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so in this video I'll be showing you guys my everyday drawing routine this routine helped me gain consistency discipline and just solid drawing improvements and I like to call this the saitama method we already know saitama but for those who don't taitama was basically just a normal dude that worked out too much and surpassed the human capabilities 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run consistently for three years before eventually gaining the strength to defeat any opponent with a single blow but we're not actually gonna try to do 100 push-ups every day but instead we're gonna take the idea of practicing every day consistently hence the saitama method thank you [Music] so a year ago I wasn't good at drawing Anatomy until I decided to dedicate the tiny portion of my time to drawing every day until it became a habit I was focused on steady improvements studying one subject at a time instead of destroying whatever I feel like drawing at first when I was diving in with the anatomy stuff it was really overwhelming and I was easily bored because I can't draw anything decent even though my favorite artist straw so flawlessly good I thought maybe they have some sort of secret technique that I didn't know about so I just did what every self-taught artist would do watch a bunch of drawing tutorials on YouTube so I watched professional artists hoping I would find a technique to get better so I did figure it out and it was really simple too it was just start practicing but you probably heard this a million times already but if you're still struggling like I was a year ago then you should ask yourself what exactly should I be practicing now that depends on what you want to draw now this is really important when I got into drawing I wasn't really sure what exactly I wanted to draw so I just started drawing whatever I felt like drawing in my head I thought maybe if I just draw long enough I'll probably get good but at that time I wasn't really studying or actually learning how to draw I was just scribbling whatever I think is cool so I really wasn't going anywhere you can't reach your destination if you don't even know where you're going think of an art that you want to create once you find something that you like work towards that goal piece by piece just like saitama he wanted to get stronger so he worked hard as much as he can at the end he was able to achieve his goal because he stayed consistent and dedicated but of course learning how to draw and getting stronger are two different things anyway let's get to the actual drawing part [Music] saitama method so basically the saitama method is like a workout but for your drawing skills we're not just going to work hard by the way instead we're also going to work smart since we're training the mind not the body if your hard work won't cut it remember practice doesn't make perfect you must find the right practice first you're better off drawing and copying body parts for 10 minutes rather than mindlessly drawing for 10 hours let's say I wanted to learn about Anatomy because I wanted to draw some anime characters so what I do is divide the anatomy stuff into parts and study them in different time frames so I wouldn't be overwhelmed by everything this is not an in-depth study of the anatomy by the way but of course I can make one if you guys like but I'm gonna show you guys a drawing exercise and that would help you get comfortable in drawing Anatomy I do this on a daily basis without any fail even if I don't feel like drawing this Anatomy exercise tackles the whole body and can be divided into three levels so the first level of the exercise would be the gesture drawings this is a good start for drawing the human anatomy since this would give you a solid foundation to work on and get an idea on how the whole body works so basically you draw a post from a reference in a short period of time like 30 seconds or a minute so you don't have to stress about the details too much and shifting your focus to the overall gesture and pose I do this like every day because it's really easy and not depressing since it only took me seconds to do if you're having trouble on what parts draw first here's what I always do first I start with a circle this would be the head and add some lines to have an idea which direction the head is facing the next is I will draw a line that connects everything like the rib cage and the hips then I would add some lines for the shoulders and hips to give it a flow and Direction then I will just add some points for the elbows and knees and there you go there are three parts that I always keep in mind the head the rib cage and the hips once these three are executed properly the rest would be easy since the limbs are just going to be lines and points okay now that we have that Foundation let's turn those random Gasher lines into simple shapes that would help us draw the actual muscles and details later on after spending thousands of hours doing this I've developed a better understanding of the body that helped me simplify it in 3D form so this is how I basically perceive poses since I practice it countless of times and I'll just draw that without being overwhelmed about anything else remember this is just a practice so just let loose and don't worry so much [Music] okay now for the final level which I do at the end of the week after those studies and practice so I draw poses from memory and just create some full characters this is a great practice challenge to apply what you learn and maintain those information at first I didn't do this because I was really intimidated and I can't draw anything decent so I just stuck with drawing with more reference until I got comfortable enough to draw from my memory patience and dedication is key to all of these you can practice an hour two hours or even four hours a day but you still wouldn't be good tomorrow or the day after but if you stay consistent long enough I'm sure you're gonna Master it trust me on this one [Music] laughs [Music] here's an accurate description and advantages of doing some dresser drawings to help you conceptualize guess your drawing is a technique used by artists to quickly capture the essence and movement of a subject it involves drawing a series of loose quick sketches that convey the energy and flow of the subject's pose and movement there are several benefits to using gesture drawings as an art form firstly it improves your observation skills as it requires you to quickly observe and capture the subject's pose or movement this can help you understand human anatomy and movement better secondly guess your drawing enhances your creativity by allowing you to experiment with different styles techniques and compositions it also stimulates your creativity and allows you to develop your Unique Style thirdly it helps you to develop your hand-eye coordination and muscle memory guess your drawing requires you to make quick accurate marks on the paper or your digital canvas which is a great way to improve your sketching skills additionally gesture drawing is often used as a warm-up exercise before beginning a more detailed work it helps you to loosen up your hand and get you into right mindset for more complex work finally gesture drawing is a fundamental skill for animators it helps them to capture the movement and flow of their character and provides a solid foundation for a more complex animation techniques so overall gesture drawing is a valuable technique for any artist to practice it helps to improve your skills stimulate your creativity and provide a solid foundation for more detailed work alright so hopefully this video helps you and if it does feel free to sub and remember always move forward [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but remember don't hesitate to call on me for me for things [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: NIRO
Views: 583,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, drawing, howtodraw, digitalart, manga, howtoimprovedrawing, howtodrawanimestyle, animeartstyle
Id: 2u7jg34NdBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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