I Don't Wanna Go To Theaters Anymore

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so a few years ago there was a movie a movie that was coming to theaters near you it was the avengers end of game in this film it would be the big one a story spanning over a decade and 200 000 films was finally coming to a close sort of before it released i wanted to get ahead of the curve and i made a video on knowledgehub about movie theaters and their inevitable decline after all this was a time when box office projections for the year were through the roof and my contrarian opinion was that even with all of this success the death of theaters was just around the corner and the video went out and the end game broke all the records the rest of the year was dominated by disney with only two films that weren't made by them or a parts of the larger mcu my assessment was that once avengi's had done the avenging theater goers would grow tired of these same old properties critical success matters and while the mcu has only gotten better as time has gone on the same cannot be said for the likes of hollywood's b team in short that video was basically something along the lines of it's all downhill from here and i proclaimed proudly that one day in a decade or so the movie theaters we know and love would begin to close and everything would just premiere on streaming and maybe that would have been true we won't ever really know because the next year 2020 those heavy hitter ball busting blockbusters they never arrived kyogre virus changed the landscape of the industry in a single month these once prominent bastions of cinema seem like they're on their deathbed people were stuck at home theaters were closed do i say theaters right theater theater theater i don't know the film industry went up in flames countless projects were delayed and many more were likely cancelled outright but these massive companies just couldn't let projects sit idly by and uh not make any money so uh some bold moves were made day one digital purchases streaming releases no theater required that just became the norm a bunch of 20 20 major releases just came here first because i mean the theater's closed where else you're gonna go and uh yeah it seemed like theaters were gone and the home theater had replaced it a little bit earlier than i predicted but you know or whatever and if that's where the story ended this would just be a postmortem of cinema like hollywood's golden age covered in a golden shower or something like that but kyogre got tired and returned from once he came it was may 2021 and the people were happy and the theaters were open once more so what now most film studios made it perfectly clear this streaming era was just temporary once kyogre left of course we would just go back to normal big films would bring in big bucks and if people went to theaters before well sure they'd they'd come back who wouldn't wanna who wouldn't want to go through this in studios eagerly signed deals making it apparent that these theatrical releases are so good you can't stream them at home no this is special i mean personally i got pretty used to the idea of never going to a theater again and i have to assume i'm not alone i mean we've seen that the media distribution of film can be better it can be more convenient in the words of one milhouse from the simpsons we are through the looking glass the theater experience is one of pros and cons but those pros are quickly dying off i mean a few decades ago your average home television was this 4x3 crt and sound quality that fizzled with the grace of a ford probe and during this time yeah the cinema was by far the best place to see a film even 10 years ago tvs weren't that good but now tvs they look they look pretty good i mean most of the time my reaction to seeing a film on a my modern fancy oled compared to the theater experiences wow that really looks a lot better than it did in the theater and that's important because this is a downgrade at least you know if you got a new tv sure the sound quality is pretty nice in there but in a home it can still be great it can even be better it just depends how much you want to pay for the speakers in a lot of ways this mimics the arcade versus console conflict of the 90s arcades used to be way but you know way ahead of the console if you go out you get the special experience but then you know consoles got better and then they got on par with the arcades and then the arcades just nobody cares and that's yeah that's how i see this but theaters they're not just about the movie right i mean it's a social experience let's all go to the movies the popcorn the coca-cola a distinct vibin energy that evokes both nostalgia and uh disgust but is this enough like is it really enough everybody feels differently about this but for me i can't go i i can't do this again i can't i can't do it every time i go to a movie theater it takes up half a day just to see a [ __ ] film i gotta make sure i don't drink too much monster so don't have to go take a piss during the scene when venom's on the motorcycle so then you're managing that all day but then you got to drive 20 minutes to go to the theater you got to wait through the ads for 10 minutes you got to watch the movie you got to take 20 minutes to go back and then you it's it's it's a long ass time just to see a movie you know what the alternative is is just sit down and turn on a [ __ ] movie i don't have to put a shirt on i don't have to find my shoes and all these extemporaneous problems affect my overall enjoyment of the film i mean if it's a mediocre film that i just wasted half a day to go see i'm not kind of thinking oh it's so fun and silly and it's fine it's not great but but no but i wasted half my [ __ ] day to see this and it's not worth the time but if it's a mediocre film and i'm watching at home i'm like whatever but there's no commitment i can just turn it off if i don't wanna and at the theater even a good movie can be ruined by a bad experience people on phones people talking people eating i want control over the film i don't but not everybody is happy about the idea of films coming to streaming some do value the theater experience christopher nolan notably despised the tactics of films going to streaming he wanted the experience to be pure i mean if people watch movies at their home they're gonna be sitting on their phone during the movie they're gonna be you know doing theirs they're not gonna be paying attention they're not gonna be watching the movie and you know what i kind of agree like yeah if you make a movie you probably want people to really experience it as you intended but to christopher nolan in the hollywoods i say this if you were to go outside the southern californian landscape cinemas aren't so fancy and accommodating your viewing experience might be downgraded as a morbidly obese man chews popcorn and slaps your ass on the way out going to a film in most cinemas means more distractions than you would have at home if you have the self-control to not turn on your phone for two hours and so maybe for you christopher nolan going to a theater is a better experience but for me and most of the world that's not the case and film studios are banking on the idea that people will just return like nothing changed but that doesn't seem too likely to me at least right now out of the big blockbusters announced for the remainder of 2021 most are launching first and exclusively in theaters and a streaming release will follow potentially a month or more after if this expectation that people will come back fails an expectation that it's based on nothing well that's kind of it either way it's gonna be nice to have some closure to all this because personally i don't want to go to a movie theater ever again as for all these you know things that aren't going to streaming i'll just wait like i expect most people will until they're on streaming so yeah sorry sorry sorry venom i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Whimsu
Views: 28,604
Rating: 4.8742309 out of 5
Keywords: movie theater, films, upcoming film, cinema, theater, streaming, movie streaming, digital, digital streaming, film streaming, netflix, hulu, disney plus, hbo max, amazon prime video, cinemark, amc, regal, film, movie, whimsu, video essay, avengers engame, mcu, knowledgehub
Id: b9BEcOM81Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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