I Destroyed RUSSIA By Creating a 6 Front War (RISK)

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with all the chaos happening in the world right now i thought it'd be fun to play a risk game where russia has collapsed and i'm going to be specifically kind of role-playing as a certain country here i'm only going to be putting my troops right along this border right there this is a weird map because there is no separation between belarus and ukraine so i guess in this universe ukraine has annexed belarus and now they're going in after russia so i'm gonna try to maybe get this southern territory or maybe central that's really the only place i can put my troops in and also because i'm playing in russia you know i had to put the blizzards game mechanic on this is gonna mean certain tiles are gonna be inaccessible throughout the entire match and this is absolutely the worst one how am i supposed to get over here there's only one way you have to go through new ground i'm already seeing how this is just a terrible idea so i lined up right okay why are you all you're making this so difficult for me so i can connect to kaliningrad which what region is that apart that's part of the northwestern this makes no sense look how many tiles are in northwestern and you only get plus five units oh maybe that's why the ai is trying to oh yeah oh i see what they did so they know the really valuable land is in eastern europe not out here in siberia or the far east so you don't want this stuff this is where all the fighting is going to take place maybe that blizzard locking us off from this area out east maybe isn't too too bad because i mean even if you do control all of this land that's only an extra 17 units whereas this over here is 23. okay so again everyone ah i was gonna go get moscow should i get clinton grad i kind of want clinton grad i do not like this i don't like this at all i'm just gonna try to keep my forces somewhat together so that it's not too complicated oh this is blizzarded off so i'm the only person that holds territory to get to clinton grad so that's great because i don't have to put any extra units right there i can just leave that one stack right on top of that the whole game so in order to role play i am going to have to get tiles out this way but i'm not going to reinforce this stuff which is probably how i would have played the game normally if i wasn't giving myself restrictions this is really the valuable land that i want to take up right now so i'm going to add 10 reinforcements again clinton grad is super safe so i'm gonna really put things here and i already have two units in this part of the world in this southern port there's also a land bridge or something like that to volga look at how valuable central is central has only four tiles but it'll give you six this is where everyone's gonna be fighting i definitely want to reinforce there especially because we have two taken up right this way i just wanna like stack everyone right this way and then maybe to attack moscow first turn where's the ai putting their troops uh they're doing okay the ai hasn't put too much in the central location so i really like that i do need to like be able to hold this one down too oh i don't like this guy this guy's put four right there i need to make sure the clinton grad stays safe so i'm gonna do one there this guy's got five okay i think i go one and one because i got one more reinforcement now yeah purple's going all in oh come on purple at least i get to go first so that's a huge advantage that i have oh also i'm playing on hard difficulty which is gonna make things hard i completely got obliterated last time i think this is the easiest one to get if we can get central right now then we're gonna be ahead of everybody else this also looks pretty divided in the east so that's a good line all right i think i'm going all in right here problem with central is that i can get attacked from so many different ways like how am i going to divide up my troops when there's a seven stack right this way i'm probably just going to go one and try to get moscow right now hopefully not lose too much that's not bad and then divide it evenly should i do six yeah because the seven stack is still to my south and this is still a three stack so okay i'm gonna end my phase we have our card we have a little you know bonus card um there's nothing really for me to fortify so i'll leave it there i'm so scared of course it's purple that's going next purple chill bro chill please oh he did what did you do purple i did not get attacked oh a lot of things happened in the east though that's that's fine i'm gonna have to take the l here we do need to watch blue blue looks like they're already about to get siberia and siberia gives you seven units i wasn't expecting someone to monopolize that land so fast okay so i can get three more we have to take this so i'm gonna put all three there now i'm gonna take this this turn but i probably i think it's likely that i don't keep it oh wow look at that should i go five and four i'm gonna do five and four because these guys are gonna be safer that way oh and also i get to fortify that's right so these units are all automatically safe so i'm actually gonna reinforce this area should i do this one yeah i'm gonna do that one the beginning of this game is so crucial it's kind of crazy oh purple whoa okay so purple pretty much kamikazed all of my stuff in central however they've really hurt themselves because of that yellow has four out of the six tiles here i'm gonna do probably nine in this area i'm gonna attack the two stack in moscow and then keep most back yeah i'm gonna probably keep most back uh orange already has something what did you guys do the euro mountains that's plus six we really gotta hope that blue and orange just kind of fight amongst each other okay i just got kicked out that's not good so clinton grad is now at risk of being taken okay well i have to go probably here i'll do that and then end my turn and then moscow will probably have to reinforce this little guy hopefully i get a card bonus next turn just please leave me alone please leave me nope they did not leave me alone why is it always purple that's messed with me i got a problem with purple you had to put a five stack right there didn't you okay well i don't know if i can let yellow just have this stuff why is there wait please tell me that i can get a nice oh it's only four plus four that sucks i just gotta get more units per turn at this point so i'm just gonna send this 13 after the five oh man i don't feel good about this clinton grad's probably gonna uh eaten i'm gonna lose that purple dead well he's purple pretty much is dead oh whoa what the i've never just been killed before yeah i'm gonna have to try that one again ai is still on hard difficulty but actually weirdly they didn't just like bunch up near the west again they've been allowing me to take all of this territory next to ukraine so i guess that was more what i want to do in the first place pretty much all of my units are over here i'm just gonna leave siberia up for grabs well besides this because i have to go to the last tile this is already looking much much better because i now have three tiles in this uh central territory and then four out of two here this is where i need to be careful because um what's the phrase my eyes are gonna be bigger than my stomach i'm gonna lose a lot of this stuff to be honest but i think still the number one goal should be to grab central because i can get that next turn if we're lucky without blizzards that makes things a lot easier i hated this was cut off from us probably made the ai do weirder things too yeah so maybe i just put a giant death stack right this way and then take this tile and then begin to fortify my troops around the ukrainian empire at the moment the ai is not putting many guys over this way so that's nicer of them i also go first so now wait a second i know i can take this so i should just fortify this land now i'm gonna put everything there and then just take this stack and boom arts we only lost one troop in that process i'll do five and four i guess okay so central is now ours let's see what the ai does purple was my number one enemy because purple had just like a death wish for me nice i kept central which means i'm already getting 10 units i need to be very careful because i have a chance to run away with this thing if i choose my this this turn specifically correctly i actually think i'm going to put the 10 in chechnya then from here attack there and just make a death uh march straight on through i want to keep like can i get this yeah i should be able to keep three there take these guys there i lost a lot of troops in that process do i keep this or do i move up one if i move up one then i can move this stack around i think i can move up one it's a one stack okay so i didn't lose any fro anything so that keeps me safer and now for my fortify phase i can move this i don't really know where i want to move this there's a two and then there's a one there's still three back this way what's the next uh what's the next territory volga that i should get yeah i should get volga okay so i guess i should put them all there this volga is probably where we're gonna go after next oh green is about to get a region oh they left me alone okay yep green has a region so he's now starting to get stuff we need to get over there and break that stuff up as soon as possible i think i'm gonna split up the forces half and half okay so this seven division stack here just needs to wipe out ones that's it you wipe out ones and you're gonna be good boom all right nice now we take the 12 and we go here and maybe we go up one more just so boom all right so that is we are we are uh we've stopped everyone we're cornered off pretty nicely i'm a little bit nervous about this guy he's one and he's up against there's a four right there do i move this 13 boom boom boom that doesn't sound that good but i think i might need to because he's going to mess everything up yeah i think i have to do that let's see how it goes okay i didn't lose anything from that first battle i didn't lose anything from the second battle but i got to keep things behind now three stack i mean three stack is better than a one stack oh wow okay we got kind of lucky there four and four all right let's see if that's what saves me oh i can also fortify that that's right that's good okay so i can move this guy to here this is like our weak point okay gotta start watching green whoa oh i forgot they could attack me from kaliningrad dang it so i take this guy and just wipe up everybody yeah i think we make two different forces here i should be able to take out most people with uh i'll do 12. all right let's clean this up thanks for doing that bro but i guess he kind of needed to kamikaze qazi me because i was gonna be really powerful if he didn't do that it was a good effort okay now i take him and just one by one oh yeah four stack uh okay well these guys are ones i also can fortify a lot oh i killed yellow oh that was a good idea didn't even realize i was doing that oh that was good because that's right this game really wants you to kill people so now we have 10 more okay that's it i should have to keep in mind i just need to protect this stuff yeah i'm not gonna move in after blue yet but green is getting powerful i'm gonna take this eight stack and maybe move them there not too far away from the front lines man i'd love to get another kill but i'm not gonna be able to get there 32 units okay we're just gonna divide those up to like six sixteen each oh wait more eight i need to stop green from getting this stuff so that's like first priority all right feeling pretty good about these defenses now we have uh this corner over this way and uh and then we've like just a wall of units oh i can fortify a lot back this back at home all right so now we just play a regular russian colonizes siberia game i think except in this scenario where ukraine but either one destroyed blue thank you oh you had four cards yes i will take an extra 12 units probably put them back there i got this massive wave of forces just like marching through everything just a death wall okay now wait a second i personally have three cards on my hand if i kill this guy i'm gonna get even more cards probably probably enough to win the game so i'm just gonna stop thinking take out this shadow guy please tell me okay we did okay just making sure did not think i was gonna win that turn but i guess once you get the ball rolling you can just move through everything okay so we played two drastically different games right there getting wiped out first in the first one and then completely dominating in the second one i don't know how i should feel about this i don't really feel redeemed that much and big thanks to my patreon supporters young wife fat nuts why am i doing this norah the bald free smiling phillip rs5600s majestic unicorns max cooper nick bloor and mimoshiki
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 294,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, risk, russia, ukraine, risk game, game, board game, front war, risk global domination, risk gameplay, global domination, strategy, strategy games, strategy game
Id: NPxkzCu8roM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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