I Did A LEVEL SWAP With RUXWE | Geometry Dash

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I don't care uh we're doing Challenge  Swap and I'm here with ruxweed   say hi yeah he's gonna be recording  this on his channel so go check him   out I'll link his channel in the description  [Music] so yeah we're doing level swap uh yeah I think it would be funny if I did  this maybe might just use Purgatory for   like the 20th time don't tell me what  song you're using bro I know but like   I said I might but I don't know just  pick like literally just find some   random song all right uh let's go Mew and  the timer will start now I I got 20 minutes   I'm choosing at the speed of light because  the song is crazy okay let's start off set perfect I definitely want to start like up here I want to do something like this and like kind of like a wave  you can like go Mini [Music] like this I'll do that that  looks much better [Music] it's like kind of just like all wave  and then I wanted to lead into like   a ship maybe I should put the ship  like right here like that and then   big portal I've never really worked on a  time limit before so but this goes well here I want to do like the thing  in bloodlust where it's like this   like that it's kind of like going for  like a blood bath kind of vibe [Music] like that and then right here UFO like that but then this needs to  go up that looks good yeah [Music]   that's way too difficult it's gonna be so  much fun to Deco okay how much time do I   got left I got 13 minutes I got plenty  of time maybe we should have some like   structuring like like this maybe like basic  stuff like this this looks good [Music] perfect like that and then put  it down here we'll give them   these Alpha triggers up under here  we'll make one invisible 275 350 425 and five let's do 10. [Music] yeah like that looks good it looks good see  something like this hold up maybe no let's make   this like a regular like that kind of like that  but then we want to make this rotate at like 30.   that looks nice yeah that actually looks really  good and then we could do like smaller spikes we   have enough time I got a minute and 40 seconds  rotation of 30. oh shoot we have more Southwest   over here come on come on come on oh I just I just  feels like I'm out of time time is up my friend   I'll find him well I just finished sure  I made a layout and a saw blade design   what should I name this level I got it I'm  gonna name it um okay unlisted there you go I'll use Outlaw all right what do we got here oh okay let's do that trying my best to tickle  this but it's gonna be horrible and I'm gonna   finish like two structures oh no I have  an idea I have an idea all right uh start   in the next 20 minutes and mute kind of like a  rust Vibe I'm from getting oh that gameplay bro okay okay okay I'm gonna get a basic structure  like this that'll be the outline like that and   then we'll do something like this hold up and  I'll make the Hue on these 25. no I think we   should just slap a big glow on top look at the  six it's kind of like then I can like just copy   paste this here and then here I'm gonna go to like  layer 10. I have big glow right here let me just   grab this and start filling it in everywhere  put this on seven go to this layer [Music] and then one is one invisible yeah I gave me one  invisible and what we can also do is copy the   values of that and put it on like a saw blade like  this or like make it really scaled up and then we   can like do like smaller ones too it's basically  like that yeah and see how this looks [Music] and then we can do like background pulses Maybe  here like get like um like a light orange [Music] and let me sort of like working on the spikes I  half it down but then grab the same glow we used   here I'm trying my best it's not coming out that  well but like I've never done a rust design before   so it's kind of difficult and paste that right  there and then I can make some like saw blade   saw blades maybe like this maybe make these all  rotate at 50. here but then what if I make like   the behind ones like these you know those like  darker kind of like that how's this look [Music]   and then what if we did thinking like now we  need like an orb Design This on T1 one like that   I hate how he doesn't put anything on grid it's  so bad you're probably in like inside here I could   add like some chains like this and like maybe  we've had like chains yeah like behind this grab   one of these and then scale it like massive and  grab it and it's like basically kind of do this it may turn out pretty good I wouldn't say it's the best but I'd say it's  decent at the most and now I'll put don't they   don't enter oh I got four so it's done the  time my timer's done that is time my boy   excuse me a second I feel I think this  ended up I I think it's kind of good   I got much more done than I thought I would I tried going for like kind of like a rust theme  yeah at the speed of light what have you done oh what [Music] oh my gosh the amount of objects  dude it's just actually sick all right   uh let's start the timer so it's time  to mute all right okay this is a lot   um these Stars I tell you I'm gonna change these  I'm uh I'm gonna make some more realistic ones   glow like this I'm gonna take  this glow and just scale it up   completely nothing grab this this will be behind  like that but then a group set I did not expect   him to go with a theme like this I was more  expecting expecting like a lava type theme   but this is cool I guess I'm gonna do my basic  stars like this that's all I'll be on seven and   I basically just need a put this in place as it  needs to be link all this together put this on   one and I want to do something with it I want  to kind of like add a shading kind of so when   this is on three I could do something like  this like get this put it okay get this and   put it more in like the middle then I want to  copy the values and just put glow on it foreign [Music] just something like this and then inside  we might be able to do something like this   object and then the background of this these  and that's what I'm gonna do which I think   will look cool like this and I'm going  to take the star design I made paste it   right here this will be on B2 minus 10  yeah like this but then like like that let me take this thing like that how does this  look I wanna I wanna repeat this glow but probably   have to like do that so it's like below it and  then below here we can do something like this kind   of like in that one video of woolsey's charm swap  level swap let me use the same thing he did with   the cloud blocks I don't know if it was these ones  though swimming like this [Music] I don't know bro   I'm just gonna do this honestly grab this and  then get this Spike [Music] actually I did this what was it it was grab this this  could be Stars here let's copy this   for now also these buildings too I  think we should just make it like   kind of like a space thing and I think the  buildings just kind of like ruin it [Music]   and I want to go to these objects right here all these is completely black and then here before  my time runs out I want to add some sort of like   light coming down but then like rotate them kind  of and that is the timer [Music] yep okay you're   gonna be so impressed with this part all I can say  is that your build your buildings disappeared well   I mean I did just feed around the buildings I just  wanted to make a diagram I feel like this is done oh you made a new you make second part   and oh okay what am I gonna do for this part like  the uh the other level has so much potential but   like this is just a rust remake I don't know I  don't know what else to add kind of like that and it's supposed to be above everything [Music] here I want to make this little  smaller though how does that look [Music]   okay what if I'm just like just black Maybe [Music] Maybe okay it does not seem to work or go above   anything you can still use  that purple aspect by doing it's been like this hold up [Music]   here we can also copy this whole thing here I don't I don't really like the these like at all I'm sure I'm just gonna  get rid of them okay how does this look [Music]   yeah I want to add like more of  these things this looks fine but   I think the other one's turning  out way better how does this look [Music]   kind of like this but then we also do something   like this and it's basically  copy and paste this [Music] all right how does this look [Music]   that's good yeah you like post a background like  white probably also can do is fill this up more   by grabbing this and doing something  like this like that as I look [Music]   okay what group was this 19 foreign [Music]   like that maybe this more like around here  I like some blues in some places maybe how does this look [Music]   I like that looks good hello  did you get some stuff done   I got like nothing done oh  no is this the updated one oh so you're adding some kind of ocean   yes okay I can work with that so you put Blues  I'm gonna just copy this paste that here nope   blending okay here I'm gonna just grab this and  push it up here oh someone go into new layer like   50. all right so what does this look like that  needs to be darker 60 Maybe that's good that's   good slap it on that layer copy that and paste  it to this that and then we got this I'm gonna   go here grab this paste it move this up here like  this and like do some mini ones too and then some   regular ones it's only gonna be for the top layer  though so it's fine basically just this color on   this one right here but then on like like three  how's that look yeah look that looks really good   all right this whole ocean thing and this will all  be on seven like it together put this down here all right I think it's too low though [Music] oh it's like a vast ocean kind of so I  feel like we should make it move a lot   more yeah basically like this just  bring this down right here [Music]   and then we need more of  this glow coming off [Music] what's it missing I feel like it's definitely  missing something only like another one   of these right here I feel like I should  add a big glow like with a shadow [Music] okay we need to add this thing I like these  places right here I'm gonna give it some depth   like this [Music] I want to make this invisible I I wonder some  of these portals and stuff like here we get a   yellow glow like this and then just grab kind of  like RTX right here watch this bro yeah like this now that looks good [Music] they can maybe like a  light source coming in here you get the big glows   like this this looks a little weird what if you  made this like on a blending maybe that's without   it and that's with it yeah that looks good looks  good you can like do this one like this [Music] okay this looks good this looks good I  actually really like this it's turning   out pretty good actually so  like it kind of like fade in what else could I do if I don't want to make  carrots all this part but it's just this   what could look better on  this how does this look now   yeah like you like kind of like oh  you can see the outside though [Music]   oh and that's time hello you're  gonna be pretty surprised um honestly I didn't really do much okay that rust  level's like it's not I don't know bro yeah this   will be basically finished at the speed of light  I have this fed of light unbreakable overrated   sick yeah he's above these levels actually  turned out amazing actually you know what   I'm done for that all right uh I'm gonna  showcase these levels now and it's gonna   be in the video so bye guys okay that was actually  like really fun well we have both the levels now   and yeah they're both finished basically like I  mean my other one's not my close to me finish but   like there's nothing really else we can add  and then this one's just completely finished   so yeah I'm gonna do a Showcase of both and I  hope you guys enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music]   all right [Music] thank you
Channel: Jordan Healey
Views: 32,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, Level Swap, Decoration, Layout
Id: nTiZz9qjrNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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