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you've seen part one where I did 2D into these part two where I did 3D into these and now in part three I'm just I'm just kind of gonna do whatever I wanna do to be honest maybe I'll do some Jeff shop entities maybe I'll do some fan-made entities but you know make sure to like And subscribe if you want a part four and comment down below who I should draw next okay and hold up how old is this kid bro what what how old are you what the okay so I just loaded it and I hear an infant on the mic and it also looks like there's some other doors entities here as well already oh my God that is a really well made drawing of a rush hopefully oh my God it's even one of the doors from doors it's literally a door okay and well since this dude made a depth right here I think I'm gonna go ahead and try and make depth myself too so time to go ahead and try and find a reference in it uh uh how does this keep happening doors okay but you know I think we're gonna go ahead and go with the OG image right here so time to go ahead and start a new drawing we've got a reference down on the side as always and I think I'm just gonna need four layers for this bad boy starting out we need to go ahead and get that crispy blue depth color and then he's kind of like a little awkward egg so just like a go ahead and uh draw in the little uh shape of him okay he's looking like a deformed Walnut right now but we'll we'll fix that hopefully and then go ahead and just filler in okay maybe I need to make it like a little bit more thick okay boom there we go and then on the second layer we need to add in some like darker details like around here and like around the around the head oh God what am I what am I doing to death I don't know why do I always end up making these enemy super scuff okay you know it's fine it's fine you're just it's part of a creative artistic uh process okay and then boom and then go ahead and get his uh Vega gaping mouth drawn in now too and then uh go ahead and put in the little white uh circles for the eyes now and then you know I think I just need to go ahead and put a little bit more details here and there some more shading and then I think we're chilling maybe like an even uh darker blue here and uh oh God I am so sorry Dev I am butchering you so bad so I'm right here some right here this looks like just he's like traumatized like he he walked in on his parents late at night and he saw something he was not supposed to see I didn't go ahead and like uh even the darker blue right here make his mouth even more amazing why is he look traumatized okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna stop here before I make it any worse go ahead and apply yeah look at our depth here are death Roar how did you did that good I'm the magic man I do the do and then that bacon is just staring into the abyss oh my God someone made a60 whoa oh you guys should go ahead and comment down below who did the better drawing my little cringe traumatized death drawing or this dude's amazing a60 okay and now that I did a fan made drawing I think I'm gonna go ahead and do an actual doors energy now but this one I just really want to do because it's very colorful there's so many options to pick from but I think again I'm gonna have to go with the OG reference image right here and I think just to get this started I should just go ahead and uh put like one big giant eyeball purple circle here right all right got that filled in and I kind of just gotta like make all the like extruding uh I like tentacle things I don't really know what they are I'm gonna be honest with you like some of them are like super long and some of them are like super short I guess oh God this is so butchered oh I literally went to Art School what's wrong with me you know it's okay uh ice just had too many Big Macs from McDonald's he's getting a little sick all right but boom woman went ahead and got those and now I just need to go ahead and make a bunch of little circles on this dude for all the eyes yeah dude I feel like toddlers can literally draw better than me I'm not even gonna lie I'm not gonna oh no okay but boom got all the little white parts of the eyes down and then there's so many different colored eyes like like there's like blue ones like here and like oh my God I gotta make this like tiny like like super super tiny there's literally just like a bunch of different blue ones and then there's also some like pink eyes like one right here and then since he has like that little fog around him I'm just gonna go ahead and brush in some fog here and there as well yeah brushing that I fog the little uh the little light shimmers and glimmers and whatnot and then boom I think we have our eyes now so go ahead once again apply this bad boy look at this boys I'm a eyes listen to me whisper in your ears I'm not gonna I actually really like this one it's super colorful and unique and also with the little see-through Parts it just adds a little bit to it too it's just super colorful and unique I love it Damon have you gone to art class oh yeah yes wow oh look this dude did Ice too yes sir yes sir oh my God there's like a lot of people that draw doors entities in this game someone else did like a rush over here but that looks like the super hard mode Rush Oh my God it's even rainbow friends it's green no way I think our ice drawing turned out pretty well if I do say so myself and you know since we did an actual doors entity and he's purple I think it's time to go ahead and do a fan-made entity that's purple which is this dude right here agreed oh my God okay this is just like a very fuzzy I'm gonna do this one as a reference that one's way better and you know I think this one might be a little simpler to draw compared to the other eyes it just looks like a bunch of different shades of purple but it's more of like a a violet purple so go ahead and get our deep Dark Violet and then I think we just need to go ahead and just make like a little oh wait the opacity we just need to make a little like wonky little circle I think maybe make some like Jagged edges or whatnot because he is kind of jagged like the crooked teeth he gots down there all right boom there we go go ahead and fill this bad boy in now and then next layer is just like a slightly brighter purple and then we need to go ahead and put like the big black abyss of his mouth right here and then to finish it off the easy Peasley just go ahead and draw in his little uh Jagged teeths he's got thiefs all around apparently because I don't know he angry all right and boom there is our green as simple as that this one's actually pretty easy to make but you know go ahead and apply this bad boy yes sir we're greed listen to me take a bite out of you it's The Man Behind The Man Behind The Man Behind The Man Behind the man look at another rainbow Fred's drawing it's blue oh my God look it's X demon fan one who am I do you know X demon fan oh my God he got the drip on two he got on the hoodie which you know you can go ahead and get your hands on yourself in the link down in the description Down Below in my group oh my God even there's an entity drawn from the interminable rooms no way but yes guys I am greed don't you take my gold because I'ma bite you okay and then I don't know what entity that is uh go ahead and comment down below what you think that is but now it's time to move on to our last and final entity of the video and that last and final entity that I'm going to choose to draw is actually a fan favorite it's this guy right here El complino look at this little cutie he's like X demon junior we both got the ears and everything and I think for this guy it's actually we're only gonna really need like I don't know four layers again oh God please don't please don't let me butcher this too bad I need like that deep red color for him but like not not too bright of a red but you know it's it's the noticeably red I think this is a good maybe a little bit brighter okay boom first we need to go ahead and uh put his little head okay that is horrible I am deleting that goodbye put his little head right here yeah and then his little goblino ears there goblino ear uh there is well and then go ahead and put his little uh stubby little body oh no what have I done it's a little too thick he's a little too thick you know it's fine we're just gonna uh have his little legs just go out this way and then uh another one uh go out this way yeah oh my God one he's on his legs is longer than the other and you know we're gonna make him we're gonna make him be a little bit happy because it's gonna be a little bit happy with his hands in the air like he just don't care yes sir uncommon goblino W let's go slowly but surely it's coming together I think I'm I'm also gonna go ahead since he has like those slightly noticeable outlines around his eyes we're gonna put one right there and then also one right there and then next layer we're gonna start adding in his little glowy eyes yes sir oh my God this looks less like El goblino and more like the gremlin that hides under your bed at night if you don't like the video what am I doing that glove Lino and boom there is our horribly Tron goblino go ahead and apply this bad boy yes sir bro we made goblino a little thick too he also had one too many McChickens oh and someone made dupe in the door no way it's like the open door and then dupe's just chilling inside and then that's like Russia's cousin like I don't know it's like mischievous looking almost like a little demon that hides in your closet at night fun fact I actually made a video doing this with block streets on my other channel X demon if you want to go ahead and check that out but boom this was me drawing doors entities inside of doodle transform about part three and once again if there's any more entities you guys want me to draw go ahead and comment down below and let me know but with that being said just make sure to smash that like button hit subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Demon
Views: 105,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, xdemon, demon, roblox gameplay, roblox games, roblox gaming, roblox doors, roblox doors but bad, roblox doors but hard, roblox doors but hardcore, roblox doors hard mode, roblox doors hardcore, doors impossible mode, doors but impossible, doors impossible, doors hotel, doors a-1000, doors a-000, doors crucifix, doors but furry, doors furry mod, doors but bad, doors rooms but bad, rooms but bad, doors mods, furry, doors furry, doors shorts, doodle transform
Id: B1S03CXPdXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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