I Did What Most Germans Won't Do

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think about where you live right now and think about where you were born if you want you can even comment it below remember this we'll come back to it later there are six kids in my family and we essentially live all around the world I live here in Germany my brother Mikey lives in Italy brother Joey lives in Chicago brother Anthony Los Angeles Brother Andy in Oakland and our sister Jam in Oregon we are spread out all throughout the world basically and we're actually a super close family it's not like we're a stranged and can't stand to be around each other we all love each other we really look forward to the times of the year where we're all home together in Oregon All the alur Boys and Matt Fay we are going bouldering we're very very close yet we're still spread out and I actually don't think that our family story is that unique for American families then when I contrast with the families that I know in Germany this is kind of shocking I mean it's not uncommon for three generations of families here in Germany to live Under One Roof I wasn't comfortable at the beginning you know once you see that this is more normal I I know in the first maybe a year or two before when the that topic first came up it was like absolutely not is that you kidding me we to live with your parents but no I mean there's there's a lot of perks to it and it's kind of unheard of for German families to spread out and in the way that mine house where are you from I'm actually from shal where do you live now now I live in suo which is also part of Shish so not gone any farther than that okay have you ever lived somewhere else other than sh no and I don't plan to move far away from here [Music] so this intrigued me to look at some actual data and statistics and what I found was absolutely fascinating first let's talk about my people the Americans I thought this was America huh this is this America this really surprised me 41% of Americans live in a different state than the state they were born in 41% I mean that's nearing half of Americans in 2022 over 800,000 Americans left California for other states this indicates that Americans are very mobile now I checked out some recent statistics on how many people moved each year and in 2019 2020 and 2021 about 8 million Americans moved to different states each one of those years it's like 10% of Germany's whole population each year moving to a different state all right now let's look at Germans moving between different German states and for my American viewers yes German has states there are 16 of them they are called bundis lands and is the equivalent of our American state I live in the third largest state in the south of Germany B verberg many Americans probably know about the largest and most famous German State Bavaria this guy yeah you can cool guy he stopped the van stopped while I was uh shooting a video Good Vibes in shy today now Germany of course is much smaller Geographic than the United States and its states are smaller and the distance between states are smaller uh overall it's about 28 times smaller than the United States Germany is approximately half the size of Texas our second biggest states so you might think that okay because it's a smaller geographical area moving between one German State and another is not so big a deal probably tons of Germans do it more than Americans at least right wrong 10% only 10% of Germans live in a different German State than the one they were born in so just to recap 41% of Americans versus just 10% of Germans pretty big difference who ever consider living in a different German State a different bundesland never say no but probably not Nows side note I don't know if this is entirely relevant but there's there's always those people who like to compare American states and EU countries they make this comparison oh a different EU country is like a different American state and I understand it's kind of similar geographically you know there's free travel and open borders between the two uh but it's a lot different but just for fun let's look at the amount of Germans who live in a different European country than Germany only 4% all right so we've established that Americans are much more likely than Germans to move further away to move to a different state and live farther away from their families but why speaking of living in a different place than where you were born me living in Germany has brought on a little bit of a problem guys fun fact Laura and I have been recently watching one of my favorite shows of all time The Sopranos on HB the only problem is HBO is Geo blocked here in Germany luckily I have a solution for that and it's the sponsor of today's video cyber ghost VPN cyber ghost is a world leading VPN or virtual private Network that has over 9,000 servers in 90 different countries and you can switch your IP address around between the servers and this is how we watch The Sopranos here in Germany among some of our other favorite streaming platforms that are not available here like Paramount Plus in Hulu for my German viewers you can actually watch Formula 1 again for free in Germany if you switch your IP address to Austria and watch on the ORF Channel but not only that cyber GH helps protect you and keep you anonymous online it's 2024 and everyone wants your data and they want to get it they want to sell it and cyber GH helps protect you from that and it's not just me saying that cyber GH has 38 million users worldwide and is the number one most recommended VPN on trust pilot cyber ghost works on every major platform and a cool thing is one account can be used on seven different devices so you can share it with friends and family they also have a strict no logs policy so cyber ghost doesn't even know what you're doing online now if you sign up for cyber ghost using the link in the description you'll get a great deal 83% off paying just over 2 a month plus 4 months free plus there's a 45-day money back guarantee so it's risk- free this is an awesome product that I highly recommend it's something that I use every single day multiple times a day and if you sign up using the link in the description not only is it a great product for you but it also helps support me in this YouTube channel so check out cyber ghost in the link below all right back to the video so it's abundantly clear Americans are more likely to move and live further away from where they were born than Germans but what is the reason for this all right let's see what my really smart friends think about this subject I feel like it's it's more common in the US to like change jobs more often and also like move for work like somewhere else at least that's what what my experience from working where the lot of American people is Adrian is correct here Germany has an extensive social welfare program that provides benefits and support for things like health care and unemployment benefits which makes moving less necessary whereas in the United States a lot of times these benefits like healthcare are tied to employment it's tied to your job which can drive Americans to move for better employment opportunities in Germany I feel like it's more common to do like house building or study somewhere close to home and stay there like find a job in the area where you grow up like stay a lot more with your parents historically in the United States people have been encouraged and incentivized to move to some of these major hubs whether it be New York City or Los Angeles or San Francisco I know this is changing a little bit now in sort of the work from home era but historically Americans have been very driven to move to some of these areas to advance in their career whereas in Germany the economy is actually a little bit more evenly distributed throughout different regions of the country and strong worker and labor protections are more common and this decreases the need for Geographic Mobility for your job and here are two other possible explanations that I think are pretty valid in Germany it's it's not so easy to to get new friends so you try to stay in your in your bubble one of the bigger things is it's more um normal for Europeans to like live at home you're 27 living at home because you're just saving money and especially when it comes to like all the school stuff after one year if you could pay back half of your debt the other half is gone oh yeah yeah so then people come back and they just live at home so they're not paying for housing and stuff save money pay off and then half your debts gone so I think that's why it's just more normal that you you or you know you see that there's two three generations in a house whereas you know in the US it's like if you're 23 living at home you're you know you're a failure like oh my God how could you be living at [Music] home I love this part of shisha this is kind of on the other side of the river it's a little bit it's quieter there's not really cafes or shops or anything it's mostly residential a nice little chill quiet part of the town and finally an explanation that I really like and I think really holds true so we'll know that Americans are the descendants of people who at one time or another left their home country in search of a better life in the United States whether that was six Generations ago or one generation ago so we know that the United States is full of people who come from people who are willing to move for a better life to pick up everything in their life in their old country in search of a life in the United States that they hoped would be better many of you guys know that I have my Italian citizenship and did a lot of research on my family ancestry and learned about you know my great-grandparents people who came over from Italy and Germany to the United States it makes me think a lot about that whereas Germans especially in the 20th century after the world war sort of fostered this culture of rebuilding and Collective coming together and sort of starting a new life uh with where you are and what you have I know of many German families whose great grandparents settled in an area after the war and they built their entire family and entire life there and all the generations of the family since then live in that area like we touched down some even in the same houses so I think culturally and historically there's a huge difference here uh that plays a role in why Americans are much more willing to move far away now after watching this video what do you think about where you live now versus where you were born and what are your thoughts on why there's such a big difference between Germans and Americans on this subject let me know in the comments all right guys that is going to be all for today I want to give a shout out again to the lovely sponsor of today's video our friends cyber ghost VPN and awesome VPN at a great price check them out using the link in the description for a great deal thank you cyber ghost all right guys that's all for today thank you so much for watching my YouTube videos really appreciate it hope you have a lovely day and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: NALF
Views: 54,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ip-eaOcSrgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.