down but i mean as things look now guys we will be able to go almost 450 kilometers with an average speed of 105 kilometers an hour if we're able to do that yeah that is pretty darn impressive back in oslo and the temperatures actually dropped here guys 18 and a half degrees so it's a bit colder in also today than it is a bit further south and our consumption has also risen a bit but not too bad i mean 17.6 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers 101 kilometers an hour in our speed that is quite impressive consumption 215 kilometers covered and let's take a look at our state of charge guys that will be the most interesting 49 49 at that speed yeah okay so i think we're just gonna keep that speed we're gonna hit a bit of traffic here but i think we're just gonna keep that speed because okay let's go in here um because that means we will be able to go over 400 kilometers at over 100 kilometers an hour an hour speed yeah that is pretty insane guys a kilometer up here we have exit number four so we're going to exit prematurely not at exit number one because according to the car our destination which i have changed uh closer to my house because i have to pick up my kid at uh you know daycare or kindergarten is 111 kilometers while the distance is or the range rather is 108 kilometers and i got behind this truck and he was actually going super slow can we pass him no it's only 300 meters till the exit okay so uh let's go ahead and check our consumption 17 and a half kilowatts per 100 kilometers we have actually covered kilometers guys 101 kilometer an hour in average speed yeah that is pretty darn impressive so we're gonna you know turn around our nose go back north and thankfully guys yeah the weather stayed dry it hasn't started to rain though we have had some drops here and there and also now we're that that we're about to you know 100 kilometers south of um oslo it is 22 degrees celsius again so yeah it would be nice to spend a day here right so okay we're going to cut it close um there are you know fast chargers or lightning chargers uh on our way to my destination but i want to try out some new chargers that i found the other day not far from where i live some couple 125 and 150 kilowatt charger so that's what i've put as my destination and then yeah i'll catch up with you guys when we get closer yeah so it started to rain now we're about 28 minutes 29 kilometers away from our destination and we are down to four percent state of charge and only have 20 kilometers of range left in yeah in the car or in the battery or according to the car so maybe we will have to stop prematurely maybe i'll do some calculations off-camera just to see yeah if we will have enough you know charge to get where we're gonna go but it's starting to rain yeah that definitely won't help thankfully it stopped raining so we just you know had a small pocket of rain it didn't last for more than i don't know me not even five minutes so thankfully the road is dry here our results aren't going to be skewed and you can see here guys we are now at two percent state of charge seven kilometers left and yeah everything works fine adaptive cruise control auto steer climate control everything we are limited in power though you know we are in turtle mode i don't know when that showed up but uh we can try to in this lane here go on the throttle just to see what kind of yeah we are reduced in power but i mean it's it's totally fine and now we're down to one percent state of charge so yeah um are we going to make it to the charger i have set as a destination probably not hopefully we can make it to scalyan and yeah we have six kilometers of range left and then we have 15 kilometers to go so i think we can make it to the other side of the oscillator to scan maybe crossing my fingers and then connect your charger there and see how far we got because now we have traveled let's see 405 kilometers but remember guys that is what the car is counting i don't have access to you know the accurate numbers now because if i put the route into my phone it won't actually give me the total distance travel but when we get to our destination i'm going to overlay that in post-production so you guys can see our actual distance we have now passed scalen and are actually trying to get to our destination the new couple chargers at nodre holland close to backtester in batum is where we are going i know that was a lot of norwegian places and pronunciations and if you're not norwegian or not even from around here you may not even know where that is but uh we were at like five kilometers of range and then it's 5.6 to go but now it's three kilometers but yeah i'm going to trust the safety buffer because we are still at one percent so um okay yeah i think we're gonna be able to make it though we're now at one percent one kilometer left and there are no chargers in the immediate vicinity of this place yeah five kilometers i think we're gonna make it i think we're gonna make it this is our exit right up here and then we have to we're going to do some climbing in elevation and now we're down to zero kilometers so we just went from five to zero so that is something to note guys you went from five to zero like that but we're still at one percent state of charge we have 4.6 kilometers to go okay we just got a message where it said yeah not washer fluid but it said we just got a message where we were prompted with so we were just prompted with the message no remaining charge please go ahead and find a charger so we are now at zero percent state to charge but we're still 4.7 kilometers away from our destination yeah i'm not that confident that we will be able to yeah go where we're going guys get to the charger oh i'm getting really nervous now guys because after i shot the last clip it's just uphill uphill uphill uphill and i really don't think about how uphill this section is before yeah you're at zero percent stated charge you're at zero kilometers of range left you've been there for the last two kilometers and the car keeps you know giving you a message about filling washer fluid why is that a priority now skoda anyak that really doesn't matter conserve your energy and yeah use all of your energy to get us to our destination which is still 2.6 kilometers but when we get over the hilltop over here we should have yeah downhill so i put the car into d out of brake regenerative mode and then the pedals are set to maximum not regen so um i'm just feathering the throttle and it doesn't help that it's actually wet here so that's rained here which should give us a little bit more resistance rolling resistance than what is optimal now and then up here this is the last tail this is the last hill if we can get over this hill then it's downhill basically the rest of the way almost all the way to the charters the last section is flat but yeah i can push the car if we it comes to that but oh i don't want this to be the day when i run out of juice because i'm going to pick up my daughter in half an hour guys oh yeah okay so we want to do some yeah we want to do some recuper recuperation which is what they call it here for brake regeneration or it is called recuperation because you are recuperating the energy oh yeah crossing my fingers guys crossing my fingers we're still soon there we are still going guys and yeah downhill downhill and then in to the right here and we should have yeah oh it's even a little bit more downhill fantastic so it's just right over here right over here we are 300 meters from our destination oh thankfully guys we made it so and we're even closer because this charger is right here so oh fantastic fan freak fantastic and they are vacant so these are only been up for a few days and randomly i saw them while i was driving here the other day i lived about you know six seven minutes walk that way over there but yeah oh this is freaking fantastic so we're going to charge here now oh okay so we're gonna let that tesla guy park and then we're going to uh we are going to charge her and then we're going to look at how far we actually were able to go today on a full charge but yeah we made it so today is not the day i run out of juice we were just able to make it here we are right here with zero percent state of charge and zero kilometers left of range i really thought today was going to be the day that i would run out of juice but yeah i was determined to make it here because i really wanted to try these chargers out because as i said i live about a five or six minute walk that way and having these chargers here which are i think two of them are 150 one is 125 means that i'm able to fast charge close to my home and yeah that is pretty pretty awesome but okay guys we were able to cover 421 kilometers according to the car with an average speed of 98 kilometers an hour and that is i mean that is crazy that is insane and in the real world i'm going to you know show you guys on the screen here the actual distance but in the real world i'm getting closer to 4 30 or 4 40. and considering you know the speed we had i actually had to you know increase the speed so this wouldn't take you know all day but again on the flip side this should be you know more relevant for a lot of you people with that higher speed so i mean yeah that is amazing yes the temperatures today were very high you know compared to what we have had but i mean yeah it is may now so these are the temperatures we are going to see between 18 degrees and 22 degrees celsius and considering that yeah that is pretty awesome so i am super impressed with the skoda eniac today with the consumption and on the motorway it's so quiet and comfortable i mean this is a lovely lovely car so guys wait for the review yeah you guys can tell it's going to be a very positive review i really do like this car so guys let me know what you think about today's session is this enough to persuade you out of something else but for me and for a lot of people i'm guessing it is so guys i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did please drop me a thumbs up down below and for more car content as always guys please subscribe see you guys later bees are goodbye now that spring is done the bird song closes the tide rolls out these memories are what summer's about beach sidewalks with a view
Channel: Kris Rifa
Views: 97,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q35pd1WnsTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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