I Don't Seem To Have a Zone 1 or 2 ? | GTN Coach's Corner⁠

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welcome back to another GTA and Coaches Corner where we answer your Trion related questions remember you can leave them below this video any of our videos use the # gtn Coaches Corner and we can be answering your question next week on this week's show Aqua joging we discussed the benefits and uh how to do it also Zone 2 again uh someone doesn't seem to have a zone two also someone else has a Zone 2 but they seem to be too slow in their Zone 2 so we answer their question questions some quickfire transition questions and finally a question on eating around training especially later at night if you're training late let's get straight to your questions right starting with this one Jamie Ferman uh one of our regular uh question osers uh says # gtn Coaches Corner could you discuss the benefits of Aqua jogging and provide a few key pointers for anyone looking to give it a try whether due to injury or exposure to any form of cross another form of cross trainining um this one's actually I think we've answered this a long time ago but uh it's kind of Evergreen because Aqua jogging is quite useful it's surprisingly effective at maintaining your Fitness uh and even building running Fitness when you can't actually run when you have to run without the impact because of an injury or something like that um you can quite effectively strain all those muscles that you use for running without actually getting any of the impact it's surprisingly effective now there's two types of underwater of water running that you can do you can do deep water running where you don't touch the ground at all but you will need some kind of floating device normally a a waste belt or chest belt that holds you in position in an upright position so you can do the full running motion or you can do shallow water running which is generally Waist Deep running and more of a running motion with your foot actually touching the ground um the deep water running it's actually easier to simulate your running motion than the shallow water running because what you'll find is shallow water running you tend to just bounce up and down which feels really awkward but you can't actually get any traction to push you forward so you can't get that drive face whereas deep water running you can actually rely push your foot backwards and simulate that running motion it is surprisingly tiring you will be you'll be surprised how much it takes out of you uh as with any training start slowly and build up slowly just because you can run an hour out on the road uh you doesn't necessarily mean you should be doing straight away into an hour of water uh you do need to adjust to it so take your time build up like you do with any training uh but it can actually help you to keep that Fitness or even build Fitness when you're trying to avoid uh the the impact load uh also I would suggest if you're doing it Outdoors definitely wear some sun block and and a hat because you will get burnt being out there and also uh you'll need music in your ears for a good Aqua jogging session because it is incredibly boring you hardly move at all you'll be creeping along the pool it might take you two minutes or three minutes to get all the way down one length of the pool so uh bear that in mind take some music or a podcast because it's very tedious but it's good for you okay FX saltwater asks gtn Coaches Corner thanks so much for the input also for your other videos and clips it really helps get the gist of it everyone is talking about as a beginner anyhow I do have a question I really say I trust my garment with the accuracy of my heart rate simply checking pulse and low heart rate but how come Zone 1 and two basically don't exist for me my H rate goes up really fast but it's not that I feel exhausted or anything for example I've been running for an hour today with 155 to 160 beats per minute and could easily have gone further thanks again okay this one just keeps on coming the zone two question everyone seems to have the same issue basically what you've done is you've run at a running pace that you felt was your running pace and then you trained at that running pace repeatedly again and again and again and it's become your running pace at around 155 beats per minute and you're pretty effective and efficient at that running pace which is great and if you're happy to keep running at that pace and keep running for an hour forever then keep going it will keep you fit and you will be a decent Runner no problem however if you want some range if you want to be able to run significantly longer but at a slightly lower Pace or you want to be able to run significantly faster at a higher Pace you need to train that specific specific range you can't always go out and run the same Pace at 155 beats per minute so you need to start trading your Zone too and that means setting an upper limit now for beginners generally uh Zone 2 is 60 to 70 beats uh% of your max heart rate however for beginners I generally suggest you go from 60 to 75% of your max hard rate make that zone two just a little bit bigger to give you a bit of uh of leeway uh and allow you to kind of build into it and then set an upper limit for some of your sessions maybe one or two sessions your easier runs per week of that 75% don't go above it no matter what you do just run really slowly and you will pretty soon find that you get more effective more efficient at that pace and you'll be able to run pretty close to what you were running at 155 beats per minute down at 140 beats per minute and then when you do run 155 beats per minut you'll be going that much faster and it gives you this whole range and then you can push that further on and you can do longer session at Zone 2 and push it further on into higher intensity sessions well above 155 and you get that range which is what we're looking for uh but you do need to stick with it for a while it takes a while for you to train any energy system if you think about what it took for you to get to the point where you could run an hour at 155 heart rate it's going to take you about that amount of time to get comfortable running an hour at 140 heart rate so give it some time it's not going to be an overnight thing um okay quickfire transition questions first one one socks in T1 or T2 or not at all I'm going to go with if you're going to put socks on for t for the run it doesn't really matter where you put them on in T1 or T2 um either you go socks not at all or whichever is more comfortable um if it's going to be a cold or particularly wet uh back ride then I definitely put them on in T1 so that your feet stay a little bit warmer you don't want your toes going numb on the bike because when you get off and run it's going to be that much harder however T2 is absolutely fine and unless you are going at the really pointy end of the field and want to save 10 seconds it's worthwhile putting shoes on putting socks on because you don't want those blisters should I have a drink food in transition I would say no uh it is far more efficient and effective to have food and drink whilst moving transition you're basically stationary there are other things you need to be doing like changing your shoes and changing your your kit uh so do that and don't faf around with eating and drinking while you're not moving you can eat and drink whilst you're either biking or running so wait till you're moving forward and then you will lose a lot less time uh final I can't get my wet suit or fast what's the trick okay first trick practice you have to practice getting your wet suit off it's not as simple as uh just pulling you should definitely practice and practice every time you get out the water even if you've not in a rush you don't have anywhere to be in a hurry still practice getting off as quickly as possible a couple more tricks a little bit of baby oil or Vaseline around your wrist and around your ankles will make your wet suit slide off those tight tight restrictive places a lot quicker so try that and you'll see W suit comes off much easier finally do I really need elastic laces uh no you don't really need elastic laces however elastic laces are a very simple very cheap uh kind of upgrade to your running shoes they don't really cost you anything there's not really any risk associated with them you have to bear in mind they will feel slightly looser than normal laces even though they aren't don't overti them CU you can actually cut the blood supply to the top of your foot off but elastic laces are definitely a good solution for T2 you will get into your shoes a lot lot quicker without any FF without having to stop and tie your laces so yeah use El laces but no you don't really need them okay on to two more questions uh longer questions now Tess van kin 9129 # gtn Coaches Corner hi gtn how do I increase my speed on my easy zone two Runs huh another one I feel like a snail am my 830 minutes per kilometer and if I don't run that slow my heart rate will creep over 155 I able to run a sub 35k so I find the difference very large well that's basically also 155 it's the same question previously more of the uh how to the last questions why why is the heart rate low uh so high now this one is how do I change it well to get efficient at Zone 2 uh that easy aerobic Zone as I said earlier you do need to train it similar to the last question uh where you get really efficient at Zone 3 you need to get efficient at Zone 2 and that means spending time in zone two first you would suggest though make sure that your heart rate zones are accurate because the guesstimated ones based on 220 minus your age or something like that are not very accurate you should test your max heart rate if you can um but Max hot tests are very hard or the ideal would actually be to do a V2 test in the lab so you can see what your heart rate does uh and then you can work out your zones from there uh and then as I said earlier adjust those zones for a beginner that 60 to 75% is your zone two and then do your easy runs in zone two as I said earlier that is the solution you've got to spend time in zone two to get efficient at zone two uh and a lot of people say but I have to run so slowly and yes that is part of it you have to run slowly to start with now don't be too strict with yourself on that 75% limit but uh be fairly strict if you know what I mean so let your heart rate creep up especially if it's an uphill or something like that but make sure you bring it back down as soon as possible and spend as much time as possible 80% of your easy run should be in that zone too and then you'll actually be training it you'll get more efficient at it and before you know it you'll be doing all your easy runs in zone two with no problem whatsoever okay final question it's from one C one or Icarus one # GT and Coaches Corner due to work commitment sometimes I get home I don't get home until late then I perform my planned workout but it may be very late by the time I finish last night it was 11:00 p.m. whoa that's hectic what is the best thing to eat so late in the evening often I go to bed straight off my meal so I can be up at 6:30 for a swim before work the next day whoa serious commitment going on here I like it I don't eat before a swim any advice thanks for the great content okay this is a pretty tricky one to navigate um but there are some things you can do to make it a bit more uh manageable I would suggest that what you do is your main meal you have 2 to 3 hours before that evening session so if you're working late and you're only going to get your session done at 10: p.m. eat at 3:00 or 4 5:00 p.m. in the in the evening have a proper meal then with carbs a bit more carbs a bit less protein so that it's more digestible uh but that should be your main meal of the day and then after your session before you go to bed you can have something more lean protein uh like chicken breast or something like that that you can doesn't have a lot of carb content because that will send your blood sugar up and make it hard to sleep uh but does top up that protein that you didn't have earlier on in that meal but also gets you recovering for the following morning's swim session um it is tricky to navigate but it is doable and you have to bear in mind that when you're training like you're training two sessions a day or even three sessions a day up to late at night you are not eating regular meals you don't eat breakfast lunch and dinner you eat pre-training meals and you eat posttraining meals and that's all you eat really is pre-training meals and posttraining meals pretty much like a pro does there are no breakfast lunches or dinners it is just eating around training to facilitate the training as best as possible um you do need to bear that in mind as long as over the course of the whole day you're getting your full complement of nutrients that you need all the carbs proteins fats and minerals that you need it doesn't really matter where in the day you take them if you move them around so that you can get your sessions in effectively uh just make sure you aren't limiting your actual intake cuz that obviously is a recipe for disaster if you're not getting enough in because you don't feel like eating at 11:00 p.m. that is definitely going to affect the next morning session and have a domino effect uh on the rest of your training so do make sure you are eating but really move it around the training eat so that you can train than eating breakfast lunch and dinner I hope that answers your question remember if you have your own questions in the comment section below this # gtn Coaches Corner we could be answering it soon thanks for watching and we'll see you again next week
Channel: Global Triathlon Network
Views: 59,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zone2, zone 2, effort, training effort, training, work out, zones, zones effortGTN, Global Triathlon Network, triathlon, Triathlon (Sport), tri, ironman, Sports, swimbikerun, triathlon training, triathlon skills, iron man, tri bike, triathlete, swimming, cycling, running, skills, coaching, Ꮽ, Ᏸ, ꖧ, К, ೊ, ཙ, की, ፕ15, 𑫛‎, ᢉ
Id: WVmUbBf4fSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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