I Drew For 30 Days Straight (realistic edition)

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I've been drawing for the past 30 days straight and I'm going to show you how I went from this to this so about a month ago I started drawing and I was like it's drawn we've been drawn for forever I was very wrong I mean I could draw like physically on the page but I don't think this is the art that we all want to achieve so yeah that was a bit of a reality check we can look through a few pages here it's just not amazing work I mean I was trying my best here but I don't know if this is what you'd call good so that's when I decided to slow down take a step back and learn the fundamentals and I had to keep telling myself there are no shortcuts there's none you might think there's some but there's none my initial goal is to be able to draw an animated character I was really into animation at the time and I wanted to replicate that at the time I was watching one piece and I told myself okay I'm gonna draw Luffy every single day so this was my goal I was gonna draw Luffy every day in doing so it would teach me anatomy and the basic structure of how a character is designed this is the start of me trying to draw Luffy every single day this one's not amazing but I got some cool perspective here this is him laughing this is him looking at this other dude trying to draw another character I really like how this one turned out through some of the background yeah some of these didn't really work out like this one looks a little funky as you can probably see I focused a lot on variety this is actually a check-in that I did I was like at the end of this week I'm gonna try to draw them without reference because I know I need to really practice that as well try drawing a girl character for the first time this is when I really wanted to get some more extreme action shots in there get the form down look at the anatomy pretty much just what it would look like at these more extreme angles I really like the perspective on this one was trying to practice that again this is just what I was into drawing it's what got me motivated but find whatever reference interests you it could be literally like bananas or your grandma I don't know after a while of drawing Luffy I decided that okay I think I'm ready to design my own character I have all these great ideas for my story I'm gonna design my guy and this was very frustrating it did not really work as I planned I was like I can't believe this isn't working I can't design I'm never I'm gonna be a failure it had been like one week maybe like a week and a half it's definitely fine to start thinking of ideas and making your own designs honestly that's encouraged but I need to slow down you can't just do it for a week and just be like well now I'm ready to be the best artist in the world it's not how it works and that's what I had to tell myself you're getting down the fundamentals you're getting better stay consistent and it'll come I like drawing Luffy it's great I'm getting a lot better at it super exciting but I don't want to just be good at drawing Luffy I need to learn some other stuff so I decided to draw Ang I drew the shot of him from an episode where he's just kind of picking his ear thought it was kind of funny replicated some of the frames and I thought it looked pretty good I was pretty happy with it and there's this really Dynamic shot of Zhao attacking Zuko I thought that was really cool camera movement's amazing the animation's beautiful and I decided to try to replicate that I got like nine frames in before I started getting bored and kind of frustrated it was definitely really hard and I spent a lot of time erasing and getting the perspective right because again it was really Dynamic and not just a basic shot like the Aang drawing was I am drawing frames from an animation after all so it does turn into something so I put him in a Photoshop I darken the lines a little bit and let it play through and it honestly looks kind of cool I was pretty happy with that one thing that I realized as I was drawing these frames is that I was getting really caught up in the details and it doesn't matter how good you are at drawing these details if you don't have like the basic anatomy right it's just not gonna look good no matter what so I was like okay I need to even take a step further back and just really learn these poses and Anatomy so I went online and looked up some tutorials and they were just telling me to not even care about the details at all for these exercises just find the lines that you can see through a human's pose and just draw and I honestly just looked up Sports Action photos online and I just would quickly take like a minute or two to draw these poses and practice studying human form so I got this manga recommended to me it's about talent and hard work and this guy learning art for the first time and I was like well this is very relevant to me and honestly it's awesome it totally got me jazzed up jazzed up totally got me jazzed up to draw more and learn as much as I can and really get good at Art it was one part of the book where the main character is like I want to make this kind of art but the teacher's like you should draw Still Life my guy it kind of just teaches you the fundamentals of drawing just as a whole so I was like okay I'm getting kind of bored doing these pose drawings so I'm gonna just try drawing still life I sat down one night and just drew my pencil sharpener Drew this eraser which actually ended up being a like a bad idea because I'd have where's my pencil my pencil has zero eraser on it and it was my one eraser so I couldn't erase this was the start of me drawing still life and I think if I just learn the basics of art with this I'll understand what goes into making art so beautiful speaking of beautiful here's a hard drive that I tried to draw I just kind of found on my table just thought it had some unique geometry and some cool shading I could try out and I quickly got tired of trying to find things around my apartment so I found this picture on Pinterest which is another good tool to use well I didn't Focus too much on the details I was able to somewhat replicate the pose the man and the perspective of him leaning against the car this is another photo from Pinterest a little little overwhelming a lot of details and angles but I was really really focused on getting the perspective right however I did get a little confused and a little frustrated trying to deal with the ceiling and just how to overall shade the whole thing this is the tree outside my apartment the bark was definitely a challenge I just kind of made these little squiggly line things here and the shading again still a little loss on that definitely need to learn more with that however this was the first time I used something other than a pencil I traced over my pencil lines with a pen I even found some crayons lying around so it doesn't look amazing but this is my first sketch that has color in it so that's cool here I did a little hand study I took a picture of my hand doing that pose and this looks okay definitely have a lot of work to do look up some tutorials and practice a lot more this one fingers are kind of small proportions are kind of off also this big one is I'm a fraud I just put my hand there and traced over it and just added in the little details so I apologize to the community so this is the final sketch completely up to date after 30 days of drawing every single day this was from my shower as you can probably tell my drawing looks a little different than the reference which I think is totally fine it is just a reference after all so I made it work for what I wanted to do and I think the colors are my favorite part of this I think it worked out really well and that's what I was really focused on so I was pretty happy with this and pretty happy with where I got to after 30 days of drawing the important thing is to do it every day I do other things I watch TV and I cook and I read and I do other cool things such as that I like to get an hour of Art in every day but sometimes I'm busy and I just sketch poses for 15 minutes main point is try not to overdo it don't overdo it and just make art a habit and be patient I mean I'm just telling myself this mostly but it's gonna suck sometimes you're gonna get frustrated you're gonna be like why am I not better than I am now why do my drawings suck this is taking too long and I feel that but you just gotta stay consistent if you practice every day the skills will come and honestly this has been amazing drawing every day are you kidding me getting home drawing on going outside and drawing are you joking anyways I hope this helped anyone who's trying to start art and if you're not starting art start so yeah that's pretty much all I got to say so have a lovely day
Channel: Jake On Art
Views: 201,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O9WK1-oKOWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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