I cut my brother's hair and forced my mum to film it

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[Music] no it's an optical illusion when i open this up it's a circle it's a bit square yeah it fits just fine okay these are the scissors i'm going to show what to do i'm going to show what to use this for the big work this for the little work open the reference picture come on i don't pay you to talk you don't pay me at all i'm getting paid and i would prefer this to his easy job okay that's our reference photo now it's not good to stand on a slippery bathtub with scissors [Music] okay so here in front is long and so i first i will protect the front of your hair by separating it maybe your suits are nice okay the hands are natural i look like a coconut yeah the most important part of someone's hair is the front so if that part's on touch you'll be safe so the inner part of this is skinny so there's not going to be that much hair so you have to cut this part no i know what i'm doing the customer doesn't tell go honest how to can you stop swearing or i'm going to cut your hair oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's working they do it like this so it's like [Music] here you can give me your palm donate this she cut here first do not tell shut shut up and just give it like you cut this part first before cutting this point since this is the long part [Music] god so looks like you expect me to make it look good oh we're gonna do the tick-tock thing okay trust me see mom trust me cause i showed her a video i did all my extensive research on ted talk ouch ow don't be a baby okay maybe i can't it's okay so we have a little ponytail here yeah pretty nice what does this sound like it's causing you physical paint you know if you take too much time it's going to be started right why are you cutting it like you saw hold on to this wow your hair is so difficult to work with go to therapy for once i feel like i can hear it coming but nothing's coming you know that's gonna be like really short right i can already feel it you can't you're not a hairdresser i didn't know you graduated with a cosmetology degree yeah [Music] what it looks really good um would you open the reference picture does it even look remotely like the recorder it's okay yeah i think i've been approaching this wrong the entire time i was approaching it like uh don't tell her i was approaching it like a hair stylist when i should have been approaching it like a cartoon now we're just gonna follow the shade poofy here here not poofy when you go to a proper hair stylist can you tell not tell them i did this oh according to you thank you is this if this is going to be like the 24 hour thing where you give up halfway i didn't give up they gave up on me oh you cut this part and you're saying this looks good it looks really alike right it's not the matter of the hair is the matter of the face that man is beautiful this needs to be don't worry i'll save you more [Music] [Music] it looks good you really can't tell there's a difference yeah because you're not letting me with my creative expression reference reference picture are you actually cutting stuff yes do you not hear the sound of hair being cut when you're so lucky you can just sit there [Music] can you stop providing sound effects for the artist okay i'll give your ears more protection so mom can stop worrying about protection i'm just gonna sleep in here wait let me just yeah you should sleep go sleep maybe your hair can rest reference picture thank you i think it's a problem with the face like that you can do whatever i want with that man's hair and he would look beautiful [Music] oh no i lift it up and then i cut so i never touch the skin you act like i don't have you act like i don't have any critical thinking skills a comb i just do this and the hand is natural you can't see it but it actually looks like around there proceed with my creative genius all of you have implanted dabs into my head oh my god it looks good i wouldn't say anything that might put you in a compromising situation considering i'm the one with the scissors here okay let me see your other side back here [Music] i'm gonna test how fatal it is if i fall down not very fatal this will do oh okay ow you're pulling my hair you're not cutting it you have to pull it to color [Music] [Music] do you not condition your hair sometimes yeah that's why it's so crunchy so everything bad that happens after this isn't because of me it's because you didn't condition your hair the reference picture is gone okay no it's okay it's really hot no quite there no okay i'm cutting layers i know how to do it [Music] oh god this one this thing this thing keeps nicking it nothing to do with me i'm professional he wants the full experience [Music] okay besides being an artist i also cut hair you can see i think once you selected the length to make sure that all the things around it match that length if i look at you and i tilt my head slightly to the left it'll look even too much for like one of your hairstyles in the future to be fair i think they give you a better surrounding than the bathtub oh now you can see what's going on how do you feel um [Music] [Music] are you just guessing it i here's my strategy okay i'll let you win on the secret the classic salon secret i reach my hand now and whatever i grab i just trim it oh it's like a little moon you see crescent it's a c this is supposed to be a c it's supposed to be a straight line supposed to be a straight line look okay open the reference again and i will style it do you have gel i mean where is the last gel um the reference picture is fading away and so is my faith i'm arbitrary the measurement this is where the fun happens where is sebastian this thing i was reaching for that i haven't used gel before it's wet [Music] um [Music] i know well maybe that's nothing supposed to be a good thing go to the mirror and then tell me no difference okay okay 360. 360. for 200 wait is that a point yeah pretty good [Music] it looks like your hair it's a little special easter egg give me a second wow all right check it out yeah no no hmm [Music]
Channel: Faline San
Views: 992,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cut, hair, haircut, brother, Faline san, Faline, mum, mom, mother, father, hair salon, hair video, bathtub, gel, scissors, family, bathroom, barber, cutting, hair cutting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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