I Drew For 24 Hours

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hey broskis it's Sona welcome back to my Channel today I'll be doing something crazy I'm gonna draw for 24 hours straight no sleeping only drawing and suffering do not attempt this at home but I can because I'm cool let's do it okay I forgot to mention uh as proof I'm sharing my whole screen so that you guys are able to see the time right here it is a 501 p.m March 21st so yeah I wasn't really sure how to start this video so I just said okay tell me what to draw got a couple hundred comments here dude this person said muscular frog okay now I have to draw that okay just gonna be real with you guys drawing frogs isn't my specialty so what is the anatomy of a frog I don't know okay low-key I feel like this dude would fit really well into the Bikini Bottom Universe actually are frogs even allowed in Bikini Bottom they don't live in the ocean but they still live underwater they have like little balls on their hands not like that I'm just saying that's what frogs look like okay do not take that the wrong way I got round bellies I poked a frog's belly the other day it was really squishy actually okay my beautiful frog man is done so I guess he's this muscular pregnant frog man and he's very happy only 23 and a half hours to go let's see here okay why do so many people want me to draw Dwayne The Rock Johnson I've done this like four times now a mushroom girl oh this is my style her head is gonna be the mushroom stem giving her elf ears because I just feel like it oh my God she is so cute I actually love her so much her body is gonna be this mushroom dress give her some fluffy hair actually mushrooms do have hair on them those little dark brown things okay don't ask me what I did with her arms because I honestly don't know her legs look a little goofy but that's okay okay this is my mushroom girl look how cute she is I love how she turned out we are now 40 minutes into this challenge so yeah we have a long way to go okay so I'm gonna pick one more more common and then after that we'll move on to something else a giga Chad version of you a few moments later I I don't even know what I'm doing right now my hair is gonna be flexing its muscles oh okay genuinely I hate this drawing so much what are these lips anyways it is uh we are an hour into the challenge now it is 6 p.m and I guess now we're gonna move on to something else you know what there's actually this one drawing that I've been wanting to do but I've been too swamped with YouTube work but now is a perfect excuse to dry so let's go as I said I came up with this idea several days ago and I've been wanting to draw it really bad but I've been too busy with work and all that so now obviously is the perfect time because I have 24 hours my idea for this drawing is an alien girl relaxing and taking a bath but instead of the tub having water it's filled with this Galaxy space goop instead since you know it's just an alien from space I thought this was such a cool idea and it's been stuck in my head forever now so I'm happy I'm finally drawing it funny thing is I actually thought of this idea while I was taking a bath I like to take baths and stuff because they're super relaxing but yeah that's how I thought of it as you can see she's laying down chilling in her space bath and in the tub there are little planets floating a mini spaceship and even an alien rubber ducky fun fact I also have my own little rubber ducky so yeah name him in the comments please on the rim of the tub is stuff like shampoo soap and a towel hanging on the side I also added some bubbles bubble baths are superior above her as stars planets and a toy astronaut I did my best to make the Galaxy of water look super sparkly and pretty her hair is pink and soft while her skin is this light green color also I don't know about you guys but I personally think green and pink is a really good color combo I wish I would see it more often this drawing really makes me want to get a bath bomb that makes the water look like a Galaxy because that would be so cool on her shampoo bottle is also this picture of an alien so it's like a brand from outer space or something one thing I realized at the end of this is I forgot to put a faucet on the tub and who needs logic it's space I love how she turned out she was so much fun to draw you can also get her as a limited edition poster on my shop linked below before she's gone okay I'm bored and I've been sitting for a while so I'm actually gonna draw on my wall draw a cat mixed with two to three of your different foods I've never drawn on the wall before so she's in the face and I gotta mix it with my favorite food so the body is gonna be a slice of chocolate cake obviously this looks like a piece of cheese right now I like pizza but if his legs will be a pizza I suppose oh I love Boba these are Bubble pearls oh this one has a butt cheek oh I like coffee I mostly just like iced coffee so okay he is completed this is my um food cat Abomination do you like Gabe as he had some Squidward and see his reaction that sounds very interesting I think he had some really dazzling cheekbones he also had a a butt chin luscious lips this looks so much like me wow I'll get some eyelashes because Gabe has really pretty eyelashes this is Gabe's Luscious Hair you guys have never seen it in real life before but as we speak his hair looks just like this okay Gabe if you guys didn't know also has a mustache and beard so I'm getting exposed he has a really thick beard he hasn't trim that in a while it's been a little while drawing makes me uncomfortable why does it make you uncomfortable it looks just like you but she's because he was so embarrassed right now [Music] this beautiful Squidward I dream of you looks great handsome out of 10. you should draw a toast that stabs someone feet with a knife okay this is the toes the tooth is [Music] so Sinister in his feet because I said so in his hand he's holding a knife oh my God he's stabbing the foot that looks terrible it's about your foot looks like if you get stabbed okay and there's blood coming out of it [Music] those stabbing foot is complete and do not critique my foot drawing that is accurate oh God I just found a terrible one this is so cursed an MLP version of yourself uh I've never drawn anything MLP related they have really big sparkly eyes yeah I'm trying to color in the hair ironed on the body yet I'm scared I had this friend in Middle School who was actually really good at drawing these so that's the only reason why I slightly remember how to draw the bodies actually that's pretty accurate that's right I need to put a cutie mark because I have those little things on the side um I guess my cutie mark would literally just be a pencil because I just want to draw stuff wow that is me MLP style do not draw a fan art of that because I never want to see it again thank you this is my first wall that I made and now I have to wash all the stuff off of the wall and I don't know if these markets come off let me know uh which one is your favorite in the comments mocha approves I decided to break out my Sketchbook since it's been quite a while from when I last actually Drew on paper I was really rusty at first I mean I've gotten so used to digital that I forgot with pencil there is no stabilizer to keep my line smooth so they didn't look the best they were kind of wobbly I'm someone who has very shaky hands by default so yeah that's my excuse I sketched a random body as practice and then tried drawing a headshot of this random demon girl I didn't know what I was doing honestly I wasn't a fan of how it turned out so yeah I moved on to another drawing and made this super pretty jellyfish girl I took some inspiration from Medusa and Amore this turned out way better than I expected and I was super happy with it I dropped my Sketchbook more often okay after that I really needed to use the bathroom but I didn't want to stop drawing so I took my Sketchbook with me to the toilet and yeah I drew a wonky looking cat now I can proudly say I've drawn on the toilet if that's something to be proud of I am starting to feel tired it is 11 something I have some coffee from Taco Bell Taco Bell coffee is actually really good earlier before I started the video I actually ordered three of these uh because I knew I'm gonna need them this is around the time that I go to bed so pray for me this time it was pretty early and I was getting sleepy but of course I had to push through I decided I wanted to get some work done since I had so much time I began working on a speed paint for a video it was part two of me drawing slimes as cute girls first part I made of the video was super fun and I wanted to make a part two go check out the first video if you want so anyways the Slime was called mermaid Dippin Dots and I thought it was so pretty I remember I waited like two to three weeks for the Slime to be restocked just so I could buy it for my video Dippin Dots that's a really cool freeze-dried ice cream that's shaped like little circles I always thought I had a really unique texture anyways Dippin Dots is special to me because I have childhood memories of going to the fair and getting this ice cream so I wanted the mermaid girl to look like she's kind of chilling and was having fun at Affair herself then again the ice cream would probably melt underwater since she's a mermaid I was pretty tired working on this and it was very tedious but I powered through and finished the drawing I am finished with my mermaid slime girl and she's super cute and it's also four in the morning I'm definitely really feeling more tired than before it's not like super bad but it's getting there I think I'm gonna draw you can I draw you hey mocha what better thing to do at four in the morning than to draw my kitties yep I'm doing it I just broke out my Sketchbook again and Drew Yuki and mocha that's their names chilling together I thought it was really funny that while I was drawing mocha kept going on my desk and just observing what I was doing and randomly walking all over my drawing he really likes to be the center of attention so he made sure to be in the video petition in the comments for mocha to make his own YouTube channel anyways as you can see my doodle is Yuki laying down relaxing while mocha is standing next to her with his big crazy eyes I think I captured their personalities pretty well Yuki is chill and mocha is mocha I don't even know if he's a cat or if he's even from this Earth okay let's look at some more comments to decide what I draw one apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away so draw 10 million apples bro do you think I'm crazy well you're right I'm probably not going to be able to fit 10 million but I'm gonna see how many apples I'm able to fit on this canvas one that looks like a butt cheek two three a few moments later a few minutes later okay we're at 589 but we ran out of space but I don't care I'm making it 600. 600 apples wait Mr spot 601 there we go yeah this is 601 apples my hand really hurts by the way I was counting that entire time just so you know that took me like 20 minutes by the way I hope you're happy a butterfly made out of bread I know it's weird but I want to see it you know what I want to see that too so I think the body of the butterfly I'm gonna make it into a baguette I think this is what a baguette looks like well his antennas can be made of pretzel sticks or something I guess what should the wings be how about a tortilla wraps I'm not really sure how much these look like tortillas but oh well we want some diversity in this bread butterfly so the other side will be different literally just putting sandwich bread slices okay well this bread butterfly turned out looking strange Kirby bed square that sounds so unsettling I'm literally just doing this out of pure curiosity would his feet be square too oh yes this is very strange I never want to say this again it is now six in the morning and I feel awful okay this is the point where it was like seven in the morning I had been up for 22 hours now and had already drawn for 14 hours since I started the challenge at 5 PM the day before I was starting to really run out of ideas because I had already drawn so much but on a whim I decided I'd draw Boba milk tea I really craved it during this time but I couldn't have it because the Boba shop was closed I was so upset I put cats on it because why not and the Book of pearls are also cats guess the flavor in the comments it's one of my favorites I wanted so badly to stop drawing and I felt myself nearly passing out on and off while making this like I laid back in my chair for just a few seconds to give my eyes a rest and I fell asleep for like a minute but I woke up so that's good hope you enjoyed watching me supper I drew the Boba Kitty look at how cute I love it and it's uh eight in the morning yay so I was at my lowest point and I was desperate for some type of comfort because I felt like a doo-doo so I grabbed my Sketchbook and went to my bed with my blankie and just drew random stuff whatever my tired brain could think of hey broskis it is now basically 11 in the morning this is the first thing that I doodled this is it's just as it's captioned it's me it's how I feel I'm so tired this one okay this is kind of embarrassing she looks really wonky I don't know what's going on with her anatomy and then okay avocado bat I was making animals as fruits this one is an eggplant dog or at least it's supposed to be it looks really goofy this is actually based off of the Sprout molds from the amazing game of Mori and it's supposed to be like a sexy Sprout bowl and oh yeah I almost forgot I made this one yeah I don't know what I was trying to go for with this one um I was trying to make some paper this one is a super cute TB flash Sanrio aesthetic girl I did I guess just a random uh design I made and I literally laid back in my chair for one second and I nearly fell asleep without even noticing in the bed for a while and using my Sketchbook I did regain some of my energies so that was good 11 30 in the morning now I drew some random pose is I didn't really have an exact idea for what I wanted to do but I just wanted to do something that wasn't too hard maybe get some practice in first pose was a girl who looks like she's doing some kind of ballerina pose next is a demon then the third one is a girl being terrified by a spider I ended up liking the fourth pose so much that I decided to make it into an entire drawing this is actually my original character and his name is Sonata yes basically a long version of my YouTube name that was intentional I've had this character for many years and he's actually the protagonist for a story I plan on making into a graphic novel series at some point he's got fluffy white hair and a big red sweater Sonata really enjoys reading so I put a book in front of him and if you haven't noticed yes his eyes actually match the eye colors on my YouTube hat my hat is also white like his hair so yeah I recently based my hat off of him so that's a fun fact and then I put a fairy next to him because that's also in my story I had a lot of fun drawing him I actually think drawing my character gained some of my energy back from how happy I was news I never really talked about this before but I'm very obsessed with my characters from My Story 3 P.M so two hours until this video thing is complete I am so excited for this to be over I'm gonna be honest I don't even know what to draw two hours left and no ideas coming up with ideas for this video has actually been so hard because I have to have so many ideas I don't know I know we're basically at the end but all my sanity has been lost here you go his name is Hank he has a hat and it has brown and he also has hands and he has thick fingers as well pretty happy unlike me I'm gonna draw Hank's dog this is Hank's dog he has a big nose for some reason he stands like a human and let me draw Hank's wife I'm just kidding he doesn't have a wife let's draw Hank's husband scarily tall they were going to Burger King in their car that has one meal I always wondered why SpongeBob has sleeves like connected to his sponge skin I'm gonna draw the most detailed smiley face ever okay this is actually really scary there's been so many times where I sat back for just one minute to give myself a breather and before I know it I accidentally fell asleep that happened so many times this face is me when I'm done with this challenge hey guys watch this I'm gonna draw a cat in five seconds go you know what I say that is good enough I can tell that is a cat wait I have a great idea this video is called drawing for 24 hours but it doesn't say who has to be drawing okay Gabe you need to draw something for me I thought you were driving for 24 hours not me it doesn't say my name in the title okay you a few inches later what is that it's his mouth I'm gonna draw Miku congratulating me after all I've been through within the last 23 and a half hours I feel like I definitely deserve this congratulations from Miku we're about to be at the Finish Line miku's holding the Finish Line flag that's what it looks like right the racing flag that's something I don't know guys it's almost time oh my God it's about to be 24 hours it's been 24 hours thank you I am the best artist ever yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: SonaDrawzStuffYT
Views: 132,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, challenge, speedpaint, drawing, sonadrawzstuff, weird, funny, odd, cringe, mrbeast, 100 challenge, artist, 24 hours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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