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in this video I decorated a part of my  [ __ ] mock remake but before the video   starts please consider subscribing it means  a lot and it really helps out the channel   and with that being said enjoy the video we  are decorating a part in my clock mock remake [Music]   all right so yeah this should be good oh but  we need colors first I want to do kind of like   a bright pink and blue and here I want some  colors related to these but like kind of like   a more primary color and then I say we start on  the club step monster first first let me get an   outline so we have like a base kind of like this  yeah this should all be like on a blue like that   I want to add these outline blocks to like go  with it do some like interior design kind of   so we have something like this kind of and what  we could also do is grab like a bunch of these   objects and like kind of just do this and then we  could put this like right here on a low opacity I   kind of want to do like the eyes real quick and  then I want to do like fire coming from them   he like puts one on each eye here maybe we can  like rotate it 90 degrees and do something like   this and then for the eyes maybe like put like  one here one here make this one like the blue   make this one the pink and then on the next layer  I want to do the same thing but like shrink this   down like that like just like like not enough  glow right here we'll get this copy and paste   it and scale it up put this on like pink and  then like hold up I think we can do some like   Spike Deco inside put this on one then we can  grab this thing right here here and then we   could do something like this and then like this  okay let's do like a spike design now so we get   something like this and basically copy that and  paste it to here and then make a glow so we have   two spikes and here I want to make like a smaller  Spike too that's like this so it doesn't kill you   and let's like grab these and just do that so  then I want to add like 3D okay we'll grab this   see that's the club step monster and then  here we can basically just do this and it   shouldn't do that like maybe we'll just copy and  paste this and shrink it down this guy will go   like right here like that and then I want to  make this one like kind of like fall [Music] yeah see that looks good it looks good and then  here we can just copy and paste this over here   like that yeah it looks good okay now we gotta  make like this structure like here we'll just   copy this and then here we'll grab this object  like that maybe but then like probably like a   blue you know for the inner doctor we could do  something like this like that maybe yeah that   looks good looks good see that looks good looks  good then we can do just just do the 3D I don't   know how to do 3D on slopes though I ended up  just removing all the 3D from everything because   in the end it just looked weird on the slopes  and just wasn't working she has some pulsing yeah see that looks good I like how it like  flashes kind of like that okay let's go to   like 20 and let's put like glows she almost  you can like like a messy effect and then   group eight towards the player at like 10 000 25  Maybe like the yeah how does this look [Music]   Cal looks good and then for the background I  kind of want like a bright background maybe   can I do like a black hole or something I don't  know this is stupid I don't know how to make a   good black hole you can like add some Stars  too since it's like basically a space theme   and this will all be on nine [Music] okay I  just don't like that background honestly I   think the background looks bad I can't lie the  background just looks awful what we can also   do is put like move Triggers on these and then  we just put this in places that it needs to be [Music] Okay and like in front of everything I'll go to  10. I want to add like big pulsing objects at   like the bottom and top of the screen go here and  just like kind of like spread this around [Music] I'm gonna look up like the other [ __ ] block  backgrounds like for different parts and I   want to like get an idea what I should do so  most of them just have like black holes and   stuff so I guess I just tried again try  making a better one and then this will   just be like really big also want to add  some glow so we could do that too [Music] that looks good looks good first time I could  do something like this it's like these ground   spikes grab this delete that let me just put this  around places what should I do remember you're   gonna still use some like saw blades honestly  sideways might fill it up here I have like half   something connecting to the saw blades too what we  could do now we just fill in these saw blades like   where they need to go delete all these saw blades  and now I gotta put the things we made like to go   under them here I think we can add like arrows or  something okay we can grab this and just put it in   like these areas what could we do like almost  meant to be like in front of it kind of let's   just get like pulsing squares maybe what if we  put this like on a low opacity like four [Music] we're gonna add like arrows like this okay  let's try making something like this with um   so we can do like this like a background kind of  thing and put this in places like here [Music]   okay I mean it looks good I said like I need  to like change up the these things like here   like this I could like spread this one around  like this so it's a better transition in here [Music] all right for the next part I just went  ahead and added the ground spikes off camera   because like it's super repetitive and it's  boring to watch so yeah I did that by myself   now basically we just gotta add this stuff  like the structures and everything so like   this like this yeah now we take this huge  long thing okay oh no never mind no know   oh why'd I say like that dude oh my gosh yeah  that looks good it looks good and here I want   to take something like this and put that like  right here let me get the saw blades and then   for this we can literally just copy and paste  that again and then we just gotta build these   structures real quick so I can do this I'm  gonna put that there too well somebody with   those orbs too and then grab a big glow put  it over it t110 put this like that [Music] [Music]   I say all we have is this wave  section then we should be good [Music]   yeah see that looks good it looks good I actually  like that a lot and I really like this part too   this section right here looks amazing here and  then so for this we just gotta add saw blades   and stuff and I think that should be good okay  so we're still missing a couple things like the   arrows and stuff that I have in here so I say we  add that here how does this look so far [Music] [Music]   okay right here I want to make everything Fade Out  all right we're gonna do like 0.5 yeah like that   so I think all we have is the spam and then we  should be done with the part how are we gonna do   the spam I was thinking something like this but I  feel like that would just look too weird you know   I actually have an idea but I don't know if it'll  work though like that I want to get this Spike do   this and then grab like a glow beam coming beneath  them or something you're like what if you did this and then maybe we could do something like  this where it's like it's like some random   one sometimes like instead of having these glow  triggers we can continue the pulsing and then   like I just want like a giant black screen  to cover all of it yeah I'd say this part's   finished I love every part of this entire thing  and this is definitely one of my favorite Parts   if not my best that I've ever created but  yeah uh I'm gonna run the Showcase foreign as always thank you guys for watching  and have a great rest of your day foreign
Channel: Jordan Healey
Views: 47,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, Kocmoc, Remake, Deco
Id: 1hXm7iBFtsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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