I Dont Work Here Lady

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get mine I mean my son who has cancer game account back this happened a few months ago after I left my job at a mobile game company I got a random Facebook friend request from a lady and here's what happened I'm looking at my screenshots as I'm typing so it includes how uppercase / lowercase was included and any misspellings / awkward word choices L hello me yes hello what's up L are you working at mobile game company me I used to why did you add me just to ask that random L yes random why are you asking me cuz people usually don't add someone unless they know each other L okay I'm sorry I'll remove you me okay L my account account name is banned can you help me me oh now I get why you added me I used to work on the company side so I don't do anything technical wouldn't know how to even do that I deleted the game off my phone the moment I left the company because honestly the game is kind of boring honestly forget about the game and enjoy other more fun stuff L I paid more than $1,000 on my account if they banned just because i jailbreak my phone i didn't hack the game me again i don't work for them nor do i handle that side so i can't help you l first of all i would like to tell you that my son is a cancer patient and he takes care of the hospital and spends his time playing this game and he's now completely for rust rated about his account this message is related to twitter named my son it was stolen some time ago his twitter account was stolen and then the hacker used it to get into the game account and polite it i swear that my son did it hack or hack or use any hack in the game he just played it on iphone x and if you want any proof I am ready to proof just please help him to be happy the account ID is account ID thanks for your efforts regards me nope blocked honestly I could have messed with her to see what kind of nonsense she would be saying but me I didn't really want to prolong it maybe it's just me but she had a very very strong choosing beggar ascribe I'm willing to bet she's used this Biel once or twice to get a few things in her life my mum is a Karin this is not a story about me being mistaken and for an employee but I observed it happening sorry if this isn't the right place a little backstory my mother is a full-blown Karin and I try my best to show her right but it seems to just be ingrained in her nature like calls the manager [ __ ] about people in front of them and just all-around clueless and no we went on a trip to Vietnam a couple of years back and did a tour bus thing for a couple of days we met everyone else we were traveling with at a restaurant in Hanoi everyone in the group was white except one man Kay who arrived with his Australian partner and mother-in-law they sat down with us and Kay was chatting away with us told us he was originally from Taiwan now lives in Australia however after a while of small talk with everyone the guide hadn't turned up yet my mother who seems to think all Asians are the same asks him where he is taking us on our trip everyone else around the table stared wide-eyed as we all knew he was just another tourist Kay goes sorry I am on this trip just like you however my mother was in Karen mode and continues with well yes but where's our first stop and what activities will we be doing I then tap her on her arm and say mum he's just a tourist like us she goes oh and shuts up but Kay lets out a loud not all Asians the same darling it puts her in her place and I'm glad they got on well the rest of the trip though well I don't know how carinii she is in other situations but at the very least at least this is a low-level caring outburst I mean she could have easily persisted after being corrected and just got you guys thrown off the whole tour well I guess she was corrected twice but it was still a relatively fast recovery God assaulted at a grocery store for wearing a manager costume I was shopping at a store that rhymes with strafe say this weekend on the way home from a really awesome date night with my fiance so I was dressed pretty nicely black jacket black skirt and heels fiance and I usually go our separate ways into the store to achieve the best efficiency of finishing our list as fast as possible so I was alone when this interaction started an older Karen probably around 60 was putting around the soup aisle and hemming and hawing at the sale 10 for $10 and I guess she saw me with my cart putting something back on the shelf she cleared her throat a few times and stomped around but obviously I was just minding my own business okay hey lady me deciding between strafe saber and mac and cheese or a craft okay hey you manager excuse me hey me finally acknowledging her Oh me I'm not a manager did you need some help or something okay well obviously you're a manager why else would you be dressed like that which of these soups count for the ten for ten me um I'm not a manager I don't work here and I don't know probably the ones that are directly labeled in the sign that says ten for ten okay what the hell is your problem me you're the one yelling at me Karen stomps over wagging her fist at me like I was a child yelling at me about customer service how I should do my job and help her choose her soups and all that's wrong with the youth today something along those lines of me getting fired for incompetence I don't know i's own doubt me ma'am if you need help please go up to one of the cashiers that work here and ask them I'm here buying food like you okay stop lying do you think I'm stupid you're an effing manager here you're wearing the costume you think you can just me okay listen I then Karen smacks my hand making me drop the box of mac and cheese I was holding okay don't effing interrupt me me what the hell lady you just hit me okay yeah I did you interrupted me me seriously what the hell at this point my fiancee heard my yelling and zoomed over he was also dressed nicely button-up black slacks the works F what's happening babe are you alright me she just slapped my hand because she's too thick to hear me when I say I don't work here f what okay you need to fire this [ __ ] because she won't do her job f do you really think everyone dressed remotely nice as a manager crickets okay well I know she is she was putting back that jar earlier me because I didn't want to buy it you dumbass okay you can't talk to me that way me babe grab an actual manager please because I want to call the cops on this crazy [ __ ] okay I'm a paying customer me and F so are we this is getting long so the rest of it went like this she stepped back in shock that we both yelled at her and fiance waved over some poor unsuspecting person the actual manager got there and the lady started her BS again about how both me and my fiancee should get fired how we suck etc etc blah she proudly admitted to hitting me by the way which is hilarious the manager looked at us and back at her and told her to apologize for hitting me and that she should leave she again mentioned my manager costume and how it's my fault the manager and his actual manager outfit pointed at his badge and nametag his specific all-black outfit and tried to explain to her that all managers are dressed like this that we were definitely not managers just because we look nice and she's assaulting another customer okay but she deserved it for talking back to me the manager had this I want to run you over with a car look on his face and he slowly spoke to her like she was three again explaining that we don't work here I piped up asking the manager politely to inform the woman that if she didn't apologize I would like him to call the police and file for assault the manager repeated this to the lady slowly in the ladies screeched and threw the can on the ground swiped her arm through a bunch of the soups causing them to avalanche on the ground and bristly waddled out of the store we helped the manager pick up the soups even though he kept saying sorry and that we didn't have to help him and he asked if I really wanted to press charges I said no there's no point I just thought it would make her go away but if he wanted to make a police report I would be happy to provide my statement we laughed about my manager costume and got a $30 gift card to use for our groceries so here's how I see things you should always call the cops on an assault even if it wasn't that big of a deal because if she's done this to you she's done it in the past and she'll probably do it in the future because she's never getting any repercussions for her actions she's allowed to smack people and just walk away scot-free it's no different than a child throwing a temper tantrum if they're not punched to some degree they're gonna keep throwing temper tantrums to get their way and if it wasn't that big of a deal then the cops will most likely do very little or nothing at all and just have a talking to them might just be exactly what they need to stop their ways and hopefully be a little less carinii in the future alrighty guys it's gonna wrap it up for today I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did in you're new around here maybe consider subscribing and if you really really liked it then maybe give it a thumbs up in the share anyways I'll see in the next one peace app [Music]
Channel: Foobier
Views: 5,658
Rating: 4.9352751 out of 5
Keywords: i dont work here, best of reddit, i dont work here lady, reddit top posts, reddit stories, daily reddit, idwhl reddit, reddit cringe stories, r/ i dont work here lady, stories from reddit, r/idontworkherelady karen, i dont work here reddit, entitled lady, entitled people, r/idontworkherelady customer, idontworkherelady karen, reddit idontworkherelady, r/idontworkherelady fired, from reddit, reddit i dont work here lady
Id: PpL23HIqHUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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