I Cooked Two Of TikTok's Most Viral Potato Recipes

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Tick Tock is home to some really incredible recipes so today I'm going to show you my favorite method for finding these recipes using the hashtag system on Tick Tock welcome back to tick tock's tastiest where we find and recreate the very best recipes the app has to offer and as always there is no time to waste my friends now let's go here's my system for finding amazing recipes on Tick Tock it's really simple you just go to the search bar in the top right corner whatever kind of vegetable meat protein anything virtually that has to do with food that you like you just type it in so I just clicked on potato now over here in the top right corner you just click the hashtags and I would just click the hashtag that has the most views so right here on the top 6.8 billion potato hashtag now all these recipes you're seeing up here in the top nine are absolutely incredible today we're going to make these little bubble bubble pillow ones as well as these 15 hour potatoes that just look absolutely incredible so I will just start by saying I have not tried these recipes before we are going to make each one we are going to recreate it to the tea and then give it a rating zero to ten and if it's great it's great and if it's not then well it's going to get a low score so the first of these two potato recipes is coming from poppy cooks and we are doing her 15 hour potatoes let's have a look at the video here oh my gosh listen to that crunch a moment of silence indeed oh God these look so good these are kind of like palm and a potatoes a little bit different preparation okay so we take some potatoes mandolin cover and butter salt or she's using beef drippings we can use whatever we want fat is what you need layer them up press them down a little bit bake them till they're really soft press them overnight in the fridge okay got it the next day we are gonna oh she uses a tape measure that's very precise then she deep fries them to get that crisp oh my God that looks so freaking good okay let's get on this so you can use virtually any fat you want for this but if you really want a lot of flavor here's what you do duck fat you can find in most stores these days as well as beef fat I think those would be my two best options for these potatoes however this here is butter that I cooked a steak in from one of my previous videos it is full of flavor so I'm just going to use this you might want to make these and not get the duck fat it is expensive to buy just use butter that will be your next best bet you know for most potato recipes I'm almost always choosing russet potatoes it seems like they always just work out better but if you wanted to try Yukon Golds that would work as well so all I'm going to do here is peel my potatoes and if you're doing this with kids or something or even for you it can be really easy just to stick a fork in your potato and just peel like this you don't have to worry about cutting your hands ever and then all you wow actually works so good right and then you can just do the top pull out the fork and just do where you had the fork in and I like to just leave them in water while I'm not working with them so they don't turn brown and oxidize now these peels honestly make the most amazing snack you will ever have I have a full video on that if you want to try it out with my potato here I'm just going to square it up so it fits in the pan better and with these little leftover pieces I'll cook them in some hot salted water and then fry them in a pan I'll have some breakfast potatoes all right so we're going to use the old mandolin here when you're using these always do a couple test slices first make sure it's the right thickness and to me that looks pretty good I'm going to go a tiny bit thinner and we're good to go just be careful when you're using these the guard is always a good choice [Music] then we'll just drop our potatoes into a bowl all we need to do is melt down some of our fat I'll put the full recipe in the description just a couple tablespoons of each let's just pour some of our fat over the potatoes and save a little in the pan I'll show you what that's for in a minute and then we're just going to season these up nicely and just mix them all in make sure you break these potatoes apart so they all have a little bit of that fat on them now I'm going to take a brush with some of my reserved fat and I'm just going to brush the inside of this loaf pan and then I'm just going to line this with parchment paper a little more butter pick another piece for the sides and then it's as simple as just laying your potatoes into this pan overlapping them making sure you get them to the edges there and just repeat that process with all of your potatoes and as you're putting these in here just press it down with your hand and make sure it's all nicely compact okay so I've gone about halfway up with my potatoes I'm just taking a little piece of parchment now and just sanding it over the top you could stack these up even further but I think this is going to be a really nice bite to fit into the mouth and now I'm taking another same size loaf pan just to compress this down nicely a good bit of pressure and that should be fine into a 250 degrees Fahrenheit oven for two and a half to three hours we will test them I'll show you how to do that soon the best way you can test them is just to take something thin like this a toothpick thermometer whatever thin piece of metal even a knife and just poke it in if it goes in softly like butter then it is done these are definitely cooked and let this cool down for 30 40 minutes before putting some weight on it and putting it in the fridge now we just set the same size loaf pan on top and we want to put some weight in there I'm just using these coconut milk cans that should be good this is going to go into the fridge overnight to press okay here we go these things have been pressing overnight probably about 10-12 hours now I'm just having a peek oh yeah oh they're compact they're hard this is what we want here we go because of the way I did that parchment should be just so easy to grab them out well this is exciting oh God that duck fat smells so freaking good and I'm just gonna trim away some of these little crispy edges and now we simply just slice into these nice rectangle pieces like so not measuring mine but you can if you want okay here we go I have peanut oil at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and we're just dropping in our potatoes I'm gonna pop them out now that right when these come out I'm hitting them with a little bit of Malden salt oh they're crispy all right well needless to say I'm pretty excited this my breakfast today um oh my god with the duck fat and the butter steak fat that's probably one of the best bites potato I've ever had that's insane oh Lord this potato recipe is freaking amazing I'm gonna give it a 9.2 out of 10. definitely you should make this if you have the time it is I was gonna say stupendous stupendous it's incredible the next recipe we have is coming from Mrs she and Mr heat I love them she has the sweetest voice in the world so we start by boiling some potatoes shocking them in ice water I'm not sure I'm gonna do that but that's how she peels them then she runs them through a garlic press we'll probably use a ricer for that and then she adds in rice flour cornstarch or potato starch pretty simple ingredients salt and pepper needs the dough rolls it out kind of like you would with gnocchi I guess Cuts them up then she Forks them for a little bit of texture there and then deep fries them twice once at a lower temperature and then once at a higher temperature and then I guess you can just dust some of whatever seasoning you like these look awesome let's go for it we're gonna start as she instructed by just scoring a circle around this whole potato like so we're just gonna drop our potatoes in water and bring this to a boil my potatoes have been cooking for about 40 minutes to get want to just cook them until they're soft a good way to tell is just to stick a little metal skewer in there this is just a thermometer if it goes in nice and easily it is fork tender meaning it is done we're shocking them in ice water which I was trained not to do but since these potatoes have skins on them and we're just trying to peel those skins off I think it will be okay as long as they don't stay in here too long I'll leave them in here for maybe 30 seconds to a minute pulling those potatoes out 30 seconds seem like plenty of time to meet take both sides here pull off those skins they'll come right off nice and easily like that I'm just using a ricer here this is my preferred tool in the video she uses a garlic press so you can do that if you don't have one of these I'll throw in a whole potato and then we'll just push that through [Music] I'm going to measure out 300 grams of this potato about 300 grams which is 10 and a half ounces we're adding the two tablespoons of glutinous rice flour although if you do not have this just use cornstarch instead which is the next item one tablespoon corn starch we'll just add our salt and then white pepper as well much or as little as you like I'll go for about a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon as per The Tick Tock recipe all we need to do is mix this all up nicely and we're just going to bring this little kind of dough together here I've just brought it together and we have this kind of smooth dough I'm going to take half of it just begin rolling it out kind of like you would do with gnocchi I just put a little plastic wrap down my dough seems like a maybe a tiny bit drier than hers I would say this is really going to help and I'll just fold that over and then I can really work it with my hands like this without worrying about it breaking too much just like that we're just going to cut it into little individual pieces just like this we're going to take a little fork and just press into these little pillowy delicious potato bites just to give it a little more texture as she did in The Tick Tock here I have my peanut oil at 250 degrees Fahrenheit we're going to double fry these much like you would do with french fries first at a lower temperature well guys I followed the recipe exactly to the gram and it looks like tick tock's most popular potato recipe is a fail I don't know I use Yukon Gold instead of russet but I can't see how that would make a huge difference but those that is 100 fail okay my friends we're trying this again I have a plan on how to fix this recipe I think it's gonna work so hear me out measuring out 300 grams of potatoes once again and this time I'm gonna go all cow and starch because it's a little bit finer and I feel like it's just going to work the dough together easier and again with the salt and the white pepper so what I'm doing trying to fix this is obviously all corn starch and then two egg yolks and that should hopefully really help bring this dough together so we'll do the same process of just kneading it into a smooth kind of doughy paste the dough now is nicely together but it's just slightly sticky so what I did is just threw another tablespoon of cornstarch down and I'm just going to kind of knead it here until it's just a little bit sticky to the touch but not really really sticky so it sticks to your hands so much yeah now this feels much much better so I will put the fixed recipe in the description exactly as I'm doing it right now if anybody wants to try this although I don't even know if this is gonna work now I'm rolling it out again again like gnocchi this is very similar to gnocchi except there's no regular flour we're going to go ahead and cut them into that same shape same deal now I'm just smashing them down with this little fork and just shovel up all our little potato rectangles I'm frying these again we're doing the double fry method but at 275 for the first one this time I'm starting at 275 this time because putting all those potatoes in is definitely going to drop the temperature of the oil down to about 250 which is where we actually want to fry at all right here we go that has been four and a half minutes for the first fry now I'm just going to remove them onto some paper towel as you can see they're definitely working out one more thing I'm going to try is just to freeze these for half an hour to an hour before frying them that second time it should help a little bit with the crispiness these have been in the freezer for about 45 minutes they're basically completely Frozen I'm going to go ahead and fry them the second time now I've got the oil here at 375 degrees I'll put these in it'll drop down to about 350. now I just fried those for a minute they fry it up really quick just getting them out on some paper towel the good news about this potato just is you can just dust and move whatever spice you want at the end here I have some barbecue rub some Tandoori rub and some smoked paprika barbecue rub some of that Tandoori rub and then some paprika over here okay let's give one of these a shot so they taste good but they are not crunchy and crispy which is what we wanted I don't know if it's the glutinous rice flour or the fact that I use Yukon Gold potatoes but I would rate this recipe maybe like 5.5 out of 10. it's really not going to be high up on my scoring board but again it tastes good and if you want to try it you can but there are much better potato recipes out there like the first one we tried thank you for joining me again today my friend I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned something I hope you're ready to cook some potato recipes on your own and as always drop a like leave a comment if you so wish and turn on notifications if you want to be a psycho and we love our psychos and until next time my sweet sweet friends you know
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 477,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato recipes, tiktok recipes, easy recipes, potato recipes for dinner, 15 hour potato, 15 hour potato recipe, 15 hour potato tiktok, 15 hour potato poppy cooks, potato recipes to make every day, potato recipes for snacks, popular recipe, fried potatoes, fried potatoes recipe, thatdudecancook, yummy, delicious, recipe test, deep fried, how to cook, best potato recipe, best potatoes
Id: speLX0fb-UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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