I Did A 100 Year Rebuild.

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all right all right all right we are in 1983 and I am about to do a 100 Year rebuild I never in 100 million years thought that I would say that I'm going to simulate slash rebuild from 1983 to 2083 and my team will be decided by this wheel it has every single team that's currently in the NBA let's just get it spinning also the Only Rule that I have for my rebuild is that I can't do more than four trades and it will be the Oklahoma City Thunder also known as formerly the Seattle SuperSonics I feel like most people actually enjoy that I'll be controlling this team so our goal today is to make them the greatest franchise in NBA history to start off in 83 we've got Jack Sigma Gus Williams David Thompson Tom Chambers and a bunch of other randoms there's no restrictions I could do whatever the hell I want except for I can't make more than four trades in a season that's it and we do not have our first round wait yeah we don't we don't have our first round who has it the Los Angeles Clippers and it is a highly ranked pick too might just got to compete and just hope to God oh my God okay okay okay okay okay we need to talk about what I just did I just traded Gus Williams and two first-round picks a superstar or my bad the clippers for their first round pick next year but wait I just made them better I've already messed up on trade one but screw we got our first round pick what other teams in this NBA are garbage now here's the thing though trading them in 80 overall is very pivotal in this league here's the thing we've done a couple of simulations we already know the Lakers and Celtics run the league there's no chance of beating them so we might as well take our chance at Michael Jordan all right I'm trying to get Houston's first round pick I'm gonna offer this there it is I gave Houston three second round picks Fred Brown who was like 35 and Steve Haws for their first hey it works in the two simple it works in the system it works for me and I'm a saver actually we're gonna tank now this is probably the only year that I blatantly tank unless we're like garbage in the future or something because it's the first year I remember I'm trying to build the greatest Dynasty ever for 100 years you know we're not playing around out here play a full 67 overall lineup let's go and get our chances that Michael Jordan we lost we won the first game of the season for the love ago I didn't show you David Thompson yet in the off season I'm gonna see if our in the uh what's it called the draft I'm gonna see if I can trade it going real grimy with this I'm trying to win every single ring won't happen obviously we're gonna lose the first year like what's the point in competing if you already know Magic's gonna win I'm not the Portland Trailblazers look there you go SuperSonics fans will thank me forever what I tell you what the hell did I tell you hey shout out to you Tyler they did take two games this could have been us two games and lost in the Conference Finals instead I'll take Michael Jordan and if you're wondering I believe we won two games the NBA draft lottery would so the Bulls have the second odds we have the third and the first I almost traded for the Bulls but it would have taken David Thompson to trade for their pick I was like why don't I wait until the off season and maybe trade for it so let's watch this Lottery real quick I probably won't watch many lotteries but screwed it's the first season before we go any further I want to shout out to prize picks prize picks is the best place to play daily fantasy sports it's available in over 30 States and if you use the code click you get to 100 back up to 100 your first deposit and there's something special going on this week as you may know this is crazy thing called Thanksgiving and on the Thanksgiving game for Justin Jefferson if he gains one yard literally one you win so look boom give me that more there's another one for today Kevin Durant Taco Tuesday 23 and a half points I'll take that I know he's playing DeAndre but Anthony Davis added more than 11.5 rebounds the past four games speaking of Lakers Troy Brown easy less here because four and a half rebounds is a lot dog even though he had none in his first game back Kyrie's usually getting at least four assists so I'm gonna go with Kyrie with more D Anthony Melton two and a half threes made I know I know you got a lot of players out but no less prize picks changes to a maximum of six wow I had to go to Twitter to confirm it yeah price pick is added a sixth pick like so you could 25 times your entry Jesus hey I'll take my chances I actually said you can't go for two Discounters I'm gonna switch that Katie to this KD we're gonna go for KD tonight regardless thank you the prize picks remember to use the code click you get up to 100 100 back on your first deposit now to get back into the video the other day as long as we don't fall down here hey we getting Stockton Jordan Hakeem the Hawks get number five we've confirmed one two or four hall of famers so bullets stayed down at four SuperSonics are expected to get number three we stay at three with that pick please don't move us down to two I would like to get Michael or Hakeem well you know what this guarantee my thank you thank you appreciate that so um two wins definitely paid off in case you're wondering that was you know uh 18 games worse than the Bulls is actually a little bit better than I thought that being said can we call Up Chicago I'll give Jack Sigma I'll give whatever the hell we got to give up yeah he's good in this era who cares hey I'm Gonna Make a Better big three than the what if video I made the other day oh David Thompson expired I did not know he was about to expire all right well we're probably gonna resign him and just roll with him then let's try and get this uh this second pick as well and I hell I'll give up anybody I'll give up Chambers sorry chamber let's give up this stuff and our 86 yeah yeah that's smart that's smart all right let's try that they're gonna try and add in the pick this year hell no growing two second round picks in the future call today come on say okay go to 85 first hey throwing this Lottery protected first from next year oh that's that's another high I feel like this is like even fair to an extent just because of the star values of these picks even though it doesn't make sense I could probably finesse more but screw it I'm gonna give it to him Chicago Bulls thank you here for your duties and uh that is that's not really our this is a whole new season technically so it's not really a third trade but I probably don't have anything else to trade we are about to bring Michael Jordan Hakeem Olajuwon you go second why not and Charles Barkley sorry Scott I'm sorry sorry John Alvin we're bringing Barkley and Alvin's gonna go there Sam perk is going to go there Kevin hello did you guys uh they already canceled John Stockton in 84. yeah no no he still goes number 10. he's a 74. we got 383 plus players and it's over for the league I mean it's not it might not be over yet we'll see what happens but we're obviously not tanking anymore we have that Clippers pick they were in the lottery this year you never know they could they could fall down further I mean we're gonna go up so make room for him we have money by any chance and hell no come back David Thompson though uh screw it he can love signing like solid players and trading them eventually he could take a four-year deal is that Ronnie Brewer's dad you could he just looks like Ronnie Brewer you could tell you quite literally have every position just completely filled out honestly bro I gotta keep it pushing I don't care about signing a whole bunch of free agents Jack Sigma you are getting older but trust me you've got a young bunch of young places around your team what are you getting benched as well yo first season we are starting Jordan David Thompson Charles Barkley Hakeem Olajuwon and Jack Sigma together as the two big men like it's Ralph and Akeem with Tom Chambers and we just threw a couple other guys in the rotation for the hell of it I won't change the rotations probably ever if we lose we lose you know here's a here's a stat for everybody watching the video as long as you're younger than what 40 years old for 38 years old you will see your birth year in this video there you go in the comments I know I've probably asked this before my birthday just passed the other day what who's the best player that was born on your birthday so we also have one we oh we're still worse than the Lakers even with this team I think the one I remember as I was growing up was either Aaron a flower or Courtney Lee or something like that I think I saw the other day because you know when the NBA posts like birthday posts every day basically I think I saw Caleb Swan again oh no no Caleb's Flanagan passed away who's the other big man yeah that's what I was thinking of another King's big man Mr Rashawn Holmes R.I.P Caleb swanagan Michael Jordan rookie of the year magic we do not care Jordan actually averaged okay maybe not better numbers but more points Akeem already won DPO I really know how he gets now I don't care about no teams his entire video I'm trying to win Rings the second seat obviously because they're too good we make it out the first round all right second round playing Dallas we make it out four to two and we're playing Los Angeles uh we might not win this year but it is what it is if we don't uh screw it yep two two and three two in their favor we're not watching games yet if we lose we lose you know I'm saying we need to get through 100 years so uh be back next year don't worry we got Jordan we got you know what I'm saying let's see if our pick meant anything did I pick get us anything no they were good that's that sucks um will I trade for Patrick Ewing maybe I don't think more okay I'm not gonna lie Karl Malone is really good in the simulation like I was doing an all-time draft for fun with my friends and he was cooking I actually drafted him like top 10 in multiple times one like 15 straight MVPs once he's actually really good in the simulation but uh I draft Patrick Ewing and created like a little Ralph Sampson type thing going on if I if I got it all I'm trying to do early on is load up on these picks for real we should be able to do this really easily hey sorry Chicago matter of fact you guys are still trash give me your next year's pick I'll give them our 89 first these two dudes bada bing bada boom take this oh man he takes big swings let's do Chris Giles is actually kind of decent I will trade him for Patrick Ewing if need be matter of fact just keep these second rounds at this point oh man I actually had to give a pretty decent amount so I to give her 89 first David Thompson and campy Russell but but don't worry and some 76 overall dude we have the first overall pick in the draft yet again um I might look at trading could very easily trade Jack Sigma for two but I'm not like that nasty like I had to get up to a good footing like we have to win but I might just make a little normal trade for Jack honestly for now I'm just keep him probably Seattle first overall pick I know Malone's ranked number one I know he's better in the grand scheme give me Nick's Legend Ewing and send send Joe Dumars to the Knicks didn't they do that a lot dang my new ball oh my hello wait maybe we gotta trade up for four or something hold on I mean five I can do this pretty easily ain't not really valuing the dog they're not really valuing Karma alone like that you don't change we gonna change this image don't worry no I'd rather just keep a piece of Seattle and Jack Sigma he goes to he goes to uh what's it called San Antonio oh snap they left Charles Oakley and deadlift on the board for me we have way too many bigs for now so I'm gonna take deadlift sorry Charles love you Charles all right deadlifts two overalls higher good pick I don't care about no other free agency bums will be a beautiful beautiful team Akeem and Barkley and Jordan already getting better much much better and also yes as you see Jordan's at the point guard we gotta start the Jordan point guard agenda right here right now here's the line of fear number two it's beautiful it's disgusting and we're going to the postseason and of course our coaches NBA legend Lenny Wilkins you know you can stick around for as long as he possibly feels like it Michael Jordan's MVP in his second season even well he did play 40 plus minutes but he would all these great players on his team hey Carl dpoi as well to Michael and Lenny Wilkins Coach of the Year won 74 game Ewing Hakeem and Jordan all made the defensive team and detlef made the all rookie second team because why the hell not some wait we won 74 games and we're the fourth seed because of Divisions oh my God are we in the same division wait who are we in the same division don't tell me it's the Lakers it is we're in the same that's why that's the reason why we're the fifth C or fourth seed or whatever oh now we got to play him the second round though all right well I'll take the challenge first game goes to us second game goes to them third game goes to us another game to them another game to us another game to them game seven in Los Angeles this is the team to beat and it looks like we are going to become the team to beat the Lakers how have been dethroned Michael Jordan 42 points in game seven and we are going to probably the NBA Finals yeah yeah oh yeah it's Celtics do they got oh snap Larry Birds hold on oh give us that yeah no don't blow through one lead don't blow it through one leads over the Seattle SuperSonics are your NBA champions Patrick Ewing Michael Jordan Jack Sigma Keem so on and so forth you know the team and uh Michael Jordan Finals MVP Kareem retires like three years earlier than real life yeah I know there's one player in this now we don't have a pick in this draft at all there is one player and I believe he goes by the name of Len Bias what does he compare it to exactly oh we can't see we didn't Scout him enough I think just be just for The Vibes I feel like Len Bias would be worthy enough of getting traded for uh one of our out of bench pieces that we have just stashed on this team look who it is the Bulls again we are cooking them I wish you could have got their pick for this year last year and there it is we are sending Jack Sigma I don't even know what the hell Len Bias is gonna be in this league I I think I downloaded a different draft class in my last video so I I have no clue Jack Sigma it's been real old man I think Tom changes to like 25 will keep him around the first overall pick Seattle you already know Len buys oh my God all right I just I just finessed another team but I'll show you in a second worry to the second overall pick so I just threw him some absolute garbage for their next year's pitch draws in petrovich goes number three I forgot about him and some bonus just went the Mavericks just made a trade for David Thompson from the Bulls Bulls get worse for the seventh pick a Chuck person well uh guess what we just gave him jack Sigma so he'll be joining him when bias 81 overall he's compared to Kevin McHale and he will definitely be playing like shooting guard or something for us so they there goes that also I traded the um literally traded Mike Dunleavy senior some low 70s in a second round pick for the Warriors next year first round pick so that we can maybe get uh hell I don't even know him Scotty Magic Johnson Friends free agent if only we had the money are we paying anybody an egregious amount of money to her like we could have offered this uh yeah it's called all of our rookies we actually don't really have anybody else in which Tom Chambers a free agent yes he is I'm back on a five-year deal why not he might be the dude we keep around until he retires or something like that just out of tribute oh man Hakeem is a 93 and everybody else exists hey this should be smooth salad for a little minute I'm not gonna lie sure I said earlier about like not tanking but yeah we're just gonna have the facilities to ever trade for any first pick probably because our lineup for year three and yes chart whatever you this is Charles Barkley is a two a six foot six more do you want from also I have one through every single player except for probably deadlift yeah every single player has lower than a 73 point shot oh starting five Tom Chambers if they tell us to space the floor we're cooked but uh thankfully it's the 80. Michael Jordan back to back MVPs Verizon gets Rookie of the Year averaging in 20 points per game Hakeem Olajuwon dpoi Lenny 75 wins we should probably never lose again especially because Kareem retired we're also first this year the Lakers are at uh 61. Clippers should be good and Houston made Ralph Sampson and Chris Mullen are here and Mark Price we're going straight forward to the finals Philly yeah see you buddy case you want to get like a feel for how points are being divvied up well here you go it's on the screen that's who we play and how they score Barkley and Len Bias are like the same player with different fonts and we we signed truck big truck Robinson did you have a ring already we got Chuck Robbins in his first ever ring and he retired I just like the name truck Robinson probably would have used he as a trading asset but screw it you can you can head out also just to be wary there is going to be a draft expansion one of these years ever like multiple times so that was definitely getting in our way of being good as well because we can only protect eight players when those come around and we steal some yeah yeah we stole Golden State's pick and I'm just gonna skip the lottery what pick dang we moved down to five I wonder who could fall the five did I load in yeah I think I load in a good drive oh you know what I believe Reggie Miller is supposed to be here let me go get ready yep there goes Reggie and that's not even to say that I'll draft I'm gonna try this for number two if not I'll throw in the second round pick if not we're just gonna I feel committed to the trade but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna throw another first for this could be Scotty or Reggie though and that would be like the the nail and the coffee do it let me do it let's do it like after that first of all the drafts fall off for a little while until Shaq and yeah that's really it so let's see who's gonna go number one the Washington Bullets like David Robinson so we can select Reggie Miller or Scottie Pippen and I feel like I already selected one dude that's kind of Faking too but I feel like Scotty even though he's not a good shooter like a great shooter either compared to Reggie he's him and Mike we might just got to do it again now we're in a shooting era he's also a great playmaker he fits a team well you know what I'm gonna see a great defender let's get Scotty Pippen's second overall pick that's kind of who I won Reggie goes number three to UCLA what's the overalls looking like dang Reggie's in 85. it's all good it's all good it's all good we want a ring we want to run sorry our minimum contract money in this era is going so crazy because like we're offering minimums to 75s and those are some of the best players in the league although you are seeing a lot of 80s here I mean the question is if they'll get actually good song Kim is a 95 Jordan's only a 91 and a career Sim recently I'm saying I I had changed his like Peak start Peak age whatever if he Peaks at 24 I'ma leaving we need to get capped anyway hey Ewing could be better I don't care plus it's a rebuild like I don't control this stuff that happens you know but I could show what happens with my team but not like I can't go into rosters another year the lineup's the same just add Scotty we have yet to lose it up there it goes as I'm saying it here's the thing too with this video I gave myself a little three trade cap just in case I ever really wanted to take over the league like ins like I am but by the way we just went 81-1 I know like an 82-0 challenge is some sort of like big thing I don't really care I don't really cared about that you know I like I like my rings personally you know and like my ring zakim and Mike make the first team but um you might be like oh you should make a rule where you can't trade for top five picks yeah maybe in the future but honestly I want to dominate for 100 years so here we are also I'm interested to see what happens like after we get past the uh 2020s considering all this history um all right we're at the first yeah we're gonna win that we're going to win the final start Lakers what's good how you doing see you Mavericks what's good how you doing see ya bucks what's good how you doing see you Akeem Finals MVP oh here's how stuff was debbied up this year with Scotty added uh you know Jordan's a clear Alpha Dog Dr J called it quits we beat him in the finals once like a year ago I think this year this is gonna be an expansion year so we can only protect eight people but I think that'll fit just fine with us uh no no it will not actually just about we gotta trade Gerald Wilkins sorry Gerald all right so we didn't trade for any Pixies here what I'm gonna try to do is uh and I don't even know if I really want anybody this year I do have to load in the drive class update required yeah so I failed to mention as an update required thing pops up that usually pops up like when you're playing 2K remember all the early in the morning uh in like four hours I will have been up for like 24 hours so um yeah I don't know why I started this video this time hey how you doing John Starks did I say this in my last I think I recorded it before I don't know let me go do the update and I'll tell my story John Stark number one player right not a very materialistic person I have most of the things I want but for my birthday the other day I was gifted a John Stark signed jersey that was pretty cool you know so I might have to pick him just for that you know sometimes I clown him for shooting like two for 17 from on from the field in the finals in game seven against Akeem see if I get the first pick for the hell of it just for that I'll pick him he might not be the best player he's definitely not they got Mitch Richmond he's also oh he's only 20. I need to come around hey this is a way you could also really cheese too is if you were to trade with the teams that are expansion that haven't even like you could trade with these teams before they even get players I believe they don't even value their first round look at that they don't even I'm not even I'm not even gonna do it I'm not even gonna do it it's just I'm already good that all refrained from but I'll go ahead and keep on cooking the Nuggets oh dang Gerald Wilkins expired uh yeah he might actually talk Tom Chambers might get cooked I'm not gonna lie Seattle Legend you might have had your run end here go ahead and get there picking I think this is the shack trap it's either 92 or 93. oh my God why did I do this why did I do all right so I offered the um you know the Tom Chambers package with like everything I had that I could trade offered it to the one and two picks and they both said no and then I offered it to I was about to offer it to the Suns but they have Reggie Miller so I was like no let me not make them better screw them and then I offered it to the Hornets and they gave me their Shack draft pick the 92 picks so I got their pick this year their first year in the league oh dang were they gonna let me keep everybody anyways because my other guys are on team options I don't really care honestly oh never mind it's not letting me so wait I need to release one person still and it still cooked me a little bit but hey you could put Gerald Wilkins in the pool that would keep include that in the trade whatever who cares and Marquis Johnson Dennis Rodman oh man the Hornets picture of Wilkins I guess he was just a part of the trade after though all right first pick Mitch Richmond second pick sorry that's that's tough I might go and trade for John Starks right now Jesus this draft is garbage well wouldn't let me trade for John Stark so screw it Danny Manning come along you'll be around he's an 84 oh you're an 81. hey why they're trying to decline Len bias's team option what he did to you all right we got Jordan Barkley and Akeem back in free agency we're playing paying a crazy luxury tax yeah Jordan might be cooked in a 92 but it's all good they're also all already 25 which like nowadays players get in there so young getting and I'm saying get in the draft I got like 18 and back in this day it was like 21 so you've already wasted like one quarter of their career but you know we still got to like draft LeBron one day or a mellow or Bosch or all of them hey when bias might have capped out at 83 though that's why they were trying to get rid of them but Scotty already surpassed them but it's all good I rock for limbius I'm gonna let Coach take control of the uh you know saying all the rotations it's not like it really matters hopefully we keep Lenny Wilkins for the next uh 100 years I'm not sure if that's like physically that's crazy so like if we were to start this simulation and end it most people would be dead by the time by the time that it ends akima Lodge one still wins MVP even with us divvying out the minutes pretty evenly David Robinson dpoi Terry Porter most improved player and Lenny Wilkins 76-6 hey screw all you all NBA teams I really do not care we bout to go in also someone commented in my last video I think I saw that Miami was in the Western Conference back in the day because blah blah whatever they got out of his expansion team but I assumed but still what confused me because they're so far east I can feel uses at all just you know it's just funny and we're about to smoke the hawk sorry sorry it landed on my bed oh my God I keep on clicking on simcasts and they actually won a game because of that Michael Jordan wins finals MVP and uh we we got the bonus to hell up and out of here like someone also said that Winston Garland is actually Darius his father or it was some Garland oh hey look at my new bowl it's an 82 overall should get him and play him a point guard is there another expansion uh that's bad that's bad we might just start losing players might go live draft lottery did I trade for any picks I might just go all out for like Sean Kemp or something the Bulls just jumped up from one to five they finally had good luck and I might just go steal their fish Childs and why Chris child's got the Hall of Fame I might mess around and just go up and draft them for whatever reason so I could trade Chris Giles and get Chris Childs he was crazy that this Shaq team is about to get out in the league and I might just punish them just for getting at it and it was crazy that they're trying to give me their 91 first round pick just without me even really asking for it I'll take 92 instead oh my God I just swapped my first round picks with the magic like all of them I am bullying him this is this is the disgusting someone gave their little brother the controller or something we not protecting limb bias uh submit changes we need to release one player well that doesn't even make sense I will trade Len Bias oh he's expired and you know what go go go be going with the wind or something man I don't know why it does this to me every year but screw we took over Lando's picks anyways they gavelin buys he's gonna go first and he does he does easily easily goes first in the draft who are all you people Hurst picks Sean Elliott second Glenn rice third pick Danny Ferry did they lead Chris Childs for us well they also left Shawn Kemp oh oh wait we're in Seattle I gotta do it nothing's a way around me doing it yeah screw give me Sean Camp I only care if he doesn't even play I Don't Really Care he is 77 overall 19 year old he gonna be just fine why did we not extend Patrick Ewing's qualify what I just simulated through it just assuming they would I will force him back to this team there's no oh oh it did okay give it to him in deadlift it's just glitched oh never mind it's not extended to these two bums all right I've read it wrong my bad like I said sleep deprived uh yeah Patrick Ewing come back to the team buddy thanks I'm really excited for the LeBron Kobe and Shaq draft era that's what I'm really here for oh man it looks like Akeem and Michael have both peaked at 92 and 94 and 90 and Pippin's going up to 89. shout out to him oh Kim you might be the Savior I don't know hey we got Mike Wang as the coach now it's not man Lenny Wilkins did he retire something I'm gonna be heated if I see him on the staff somebody else I'm gonna look through every single one Jacob Underwood Karima that's not even Jay they actually I'm not gonna lie I noticed this they have a fake Jacob on with us here it's not him it's not your OG his name Jacob Underwood and it's not him also Kareem you do not look like you should be a coach holy hell look at his offensive indeed his stars are less than one star each and they don't have any other staff man Lenny Wilkins went to the magic that is heartbreaking we need a new real coach for the future it might just be Mike Stauffer uh I'm gonna look through Don Nelson well Casey Jones Celtics Legend then he's got Craig Casey Jones got crazy stats I have quickly learned that we do not have enough money to sign a good coach not even our assistant wants to be promoted the head coach that's how broke we are I let them Auto handle it and we got a head coach named Jared Dudley and he is garbage and we're gonna be all right you know what they say say the rich get richer and our team is still rich and from these Orlando picks probably gonna get richer Hakeem Olajuwon Most Valuable Player Tim Hardaway rookie year I really enjoy having to not pronounce the h and Hakeem until it like you know pops up in like your 10. Jared Dudley coach of the year and it's not the Jared Dudley and also I it really hurt me I saw we played a game against Orlando it hurt me to see Danny Manning and Len Bias on that team Jesus Christ my voice is win and also I think deadlift won six medley or something like that we got three all NBA first teamers now I'm actually interested because yeah that's that's three of them three defensive teamers as well now Keem on the second team because I think yeah because David won a defensive player of the year just click simulate playoffs to this point Doug yep we did not lose a game Michael Jordan Finals MVP keep him pushing George Gervin retired Robert Parish is out of here he said hey yo what is going on over there what incredible GM is running the SuperSonics League meetings and guess what we don't have a pick oh yeah no I didn't trade for a Picton this year I forgot about that at least I don't think I did wait the magic not here though the magic make the playoffs what the hell we might have traded for some stinkers some awful picks oh my God yeah well actually I'm not even surprised Len Bias Danny Manning and Olden Paulie nice and Dwayne Farrell and Norm Nixon are over there carrying this 81 overall dude oh my God we got fleece not really we I mean we just gave up Danny Mannix crazy aside from my stars I don't really have anything to trade but this year we could go and get Gary Payton and pair him up next to Michael Scotty and Sean Kemp obviously and you know the rest all right so deadlifts peaked and I think I could very easily get this pick I don't think I have to offer our other pick Let's just let's just do this for oh okay throwing another scrub Kenny Fields thanks sometimes they actually do value the picks correctly which is interesting sometimes and this screw it you guys can have all this stuff I don't really I don't really care oh my God all right take another trash player oh my God hey screw it that's all I got so I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is uh we sign that coach we did not sign that coach for too many years all right do we have money to hell no hey let them sign a new one I I really don't care it does not matter with this team I'm gonna see if Gary Payton goes number one if he doesn't he does all right Gary hey you're gonna have to go enjoy your career over there in New Jersey if that's possible we're gonna focus on the future this meant Chris Giles we have got him and traded him like at least three times already but it was really because of the expansion draft so you can come back for another three years why not Michael Jordan stopping his progression at 92 and Scotty Pippen about the surpass him is scaring me oh yes we got Tyson blunt it's such an odd lineup I have no clue why I still have Charles Barkley playing the two and Scotty at the three Charles Barkley's not even as good as Charles Barkley would be but he's still Charles Barkley I'm gonna do some big brain right now oh yeah the Sixers are led by Moses Malone he might stick around though I have a feeling he's gonna piss me off and stick around too long hey the Lakers already suck magic left go ahead and trade the Lakers some bums for that pick and the Shaquille O'Neal draft that's all I care about right now all right cool I made a trade for that Shaq pick I think maybe even another one no I was just one I Loki got fleece but screw it I'm betting on them being garbage I feel like it's more fun to do that than trading up for the top pick even though I probably will anyways but you know I have two dogs in the fight no Mike Vick Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player Gary Payton how you doing Lynn by his Sixth Man of the Year you're pissing me off now I wish we still had you what overall you 84 still but you put it in work they're probably good for that reason Tyson blunt 80 and two I don't even care about no NBA teams hey click simulate playoffs they lost two games the entire season you think about to lose more in the playoffs yeah it's over the Bulls made the finals Kevin Johnson thing we like we let them get some picks and they drafted a dude who's an 88 overall we know Kevin Johnson is but you know they also got the number one overall pick and draft Sean Elliott I think over somebody I think it was John Starks Jeff Cook is cooked back to the draft lottery again anyway the magic were bad uh no they're too good now the heat via the lake wait did he traded for the Lakers pick they were ahead of me and guess what Orlando was the second best team in the league the third best because they got the 25th pick that is so garbage I need to trade their future picks holy hell they were they're in the West too I want to see if the heat just traded for that Lakers pick because that's pretty funny hey they didn't but they are making money moves though by uh you know I'm saying expansion team that's Pat Riley already at work in spirit wait I think which draft is Shaq is it 93 oh no let me look it up it might be 92 think it is this is what happens when you decide to do a 100 Year rebuild it is 92. all right so what picks have I traded for so far I mean at least I still have the mat I don't think I've traded for many others just the Lakers pick in that year so uh for my trades which I'm not I'm never really breaking the trade barrier but let's try and go get the Lakers pick and I also have seen a lot of offers you know though we'll keep ourselves in the race for who is it uh I don't know Chris Webber and Penny bang I got both of their picks in 92 and 94. they have no picks for the next four years and most of that's their fault because they traded one to Miami I don't know what for I just gave them two like mid 70 overalls and my pick and the magic pick from this year that I didn't want anyways now you're gonna look at the draft I'm good all right Johnson go have fun wherever the hell he goes speaking of Scottie Pippen you gotta head right back to this team buddy for a four-time champion real successful real successful things it's your max contract we're not giving you pennies like how the Bulls did no Hardaway hit me Danny Ann she's such a master in the front office he'll help me out from the sidelines or well the bench it was crazy I try to sign Kurt Rambis two times and both times he resigned with the Lakers I mean you want you no more let me show you Rollins you gotta love some tree look at Sean Kemp improving oh yes we are entering the Jordan era that has already started because we won 45 Rings honestly me and my friends were doing like one of these leagues or whatever we did it we did like a fantasy draft in 1991 and then all tanked for Shaq or whatever and I got Shaq and he won me 10 Rings The League against all my dogs like oh it was it's you know it's easy as explained I'm Gonna Leave the default draft class I don't care if it's missing nobody I want that Shaquille I will trade any I will trade uh Sean Kemp and and you uh Pippin Ewing yeah I don't I don't care I'm I'm gonna keep my picks I already got and just go with that Hakeem Olajuwon with like his third or fourth MVP or something like that I love seeing these players succeed sorry to David Robinson I saw you on another team sorry the Magic Johnson you know you want a contract like in a couple years Hilary yeah you wanna come around we're down for whatever we the warriors I know you guys are like old and got pride and all that stuff we don't do that nowadays Jesus Christ we almost just lost to the Blazers in the Conference Finals with the game seven we lost it would have been honorable wait they have they they have magic and and uh J this exact scenario happened in my last video on a huge spoiler they just both left and went to the same team I might even be the same team might play the blazes again almost lost the magic and no way in hell will we lose another game right I was close though Patrick Ewing congrats on the finals MVP all right it is time we have any top picks off the Riff the Lakers pick is second I don't even want to watch this I just want to see where it is it moved down to five guess who's getting shacked though it ain't gonna be the Rockets let me call him I said I gave up Scotty they might have overheard me it's only a four-star pick give him the frit pick hey screw it don't even give up anybody give him tree Rollins give him Danny Ames give him uh hey I'm already giving up deadlift strength and the fifth pick and Mark hey just to show you guys how I realized about this you can have this 96 pick oh my God they still don't want it I have to give one of the magic picks the magic even good this seat or bad no yeah you know you got one of them picks they really want a lot for me to move up I said I'd move Scotty I'm not I'm gonna try not to instead give up the first round pick this year see if they like it hell no actually I am trying to get Steve Smith right now maybe I shouldn't do that actually it was because of money let me try no players at all except for Mark I got it I got it done with no I didn't have to give up deadlift I kind of got excited to get Steve Smith but no players at all we give up a 96 first round pick from ourselves a magic pick next year and the pick this year from the Lakers I don't honestly I really don't care we gotta check look at that at pre-jab workouts don't care Carl we got Shaquille look at that NBA draft go right to it we could probably get Alonzo too I could not care less Shaquille O'Neal welcome to the Seattle SuperSonics Sim to user pick how the hell do I have another pick I didn't trade this pick oh snap I'm not a trade my pick this year and all these bums to Miami for their first and 96 this should work it will you know it was in 96. everybody Shaq is a supersonic we still have everybody else my dog is about to just come off the bench first here to be honest with you Larry I said I'd give you a contract you want that one no he don't want it John Starks is like 90. I was like a pick away from him maybe he was my whole backstory with him dang this is crazy that's Alvin Robertson right there this man was the fourth pick after Jordan Hakeem and Barkley and he only played two seasons and then phased out and played again like last year I'm about to sign him he's not gonna play Hey shoot he's gonna he's gonna keep on doing that oh yeah Patrick's starting to decline he's not really not ready for this role no Morris that's all that's all Hakeem only got like half his career left for real we need another half with big Shaq yes 20 years old I mean Sean Kemp going to run the Nexium I'm saying ERA with uh they're gonna be older we're gonna get Kobe and that's gonna be beautiful and Kobe and Iverson and I'm for sure oh 96 we gotta start loading up on 96 bits because it's gonna get I might trade Mike to get all them 90s you go Simmons your newest coach of the Seattle SuperSonics I don't know who the hell this is you gotta earn your minutes Young fella that Championship pedigree over here also since we almost lost the magical I see let's fix the positions just put Barkley at three pretty sure uh what's his name Pippin oh Pippin did develop his three-point shot it used to be a 50. I love how Jordan's been playing point guard all these years and I've never once thought about drafting one trying to prison knocked down shooter and Pippin is the only player that could even relatively shoot threes on this entire rotation might get kind of nasty as we enter the new era you know who cares I mean Zion dominates every current league Magic Johnson and comes back for an MVP he's trying to make a comeback run he try almost beat us last year he only lost three games even with Hugo coaching I don't care about no teams what I look like the hell out of them uh beat the hell out of them and Magic rematch 2030 just don't blow the lead there you go Nets we are not losing to oh it's Gary Gary beats Seattle hell no oh wow he actually got a win uh congratulations see you Moses Malone retired oh beautiful beautiful for those Lakers picks I have one more this season what was Moses doing did it help us get a higher pick we have number one odds who the hell will it be please don't oh it dropped oh my okay at least you know what the Knicks got to the one that's cool but might steal it because we might finally get a good point guard I might just go for two and then see I might go for two and then let the Knicks get one and um you know whichever one Falls which I would hope is Penny for the sake of our roster needs oh you could have our 97 pick and all this garbage uh for this yeah I think we have a oh we have the fourth pick I completely forgot about that screw want to keep both and who's in this draft uh this 97 pick don't got value to us anyways dang that's all right well I just gave up Blair rossmussen and the fourth pick and got the second pick just like I wanted the Knicks didn't even offer me anything the Jazz were willing to listen and speaking of willing to listen let's make one of our other trades I don't make many I honestly I'm not keeping track but I don't make many trades every year I just trade for some picks to keep pushing Sons they've been struggling even with Reggie Miller he's still there and they are still struggling I'm gonna assume that that's not the smartest team to trade with though hey NYX do Mars is getting old short is getting old you can win this year but give me a 96 and while we're at it give me 97 as well let's go oh my God it was so close that was all I had was Ricky P Pierce Alvin Robertson and an hour 97 first and it worked to Perfection we now have the second pick in the draft who will go first it is Chris Weber to New York and Seattle number two we will draft Mr Oscar Robertson Hall of Fame comparison Penny Hardaway welcome to Seattle it's our little uh you know Gary Payton replacement oh wow there goes Sean Bradley what I think uh what's his name Chrissy yeah Chris is an 84 so he is crazy but it's not what we need we got time and we don't need Chris Webber and obviously I had to load in this draft class that's the the truth is still the truth that Chris Weber is not in the draft class the normal one she's very odd 2K just I know you're not gonna fix it but you know come on dang everybody's a free agent holy hell we lined up these years badly but keem's a free agent Jordan's hey if we lost anybody I mean I would just go with the flow Barkley's a free agent I am down to pay that luxury tax I do not care I used all my offers oh man oh we were probably okay we got all of them I'll keep oh we didn't get Hakeem Hakeem left we signed with the magic which is the team that we stole all the picks from oh man that is crazy I I wasn't even really looking at contracts and there's our first casualty our first loss our multi-time MVP keema Lodge one goes to sign with uh I they really don't have a roster right now probably or you have to scroll all the way to the end for the expansion teams they have Dennis Rodman and Alden Paulie nice will he have any chance of beating us even with I don't know we got Shaq to basically replace him we just lost him at no cost like you know what I'm saying like there's nothing for him that's crazy uh let's try and at least get Kent back for the love of God you know temp is restricted and let's get shrimp back as well we don't got no other money Sean Kemp is trying to accept what the Sixers chill out what are you doing why are you doing this to us that is so crazy that Akeem left us after all we've been through maybe he wanted a challenge who knows I gotta check and see if anybody else become afraid and it's probably Ewing soon I might gotta trade them oh man the Ewing's got one year left Shaq is obviously stoner's rookie contract and you're moving to a new era thank you to Michael though for being loyal I appreciate it but man Hakeem what a snake even the team for Dennis what is Dennis is doing nothing you're not your average in rebounds for at least average in some mid rebound numbers doing Willie Anderson who the hell cares about Derrick Coleman Willie Anderson and Dennis Rodman you're about to smoke him this year Shaq getting that starting him out of old man I love when I'm like a couple years into something we're what 10 years in now just about just remember there's 90 years left uh yeah I might just force those last 60 or something you know committed to it I committed to it this might take multiple recording sessions but holy hell oh yeah I didn't even look at our lineup uh I guess oh you got it check starting yeah it was a new coach Lewis Moore was good yeah Jerome courtesy in the lineup and we still haven't lost the game this looks this looks fine to me we might look into trading uh Ewing uh now I guess I'm scared I'm honestly I might just see if we lose the minds man try to have fun let's see what let's see what do you get us on the trade block actually wait I forgot we could do contract extensions uh does he extension just says None it just says None no thought I guess we just go to the uh the trade deadline at least and think about it and then you know rethink things Patrick maybe we can you know sit down talk it over still none simulator I don't think it's Gonna Change no where is John Starks at get Lem bias on the sons thing he's on a one-year deal oh man Carl Malone on a four-year deal I'm I'm I mean I guess that's smarter than having Ewing but I'm good Smalling up in Houston putting up numbers with Kenny Smith actually not a bad trade we get some shooting finally for the first time in ever Florida was really intrigued then I saw it was actually Larry Johnson I passed up on for that one year and yeah he just signed a four-year deal 24 years old see if I could finesse this somehow if they got anybody else or anything like that all right I've been refraining from trying to get Sam Bowie it's been real deadlift shrimp it's been real Patrick going but like the smart move here in trade Patrick for uh Larry Johnson he's cooking and yeah whatever it's Larry Johnson all right I just traded with Miami Sam Bowie for their uh what's it called 98 first round pick wait was it 98 I don't know we got I might have got their 98 on accident whatever it is with a screw Sam but we uh we'll put Jerome Kersey in the lineup why not actually no we don't need that we can run a seven man about a bing bada boom go win another ring I am a loser by the way I'll be sitting here for like 20 minutes constructing some insignificant trade that he picks probably watch watch they probably gonna be this right now okay I hate this is gonna be garbage in 98 like I just sat here trying to trade Sam Bowie strategically for a minute because I didn't want him on this basketball team so are we only gonna lose one game this year even without Hakeem bad luck that is a bad look for Mr Hakeem Michael Jordan uh MVP almost said finals and people we're getting ready for that one Sean Kemp Sixth Man of the Year got a lot more minutes and Shaq most improved player of course we lost one game I'll go I'll go check who was against I didn't I didn't see it like while we were simulating I didn't notice is it really this early in the season oh it was mid-season to Detroit no clues on Detroit don't really care either oh Roy marble I don't know who this is but he's doing something right all right playoffs and uh what what team oh the Magic The Magic is Akeem Elijah won't just keep an eye he lost in the first round oh man we never lost like that before I don't know oh man we're playing the Pistons a team to beat us once couldn't they beat us again oh no if I give me another uh what's it called soon another expansion draft not yet though hey none of our picks became anything this year that's crazy uh 12th pick that's not that bad oh my God we just fleece the Kings I offered our 12th pick and all of our bums a second round pick for their 96 95 and 97 first round picks they were the worst team in the league this year they want to know 94 12th pick well let's see let's see who the hell I don't even know if we have a pick still I don't think no we definitely don't see the who the hell the 12th picking this rap would have been who cares about Clifford Rozier anybody I could have drafted I would have been interested in hell no they were all gone Eric Mobley is at Evans Evans father I have no clue Aaron McKee maybe any hardware way congratulations a nice little three-point dang he's older than Shaq was he like older and Shaq in real life this is true to the game I I don't know I've never I don't recall that I mean I wouldn't really recall that because I wasn't alive but you know oh I forgot this is kg's here I've just been thinking for some reason I think of 94 and 95 as the uh the year of Grant Hill and Jason Kidd but uh I take the Kings is a 95 pick I think I did that's good that's good see who else is trash I have too many players in my roster right now so let's try and finesse something why he picks so low value there we go Miami just gave me there 95 and 98 picks for Ronnie psych or Ronnie cycle or whatever the hell's name I was a kid I always used to read Ronnie Terry off as Ronnie Terry off but I think his is actually spelled with two ends I think I'm just stupid yeah we got we definitely have a basketball team still you know no no Hakeem but screw it would have used him to trade him for shoot something speaking of that yeah we got no no important players expiring this year that's good to know we're inching in on the Kobe and LeBron drafts and then could potentially dominate entire you know whatever the hell's honestly can we turn in season contract extensions to on for automation because low-key I'd be forgetting I am trying to simulate dog I'm excited for the 2000s as well I don't know who he losing to the Timberwolves man I do not care hopefully one of them 95 picks is good for us we bring in kg as well why not okay the stretch of drafts from like it's not nearly the same as bad but in 2K like 80s 8 to 92 is the same level of type that there is from like 98 to O2 Jordan Most Valuable Player for my bad 1998 because that's a dark year and Paul Pierce and Vince but uh Sean Kemp six-man first team we got up Jordan I don't see Akeem anywhere there he goes on the magic doing hell the same stuff he was doing here you don't get any more touches over there big dog yep we are oh we're playing them we are playing Hakeem we are also sweeping Hakeem Scottie Pippen wins a Finals MVP why not Kevin McHale is out of here Jeff ruined is out of here I want to say this is gonna be a really bad year for an expansion draft and guess what it is oh my God we are about to get cooked in the expansion draft uh any hey no picks oh it might be a good year to trade up then and what the hell happened Miami was that good and Sacramento was that good the Celtics are slated to get Kevin Garnett but we need to send to another Green Team you know it might be the year to trade Barkley actually this is trying to finesse something else it probably won't work we don't have a good enough good trash players heaters starting to get good so maybe we trade I was thinking about trading literally five first round picks and this dude a kg and just keeping everybody but wait actually expansion draft and kg would be the eighth player on the team why don't they gonna force me to release hey I I don't know I'll just at that point they just screw me over I will genuinely make it six first round picks and they still are not gonna take it you might have to trade Barkley for kg now this is the interesting part of this is like Ewing was a little bit different but like Barkley we drafted him first year he's been here the whole time obviously we lost Hakeem to unforeseen circumstances but it's always Bittersweet to trade someone like this and we're gonna have to do this a lot in this simulation if we want to uh you know stay afloat I'm gonna trade them Barkley they can give me their next year's pick you could have pick 21 see if this works it does not some more bums honestly I just I'll just I'm gonna get this trade done I've decided so thing I had to trade a lot for Kevin Garnett kg boy you better be worth it if anything this might be a little bit too well to be fair I only trade one pick from 97 all the other picks would have convert whatever either way I tried a lot sparkly and uh four picks for Celtics pick this year and next year Celtics you better be garbage I don't care if you have Charles Barkley I don't care uh I don't think I traded most of my bums so that hopefully they don't make me cut somebody I think that's the issue is that every other time I was trading my bums yeah here we go perfect so you can now keep Harvey great get a good good job get John Paxton out of here I just want to keep Harvey Grant because Horace Grant played with Jordan perfect the NBA draft the first overall pick Seattle we will easily be selecting a translucent what's the I'm sorry I'm so transcensional transitional transitional Trend no dissolved what am I talking about Spanish to English Kevin Garnett is a Seattle yeah I feel like he's gonna be oh who just got traded for the second Anderson and is that Miami's dang not Miami wait who the Celtics hey the Celtics say yo oh we got wait the Celtics went back and got mcdice that is bad for us oh man they went back and got another pick that is oh my God that's bad that is bad I have to like try and sabotage them or something or because I just traded for their pick damn we have another oh yeah yeah we have a couple picks all right pick number 14. everybody's gotta draft the players say all NBA or something I think it was uh I'll give you real or not Antoine Knox you're coming to this ah you're 23 years old never mind AJ Paul that's the one do we still oh no that was our only pick screw it we shouldn't even pick that guy but whatever it is what it is Kevin Garnett and AJ Paul welcome to the SuperSonics a beautiful Edition a ray Hughes why are you trying to get out of here stick around stick around I don't know what value you have here but screw it who cares you're here who's your like favorite Niche player that your team your man like okay I already know people in common with me like oh yeah Frankie lakina favorite Niche player of your team it could be any error you could be old young that your team gave up that you wish they didn't I don't know I'm just like feeling that right now as like I resigned 59 overall players go sign some more rotational players that will never hit the rotation Shaq is a 93 overall he is already the best player on our team he's slated to become better than Akeem ever was or and he's already better than Jordan never was which is crazy Mike has still been a multi-time MVP so it hasn't held him back at all hell Tendencies have carried him more than anything and we are on to the 1996 draft um I don't think they're missing anybody really so I might just keep the default stuff that being said we have a roster spots we signed too many players so screw it who Wanna just throw random players in there and uh just give me a 96 pick somebody Jesus Christ how many people did I sign screw it the Knicks want to give me 98 and 97 that works first right on there oh that that freed up dang how many people did I sign oxy and me Chris Gatling who's actually good in the 96 first screw it I'll take it finally going on to the season why the hell is bro oh cause I traded uh what's his name oh yeah Larry Johnson played the three or Pippin obviously Gatling you will come in clutch when we trying to trade up for a pick 81 overall man still got Lewis Moore running the show and uh kg you can earn you a little 20 minutes off the bench you know I'm saying it get ready for next year or whenever the hell I know I've been like rambling a lot we're only like 10 years in this video in this video probably hours long I really appreciate everybody that watches the videos just in general but like you know what's crazy let me actually I've never mentioned this before okay this is for the people that are here right now right I got a page on Instagram like on Instagram for years and I would run it during like spring breaks and winter breaks and everything and it was called NBA 2K dot rebuilds the last post on it my first ever video on YouTube I had like screen captured it and like put it as a post to like go subscribe to my YouTube channel I used to just post like post by post do rebuilds on Instagram because I didn't have like the YouTube equipment and stuff so you know I'm saying here we are now stuff Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player Dick's Man of the Year Sean Kemp again sorry Kevin Garnett that's true you guys play the same position I don't really care 79-3 Roy marble all NBA first team again hey how you doing Akeem well he finally get his points up it only took 15 years started the first seed though we're gonna click simulate playoffs we actually lost a game to Minnesota it's really weird uh Houston we're gonna play okay the bullets made it to the finals Washington Washington and we are going to sweep them there we go Penny Hardaway fine pay a penny I don't think I even said this but Penny actually or yeah I did actually I showed it hit him a two guard and he's that literally makes no sense why didn't I just make Micah too you know what Mike's Used to the one anyways watch it gets worse now he stays the same and he got better at the two it makes more sense Larry Bird has retired a watch out for them Warriors picks I gotta go hit up gold actually he was on the Hornets last year so I don't even know if any of these picks matter he was just jumping around from Team to team Hall of Fame inductees obviously him although we did ruin his career he won no MVPs only won one Championship we took Larry's whole career Larry and Magic I don't think Magic retired yet though uh I is there another expansion draft this year I have no clue he's gonna tell me there is let's go draft lottery saw Seattle once oh man that's bad that is bad that's really bad okay imma just click it it's not like we're gonna move up anyways all right we need to put in serious work we got three picks actually four picks outside three outside the lottery and one just barely in it that is that is awful Lux do some work all right we need to get uh Kobe being in them all right let's go four obviously top three picks Steve Nash as well is there we need that we need to get Kobe though we need to get Kobe this is the part like where I would actually start forfeiting some pivotal players like I I would maybe forfeit Pippin or even Mike I'm not gonna lie I would maybe forfeit Mike and that's Mike I don't know I'm just talking I want to be him like the hymn of NBA teams forever okay they're asking for Larry Johnson for the first pick I could probably finesse it let's try Mr Gatling they okay cool they have like cap space so I could throw them a bunch of trash players and throw them the 25th pick try this to start okay cool I'm 22 as well okay cool we got our own future pick now that's good I'm gonna just get back when I finish this obviously AJ Paul I just drafted you last year and that was a dude who said he had an All-Star potential and I know I just said I'd get back to you when I finish this but I just want to highlight I'm about to use this dude to try and get the first pick I think just one more pick will do it 25 or or one of the lottery ones is done we just got the first overall pick without trading anybody we we traded our own 2000 pick who are the trash picks that we had Chris Gatling AJ Paul from last year's 14th pick he came back to be worthy worthy of something at the very least we have guaranteed if we you know and if we want Kobe Bryant and I would be perfectly fine with getting uh you know just Kobe and AI I think that'd be a fun team to get Kobe Ai and Shaq like that's like the three staples of the 2000s plus Tim Duncan that he's next year and we could get him too but I I don't know we already have kg it's gonna be a lot of great players who might have to pass up on Sean Kemp expired expired oh man that's bad that is wait when did he get a player option oh that was when he tried to leave us oh and Penny's just Penny oh wait Shaq and Pippin Eric's oh man that's that's bad that's bad this is a bad year for that to happen too we might need to actually we might need to trade might need to give up on Larry Johnson for real let's see if you get Carl Malone I know you're old but I'll be honest I might break my trade rule this year I don't I don't even remember how many were at I don't count but you know it was just a general rule of thumb we get Larry Johnson okay cool they're they're fine they don't want that and we have our own pick in 1997. why I'm over this Fallen Iverson let's do it okay no I'm gonna get it done though I might trade Jordan next year for Tim Duncan No Lie let's try this uh Celtics first round pick would this work no I will give up the Kings one I will do it there it is we have the second pick in the draft and Carl Malone the reason why I say I might break the thing is because I I might trade Karl Malone I don't even know how many trades that is but I yeah I I just I uh can we flip him back for the third pick that's a pretty reasonable thing to do oh my God we can get the third pick just like that they've been cooking the Bulls or even draft Ray Allen I I gotta I gotta see both Ray Allen and Steve Nash are Hall of Famers but Alan is probably our Allen iris is probably gonna have to play point guard on our team for the future so I probably would choose Ray Allen he's also younger so yeah I'd probably choose Ray Allen with third pick that is a fantastic and I mean fantastic setup for the future Bulls are gonna be garbage after this let's see let's see if we can finesse them even more they are giving us their next year pick by default what are they doing did they just ask for one pick for all their picks is it it's just the this year's pick tried finessing them more and more and more but I'm just gonna straight up take I'm Gonna Keep It pushing about the limb bias I saw you on the thing take pick three and then next year is picked so you actually can they can they give me like a good player so they're actually worse let's see give me Brian Reeves or something you know then they start getting weird and put on like pick swaps and all this stuff so no no no no no screw you give me your pick straight up carmelon be trash thank you very much and just like that we've got all the picks in the draft uh I don't think we have anybody else that want to trade except for over the hell these two oh they're both expired and he's expired really the only people we could even trade left is Michael Jordan and Kevin Garnett and I don't want to do that so let's see just real quick I'm about to move up to what looks like the top 10 in the draft let's see Grizzlies are you finally it giving up Miami's pick in a in a pick later in this draft they're not it this draft is like relatively deep so I'm just gonna hope that someone Falls to like nine or something up there it is got number nine that's it I literally can't do anything I could do some other stuff but I'm not going to that dumb with the first pick in the draft Seattle SuperSonics will select hey what we're gonna give Kobe number one overall pick I Gotta Give It Iverson second overall so we now have Kobe and Mike on the same team Jesus Christ Alan Iverson will also be there and shout out to Steve Nash I love you really got Penny we already got AI wrote another Wing we've been you know we've been lacking on shooting we're gonna start the shooting off era a shooting era off hot Mr Ray Allen let's see if uh see if Steve Nash goes right after okay fifth overall pick gets traded for Dennis Hopson and goes to Marcus Camby and Swan Walker Eric I already know a very easy pick Stefan Marbury nut or there he is I was like what the hell maybe I don't know if he's it though I just say all NBA uh Sharif Abdul Rahim would be the other one probably for sure gonna pick one of those two I don't care about these other guys talking about some other stuff when you got pasia I didn't realize I Loki could have just stood where I was at and got one of these guys I'm not gonna lie but it's all good this is where they get you we have page of 100 100 scouting he's a B minus potential does say that Stefan's a C and sharif's A B minus though I'll go with Sharif I'm gonna go with Sharif Abdul Rahim right here is a 78 beautiful beautiful and yup Marbury went actually I think one pick before we would have picked at least say I got somebody you know so I saw gauskas too what a beautiful draft oh my God a lot of work in that Sean Kemp declined his player option and on top of that Shaq is a free agent so if I will believe Shaq yeah Shaq is a restricted free agent so that's that's that's a Dundee Mall the money he wants five years boom pin's also here we're gonna give him all the money he wants uh I can't give him a no trade claws though I think I wouldn't rather lose him to give him no trade claws though let me see wizards or The Warriors did give him a no trade claws don't give him the most money he can get with a player option but no no trade clock see what he says uh he's coming back all right cool at least he should Sean Kemp same for you buddy all right we got all three of our dogs back that's beautiful my brethren as of right now we do not have to recap this team we have Jordan Pippen Shaq and Kobe on the same team Kevin Garnett Sean Kemp Penny Hardaway Allen Iverson and Ray Allen do I need to say anymore three popular he might not even make the rotation is that who I thought it was at the bottom of our bench wait I gotta go look at that again I thought it was David Robinson oh my you could fully uh Center date D Robin and I could have sworn we're going to extend it to a nine-man rotation still primarily running the starters but holy hell look at the team run up the season get it over with most poetic thing would be if I traded Jordan for LeBron oh yeah forget a Bill Russell challenge by the way oh we actually only have 10 rings I thought we had more but yeah here it is actually here it goes in the 11. Shaquille O'Neal most valuable player Michael Jordan on the wing Lewis Moore 76-60 probably honestly lost more games by playing our youngins but I really don't care the first round beat the second round lost the game let me make sure we don't lose she lost another game to the Nuggets play the Wizards in the finals I don't know if they're the Wizards yet or no they're still bullets and that is it Kevin Garnett Finals MVP and if we really we finessed a couple number one overall picks like real easily we hit him up the Purvis short haul of Fame inductee ceremony whatever oh man the perv is short the draft lottery I don't know what picks we oh my I just saw two Sonic's picks eight and nine anyway those move up nope they stayed eight and nine but that's okay kago and Sacramento's picks what's crazies I know I've been talking about Tim Duncan but you know team mag game too I'm not gonna trade for both of them I'm going to trade for one of them though I mean if you're wondering how I uh got all these picks again I think I just signed too many players again in trade findered a bunch of picks that's really it took whichever one's popped up I didn't like like you know sniff him out or something we could just trade Scotty Pippen straight up for Christian Laettner in the first pick just about but uh I'm okay on that especially they're not even really valuing the pick like that much just give him Terry Davis give him the eighth pick in fact give him the ninth pick him cycling gonna throw in Sean Kemp I wouldn't be even perplexed at that decision when Kevin Duckworth 27th pick and our 2001 unprotected first and I really thought that was gonna work I thought I'd just put on a Master Class by the way there's still like one or two more expansions reps so we are bound to get cooked honestly I finessed let me just get eight eight and nine for one oh yeah they're gonna throw in Sean Camp for sure on one of our garbage low picks thousand one from Ronnie and call today okay bet I'll throw the other dude and call it a day hey I'm giving you eight and nine buddy I knew you were gonna take it Tim Duncan is mine honestly I'm down to trade Sharif abdulrahim for number two and get tmac I am definitely down for that him Kevin Duckworth this 27th pick I should take all this other stuff and have 15 instead fine take all the picks screw it give it give it to us give it to us hey but the first pick in the NBA draft the Seattle SuperSonics will select Tim Duncan and with the second pick in the NBA draft oh yeah you already know it's easy we trading up the ninth pick for the second pick using some other picks with some other picks he's an 86 out the gate I don't know what year the Bobcats or Hornets or whatever the hell of the Vancouver Grizzlies get out of but I am terrified for it think it might be next year hey Hakeem how you been doing you've been winning oh no I'm not gonna accidentally sign too many players if anything I'm just gonna sign these three guys and simulate the rest I keep on signing too many people on accident like that sounds like a lie but I'm not lying this time Michael Jordan is a 91. he's regressing not gonna lie the expansion draft came around you're gonna be getting sent somewhere he would be in Vancouver by tomorrow I totally forgot about this rap and I'm probably not gonna cheer for anybody I'll be honest with you what's this hand spoon to feed me the picks also didn't have any extra players this year so I didn't get any Mickey Mouse picks I also got to make Iris in a point guard forgot about that you know it's funny is that after all those use of me struggling to get the correct positions again like too many big men by getting the best players available now have the correct you know five-man rotation on the starters and on the bench c-mac not even playing you know like a point guard shooting guard like a whole depth chart looking thing on that note let me see what Michael Jordan's going for I might wait for the draft to be honest but I really plan to trade him for Tim Duncan I don't really care to trade him for Vince Carter only two offers are Roy marble and Michael Finley I mean if I take off I could I could get Nash but I really don't care I have everybody that's Elite let's see if it's an expansion here I'll trade him but aside from that I really he gonna be around Chris Weber wins most valuable player in New York to be fair we are running a 10-man rotation so uh you know I have to eat with like a bunch of young players getting a bunch of minutes so it's not the easiest for Shaq to win it every year you know a leading to make an old NBA team win the first round when the second round probably when the third round shoot I don't at this point if we lose we deserve oh man Chris Weber picks a game off of us what does he think he is Iverson oh wow although the irony Magic Johnson has given up dang why you ain't to come sign over here come on dog and they got Michael stoffer and Matthew Stafford James Worthy retired alongside them they always have to roll together oh no let me see oh man no expansion draft yet that is beautiful there was to be an expansion draft right now assuming that I'd keep all the young players who'd probably lose Jordan Pippin and Sean yeah they would all be cooked oh wow I just saw two SuperSonics picks I know it was just one and we get number 12. looks like it'd be very easy to trade it for dirk which is pretty funny all right well uh to plan for the future I'm about to trade Sean Kemp for the third pick which obviously will be on our roster in two seconds but also every single pick that they own although we have yet to reach 2003 which kind of sucks because I wish I could get that one and also this might actually make them too good they also have Steve Nash so this might just be stupid overall at the end of the day we're getting the third pick so there you guys there actually I believe yeah Jordan's a free agent thankfully I did not make pip in a what's it called no trade claws I could get pick one and Kenny Smith for him but I'd trade three so never mind why does it show me the Vancouver they did not get an expansion team yet right but then they got wait did they get one what oh was all them years ago oh oh they came in at the same time of the Raptors I believe yeah yeah yeah we're just waiting for the Hornets we're just waiting for one more okay that's that's intriguing so that one's in like 03 actually so we might be good but hey I'll take the third pick anyways sure let's keep this let's keep this moving first pick Houston picks Vince Carter second pick Antoine Jameson wow they leave both on the board for me I think he appears to be Larry Bird or Dirk said to be Bob Pettit uh honestly uh Pierce is pro I mean yeah Pierce is probably the better fit for us but I don't really care a big Dirk on the team he could even play the three if need be they've got Paul Pierce I'm gonna use a pick we still got some more in this draft I think Richard Lewis right here they're sleeping on him that's it Eric welcome to the team oh man all of them are team player whatever the hell we drafted four players in the same draft like should we traded one of them thankfully oh Jordan is a free agent oh yeah yeah I forgot I completely forgot all right all right all right um Mike if you want to move on it's up to you bro my brother my brother I'm not gonna give you a no trade clause because it's a lose-lose regardless oh yeah you're gonna give him a one plus one with a no trade clause that's a deal that he likes the most I'm not gonna trade him in the time frame anyways why not Michael you're gonna resign probably yep there he is is and get the hell out of free agency I'm tired of this garbage my God Iverson's a 95. Jordan's down to a 90. he's now stuck here for well just a year and they're still giving Michael the starting spot over Kobe I really don't care to be honest and Dirk's not even the rotation and I also don't care about that I'll be I Kevin Garnett wins Most Valuable Player on our team using 17 and wait what was that 12 rebound six assists Antoine Jameson Rookie of the Year elsewhere because holy hell we took ever all right we didn't even take all the working 78 and Ford and we lost a lot of we lost a lot of games at the end of the season said that so genuinely like it wasn't for uh Kevin Garnett finals MP won another one Isaiah Thomas and Manute Bol retire Isaiah is out of here and makes the Hall of Fame rap lottery I don't know if we have picks oh I just saw one the eighth pick jump up it did not jump up it went down actually pretty sure I genuinely do not want to get within 10 feet of this draft this is the draft with uh what's his name it's not the draft with Gilbert Arenas so I genuinely do not care Gilbert's good in this game all these other guys suck Tony Parker is pretty all right but did I not see Tony Parker oh Sean Marion's crazy too actually oh I have a pick so I mean I might as well just go see what will get me I can't trade Michael Jordan I'm Baron David who the hell is Tony Waters Wally Zerby at Elton brand that was what I was hoping for either him or oh I didn't even realize Rick Hamilton was in there well I said I wanted Sean Marion uh Marlon's pretty good too but let me scoop up a 2K God I got another pick as well screw we'll take Jason Terry and another pick Jesus Christ we even keep all these players see with that being said go and talk to uh actually I'll make sure there's nobody sleeping in down there he's all right well I just traded another pick do I have another pick wait is that that's a Knicks I'm tweaking them to you all right all right no I I traded them I'll show you in a second here you go Kevin Mutombo who was only like a 78 overall doing my own first round picks a Mavericks first round pick and another Mavericks first round pick oh that was this year three rockets picks because they are garbage look at this rocket scene real quick they have Kenny Smith old body self and Frankie Jones I oh I just realized I'm not gonna lie I just realized the advanced Carter but I really don't this team is so garbage and I just took all their picks and I don't care I'll take these two picks those Sean Marion Jason Terry Mavericks Legends Michael Jordan declines his player option Kevin Garnett's a free agent too oh man and I wasn't trading the MVP to be fair oh yeah he's all right never mind he's restricted he'll be just fine Jordan wants a two-year again we'll give him a two-year Max coming back again he's loyal he's loyal and not I think I forgot to offer no lie I forgot to offer Kevin Garnet I am so stupid wait no oh yeah no this is it yeah this is the match offer I'm so dumb but I realized thankfully he's restricted you could have thank you that works we have too many players you could just sign bums at this point I got Richard Lewis on the bench all these guys Colby Iverson Shaq are the three best players on this team Duncan following right behind them I would make Duncan a four but Garnett just won MVP so screw it been enjoying the cooked I'm probably gonna end up trading Pippin for like Gilbert Arenas this year Magic Johnson Jr what the hell is going on well Gilbert's next year oh yeah no this is the worst this is the even worst draft oh my God you know ain't nobody getting traded thankfully Jordan signed a two-year oh my God we lost the Mavericks twice I had to go and see who it was it's Sean Kemp they're not even that good they're like 500. Allen Iverson wins most improv Most Valuable Player I'm I'm yup yup you lost me all Pierce most improved player and I'm passed up on him 78-4 out to Sean Kemp for the first team appearance I don't care about anybody else home all the way to the finals once again and we're playing the Knicks 40 sweep Iris and 97 overall finals MVPs cooking it was worth trading for the second pick and then we got the third and the fourth event Dennis Rodman retires with the Lakers he does not make the Hall of Fame oh Patrick Ewing retired and after 15 years that's correct it's barely been any time since we traded him yeah probably like five years yeah just just over six close enough said him no rings he finishes his career with seven of them and uh whoa oh we did retire Jersey but the Sixers did too and with no ring or do really anything but hey lottery I don't think I plan to have any picks and I don't have any picks one Dallas pick that is 26. oh yeah cause I wait yeah because I took all Dallas's picks and now they're good which sucks trade these two Mavs picks and I don't got no players to trade that's crazy Jason Terry's cool actually I I to trade Michael eventually this is not the draft to do it and it just really isn't I know he's barely even good anymore but still I mean wait did we just go and get Magic Johnson Jr I've honestly never seen this guy before in the draft class I think they just loaded him in for the first time out of jokes six four a little bit shorter kind of looks more like Martin than Magic Johnson but like he doesn't look like either at the same time did I trade Michael Jordan from Magic Johnson Jr because here's the thing Jordan ends is free and see you again next year he's gonna fall off to be pretty funny girl where's Pippin too Pippin's 34 as well uh might as well just keep all the young players yeah it still started every single game this year and so did Scotty Scotty and Mike have started every single game for this team for like over a decade that's this is pretty sad There It Is Michael Jordan it took me three first round picks too and Michael Jordan has been traded the Golden State Warriors for Magic Johnson Jr I have no clue what in the living hell to expect from this guy he's not even real there's nobody else in the draft that I would possibly want and also I just realized that almost every one of our players expired this year so maybe we should just need magic John maybe just Magic Johnson is the answer I don't I don't know exit the rest of the draft nobody else here is a notable notability it's an 82 overall I think I already said that I don't I don't even know anymore it's been in a hard way to climb their player options McGrady novitski Lewis and Duncan are in team options Ray Colby and Iverson are also free agents so we have five of them individually throw this at Iris he want it yes he does same thing at Kobe same thing at Ray Allen dang why are they trying to cook rayon oh wow I legitimately used all my offers and I can't even offer Penny or Pippin okay thankfully they all accepted Penny and Pippin are still here probably gonna offer Pippa this much screw it and we got all of them back it's a very nasty turn of events to trade Michael Jordan from Andrew Johnson Jr I swear I'ma say the junior every single time also Scotty you are definitely going to and I just gave you 50 million for what you are getting traded for Gilbert next offseason I'm sorry to tell you buddy and he's the number one rank AA Scotty you better be still pulling that you could start this one last year I think I have shoot a couple players of small forward yeah cold BT all right Kobe's obviously starting now this is one of the dumbest videos I've ever made but I love it that is when I go to extension always it just says None and turn extensions off like maybe you know pray to resign check wait no why I just I just completely forgot check was even here like like I I don't know how but I just forgot he was here well there Shaquille O'Neal ladies and gentlemen can we just see what he would be on the market for fun all these years we're gonna lose somebody again like how we did Akeem and it's gonna be funny kg wins another MVP Tim Duncan Sixth Man of the AG all NBA first team obviously idiots we're gonna lose the game this year no not yet to the Knicks maybe hell no we didn't lose any games Iverson another Finals MVP one day we'll go back and look at how many finals we won straight but you could probably count it up uh what's his name Michael Jordan did not retire yet Chris Mullen did though he calls it quits he had a Colo career giraffe Lottery ah do we have any picks SuperSonics number three via Houston and we move down to four but that should make it much easier to get Mr Gilbert Arenas the reason why I want him so bad is because he's usually crazy and simula he's insane I would give Scotty and number four or all of their picks ever I don't know they might might drive somebody good I don't really have anybody bet oh we have this guy but give him Jason Terry never mind no we can't they keep their old five pick worry about that then the rock is really clutching up for us giving us number four oh man just keep keep sucking until O3 Paul same with you Miami let's see uh I'll just I got everything except for you and Sean that a little bit off for this pick and nope oh for the second round pick and come on sadly I had to trade all that just for this year's pick like Scotty Chanel in the first round pick no five but it's all good it's all right you're gonna get Gilbert for whatever reason just because he's young and not Scottie Pippen oh we're gonna have to trade somebody for uh some players or some somebody's for some players in a few years when you know Mr James is on the board because we know how he likes to take over like we could probably cook him every year but like we get LeBron it's over we're getting the 18 year old who's gonna be the best player in the league within a year for now let's focus on this Draft Seattle number one easy easy Guild with Arena oh yeah wait we didn't trade the other pick I forgot well this is uh on the what's it called The Scouting Prospect uh Pau Gasol Tony Parker Jason Richardson let's see we'll just we'll just keep the pick screw it go to it uh who's still available Jason Richardson and Tony Parker got picked well they made that easy like a big pow we got pal Kobe and Shaq all together beautiful hey you know what I'm I'm a like I'm a let I'm not gonna like Shaq wall I'm gonna offer him this five-year big body deal I'm not gonna give him the no trade claws give him a player option she want to do a Shaq let me see what is it you okay yeah he wants to come back he does he's logical he's a logical man he's getting a little bit more more money from us oh my God Magic Johnson Jr our 10th man I have can I see if this guy's like a replica duplicate that's trying to see his jump shot to be honest with you oh my God oh my God it's it's magic yeah it's definitely Allen Iverson Leia package so he learned that one in practice he is quite does he have the passing style too let me see the passing style and Hino got none get magic screw it give it to him you gotta have it at the end you got everything else magic you might as well that is Magic Sun this rip bro I've done plenty of these and I've never seen Magic Johnson Jr I almost want to start him yeah join your spot buddy if you're him you're on your spot on Iverson wins MVP I think again I feel like he won it already you know second time second time Jason Richardson wins Rookie of the Year and Sixth Man of the Year and I don't care about the rest of the losers once we lost 10 games so what happens when you trade Mike and Pippin that's what's up that's what's up yeah look at that we lost the game in the first round no we need we need a real new Alpha Dog I'm sorry coach now they they we gotta have this this discussion they cook Kobe in 2K they make Kobe garbage in 2K we need a real dog Jesus Christ we lost two games in the conference who's who's selling these in these losses these so-called losses EG Magic Hey Magic Johnson's dude about to get cut over there shooting oh for two in both games get him out the rotation for now for now you'll be back later this this is better um I don't know if I should be scared of the Knicks or what no they went to game seven like twice uh or whatever game five game seven we got it look at us though we're starting to get a little shaky out there you know Michael Jordan has retired trading them at a pretty solid time five MVPs 14 championships uh you know I don't feel like so attached to him because I know we have like another million years to go but it was beautiful we had beautiful times 14 Rings 14 and Hakeem Olajuwon is also retired we had eight rings together and he decided to leave we also won uh from 1988 to 2000 straight and we have not stopped winning ever since he left Jordan or Hakeem in that case and Mark Jackson Knicks oh David Robinson quit good for him yeah he finally realized even Brad made the Hall of Fame well there goes Carl too another man who sat on the team for two seconds so sadly we are only in the Yao Ming draft and we have the fourth pick from Houston again it moves down to five we always move down but it's okay who the hell would I aside from Amari and Yao yeah I genuinely really like most of our young players we have I mean I would say Richard Lewis hell even sean Marion when I get straight I could probably trade pal for number one and then get Yao Ming this Bucks team has been trying to get rid of Christian Laettner so much Chase offered me him for Gilbert Arenas they are tripping you have him from it for air hell maybe for pal I don't know I mean Marcus Camby is 28 hasn't really been that long since the 96 years he's just old oh he's just old I mean Iverson's 27. yeah if you ever do any type of draft do not draft Grant Hill he is not him I've noticed this previous observation hey Penny is already that oh yeah he was drafted the year after Shaq I forgot and they're the same age I'ma just draft whoever the hell goes to us in this one first pick Yao second pick Amari up as expected not Doc Rivers Jr is funny hey you ever heard of Austin or give me uh give me Jay Williams who the hell I mean so RB Berea is pretty funny all right yeah give me Jay and uh because I literally can't trade or draft the pick whatever trade the pick because I didn't have roster spots or money or whatever and Kevin Garnett declined his player option Derek and Richard Lewis and Rashard Lewis already just be around for real who is that that ain't who I think it is hey is that Bernard King Jr oh my God give me matter of fact give him a four-year deal I have to trade him for Braun but it's a thought that counts I'm gonna have to trade him right now with the point stands uh yes use 2003 draft class we're finally here I've been waiting I literally have to trade slash cut Jay Williams and Bernard King Jr I have to I have to cut one of them all right well I guess the Raptor is supposed to suck or something so in this 03 pick Jay Williams Bernard King you're sorry Bernard but I I have to all right cool uh Steve Francis Jason Terry Christian Laettner and their picks in the next two years I I just have to fill out another roster spot or whatever open up screw it sorry Jason Terry it's been real buddy there you have oh man we are entering the Kobe era uh If Only They knew we had Kobe for the past six years he's like six rings already yeah he quite literally has six straight Rings he's the best player on our team as of right now we got Ray Allen starting at the three over T-Mac I mean hey you do what you want I guess Magic Johnson Jr is a 90 and Penny is capped out in 87. I think we see who we're probably gonna be trading for like the LeBrons of the league after I get Brawn I'm chilling for a minute screw Dwight Howard I'm about to send 20 years with Brian we bought a ball in on a budget Evan Garnett another MVP hey screw everybody else hey what's good yeah a hard dropped for a second because I thought we lost because we're on the bottom like portion I I are we always on the bottom portion of the final just saw us winning on the top and then all of a sudden wait the Knicks have a better record or something like why no they just screw them trying to confuse me all right player retirements oh it's been real Charles Barkley goes to go man right there he's going to the Hall of Fame and he's gonna get his jersey retired by us to the draft lottery thankfully there is no what's it called expansion this year but we have the third best odds and that is it and we move up to two that is beaut that is good that is good let's see I forgot all about Carmelo as well and Bosch and Wade I probably will skip out on Bosch but nah I don't know they want AI Dirk this is nasty for number one who you all know who that is LeBron James just another just another normal dude oh dang they gotta give money back oh this is tough uh give us Doc Rivers Junior yeah we don't care about him I will mortgage every single part of this future just to make sure hey who else we got on this bench Pau Gasol on them oh they're expired hey everybody else still available though that's perfect Magic Johnson he was gonna say regardless I'll do this I'll do this trade okay no look let's do it I really don't care I want the first pick hey Alan for Doc Rivers Junior are you pick the 20th pick and call today come on dog could have 16th I don't care take one of them Tracy McGrady for DOT bro are you on crack I was really trying to work out a three-team trade but then I kept on going to this team and being like hey would you give me another first round pick he's not saying this trade looks acceptable to me oh there we go yep oh it doesn't look so anymore huh all right screw it the Expedition begins Dwyane Wade you trying to come over here hell no I'm giving you no unprotected 2004 pick hey you're gonna have to give me yours hey I will give you this 2007 pick call it a day please thank you all right so that that secures the third pick honestly I'd rather just trade I might just give up they're pissing me off trying to get everybody so I'm gonna just go ahead and offer this pick three for one I I really do not bro you can give me Doc Rivers you give me Gary Payton I will give you another pick I want the first pick simple oh I care you could have the second pick here you go oh my God I might have just trade Shaq for it that's that's the point I'm getting to with these people I have never been through such a grueling trading experience as trying to get the first pick for LeBron James it's like they know and it's terrifying me because I'm currently offering Ray Allen and three firsts for Gary Payton trash self I'm about it I'm about to go and get a Doc Rivers Junior at this point I think I was just getting trying to get him like two seconds ago look at that even that they don't want just give all the picks and for Doc Rivers I really don't care if you give another random first I do not care please holy hell bro the Bulls robbed me dry I find I finally got my karma after the entire video Jesus mother of God I had to give up 87 overall Christian later I had to give up my 03 first round that was a pick I just traded for right here which was the fifth pick in the draft so I had to give the fifth pick in the draft and 87 overall no five first rounded from the Jazz and 04 first round from the Bucks an 07 first round for the Timberwolves an 0-5 first round from the Timberwolves all for the first pick in the draft and a 71 overall Doc Rivers Junior I swear to God Doc Rivers if you want the greatest player if you are in Austin times 12 I swear doc times 42 I swear to God well guess what now we have the top three picks in the we have we have them we have the top three picks it only took it almost it thankfully or I don't know I don't really know but we we ended up I I tried to trade Ray Allen for it the first pick and I would have been perfectly fine with that but instead I had to trade all of our draft Capital ever and here we are I I I don't even care about Chris Bosh at this point just give me the other three and please call today with the first overall pick we will select LeBron James with his second overall pick we will select Carmelo Anthony with the third overall pick we were select Wayne Wade right right yeah just making sure yeah Hall of Fame all NBA oh yeah we'll go Hall of Famer Chris Bosh and Jarvis Hayes wow what a draft there's trade no Kirk Heinrich I I mean I traded all my picks ever for LeBron so it better pan out I mean it's going to it's literally going to but why are they tell me to decline pal Gasol's trip I might have to trade him though before the season because I think we ran out of roster spots probably just straight Doc Rivers JR try itself I I really do not care about I don't even want to see him let's try and make our picks back take Wally zerbiak in this pick I don't even know if the team's good I think uh uh honestly screw Doc Rivers is fine by me give me Larry Johnson this top three protected Spurs pick bring back Larry just keep Larry for a year I really could not care less I wanted to actually like watch our team win Rings again I've been sitting here trying to trade for LeBron for like 40 minutes he's not even gonna play for like four years but it'll be worth it in the long run somehow after all that rotation is still the exact same we're still going to win a ring shout out to Michael Jordan for real AG wins another MVP Chris Bosh rookie of the year oh wow it's on Miami I just I don't know why it took me that long to realize that uh Lewis more we yeah we clicked simulate simulate the play offs the playoffs thank you again Knicks John Starks retired oh man hella made one All-Star appearance that's that's actually kind of sad oh yeah so did Scottie Pippen God you already know eight-time All-Star 14 time champ it's his 35 that's nasty retired with this with the uh sadly we never got to see him play because while we're too good we're better than everybody oh no is it time for the league realignment oh no oh no as of right now we can only keep eight players and we have we have 15 and all but two of them are under 30 years old we're cooked we are cooked just look at the draft lottery for the hell I bet Bulls Kings all right well I guess we're gonna be rocking with Andre Iguodala or something like that I should have rejected the the new team now that would be against the rules uh I mean to be fair all right well look just like that 28 year old Ray Allen is being traded for any any pics you guys want to lock me real quick oh wait real quick yeah um I'm dropping right Allen and Larry Johnson off to the Kings for the first pick in the draft to get Dwight Howard and that will serve us a player to draft so we don't lose him forever so there goes Ray Allen see you right um next up it's gonna get real crazy Jesus Chauncey Phillips is a 97. Shaquille O'Neal is this really the team I'm betting on let me let me see if I find the bit worse team possible all right so what I'm trying to do here is a shack to one team trade this team's entire picks to the other team the checks team ends up good but they don't know it's gonna be good because I'm trading Shaq to him I'm gonna take the pics of the team that has nobody and I think it's actually going to be bad I know this is like insanity right here I'm giving Shaq to the Nets right yeah so Jesus Christ I just had this trade to the point where I tell my we're both one of them is interesting one of them's not and now all of a sudden they're just not interested everybody just lose like we're about to just lose the the play players or whatever I oh yes I'm out of finesse Charlotte for every single pick they have including number four Helen Houston Kirk Heinrich gets someone bad enough to want to release him as well who cares perfect do it oh never mind got the second round pick hey this lesson when I was off for you there you go perfect just took every single one of Charlotte's picks all right I worked so hard to get all these players and now I'm gonna lose them all raptors number two pick who you got you're all you all suck I'm about to just straight up just trade my dogs there and take all their picks here's my game plan right yeah I think I think this is the plan about We Are Gonna Save the first five for Kobe Iverson Duncan Garnett McGrady and the last three we have to trade Shaq Magic Johnson Jr Dirk Nowitzki Gilbert Sean Marion all all within the next couple of seconds so let's start off with check offer him for this Insanity going on over here okay that didn't work when he picks we can get them we have all these Bobcats one now instead we'll give you a king's one I don't really have anything else to do like you know what I'm saying so I'll I'll give you guys uh that's cool Magic Johnson's a free agent maybe I can find a way to finesse to keep him wait is Gilbert a friend agent Gilbert okay so dark in here all right now I'm literally just gonna give the the players to these two teams equally I'm gonna give the top two teams you know you guys already suck the Raptors would you take this no still no somehow I don't I don't know I'm just gonna offer it oh they got Bernard King Jr hey honestly just give me four picks and give me Bernard King Jr I'll even give you a picture just leave me alone and take Shack all right just take Shack bro I I Really they not want Shaq I'm so confused well if you're not interested in Shack I mean you want uh also that I can't lob my entire like pick my entire team what am I talking about I don't know but like this draft isn't even good not even getting Chris Paul I'm just getting Iguodala and Annie Granger or something Michael Jordan Jr oh they gotta chill out he's a starter bro he kind of looks like Jordan how do they not want Shaq for three picks please take a pic and get get this man off my hands for the love of God oh my please thank you thank you holy hella I've just been trying to move on craziest Dirk's value isn't even all that but I can get Chris Bosh I don't know how exactly I'd pull that off though yo here go the Bulls again the same team that wouldn't give me the brawn picked I'm a valuable asset Jarvis Hayes who the hell is Jarvis Hayes I don't really know what old man Eldridge is worth but I I'm getting the sixth pick for Sean Marion let's go ahead and do that see it's showing no Dirk and Elders in there see if they'll give me anything just for nothing really there is something I've been looking for a pick too I could refrain on your 05 pick just let me see if I get 06 and 07 and oh wait honestly you could have the six pick in the draft for it you yeah uh no it's it's dirt all right I'm going to do the original trade from the trade finder I give up uh give me what's the name Ian Owens and pick two for dirt I don't even want any of these picks literally don't want them at all but here we are you know actually matter of fact not loading a custom draft class real quick there's one very important player that is not in the draft class there he is the goat we have a 99 potential for all I care no I won't I won't all right can we see the expansion thing so I have dude if I get screwed over at this point I mean I you know who I'm keeping you know I'm keeping the top dog I got eight people I get to keep that's if they make Gilbert leave even though he's not even technically on the roster right now he's a free agent so be it bang bang hey hey give D Wade oh yep here it is they're trying to take Gilbert from me that'll succeed the maximum amount hey oh man do we actually do we keep Gilbert or D Wade should I wait can I still trade right now oh I can't Gilbert's team options I might just trade d-way there's a few reasons why I'm out of trade Dwyane Wade to the Philadelphia 76ers for some garbage it is Dwyane Wade gone with a Nets pick that because Shaq's on the net so I was like screw it whatever um first and foremost he uh joins rejoins an old friend of his goddess Haslam who is also on the Sixers um secondly I feel like if I am able to protect Gilbert that will help the Bobcats pick be worse because I just traded them some garbage and most of the players that are not being protected are also garbage because I took all the rest of them look always is gonna be gone uh can I can I trade this Owens deal for someone worse screw it put him on a team that's not uh that's not them are they saying this Phoenix pick is good give me it then thank you at least uh do you know what let's just keep going on the food chain I'm not gonna give him somebody good for them all I care give me a lot of protective pick a Dallas congrats uh all right so this dude's gonna be my new uh yup expansion player that I will not be protecting Tyler Christie and the reason why I did that is so that the Bobcats picks that I trade the entirety of for will be worse and not have uh Gilbert Arenas so we'll keep Gilbert Arenas Dallas I don't control Dallas screw Dallas this is the only good player I've seen was Larry like really good player I seen was Larry Johnson yeah it's just this issue that too it's them versus them but look after that it's all mid beautiful Luke Walton out there in the draft nice nice so they'll be they'll be trash eventually Larry Johnson's like 35 and now we have like every pick in the draft if we literally have the top four at least um obviously I'm picking I don't know why it's saying Sean Livingston I'm picking Dwight number one I'm just gonna it's because I loaded in the draft class like three seconds ago it's not showing me comparisons anymore I'll just pick who I know is him Dwight Howard number one it's literally telling me that a Mecca okaforce sucks Tracy Morgan Jr what what what different lanes are we tapping into here when I'm filling is a um Iguodala pick here and after that give me give me fake luau dang go with him here technically I could trade these picks now to be fair too I don't really want these picks I could go get like a good player to play on a basketball team but to be honest all these guys suck anyways oh we go get Sean Marion back let me try and flip Sean back for the pick that I just traded we got Sean Marion back with one of those we still got this pick and screw it hold on they tell me Dwyane Wade isn't Untouchable I might be able to recover some of our assets you could have this son's pick too I I really Dwyane Wade is back let's go I I had to trade a ton but we got Dwyane Wade back for the sixth pick somehow uh thing I should have I should have got Jr still who cares um we drafted three of the best players in the draft Jesus Christ the Mecca's in 84. I'll take it it's off season we lost Dirk we lost Shaq we lost Ray Allen and we lost Dwyane Wade and Sean Marion but we went back to recover Dwayne Wade and Sean Marion they are back I'm happy to welcome them back plus Dwight Howard plus Luol Deng and plus Iguodala happy I'm happy to say you know all these things and Gilbert are you kidding me you're trying to decline this team option to get the hell out of here let's go resign Magic Johnson Jr as well he's gonna be a pivotal piece now which is disgusting man that expansion giraffe definitely try to set us back and it did a little bit screw Jeff Foster I don't care about him holy hell I have been recording for six hours and 46 minutes this is great I'll be Bryant why are you regret I think he's just Plateau to 25 that's fine Ron's getting better all of them okay cool we now have to win a ring without a lot of players but we still have kg we still have Tim yeah we're still we're still the SuperSonics whatever that's supposed to mean all right cool Lebron and mellow will get in the rotation this year uh D Wade Marion will chill outside of it a little bit head coach Zachary Williams why is he trying to play the bench so much so honestly this this whole thing works for me triangle offense is our best screw it go with the triangle why do we just lose the Spurs playing the triangle the triangle offense even still an accessible like system Proficiency in the modern day like can you even use that and why are we losing games to normal people Chauncey Billups Most Valuable Player yeah I think I passed up on him in the draft ones 1997. yeah I drafted Dirk over him I mean that's Dirk though to be fair the Dirk on the most improved or no never mind that's 75 seven Dirks on the first team at least I didn't I don't really care though can we just win again they were in the finals playing the Nets playing Shaq I believe Shaq can probably try all he wants but he loses yeah there goes thank God I just traded that pick for D Wade his child's and Gary Payton retired with Chris Childs made the Hall of Fame that whole thing wasn't lying I'm so happy there will never be another expansion draft Jesus Christ what is going shark we have Charlotte's pick it's the third one and we moved up to one let's cool who it is we're bringing back the banana boat except was Bosch on the banana boat I don't really I don't know I can't think um yeah Chris Paul is we got him that's one hell of a way to make up for last year I don't think there's anybody else I want from his draft aside from Miss Paul it's crazy as Iverson's turning 30. we have to trade him one of these days today is not that day I'll just go in bro we gotta get moving let's just go and draft the dog we got so lucky it's Paul welcome to Seattle Hawks is traded the second pick for Jason Terry draft Brian Vincent what is going on this draft is awful Bulls are straight pay for Jalen Rose oh man oh we have another pick Andrew Bogut okay yes real crazy I'm gonna trade it for a future pick I'll be honest next year's draft kind of sucks but screw this pick has a lot of value who's on this team what wait oh it's the Kings okay okay but it's the Warriors pick yeah I'll take this pick let's get the hell out of here there's Paul here let's go uh Lebron hey LeBron all you guys I love you guys just re-sign oh hopefully Shaq leaves that team I think I still got a pick or two from the team Gilbert you about to go get your bag and so is Iris and so is Kobe uh Kobe is Young I am not trading him anytime soon he can get that no trade claws five years Iverson uh I can't guarantee that I'm gonna give you a player option all right he's still cool with us Gilbert you're restricted buddy you have no choice how how are you not wanting to this is the max contract you don't like the max contract here you go have a player option screw it you didn't like that even more don't even have a player option what the hell do you want buddy I'm giving you the max contract I think Chauncey has no offers they know he's a fraud all right we got all our dogs here I really want to check to be around here longer and trade them later but it is what it is I had to break up Kobe and Shaq that quick runs in 93 now though so that's always a good thing Kevin Garnett another MVP he won 80 games I think we're doing just fine simulate playoffs so he lost in the first round and we win the finals again gotta love it any close games ever uh no not really we play Shaq shot wait Jack went and joined Bosch in Miami well that's pretty that's pretty interesting Shaq left anyways and interest interesting maybe you would have left us you never know Reggie Miller's retiring he's gone boy marble Hall of Fame inductee uh Lottery again I see that we have nine and ten now this is a mid-year let's see that low in the draft like yeah I would Nicola Marcus or Rondo or something but I'll see if I had a chance they go to our pick but aside from that I'm gonna trade them I could trade up and get a future pick I'ma just imma just see got Rudy you got Minecraft oh then they just got picked in there never mind Rondo and all juice top two picks this is who I wanted to go all of our picks again we don't need these it's looking like the Hornets picks might be I um they got Weber they get the first pick this I or just take it they did get the first pick Jesus they're garbage another two ooh Bobcats picks got they ended up getting Ian Owens anyways oh my God all right this man's some other team I'll still take your picks don't worry buddy you can have your uh you traded the pick again I just traded it to them I don't know what the hell they traded it for I don't really care hey G declined his player option and and Tim Duncan T-Mac and like I am okay with losing a player in this in this way if need be you know uh T-Mac you can get the no trade claws you're only 27. she's 30 and uh sorry you're gonna have to earn it like a lot of that that's MVP for real he gonna have to stick it you're gonna have to yeah no no he gonna have to get the no trade close all right no they're all resigning I don't know why I'm stressing it up there go kg regressing right as I give him a no trade clause LeBron's a 95 shoot you got to start over somebody he's probably it's gonna be T-Mac probably this is the year of KD hey yeah I shouldn't have given them there was no trade claws actually Iverson might be the one that gets traded for KD or something she might just be Magic Johnson Junior dog Kevin Garnett another MVP Mr MVP we go again here we go again here we go the Knicks got a game on us who was on the Knicks I don't even know at this point but they'd be doing it Sean can't retire shout out to Sean Kim we got him rings and all that on on the what's it called I'm nine rings on the sonics you know something like new tech social media is now a thing oh man LeBron are you ready we get Kevin Durant we got the third pick and we got the seventh pick and we got the 18th pick we are for sure trading up so I can tell you that it will not be Gilbert Arenas or any of these bums okay was it Hornets I'm trying to think of what I when I got the Hornets fish I also got a lot of a couple oh never mind they're all they're all expired this year that's just fantastic forgot about Dwight too but we got our own picks now too hey yo take this 09 pick here you go we gonna move up this 2011 pick we gonna move up all right you could take all the picks dog we are getting Kevin Durant thank you crazy like we did all that just to move up two spots but we're talking Kevin Durant Kevin Kevin welcome to the team Greg Odin two Mike Conley three I was hoping Mike Conley was gonna fall to me but instead I'm gonna get yokim no I I'm gonna go Al Horford probably has no place on this team ever I did say I wanted Mike Conley let me see real about to draw some let's see Sean Marion getting up there and he'll play anyways yeah I'll trade Sean for Mike thanks for a second round pick I'll do this I'll do this why would I trade pick seven for pick eight why would I do that he'll take out horror for the mid body the big mid okay so we got KD Mike Conley and out of this draft randomly for sure picking up Iggy and dang but I think I gotta trade both of them neither one of them is like becoming anything too crazy I think I'm gonna run out of roster spots actually again speaking of roster spots uh Lebron definitely deserves one he is not liking this contract though that's crazy he's pulling the Gilbert Arenas he does not like the contract but let's see if he takes it anyways he wants to take a Cavaliers does he want a shorter deal is that what it is him and mellow let me see no mellow just they they just they just don't want to be here for Real about wait wait the same yeah yeah he is I didn't give oh man I should have gave Magic Johnson Jr a contract we were about to lose him the free agency LeBron is prepared to offer and we are about to lose Magic Johnson Jr for sure yep it's cooked see a magic oh man that's a that's a rookie move rookie mistake um that's tough hey it is what it is hello mellow accepted that contract though he realized you know saying I don't got nothing else to do no hey speaking of roster spots though we might have an extra one after you know I'm saying we traded Magic Johnson Junior that's crazy he was all right you know he was just he was around take the player progression real quick oh yeah I'm still going Chris Paul's going up crazy White's up there now we got these three now I know Mike Conley becomes a goal we might trade luau and Iggy they don't really have a place Chris Webber old as hell he's been trying too that really Jr Jr is that good we gotta get Jr one way or the other I'm getting him you know I'm gonna let him cook elsewhere he's never been no 90s so hey man when we drafted Sharif Abdul Rahim and trade him instantly play one year here now he's a 90. I think I traded him for kg though right or no Timmy dude T-Mac yeah I think it was T-Mac hey toodles to uh Iguodala and Luol Deng I had to trade him for some picks or whatever they they didn't fit the roster it's tough that's tough buddy Lamar Odom Most Valuable Player Jesus Christ rookie of the year because I traded him to some trash team Magic Johnson Jr all MB first team I am hurt literally was one click away from just keeping him Tiana Lakers no he I mean hey you know it wouldn't matter regardless who the hell is on the Wizards and why did they win the second game LeBron got finals MVP his first ever the Wizards got a Jason Terry and Chris came in and they won a basketball game they won the first one the second one the second one oh by one will be all right Larry Johnson Hall of Famer you know how many rings we win him how four rings nice little four it's a group effort draft lottery we have no picks that is tough because I definitely had some unless I traded them on accident uh yeah I might have traded them oh snap where the Thunder now we are the Thunder the Oklahoma City Thunder or whatever Seattle you get it it's what's up it's Evolution and we have three picks in the lottery uh this is nasty though I don't know we might need to go back feels all we'll get used to it maybe maybe we'll like go back in like 10 years or something uh he's trying to give me this first pick that being said now don't we gotta get Westbrook in the first year is the thunder but it's only right and we might trade Iverson Point ever since 33 by to be 34 right we might gotta adapt mnkg are getting up there and Tim Duncan oh I gotta trade uh Iverson and what's it called I gotta trade for Russell I mean yeah Russell and Rose and then get Curry and or Harden or whatever some combination of the four to be fair I don't think we gotta go that extreme just yet concerned that we have three lottery picks and four picks total so I'm gonna now I gotta look at Pixma go snap Thunder picks all right bet so give up all these this should get it never mind there we go we got it I gave up one more first from Utah and we now have the first pick in the draft um I think I will draft Russell Westbrook if I do indeed keep that pick or my bad if I if I don't get you know the second pick as well anybody kind of plateauing maybe Gilbert maybe Gilbert's the guy to get traded also Mike Mike Conley's an easy uh trade piece as well Mike Conley like I said he's really good in this but you know we talk about some goats here just do Mike Conley in the 10th pick oh okay well that was easy now I have ten and two and we're gonna draft Westbrook and Rose like I said yeah let's let's just do it that's that's quite the way to start off your thunder tenure the first overall pick hey it's got it's got to be Westbrook though we got it you know I'm saying you're in Oklahoma we gotta do it in the roads and they were just talking about it's unclear if Iverson blah blah whatever whatever oh sorry I see the Bulls right there you're gonna get OJ mail this time around what year was the pick we got a second rounder no way in hell we could sign another player uh just trade these two second rounders for two future second round as we don't need these look at the two goats future bench back court for the next seven years snap I skipped through the team options and the qualifying office hold on okay cool Chris Paul's accepted nice nice night Howard welcome back to the team big fella look at him he's ready to take his contract he not you know what I'm saying doing all this stuff that mellow and all them be doing perfect T-Mac is regressing Iverson is regressing Duncan Garnett you already know gonna probably trade him next year for curry we're probably gonna or Curry Harden what whatever or do we hold on to him long enough to get Giannis maybe one of them maybe T-Mac probably he's probably he's definitely the youngest another new coach Rob Green I have no clue if we have money or whatever crazy because we're in the early late 2010s now or 2000s whatever we started off in 82 and I've been this is all one video this is nasty uh Dwyane Wade Arenas Howard you guys all got to play I'm not gonna lie Katie hey who am I gotta go 13 man we're gonna keep it 10 forever if you make the 10 man I am saying and then then you're him and they're benching LeBron that's nasty who cares actually matter of fact anybody a free agent Chris Paul Paul's a straight up fears and Iverson's got a player option that sucks we're gonna have to re-sign Iverson at his old age and probably trade like Tim Duncan or kg or something for curry or just trade Arenas take the easy route forever adapting that's the motto of this video Baron Davis wins most of our most valuable player and it's Chuck raw Jr when six men and Rookie of the Year and we won we lost five games click the button just click the button if we lose we are fail oh my God we lost two games probably because we're the Thunder he weighed one for seven anyway how you a grown man shooting one for seven come on dog that's some shame we lost to the Grizzlies we lost the game to the Grizzlies yeah odd time as like uh that old school crew is starting to come to an end Kevin Garnett Finals MVP but that might be a last I'm not gonna lie checking the estimated wins added real quick obviously kg Braun tmac Kobe Tim ai's kind of falling off the uh you know importance and uh Dwight and Gilbert don't really provide much although I don't know how much they really play to be fair I also can't check that right now Nick Van EXO made the Hall of Fame the eight All-Star appearances and a couple first teams sure why not Thunder via Denver like the Suns via Chicago did I trade that pick to the I might have traded that pick to that I don't remember who the suns are though screw it we're moving up oh we didn't move up it's time it's Curry time tons got one and three and what's crazy is that we could trade Gilbert for one and three we could even show you Rose for one and three we can use your Westbury they actually want us to take one and three so Gilbert Arenas pick 16. pick from next year for the Knicks second rounder for pick one and pick three off of that I can go and shoot I'll try to get the second pick as well and all of that we gotta trade some of these lower tier players which is uh hell I don't know actually if we just resigned two players and bring back Iverson Paul then went 15. so let me let me look at number where's number two at I won't Harden we need hard and Westbrook Curry Durant them all on the same team we need them all that's how I know three team trades are broken I'm offering this dude Pick 3 and Pick nine they're saying oh they straight crazy you twerk you tripping like bro all right all right dog all right we're about to get three and one you want to give me Eton Thomas for a 2010 pick we can keep this actually we don't even need the ninth pick because I can't even draft for real with it now I don't even remember what I'm doing at this point but screw it yeah uh we got the second pick and the first pick okay CEO KC okay okay see we got Stephen Curry and second up we got by Blake Griffin we talking Hall of Fame buddy we talk about Hall of Fame but even the third pick they said we didn't want Blake Griffin they traded for Antonio mcdice and okay Blake Griffin goes to the Celtics Harry Moody of course the Knicks messed it up they couldn't have drafted Drew holiday or something and we got a user pick Curry and Harden here in Oklahoma City all right Iverson you probably won't make it through these five years but uh I'll offer you a little you know I mean five year deal with a player options Paul you'll definitely be here the full five years you're not you're not even getting offers like that oh and you're restricted yeah screw you come back Kobe is 32 oh man they're getting traded next year for hell DeMarcus Cousins John Wall I I don't know some of all these old people getting traded and you know the cycle of Life Kevin Garnett's still out there winning MVPs my God Rob Green 80 and two dog click the click the button click the button okay see you know who it is ah one more win one more oh man the Bucks won the first game don't care well they got Iggy they got Iggy they had Amari too do I not see Stoudemire uh I don't see him that is not Ben Simmons that is Bobby Shaquille O'Neal has retired how many has it been food trading them only only five years cause it quits at 38 years old he's not even on a team right now finishes his career with 13 All-Star appearances and 12 championships without even playing his full career here didn't lose his entire career let's keep it pushing man let's see it Spurs oh my we got the second pick in the draft off the strength I think we traded I forget which one we traded we traded wait Spurs via Charlotte wait wait wait I think that's where we traded it Charlotte is the Bob cats right I had all those picks that is pretty crazy I'm pretty sure that that counts as like last year training to get a get Steph Curry and whatever you'll get Doc Rivers Junior off of here and Kobe and Bron expired Jesus some had a bit of an ultimate I'm here assuming that I resigned everybody I kind of I'm already at 15 roster spot I got all four of Rose Curry Westbrook and Harden not KD got Dwight got mellow you know I'm saying it's a lot of young players out here so I I don't think this is the you to like trade AI kg and I think next year probably is uh you know I'm saying with Kyrie Kawhi and all them in the draft and Klay Thompson and all that it's not like completely ideal but yeah I think I'm about to end an era I think I might have trade Iverson they want to uh swap best Charlotte I I hate when they do the swap best stuff I don't know any of this garbage means like it's not it just I've I've been looking at it for years now in 2K and someone could explain to me in the comments with the greatest macular ever and I still would not understand because like just when it pops up it's like all right can you tell me like am I getting the better pick or not screw it I'll give him a 2013 pick I don't know why I'm giving them as any mini pixel basically but yeah there we go all right but um Allen Iverson it's been real buddy uh we're gonna move on and reason why I'm moving on from him right now is because I wasn't able to and I think I I actually have to trade that one dude that we just got from we gotta get cold dantly out of here now I know it's so crazy um but let me just trade him for some picks probably yeah thank you Cleveland thank you very much and I'm gonna just draft whoever's available out of uh hopefully they don't draft they drafted who I wanted they drafted Boogie all right um that's that's tough honestly John Wall is the better he's the first overall Prospect so screw it we'll take John Wall that's the reason why I traded Iverson was that I could pick with that pick and not have to trade it because I couldn't actually sign the player are they trying to decline Kevin Durant's team option were they crackheads everyone take all the money you want buddy all right Kobe take all the money you want buddy and yeah you're not gonna be Untouchable sorry is he we about to lose Kobe what are we going to respond to not gonna lose Ron I think we're about to lose Kobe though we actually could have kept Iverson but it's 8 11 you learn as usual give Tim as much money as he wants don't really care he might leave no he's not but I think we're gonna lose Kobe Bryant he's only got 23 offers yep Kobe accepted another offer he has decided to sign with the Toronto Raptors he's going to Air Canada which is just Gordon Hayward and Vibes that's a that's disappointing I wish I could have you know kept them forever and yeah but hey it is what it is got LeBron we'll be all right oh yeah ai's down to 89 anyways yeah he's cooked Tim Duncan's a 91 and kg and him will be getting traded next year probably I don't know kg is showing no signs of slowing down this upcoming Drive class is for Kauai and them and here we go the modern era begins and will never end because there's nothing else to get to we got about 60 more years in here or something like that last season either Kevin Durant or Derrick Rose is in the rotation I don't know what we do with now that Kobe's not here yeah we'll just play him we'll just play him I don't know why they forced LeBron to come off the bench every single year but I'm gonna just make team Mecca too so they don't do that there you go oh wow Lebron James most Valuable Player I don't even know if he's won one of those before but DeMarcus Cousins wanted him but whatever it is what it is most improved Chris Paul we needed that because while Iverson's gone oh man we've only lost six games uh simulate the playoffs where's Kobe at Kobe didn't he make the playoffs and we won 4-0 cool Lebron Finals MVP thankfully none of our Legends retired see a Jason Kidd giraffe Lottery do I have any picks up in here oh we got San Antonio's pick number two and number eight let's just click it we got two and eight it stood right there we should have had the Bobcats pigs I I decided not to trade literally just traded Iris in there I think right yeah Iverson's there I was like okay they're gonna be good this year and they I guess they weren't it's about that time I don't know if I could hold in Tim Duncan for one more year to trade him or anything else I don't know if he'll play for another year the same time I just traded for all these Bobcats three back-to-back picks so I probably shouldn't trade them more players so I might just not go for the first pick to be completely honest with you just because I don't want to trade for one and I don't think anybody else is gonna entirely I I think the only people that could really change the league or franchises Giannis you know I gotta make Tim stay another two years I don't know should I just trade for a pick or something uh I'm gonna keep my number two pick and I might still trade some other people actually where's Boogie cousins at that's that's who I wanted last year the Marcus is Untouchable oh man honestly the blatant best trade I've seen for uh Tim Duncan is this one Rondo nla I don't know what hit Cleveland was clear how is how is Cleveland doing out there Mike Bibby and Odom yeah they've been they've been winning decent amount that might be trash by 2012 though even though it's only next year just give it my own first round pick honestly Marcus and Rondo all right I'm gonna trade for uh yeah let me get Lamarcus and Rondo for Tim Duncan Tim Duncan has been real it's been fun hit me real fun buddy I know if I keep both of them who cares remember just period the 17th pick for a Giannis a year pick Charlotte picks Kawhi number one and uh I might take clay have 100 scouted Jimmy maybe that's his sign to take him and there you have it I just traded for Kauai done I found him on the trade like oh my God they drafted Hal Garrett instead of quiet Jesus Christ uh yeah I was confused on who I wanted and we have too many guards so I just said screw it let's just let's just trade for Kauai so there you go uh they picked twice because I got Kawai buddy and I oh yeah and I traded uh just swapped some pics I said screw it take our picks give me some of your picks take LaMarcus Aldridge because I don't I he wasn't gonna play anyways just scream how would we decline Derrick Rose's team option what the hell is going on all right T-Mac free agent with all the money you want but you're not getting no trade claws you can go and oh sorry I didn't mean to click on tmac again same with you kg get even more money you can take five years Kevin Durant Kevin oh Kevin Durant's restricted bet let's get get Dwyane Wade I'm not making that same mistake again we got them three oh Katie I love you now oh you're you're prepared to go over there come right back thank you very much the next season we go sounds like a a pirate ship onward honestly just run a 13-man rotation I got enough dog oh Kenneth chuckworara just won an MVP he left his team two years in Klay Thompson got rookie there whatever else yeah I'm all right I'm Duncan Sixth Man of the Year on Chicago what the hell we lost nine games I'm gonna go back to an eight-man rotation or ten or whatever the hell it was too many games lost you know if we lose nine games in the playoffs I'm not winning a championship you know guess what we're playing the Wizards and we won the championship again Kevin Durant oh why is he wearing 45 screw it I don't care enough to change it nor will we ever see a close game by the way uh I don't see any type of this is the A.D draft lottery I mean I'll take a d I actually might trade kg for A.D might be about that time for him to get to step in PG is still the second best player on this team but he's 36 probably good now to check his value like if I could just straight him straight up for the first pick that's kind of cool you get the MVP the 84 overall I basically can trade him straight up for the first pick so that's that's a good thing to keep in mind that's what I'm gonna do and they got Blake Griffin expired all right actually about to have a pretty nice team if they resign everybody oh man they got Lance expired too I couldn't get anybody decent oh wow PJ Tucker yeah my okay we'll trade kg's roster spot for this pix roster spot they really trying to get me Luther I'm not giving up that Charlotte pit oh the Thunder pick you don't even need to give me hell what pick do I have this year oh 20 oh they could have that yeah they could just have both picks this year I don't need those all right Kevin Garnett it has been real you have set sail just like many before you have Michael Jordan Shaq Gotti Pippin Hakeem Olajuwon Kobe Bryant but uh Anthony Davis is the newest member he will be taking your spot as the big man of the team honorary big man and that will also be looking forward to see honest or toward forward without something something we're looking to you and you'll probably be the casualty of War here Tracy yeah he's probably gonna be you could also try and get Joker to the year after I'm not really too crazy over there I I just want you honest I'll be honest we uh by any chance not except okay cool we didn't have any team options Jesus a lot of free agents but guess what you could see that three of them are unrestricted so mellow go ahead uh come come back get your money uh do I give him I'll give you a player I love mellow though so screw it I'm gonna just give him a no trade gloss there you go oh I didn't even need to do this at all oh my God I might decline it or something and just make make them think about this again um Curry Harden you got to get you back real quick I don't know why Curry uh Curry's only 24 hours only 20 where they're unrestricted and they definitely declined their qualifying offer just now or something I don't know what happened there I'm a risk of declining Mellows and uh oh no do not renounce rights that is crazy okay now oh no yeah no that's still worse than our deal let's go give it to him there we go mellow back and then I'll go get the other two hello Curry Harden D Rose Westbrook welcome back to the team just head out we good emac hits a 91 overall falling off the map I wonder where Kobe's at there he is Raptors he's still a 93 dropping 22 a game yeah you good be all right over there that's the beauty of this simulation I love I love when I could quickly trade a player like tmac for the first pick and just keep it pushing like how I just did with kg like kg love you I'm saying you put in the work one mad MVPs and we'll see you at your retirement ceremony buddy we are the greatest franchise of all time thank you for contributing uh do we need to do a wreak no just let's just let's just keep pushing Kenneth bro chill out we'll double back to back gears or whatever you shoot you won rookie oh oh John did I not drop John Wall wait did we release him I accidentally least Sean wall nobody's been waved am I tripping honestly I don't even care I see you John I trade him what did I do didn't I did I not have John Wall wait because yeah he didn't Place her eye you know what I don't care they'll just go let's play off another win LeBron James Finals MVP I thought I I had to play his guitar I always forget I'm not the Knicks Allen Iverson Steve Nash mcdice and Abdul Rahim uh was Big Daddy's not here for like three seconds I don't think he was uh but uh Iris and and Abdul Rahim work for Abdul Rahim was for about three I give up screw it I give up screw all of it uh Iverson thank you you know matter of fact how many rings you win 14 Rings six finals MVPs two championships that's out on harvested for you all right all the people that aren't getting picked for these teams my team you know sorry but you know it's just it's a cold world bundle up under first overall odds from the the Bobcats or whatever the hell out of the Hornets yet or anything and we lost it it went down to two but that's that's cool we actually can draft player and keep tmac I see 14 people I don't know where John Wall went still once again I'm counting out 14 people here now we did have two top picks we had 12 and two I'm for sure moving up to one obviously I'm getting Giannis if that's if we're this high up already yeah it says two in an OKC unprotected in 2016. wait can I look at the other options because that is an easy option that's Paul why would I do that DMACC and two why would I do that I'm just trading for something else I take two in a unprotected and I'll be trying to get rid of my picks like it's there nothing Perfect all right Giannis is in our palms just like that I literally don't want anybody else in this draft so I'm gonna look at tmac trades I'm even gonna look at Dwyane Wade trades because he's like 30 sub 30 enough sub 30 is the right way to say that but whatever technically I can't trade for two people from tmac good Chris Bosh how you doing there's a Clay Thompson at either him we don't really need Kyrie we get we can get clay though oh George still could be useful because I see I think I just saw pick two offer if only was a good draft man it was almost like I was trying to you know sell my soul to get LeBron that one year it's crazy bro tmac has been here that whole time hey these years have went by fast but slow Max survived the the expansion apocalypse you don't have to trade D Wade yet I was just making sure it wasn't the one with better offers he's also a lower overall so let's get T-Mac out of here how many more years he I'm on the contract actually we might we might keep him one more year to trade him for jokic he's got three more years I don't know if he's gonna drastically fall off or anything Milwaukee said take top three protected and 17. doesn't Seema Blake and I I thought Tim Duncan unless I'm tweaking I thought I traded him here oh no did they have they had Paul George I don't know where Paul George is at now hey there were 28th best this year maybe not them all right I traded our other pick out of there the first pick in the NBA draft you already know the easiest pick of all time big Giannis uh uh Victor Oladipo sorry buddy Michael Carter Williams of the bulls and that was an all-time sellout Jesus Christ Eddie Howard for the fifth pick just to pick who who who are these people thank God I should have kept my pick and pick CJ McCollum or something because he would have been there I don't need him though look at this that's my pick right there and oh my god when CJ went 18th and go Bear Went the one one before Hawaii declined team options I'll be talking about Dwight Howard and Rajon Rondo two real prolific free agents this is where I can get a lot of money and some people are offering him a lot of money some offer it too great we got both of them back to the drawing board AKA winning I'm honestly most excited for when uh everybody honestly phases out and it's just random people but like because it's kind of a challenge I guess after Victor I guess also interested to see how we continue to dominate into that era if the talent isn't as good because it's gonna be auto-generated players T-Mac is that mid that he's not even playing anymore that's tough so I think we got a note with same coach Kenneth going into the ring we're going to win he's on the Knicks what the hell uh we're gonna win another ring click the simulate playoffs another ring in the books oh my God the Knicks won the first game I got terrified Kenneth Kenneth what did you do in that first game in order to win Quentin Richardson oh wow look at you go can it triple double on whoever's head I I don't know we have too many players Kevin Garnett retires with the self did I trade him to the Celtics yeah I did wow oh wow that's full circle moment I stole them from the Celtics in the first place like 20 years ago terrifying a whole 20 years huh look at how far we've come another 20 years about 40 years into this so we're about oh halfway there oh man I've been recording for nine hours and 26 minutes oh Tim Duncan too Hall of Fame they both had a grand total of 14 and 17 championships and we traded him three years earlier is there any possible way we win this draft without sure a we have the first best odds and we win the draft lottery I think I'm still gonna trade T-Mac well I'm definitely gonna trade him but I'm still gonna trade him for uh the top one of the top picks well why they divot Junior why why is he the best player what is this magic Junior V2 I I'm good bro I just want Joker to beat for the love of God I don't know that he might be different he might be Vlade Divac Jr might be the dang he is ranked number one just consensus he just joking reliable scoring option finisher I would I dare to pick him and uh I don't know somebody else and they're ranking embiid and jokic like odd so yolkits there and be there as of right now our only Center is Dwight Howard and I think yeah that's that's really in him in A.D and I if that counts I didn't even put that together that Dwight started this season it's the odd shift you know from Tim Duncan and whatever the hell to Dwight started and Dwight's been here already for 10 years too what the hell I didn't want anybody in that draft I barely wanted him because we could hire a coach higher coach hire a good one not Doc Rivers was that Shaq Shaquille O'Neal hey we never have money okay so you get your budget up Jesus Christ we have 15 total players right now so I actually have to trade T-Mac and maybe wait uh maybe means yeah I'm gonna have to trade him can I like can I get the third and the fourth pick figure something out I'll release Rondo I don't really care at this point I've seen I've spent too many off Seasons wasting so much time on some garbage you can trade T-Mac for this pick but we'd have to include shoot I don't know what the hell that is uh Charlotte the first what how does that make any sense oh that was next year's Hornets pick they were trying to get I just realized that okay oh they're still not gonna get it so I'll be trading Rondo and I mean teams running the cap space that's the only issue let me try team first for this Cleveland pick he's only a three star rankings cook our Odom's also old all these guys on this team are all so let's just off for Lamar they want the first pick we don't care oh and Rondo he kind of old man we could start went way back for uh John Wall and they're like hell they're the same height I mean it just works I might trade T-Mac for one of these other young players just draft the real goat and number one I think it's Boogie not Untouchable anymore while they offering this hold on valuable asset that's what's up all right cool I got John Wall let me let me give you a first round pick and Dwyane Wade so when they're not going to take tmac for Boogie so just you know I'm saying we're gonna work here go ahead and take this 25th pick as well you got that Suns pick go ahead dang he's a 23 year old big man though what's crazy is I'm about to draft a big man so I don't know maybe it is stupid that I'm doing this but I don't need any of these 2015 picks I don't want anybody that track it off for it dang hey Horrors in 88 but he's also about just about 88 years old shooting 28. we just trade Rondo for John Wall like a lot I'd rather keep Rhonda than D Wade well oddly enough I'd rather keep the young man you know I'm a troll I seen them bro yeah I know you're 28 I know you're 28 but Earl Joseph Smith III got seven years younger than T-Mac or one overall lower screw it J.R Smith welcome to the team I'm literally changed the whole draft classes so that you were in there and then I didn't draft you drafted luau dang what is wrong with me you know and for D Wade I'm gonna trade him for uh probably for John Wall he's doing this straight up I give him that 2018 pick there it is all right cool finally uh John Wall's back on the team he's like 10 years younger than D Wade shot to D Wade appreciate you um and watch this what a great stuff that we you know I'm saying we got the first overall pick did we also we traded every pick right yeah hey the first overall pick after you know what I'm saying really thinking hard and long about it I'm gonna have to go with a lot of Divac Jr welcome to the team holy hell he's gonna be the next man he's gonna be like Magic Johnson Jr 82 overall off the rip he's gonna be better than Joker shouldn't be from the same draft class why is he even here I've never seen that guy I literally just did a uh what's it called I was just simulating with these Rosses earlier today and never seen that man also Kevin Durant declined his player option let's go resign and Chris Paul too what type of conch hey getting some competitive contracts oh my we're gonna have to go uh for sure no trade Clauses on them both of them honestly I'm trying to lose either one do we just not have the facilities for Kevin we're just gonna lose Kevin Durant like that no dog Kevin Durant has declined the offer from the Oakland hey I mean uh we heard that said this before are you trying to come back dude he actually he's kind of trying to he's not fully but like halfway is kind of crazy for two million and I wanted Paul George there goes Kevin Durant I guess I don't know how to explain why we can't give him the extra couple dollars but like we have so many people bro I I I'm not gonna complain about it we are 280 million under the cap or over the cap whatever the hell I mean the rent is gone after all that work in to get him in 2007. it's only been five six years and he is gone right inside Danny Granger in memoriam you 39 you don't want to come back and or I don't even remember oh yeah you were here I want to come back and hit the corner three for us oh Kevin Durant's gone and we have a ton of guards and nobody else thankfully um yeah I don't know that's that's really that's the whole sentence and we still got over the amount of players that we we can sign what the hell oh all right I gotta just cut this dude I I just traded Danny Granger for a first round pick I first run pick I didn't realize I couldn't sign it but you know I I guess I could I couldn't have had KD technically you know he's just doing me a favor uh Curry at the two shoot I don't care that slime looks good to me and Kawaii kind of suck you're not even really getting better Giannis you kind of suck actually you just got drafted what I'm talking about well no not really Jr you could chill on the bench teammate was anyways LeBron James gets himself another I've never even paid attention to win 14 like Daquan cook Aaron Gordon averaged 21 points per game oh yeah we lost the game in the first round we watched we were oh we're washed we are watched hey losing oh we better have a club wait who are we playing Blake Griffin and uh oh I thought we traded someone else there except for every dollar but no hold on close games galore are we gonna bought it finally have a close game in year 45 I don't even think I'm exaggerating with the years I'm rooting for the bucks to score I'm trying to see us play not yet not right oh my God they they kind of they kind of cooked wait they missed like a shot of the buzzer some Iguodala turnover that is tough seven turnovers Iggy up three two this feels so weird doing this after so many years of not doing this so I can edit the rotation but I'm kind of enjoying uh competition but it's happening we are down in game six of the finals 124 left what to expect I have no clue who is in the game I have no clue let's see Westbrook wearing number two Curry wearing number five Curry all the way step back pump fake Curry down to Chris Paul Chris Paul on the floor too back to curry curry steps it back Curry puns stepping back again Curry to the post Curry back to Chris Paul Paul the pump fake Paul back to curry curry and the corny's pump making the three he's gonna go to the basket he's gonna take the layup and that is good we have never seen this team all these years we have never seen him when Jordan was playing we never seen him was when Shaq was playing and kg was playing when Timmy was playing yeah here we are now and Iguodala is wide open Corner they wanted him and he missed it down by three now 47 seconds left Curry's got the basketball he could definitely shoot those goes left he's gonna make his way to the basket layup is green and good 38 seconds left and Curry cuts it a one Jeff Teague back up the other way 34 seconds left he throws it down to the post and the steal by Westbrook no but the double team back out to T Westbrook Garden Griffin Weissberg is at the four Griffin pulls up mid-range shot is off rebound by the Thunder they take a timeout with 17 left Dwight Howard passing the curry 16 seconds left on the clock Steph Curry he needs to take a shot now we're never six seconds left hey oh my God my controller just disconnected Force Derrick Rose mid-range shot is off and that is it I don't know if they'll win another game but the series is going to seven this is our first ever seven game series since the streak of championships started back in the 80s we have not lost a ring since the 80s oh my God he missed a free throw though but there's no timeouts left it's cooked even if he misses both it's over he could put up the shot all he wants it's cool a one point win by the Bucks to send it to game seven I will look at our rotations I'm not going to sell us you know I mean we do have one of the greatest freaks in NBA so what was that lineup there at the end what happened to our team that was just a lot of they were just playing willingly and they had hardened at the three hold on all right game seven in Oklahoma city are the Bucks going to end our championship streak they end our streak I will go and count off every single win and I don't think they will wait they might still have a chance no our streak will continue LeBron James wins Finals MVP yet again and a streak from the 80s to the 2020s or whatever the hell were two in 2010s continues I uh I don't even know what to say about that finals here goes the stats um bucks Blake Griffin was cooking uh some of the few players that we have not recruited I I've thought about it many times I almost trade it for him over John Wall last season but he's a little bit older so I I didn't Lamar Ray Allen and Mike Bibby make the Hall of Fame hey Allen eight championships prior to getting traded back to the lottery yet again do we have any picks that are good we have the first odds again the Bobcats are merchants and we are going to fall down the fourth that is tough I'm not gonna lie I don't even want the pick like I I don't want I might want porzing this place kind of crazy in the simulation I don't I don't see where there could be a spot on this team for a player that isn't at least already in the lead I think it's time for us to make a move for a wing because the the bench is yeah we might gotta trade dang but there's who else are we gonna trade for because we we have every we have all the best players you know we need we need Paul George that's what we really need Vince Carter's still around what the hell and we have Kawhi Leonard on the bench so like that's the weird part about it Apollo George is better uh on 2K at least why is only an eight I mean he's an 88 that's pretty good any old players dang Melo starting to get up there I I did give him the notification no no I took it away I took it away although and brown is starting to get up there but I'm not sure if we can morally we'll trade Brown eventually but we can trade Jr for Paul George come on we'll pick we got four we got it we gotta drop something to make a trade and look at jokic on the trade block I don't know I don't another young big man though because we already got Giannis and that other dude honestly listed at three but I don't care actually technically we really do need to back up Center because I mean Melo was playing the wing man where is Boogie let's just offer this oh they don't work dang losing Katie heard us I just realized I forgot we even lost KD I completely forgot there we go all right well uh I made a trade I traded Rondo for for Nicola jokic I there's honestly no point to this um except for just planning for the future that's really it I don't wow um the exact player I wanted in the draft or actually both of them are both available at number four all right let's drive Kristoff's porzingis for the vibe that was the only reason why I uh I watched the what's it called the draft was because I was like huh like it just in case if players actually want stay there at four and there we are but it's crazy now I have 17 players on the roster and quite literally just straight J.R Smith for Carlton so uh I take this dude out and just to do okay do this let's see here it is Carl towns is a is a thunder native whatever the hell the body this giraffe still even now I still have to make roster spots though LeBron's a free agent but he got he got some great offers going he's 30 but it's LeBron so I'm okay well we can offer a lot of money we can't lose LeBron so I gotta go no trade calls because we'll actually be cooked there you go there's also way more money than anybody else can offer why Leonard restricted free agent yeah come along buddy them too it's a done deal I still though need to trade looking at moving Dwight Howard and maybe mellow I've been looking for Joel and B there he goes so uh we ran out of Rochester spots so I'm just progressively trading John Wall down more and more into more and more picks because yeah that's it I don't know ran out of options contracts all that stuff stuff that's right you know like Alvin how you doing buddy screw it come over here there you have it uh we're basketball team um we kind of suck but it's all good we you know we're all right we're all right at basketball yeah I just felt like John John Wall was oh man I'll also Run a 10 minute rotation let's win another ring LeBron wins MVP again John Wall really doing it to him over there in San Antonio that's crazy bro we didn't ask with the button boom simulate the playoffs we lost one game doubt we lose in the Conference Finals we're playing the Bulls in the finals and it is back to sweep season screw it that works Kobe Bryant has retired you know Thunder slash SuperSonics Legend uh he did screw us over by leaving us though a lot man him and KD Jesus in 2010 been over what is that six years Magic Johnson Jr retired holy former number one overall pick because I picked him there Doc Rivers Jr retired I hated he's the same overall now he was 40 years ago when I had to trade a million things for him I guess we landed one Orlando pick and it's 14 nice I don't even know if I want to pick I really don't I don't care if I've been getting Ben Simmons I don't think I think it's time to finally trade mellow he's 32 years old he's probably gonna rest soon I don't know if Ron or CP is but he definitely is I don't know I really don't know but who cares I'm back baby yes sir we are back uh I have like it's been a long time since I had to split a recording into two but um I had to go to sleep I was recording that for like 11 hours and um I was up for 30 I think two hours yesterday so I said let me go and and you know not die now let's speed run the less of the rest of this rebuild it's it's almost time to get Victor like that's how far into this we are I don't even remember what 2016 NBA draft screw it let's just get the smart move you know we have 17 players on the roster right now and I'm not even sure how that's possible the draft hasn't even happening how the hell did we come into this off season what did I do trade whoever at this point we gonna be I think the time is now to trade our current oldest player Carmelo Anthony I think I'm gonna send him off to uh the Thunder the first pick in the draft I'm gonna try and get Lamarcus soldiers as well I don't really know why but why not I guess I won our 14th pick for Patrick Beverly screw it it could have it we are gonna draft Ben Simmons thank you to Carmelo Anthony for all of your years destroy Pat bib now for a future Spurs pick go ahead with the first pick we select Benjamin Simmons and it's because he's goaded into okay during this 30th pick we don't need it the 79 he'll be good one day we'll run a line up with him Giannis and whoever the hell ad is a free agent how you doing you want to you know I mean get back over here restricted free agent you weren't going nowhere come back thank you you can go into the season with that how many players do we have oh we actually have 15 wait I don't think I did it automatically right no we didn't wave anybody uh if we did and I didn't realize like wait remember how they took John Wall for me last year is anybody missing here I can't even tell at this point I have no clue the lineup again for next season Giannis and Kawhi will finally be getting a minute let's kick off this next uh 40 50 70 year run LeBron James another MVP don't care about anybody else sorry Kenneth Chuck wuru and we we lost two games to the Jazz I honestly Scourge a simulate DMACC Dirk Paul Pierce who had no affiliation with us and whoever the hell else retired T-Mac finishes with 17 rings and Dirk had six and Dirk pretty early on I don't even remember oh yeah it was because of the expansion that is tough you got robbed out of 11 more Rings 2017 draft don't have any good picks in here that's that's terrible but uh we got 19 sure Chris Paul and LeBron both have no trade Claws and they're the only two like real old dogs so we can't even trade them we can't trade Dwight though he's also 31 crew we're trading Dwight Howard and all this stuff for uh three players from the Thunder including the Chinese dude Yi I don't know how to pronounce his last name Al Harrington and this dude for the first pick and get Jason Tatum versus Tyler Wing to fit the team Dwight Howard it's been real it's been fun with an eightman real fun appreciate you I'm gonna go ahead and trade Yi and Al for some other picks for some other team or something like that with Dwyane Wade I think we just bring you back for a Victory lap or something actually we're gonna trade for Jalen Brown and their pick from last year screw ye we don't care about you sorry I run out of roster's face though but I just thought that looked too good to pass up on just take a Blazers pick for this random and everybody here is well under 30 except for LeBron and Chris Paul and Curry I guess let's go ahead and pick up JT and then I'm gonna just simulate to the end of this thing and then just see if we could keep everybody but if not I'll probably just trade Jalen Brown and you know give up we could have Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown reunited Dodge Jackson goes number two the Lakers trade the third pick for who Ricky Rubio and Ricky Rubio traded for Dennis Smith Jr why do we have another pick what's the second rounder destroy me a future one here you go thank you very much Jason ordered an 81-0 Royals could have got uh Mr Cade and I forgot to click on qualifying offers cool oh wow we gave Giannis one thank you Jesus we have a lot of free agents and okay so Westbrook doesn't have an offer yet so I'm gonna offer the three who have offers and try and bring them all back um if not then we're screwed but it's okay give them all the max money I don't feel like doing too much the honest restricted the three that were out there re-signed and Westbrook Westbrook is still here now he's getting offers and we might not get him back it looks like he he's going to pull a Kevin Durant following his friend's footsteps iceberg is probably pissed off at the Rollies let's see let's see if he has any like moral thoughts I don't think I think I'm morale off so you're going to lose Russell Westbrook in free agency he declines the offer he's gonna go and sign with the Knicks or from the same exact actually they offer more money I don't know how they earn that or whatever but it doesn't matter to me for Giannis all the money you can get I guess Jalen Brown's gonna replace Russell Westbrook probably I think that's how it's gonna Ron regressing now at 32 years old he's definitely I mean I can't trade him but we'll see in the future up our roster is good to go got porzingis entering the lineup for Westbrook Jason and Jalen both in the reserves and Rob Green still holding on with his d-plus offensive indeed defensive race just remember we're still in the Triangle oh my God why are we so good in the Triangle I don't understand we're literally it's the only system where a five star in and it doesn't make any sense to me like how are we not a five star in Balance how we a four star actually why do they have Vlade is that why they have valade in the mock rotation is oh oh Vlade might be starting he is Vlade Divac Jr is our starting center LeBron wins MVP Rob Green 80 and two we got D Wade KD and Dwight Howard on the first team Westbrook on the second team Melo on the second Team all George who I've been wanting to trade for for years I try to trade mellow for him actually I think before I went to sleep and we are going to make it yet again and lose one game to the Sixers who is on the Sixers uh Mike Conley and Brook Lopez thinking about actually I think I Gilbert Arenas retired yep he makes the Hall of Fame with eight championships I I forget how long he actually stood around all right now this is the year of Luca I actually forgot and now someone's getting I'll tell you right now someone's getting traded for Luca unless uh no we we oh oh that's the pick we just traded to them I think we had the Lakers pick I swear I think we just traded that with Dwight or something yeah yeah I think it was Dwight and it fell down to four but we'll go in finesse regardless hey we didn't need that pick then anyway it sucks we need Don church we need to dominate the next 20 years this is how you dominate the next 20 years we might need Trey too low-key wish we could trade Chris Paul and LeBron because I J I'm bold enough right now I'm feeling enough to do it like I would do it let's see let's see if if I could trade LeBron for the first pick and give Luca and them the keys you know the Nets can't even do it with salary wise oh they have a couple guys making a lot of money they can't even take this deal off if I add to Rosen that's crazy are they gonna make me go through like the LeBron soup sweepstakes again uh okay hardin's not a bad one or or Rose even Rose for DeRozan actually that might be a good deal okay for our pick this year Derrick Rose they're asking for some other pick I have trash then a swap worst oh no something's happening here but all I know is that I am gonna accept this Derrick Rose for DeRozan and all this stuff trade we're actually getting Like A team's entirety of their draft picks and we're giving them one of our picks that I don't care about Derrick Rose it's been real thank you for your time Luka dances is for sure a guarantee on this team then I'm gonna go ahead and trade this is swap best with nuggets so I'm gonna have to swap the best pick to the Nuggets or whatever team has the Nuggets pick now which is the team I just traded with I think DeRozan and uh so let's just try and trade DeRozan for the second pick honestly Curry might need to be the next guy up honestly look at the boot which is crazy ah that one hurt I'm not gonna lie that one hurt I had to trade all the first round picks that we just got just to get the second pick Serge Ibaka now I'm gonna go and try and trade Sergey Rock for some pictures that was nasty we're gonna probably draft uh you know what we need we need to point guard of the future soon because Chris Paul we just traded Derrick Rose Curry's gonna get traded literally that's the only two point guards on the roster we've been drafting big men for a long time now we're gonna have a look good and sure the hell is Serge Ibaka so I get him off this team I quite literally have to trade Surge and I'm gonna quite literally have to trade this pick but they're giving me the fifth pick for surge so I'm gonna do it look at Frank man oh my God rocket screwed just give me these two future picks Chicago and Houston I think I just traded those to you honestly let's go giraffe Luca and Trey and I think I still got to trade someone honestly it'll probably be like Jalen brown or something good dancer's number one overall and number two overall give me Trey young you already know who could we have got at five we could have got Shea but I don't even think he fits he's not even good enough to be on this team which is crazy jokic and vladi divock Jr both free agents restrictedly though so that's good and Curry Chris Paul and even Harden takes a drop in his overall Paul takes a big drop though and uh yeah he still got one year left on his no trade clause contract so we'd have to wait until after we sign him back to trade him probably finessing and trade him before he hits player aggression for the next time all right stop simulation uh I mean I can try and trade him right now I'll be uh it would be easy depleting in value LeBron isn't so I can disperse him into more picks I'll take Tony Parker and Gortat will they accept this well he accepted it oh and it was with the Clippers Chris Paul waves his no trade Claws and we could just disperse Tony Parker and Gortat into more picks with other teams hopefully uh the players Loki does not like playing for this team I think that'd be pretty funny I'll be honest I just did a lot of Trades but we are here I got both those guys entirely off the roster um to just yeah shut it down to the amount needed and there it is I was gonna be petrified if I needed to trade another person but traded Chris Paul and here we are got porzingis is the seventh man we've got a lot of these we're betting on a lot of these younger players and that's probably when I see a team beat us I just try to think of who I traded to them Kevin Durant wins Most Valuable Player a Bronze award snatched 75-7 we lost seven games on the scene can we lose seven in the playoffs though we win the first round win the second round win the third round KD loses in the Conference Finals and we're gonna sweep the Pistons Curry Finals MVP and you might be getting traded this year now this year is for sure a trading year because yeah yeah yeah we might get a job too Amari Stoudemire makes the Hall of Fame giraffe lottery I think I just traded like all of our picks never mind we have the first odds and the seventh odds all right uh we are going to get the second pick that the Pelicans wait what did they jump up to from this time let me see Hello I think they were top wait oh the Pelicans were number five all right well uh let's try and trade up seven for Mr Zion Williamson I think it's time to trade Curry I don't care what finals MVP you won we're trying to evolve with that this is the thing though is that these draft classes as of late have been much worse than the previous ones Giannis is still Giannis is 25 is only a 92. like we need 96's that's we need we need to go back there that old 2000 era might be our Prime like forever like the rest of the video I could just give a pick two and pick seven I could give a be honest Luca Trey but Kawhi is 28 and he's only an 89. let's look about trading Kawhi they could literally just have this straight up okay they don't want it it's a thunder picket look at all these picks I got from my my that was all Chris Paul Stan hey well we don't need all these pixels here you could have picked 20 as well there you go Kawhi Leonard is out of here see you Kawaii we got pick two and pick one well we won't trade anybody else yet just to make sure that don't leave us in free agency how Brawn can leave us right yeah I don't know I forget never mind the only place that expired are going to be restricted Diane Williamson the first overall pick and John Morant the second overall pick would pick RJ but you know he's not even up there like at all he's ranked six I'm not putting my bets on the dude in ranked six although Jalen Brown was picked six hey we still have to trade our other pick oh snap it's number seven I forgot about that entirely I should have traded that with somebody I'm gonna have to send Harden out of here this off excuse me either him or stuff I'm not gonna lie 2K just hating at this point there has never been a point in his career where RJ was a 72 like even like I remember from the years he'll be like 75 at one point 72 is crazy and Vlade Divac uh he probably just peaked Dang if you peaked you might get traded porzingis surpasses you might as well play center right let's see what happens I already know they're gonna tell us we gotta stop and trade somebody 16 players currently is there any like young players that aren't doing what they should be Jalen's only an 83 it might be his time to go he's definitely odd man out here I'm not gonna lie also jokic 86 at 24. I might just trade him honestly I'm gonna go down the Chris Paul process of elimination again hell Tyson Chandler is better than you okay it's crazy I just tried to yoke us like that I probably should have traded Jalen brown but it is what it is crazy that's why I drafted the other dude over him like I was kind of dead set on jokic but then I saw a vladi divock Jr was better and it said yokich's peak was only all NBA and not Hall of Fame and I was like Ah that's kind of crazy perfect actually that's a lot of protective pick could someone give me enough oh perfect thank you Orlando Gary Clark out of there and we are ready to head over to the next season end up looking the same as usual as last year at least Giannis at 92 now that's good that's good you're still improving and a Chuck Wawa bowl bowl rookie of the year holy hell are we in Prime Bowl what's his shot tendency are we in Primal I'll try oh it's big time that's we might gotta go get him for the culture if he improves if he's a 75 I'm not gonna catch most improved player 87 overall on the Suns isto jokic thing maybe I should have just played him I don't know when we're gonna need Jalen Brown I'm not gonna lie but hey that's what it is maybe we'll just go trade him back for Jokers I don't know we lost the game to Dallas in the first round bucks finals I'm believe this is KD and we're gonna sweep KD Anthony Davis good good you are 27 though you're already old Jesus we're already you're already 27. Dwayne Wade has retired I thought about taking him back and getting a Victory lap going or some but yeah here we are Dwyane Wade 11 championships kept him since the day he was drafted uh almost you know his retirement and this year uh I mean you got you got Zion you got you got uh some dogs we got two lottery picks as well oh and one of them moved up look at that and we only had two chances at it we could get lamelo Aaron Davis Jr expect to be an All-Star I like these Juniors all right and I'm not gonna lie I do enjoy it I mean I don't know if it makes sense for this draft class it's so recent but yeah it's kind of fun Curry's a 94 now Braun's still at 96 at 35. we've literally seen moron's entire career progress and how he hasn't regressed so yeah I'm thinking my new motto at all times that nobody's ever Untouchable and we always just trade the weakest or oldest Lane simple as that Jesus we have a lot of picks this year oh my God I think eight and Beats at 92 I should have got him over jokish honestly all right I just traded like all of our picks this year and and a future pick from ourselves you get the first pick from New Orleans so that's locked in we I'm definitely gonna draft lamello number one is ranked number one for sure um if I did have two I would get Edwards He's expected to be they're both only expect to be all NBA so maybe I'll just refrain from this draft for now 30 or 15 players so I'm gonna go ahead actually I'm gonna wait for Jalen Brown to progress and then I'm gonna trade him first overall pick Oklahoma City Thunder lamello ball will be taking the spot Cindy Edwards goes to the Knicks Baron Davis Devin vasel actually kind of tough because Westbrook's on the Knicks too so they they might actually become kind of decent we need LeBron James to get back on this team he's got great deals from the Spurs thankfully he does want to resign with us I'm gonna offer him a five-year deal with a player option you could be making this money for a minute young man there you go and he's still in favor to go to the Spurs hold on oh that's bad that is bad we got two other restricted free agents I think we're about to lose we're about to lose LeBron LeBron accepted another offer we have lost LeBron James just straight up lost him oh man that's this is bad this is very bad uh Ben doesn't want to accept our offer although he has to regardless somebody's restricted and Jalen Jalen you might hold some more value now hold on we might we might Ben Simmons preparedo I don't care you're coming back losing LeBron is crazy Libby lost LeBron KD and Westbrook in free agency and I just traded Chris Paul who we need now I already see him in the future we need Victor soon and Tatum's gonna take a bigger role this season Zion is yeah oh man oh man we need you guys to get good quick cause like it's not like when we had Jordan we could trade Jordan no like we are watching our team fall into pieces and these guys still exist in the league that's the worst part and we're obviously going to keep everybody this season I mean you know wow Luke is already at 91 he will start he's gonna take LeBron's spot already I would make Giannis a big but he gets just significantly worse let A.D play center though and actually leads the way for Ben Simmons to start a power forward I didn't even expect that but that were Trey Young's also 89 but he doesn't quite make the rules we actually kind of need him to make the rotation though he's the only point guard we got enough we got enough Playmakers we'll be all right man we gotta give hey Kenneth is a bona fide Hall of Fame matter of fact I'm a trade for Kenneth I want to trade for Kenneth can we get Kenneth the ring this is the most impressive play we've ever seen that just wasn't supposed to be impressive like he's the the closest I think that came to this was David Robinson maybe but this man has five MVPs during the span of our team two dpois he's an 88 overall and he's still doing this at 34. we gotta trade for Ken just for one year I'll trade him right back out Kenneth all NBA first team then you got Russell LeBron KD and Boogie three players I had and one player I wanted desperately one who I'm gonna get though imma get you Kenneth come on I almost traded Steph for D'Angelo I might still do that at the draft time that actually is probably a pretty likely scenario D'Angelo's a 90 90 overall 25 years old and uh third team I'm just I don't know why I just felt like taking a look at all these right now Chris Paul's still up here obviously he did regress a lot though play in game is here that is disgusting I hate looking at that stupid Branch I don't know how many games we won this year I didn't really check we're playing the Nets in the finals and we did not lose the game the entirety of the playoffs Steph wins Finals MVP might have heard me D Rose D Rose and Kawhi are on the Nets our team is still Leaps and Bounds ahead of the league none of these games were even close that's a good sign because we needed that uh I mean I might have lied but like we gotta get Kenneth 2021 draft who's in this draft again I I don't know why I'm forgetting the draft from two Evan Mobley Kade we do need Kade I won't lie we do need Kade because Kate is crazy in this game and the Knicks got the first overall oh wait wait we played the Nets in the finals that was the Knicks for a second penny where is the the draft 2021 right that's the one hello uh the 2K just has it wrong was that Kevin O'Connor that man is a beat reporter he should not be here let me go and find a 2021 draft I did not know they were broken it's good enough whenever I do another simulation like this it is 2021 you got Mobley Cade Scotty don't even know their ceilings but we kind of do though I'ma for sure at least get Cade versus tile guy six foot six complaining position probably uh up to like the four in 2K we got just straight 80s at this point we've got like a bunch of 89s and we got mad picks yet again all up New York they would take Harden for the pick and I would be open to that because well this is getting old okay they want to take a 2022 Lakers and 23 Raptors for heart with heart and uh I throw in some other mid and they're gonna also give me Draymond screw it I'll do this trade for the first overall pick hard and it's been real this is getting weird now because we need we're dependent on these players playing good now we don't really know these aren't like guys that we know I gotta trade draymondi where is chuck woo whatever that oh wait we get the third pick too offered Curry for D'Angelo and they declined if it's 27 points last year I'm gonna definitely get this trade done for sure over the 21st pick as well and offer this pick off whatever Thunder picks we got off for another second rounder and offer another first rounder and we they are still not giving us D'Angelo for curry but I just got Draymond you guys want Draymond I got him on accident well not on accident but I just you know here you go take Draymond to Jesus Christ is D'Angelo Untouchable oh I just traded bagnani in four trash picks for the second overall pick in the draft I think I'm gonna look for Evan Mobley with that one Evans is ranked number one actually by default and Kate's number two so that's good we're gonna get those two sorry to Jalen and Scotty it's a fantastic Drive class where is chuck woo I don't even know if we could put him on the roster to be honest with you good Jabari Parker also thriving out there great to see you know actually no let Chuck we'll go and keep on winning his MVPs he don't need no rings he don't have his own little Legacy over there and I have to trade Jalen Brown and Draymond Green because we don't have the roster spots to draft the other two I quite literally have to trade them for nothing so I'm gonna get the third overall pick and I'm literally just gonna trade her for future picks I'm doing update required that's fantastic it's not even that early pretty funny because some of these trades I'm making just to like flee up out of some of the work like we're getting future fix but there's some of the worst trades ever like I just traded the fifth pick for the 12th pick and some garbage yeah screw it trade out Gordon for these two all right cool we're good now we can go ahead and we could have done this in the first place but we'll take Evan Mobley number one why not okay number two done deal thank you very much until the draft I wonder who goes after just Josh Goody's gonna go no no never mind okay and Kate is a lower overall than all and what the hell why is Chris Duarte a 79 it doesn't matter as long as we got the draft class that was actually correct qualifying offers we gotta resign Jason Tatum that was the only player we got that year oh and we got to resign A.D okay wait A.D what type of offers you got I'm gonna yeah I'll I will give A.D the uh what's it called that's good if you want to leave two go ahead I'm gonna give you a player option four year plus one let's see ads coming back thank you finally somebody with some loyalty to be the best player on the team right now though if LeBron regresses right now let's see um oh wait LeBron regresses LeBron left you are the best player on the team God LeBron is old because I would be terrified to ever see him in the playoffs ever anywhere okay they're starting Curry donches Giannis Ben and A.D what a lot what a lineup Zion's still working his way up to the lineup and then just in the tuck right now we got Kade Mobley lamello Jah and Zion he's still running the triangle oh my God and it's still the best system I don't even get it I really don't get it Phil Jackson where are you what what is going on right now can the Chuck willower oh that's why I couldn't find him maybe because he was a free agent I think oh never mind he's still in the world he regresses enough to the point where I can come just bring him over here and get him a ring matter of fact when I see that it says he's gonna retire I'm gonna override it and trade for his old body cells 35 already and still winning MVPs lost the first round game to The Rock gets who was the second round game he lost a third round game holy hell and we lost the finals game what is going on with the team oh man it's it's time to blow it up it's time to blow it up hey Curry gotta get Curry out of here either this year or the next oh man this is this is bad this is bad right now we have I don't think we've ever lost that many games in the playoffs in the past three decades we've never lost a game in every round Hall of Fame inductees Chris Bosh and Carmelo Anthony two actually I don't we never had Chris Bosh yeah just mellow thank you for your 13 rings we are smoking the Bill Russell record and we have a ton of picks in the top of this draft who the hell is in this draft is this is this this year's draft is this following them uh will we get 14 and we move up to two and four well let's try oh this draft just didn't load in either okay hang stuff expired so he's got to stay around unless he leaves us he's gonna stay around for at least a little bit long uh Vlade Divac Jr is probably the player to get traded this year definitely need to get shoot somebody well actually we actually almost have every holy hell how many picks do we get we have nine out of the 30 picks in this draft Jesus Christ and we can only draft we can only draft one player technically and I'm I'm okay with that I'll just take Paulo you know if we really need a player per second why is Jabari Smith number one is Jabari now I'm just confused I don't even know who I want to pick anymore I might just trade all these for future ones we just trade every player over the age of like 27. story is going to start getting actually tough which sucks no more smooth I mean yes and no we have like all the rest of the good players so Curry would have been an easy trade this year instead we're gonna for sure moving on from Vlade and I might just pick one player honestly I'm gonna destroyed the second pick and the fourth pick for pick number one oh okay well no I didn't even have to trade pick four I just traded two other top picks plus two and we got number one pretty easily so now we have one and two I am tempted to just go ahead and take I mean I wanted Pollo but he's not even ranked I feel like he'd be ranked higher but seeing Paolo cooking recently in real life and that's what makes me want to be more so I'm gonna get Paolo for sure and maybe Jabari after that because Jabari is ranked number one if we do keep this pick because I would have to trade for sure valade as well as another player maybe towns one of are better than towns anyways we might just hold on to town so maybe trade I'm gonna just I'm gonna just trade all the picks and uh and get get Paolo let me trade Vlade for Pick Four then try and trade pick four again wasn't on the mic for a second but uh yeah we just did the normal off-season moves Apollo I traded all the picks for basically all the knicks's future picks actually they kind of fleeced me but it is what it is who cares they were able to keep actually I think I only traded for two of them so yeah they screw them actually look at our picks right now we have about what is this like seven in 2023 a couple in 2024. obviously this year we are going all out for default Victor this is our guy Victor will probably be better than every single player on here and will definitely be our starting center maybe even off the rip please Zonk hit like 95 soon dog at least you're playing though Kenneth wins another MVP Jaden Ivy gets rookie of the year I was looking he looked pretty good on his stats Kenneth dpoi Anthony Edwards most improved player on New York to 28 we might need to go strike the iron while it's hot and try and get him all this year if he's this good Braun KD and Boogie who the hell is PJ Penland I have no no it was drafted in an 04 and he's not still a 90 per seed as always yeah wow that's crazy so I traded for the Mixed picks last year and all of a sudden they're great again look at my luck dang the the Blazers won two games against us that's PJ Petland whatever the hell his name is the Knicks in the finals imagine they beat us after I gave them everything nope 4-0 Steph Curry Finals MVP and Victor win by nyama off Seasons a shout out to J.R Smith you played a season here you didn't really play though Chris Paul also retired and Chris Paul finishes with 13 rings as well same as Melo we traded in the same off season makes sense that we have the NBA draft lottery coming up and we do not have we have a top five odds but it goes up to number one Victorious hours and we need scoot I'm not gonna lie we need school can't trade ad just yet he holds he holds his team up too much in a good way I mean that holds the seam of sounds bad Goo and Victor are both insane in this game as you'd expect so I just trade Curry for the pick might also be about that time to trade Giannis either Giannis or towns not gonna waste too much oh is that Chuck I wish I wish but I need to make a roster spot honestly just straight towns for some mid sorry Jimmy Butler but I'm calling you mid trade towns for this I don't even like I just kind of want to just get it pushing dog trade Jimmy for some future picks at Alex Lin I really don't care all right now uh we gotta trade Steph it is time so I'm gonna go ahead and call up the owner of the second pick in the draft we already have a ton more picks I can trade I really don't care we gotta trade step one way or the other no offers were found I have an offer for you don't worry I have a player that has more rings than than uh what's his name and Scoot Henderson don't worry you could have future there you go that is it Stephen Curry is gone we have the top two picks in the draft we will be drafting Victor in schools of roster spots and all that we should be good first pick in the draft Victor when banyama the second pick in the draft scoot Henderson keep it pushing also still gotta trade some of these other picks there it is Big Victor big school re-signed John Zion but they have qualifying office so that's fine cool both restricted take all the money you want that works we run things over here like a college red shirt except your first four years of being in the National Basketball Association or red shirt and A.D you're definitely gonna trade it next year I'm sorry buddy I don't even care if we get the first pick we will just keep on trading the picks are just there just for power at this point the only day we lose like we lose all these trades but it is what it is in this draft is it there's brownie in them and Ron Holland will probably just get Ron Holland this year who they got starting this year they got John Luca Tatum A.D and porzingis with Trey Janus Zion Ben and Lonzo or lamelo playing my bad Kenneth wins his eighth MVP at 37 years old he was undrafted I just realized that like these playoffs hope we don't lose too many games boom win that series oh my God I got so scared can we sweep the finals who the hell is on the Warriors to do that to us can it LeBron James has retired at 39 years old 21 years pro so is Dwight Howard who is currently teamless he fell off a cliff after we traded oh never mind it's been like six seven years I didn't realize it's been that long oh snap the glitch happened okay who do we get in the draft like the stupid glitch happened that almost screwed us over okay we get like all the worst picks it really did we got seven picks and they're all outside the lottery that is terrible luck as of right now it's definitely the year we gotta move on from Anthony Davis A.D 93 overall 31 year old oh my honest we gotta move on from now soon too oh man maybe next year or something we're just gonna go year by year one by one take one player move on from one until that's really it honest that'll probably be the strategy forever it is I had to trade three of our garbage picks and we got ad out of here for Dario sarich and whatever the hell now I'm gonna just trade all the rest of the picks we got number one I'm gonna take Ron Holland sorry I could get LeBron James Jr but just do it for the fun of it maybe I think brawny is second right hall of fame ceiling maybe we just picked Ronnie maybe we just picked Ronnie the first pick the Oklahoma City Thunder will select Bonnie James oh my God I did it I did it run home and then even go number two screw me is a flu win four Ronnie James 74 overall easily the lowest rated player drafted in a long time but I have seen him become good in these these videos so so we traded Anthony Davis for basically Ben Simmons might actually leave us right here right now and he is going to he's going to the Milwaukee Bucks so we actually could have kept A.D for one more year we lose Ben Simmons just barely doesn't want to sign with us so that is that is kind of tough streak is definitely going to end at one point in this video because we're gonna start having the draft players that we literally don't know Auto generated rookies and it's gonna get bad because be trading our best players for auto generated rookies that might actually be garbage this man rob Green's got to be one of the greatest coaches ever now and he's only a d-plus rating oh snap the triangle doesn't want to work anymore so the best one though we've got Zion Luca Giannis jaw and porzingis started Victor will probably be starting like next year or something Kenneth wins another MVP it's another team Zion wins most improved we needed yes we need this out of you buddy but everybody leaving us get new teams all this stuff Ben Simmons made the first team as well Jesus Christ uh Jazz first round as they win second round as they win third round we lose one game we beat the Bulls and Luca dances as they the finals MVP Scotty Barnes and DeAndre Aiden get swept Kenneth is retiring but here's the thing I would actually do what I said but he's still in 89 and we got it you know I'm saying we can't we can't do that we can't ruin the franchise Kenneth it's been real buddy you are a bona fide Hall of Famer and probably the best player that we've seen that wasn't on our team he won six dpois nine MVPs no ring and so on and so forth draft lottery for I don't even know honestly the second pick that's cool and it stays at number two oh Nasir Cunningham is really good so I'm gonna get nice here and we're gonna have to trade who's anybody like mid that we've had okay porzingis might be a casualty of War at this point he's 29. be honest actually Giannis only averaged 10 points porzingis average 18. oh yeah Giannis was a bench player for us this year yeah it looks like yeah it's time for him to go he hasn't done much but screw it he's gotta get to step in we'll see if we can trade him for I guess number one and then trade number two for some other garbage somewhere honestly they could have be honest and maybe even number two if I could have all their draft picks see if they could be garbage forever or something the thing is that guy's pretty good you know so probably like transform your oh what's this wait with 2025 Toronto what is that that is number two we'll give 14 19 22. now they're asking from some swap best or whatever whatever the hell that means still no uh take more first okay okay now they're just trying to swap one first in 2026 and it's for the first pick we still have the second one to trade elsewhere yeah that works for me it's gonna be the easiest off season yeah now I just gotta trade the second pick for some other garbage we traded for Ron Holland for all I know man trade down for Alfred Payton why not Frank is an 86. I'm so proud of you my trade for you it's what I didn't even have to who did I trade to be honest I didn't even have to do that I just realized we had 13 we had 14 players because Ben left I could go and trade for another player I already know who it's gonna be frank nilakina is an OKC Thunder player for four first screw it I don't care he's here he's gonna win rings and be the worst player on the team for a half second I actually needed an honorary bad player that I could trade in the year because I'm so tired of having to consciously think about which player I want to trade all right give me Nasir Cunningham keep it pushing he's for sure the best player in this draft 40 and 82 overall as a rookie we not have any free oh there they go all right John and Trey of plateaued as so it seems a lineup is marant donches Tatum Williamson porzingis young Mobley wimbanyama ball and Kate Cunningham Jabari Smith Jr New York Knicks most viable player did not ex well I did expect that actually after I saw how good he was in the draft class and Nick Smith Jr also makes the first scene he's in his third year and Simmons look we not worry about none of these people though simulate the playoffs okay we lost the game in the first round we lost the game in the second we're gonna make it back to the finals yet again play New York oh my God they win the first game we win the second one they win the third game we win the fourth one we win another game and we are going to win the finals a very very close call they have Darius Garland too I forgot entirely I mean I wasn't gonna draft them but they have Dyson Daniels Baron day oh no oh no the League's getting too good they even got Mitchell Robinson again like they beat us by 11 points in one of these games that is oh and they have Edwards now the Knicks are too good they're too good oh man we didn't even give him we might have gave him some of those picks but Russell Westbrook has retired screw you you left us and so did KD where is KD at it did he retire yet I don't know I remember these players played significant amount of years with us Derrick Rose 10 Rings Westbrook nine walled three and James Harden 12. and uh we don't retire Westbrook's Jersey I'm not surprised we didn't retired John Walls but we didn't retire Westbrook that's crazy girls even got his number retired with Brooklyn it's been dang it's been what that many years eight years since we traded up the drive Lottery again we I saw one top pick all right we'll take number 10 screw it and it didn't fall down what wait wait how far how far did it just fall down oh oh no no wait it was protected but wait how protected was it Indiana Indiana um okay just out of 10. I don't remember trading for a lottery pit protective pick but it's all good it doesn't really matter anybody good in this draft oh yes Cameron Boozer and Co-op Pete and Cooper they're all really good in 2K Cameron boozers the one though like he's the one the dude finally changed his name to it from K Peak to KOA Pete I've been asking for it I'm on the same draft class all right any old play actually it might just be frank we might just straight Frank expired oh my we can't trade friends y'all just trade for KOA and let Frank walk but we don't have good enough picks to trade all of our picks for the first one so we're gonna hit up the Warriors and trade kristops porzingis I don't even need this guy can we just do it like this there it is Kristoff's porzingis good good not good riddance sorry goodbye unreal it's been fun they've been real fun We're Not Gonna trade the rest of these picks and resign Frank or we could just find something really good on the trade block and honestly We're not gonna find anything better than the God is that Tracy McGrady Jr power forward seven foot Jesus Christ great genetics team actor for two future picks real quick was always next picks oh my God I hate them okay they're gonna go and draft two legends you can't trade with the team that almost beat us in the finals that's disrespectful to ourselves get draft first pick let me get Cameron Boozer I already know he's that guy the Sixers trade the second pick for who the third pick in bam wow Cooper flag maybe they maybe they knew that sure oh yeah LZ Harrington he was falling down I thought Cole was going through 82 overall Cameron Boozer honestly this whole draft is really good maybe I should have traded even more player who also I even have the trade uh really nobody unless you wanna well I mean I gotta resign Frank but aside from that yeah really nobody not trading 27 year old Luca oh we also got to resign Tatum wait where is Frank did we did we what what happened oh he accepted his player option never mind Jason Tatum has decided to sign with the New Orleans Pelicans we are getting cooked I tell you broasted burned to a crisp Victor is a 95 thankfully is there any way we could sell our soul for KOA Pete real quick man I saw Ron Hollins in 89 and brownies in 82 that was definitely a mistake well I'm good news we will have one roster spot next year when we draft whoever the hell the Jazz's new logo is hideous at least it's on the screen Victor Most Valuable Player okay drop the French I don't even know if that's French really I know he's French but I don't know how I would start with most improved player dpoi as well oh it's time it's time it's time Jabari Smith what's good it's our time though it's still our time New Orleans New Orleans move oh my oh my yo our Legacy our error is over bro our is over there's no way we went to a game seven in the first round there's just no way I'm going all in I might go this we might take a deep tour from our previous you know played of action we might have to go all in on the created draft rookie players and just trade even our most beloved players Knicks are a tied two three two there you go we finally won a game but won the series my bad but holy hell Nick's won two games by over 10 points Jabari Edwards Garland and they got bam now I think I traded the Bama on some crazy thing never mind they traded for bam Kevin Durant screw you you've retired leaving us after all right your first opportunity to do so bro it was mad years ago holy hell finishes with seven rings because he left us screw you ain't even really seen you in the finals much curry also retires only in a couple years since we traded him and Blake Griffin as well who almost beat us that one year I just had a flashback to that under we've got a lot of picks up here that's a that's a good sign let's get a top pick okay we do not this year okay Chris Washington's pretty good Hall of Fame this dude Hall of Fame this dude all NBA uh I don't be seeing the other other guys up there so I might just go for Chris Washington to be honest with you Lance Washington 511 I'm good honestly I'm good but we'll go with Kurt for Chris again Lance is a 23 as well like all right bro I think we'll be all right we have a roster spot which is good thankfully so let's go ahead and just get Chris art of finessing we got the fifth pick we gotta look at our picks oh we'll see in a second take a look at our picture real quick Jesus experiment pick five and not pick eight we'll try and finesse that one somewhere else 21 22 and 23. what about throw 13 in there 23 there we go finally they do it pick five took that much to get us out of there actually let's get we've been getting screwed over so much let's get frankly Frank oh yeah he was a player option oh my God I should have traded him during the season trade this eighth pick for some future OKC ones I don't even know if they're bad wait not OKC was it OKC wait it might have been okay I really I don't know honestly all right to the NBA draft let me get potential Legend Chris Washington Jr let's go ahead get that real quick the him Barry was in 80. this dude's a 78 but Chris is definitely gonna be he's for sure gonna be the best player from this class at least you know in 2K I it's in like 2027 I don't know who the hell the kid is in real life Victor's a free agent thankfully restricted although we have three unrestricted one being Luka donches now you are 28 I'm so tired of losing players that I think I will give you a no trade clause just so you don't leave let's see real quick uh thankfully I think that actually helped us a lot so I'll do I might do that with everybody to be honest with you and we're able to trade Chris actually our other 200 shook this don't have any other offers so Trey you can get a normal deal and oh that's Frank yeah bro take it 20 million a year Jesus Christ we'll go and get Victor in scoot actually they're both probably gonna yeah there you go scoot one over come on back Victor will get you a five-year Max and keep it pushed now Victor is trying to leave too screw you Vic that's probably going to trade for just you know I'm saying youngins only because holy hell I got the youngest I'm the youngest want to leave they're only 23 and they already have that opportunity how is that even possible wait they oh oh their rookie years expired yeah yeah they were trying to sign elsewhere though it's Zion regressing why is lamelo regressing because they plateaued they peaked whatever Victor and VP again and Jamie Pierce who the hell is Jamie Pierce wait wait that's our coach still right right right that's still our thank God who I don't know who the hell this guy is though but Jesus lower that bench utilization we don't play our bench around here that's why that's we've only won 10 game or lost 10 games and this is a confusing team wait not Siri is already a starter in year two Jesus Christ Kate isn't even playing Kate was starting last season now he's not even playing I would assume our other coach retired he was here for a long time all right don't lose there we go pelicans get them out of there wait they got rid of the playing game I have rule changes on still and they got rid of the playing game it was a way you could check history of rules yes rule change history oh they really heard me and got rid of the playing game that's really funny we're back to the finals we should be able to smoke anybody there you go nuts I have a feeling Victor is going to carry us to the promised land forever dang we just we just got rid of goaltending oh my God and the five second back to the basket nobody even posts up anymore anyways violations in the key will be called after five screw it hey I don't we've been using rule change this whole time screw it just let him Rock I might start leaving these on for video that is really funny getting rid of goaltending like almost unanimously is pretty funny Victor is gonna be up there thunder have the first best odds and we get the first pick in the draft who the hell is in this draft I have no clue who is Stefan did I did I download the draft class what year are we in 2028 I'll make sure I downloaded it if I did screw it who the hell is Stefan Klein it is them Stefan is still number one hey I mean he doesn't take up a roster spot Daryl Allen is oh he's not five nine instead of five eleven up there but all these guys kind of suck remember I've seen the name RJ rice before and we came we by any chance trade for one of the guys that we didn't get in a previous year and Donovan sucks can we trade for KOA Pete he's oh he's always a free agent that's why they even got Bryce James on the Knicks oh my God I forgot when did DJ Wagner oh he was a 12th pick and 24. I forgot about him and Derek Whitehead I forgot about all these guys is he he's probably Untouchable darik let's see I'm not probably Untouchable I don't know who Isaiah is but they got Isaiah and Tariq on the Lakers Jesus they're starting to build teams that are going to be better than ours okay Jabari Smith is not Untouchable can we trade this first pick oh that is the Knicks but screw it yeah screw them give him Frank the prophecy fulfilled and Jabari actually is better than Paulo in this oh I remember you Jeep on senzo oliveirio I remember you from one of the videos honestly crazily enough I don't even want to pick this year I rather just like all these guys just screaming mid I'm a bit scared um of what's to come in the future with our team and everything but at the same time I don't know what to do so I'm gonna just trade Frank for some future picks sorry Frank I'm also gonna try afraid oh yeah I'm just gonna pick a player I guess it'd be funny as if I turned everything on auto as of right now and just simulated the next 16 saw what happened sounds like something I do all right let's go draft some bum with the first pick this dude Stefan Klein is supposed to go number one in every single mock draft that's pissing me off so drafted uh drafting status player is usually garbage in 2K so I might draft Daryl Allen I might draft the five nine point guard let's go with consensus number two Daryl and that other guy didn't even go he didn't go second so that's that's a good pick maybe I I don't really even know at this point yeah look at G Vincenzo whatever the hell he's a 79 did not offer Zion yet we cannot lose Zion I'm giving no trade claws Nasir Cunningham is a 94. I want to look at the best players in the league because I think we don't even have like most of the top 10 like how we used to yeah look at this Nick Smith DJ Wagner Collier Aiden even then we got most of the other 94s and we don't have Jalen green we don't have lines that we don't have Jabari don't have Kyrie so there's a lot of guys just out there crazy is that felt like an auto-generated draft class and it wasn't even one yet Victor win by I'm a most viable player again Victor winbanyama dpoi just sent me like the playoffs hopefully honestly maybe one day we will get to close the game but at this point oh my God oh my God the Thunder have been swept swept by Kyrie Irving Jalen Brown Cameron Whitmore basala bagayeko chat Holmgren Mikey Williams Trey Lyles Jalen brought to swept the streak is over this is like when Team USA lost in the like the whole dock they just made this is that year we we actually we lost and it is time to look back on our history of rings prior to this because this now is going to be over I will count them up at the end but we won if I just counted correctly we won 43 straight championships 43 from the Michael Jordan era the first one coming with Jordan we've had finals MPS ranging from Jordan Olajuwon Patrick Ewing Scottie Pippen Penny Hardaway on and Iverson Kevin Garnett those two my God they want to find the pieces a lot for a while LeBron James kg again Kevin Durant LeBron James again Steph Curry Anthony Davis Luka doncic and now Victor winbanyama we have went through every era of pivotal NBA basketball in the past 40 years won every single ring and this is the team we lost to and trust me I am about to go dissect our stats with a fine picked tooth comb whatever the hell this saying is and we are trading whoever it is that sold us I knew there was reason to get worried job marant you will be you're 29-2 you will be gone Zion still holding it down he is old though scoot Henderson you might have to be gone too you're 25 but you you shot 41 in this series right young and we got players to replace you we got all these 90s sitting in the reserves ready to get in the thing bro I this is insane A40 sweep gold Henderson shot three for 11 with six turnovers in game four in game one you know they say like the larger they come the harder they fall type stuff that was us this year we hey we thought we were them and we were not we we were not Nasir Cunningham two for 11 in the second game the third game John marant five for fourteen so yep all those three guys I did see Nasir also shot bad those guys had their bad games for sure holy hell and then on the other hand the Spurs are just insane Whitmore Mikey Williams bagayeko they have tanked better than us we should have been gave up some players I guess actually matter of fact who underperformed as well forget even if who doesn't have the dog in him Victor obviously does even though he played bad like shooting less than 50 type of bad it's not not terrible but bad Ronnie James in the rotation he didn't he didn't really do much let's see field goals attempted Evan Mobley really didn't he yeah he really didn't do much let's just go back to all reliable estimated wins added we could even look at the playoff one metrically the any negatives no but like like I insinuated Mobley Trey young and Scoot Henderson at the bottom of the estimated wins added for the playoffs and for the regular season Mobley at the bottom oh my God Trey young and bronnie James and John Moran scoot Henderson we will be looking at these stats for sure when the playoffs come around Mikey Williams is a champion the first team the first player of course this is like a full circle moment I've never done anything this insane my computer is tweaking right now I see the little my computer's trying to go down oh man I still got storage on here bro I'm like running on like less than a hundred not look all right I'm just talking too much now um icky Williams full circle moment the dude who I did a whole career simulation on my first like month of people watching my channel on 2k20 because he was so good on 2k20 comes back and defeats my undefeated team 2K 23. doesn't even really it doesn't even look like Mikey Williams he's just got the hair on that note uh nobody I don't think any of our dogs were tired see it Gordon Hayward draft lottery is any players to look forward toward to this year we got the second pick oh man what what a way to fall to Mikey Williams Devore who are these people these aren't even good players oh man we should should have we should have went all in a few years ago I download this is another downloaded draft class I'm gonna see what great players I could trade for because obviously well first and foremost it's cool we going we gonna check what your value looking like honestly without with all realistic you know just real reality check we might have to just run it back so anyway Mikey Williams is is Mikey Williams not Untouchable we were where's Mikey there he is are they about to offer me Mikey oh my we might have to do it hey bro that's the finals MVP hey we have no shame we know how to win we know the win around here we do what has to be done oh Trey Young's 30 oh do that do that oh my god do that trade for Mike and we are breaking up this roster hey Trey young it has been real buddy Mikey Williams 25 year old self is now a member of the Thunder you can't beat us no more Trey you could try it hey you didn't it didn't work here John Moran you were about to be 30. Luca already is 30. on Holland Pollo as well that might be worth it we're going to see Mikey Williams in the trade finder I had to go and individually look look for him so let's see who else I can get Nick Smith was not Untouchable last year I would assume he is this year though okay he's Untouchable yeah okay the Rick Whitehead is not Untouchable try and trade John Morant for him cool they're they're okay you know as far as they're concerned they don't want this trade right now but what if I add in two picks it weakens them too much I add another pick and add in the 11th pick I don't care really they still don't want this said it weakens them at the two too much we don't really have a two to give them actually we just have Luca to be fair I really do not care to make sure we're getting the best player available matter of fact I should go I should go get Cameron Whitmore D'Angelo led the league in scoring I wanted that man years ago he's also 33 now though okay Tariq was six in the league in scoring so yeah he's got that dog and he's going to try to get him again are you not getting Luca I mean technically you could get Luca but I I just rather not trade Luca yet it's the LeBron thing you know Daryl Allen has some good value but uh let's just give up any Thunder picks get a lot of Thunder first and then give up the 11th pick give you five first and John Moran you gotta take this right five first five of them come on dog they take Mobley for him that's that's a good that's a good question would they would Mobley be valued anymore they're saying Derek's a valuable asset all right we'll take the 22. this is crazy they really just don't rock with us what's crazy we might have our most 90s ever like they're just barely 90 players and we still sold this team really lost to Mikey Williams next year I might run a 12-man rotation as well because there's no way I'm letting some random players just sell every single game anymore one more pick with Evan all right well Derek's not getting traded for because I'm just trying to trade the best players possible except for Luca you want to just take the Spurs entire roster see what they want for Cameron Whitmore I will give you Mobley for him straight up Evan Mobley for Cameron Whitmore is done Evan moley was like 30 Cameron Whitmore is you see I should have tried a job um whatever cares we're stealing the Spurs roster they beat us well guess what now we know how to win we take your team there's a sweep is crazy dog uh it's co-oped Untouchable oh he's just he's a free agent I have to wait a little bit and then trade uh trade some other stuff I drafted brawny over Xavier Booker years ago and now they're trying to make me trade Victor for Xavier Booker I will trade jobs but uh take it or leave it that's it girl you Jason Tatum oh my we should have used you this this series and I gave them Trey young and Mobley imagine we losing them again because of that I should have dispersed those players to other team it should have been some three team trade garbage I saw one player I definitely won that's Anthony Edwards but he's low-key only have two years left if you don't take this trade I'll offer a second if they if they don't take this it's not destined to happen actually I'll offer this 30th pick as well okay cool we're gonna keep John Moran for another year I am drafting I I don't know should I draft any of these trash players yeah no I'm trading the pig actually not I'll take one of the overseas dudes chip done goes first no clue who the hell what overall was he 76 yeah this draft is garbage this overseas dude says he could be an all-nba player a skirt we'll take him he's a 77. throw all these players I really I still can't believe it the crazy part is none of the games were even very close running these players good or Colby Davis you a b and your first rated hopefully you'll be all right miss a 22 year old sorry for that we're gonna have to start man hey maybe we should ditch the triangle also holy hell actually we must have done that years ago oh my even our new coaches on that this is disgusting yo this is insane go to balance we we hired a new coach that still uses the triangle bro I I swear to God the triangle isn't even a thing like anymore in the game even Nick Smith Jr must hey we don't win I I don't give up obviously but that's what it is Smith should have drafted you probably I mean you would have just been another mid play on our team not mid but like you know same thing all every single first team has done on our team we could have drafted every single one of them of course first round we win second round we're playing the Spurs and we get our revenge third round playing the Clippers and we do it we're finally back DJ Wagner is the finals MVP win the finals again holy I can't believe we lost I really can't believe we lost it actually pissed we gotta can we get a streak we could actually get a streak longer than the one we already had I believe yeah we definitely can A.D retires he had 12 Rings he was a great great Center for us any funny uh rules no it doesn't look like a draft lottery I don't I'll draft that top dude if need be but that's about it we got the 13th pick I'll definitely take Colby Davis I don't know who else could be ranked number one oh hell no not you and not you you guys are both starters this guy is supposed to be an All-Star I guess that's not even that good I don't even know if I really want him though I genuinely think the auto generated draft class is going to be better than these garbage ones look at this every this is every player under 21 years old the best one is the one that's on our team the first pick from 2028 I think we're in 30. here's some guy we passed up on Hardwell we got and we got Washington over him I think or no that's a different year but whatever all the new young players suck so we got to get a choke hold on the league on anybody that's we got we should have got a p cause cold Pete's probably okay we just can't trade from right now but the dream pick right now our player to trade for will be Baga yeko the third pick in 25 I think we picked Cameron Boozer over him no wrong Year tell me pick brawny over him no that's that's the wrong year no I'm a force us to get Xavier Booker from uh from the Thunder he is not Untouchable I will get him one way or the other we're ever trading for players that are actually better than ours Jeffrey Tate dog do you have any value two star take him that's the first pick from last year that is so disgusting this is bad we can't even get him do I have to trade Luca for him I'll offer it screw it I'll offer it look oh look as a no trade Zion does too but Xavier is so much younger that I'll offer it okay yeah it's jar nothing and I think it's gonna be nothing Xavier Booker is staying oh okay here's a good one John Moran for Ron Holland who has uh Five Years on him we're gonna do this John's been real it really hasn't been fun I wanted to win every ring man I'm just trading out of this draft entirely everybody here is garbage let's keep it pushing also I think I even need a roster spot to sign the other actually I traded him or no I didn't trade I'm gonna see if Jeffrey Tate gets any better after the draft he is garbage number one overall pick yeah all right Jeffrey we gotta resign Victor Chet and not chat whatever we have four unrestricted friends I bet all for Victor in school first school Victor is leaving no bro no we just oh my God why do they do this to us every single time we're gonna loot we're gonna this is it this is the end of the dynasty this is it say goodbye go ahead and author Cameron Whitmore before Cade why not that doesn't really matter Victor when mannyama is gone we lost Victor everything I worked for oh my God I was I literally just wanted to see him play his career here that is it and now we're gonna have to defeat Victor every year Cade whatever money he wants I don't care he'll trade him if we need to and Cameron Boozer can't now Cameron Boozer trying to leave that's only the other Center we need it's safe to say we have our roster spot for that one garbage bum from last year's draft what the hell can we get some more of those random uh like Juniors can we get a Magic Johnson Junior now we're struggling for players what team did Victor go to so I can remember because Jesus Christ the Pacers with cool MinGa probably won't even be good Luca is getting worse scoot's getting worse can't they're just plateauing or whatever uh Jeffrey and and this dude Daryl Allen just didn't get better you were picked number one two year he just didn't get better oh my God we back to back number one garbage picks or whatever top garbage picks please don't tell me there's a 2131 draft there is and at the very least I see an all NBA player and he's 18 I'm gonna draft that guy he's 18 dog he'll actually progress holy hell trade our bums for him where is Michael Jordan man I miss him where is LeBron oh my God Luca you suck Cameron Boozer thank you for being good winning MVP that's one of the last players I had hoping wait Jamie Pierce coach of the year we lost nine games in the season will we lose in the playoffs so far we we're winning we lost game to the Timberwolves another win the Clippers I don't see the Pacers anywhere not even in the playoffs of the Pacers Wiseman you're a stupid dummy screw you scoot Henderson finals MVP or whatever the Conference Finals and we didn't win another ring we only lost one game we need at least 10 Rings before I'm happy again Giannis retires Jesus oh my God Joelle retires Giannis hat oh my Kyrie if you retire with a ring and we never had him he beat us he beat us Sonic's 12 Rings it'll never happen again never I'm a draft I'ma get up and draft the uh the first overall dude I saw the one guy right Ed Chase Willis Reed okay what about this guy Edward Knox Dave cowins okay some good players here I might take two to be honest with you because we have two garbage roster spots right now so we gotta work up for those two this guy sucks and this guy sucks let's go ahead and snatch those two picks and take those two guys they might be the Sabers of this franchise if they're anything good so scary trading for players that aren't named LeBron James or Junior can't trade oh I can't trade Island I will decline your team option I do not care Tate you suck I don't care hating three picks Jesus Christ how many picks do I need for the first future one I'm not trying to trade all of our pixels here and then not be able to get anything Aang what the hell do they want God screw it would take him in the 12th and 14th picks that should work okay we're gonna work down from there 15 as well there you go Jesus Christ I'm up to sell my I don't know if I could even get the other pick honestly I might have to trade every pick I have Rob black Jerry Lucas all NBA he's also 20. Trevor Bush Alex English will Childress you suck probably drop the 20 year old and and actually the the this dude what the hell Wes unselled Hall of Fame oh man this is tough this is tough probably gonna draft you honestly I wish I had more roster spots because today Luca it might be I don't know if this is oh man when is it gonna be the time for him to go I don't think it could be yet though we're I mean we're pretty good I think we're pretty good but Jesus Christ lamelo hasn't done nothing oh my God Kate neither of you Jesus it's time for you guys to go honestly as a garbage guys don't even play Kate hasn't played since since what 2020 it's 20 like 31. let's get Kaden in the mail out of here for the top picks let's get all of them honestly it's better than rooting for 89 overall it doesn't even play You're gonna need them soon when all of our players inevitably fall off dang they just took that straight up that has never happened oh man I'm terrified now I'm trying finesse this pick without trading Kate uh actually this takes seven and 25 and 30. I know I'm gonna work out this off season but screw it there you go all right cool we got one two and three I had three guys I was pretty set on all right it's time uh I think we traded all of our like picks and everything right It's Time with the first pick I will definitely be taking the Ed West unselled comparison Jesus Christ what's his name Ed no that's Ed Chase where's Wesson sell that Darrell Conley first overall pick put the you know I'm saying all the confidence in them all right now we need the youngest players because we're you know I'm saying the team that is not going to use these guys for a minute so Ed Chase is gonna be our second overall pick we get to the ceiling or whatever now this guy's too old actually we're gonna go with a I was about to go rob black but we're gonna go with Trevor Bush the dude Who's Alex English comparison and he's 18 he's younger he's got Alex english's comparison let's go with him Rob black goes next I don't care he's probably better as well he's probably the best player yep but these three we need you guys to be good we genuinely need it Arrow Allen oh yeah I said I would decline a steam option I'll just trade him or something yeah even they know he's garbage bring back oh they're all okay no three of them unrestricted what's what's bonqueto's uh okay offer is good I'm a player option if he leaves honestly I don't even he's going to the sixes of course he is Washington okay chill out and accept this offer you wait you had one too oh no no oh I didn't need to offer him oh my God that's okay that's okay we get Mikey and then run Holland we really lost Paulo just don't lose Ron Holland now okay cool he has no offers give him his money perfect we got all three of them see Apollo should have traded Apollo for shoot something else too Luca you will probably be getting traded next year since you're regressing look at this we got a bunch of 70s now Chris Washington need you to step it up buddy it is time for auto generated draft classes I don't know what to expect consensus number one guy or at least he looks like it no no comparison yet I guess we'll see at the end he's 18 that's good that's good and a lot of good players actually the draft class quality is on normal so now Nasir Cunningham is there but wait did we already had a year without Victor what am I talking about design is enough to go soon too but he tried a job the first time in a long time I went to go and see if I could sign people the condo extensions and everybody says they're ineligible except for Brony who says Test free agency him and Boozer wins another MVP and we lost 12 games this season that might be the most we've ever lost since the Jordan era we are on to the Conference Finals playing the Spurs our Arch and Nemesis or whatever whatever the hell is Nemesis a way to put like describe an entire team who knows we're gonna defeat the Wizards we did not win it we did not lose a game after me saying that was the most games we lost in the regular season a long time and I heard me we also beat John Moraine in the finals it's always a good thing to do just because I you know we know what happened you know it's crazy I forgot to start playing like a 12-man rotation but honestly we can't even really do it anymore because we have too many like mid Players let's see how the giraffe Lottery goes I don't even know what type of picks we got all right we got five and ten that's cool I just we might just go into a rebuild honestly like an actual this is a hundred year Rebo with no rebuild Jerrell Richards Hall of Fame this dude Lenny Wilkins All-Star Warfare sure drafting we might just go ahead and draft the Hall of Famer and call it keep it pushing honestly um Nasir Cunningham is a free agent which is disgusting hopefully he doesn't leave and sadly so is Luca now we gotta either resign or lose Luca for some reason Zion is pissed off even though he just won Finals MVP um let's get this bum Daryl Allen out of here destroyed him in the fifth pick oh my and that we might not even we gotta trade him hey no Daryl allowance expired again here never mind I forgot to I should have traded him during the season I actually looked at the trade offers and they were some straight garbage I think the one that was intriguing was like at 82 overall 40 year old Devin Booker let's try and trade some of these later picks if anybody else would like to give up this season we could we can move on from Kade if there's a player intriguing enough but first let's just focus on getting this first pick stop for pick five and not ten but pick 17 pick 30 two seconds and a future Thunder first this should get it done really you have two first there you go yeah that there goes number one overall pick we're gonna get the Hall of Famer Penny Hardaway Jr that does not look like Penny Penny was one of our you know greatest players trying to see if there's any similar features this is not Penny doesn't play above the wait he said seven foot weighs a seven foot small forward well we might gotta get Penny Junior let's take over the future of the league all right so I already have picked one I'm gonna draft Penny there was another dude I wanted to draft let's trade up for pick two and three and I'ma trade let Alan walk I'ma trade probably Zion and Kade cutting it close but screw it we'll be all right and Cunningham in an OKC pick for bones Highland we are lacking on first these days Shack era we had I miss Shaq man oh my God I need to find the next Shack I'm gonna just take the original trade I was trying to finesse and take some pics from them gotta give him another first one then Kate is 30. hey get him going he didn't even he never even played ion is 32. let's just before I trade Zion let's look yeah get bones in there too let's just look at offers for him it just it just this dude Elliot I actually was looking at trading for it I might trade for him it's scary to trade Zion too because this might be the most dominant player in 2K let me make sure nobody's on the Nets before I was ever to do this oh they got eight and two and I swear oh no that's aiming time amen Thompson whatever the hell dicks suck again they're back to the being the third pick in the draft and I'm about to steal it I'm gonna try to at least that's really crazy looks like this bush dude he fell off look at this his potential is now a B minus which is like an 81 maybe I think we gotta we should actually just trade Bush instead of Zion Oh crazy right go ahead and go to the Knicks and try and trade in this bomb he's got he's got decent potential but I rather Penny Hardaway Junior he's way cooler asking for Toronto's pick that's number 10. you guys hit me number 12. there you go all right cool I don't know he might still be good we'll see but I made things much easier we're gonna go to the draft pick the top three dudes that I was looking at Thunder first overall meet undoubtedly number one Jarrell Richards to that I think this is the guy was looking at it Ralph uh was it him or it definitely wasn't Lou I'd rather the youngest player is available so give me Ed she let Penny Hardaway Jr go overhead and then give me Big Ed pause on the last name but yeah we go and then uh simulate or my bad tray oh yeah trade the 10th pick it wouldn't do that there were some future ones that works with me I don't even be looking at what teams I trade with we need some picks for the love of God what's crazy we would have picks but we keep on losing our players they just leave us that's where our picks go we're supposed to be able to trade you guys eventually when you get old like Chris Paul you know that was a great asset Jason Tatum and all these bones want to leave us and I feel like I'm about to say I feel like we're gonna lose someone this year it might be not see her I see her he got eight offers does he like any of them he likes the Bulls and we're gonna give him the uh oh we we don't have a we can't give a no trade clause we're definitely we're gonna lose him we're gonna lose and I see her Cunningham oh he's coming back he's loyal let's do it Luca too Lucas got a cool offer let's give him a five year give him five year for 60 mil honestly contract should have been reached like 60 mil we're in 2030 a player option two trust me you will not be here and um screw Daryl all right cool we got both of them oh for Daryl and give him some garbage trade him for just absolute buns and is the worst number one pick ever except for Anthony Bennett actually Bennett didn't get Bennett's not even in the league so he actually he actually might be the worst number one overall pick ever especially considering that I've made almost every single pick Luca is just getting older and older so is Zion they gotta get traded next year hopefully there's something worthwhile I just realize we still have bones Highland too gotta trade him as long as as well as yeah 17 players trade him and Daryl look at Michael Porter Junior old so Penny Hardaway Junior better be good Cameron Boozer most viable player Darren McCormick who the hell what oh oh I'm on Rookie of the Year oh my God I looked down and I look up and I thought I thought a 79 overall just won holy hell check dpoi I don't care we won 74 games again and we're gonna send me like the playoffs we lost in the first round of game and we're gonna win that round we're gonna now run cool cool cool play the Hornets and we lost the first game but win the series another ring Cameron thank you to Cameron Boozer for being golden I hope some of our rookies start materializing into something decent soon because it's kind of nasty out there um Implement a possession arrow rule to be used in place of jump balls after the opening tip I'm gonna leave I'm gonna start leaving real changes on for the hell of it in videos it's pretty funny under via Toronto we have the best odds in the draft I think I traded for that pick just blindly it was the only pick that we had from that year except for the ones that I like randomly traded for and Doug Sanchez B plus Hall of Fame we felt it too but I will get I will sell my soul for one he might be the only oh wait no we have with trade Luca and Zion I mean mean we can keep Zion for another year to be honest Luca's gotta go though oh Zion actually expired oh sign out of no trade clause anyways you know Luca don't just about to get traded for this first overall pick and then I'll figure out with it I'll look at his trade office real quick see if there's anything better Thompson oh he's 30. gosh Getty's 30. Jesus Christ Chris stops is old as hell we traded him a minute ago Dyson Dan Bryce James do we get Brawny and Bryce together for no reason uh Ronnie Bryce and Melo what's good how you doing over there Justin Edwards he was picked 20th done videos and stuff he he's always compared to Michael Jordan in the draft class he could give us like six more years than Luca but he's still 28 usually I rule of thumb as much Cade Cunningham all right let me look at the draft real quick and see if there's any other sleepers in here the consensus number two overall pick is looking like this guy but there's also this guy all NBA okay we need young players though Doug you you will be a Hall of Famer more than likely already a b-plus so you can get away with being old uh we might just just YOLO draft another player I guess but I think I'm Gonna Keep Zion instead and just straight Luca but then we already have the two picks so it's like uh screw up Bryce James by the way who cares that says Walt Frazier that's funny Paul Frazier with an S I'm gonna try and trade this uh actually let's go and see what we need to do for the first pick let's get the first pick out the way we need that Hall of Famer Cameron Whitmore Mikey Williams Ron Holland Chris Washington or the uh how about I'll just give you the second pick for the first pick there you go okay fine I'll throw in this pick and this one honestly you could have you could have two and eight really oh my they know the value they see they see them they see him I have never seen a team decline two and eight one that's a crazy deal but they they took it eventually all right now we're gonna trade Luca for some random stuff because yeah it's like the Chris Paul type of year you know book has been kind of mid but kind of good I want to say I'm just trying to get picks out of him this will be our player to finally trade for picks thankfully he never left us all right so let's get Dyson Daniels in this first cecia Luca it's been real it's been fun it's aiming real fun Zachary wrist stick in a first I don't know why I'm telling I've never you know commentated me just going down in the from the top to the bottom of players so screw this let me shut the hell up we trade that guy to the magic and there we are we've got it we've got to go draft the first overall dude wait but I I did trade Luca though right so yeah never mind we have 14 players so I gotta I gotta use this go and draft the first overall player Doug Sanchez seven foot two height might be the next Transcendent NBA player and Sebastian Clark goes number two Hassan Burke all these guys have been seven foot so far the top three picks all of them uh Hassan Buster Chris compared to Bill Cartwright so I'm not I'm not scared about that after this year we need to see if any of our players actually develop because if not they will get traded sooner than later Jesus Christ you're a 69 overall all right we might have been all right in this draft like what overall was Doug 86 out the draft Jesus Christ and Boozer declines player option if we lose Cameron Boozer after losing everybody else I will cry there goes Victor again wanting 60 million dollars what's crazy is we're just about in the same amount of cap depth a depth depth debt yeah no it's just debt there's no B I'm over here overthinking it dang why everybody offering brownie oh they all suck and nobody's offering Cameron booze or anything uh good so that's that's good for us they're in said they're offering Baga Yoko but I was just say I've been in the same amount of debt for like 20 years now which doesn't make sense because we keep on losing everybody a boozer doesn't even have a contract do I keep on calling him Booker I mean Boozer I also have no clue this is uh what's his name son or anything um Carlos's son no clue what's the matter to me Ronnie you could have that much money I really don't care Zion YouTube Zion you're gonna get get traded soon I kind of like the team right now though excited for that 86 overall guy see how these next you know 20 years of his dominance goes we've got no players over 30 except for Zion and look at our young players real quick okay Conley got a lot better Ed a little bit of improvement Jarrell Richards this dude Sanchez just surpassed all of them in his first year we needed a player like that though uh Penny Hardaway you still kind of suck but we'll give you some years to develop I mean you might get traded next year I'll be honest but we'll see what happens Auto generated again are we gonna have another Hall of Famer let's see well Zion be getting traded for a hall of fame or it doesn't look like it guy is the consensus number one though and he's a 5 foot 10 19 year old I'm excited to draft a five with ten player and he's not 19 so he might actually be good Isaiah Collier most valuable player get the hell on with it oh man first round we lost the game second round we didn't lose no game third round where we are in the did they get rid of the finals MVP wait maybe I just clicked it too fast I don't know oh there oh there it is both rounds and that's why and we are going to lose just one game the entire run and Ronnie James finally is he the starter he took Lucas spot as a starter dang Ronnie okay Chris Washington is the four I never checked the lineups really much anymore and Zion's not even starting anymore that is yeah yeah he's got to get traded for sure Chris stops for tires Frankie lakina retires we got him a ring wait was that the that could have been the year we lost well he's definitely not him he's not in a hall of famers let me check his thing oh thank God he wait he was there for three years what I do not remember having I thought I got Franklin and traded him but Kristoff makes the Hall of Fame that's one of our dogs right there and he had 11 Rings Bill Russell League meetings uh conference base playoffs with two extra teams and single what wait what are they just trying to say play in the game I think they just added the playing game back in I I don't know we have the 13th odds anyway jumps up hell no no way in hell any great players in the strap let's see this five nine guy or whatever the hell is still for sure the number one Prospect by far so I'm gonna sadly I have to trade Zion for him I mean he's he's a c-plus see there's any good young players around the league Doug is the best player under the age of 22. and Trevor bush is good that's tough that is tough oh he's actually he's an 82 that's not that great but yeah that's gonna happen in the league though the players are gonna start getting worse and worse that's the issue Rob black I passed up on him in the draft and he's in 87. let's see if we can trade Zion for Rob oh he's a free agent dang I can't do it Sanchez is definitely the one though because he's one overall lower than a dude who was drafted like three years before him best player under the age of 26 is only in 89 that is crazy KOA Pete I should have went and got co-workers but it doesn't really matter because he's passed he's about to be past his prime anyway so he's on the same Pace as cam Boozer yeah this is the last Elite draft class right here was cambusa thankfully they got one of them too and he's been cooking could he use color though and same with was the year before and he's golden Elohim did just win a ring he's 28 though so I think I'm gonna pass I'm gonna trade Zion for him I'll do it all right let's go ahead and get that first pick Zion it's been real buddy I'm pretty sure Carter knocks as Kevin knox's uh brother pretty funny but uh yeah let's uh let's not get Carter knocks out can we just do this right here all right I'll throw you in this 19th pick call today okay you know I'll throw on the 13th pick instead take this okay uh you could have the 29th we can't give you too much all right bet we'll work from the top there you go there you go first pick in the draft don't even know if the guy's gonna be good there's a lot of very confusing players in here this guy is Hall of Fame but he's the 29th ranked he's 21 we could literally see he's a 77 we scouted him there's a lot of all NBA guys I think the number one dude is still the best there's also another guy who says Bob Koozie but I'm calling BS because oh yeah by the way Bob quizzes doesn't sound like a comment but it says Hall of Fame but he's 23 so he's probably gonna hit his Peak soon we're gonna take the number one overall dude I'm terrified honestly especially because we just traded Zion but screw it screw it we're gonna take number one overall with the mag Drive is saying who the hell is Edgar oh he's been that's him and Dion Winston All-Star and we'll take the consensus number one Donnie ball I think his name was in the giraffe let's see what the hell the overalls look like he's a 76. i this dude we scouted I saw he was an 80 but his potential like or whatever the hell that was a B plus that is actually decent how is Donnie balls hey okay Donnie please hit that come on dog Kenny Hardaway Junior welcome back to the team again we have no no normal free agents very odd feeling we could sign cam reddish uh I don't even know if we we could use him screw it I'll take the picks if not I think we're out of roster Spots I'm just dumb we are in the weakest era of NBA basketball ever we do still have most of the best players think you did not see her for resigning over and over again what are they gonna be free agents after Sierra school oh School you might get you might get packed up when I go on Cameron Whitmore two they're both gonna leave what can we get for school it's our rotation looking like it no I'm not gonna trade you those two I can't find any good trades Doug Sanchez is in there in his second season Victor oh my I forgot about you I genuinely forgot about you I hate you I hate you I do all this work for these players and they leave crazy we lost three games in the first week of the Season we haven't lost since or there you go one there goes another one Lori badunga Most Valuable Player hey none of y'all like that there goes the playing game it's back 20 years later back in the finals brawny is the finals MVP again I guess that was a good pick because I mean well actually we got Ron Holland too anyways Cameron Boozer Finals MVP we lost one game the whole Run Carl Town screw you Ben actually I don't I didn't trade Ben right Ben left me yeah Ben left Jason Tatum also left screw you too oh my God we got screwed over so bad this era I traded jokic I traded Jalen Brown too I think Ben Simmons Carl towns and Nicola jokic yoga to win four rings on our bench pounds one eight Ben one eight eliminate what eliminate financials restrictions when trading wait they're approving I said I would approve every rule reinstate they said yo Victor out there cooking wait we need to you need to wait but they're getting rid of financial restrictions with trading maybe that's the future hey we're in the future I'll take it because that makes it a lot easier for me is always over here trying to trade players for trade players for trade players and now we can just do that okay cool wow craft Lottery um hey I'm grimy I'll take it um we don't have any picks Nick stuck to Brooklyn's pick and they got the top pick any Legends in this draft class I didn't even check it Jared Sims always a b he's going all NBA he's 19. this guy's also all NBA he's young as hell this guy's also all NBA I don't know he's not that young I'll go with the first overall pick dude and he like sleepers in here let's see they all like the top picks all say all NBA Jesus Christ it's a classic draft it's a clear number one and a clear number two it looks like air Tim is a six seven point guard as well that's a great player to replace hell we got a lot of players to replace soon go talk to New York they think they about to get Brownie and they would be mistaken uh Penny Hardaway we can't trade you Donnie ball we just picked through last year okay well that's because they're the only players that aren't expired Jesus I'm gonna try and finesse this pick I'm not gonna go for two picks I'm just trying to finesse this pick give them all of our Thunder picks this is Donnie Ball's value looking like three and a half Stars not bad football Lakers pick next year will this work nope oh my God I just arranged I was giving up six first one way or the other but I rearranged them and they took it all right finally like that consensus number one overall yeah we needed this guy for sure I was about to say we might just skip the draft but no yeah this guy looks like he's gonna be really good first overall pick in the draft you know what let's just hope that Cameron Whitmore just ditches us or something so I don't have to trade anybody let's wait dang what's going on with the other guys 79 79 I'm not picking any of you I'm picking this dude Sims entering the entering the team let's go Edie one overall out the drafts Chris Washington declines his player options we're about to lose him Ed chase the Royal con we got five free agents I believe okay cool nobody got any good deals that's perfect good for us and we could offer him all the money we want because like now there's no restrictions on trading but we got our big three back and then go get the two Rooks and we're done Sanchez is a 91 overall that is our Prodigy right there 22 year old uh he's probably gonna be he's gonna be a very very pivotal player soon actually Boozer is still only 90 uh 28 so got a lot of 30 year olds out here and there's still all some of the best players in the league don't start keeping players the word they're retirement at this point hey we got six 16 players on the roster so I gotta get rid of somebody it might be Penny Jr how much better the ball get this year the other last pick last year's first pick then him and Penny Penny's much older so I'm gonna trade Penny Junior sorry Penny Junior should have just been better me at Timberwolves pick and advance to the next season can we win another ring we got another new coach I think we have all centers yeah we got brawny playing the two right now we literally just have a bunch of big men simulate this season they got two b-rated players in this draft another C plus 18 year old this might be the year to to give it all up for the draft not gonna lie also Nasir Cunningham is a free agent this year which is terrifying but Salah should have had basala third pick and 25 I wish we had bus all up Cole Pete was 26 and we dang we only lost three games this season you know what everybody's retiring maybe that's why all the good players we already traded and we're gonna win again win again and I see her Cunningham thank you very much and oh wow close finals but we win 4-2 Shay and all these bums retired Trey shout out to you you stood around Troy you did your job you actually got traded as a casualty because you you were the easiest trade to make and you were old you won 10 Rings League meetings oh man sudden death what what oh my God that's awful that is bad put the sudden death rule on Let It Rock I don't care as we lose a championship because of sudden death Thunder can we move up no we do not all right we really Gotta Buy into this Lottery now Bernard wolf Linwood Randall okay Phil oh it's kind of mid well chanier is a mid comparison but these are all mid comparisons but they're good players I can't tell if it's the year or not yeah without garbage these players are looking uh these next couple years might be a legitimate rebuild am I gotta wait until we see another Victor or something Devin Booker Jr it's not one Hall of Fame anything comparison this draft man get me out of there I'm not going get me out of this draft get me out of this draft well I will start losing championships I am not drafting these mid players I'm gonna need a goat or nothing we will we will watch scooter Henderson retire or something what players is that we need to trade um really scoot let's do Darrell Conley drafted him first a couple years ago I don't even know if he's really he's never even played and he's already 27. he's good but like Jesus Christ this is gonna be the era of old people honestly until we find the next goal there's no way Baga yeko is uh is isn't untouchable right the best relatively young player in the entire league is Sanchez every other player is over the age of like 27. all right what can we get for Rob black school we could do that that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world it might take scoot till like year 20 to be as bad as this dude though so I'm gonna try and do something else I'm gonna I'm gonna try and trade picks for this guy but no I'm just gonna give I'm just gonna give all of our picks away and go into the next season because yeah these all these players are horrible just take some who who's P who had the best pick this year let's start strategizing the Jazz oh perfect I just saw their picks on the Block here you go Utah thank you very much for moving to the next year's trade or whatever the hell and with this one I really don't care just give me anything you oh Utah again perfect perfect all right simulate past this draft we don't care about none of these bums Linwood Randall went number one are there some good overall players but like I looked at this dude and I think his comparison was garbage and they want us to get rid of Donnie ball the young man Donnie ball we should have just picked someone trash I've resigned Nasir Cunningham does he have any good offers yes he does a lot of them I will at this point with how garbage the league is Nasir being Nasir I will give him a player option and a no trade clause not sure you're cunning if you leave it's your fault not mine Mikey Williams yeah you're 32. you could you could have the let's see you know he's got no good offers just give him whatever same goes for Ron Holland sear Cunningham does resign the game the deal of all hell I'd hope so do rock would not see her you know another trans translucent Transcendent trance whatever the hell dude is getting worse but he's still better than everybody else um Sanchez might have peaked I don't know oh brother give me a good rookie again okay uh number one overall default number one he's a b overall that's that's good this guy also was a b we'll simulate the season you know we're good for this year we've also got some good like Jarrell Richards 23 years old 90 overall that's perfect he can carry us into the future hopefully one day when we need him we need what we need what the league needs is an elite junior we need another Junior not a Penny Hardaway Junior we need a real another Magic Johnson Jr that man was goaded and Boozer MVP called Pete average 24 will Walton and we want we only lost three games again oh my it happened again it happened again it happened again we got swept by the Kings every game was by more than 10 points this game was 10 points but every other game was more than who was on the Kings it's K do and Elohim and oh my God MJ rice Oh I thought this was what's his name the dude that retired that won all the MVPs he's had a long name we got cooked by kadu and Elohim who sold in this I just saw two people selling let's see who sold the whole series that is another year we lose we don't have to look at the streak it was probably like 9 or 10 or something you know something NBA is a semifinals oh it's broken again it says finals semifinals whatever cam Boozer was actually shooting pretty mid Washington Jr the 89 overall still oh yeah he's got to go like what are we gonna trade him for you know but I'll put him in the finder because he kind of peaked and he's 29 he's only 89 like Brownie's 32 he's in 94. might as well go and get one of the onions in there over him in fact why isn't Jarrell Richard starting over him what the hell I don't even do these rotations but Jarrell is a higher overall and the same position Chris Watson is out there selling Us in the playoffs look at that Chris Washington four for 12. Nasir dropped two for 13 that's bad more one for seven and in this one Sanchez one for seven that's that's Doug oh that's big Doug yeah we just had one player just sell every game and I guess our defense sucks too I don't know but the the Kings should win a championship unless Bryce James defeats them no Elliot kadu another player to Dethrone us and we get swept again that's the craziest part is we're getting swept okay so Luca fell off bad at 38 years old and he retires John Moran also I saw he's gonna make the Hall of Fame probably there he is they won 14 and 10 Rings respectively as he also League meetings again why not okay everything got rejected who cares Prospect scouting Dylan Holton number one overall ejected Hall of Fame this dude's all NBA at the very least we gotta get Dylan Holton I'm like in this guy too 20 years old 81 overall already third ranked for some reason but he's looking nice he's looking good let's just get those two and keep it pushing oh yeah well we didn't even look at the lottery yet do we have good picks maybe maybe yes yes two and three let's do it move up to one and fall down to five so let's go get one and two we gotta trade somebody though at this point okay let's get ball is ball is cooked and Ed is cooked what we're gonna probably do is actually start making lateral trades for other players that are good like Chris Washington you're old now you you just sold this out let's get you oh Rob black that's gonna be easy trade of that if we don't say anything else dang Mobley still in 88 we traded Moby out of the sake of him selling tulo these are two sellouts staring each other down go ahead and do that Rob black trade problem bring another decent player onto the roster younger than Chris Chris you're a sellout so you had to go oh we're just gonna trade you somehow we don't really care that'll flip free up roster spot and then uh yeah Ed Ed as well we're gonna get rid of Ed as well it's 20 36 and he's still in 83 he's been in the league since 2030 shoot something 32 oh my God yeah we don't need no OG and a nobody's on the steam dog you gotta get better than that actually let's just offer him up for the second overall pick well actually we don't need five so offer five all right I got the trade done whatever I got one of the future picks as well and now we're gonna go to the draft let me make sure I know the two players I was looking at I think it was the third ranked in the second round no it was it was big Charles and big don't no Hall of Famers hiding in here at least so far as I could see first overall pick were for sure picking Dylan second overall pick you can see our team already scouted these goats and when we he's got a Cedric we could see that Cedric to sell out so we don't need no Cedric Michael Cooper no give me Dave Cowan that's a Hall of Famer right there MVP even he's not the fastest or the strongest or the best shooter his well-rounded game gets him a spot all right great Sanchez are you you're you're restricted okay that's good give Sanchez all the money you got to be ready dog you gotta be ready for the prime time we're here in OKC I've grown to like the OKC you know I'm saying we might have to go back to Seattle honestly we didn't lose in Seattle come down you know we bought we about to go back to Seattle with it more is getting worse and so he considering that he's showing me that he's actually getting worse while Brownie and scooter are somehow getting better uh he'll probably be the next player to be traded hopefully I'm praying for a good giraffe class this year now he's thinking right I could up the draft class quality but hey that'd be cheating and B oh yo I said I would get rid of somebody who was it oh yeah Donnie ball oh you suck yeah sorry buddy former number one overall pick Donnie ball our new picks we just made are already better than him and they're in year one Donnie ball first overall pick garbage Zion Williamson 71 mil at 74 overall is hilarious that is what that isn't I'm about to screenshot that that is terrible that is so bad oh my God I gave him that deal go ahead and trade with this team I know it's top 10 protected but screw it it's two picks it's crazy the only reason I could trade for that is because they got rid of the the rule where you can't trade for good picks or good contracts or bad contracts I guess technically all right so now we're gonna have uh yeah Richard starting he has never played a game before and he's got an 89 shot tenancy former number one overall pick it's taken him a couple years 2032-2037 yeah Jesus Christ five years had him on the bench getting ready to play and he might be one of the better players of this next 10 years why are we back at the why do we keep hiring coaches that are doing the triangle got a new coach this year again I think he's out here doing the trying honestly our team is good enough that we we should be running a uh let's see run a third no third team sold us once once upon a time so let's go let's go 12 12 sounds about nice because we lost our first game Jesus we Jesus Jesus no go back go back go back go I'll board aboard aboard big is really good we can't be out here playing bums I guess or AKA are we just bad we've lost six games already because Nasir is shooting 43 what the hell is wrong with you but Nasir has like the sixth highest estimated wins added this dude in his first season doing better than them the hell Nasir Cameron boots or you're a goat still we rock with you over here obviously you've been here dang we lost 14 games there's a t there's a team with only six more losses than us oh my God we're cooked we're cooked we're cooked playing them right now I don't even know who's on the team I'll snap I click around I want to click by game all right we won regardless we got DJ Wagner and Paulo over there we're not worried about them they got 70s in the starting lineup and they won a game and chill out play camera boost Brandon Ingram retired Jalen greens out of here I ain't see they are on the Rockets just showing um what what was nearly accepted rejected whatever now this is like the Kobe role for the All-Star Game this is is another All-Star game one this one they nearly decreased the shot clock to 20 seconds it barely got rejected this one I don't even know how this got rejected it says allow seven-day contracts but it got rejected housing teams will enter the bonus after 16 000 been committed a single quarter also rejected why did the draft lottery just get skipped I didn't even do it wait did I do that I don't even remember this draft this draft kind of sucks yo I am never driving a 23 year old in the draft what is this Mikhail Bridges honestly this this draft look otherworldly mid I'm about to skip this one too we're just gonna go down with the ship honestly at this point all right I gotta show you guys some I was interested right this guy is ranked 26 or my bad 30th and his potential is his ceiling Wes unselled Hall of Fame right now I gotta show you something right this dude you go to his vitals you look at his thing it says Peak star Peak and good potential potential Max potential 96 Max which means he could very well be West unsailed but his average percent is 24. his bus percent is 64 and his boom percent is two which means he has a two percent chance of being a 96. that is that is crazy that is like the full use of 2K days draft system thing so like with these Auto generators you really just never know you just never that's why you need a really good player and with that being said I am not drafting nobody screw this dress some future picks or something give me hell give me player give me give me like good young players at this point Tyrese Proctor you're old we go find young players I could trade for because Jesus Christ solidified young players the draft uh the draft is dead he got Sims already Sims is real good simply just drafted him recently anybody under the age of 25 is valuable to me we are in a dark period of basketball Penny hey I'll go get Penny Hardaway back let's go get Penny Hardaway back oh we can't always free agent that sucks I would like to trade for Penny Hardaway we traded Big Ed out of here and he sucks you know what you look at the best players under like 27 years old 28 actually this dude right here uh Byron Brian Stevenson when I click on him it shows we could trade Cameron Whitmore from you remember Cameron Whitmore was getting worse last season he averaged 20 for us this year actually no he only had Vijay he played Off the Bench this guy averaged 20 on 52 we'll take him just because he's younger screw it see ya Cameron look at how many 30 years year old zero when I scroll down like this look at this look at this look at this keep on going look at this this is insane who is this oh we have him that's crazy and him I'm gonna try and trade Ron Hong for this this dude who's a couple years five years younger or whatever like what we have in this tray that's what's up I'm gonna I could trade you a couple picks thing we actually don't have any first we should pick eight I'm gonna just hold on to the team try to wear a pick the hell out of this garbage draft I thought it was DJ Augustine that's Damien Augustine I'm good you y'all got it uh why would I decline sims's option jeez I'll be a sin Cameron Boozer you're a free agent and you are what 31 you know you are an Untouchable asset I will give you and Brony ain't no trade claws honestly with how the league is looking right now we will have other people to trade if you guys leave we are cooked like if you okay thank you honey you too take this no trade clause I know this is bad considering that okay cool they both came back both had 100 interest in those other deals so I just gave someone 400 mil who's turning about it turned 38 at the end of his contract he's gonna be making like a hundred mil per season but a no trade clause that is disgusting but we had to do it we had to do we had to lock a bill at least it'll be like an 86 and his name still says James on the back of his jersey so screw it gotta regress right now too brownie regresses uh Boozer Boozer is gonna be good for a minute though Ronnie really got 400 mil oh my God bro LeBron would be proud all right we'll be we'll be I will be I or not but like screw it I'm trying my best any great players this year please show me the money is is Dick Pollard really the best he's 18. I mean he might be him oh Pete MVP should have definitely bought into the cold Pete height but it really doesn't matter at least I hope it doesn't matter this season or the Blazers like really highly seated last year well screw him I guess second round blakers get them the hell up and out of here we always lose at this point so hopefully we don't lose this you do want to say obviously I am finessing the system every single year and oh okay hold on hopefully we win this real quick uh sorry KOA yeah real quick sweet sweet please not sweet but four one I'll take it also I think KOA is the best player oh never mind he's in 95 now they also have Kate over there in Boston I know I'm finessing the system but it is funny that all this stuff that I'm doing winning like a million in championships and losing two on some garbage is actually completely logic like legal I've done it all within the bounds of the rules for the most part except for like stipey and Rule and well now Financial trade rules Dion retires at his 72 his contract expired so he knew it was time to go Apollo retires at wow yeah 36. oh but he's a he's an 84 though hopefully none of our guys retire I will be sad I'll let him retire if that happens Zion won 14 rings and we never got Edward so he didn't win any League meetings tell me something funny uh violations will be called after three seconds so they went back it went from five seconds to three again giraffe Lottery uh I think we needed need the number one overall pick this year can we get it please and no not by that okay this dude's probably go to uh first of all I'll pick Hall of Fame okay so your first overall your Hall of Fame you got to be foolproof right B minus and 18 years old the I don't want nobody else at least I don't think so yep just give me the number one overall pick uh who do we trade this year though is it time for school to go it might be time for I don't know might just gotta keep schooling until he falls off anybody down here like disappointing us not really but you know I think we can get away with trading School obviously we can't really trade brownie anymore but or actually wait no trade Mikey Mikey's in 35 and a 91 and he comes off the bench I know something's happening when we get in that pick so they are off offer up they ask for Scoot and two picks and for Derek Lively can we do it without Derek Lively I get Mikey for the pick straight up all right they don't want that if you pick 15 as well they don't want that either he picked 28. now what that is and a future Thunder first rounder that we probably have somewhere store there you go Mikey Williams has been real it's been fun I also have the fourth pick I'ma just trade this out of the draft because we don't need multiple picks this year actually is there any younger players once again that we can get because that we could probably get him with the fourth thrust Wesley 24 years old 87 I can best player after Sims who would you get for Russ try this fourth pick all right great he's he's Untouchable or something stupid I'll give you three firsts from plus the fourth pick I'll give you a four first form wait how many players we got in this roster right now one two three we got 14 players we're gonna need to get rid of someone regardless Conley is 30. yeah call me you could just head out for him honestly there it is treated Conley and two future first we can just trade Mikey back for the fourth pick that's pretty funny let's see what if we other I would definitely do that if we had the roster spot all right I traded the fourth pick to the Knicks for two of their future first because screw screw the pick and with the first pick in the NBA draft we will draft the next Transcendent NBA superstar and his name is Dick Pollard 18 year old the future Legend and Lenny Ross top now the Knicks do have back-to-back picks so they draft Legends or something there are ain't no dick though Hey yo uh give me give me up bring him over there and why we not offering Byron bring Byron and Jared Sims back come on now now why did Jared Sims try to leave us please never leave us we gonna need you for a while because there's never gonna be anybody better than you in this league for a long time you are the next LeBron Kobe something shoot something I don't know scoot is down to a 91 overall from 94 a few years ago trying to start halting who the hell is is that to do when do we draft him first I have no clue but we starting him though I don't know about starting him though he's gonna make run Honda six foot ten two guard which actually takes whole nothing out of the entire very very far down we have another new coach and his name is literally coach of the year so far it looks like he's doing crack Cameron Boozer Most Valuable Player and Coach of the Year Winston wins coach of the year we are bodying everybody 4-0 and we're on to the Cavaliers they won a game we win a game we win another game and we won the champion oh oh it's game seven who the hell is on this team I don't even I don't even know any of these names John Bowl the good players this year um Damon Blake oh Bill Russell okay like Bill Russell is different though like Bill Russell we're talking I know I know he might have some sort of high bust rating considering that he's like ranked low in some of them but ah dog we're talking Bill Russell though well either way we can only draft one player so I'm gonna trade five and eight for one probably we have 15 players on the roster Rob black about 29 and get him out of here screw him go get Bill Russell look at that pick 15 with him too oh wow they don't want that give him a thunder pick I bet those won't be good I wonder why yeah oh wow they know Bill Russell is Bill Russell maybe there it is needed one more second round pick great these picks I uh let me see who the foreign starters the first overall dude is a starter that is disgusting no I'm driving Bill Russell I don't know yeah I've seen a lot of mid comparisons all this mid stuff and now dog we talking Bill Bill Russell matter of fact on that note let me go see if there's any uh young players that I want for these picks got all the best ones the whole top five is on our team under the age of 27 and the best players under 27 is only 390s which is insane there's another one he's 28. oh I passed up in this dude some years ago I believe yeah I might honestly we could just trade it for some future picks you guys all suck anyway NBA draft give me Bill Russell give me big Bill Pete Eden who is Pete Eden what is Pete Eden I mean that's the real question here what overall is he 76 hey but you gonna be Bill Russell don't worry Nasir hey if you leave screw you that's it you know Fighters are all the fitness whatever we lost two rings ooh we lost so what are we gonna do win again guess who else left us this bomb and now now he even look at this now he's even thinking about taking six million we over not here yet no offer off for this man give give a he he's got to be a magic light for jeez we're the Thunder I'm what am I talking about um Sun's Game three years 207 screw it you know what risk losing him don't give him a no trade claws we're I don't know though cause who the hell are we gonna ever trade him for the league is getting ruined a lot from a player option let's see what happens let's just let's just see let's just he's coming back let's go nice here love you buddy all right scoot Henderson you have no good deals so you could just yeah you could have five years but yeah you're cooked and Edmund Chase or whatever Ed Chase why'd I add the month all right we got all three of them back thankfully any other cool free you know yeah any other cool friends out here oh actually we don't have any we that's that's what sucks we don't have any roster spots to sign cool free agents like no major maker these aren't good examples but never like in the past even like we couldn't have given I don't know Matt Barnes a ring or something at least we got Frank rings and he was good which is crazy tear goes down an overall brawny school goes down by two and we just gave him 396 million 98 actually I couldn't read that small font you know Monty Kathy first overall oh another one another other one another one 18 years old oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's time bro Pete Eden is golden he had a 98 he has a 98 potential whole bus percentage 95 wait how does he have 95 Max percent you know either way I don't care he's gonna be Bill Russell oh my God I'm so excited it's gonna be the I might just read you know what let's uh Pete Eden or Bill Russell I was gonna rename Bill Russell Jr well we'll leave Pete Eden's a fire name am I gonna draft that other dude next year Auntie Kathy any other good players in here dang why are they show me his comparison on the first day of the Season screw it whatever it's because we're ready we know we we got winning in our veins what happened to contract extensions why can't we do those anymore what the hell he trade Ron Holland right now over here 36 year old 89 now he's not going to go anywhere else he's 36 Ron age actually LeBron age Ron Hans actually maybe we should trade him because he's a free agent let me see if there's any younger players or big run Cameron Whitmore we already traded you because we're you were old Anderson Peyton 24 years old uh screw it take Ron Holland had a nice stint around here you they could have whatever pick they want I just want to get a younger player we're trading 20 45 first extra salary salary doesn't even matter anymore here we go take three seconds screw you guys shut the hell up screw the Henderson back Sunday too you are getting traded this off season trust and believe we got another new coach coach of the year is gone by 10 nightmare rotation that's what always works for us I just want to see that Bill Russell do develop he's Untouchable an Untouchable asset but Pete another MVP assuming he won one because I believe he did just click simulate playoffs the Lakers oh my why are we down in the series I'm 3-2 it should be oh my God a game seven screw it hey some cast it whatever because we trade Ron Holland or something the video is already long enough we get a game set I mean if we get a what's it called the good game to watch I'll take it we are we lost another time to the Kings we about to start going game by game every year or something all right and the Spurs Conference Finals win game one one of the finals again bamboozer KOA P that's a cam Boozer man but KOA Pete is the MVP so let's see if he's got anything left in the tank nope cooked again wish we had you KOA I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah like no no more good players remember like Kevin remember we had Kevin Garnett like Kevin Garnett and Allen Iverson man wow crazy we got Cameron Whitmore nine Rings actually he got one ring when he beat us and we did not retire his jersey matter of fact how many jersey numbers do we have retired that's a really good question yeah go to the uh the Thunder the Thunder the Thunder Zion Williamson Derrick Rose Allen Iverson Steph Curry Bill oh yeah oh cause he's doing them how does that work though is that did that just get out of the 2K and that's why it's like that dang but Chris Paul wore number six with us because Allen Iverson at number three I never even knew James Harden Kobe Bryant Trey young Tracy McGrady Carmelo Anthony LeBron James Patrick Ewing Lenny Wilkins Kevin Garnett Tim Duncan Michael Jordan Chris OS porzingis Dwight Howard Anthony Davis Shaquille O'Neal Charles Barkley Hakeem Olajuwon Scottie Pippen Sean campionis Jack Sigma oh my God we've been playing since this man was in the league Luca number 77 holy hell almost every single what numbers do people wear number two is gonna still be available my Sears got 10 cam boosters got 45 two is a Jerrell Richard so he's gonna and retire that for sure Doug Sanchez has nine Jared sims's 18 bronny has 17. I have yo this this like just really funny stuff like this is it's just funny bro also I doubt we're even gonna have the high we might have the highest like score ever but like also I want to see like how many of the Legends are from our team when it's all said and done oh man I'm a man this is a crazy one one Once Upon a Time I'll do a 100 Year simulation just simulation one time I would one day I should say all games will have four timed quarters what hello what did this get changed wait I gotta check the world changes right now because I mean four timed quarters I don't get it I really don't get it I do not get it I'm a opposing teens will enter the bonus okay I don't care about no bonus rules wait can I see that again all games will have four timed quarter what does that mean dang the foul out to seven I did not know that either we need that number one overall pick I believe oh my God we are getting it right oh my we're gonna get it one way or the other but Jesus Christ Monty Kathy I like Kathy I like the name Kathy that's a good name go ahead and get him and keep it pushing although yeah this has got to be the year that we trade Scoot and and Sierra we just go hey you haven't regressed yet and you're 36 you're like the LeBron of this except I would definitely keep LeBron if he was still here you know what I'm saying like if this was LeBron in these shoes and he was 36 and 96 in this league I'm not trading him I'll look at this trade to see if there's anybody like say mythically younger or whatever but we probably need Nasir but we can trade school not that we don't need school but he's 37 Ronnie as well but Ronnie is a no trade clause I don't remember why I gave that to him look at Victor man 37 no rings no bed but he's been gone for like over 10 years been on multiple teams he's so stupid why would you do that we could have also had Xavier Booker but instead we had brownie so it's all right all these players are about to retire and the next best players are our 28 year olds who have already Doug Sanchez has already been around for a minute and he's never even averaged 10 points because he's behind what's his name his uh on the bench behind Cameron Boozer so it's not like he could even really do much with his talent potential whatever though basically the new Prime of the league is going to be 30 post 30 which is Nest so maybe I start I should start getting draft pick players but uh let's trade a scoot for shoot maybe number one I just I have to trade him at this point we got 15 players on the ride so let's go call up number one pick we should definitely donate scoot to the worst team you could I could like finesse it and just not trade him but try and get all their picks or something actually they might not even really want him for real he's less stars in The Pick itself let's try and get their picks anyways I'll trade I'll trade our other picks this year trade you pick four with school and I'll trade you pick 12 and I'll throw whatever picks we have available uh not those guys trying to pick five too should I just give them the dream team of picks nah I'm all right on that let's throw a Scoot and pick two until they Wanna Give me this deal all right they want to add in one more pick for an 84 overall what pick is this exactly what pick is a phoenix it's the second one so they want two and three or Melvin Bailey of absolute mid player I I rather not you could have 12 have 12 and I'll take out one of the picks take this come on dog all right just just do the deal without any anything there we go I traded scoot number five and number 12 and the 25th for their next year's pick alone which is so dumb hey cool sorted all that stuff out and with the first pick in the NBA draft we're gonna go and draft sir Monty Kathy 80 overall clear best player in the draft Hall of Fame potential only has one badge so hopefully he develop some more mid-boy Charles Miller and Dylan I don't even remember you guys at this point like who the hell are you people oh Jarrell Richards you got it you know you get the you for sure oh no no uh what's it called please don't imma hate you if you leave you're from Canada there we go all right got those three dudes back and we're good Sanchez is a 93a if anything I'm gonna make him Aang why is Richard's getting worse you're 28. just gave you a what's it called a no trade clause oh my God you suck screw you oh wait I couldn't give a no trade claws I might trade you screw you Ronnie 36 he is the oldest along with Nasir nasir's not even getting worse look at Bill Russell oh my he's already 23 though he is never gonna play a minute Hall of Famer for nothing uh screw we'll check the best players in the league this year at the end or maybe I'll trade I might trade brownie right now honestly we need uh we need Sanchez playing Boozer or Sanchez which one's better Boozer and you've been playing the senate for many years but screw it you can adapt I want Sanchez to get minutes that's a legend right there I forgot brownies no trade claws uh the only good play We Go is Matthew O'Brien in a pick I saw this dude on the tray box last year too he's so mid just keep Ronnie we don't care about Cole Pete he's mid I was just thinking like 10 minutes ago about how many times I've said the word made this video and I don't think it's that many but just because I was thinking about that I then prompted to say it again like just naturally all right next next round that's good another win next round the Lakers another win and the Celtics they win game one we win game two they win game three we win game four we win game five and game seven I don't know what to do against this team hey if they got Nick Smith cooking us it is what it is I would love to watch a close game seven with this team I would love it enamored by the thought please come back I might even just close app so we can see here it is oh my God after all these years we're watching all four minutes I don't care it might be disgusting to be honest it's okay but I went back and simcast a little bit more we're at two minutes now also I want to see did anybody foul out with seven fouls uh but after over 40 years of simulating we have found our first close game got Wesley in the game I don't even know who Wesley is recap Wesley oh that's that's actually like a dude just a young dude we traded what's his name for I forgot Whitmore or something we got Sims with the basketball former number one overall pick the six seven point guard he's getting the screen he's going left he's pulling up close shot is green and we tie up the game with two minutes to go now Celtics have Nick Smith Jr a guy who he passed up on I definitely would have taken him if I realized how bad the league would have been for the next 20 years he passed up on the concept of trading for him and we've still been you know just fine oh and they have KOA Pete oh my God as Koa P dunks on LeBron back up the other way or bronnie brownie James my bad uh bronnie goes behind the back to the left bronnie to the basket gets blocked by the Celtics and the rebound by Nick Smith with a chance to take a four-point lead potentially win a championship Hayes Hayes pulls up a moving three like he's Chris Paul he had the Chris Paul animation and everything Ronnie up to Sims and Sims walks out of bounds might have to pay off the game for them to actually win this would be just our third loss Championship since the Jordan and the King era actually began you know we want to we lost a couple before that but that doesn't really count oh Pete goes left KOA Pete steps back Pete back out to Smith Smith guarded by brawny Smith throws it over to Hayes Hayes back out to Pete for three and that is off rebound by the Celtics law layup is good money again with the basketball Ronnie goes right he goes back left brawny into the post back right LeBron James Jr pulls up and that is off Smith all the way to the basket The Hop step and that is good the Celtics showing that they got way more dog in him they got two more dominant players than we have they got the MVP and Nick Smith and they don't have anybody that's aged like how ours have Ronnie to the left again brawny back up another missed shot by brawny that's his third Miss LeBron James Jr sells out and loses this is no no lie like this is I've been waiting for something interesting in terms of like rooting for the players kind of like a career simulation this is it LeBron James Jr shoots eight for 18 five turnovers and sells out in the last minutes of the game with a no trade clause on his contract and we have lost the NBA Championship to the Oklahoma City Thunder the first ever game seven of the finals that we saw we lose KOA Pete the most valuable player Nick Smith and Christian Hayes and Adrian towns and Matthew may they got a bunch of 80s low 80s in the in the what's it called rotation there goes John bull Kenneth Lowry Kyle's son Michael Porter Jr and they got a Michael Porter the third that is hilarious just the fact that they actually did that and we lose in the finals I'm not even sweating it whatever we just lost whatever okay Ron Holland retires he makes a Hall of Fame I only know who said Trimble is Ron Holland won nine Rings no another Jersey retire Ron Holland for his 10 years in OKC League meetings everything is rejected the possession arrow rule got rejected I thought that was still implemented but I guess it got taken away number one pick is decided through an elimination tournament that would be insane and they realized that goaltending was so taking away goaltending was a very bad idea only one person wanted it back to get rid of it and it seemed like most people wanted to get rid of the eight second violation but I guess not the draft lottery we got a bunch of top picks I'd never checked the lottery or anything so no yeah we're gonna try and trade brawny this guy's supposed to be number one this guy is also good A B rating though in 19 is crazy but probably gonna draft number one overall guy Harrison I like having a guy named guy Cody Green's floor is starter so he might be mid it's also 22 so yeah you definitely need the 19 year old first and foremost we have so many picks let's just go ahead well actually so brownie is 38 37 might have to keep him considering the no trade claws let's see if we could trade it for the first overall pitch magic meet LeBron James Jr declines to wave his no trade claws all right so let me just draw something up 8th pick six picks actually you know what just just take the second pick it's hard to trade these picks or third pick my bad we had to train a player as well for sure he will never trade Pete Eden but let's do Ed Chase for the pick let's do this right they want to add a 20 46 first round from us perfect that's all yeah that's great that works good for me we wanted to rebuild entirely like you know what I'm saying we could definitely do it Boozer is 35 oh snap we are cooked we might gotta draft everybody in this year I'm not gonna lie we can't trade Ronnie we can't trade any of our really really old people try and trade Byron Brian Stevenson as well you got to do the name Frankie Curry look who it is Penny Junior don't get Penny Jr back oh man wait we have to trade a player from Sean O'Brien Stevenson might become useful in the later years screw it I'm about to trade uh this third pick for Utah's entire future that sounds good to me let's do that with all the worst teams Mavericks have their own second pick great I traded for the Mavericks whole future that's nice that's funny we're about to trade a Knicks pick for some more Knicks picks guys can have it back just give me two of them all right give me uh I have the first pick in the draft right all right cool first pick in the draft the Thunder will select guy can pick in the draft the Mavericks get Cody green and I'm sending to the end because I don't care about any of you oh my guy is already at 83 oh yeah that's it's him that's that guy Barrett Sims declines his player option please resign we need you a two garbage offers let's go just come back on a five-year deal and get a three big key guys back and to the playpress when we go Ronnie you are garbage and sold our last championship yo Pete Eden bro can you get better please come on dog you're 24. draft you first overall for what Pete for one what type of picks we got on the scene pick one pick one pick one pick 30. because we traded for that guy picked 1 pick 1 pick 17 is a trade for this guy pick one pick one pick one pick one pick two one pick one pick two pick one pick one and we're back to the top so almost everybody in this team's the first overall pick like the opposite of that one Raptor stat they had when they had like all non-lottery players that won Championship I said that one Championship like they've won multiple championships Cameron Boozer most viable player over Bush six Man of the Year Kawa dpoi and CJ Henderson I guess is our coach we only lost four games this year let's see if we lose any more in the playoffs lost none in the first game lost on the second my bad round uh yep we're in the finals playing the Celtics is gonna re a rematch and they win the first game they win another game they win another game we are getting cooked by the Celtics have came back like they're in the Bill Russell era defeating the team with the Bill Russell comparison and they're not even that good they lost they don't have cooperity they lost KOA Pete they lost Co-op they have Ian Jackson averaging 28 in the playoffs and Christian Hayes I almost traded for this dude like three seconds ago but I think I offered for him but I couldn't get him and they have Michael Porter the third still probably about to lose in the finals let's see if we have any more in this this is crazy they're not even good they lost their two main players Jackson is just the ultimate carrier of a basketball oh my God what is it wait are they gonna score they did score are they gonna hit another shot please don't tell me hit another shot okay we got free throws game over game over the game come on come back from down three we need some adversity and then we'll like I don't know I didn't really plan for this I wish I had cooler draft classes for the next like 80 years Celtics are about to win the ring right here they're up by nine show me something I'll jump in they're not showing me anything we're about to lose just back to back Seasons or something like that wait I gotta check because Ian Jackson finals AP the Celtics own us back-to-back years of losses to Boston wait how many wait when was the most recent one we lost actually it couldn't have been that long ago yeah we only we only won four straight again before that we won I think seven straight so we but we've only had you know you can see the screen in a wild past what 15 14 years compared to our former 40 years a nasty 14 years at that let's see who sold this out in the finals this year because this is a bad font like this is bad this is Sims is the highest points per game getter and he only shot 44 percent booster shot under 50 and Cunningham shot under 50 Sanchez sent a shot under 40 Stevenson shot under 40 I can't trade the whole team now holy hell plus Wesley shot 21 bratayat didn't even play this year and we still lost I can't even blame him Victor win by nyama screw you we could have had such a good thing I lost you for nothing got nothing back for him Nick Smith I could have drafted him over Victor right yeah I coulda he went on to beat us in the finals it's just I hate all these people and in fact they all retired now the league will be easier to beat actually we just lost to some dude that didn't retires who really cares I wanted basala too oh scoop retire wait with school no I just traded school right School won 16 rings and Victor won six guess who's better in my book I don't care if I kind of was trying to trade school for like the last seven years approved reinstate the five seconds back to the basket and abolish the luxury tax no penalty for exceeding the salary cap good for us not like it really prevented us much in the first place Thunder want to move up oh my God we moved up again I don't think I checked the draft this year Evan Harris Jr here why can't I see his comparison now we didn't Scout him at all I mean he's the consensus number one by far this dude is number two and we can't see him either but he hey it's Devin Harris for sure six eight point guard or a shooting guard that sounds like not Devin Harris let's screw it maybe it's his son and give me the number one pick speaking of the Suns we gotta trade a player anyway so do we have any old bastards looking to get cooked oh man I wish we could end up enter Rebo for someone cool who would be in favor of heading back the left nah I don't know if we want a Wilt error out of chronological order the whole point of this was to see the the future yeah I'm good on I'm good on restarting the like like you know what I'm saying like I could wodenville will uh Kareem again I mean we saw Kareem in this league though how about to do no random draft classes in a rebuild maybe in a simulation but not a reboot unless it was specified of course uh this dude Wesley was he was garbage in the finals I don't care how young you are you could have the the 20th pick you could have whatever you could have the 19th pick go ahead take the deal that dude was trash this is old Nasir is about a retire so soon we might gotta trade him and boozer's gonna retire soon but he's a free agent there's been I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and turn up the draft class quality because it is bad it's looking bad it's up to like I don't know how much it affects it so let's let's start at 70. because like forget us just the rest of the league too to be fair we're also losing actually yeah it's really about us but I don't think it affects the top picks though I think it really affects the depth of the draft which is okay that's that works too but in the slim chance that it does help us we need that because uh we're just out here getting picks for no reason and everybody sucks trading them to the next year for them for not to not deem there for the next year because everybody suck I'm not and also I'm not drafting though 22 year olds that are about to hit their people their C player like uh what's his name like this dude Keith Eden who's just gonna be Bill Russell in the Gili I see her has no trade offers at all see all the Untouchables I don't think so he is not now Sierra and Boozer are the two best players in the league and then it goes Doug and then Sims because everybody else retired we were once again dominating the league in terms of talent we just beat us the Celtics can we see Celtics players who the hell was that dude that was cooking us like that Ian Jackson is a 38 yeah my thing we only have 30 13 players that we have someone retired I didn't realize was Mikey on our team no I traded him too did he not make the Hall of Fame either that's tough they had a young old brawny retired oh there goes that Ronnie didn't make the Hall of Fame did we retire his number of course we did so 17 16. Victor Victor's number got retired not even for his new teams just us for six years with the team so 44 17 and 16. add those to the Raptors oh and 20 yeah Mikey Williams too right we can get two young players screw it we'll draft both of them let's trade up for the second pick as well as the whatever the the yeah go ahead take this trade oh man you guys suck oh wait was that an OKC pick wait do that again yeah that works give me CJ green all right I'm gonna draft the one and two players Devin Harris Jr first overall and second overall give me oh man I am not convinced in you what what is this Marcus Johnson oddly enough this guy is better you know what if I didn't even need to trade up for two for this oh my God yeah will right look at this his potential is a plus at least it says it right now do it give me a maybe he'll be Nasir Cunningham's uh replacement who knows he's only a 73 oh my God conrick Duncan the second overall there was a 71. oh my God you guys are garbage and all this is actually one of the worst drafts we ever could have had to like draft two players in oh yeah cam Boozer think he leaving he got 22 offers screw it here's the thing right you are old right so nobody offered it like this for real 92 mil 36 years old you know I don't need to give you a no trade clause you should have you should take this yeah yeah you should definitely take 536 Mill at 36 years old you I'm giving you a quarterback contract Mr Pollard uh you are a 91 at 22 you are fantastic thank you for being good at basketball you could have all the money you want oh they never get rid of that rule cause I'm giving players all the money they want because they have that rule where you could trade any players for any pilot is probably going to change the league though for real if not change the league but take it over now series 8 92 boozers and 94 with 500 million on the books and Jarrell Richards is getting worse at 30. Jesus Christ you were supposed to be the future you need another good draft pick next year my brethren who the hell is this Mike Wright World B free another garbage draft of course of course I mean this guy is 18. oh well he's gonna be 19 by the time the draft comes around never mind another new coach I could tell Chad Irving can we ever have a stable coach bro we are we have been 80 times actually you know what we lost two straight Rings yeah get that guy Emma and brawny really retired on two back-to-back losses that is sad the Bill Russell dude's still only in 84 that is tragic my controller is dying Jared Sims oh wow okay cool we got another MVP now you know that's our first like MVP of a dude who was just a random you know what I'm saying this guy was on an auto generated so that's good that's good to see and Boozer you are a real Auto whatever the hell draft class person so that's why I say that maybe we can finally get back to Championship pedigree Championship pedigree please please please there you go playing the Wizards not this oh my God we lost game one still and we lost game three and we win game four and we win game five and we are champions it again Doug Sanchez now I want to see what is happening when we lose back okay we lost this one by two or three this dude Stevenson is out here selling bro chucking up garbage all right this one um because he was a 30th pick that's why this one Cunningham is just old he might be retire this year honestly uh yeah this is it this is it so uh we're not we're like losing him I guess technically and holton's also kind of garbage there's been an 88 for a minute but he's also young so who really cares um and Nasir Cunningham shouldn't be retired yeah there he is nine years old he that number 10 will for sure be in the Raptors there goes like all the single digit numbers my God you know what's crazy I don't think any of those were Westbrook right Westbrook didn't retire number I don't know because well because yeah he left us him and we might have still retire their numbers Derek Whitehead retires Xavier Booker is out of here Justin Edwards Ian Jackson's out of here so I think he'll be okay with Nasir retiring but here's I know the difference between High 90 overall players and in low 90s and 80s League like that is way more way less dominant than what we've had in the past you know and I see her Cunningham number 10 retired League meetings draft lottery the top two picks are decided through an elimination tournament remaining picture to turn by team record what would happen then if you don't have your pick like we steal everybody's picks are those team team's gonna play for us to get their pick would you even try then you know what I'm saying because like would we play for a team I want to see that now remaining pics of determine but so wait so is there gonna be is there gonna be a tournament now like what is going on here the top two picks Nixon heat so like when is that gonna take into account I don't really know okay maybe next year maybe I'm actually very excited to see how that works to have Sonic can we ever have a can I hire a coach please can we bro when are we gonna have money ever like we literally how have we made this much money and we've never had money to sign a coach Jason Tatum wants to get signed and he can't uh Dalton Grant I see Jabari Smith Jr Victor winbanyama is an assistant or a head coachingis would love to have you back on the you know I'm saying you were a great what's it called a great dude instead we're gonna get some garbage like why can't I get Zion oh snap I didn't mean to offer him he's mulling the decision wait let me get Zion Zion sign woohoo let's go Zion is our new coach longtime Thunder player can I edit his concert like can we oh he signed a four-year oh my God maybe the coaching Market is just trash he's garbage too but like it doesn't matter maybe the coaching Market is so trash like money-wise they just take whatever offer you give him you never know um any good players this year any good basketball players in the draft all right this guy's gonna be an All-Star or an all-nba player this guy as well so I said this guy okay he's still 18. we might have to we might have to pick him up and also Nasir retired and we have all those picks so we got it we gotta pick somebody regardless um as of right now just Boozer we might just let him retire too because we have no other reason to live yeah no way in hell are you getting powered for that pick you could have some other garbage though be cooking the Knicks every single year ah take pick number six take pick number 16 take pick number not 13 try 24 first try a future Thunder pick where are those at here you go got three of them you can have two of them there you go boom we got the number one pick how many roster spots are allocated up 14 so we can only draft one player honestly that dude from last year is probably gonna be absolute garbage so if we did want to drag F2 we could do this two are both B minuses so they'll probably be better I'm gonna go ahead and pick those two up yeah I'm gonna do I'm gonna draft both of them and then I'm gonna go to the player progression and see if our guy is better or whatever let's go ahead and finesse the sons real quick you could have you could have seven and nine or seven and thirteen in our future pick maybe never mind I traded all after you speak yeah take seven and nine fine you could have thirteen too have fun there you go have a great time give me those two guys that I wanted first overall pick we're gonna select Mr OJ house 18 year old whatever the hell second overall pick let me just make sure he's the right one like Hall of Famers hiding down here not that I would pick him after what we saw about them having like bench or whatever whatever the hell bus tendency what's this 19 year old dude doing uh Charlie Scott yeah I'm not gonna drop another low pick again though let me get the top like right number one ranked in Draft Express and hit this second round pick for some future second round picks and call today after the two best players in the draft and I'm proud yeah with that being said I'm probably gonna get rid of that other dude I want to see how he progressed like if he goes up by like six or something yeah I'll get one of them out of there oh we uh Co-op then Cole Pete is really like he really would think about us offering him 11 million if we had a couple more dollars we could get them Byron Brian whatever the hell you suck but we'll assign you anyways and Pete Eden of course but what is Pete Eden we'll never know any other affordable players just ours that's really it dang Brian trying to he accepted other offers what all right all right well now well now guess what we get to keep everybody screw his that's actually kind of big time because that's like there's not many 90 plus overalls not even on our team look at these guys Jarrell Richards is an 84 Miller just went down by two and he's 27. this dude we drafted last year went up by two and he's a 75. oh my God the draft is so garbage oh man I don't even know what our lineup is this year what is our line we have like 70s in there or something no just 85 is the worst that's all right Jesus we are garbage do we have any other old players we gotta we might gotta trade Cameron Boozer I know I could have overridden the uh what's it called retirement whatever the hell oh camera booster should not retire bro you have 500 mil waiting in your bank account if you just play Let's see Max age 25 who is this asking for Cameron Boozer for him yeah hell no but uh we'll give you Richards and a future Thunder first a future Rockets first I don't care and the future and as far as far as got a lot of value this Celtics one as well and why Will Wright got that much value very Jarrell rich is for Josh Wise I don't I don't care take the take the pick proposal would have us having an excessive amount of power forwards I don't care I don't care if you're not gonna be saying that when I offer you this Celtics pick right you're going to take this trade and and I'm gonna offer you the second round pick thing is they're lying it's not about power forwards they just didn't want my old man Jerrell Richards this guy that I just traded for will probably never even play a game but as long as he's young and won't retire or get worse I mean that's that's all we need right probably was a dumb trade we could just use the pick instead but whatever okay Jared Sims we see you buddy multiple MVPs uh Cameron Boozer also still a third teamer hope you're checking third teamers we are desperate I've never even checked the all NBA teams before I wasn't even checking them when Jordan was here we just lost two games to uh the Kings but screw the Kings we're gonna beat the Celtics again hooray I'm not see your Cunningham note oh my God what is this what is this wait wait wait what is this no seriously what the hell is this are we in here anywhere do we see the Thunder or anywhere no that was the funny part right okay can I see how do you look at your pick look at mock drafts it should say what picks we own right okay we have the Jazz's pick they're in the lottery they're right here so they will play they lost screw them and the higher odds too oh my God hey look at the raptors fighting for the number one pick and the Hornets beat them and the Nets win that tournament finals who will get the number one pick the Nets Jesus Christ that is disgusting that anybody do is retire that a big dog retired no he didn't retire shout to cam where the hell his name is Cameron Boozer right um yep see ya all those dang we won the ring and Zion won finals or whatever Zion must have won coach of the year right Lori badunga is out of here so is Kwame Evans and elsai dang they just up in the All-Star team scoring uh highest scoring teams total plus 40. Jesus you gotta score 40 in the fourth modified goaltending sister once once the ball hits the rim any player can make a move on the ball look at Zion can we get a cool assistant coach actually I won't I won't hire any I mean I won't fire anybody wait who's in the draft this year so wait are we they definitely just Andre with dollar Junior hey 79 overall finally a cool player and we about to get both cheat them why not Cheatham Bo Cheatham Cheatham boat cheat them both cheat em and then we gonna get uh Wes Murray what the hell why is there so many Hall of Famers why wait so Bo is an 84 82 oh my God we gonna get Bo and Iggy Junior oh look our team has scouted both because they know they are them where are our picks at uh wait so is that is that the draft lottery wait is so that is the draft lottery that's crazy so wait what picks do we have 11 13 15. okay go call up the team that just did all that for the lottery the first pick the Brooklyn Nets all right give them how many players do we have on our team one two 15 players but uh wise we just traded for you out of some BS so we can get you out of here we don't really care about you anyways um we could also very well trade Cameron Boozer Boozer though I mean he's still an all NBA players so like any years with him is good years but also there's only not many years left with him so maybe we just trade him now yeah I'm down I'm down the trading four star rating for the number one overall pick do they got any future that we can get because that would be smart I'll trade wise too just give me all oh wait but they but now they gotta fight for the pick though now it's at the best team gets the pick you know what screw oh no now we hey now it'll be good when you trade for random picks because now they gotta fight for I want to see one year where I get every every pick and then they fight for the pick when they all know they aren't getting the pick and I'm taking every pick that's what I need take out this pick and just take out as many as you can until we can do the training got no value screw do this I gotta give them a pick for this this is tough um all right fine take 15. all right fine take 29. well Cameron Boozer you have had a beautiful fantastic run you you were one of the shining bright lights of this team for all those years traded also picked 12 and like 11 or 13 or whatever the hell two picks they get number one that sucks that we had to trade him because he's old but it is what it is I am the biggest contract of all time probably honestly and let's go ahead and get that other dude as well and they just want OJ house is that good to where they would just trade the pick from us that's good to know give him Josh Wise actually running out of picks to trade which is man 15 give him 19. any other old peoples Doug Sanchez is old already and and I remember drafting him like it was oh it was today Pete Eden might gotta go oh Pete Eden it might be your time I will trade them Pete Eden and Josh Wise give me a pick oh this is the Hornets team we used to bully back in the day I will also give them pick 15 and they're not gonna accept that a pick 29 and a future second and another future second all right I guess we're gonna have to really really just cut Corners here by trading Pete Eaton and Josh Wise and they still don't want it there it is I had to trade two seconds plus the 29th pick I believe and now we have the top two picks in the draft both those guys are 80 overall or 79 and 80. they got Stanley Jackson two what's Stanley Jackson up to all NBA he's 21 not bad but we were already struggling just to get top two and I already know who the top two guys are it's a bow and it's entree it kind of looks like if he could no he actually he looks like Andre yeah they do they they like make these players to look exactly like them it's something about he like doesn't but he does all he needs is the headband did Andre even wear it there's Andre even wear a headband in the game no he really doesn't what am I talking maybe I'm thinking of his Sixers days he probably wore it once or twice all right Andre Iguodala Jr might take over the league for the next however many years it said Hall of Fame on him too right yeah I'm excited finally that's a cool dude dude that's a cool dude too Andre Iguodala Jr welcome to the Oklahoma City Thunder and next up give me both Cheatham and let's see if we can even trade up do we have any other trash players like that haven't done much I guess Charles Miller I mean he's trying 28 let's see if we could trade up uh who else would I want to pick Stanley Jackson's not that bad Wes Murray wait Wes Murray says Hall of Fame too oh snap this floor is starter but that's not that bad like floor could also stay bench like that guy or let's try and get Wes Murray as well this might be a good draft class thanks so but wait so now we only have P90s this is nasty this is a nasty team Miller would be getting some quality minutes but instead I'ma see if I could trade him for this pick I don't see him getting any better uh he is also kind of old through it let's do it okay they want to add in some garbage let's just throw in 15th pick and there we go we got the third pick in the Giraffe with the third pick I'm gonna select that one dude that's at Hall of Fame not Stanley Jackson even though you look like you could be a good player you're 22 though you're at the younger player who also has Hall of Fame on his tag let's do it when Stanley Jackson goes next up right after that he's probably an 80 as well yes he is all right we come out of that draft with three picks a couple retired players and yada yada bada bing and this we got two players that could leave us in free agency let's offer them as much money as I can in the player option because we don't have a what's it called an available no trade clause I guess I don't know how that works and we got both of them back thankfully good Sean Kemp Jr Henry Kemp that does not look like Sean Kemp screw it oh they were they match the office sheet oh that sucks well the one time I try to try try and sign a player he gets signed back to his team Sanchez is getting worse now at 32 and we are going into season number uh I wish I could tell you but I don't know Carl Lowry is this like Kyle Lowry on oh my God yes that's another another play at 19 years old another revolutionary play we need Carl Lowry we need Carl Lowry our team's still solid Devin Harris Jr starting at the three Dar Doug I keep on thinking Diego Sanchez is that even a person I don't even know trying to put Beau in the lineup as is he a rookie I think he's a proper rookie you know I sound British but I think he's genuinely he's a rookie yeah great bow play I mean we've lost the teams with 80s in the lineup we might as well oh my God oh my God we lost the first three games of the Season uh-huh yeah I'm gonna cut that on the lineup a little bit okay hold on we're gonna go we're gonna go hey Zion how you doing oh we can go eight man oh yeah also make the bench utilization all the way down and play the story Zion want to protect the paint on his little thing over there um assistant proficiency yeah oh not grit and grind yeah hell no let's go balance please thank you we are not you Zion that is you you retired I wonder how many like normal NBA players I can count in the coaches uh coaches thing like the the available coaches Lonzo ball Kyrie Irving Chris stops porzingis Stephen Curry Jason Tatum who we saw earlier uh D'Angelo Russell Luca Dodges Anthony Edwards Campbell Walker I just saw I just saw another one I thought oh no it's Ricky George not Paul George DJ Wagner is now a Coach and he's teaching the triangle John Moran I just saw Russell Westbrook Nick Smith Jr DeAndre Aiden um Cameron Whiteside or whatever the hell's name was Cameron something can't Cameron Whitmore yeah Anthony Davis Evan Mobley hell no you sold us that one Year Mikey Williams not Dave cowins David Cowans we'll end off there because that's a lot of people holy hell there's probably some that are head coaches including Zion obviously Jared Sims and other MVP thank you for being good at basketball one of our future one of our past prodigies at number one overall thing is though when I see players with like Hall of Fame their card usually it doesn't really mean 99 overall like it doesn't mean LeBron James it means oh yeah mid Hall of Famer usually which is tough as we were able to beat the rockets and go back to the finals Co-op Pete is still here Jesus Christ he's in the finals against us right now he was the Eastern Conference MVP but Jared Sims thank you for being goaded road to the number one pick again holy hell simulated the Wizards versus the Suns and the Wizards win it the 12th the 12th seed so wait what does that mean exactly were the Wizards the worst or the best Lottery playoff statistics oh oh the lottery playoffs the Wizards had the best they were the best in the regular season which made them the 12th seed which gave them the high the toughest road to get here this is such a dumb idea though it really should be just for the top four picks to be honest if we're being completely honest and then at that point it can only be in 2K because in real life who the hell would care if you're a player like you might get traded next season you know what I'm saying uh I don't think Boozer oh yeah this might be the other boozer's brother but I really have no clue call Pete retires oh there goes there goes Cameron Boozer he helped us get a top pick and he retires this year thank you for your service you were here for your almost your entire career just like how brawny was oh snap they got the glitch going they got the glitch going big meetings anything happen eliminate the goaltending I was really trying to see Hall of Fame inductees and Jerry's retirements but it's all good trying to see how many rings you know we could just go back to him Cameron Boozer finishes his career with 15 NBA championships and probably could have had three more if we just won but that might be the most out of anybody you've ever had except for maybe Michael Jordan or Kevin Garnett or something like that because most people we were getting them out of here quickly no Emmanuel got Flory badunga as our assistant head coach this is a dude that was just cooking for 20 years you got two players as our head coach and assistant head coach um NBA draft right so we have to make that trade for Carl Lowry any other great players in here you got Bill Bradley Bobby Jones honestly seems like the type of you you skip out on aside from the goal Aaron Sampson you're 18 but your potential is garbage go ahead and get Carl Lowry real quick what type of picks we got I don't even know Matt Mavericks see look at this look at this the Raptors had the Wizards pitch the Wizards did all that just for the Raptors to take their pick and they have the Raptors pick oh my God go ahead and give them the ninth pick the 21st pick the other pick and do we have any players 14 players on the roster right now I guess somebody retired that I didn't realize I might have to trade somebody either way I don't know though I don't know if that's ideal could trade Anderson Peyton he's 29 also wasn't our homegrown pick so you know we have no type of connection there we are running short on picks right now very very short on picks so what we what we get soon is going to be what we have and that's really gonna be it so let's trade Anderson Peyton let's try and do this he's not a league changing player we could trade mn21 and 29 because we have a roster spot so we probably yeah let's try and do this oh man I'll trade this Rockets pick I don't care take it thank you thank you I don't even know who else we're gonna draft but we're gonna have pick nine wait okay that was for pick one so I have picked nine and pick one screw it I'll use the pick all right obviously would pick one we're taking Carl Lowry small forward six foot ten and for the first time in a long time we're just gonna wait until our pick and get whoever the hell I said a while ago we would go back to Seattle with the addition of Carl Lauer you might go back to Seattle all right this guy all right we're gonna we're gonna drive this dude right here C overall 19 years old is his comparison with something decent like an All-Star or something see what happens obviously Carl Lowry is real good he's a nine or he's an 80 team player options then we got two dudes with right in their name it's a resign Holton holton's a real solid player we can give him the um give him all the money he can get I guess because we can't get anything else and he will be coming back to the team guy Harrison is restricted thankfully and he's prepared to accept an offer so that sucks I want to give him a five year but it'll take a three year probably with a one year player option or something garbage progression Doug Sanchez goes down by two Holton goes down by one and the rest of the team is mid this guy Iguodala Junior goes up by five that's the future right there for the next 40 years holy hell we have 40 years left a little less than 40. Iguodala yeah he does look like Iggy's come on it's the way he's like fake smiling at me I don't know it looks like you got the same accessories on too he got some finger pad things he's gonna be starting this year and honestly I'm okay with that I gotta check his potential not like he's ever getting traded anyways 99 Max potential 98 potential and yeah he's gonna be good considering that like Dell's son was like just him but better at at every like shooting hell I mean that thing too shabby either what would Iggy Sun be just him but better also he's six foot eleven Jesus Christ might be one of my new favorite features of 2K is that they do that make players do that uh we can we can run an eight-man rotation why not we're in that type of error now where everybody sucks so like you know might as well make it okay yeah you're not a top eight player screw you hit the bench oh my God Mr Pollard dick Pollard Most Valuable Player our former number one overall pick 97 overall what the hell he was the one he was number one Jared Sims and Pollard we are taking over the league because we have tried very hard to be the best even in this garbage League oh man Brian Stevenson is the third best player in the league and he was on this team too Devin Harris Jr is already one of the best players this is insane there's only four 90s it looks like the NBA 2K15 when Tim Duncan Chris Paul and KD and Lebron and like who the hell was the other one Melo uh best broke or something I don't know I'll look forgetting somebody like Griffin maybe those are the only 90s when you started off the game at least Brian Stevenson is 35 squirrel but I was trying to keep him though and he just left four years ago I probably would have traded him by now to be honest but yeah those are the only man we are in a 80s League Jesus so if you get the 90s then you're probably dominating and here we are dominating plus with the next best player Andre Iguodala Jr what a nasty League we are in all right we're on our way to NBA Finals we might be more dominant now than we were a couple years ago especially because everybody is retired that was even attempting to beat us and we just lose two games in this playoff run Jared Sims takes the finals MVP wrote a number one pick just this is so funny Pelicans win their retirements we had we drafted Ed I drafted that third overall he's cooked he's 34 and he retired players are eligible for entry draft once they reach 18 years of age that's way better oh my God that might help out the talent of the whole league forget us speaking of the town of the whole league what's it looking like Edmund Holton Hall of Fame and floor All-Star oh my God he's a b-plus this guy's 19 the B minus oh go for two picks go for two picks take both of these guys up take both of them getting up one and two what picks we got I actually have been struggling with getting keeping all that stuff picks we didn't have any picks this year so I I might have to trade something of value but I if that guy is a B plus see there's no way in hell he will not come to my basketball guy Harrison is 24. we might have to trade him it will not okay Dylan Holton yes 88 overall 30 years old he might be the one that has to go not that 30 is even old but I don't see who the hell else we could trade Effie is 25 he might be capped out at 25 to be fair he might be who we trade for number two and I think that'd probably be smart as well because Iggy's gonna take a jump both probably yeah all these guys can take a jump except for uh except for these the two that I'm talking about right now and yeah we're gonna uh Sanchez has expired and I probably wouldn't trade him in this league I mean we could definitely get away with it because the league is so garbage I'm gonna try and trade Holton for number one okay they want a 20 50 for one first round pick let's try and make it two seconds for no reason oh they no yeah all right we'll just we'll just do it Bolton 88 overall see let's see if we can make it the other dude actually let's try Kathy just because then it would be easier to trade Holton for number two all right no we're not it's not gonna work Dylan Holton you've been here for you've only played in so many years but you were the number one overall pick many years ago and you've been okay you've been like a uh Larry Johnson type of number one overall pick you know just solid solid player for the team we appreciate you you're a six foot ten shooting guard for the love of God we are going to trade you for the number one overall pick and you know I'm saying work towards the future even though you are kind of still the future you're pretty good still and we're also going to go and try and get the number two overall pick man we have had so many weird eras in this video like going from the weird two nine late 90s okay first of all we tanked the first year then we had the 2000 or not the 90s we were kind of just dominating we didn't really like trade for an abundance of picks ever we would just trade some mid player like um like that one white dude the shooting guard I forgot his name Monty Kathy they don't want that okay not the number one overall pick for the love of God we might not be able to get this guy I'm not gonna lie but that would be a bad mistake I feel like since he said All-Star was also a b we actually don't have anything else so we can rationally oh wait Jamal Wingate who is this ninth pick from last year yes include him yes yes yes matter of fact just try it starting with him okay I will give up both of them what about you guys give me some future picks or something two of them I won't ask for too much all right what about one and we'll give you some seconds the mall win gate our player from last year coming in clutch all right I'll just do this then okay still don't want it and take two seconds thank you thank you we got the number two overall pick get a B minus and a B plus two 19 year olds with the first pick in the NBA draft OKC is for sure drafting Edmund Holton seven foot three Center and then this dude's a center Center as well but you know we always figure it out we doing the Philadelphia 76ers you know what I'm saying except uh we'll be good 78 and 85 overall in the rookie year you got to realize how crazy that is in this league probably already a top 15 player maybe top like 30. it's like Zion with knees hey Sims you can't leave okay you cannot leave take all the money you want take five years take a player option and a no trade clause you cannot leave thank you Sanchez you can you can retire here you can do whatever the hell you want you just can't leave we will be ruined he is also coming back five years and then you thankfully are young enough to where we can we don't have to do anything so that's good perfect got our dogs back we're gonna continue this has easily been the toughest era to build in to Lincoln build oh hey it's Will Wright give him a five year as well why not Devin Harris you and your Iguodala Junior a bunch of 2 000 players Doug Sanchez goes down another overall sadly we just gave him a no trade clause but uh who cares honestly who cares they continue to win rings and Iguodala will become the greatest player of all time soon The Game just crashed is it a sign of something we'll title this rebuild 100 Year rebuild regardless of what happens if they hopefully it lets us go past this because that's bad it's a bad sign oh no oh they cooked me I was so excited to see Iggy 2K has ruined the 100 Year rebuild know who to go hit up it's not me we can start a riot player progression again okay we still have everybody let's see one more time let's see one more time crashed again could I do nothing that's it that might be it 2K might have just put me out of my misery there's nothing more solidified as work into this game a a tribute to this basketball game they're doing 100 Years of simulation on here right and so far we are we are 64 years in we were more way uh far far into it more than halfway you could show 2K this I didn't know I actually did nothing to push the limits of the game in this video it just simulated and traded like like not me having good players would change nothing you know I'm saying I didn't break the game by having good players it's not like I didn't change any rules except for the ones that they changed themselves and remove any teams add any teams I didn't even change the logo that you sometimes that will glitch the league and online leagues but I didn't even do that in this and I'm offline and yet here we are here is the accumulation the sadness I I'm genuinely sorry uh anybody that had was hoping to watch 100 years because watch this happen one more time wait yup it happened I for a second I thought we got it because here's the thing right sometimes like this will happen something like this will happen it'll be like oh I did this I did that and I'll know what to reverse or change like recently me my friends are doing an offline I'll just ramble now because we've already been here for like 25 hours so I mean I might as well keep on going recently me and my friends are doing the league and like something had happened with this that or the other and I'm like oh okay let me go fix this but like I don't know what to do I've just been simulating and trading although I do give away all my players or something well they did not want to see us win thankfully we didn't go out on a loss I'm you know sometimes when this happens in a video like I'll like this was I was genuinely excited to like do a hundred years post the 75 hour video although this would probably be like really long video regardless but here we are 2K ruin another fate and I've simulated further than this in 2K I just haven't simulated I don't know actually maybe that's the is that the maximum amount of years you could simulate the 60 without what it makes sense because I've seen people's I think you could simulate the 2100 from 2020 which is crazy but I believe at the very least you could simulate 80. so I don't know why mine decided to break let me look real quick at everything just if you want to diagnose the issue uh here's all the teams of rosters I'm just gonna scroll through them real quick you're not saying stuff things and that of that nature is happening um I don't know what possibly could be wrong we don't even have it here's the best players in the league you know I'm saying there you go we got a bunch of 80s for the most part a lot a lot of 80s a lot of stuff i-70s like I said it's like a 2K15 roster you know and that aside I don't know what possibly could be whole maybe I'll check real quick I'll just do everything I can possibly where's our staff at dude they need me to fire Zion I hope can't even fire them but I mean we have coaches and I'll do I'll turn it to auto for a second I'll see if that helps anything I'm gonna turn all of our stuff to Auto and see if that fixes anything if they make any changes or anything let's see here you go you could even trade all of our team if you wanted right here right now time to shine 2K it's your time to shine yep I don't know I it ain't concerning me and I didn't do anything somebody else's team patch another screenshot and video clip I have to go back to Madden well it will 100 still be titled 100 Year rebuild uh try not to spoil it too much people in the comments if you made it all the way this far at the same time though we kind of have to revolt because Jesus Christ there is nothing holding me back from getting a hundred years into this except for the game itself so let's reminisce I guess throughout our run we won I'm just gonna look at the total I already told you our streak that we had earlier I forgot what the number was but you could see it right here I'm going through it entirely it was from 28 to 86. if my match served me correctly that is 42 straight years and if we were to look at the team history considering the Thunder already had one ring the team history we have 59 NBA championships so uh the Thunder already had one so we won 58 in this video over half of a century of rings by the way in case you don't know you know what a century is or Rings or whatever lost only three of those possible Champion or actually four four my bad four whatever I think I just said we won 58 right so there's been 62 Seasons 58 rings when it comes to MVPs and I'm yes I'm going over everything dog I put hard work in it let's see we got Jordan Hakeem Hakeem MVPs then you saw Shaq get it kg Iverson then LeBron oh Kenneth chukwa whatever the hell his name was was winning all the time then LeBron again Kenneth won what is this sixth straight then Victor Cameron Boozer Jared Sims and of course it ends off on Dick Pollard Rookie of the Year honestly probably got none of these I guess we got Chris Washington Jr or maybe it was because I made him wait until he played I don't know actually you know what I know a couple rookie years we had at least one Michael Jordan next Man of the Year Sean Kemp won it a couple times deadlift shrimp that's what I was talking about earlier that we traded you know I'm saying good cool dude Tim Duncan won a Sixth Man of the Year LeBron James won a Sixth Man of the Year which is pretty funny and oh wait how much this team has changed the league we had LeBron winning rookie Sixth Man of the years while he was supposed to be leading teams that were garbage of the finals and cam Boozer won six man of the year and again like 10 10 15 years later so cam Boozer was on the bench first it was on the bench for 15 years 14 years we had Victor win a dpoi actually two of them so Hakeem and Mike Michael won a couple most improved player we saw Iverson win this saw Chris Paul win it once saw Luca get it Zion Victor Doug Sanchez dick Pollard we had the coach of the year probably every Zion one Coach of the Year Chad Irving CJ Henderson Cody Wilson AKA Coach of the Year Wilson Stanley Singleton J.J Brown Jamie Pierce Harold Cunningham Rob Green these are some of the great look at Rob Green's coaching run oh my God look at Rob Green 08 26 Rob Green had a nearly two decade long coaching run and we kept him around and he had D ratings on both of them mo Bonner Zachary Wilkins Lewis Moore who is more wasn't too shabby either uh Hugo Simmons Tyson blunt Jared Dudley fake Jared Dudley I remember him and Lenny Wilkins who I wish stood around longer honestly Most Valuable Player I think we went over this right yeah right back to the beginning all right hall of famers we'll go back to that at the end past champions we obviously saw all that screw the league leaders who created by that garbage all right hall of famers let's start in see how many of these we had you know I believe our first Hall of him was actually Patrick Ewing then Michael Jordan that's two hakima Lodge one that's three not Carl Malone he was here for like a second Barkley that's four Scotty Pippen is five on campus six Shaq O'Neal is seven we have Jason Kidd I genuinely can't remember think we did we'll say Jason Kidd is eight I don't know though I I don't think we did so I'll say seven Iverson is eight Steve Nash didn't no I don't think so wait I don't you know I don't remember no we passed up on Steve Nash for Ray Allen honestly I'm losing track you can look right now and see Vince Carter boom boom Magic Johnson Jr oh my God Amari Stoudemire somehow made it twice mellow Chris Bosh we didn't have Chris Bosh LeBron Dwight Howard Russell Westbrook Derrick Rose John Wall James Harden Kevin Durant Steph Curry a d and then you get to the new era kristops towns jokic and Simmons Trey young Don chesh Marvin Bagley made it John Moran Zion Cameron Whitmore the winbanyama sadly that he left screw you Victor scoot Henderson I was really looking forward to the Victor the entire thing and then all of a sudden he comes here and then leaves us least we got through his career like that era because we were going into unforeseen Uncharted lands as right now Cameron Boozer and that's it that's the last one that we had but Nasir cunning him of course when it comes to team history actually I wanted to see uh retired numbers do retirements no screw those new retirements we gotta go to the Thunder we retired Zion Derrick Rose Allen Iverson Ron Holland Steph Curry Bill Russell from the previous from Bill Russell being Bill Russell we've never retired number two we have retired six for Chris Paul seven for James Harden eight for Kobe Never Nine for Nasir 11 for Trey 12 for tmac 13 for Melo 14 for Lebron 15 for Ewing 16 for School 17 for bronny oh 18 but 19 for Lenny Woka didn't play for us but who cares 28th for Mikey Williams 21 for kg 22 for Tim 23 for Mike 24 for kristaps no 25 26.7 30 for Dwight Howard 31 for A.D 32 for Shaq 33 for Barkley 34 for Hakeem 35 for Scotty 40 for Sean Kemp 42 for Giannis three for Jack Sigma 44 from Victor one by nyama for 45 for Cameron busy Boozer and 77 for Luka donches that's how many numbers we have retired to how that that amount of people like three of them coming from outside of our era and one of them being Bill Russell or whatever the hell the number I don't screw it let's check team records Fred Brown still holds the record for most points oh and that's through all the years of having the greatest teams of all time and even playing them a lot of minutes just share the sugar too much and Akeem and Michael are the only players with over 50 points that have ever played for our team in a seasoned game nobody else has ever scored 50. that's crazy I'm very interested to see the total scoring numbers then with that being said I really want to see iguodala's Junior's career we're gonna end off the video with me going and trying to simulate one more time here's field goals made three pointers made is Steph Luka Jared Sims and Jaw free throws made is Michael Jordan rebounds Jim Fox and 73. assist was Allen Iverson with 20 and 99 blocks was Hakeem olaju on with 10 steals not one player that we had uh broke any of these records minutes uh nobody got even close and turnover Scottie Pippen with 12 and Jerry at SIMS also with 12 uh you know with like a 50-year difference in between that really shows how long we've been simulating because I vividly remember Scotty and Jared Sims a playoff scoring we had Jordan T-Mac nice here Cunningham Jordan and Fred Brown uh Nasi are my bad uh Jordan T-Mac tied with 48 in the playoff game tmac made 19 field goals three pointers Trey young and Nasir hit 11 free throws Jordan hit 21 rebounds to Whitehead 26 assists on Iverson at 18 Simpson 18 Sims at 18 and Luke at eight block Sean Kemp had nine steals Nasir Cunningham had nine minutes that Jack Sigma that was before our time but Jordan did a fit 48 Jordan played all 48 in the game three times Jesus Christ and turnovers Jordan probably in one of those games yes it was literally in the third game that he or whatever yeah that he had 11 turnovers now well obviously we could already see all of our records we said so we might as well not check that all right NBA records or whatever the hell NBA history how do I do that again oh yeah this no it is it is on here um can I check that real quick points in a playoff game is Jamal Mashburn has the record that's pretty funny and Isaiah Ryder has the fourth highest points in a regular season in 2005 with I guess the Warriors or no I think it's glitching because of Keem but yeah he was he was somewhere the most points in NBA history is Isaiah Collier then Derek Whitehead then Isaiah Elohim then Elliot then Reggie Miller then Kevin Love Cooper Flagg then Isaiah Harwell then Nick Smith Jr notice how I haven't said one player that played for POA Pete DJ Wagner Xavier Booker Paul Pierce Florida badunga Isaiah a writer Kwame Evans Anthony Edwards Trey Johnson DeMarcus Cousins Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is still not one player that played for us Chris Bosh Magic Johnson Ian Jackson Kyrie didn't play for us peja didn't Vince Carter Jabari Smith Jr Elton Brandt there is the first player that played any minutes for us it was Hakeem Olajuwon who left us too he screwed us over and left us you gotta remember that is there any players up here Bryce James is up here basala Moses who is the first player up here that actually Kaden Boozer scored more than his I guess brother I think that's his brother uh Cameron Boozer Victor left us is there any player up here that played most of their career Michael Jordan Jordan at 43 KD also left us we did trade Jordan but it was for like a second he was old where is LeBron Dar Smith has more points score than LeBron James this is the dude who won like 45 MVPs he's at 56. since Sexton has more points than LeBron there goes LeBron we traded him very late into his career as well and he has 30 000 points Which is less than Dominique Adrian Dantley and Colin sex Kobe is at 78 and there's probably some people on here that we don't even really remember or like I don't know that you know that yeah you get it that being said I don't think we'll have anybody else on any other records considering that we ruined everybody's career by winning them a bunch of rings ironically but for rebounds you shouldn't really be held back although Kevin Love was third all-time uh Hakeem is 15th I mean I don't see anybody else okay G is 12. I did not see Kg on the points thing at all unless I missed him which is very tough because uh kg was really good so was Iverson I didn't see Iverson either blocks Hakeem still had the most yeah you're not getting held back on defense and Victor is seventh Shaq is 11. make sure we lost Shaq during the expansion year yeah I think we traded him for all of like somebody's picks uh Michael Jordan was sixth in Steel yeah that that is just about every single record I've seen every single era of NBA history except for the garbage Wilt Kareem error with like 18. okay it would be cool if you added that era in next year like as like an earlier era but considering that I can't simulate more than 60 years I don't know that'll work someone let me know also too if you've ever tried to simulate more than like 60 years or whatever the hell and it's worked but yeah this is it that being said shout out to Dick Pollard 97 overall we could have had a you know I'm saying you could have been around for a couple more years Garrett Sims YouTube multiple time MVP Doug Sanchez you're kind of falling off and you kind of didn't exceed expectations but it's all good Devin Harris was about to be golden OJ house cheat them with dollar Junior who looks oddly but like not like Iguodala it's like you did if you did a face smash with Iguodala and somebody else that I can't I don't know guy Harris and we could have just seen we just drafted Edmund Holton number one overall just this year we didn't even get to see him did all that work Carl Lowry we barely even got to see if Annie uh barely even played and uh yeah with that being said that's the next next season thank you for watching you can like subscribe to the channel for my channel it would be kind of Bittersweet happy if this worked right now but it's not going to I could really feel it there it is something went wrong with this gamer app this was the screen we will end on you can like subscribe to the channel become our Channel let me know what the hell you want to see next I appreciate everybody who watched this whole thing I know this is this isn't even like similar I feel like this is less you know this is more just me just nerding out than you know oh some sort of narrative cool entertaining video or watching a cool player play for all these years yeah sure we took every player and played one of them all these years but I mean I did just you know kind of just stash him on my team they did nothing we won a bunch of rings but hey thanks for watching shout out to ronnie2k and I'll catch you in the next one but
Channel: Clique Productions
Views: 1,142,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba 2k23 career simulation, nba 2k23 career sim, career simulation, lebron james career simulation, lebron james nba 2k23, nba, nba 2k23 next gen, nba 2k23, clique productions career simulation, 2k23 next gen, 2k23 rebuild, clique productions rebuild, nba 2k23 rebuilding, nba 2k23 rebuild, clique productions, nba 2k what if, mynba nba 2k23, myleague nba 2k23, nba 2k23 simulation, lebron james, kobe bryant, michael jordan, stephen curry, victor wembanyama
Id: 4b5s891uTik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 275min 19sec (16519 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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