"I Don't Want Them to Live Here" | Douglas Murray on Illegal immigration

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I don't want them to live here I don't want them here they came under false pretenses many of them came illegally and continue to come illegally and we don't want them here and I'm perfectly willing to say that because it needs to be said if I hated Australia hated the Australian people hated Australian history hated the Australian way of life broke into the country illegally and spent my time trying to undermine Australia why should I be in Australia why what would I have brought the country what benefit what moral benefit what Financial benefit what social benefit the answer is you'd have brought no benefit so why why just hope that those people are not in large enough numbers and keep your fingers crossed and put it off for another day I think we have to start saying very clearly if you don't like it here go and if you don't like it here and you intend to make it worse we will make you go we stripped citizenship from Isis members members of Isis who even if they had British citizenship we stri their passports we need to start doing the same thing with Hamas we have Hamas leaders in the UK Hamas members in the UK I'm calling on the foreign secretary the Home Secretary the director of public prosecutions the Attorney General prime minister and others to start doing this to start taking the passports away and deporting people who support hamz in the UK is it the willp to listen absolutely well I mean we have a couple of choices clearly at this point one of them is and I say this metaphorically for the time being but it's not that metaphorical one is to stand up and the other is to beg on your knees um I don't think that the British public should be on their knees begging um particularly not people who dislike them um so best to be on your feet the soul of England the soul of Britain is about to be trampled on very very visibly by people who are gleeful in their trampling and they have defaced and defiled all of our holy places and I think I know that the British soul is Awakening and stirring with rage at what these people are doing these P people came into our house many of them broke into our house illegally many of them were never wanted here and they have come here they have betrayed all of our attempts at Hospitality they've spat in our faces and now they want to trample everything we have underf fooot no no we have a um a Crux point in my view coming up in the UK on the 11th of November when um there is Muslim groups Palestinian groups pramas groups in the UK have announced what they call the Million Man March in this city on Remembrance Day on Armistice Day uh when they will again defile the senat and the statues of our dead and our war leaders and I believe that the British people will not take this lying down
Channel: John Anderson
Views: 462,766
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Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Id: q9HuflNwqiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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