"I completely forgot about that Molly!"

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I fucking hate when i genuinely forget i have illegal shit in my car lol.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/xSmokey3 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn this poor girl needs help badly. She's doing heroine, suboxone, molly, codeine, pills, and meth?

Not to mention she has a kid... holy shit. I mean, I highly doubt getting arrested is going to do any good for her (war on drugs is absolute bullshit). She is in deep though.

EDIT: Had to add more drugs to the list as the video went on lmao

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Twelvers 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jiminy Cricket, at this rate she's going to be on one of those sorta before and after drug posters soon =(

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/citoloco 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
is there anything illegal in the car why am I making you nervous just kind of pay down with the back of my hand just to make sure what's in here I'm gonna need a fucking bigger box that can't be anything good don't pee in my car okay Turner County Bay Shore Road in front of the Millman Center gonna be 38 in New Jersey Lima 39 Lima uniform Hotel beige floor focused Pierce be two occupants hey yo man I see your license registration shorts the reason why I'm stopping is you you went over the white line okay that causes you to go over to line we enter right now where's that [Music] right back Brianna you're myself a car for a second just want to talk to you ever on a sidewalk I so where'd you say you're heading to well I'm going I was gonna go pee and then I was going home to my grandmother's in town Bank I white why are you going this way well because I wanted to drive around I really don't have anywhere to be right now so I haven't to get my car inspected before so why are you drive around I mean I don't really your story's not really kind of making sense you told me that you're going home you live on town Bank yeah now you're going this way just to drive around I mean there's hundreds of cars out you're shaking a little bit too is there is there anything illegal in the car I Drive around all the time I just left his house I have to get my car inspected at 4:00 I have nothing to do until 4:00 I was gonna go to my grandmother's to go [Music] okay okay when was last time took some boxing [Music] would you give consent to search your car [Music] one second 202 eight-six can you give me a 21 say about one second alright so I'm with Brianna they were I stopped the car leaving Matt he's in the passenger seat I pulled the driver out I was asking her where she was going she told me she was going home but she's heading towards del Haven and then she like change her grandmother and then she was driving around and and that she said she has in the inspection I like for so sheer driving around what her stories are like jumbled a little baby not I mean and she was shaking she was shaking a little bit I asked if there was anything illegal and then I finally talked to her she's admitting that there's needles in the glovebox and she's not live addict and she said I mean she admitted to needles being in the glove box but I'll talk to her some more but she said she used to use there from when she used to use okay is there is there anyone in the area we can still a small needle scratch I'm just making sure [Music] [Music] okay [Music] just stand by [Music] where you heading to what is that free app okay I don't mean I don't know what it is say you're gonna be honest with me is there nothing else in the car does he have anything on him because he looks like he's on something right now [Music] uni looks a little fucked up right now a long time what brother are you dating yeah which one Zach I didn't know there's another one [Music] if you're a recovering addict can you have a seat on the curb for me for a second where you can sit on the sidewalk granny pocket I'm swaying for another officer that I'll explain everything to me that's the only thing inside your vehicle [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my grandmother key to her apartment you don't mind if we check the Firecracker come Watson just make sure everybody be careful beetles are there you know you set the middle yeah you said the glovebox center console yeah man these are there's a lot of mountain [Applause] I could get a deduction in yet I step back here for me I appreciate you being honest with me you are going to be placed on the ruffle needle most likely [Music] yeah yeah absolutely that's not too tight is it you're most likely going to probably say shit I want to get a hold of [Music] do you know anybody with a license all night correct right it's down hey down the back of my hand just to make sure what's in here I mean searching far now we find anything your line what's what is there still something there can you turn your pocket inside out for me [Music] you don't have anything in your waistband okay alright step back here okay standby for your chest against this vehicle right here can you uh can you just and I just [Music] [Music] guys you asked me for my paypal card that should be right there on the sea yeah yeah [Music] if it's on the person just how'd you get in trouble oh why trouble it's a that's where you were sitting in the vehicle for a ride so what's under there I don't know I don't want to go to top well I already have court on the fourth like I'm staying out of trouble it's good I hope you do stay out of trouble cuz she did go to the park could she do that I'm gonna need a fucking bigger box is that anything it looks like some type of rock there's another one I just want to harm myself it's not gonna harm me in any way is it you call out that I won 1095 [Music] there's like there's powder like all is this your PayPal there's a lot of uncapped needles all right take all the crap ones and throw them in here other capital ones some of them are caps on we're not good I also found this in the well it kind of looks similar to the Molly she said she had our pocket [Music] okay okay I just wanted to make sure it wasn't gonna harm me at all she's saying it's cotton from when she filters it through there's what [Music] [Applause] I'm going to take a picture of that eventually [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] give you signals scissor chicken [Music] [Music] music prescribed to you Noah justin Haley what kind of drugs is it [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go to the other side for now and then needle cap D baggy what that can't be anything good she said there might be meth [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] unless there's another pocket I don't I don't know what that is oh yeah hanging that back is this the only person shot this might be like nope so I'm guessing this is not her only person and we go to the other side [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real World Police
Views: 1,172,787
Rating: 4.7289529 out of 5
Keywords: real world police, rwp, protect and serve, body cam, police footage, dash cam, bwc, NJ
Id: 4y0uW8C_xog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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