I Drive the New Earth-Crushing Electric Hummer And It’s Even Crazier Than I Ever Thought Possible!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ijordison 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome to this very special first drive video of the brand new hundred and twelve thousand dollar gmc ev hummer and i'm here at gm's milford proving ground where they actually taped up my phone because well you don't see those fancy corvettes but we're gonna get to drive that and actually be one of the first journalists in the world to drive that so i'm pretty excited and in this video we're gonna try on all the cool features we're gonna go zero to sixty we're gonna try crab mode we're gonna try wtf mode i think that means watts to freedom mode we're also gonna go rock crawling and we're gonna take it on a high speed course to see how it does when well we're going way too fast so come with me i'm gonna roll the entire raw video because i thought it was that interesting but unfortunately since we are here at gm's proving ground they have rules and one of them is i have to wear a mask so a little muffled but i apologize it's well worth it let's go [Music] eight thousand fair amount yeah a lot it weighs a lot we have a lot of normal force for grip yeah and that's not just because we're in it it's partially because i in it so you can meet this board yeah you might want to throw your window up though yeah we'll do it dirty some dust how far should i go a lot we'll we'll come to a snap at the top all right here we go three two one [Music] yeah that'd be good for drifting yeah we'll see that in a little minute as well yeah so um okay so that was just uh kind of the warm-up right so uh how the acceleration feels on gravel again these tires are developed with this in mind right so so i've been lucky enough now over the last 10 years to probably take every new vehicle because we do the testing 0 to 60. yeah so my butt is pretty calibrated to that and i would say that was probably like four and a half seconds my guess your guess is quickly it was it was right around there your guess is very good yeah you're doing it too much now yeah so we're gonna go a little bit off-roading here yeah so we're gonna go up this hill and then i'd like to ask you to just stop once we get up on the top of the hill uh because it'll be a little bit of a steep down okay and does this have like uh kind of terrain management where it's good yeah so um okay it does yeah it has terrain mode and we'll actually show you that in a minute here okay so obviously you're staring at the top of trees right now in the sky exactly we don't know what's in front of us right you got now uh showing the 18 different camera views here so a surround view a front view in front of you and then if we want we can even go to the underbody yeah where do you have the camera is there camera mounted underneath the vehicle yeah exactly yep it's just outside of the roost of the tires okay um but it's mounted centrally in a skid plate um and then there's a rear-facing one as well which is just next to it so this would be incredibly useful on a place like i don't know if you guys know but there was a big story that just came out where somebody had uh driven a black bear pass in a bronco sport the wrong way uh and then you know try to turn around and unfortunately went off this would be very useful absolutely i was i was doing black bear pass a couple years ago and we were following a raptor and there's really only like two scary parts there's a kind of part where you come down next to the waterfall and then you make the serpentine turn and there's a rock there right and so you gotta make and i swear this raptor had to make a 200 point turn seriously yeah yeah this would be very useful for that because you could actually see where the you know the the terror tear starts in the spine right yeah for sure and then absolutely you'll see in terrain mode too our rear steering you can actually steer the rear faster than the front which is really cool on switchbacks now for 112 thousand dollars you do get some really cool features most cars if you think about it have two maybe three of those little squirty things you know squirt flew down to the windshield maybe two in the front one in the back well this one has four and gm c demonstrated how you use that fourth one because well it squirts on a camera that lets you you know what let me just cut to the video should we go down yeah go ahead let me clean this camera for you first i was thinking about that yeah that's cool that you've got a little water squirter down there holy cow you guys have thought of a lot i tried to think of everything so yeah how many squirters does this have three actually two one in the back one underneath exactly so four squirty things wow that's pretty cool maximum quarters that could be my headline 112 000 you get four that's what we're gonna go to the left here yep so we're just gonna follow uh this this trail okay i'll go in the mud thanks um keep it clean yeah so right now what if you just give a little bit of steering input as we're going through here what you're gonna feel is actually the rear is moving uh at about a point six to one ratio to the front so it increases your maneuverability um some yeah but not quite to the max we'll we'll give it the max when we're in that terrain mode that low speed technical uh kind of tight i think switchback and uh tight trails so um you have the flexibility uh from the driver's seat to pick whatever you want yeah that's cool once again the cameras are not potatoes yeah which is always nice you know because it's always hard i gotta be honest it's always hard to tell how good the resolution of the camera is until it gets a little bit you know lower light situations yeah and then it starts to pixelate but you know in this bright sunlight these are very sharp very sharp and in off-road and train mode will actually keep it on for you at higher speeds yeah so we're going to come up to the right here there's going to be two cones we'll put the vehicle in between all right on the right yep right up against the side here and then we're just going to do a tight circle so we're gonna do a circle inside those cones okay so just go ahead and pull forward and start turning and then uh go ahead and just start cranking it in wow that's it's a 37 feet right yeah i went over a cone guy sorry yeah one of them one of them got moved we'll have to reset those yeah i gotta i started turning a little bit too late but 37 feet right you said yeah turning radius with is this maximum 10 degrees of uh articulation on the rear wheel on the rear yeah 10 degrees that's pretty crazy yeah and then in the um in the um sut right yeah in the suv you get 35 degrees right how can you get more better turning range shorter wheelbase than that one yeah yeah that's crazy this this is like i want to say this is like like you said chevy bolt turning radius yeah yeah bolts chevy sonic uh there's a bunch [Music] i gotta ask because this is you know this is also part of what we do what's this do for towing have you guys tried towing with it how does it affect towing when you can you know because towing is always yeah tricky so let's say you're backing up and now both wheels are turning either in phase or out of face yeah so you have the ability to do whatever you're comfortable with so this will just be a slow one obviously yeah um yeah you can you can either uh switch to fixed rear steer if you want you know traditional uh or you can utilize um the rear steering as well so you have the maneuverability it's up to you to pick whichever you want whichever you're comfortable have you tried tall with it sure oh yeah how does it back up how does it is is it a game changer it's easy yeah yeah it does really well yeah i've been yeah because i'm thinking of like the typical usage you're trying to back a boat up down the ramp right and now you gotta get the that's what i told with yeah i told my boat everywhere so have you they'd be announced how much is the stone have you announced that yet uh we have not yet okay yeah i'm guessing it's more than six would that be fair and i mean six thousand yeah you're not using units so sure yeah not six pounds um so if you want we can come to a stop here between these cones and then we're going to show you crab walks now you may be wondering what other party tricks does this truck have up its sleeves well it's got a thing called crab mode in essence the front wheels and get this the rear wheels also steer up to 10 degrees and they can either steer in phase or out of phase let me show you so okay right now i'll mention we'll put it in park uh to enter it now that's going to be going away but once we're in park in the center uh the steering wheel is centered yeah we're going to hold the rear steer button and this graphic will come up wow look at that yeah so now that it kind of closed the circle there yeah that's your cue that uh this balance with the cameras sure thank you yeah okay keep going perfect thank you yeah so um you're now in it so i think yeah in this kind of open area here maybe one of the best ways to just kind of get a feel for it yeah just keep your hands on uh nine and three okay and then just back and forth without taking your your hands off the wheel and just start driving forward a little bit and just feel what that does with the vehicle and you'll you'll get the kind of you couldn't do that with a yoke did you think of a yolk that's true that something is true that is crazy no we'll phase out above 15 miles an hour here so if you stay low speed it's like you know what it's like it's like being on ice yeah you know what i mean it feels like the car is is floating down an ice rink i've been lucky enough to take a bunch of cars on ice and of course you know and doing tire tests right and this is kind of what it feels like when you lose control of it yeah right i'm not saying i'm losing control i'm saying that's the feeling it's really crazy this is um this is kind of fun for obviously you know scaring your friends and neighbors yeah but i could also see it being very useful uh under certain conditions right so let's say you're off-road and there's a big boulder up ahead uh this is kind of a cool way to move the whole thing sideways versus having to you know do that right exactly exactly so it would keep you from hopefully like puncturing a tire yeah unless there's another big boulder over there right right the beauty is though we give you that that that uh adjustability from the driver's seat right so if you want if you need that for that uh scenario you got it if you want to go back to normal which all you got to do is press it one more time and you're back into auto is there any other car that does this i can't think of any other car no what was it what was the gm that had um rear wheel steering what truck was that the quadra was it yeah the quadcopter came with it yeah but did that crab walk that didn't crash it did not [Music] now in colorado as you guys know we love to do a lot of rock crawling and gmc thought of that 16 inches of ground clearance with the air suspension at its maximum height 32 inches of water forwarding but best of all at least in my book is it comes from the factory with 35s but it's ready for 37s for all of you guys who want to you know go a bit more badass so we're gonna we're gonna take a right here yep we'll go off to the uh the rock bed okay cool we'll do some rock crawling yeah this is uh it's a fun one so i think you guys have been in colorado you've been a moab what what do you take away from that what what how do you make the truck better by doing this real world testing so honestly you're you're looking at where are we getting the torque are we putting where we need it um you know the i say like a a rear differential a center diff and a front diff or kind of like a dumb system right they just they're coupled and they find uncoupled yeah that's right where the torque needs to go yep straight i'll go towards that black truck there yeah um in our case we're constantly monitoring right slip and um is the traction uh is the torque going where we need it um and yeah kind of refine it refine it refine it did you guys you guys bench is anything to benchmark if so what did you benchmark you know zero2 of course is uh extremely capable vehicle and we have those with us um at all times um we've had as well now we've revealed the silverado zr2 we've had that with us you know as well like trx anything like that so you know we've we don't uh i'll say we've competed we've we've uh had a little bit of exposure with those and i'll say um in a lot of cases there's really not a lot of competition um now in some cases certainly there is but no we we didn't have a t-rex available to us or raptor obviously those are the two kind of people think about so okay so we're in this rock guard so i'm gonna switch you now we went from off-road mode we're gonna go into terrain mode okay we'll accept that and what that's gonna do is um raise the vehicle and then this gives you the kind of that one foot mode uh one foot driving so i'm gonna put you in low which is kind of the more aggressive setting for kind of bigger rocks like this and then we'll just have you start to creep forward and really just keep it between the cones and if we need we can have them spot you but should be okay think you've been through this a few times yeah you can feel how aggressive the braking is very aggressive it's almost like an on and off which is great it really lets you set the vehicle where you want to set it um you can use your cameras as well if you want it's a virtual spotter i'm gonna say whoa we did hit look at that i'm gonna say we're not gonna hit but i'm wrong it's something completely different to get used to driving this way yes wow and of course underbody protection so we're not we're not doing any damage yep wow you're completely uh up against uh skid plates in that case wow [Music] so did you have to rethink off-roading when you know when you've got this much torque and actually this much weight as well uh was that you know was it like a clean sheet where we've got all these possibilities so let's see what we can make of it for sure yeah yeah absolutely um you know first and foremost we we needed that travel yeah that was a very key um so 16 into the ground clearance at its maximum height you said i recall 30 inches of groundwater of 32 inches at its maximum height of water forwarding yes um yeah up to 32 inches when you're in extract yeah and 13 inches of travel so we got a package around that right so the drive units and the battery and et cetera so um that was a key parameter was that the off-road capability needed to be legitimate off-road capability and suspension is this is it is it um yeah it's it's a four corner air at the stop sign we'll take it right it's four corner air uh with adaptive ride control uh which is a semi-active system uh responding about 500 times a second to road inputs um and it's fully independent [Music] all right so is it okay if i uh park board i want to see you on road is that okay i'm sorry okay forward did i do like an acceleration test um we'll do that in a second okay all right yeah i'm ahead of you sorry i'm just so i mean go ahead and gun it yeah if you want to go ahead and go that's what i want to do we'll do that on the circle track too m60 [Music] you know it's very uh quiet yeah no engine obviously no motor but no motor noise so three motors right so two in the back one of the fronts exactly why'd you go with like why'd you go with three in four you i suppose you could have put a motor in each wheel really you don't really need a fourth in the front with our ability to adjust torque for app from an efficiency standpoint when you're just steady-state cruising on the highway it's more efficient to send power to a single front than it is two fronts or four like any proper electric vehicle the hummer ev pickup of course has a frunk there it goes and you can use it to store things like your luggage or maybe your groceries or best of all those four rooftop panels they will actually fit inside the front they stack up so on a beautiful michigan day like this you can take the tops off and you can go completely convertible and have a place to store your rooftop panels how fun and how cool is that and i have to say uh you know a recently a new car and truck design has kind of created these very small windows you know what i mean yeah but with these glass windows it does provide a lot of light for sure absolutely and then i'm looking at my power meter so i've got a battery here there's a lot of information actually yes all customizable yeah pitch and roll uh speed both in kilometers 100 miles per hour which is good if you're here in europe yeah or canada actually a lot of information available through there it's also available here if you want to move it one way or the other um we'll show you some of the off-road features a little bit yeah it's a very sharp screen it's uh and actually i like the two screen setup i know a lot of auto manufacturers have been going to you know more it's better but at some point you get too many screens it becomes very fussy sure so it's nice to have you know only two places where all your information is at and once again one for driving which i like i didn't check this but will it come to a complete stop when you stop or does it crawl yeah we have both yeah it's up to you yep all of that yeah i really hate having driving cars that are electric to crawl so i love the fact that you can just not have to worry about it come to a stop yeah so we have uh multiple options for you to choose different levels of regen capability so this road is intended to be rough and just kind of give you a feel for and this is a big dip here but go ahead and take it it just absorbs it yeah it feels very controlled it feels very uh for a heavy or a very heavy vehicle it actually it actually drives smaller than it is [Music] [Applause] you know i always love vehicles that drive smaller than they are because it gives you a sense of control it makes them kind of user-friendly absolutely for sure yeah it absorbs everything from the small stuff to uh obviously big dips back there and i don't think i see this at home but the crazy thing is really the only thing i hear is wind noise and tire noise yeah right that's all there is i mean we're kind of yelling because we've got these masks on but if we didn't have the masks on we would have been having a very normal quiet conversation like i'm looking at some other features heated steering wheel obviously uh are these heated and cooled seats they are yeah so unless you press it once it unlocks all the capability of different options there okay and i always ask you both at the same time can you heat and cool that's a new one that is not in our spec we're going to fix that for those people who have to have everything all the time so this is 75 yep wow yeah so there's some big swells back here yeah so just feel like how uh it kind of settles everything in the adaptive are there different ride conditions yes absolutely so if we go into my mode you can customize your suspension so this will be a little more on the firmer side a little more a little more control yeah a little more control yeah you can feel that and then uh if you wanted to go into the other one here it would be uh allow the suspension to travel a little bit more so that's like 1970s gmc there you go [Music] so if you want as we start to curve left i'll have you actually go straight onto the gravel up here and we'll do a quick driver change okay so if you want just um right up here is good swap real fast and you said you can control how much regen there is yes yeah you can [Music] the great thing about electric cars and trucks is instant torque this vehicle has a thousand horsepower and about 1200 pound foot of torque which is crazy and that also means that from zero to sixty it'll go well you know what let me show you it's enough to give you tunnel vision all right i'll i'll cut to the chase three seconds you know for us you know we've we've uh owned probably now maybe maybe 10 electric vehicles you know we start with the california compliance cars and we've gone through three model uh we've got the model x the model y and model three right three teslas um and it's fascinating to see the development you know because like the california compliance cars were basically regular cars right that had an electric power train sure with like maybe 50 to 80 miles of range and then you got tesla that kind of you know broke the mold and then then allowed everybody else to come in and kind of see the possibilities you have to give them up for them right they were the first to be there and now you kind of see this next set of and i've always been wondering why is everybody building electric crossovers so it's great to see somebody building an electric truck and an electric suv you know it's nice as opposed to the usual kind of you know oh god we're going to cross over well and that was kind of the goal right we wanted to bring in new new people to the eb space yeah yeah so you've just seen a little bit a small taste of what it's capable off-road a little bit of the comfort on-road and then why don't we do watts to freedom real quick so to get into it i mean wtf i gotta say that what's the freedom yeah wtf i know so we'll do a double press here of the traction button you'll get the audio i'll acknowledge here that we're gonna enter this so now the vehicle is going to start to lower it's going to go down almost three and a half inches i can see it going down yeah so as it's coming down the cooling system is optimizing the the battery and the power electronics and drive units all those temperatures right getting ready to unlock a little extra power here you know like blast off in a rocket exactly so the driver coach comes up here tells me to brake harder i've now reached my braking level i start to increase my throttle and my seat is shaking more and more and more as i go deeper into the pedal so now i'm at 11. so when you're ready let's go i'll launch it one so that was eighty seventy seven now you guys said that was like three seconds yeah yeah that felt like three seconds when you start every time you start getting tunnel vision you know you're like below four seconds [Music] [Applause] um and then it's you don't necessarily want to pay attention to your cluster during it but we'll show you your g-force you're sustaining about eight tenths of a g through that launch continuous [Music] what's what's the top speed have you guys announced that yet uh hundred and six hundred sucks yeah is that is that because it's higher is the tire yeah yeah i figured so we're in we're still in the mode right you kind of feel the ride is a little rougher we're still in that lowered height um damping has increased you'll see if i exit here we'll go back to kind of our normal screens vehicle will start to raise back up and uh back into kind of a more comfortable setting for driving this is where if you're on the highway you turn on super cruise right and sit back exactly 53 if you like chill i'm serious or you know your old 25 like me uh and then they just you know let the car do all the driving yeah this will be the first uh gm product right with the newest version of supercruise where you have actually lane change ability automatically automatically change language which is pretty badass yes absolutely it's bizarre the first time you experience it but you quickly become very appreciative of it it's pretty impressive so um from here you know you can just kind of quickly demonstrate um just your passing capability right yeah 70 to 98 in that period of time and we are in uh what we call adrenaline mode so this is within my mode you have all the customization right of the steering suspension acceleration and interior sound adrenaline is of course our most aggressive so this would be your level below lots to freedom one level below that's the freedom in terms of capability so we have four modes relaxed normal adrenaline and lots of freedom we'll maintain that zero to 60 or that drag how long have you been doing that okay will the batteries overheat or will it detune itself i guess yeah so it'll always protect itself yeah um it will uh depends on your state of charge when you start right right but you will actually have some pretty consistent numbers for a decent amount of runs and then as things are warming up it will just automatically derail um you can still get the uh experience and everything and frankly subjectively between feeling a three two out of three five or a three four and a 3 6 you won't notice that much subjectively but but yeah they actually our data showing that we are quite consistent now the good news is this is a full-size truck with a 5 foot bed so if you want to carry things like motorcycles or well whatever you put in your bed you can do that with this truck but there is a little bit of bad news you can get two spare tire carriers if you're behind it but from the factory because of the way that while the batteries and the drive train work together there is no spare tire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so obviously to do that you have to send more power to the two rear motors right yep and that's what that's doing when you just switched it right so you can allow that allowed more power going because if you have you know like 50 50 split it'd be hard to do that you could get your tail up like that yeah exactly yeah you can bias it uh for app as needed based on you know what calibrations you're dialing up that must be a lot of fun especially when you're in places let's say you're in the sand right it's wide open that's got to be a hoot yes this is also good but especially in the sand yeah they all uh there's a number of different off-road scenarios where we were just kind of blown away at the capability right out of the gate right right out of the box and then once you start tuning it and really getting the refinement there it's like okay uh this is another level so let me ask you there's all you know we live in a really great country with a lot of off-roading right and there's all kinds of so if you're in the south southeast a lot of mudding right if you're in the southwest it's a lot of sand if you're in colorado it's a lot of rock crawling where does this excel or you know where do you think that it takes it to the next level out of those three possibilities so um really that the the gravel and the sand are pretty incredible um the kind of bread and butter um being able to get it to the limit hold it sideways uh have a little fun with that that's really um first and foremost a high priority secondarily um honestly the rock crawling um we got like i said normal force under these tires and when you got the grip and you got the torque you got the capability so um everything else on paper the numbers line up so even at moab it's it's also at home there so uh really it's intended to be kind of a all around thank you very much thank you very much i really appreciate the opportunity to uh you know be one of the first to to get behind the wheel of this and uh yeah i i can't wait to take it to my myself for sure absolutely like run house revenge and see what it's like you know this is not the real world of course but it's it's a really great taste thank you guys absolutely my pleasure now for all the truck guys and truck gals out there they're a lot of numbers because let's face it trucks are about numbers that we don't know we don't know how much it tows we don't know how much it weighs a lot we don't know the truck's payload all that is still coming but the number that we do know is a very important one and that is 350 as in the charge rate 350 kilowatt that best the top of the line porsche tai can buy well 350 minus 270 m off of math you guys figure it out the other number we know is that it cost 112 000 and that it will be available for you to purchase before the end of the year so guys let me know what you think in the comments below thank you gmc for letting me get my hands on this bad boy and thank you guys for watching as always this is roman reporting for the fastlane truck or is it off-road one of the two see you guys next time ciao [Music]
Channel: The Fast Lane Truck
Views: 530,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFLtruck, The Fast Lane Truck, 2022 gmc hummer ev, 2022 hummer ev, hummer ev, 2022 hummer, 2022 gmc hummer, 2022 gmc hummer ev suv, gmc hummer ev, hummer, gmc hummer, new hummer, electric hummer, hummer ev suv, 2020 hummer, 2023 gmc hummer ev suv, hummer ev truck, 2021 gmc hummer ev, hummer ev 2021, gmc hummer 2022, hummer electric, gmc hummer ev 2022, hummer ev review, gmc hummer ev suv, gm hummer ev, gmc hummer ev review, 2024 gmc hummer ev suv, hummer ev reveal
Id: 0sD59ciKcs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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