I Created FAKE Rainbow Friends CHAPTER 2 Monsters...

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all right so with the new Rainbow friends update with the new edition of chapter two I thought I'd go ahead and make a return to Doodle Transformer once again and make a continuation part two to the first video I made on this game so this time instead of making the well-known characters like blue green and orange I'm gonna be making some of the newer characters like red Scion yellow and I might even make the mysterious pink monster so make sure the sit back relax or smash that like button and hit subscribe and enjoy the art and then oh my God someone made among us when the Imposter is but I think for the first monster that I'm gonna be making from Rainbow friends is actually our favorite boy red right here look at them big old lifeless eyes he's got just staring into your soul all right so boom got our blank canvas all set and ready our reference image is down there in the corner okay so what I think I'm first gonna do is actually go ahead and draw in his big giant red head you know that's you know that's how we know red he got his big old head and then on the new layer what I think I'm gonna do is go ahead and draw out the outline of his body so I can go ahead and get a gist of what I'm looking for with his body okay so far this is just looking horrendous oh no but you know trust the artistic process just go ahead draw in that and then go ahead and draw in his little body right here all right boom and not so bad so far and then go ahead do like the parts of his lab coat that like go down to his legs I think what I'm gonna have to do with this drawing is just go ahead and get all of the base of his character down you know like once you get like the base shape and everything that's when you can start adding details like now I can go ahead and add in his little legs down here and then make his like little shoe right there and then also draw this down right there and his other shoe right there as well and then on the new layer I can also go ahead and like draw in the details of his lab coat that are like right here and then connect it down also connect that down all right and then we need like a bit of a darker purple because his hands are like a bit darker and they like go down like that it also like that okay and then we go ahead and get an even darker purple make our brush a bit thinner and now basically just go ahead and draw in the details of his lab coat you know it like goes off right there and right there and then his pants got like this weird design where like it cuts off at the shoes down here but then also has a line going down there and there and then while we're at it I'm gonna go ahead and make my brush completely black and then start adding in the details of his sleeves like right there and then of course course with his lab coat it does like this thing where it goes all the way down to show the details of his lab coat like that little opening like he doesn't have his lab coat all the way close but you know it's got like a bit of an opening to it and he's got like some lines right here and here and also like lines here and here and then now we go back to our red color and then go ahead and put in his like little tie but his like tie isn't even like connected together so like there and there and then there and there all right and then now what I think all we need to do is just go ahead and get his big old bug eyes in I'll go ahead and make our brush extra thick you know red got them thick eyes super super thick right there and then also right here you know I'm curious as to how this dude got such big eyes in the first place like how how does that happen like are you just born that way are you just a genetic mutation a freak of nature and then last but not least we just gotta go ahead and put in the pupils of his eyes right there and another one right there and the boom I think we have our red drawing all right go ahead and apply this and look at me boys I'm red from Rainbow friends oh and then someone just called me a furry by writing out furry but you know our red drawing actually did not turn out that bad I actually really like it we look exactly like red from Rainbow friends it's time to abduct some children and do some experiments on them all right but you know boys I think our red drawing came out pretty good so now it's time to move on to the next rainbow friend we're gonna be creating and that new Rainbow friend in question is actually one of the brand new monsters that got added to the chapter 2 update which is this boy over here a yellow so once again we've got our blank canvas all set and ready our reference image is of course in the corner right there look at that Derpy boy isn't he so dirty and funny so I think starting out what I'm gonna do is actually go ahead and get the shape of his head which is like this weird little like triangle that like goes down into a beak I don't even know if this dude's a dinosaur or not if he's just like a freak of nature like the rest of them I'm not gonna lie and then his bodies like also kind of weird I'm not gonna lie it has like a stubby Little Neck right there but it doesn't fully connect with his beak actually you know I think I might just do this on a new layer just because of how many how complex this character kinda is and then it kind of like goes down over here and to his one hand and he's got like that weird little thing going on with his hand with his two little thingy wingies down there and then his other arm also kind of goes down into his thing right here there's like two little thingies so go ahead and do that and then what I think I'm gonna do is use a darker shade for the rest of his body like right here and he has this like two little thingies down here you know he's got them thick thighs he's extra thick then he has his other leg coming down here and then he has his tail of course right there as well and then what I think I'm gonna do is just go ahead and fill in the rest of this area with the darker yellow as well you know right now this doesn't even look like yellow and it looks like that one banana meme lot of jelly time okay but now what I think we need to do is go ahead and start adding in some details so first off for his body he kind of like under his head he has like this black part of his torso like right there and right there so go ahead and do that all right boom Oh God this is this is looking horrible this might be my worst drawing on this game ever I'm not gonna lie and then I'm gonna go ahead and create another layer but put it all the way in the back and then he has like those hella chop their wings behind him so go ahead and draw one of these all the way over here and then his other wing it goes all the way out here and then he has one final Wing that's kind of hidden by his body that like goes all the way back here that's his third wing all right and then now before I get too ahead of myself I'm gonna go ahead and start adding in the details of his face so it's got like one eye right there and then another eye over here and then go ahead and add in the pupils as well oh my God he looks so Derpy and then you know boys I think what I can do is get another layer right here go ahead sample this color and then make it a bit darker because on his tail it's actually a bit darker of a yellow like it's right here and then it goes up behind for his tail so go ahead and put that then move the layer down so it doesn't look as distorted and then you know what I think I'm just gonna call it here I'm gonna go ahead and apply it boom Oh my God we look like yellow but like a minus 300 IQ no way hold up I'm gonna see if these guys can even guess what am I can you tell the freak of nature that I have become yellow question mark see it's very questionable it just looks like yellow got bonked on the head when he was young and he's just kind of stuck like this but look at this boys we became yellow from Rainbow friends it's actually not even that bad I'm not gonna lie you know this drawing was pretty all right but I want to go ahead and move on to the next one and for our next drawing of course we're going to be doing yet another one of the new monsters added to the chapter 2 update which is this freak of nature right here Scion so you know go ahead and get our blue sight on color just like Scion is and as always with every drawing we kind of just gotta start off with the base of the body so go ahead with this like a big long head okay but go ahead get the big old head drawn in oh my God all right boom there we go got the head and it's got that big long giraffe neck in its body kind of just like goes over here and then just kind of like disappears so I think we'll just have like that be the tail right there and then silence got them big old meaty monster T-Rex legs and then go ahead and draw in the other leg right there all right boom I'm gonna go ahead and make this like a bit thicker as well and now what I think I'm gonna do is actually go ahead and add some shading in to give it more depth so go ahead and give that right there you know give it separation from its head you know so you can see it's mouth a bit clear clearer and then also like give the underbody part right here some some shading and a bit shading right here from looking at the image you know just a little bit darker on the neck and then what I think I'm also going to do is actually add in some highlights like right here and then also right here and then now all I think we need to do is actually go ahead and draw in its eyes so it has like one big old eye right there and then another big old eye right there and then last but not least it's kind of got like cat eyes on it so go ahead and draw in these and now I'm gonna go ahead and apply this bad boy and oh oh this is clean look at us now boys we're Scion from Rainbow friends what am I boys can you guess can you guess what I am you're Scion Scion you're Scion that is right boys I became Scion from Rainbow friends and now I'm gonna bite off all your faces okay I'm not gonna lie this drawing was actually super clean but now it's time to move on to our last and final rainbow friend and once again that final rainbow friend that I am going to be becoming is pink and you know a lot of people used to use this character as clickbait and their videos with before rainbow friends even updated so now I'm gonna use this clickbait in my video so what I think I'm gonna do is go ahead and start off with the big bump on its head that like moves down into its big old mouth and go ahead and do that and do that oh my God it's starting to look a little bit more uneven okay let me just make things a bit better all right bet and then go ahead and make his big long extruding neck down here and then it just kind of like immediately like splits off into his big noodle legs go ahead and do that to this leg as well bro it's like pink be twerking or something I don't know why his legs so far apart what the heck and then go ahead and fill all this in so we can have the base of our character down and set and all ready to go boom and then of course can't forget his big big old ice just going up over here so go ahead draw that all right to Boom there we go and then next it's just super simple from here we just gotta go ahead and draw in his people there and then go ahead and finish off his eye as well right there and also his other eye right there and then he has like a bit of like a dumb little stupid grin on his face so I'm also gonna go ahead and draw that in and then get back to our white color and then just start adding in his little TPT fees you know I can just put dots freak that's kind of how it is I'm not gonna lie all right boom I think we're done I think this is the best It's Gonna Get You know this one's a bit uh chunkier compared to the reference down in the corner but I'm gonna go ahead and apply this bad boy and oh we now became pink from Rainbow friends oh it looks like someone else tried to draw yellow from Rainbow friends except it looks like very very mentally Disturbed I want to see if they can guess what this is too what am I boys do you know this monster it's a bit of a hard one pink oh I guess they do know oh okay that is right I became the mysterious pink monster that has a one in one million chance of showing up in Rainbow friends but boom that was me creating even more fake versions of monsters from Rainbow friends especially from the chapter 2 update as always if you guys want more videos like this then make sure to smash that like button hit subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Demon
Views: 270,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, xdemon, demon, roblox gameplay, roblox games, roblox gaming, rainbow friends, roblox rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2, roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends blue, rainbow friends green, rainbow friends orange, rainbow friends purple, rainbow friends red, rainbow friends yellow, rainbow friends cyan, rainbow friends pink, blue, green, orange, purple, red, yellow, cyan, pink, doors, roblox doors, rainbow friends update, rainbow friends new, rainbow friends ch2
Id: DhUinViSqTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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