I Cheated With //MOPRH In A Build Battle...

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I'm gonna build ball against my friends for the title of ultimate Builder but what they don't know is I'll be cheating with Slash morph meaning I'll be able to combine any builds together will they realize I've combined their builds I'll lose your boss go go go go go go go go go go what Safari type slash morph it's gonna summon this which is the ultimate combiner so if I was to throw in some dirt over here and if I throw in some grass and I just need to wait for it to finish turning and the final result is a grass block which was a perfect morph okay so I'm thinking we just make a giant monster that's trying to like lure people into his face I have an idea okay this shouldn't be that hard because I'm secretly gonna be using world edit now if I quickly spy over at kiplies she seems distracted so his head's gonna be pretty big all right I want his face to be like almost like a TV screen and since I have no bills to combined right now I've entered my gallery which has every optical illusion in Minecraft okay I'm thinking we have this like black and white like blob thing kind of coming out of the ground I look at this the higher I go the trippy it's getting but I don't think I want to use this this one's also pretty trippy but again I want something kind of cooler and I have no idea what this is but I think this one's way too big yeah I like that that is his face yes this is looking so cool bro I'm I'm peeking over everyone else's but I really think my favorite's actually this because the lies look wavy but if you actually check it it's just a straight line I think this might be my illusion so I've got my shrink through my hand if I shoot this it should actually shrink so please do it it's completely gone but if I go to the middle oh is that it right there what is everyone up to oh my what on Earth this is looking sick hey I mean Mufflers go oh he saw me no yeah yeah bro it's there well I've now got in my hand and for the boss I'm gonna combine it with I could go with Captain America but I don't know how this is gonna be an illusion but I need to choose fast because I'll realize I'm missing okay I'm back here let me spray on the floor this is Dave the boss I don't think anyone's noticed so I could throw the first solution inside and it's gonna be combining and if I peek over at skizzy's I feel like the black and white is like very illusion-like but we need to give this dude a face his build looks really cool and it gives me a really good idea they pass this back up yeah I have no idea what Kipling's building need more legs I'm gonna make an illusion dragon who's honestly gonna look really cool I'm not having to build whisks over here so far it looks kind of weird but it's just part of the process hey bro I ain't gonna lie kind of fire okay yeah something like that so we have his head right here and you might be wondering why I'm making his body over here but first I need to quickly place all this and it locally looks like an airplane but if I sink it up yo like look at that I've managed to make a full Dragon but if you come closer it's two different builds the wolf is peaking okay boys as we are done who shall we mess with see what's going on here what would it what is this bruh I think his face needs a little bit of work though okay that looks more like a dragon that's on Pawn for eyes and add a bit of spikes all right now he looks cool look at that it's like he's using his little TV static Powers which now looks actually so much better but I can now take down this wall okay now I'm gonna shrink these two builds and you guys can guess how he's going to look if I shoot it it's disappeared I definitely think it was Kipling so you guys already know the drill we're just gonna go invis real quick but I don't see any oh it's right there it kind of merged in with the grass we now have the item in our hand all right using the power of world edit boom it should be burning yo it's literally catching on fire and I'm gonna throw it in so that's gonna take a little bit to combine oh my kid please looks amazing no burning no burning no burning I might have some competition I can't lie we need change the floor quick but that's why I'm gonna go over to her side wait why was the wool not burning okay we fixed it there we go uh this build is kind of cursed but what if I was to shrink her entire build it's Sky shrink a build no guys should reduce to some tiny pillar what is this when it's gone no I need my person back what is this this is not an illusion boss oh my this is a sad music oh this is depressing okay bless now disappeared this looks kind of weird I can't lie but if I place it there oh my yo what is this wait this is too big the face looks crazy it's made of black and white and circular wait this actually really looks like an optical illusion okay I think I want this dude to be like sucking in everything around him because look at all these circles the details crazy okay yeah I don't know how I'm gonna get away with this and if I want to be crowned the ultimate Builder I can't get caught cheating how's lifeless looking okay his is looking cool I think skizzy's got the worst build but I need to wait for the perfect opportunity because this is really cool but for my first Optical loose way too big so I'm gonna shrink this you can see another pink monster okay Gerald is now pink and where has it dropped it oh it dropped it right there perfect and I'm gonna throw it into there who is it start moving now I'm gonna try combine all their optical illusions into my build I'll keep we manage the Remake hers and she's nowhere to be seen what's he done with your there bro so this is kind of perfect timing if I just shoot you oh it's dropped it right there and the first one is done I don't really know what happened to skinsies but I think I can't need to take it like that we're gonna troll off work and what's it Trump oh it's from the original version Oh I got so lucky all right this glass is purple and now it's brown all right see ya it's just turned my glass Brown in front of my own flipping eyes but that's another one added to the collection can you guess what this is gonna look like I don't think he's gonna realize um would you look at I can't see him because he's invisible how funny okay I'm into pulling out maybe where Skizzy touches my build it's gonna be War man and I right click on I've just got the ultimate morph now do you guys think this is gonna look exactly the same guess right now with yes or no but I'm now gonna place it and oh my okay wait this is way too giant what is this is this the final illusion boss I'm gonna quickly get rid of my white border like that just so I can say the illusion there's no border oh it looks like a cinnamon and roll can't wait to make him smaller okay but time's now up meaning we had to be in the middle so we could vote for the best build all right gentlemen follow me this way yo okay I can't lie this is actually crazy he is a TV screen yo this looks insane and he hypnotizes people by like watching the screen you know and you stare to his his little swirlies and you get hypnotized oh yeah it's like the hypnotizing thing swirlies yes and he's got a weird uh rib cage thing that is like so creative I definitely have to give this a 12 out of 10. this is honestly a a 10 out of 10. I like it but mate is making my eyes go funnies I'll give it eight kipley got 30 or 30. meaning it was time for Skizzy now let me show you guys the best illusion monster you've probably ever seen okay what is this why is this mouth so big this is Gerald's what as you could see he's sucking in everything he's literally the epitome of Illusion okay he's glitching through the floor but if you get sucked into his stomach there's a dropper which sends you straight to the void oh an illusion oh my okay yo I didn't expect that monsters a vacuum basically Ronnie's six I don't really see the monster in him I'm gonna give her an eight out of ten yeah I'm really liking Mr blob vacuum guy over here too Gerald will get a 7 out of 10. skinsies monster got 21 out of 30. meaning it was time for luffler okay nerds the best build of them all okay what is this illusion look inside Brad Dave yo loveler bro what is this box okay wait why is your glass Brown dude it's kind of ugly bro you literally just changed that in front of my eyes I'm gonna give this like a 8 out of 10. this is a five out of ten I'ma go with the six look for God 20 out 30. meaning it was time for mine whoa okay this is my illusion dragon if you have to check from this area he's a bunch of swills like you look from this area half of him doesn't match you have to hit the perfect angle and you can see he's actually dragging that matches okay wait his face is caught a fire nine out of ten for me it is pretty sick I can't lie I'll give it a six out of ten you know what he looks pretty slurred to mine you know no he does he's a dragon I think I think I'm gonna make a 10 out of 10 my build got 25 out of 30. and that no idea I was combining their builds and we have our morph machine right here now what exactly is a Space Mountain well I guess it's something like this yeah this looks crazy Android gallery I've got this UFO over here or this cool Death Star looking thing I honestly think I'm gonna go with this one all right boys and girls if we're gonna have a space battle we're gonna need to create space we have it right here in our hands looks kind of cool but it's gonna go in and now the morph is going if I quickly peek over at lufflers yo okay here is our back wall I like the little idea he's going with at least when I'll make a little Starship that's fighting the UFO oh okay that looks pretty good with the Stars honestly it doesn't actually look too bad I'm gonna add a few stairs over here just for a little bit of detail and my favorite block to End Rod for just bullets hey yo this looks active really cool seems like everyone's having the same ideas some black background she's doing the exact same thing and so is Skizzy this actually looks like space but my build's gonna be so I have the Blaster right here if I shrink this okay where's it dropped oh look at it yo this looks awesome all right you know what I think the main theme is gonna be we're gonna have some type of monster coming out of a wormhole but now this is also gonna get combined and I've kind of gotta wait till that's fully done in the meantime I'm gonna do the exact same thing they did by making simple Black Walls the chick kit please all right this is a very weird looking Wormhole but you know what it's gonna work but it seems like mine's now done does anyone want to guess how this is gonna look and if I throw it down it looks sick I get rid of the Morpher wait okay where have I spawned what is this oh my is out of the whole Bowl oh big mistake Skizzy building out of snow and ice I just see someone plays lava on skidzies melt your stupid ice why is there lava on my snow Planet uh okay someone thinks that they're real funny today I can't lie yeah I don't really know what's going on there but now there's only three minutes left I think I have a pretty cool idea here is if it shoots here tinting my own build who would I actually thought and there's been friendly fight here TNT can't break obsidian but there's been friendly fire I'm gonna add some Netherrack just to add some fire onto here like that using the power of world edit she now has brown glass ew a chocolate chip cookie has exploded in space it killed all of the stars who did this I'll do the same thing over here just add some fire like it's just been exploded which it kind of has yeah oh and then more over here endless fire fire everywhere you can see that's pretty much almost done I guess I'll just play some villagers inside for now hey I've just got Kipling peeking hey man nothing I'm doing nothing I'm gonna kind of make my aliens I'll be one on this side too these might actually look very awkward but you know what they're actually op aliens yo okay I can't lie this is actually crazy and their bodies come through yo this is kind of sick someone like this could be cool right and they have a little bit of a mohawk going let me just add a bunch of stars all around here honestly this is starting to look really awesome but I don't know there's anything else I can add of course these guys need some cannons you know there we go kipley gave me a cool idea with a pole if I pop into inverse I'm over on her side there we go I've copied the portal over here boom got rid of the Slime let me fill this up cool pulls me simply thank you for that idea but you know what there we go they're now shooting but this one's not actually doing anything yet but the time is now up meaning we had to be in the middle so we could choose the best battle all right guys let me show you the coolest space battle that you've probably ever seen yo this is sick yo what so as you see here we have the giant death star and it's got a super nanotech laser and it's aimed at the planet and the planet is literally just being destroyed yeah it's been splitting off right here like no this planet is done GG no re you've actually outdone yourself yeah I won't lie the Death Star looking a bit like a boulder yeah no I really like the slit I did on the planet this easily gets a 9 out of 10. yeah I'm with clip on this one this is insane man I love the planet I love how you use the what is that the Frog lights for the Stars yeah I love it this is also a 9 out of ten uh do you know what this is pretty far I'm definitely gonna give it a 10 bro this is cool skidsy got 20 out 30. as you could see we have the space battle yep yo we got a uh slime monster coming out of a wormhole yeah he's shooting slime at the uh incoming ships that are trying to take him out as you can see oh this is crazy yep the pigs are flying people the pigs are flying this is actually 11 out of ten this is a two out of ten oh these are driven by pigs okay no I can't believe you've actually outdone yourself there's a giant slime monster you got the Stars the battlefield no this is one of your best builds I have to give this a 10 out of 10. can't play God 25 out of 30. the aliens scaring away the humans are driving the Rockets oh wait so these guys are like running away from the UFO you said he's not even facing the right way bro he's got it in autopilot it's a Tesla spaceship be quiet why is this so square like what kind of UFO is this why are there stars on only one side you know what I'm gonna give this a 5 out of 10. bro the Pilot's not even like driving it right hello Mr pilot no yeah it's it's a six out of 10 for me I really really like this UFO I can see that we had a bunch of similar ideas so I'm again in our 30. yo what oh they're about to attack the other ship no this is crazy the aliens have infected this ship I love how the aliens look I'm really digging their eyes all right no honestly I feel like it's a little cramped in here but this infected ship no that is such a cool idea that I'm gonna have to give you an eight out of ten okay you know I'll take that yeah I love the aliens I love the lore behind it I love this main space ship with all like the pressure plates on it and stuff and how big it is this is a 10 out of 10 from me okay yeah that's perfect I'll give it 9.5 it's lacking somewhere maybe the space but creative I like the storyline my build got 20 out of 30 and they still had no idea I was morphing all right last round is scary Mick good luck guys and we have our morph machine again can it morph me what happens if I try going oh I died uh okay all right I have a great idea okay if we're gonna make a scary myth we're gonna need a scary floor okay a scary myth huh but you know what time it is we enter the gallery we already have this Reaper again not really he's not cool we have a version of skippity toilet which yo honestly I've never I don't understand this guy but yo I could easily go with someone like this my Grim Reaper well we're now back and this is how he looks he looks so cute but I'm gonna throw him into here and before this is good I want you guys to comment what's your favorite scary myth Now what is my Grim Reaper actually gonna be riding and it's very simple like a horse man I didn't make like a cool looking horse real quick you think else I can really add maybe just to make it obvious maybe an orange concrete saddle just so they know he's actually riding there we go we have our Blaster right here which I'll just quickly shoot once I throw it in we now wait although while I'm waiting I kind of want to check up on luffalo gotta trust the process why is he built like that he's actually built like bionic right now I take any second now I've got it Grim Reaper he's on a horse I think that's a horse I don't know where he's on it also looks very creepy but this is goodbye if I just place like right here right he needs to have some like uh details going on though yo wait yo no no no no no no no no I get why is it it must be because the green people was so big but this looks crazy but now it did me in the middle to vote for the best build alright guys this is contortion this is the scariest myth that you've ever heard of in your entire lives wait what yo this is sick he's like slowly morphing into all his victims so as you guys could see he's made out of Soul Sand because as we all know Soul Sand is made out of souls I love this I think it's super creative it's like a shape shifter but you know more violent so this is a nine out of 10 from me I'm giving this a straight ten I can't lie yo okay yo I like this whole area this whole myth that you made you know what I do like it I'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10. come on over you've made a cup right as a possessed cat what's with his tongue this is disgusting this guy's eight out of ten I'll give you a eight out of ten this gets a three out of ten all right this is a blood Golem yeah he's got a all red got some vines on him he's dumping lob on people he even got like some Iron Golem Army down here ready to fight for him yeah he looks sick I even like his eyes the whole law behind him the Iron Golems great nine for this bro this this is good honestly this is like a 9 out of ten yeah this is gonna be a seven out of ten what yo this is my Grim Reaper horse looking thing pretty much uh he's a horse and a grim reaper combined no no no no I don't I don't believe it for a second this thing is so weird bro you know I'm just mad it's on my side man the horse's butt is on my side that's Gotta Lose a few points right there listen you guys just hate us I I got I built a horse yo we're blowing this thing up go go go go go go go go go go go away well let's just say the build more foxy work what should I morph next
Channel: Quiff
Views: 520,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, I Cheated With //MOPRH In A Build Battle..., //moprh, build battle morph, combine build battle, cheat with //draw, draw build battle, //paste minecraft, building competition, cheating in build battle, stealing hearts, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, //draw build battle
Id: f83o6YhG9HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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