I Cheated With AUTO BUILDER HACKS In A Build Battle...

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I'm in a bilbottle against my friends for the title of God Builder but what they don't know is I'll be using a different build G each time meaning I'll be able to build anything in Minecraft will they find out or will I be crowned the god Builder ancient civilization for 15 minutes and now I have this in my hand which is an imagination bubble and now wherever I imagine will be built right behind me all right you think gray courts okay the first thing that comes to mind when I think of ancient civilization is like a desert and pyramids we're just gonna make a giant pyramid and my head's right here yo why does this look super freaky either way if I click on my four bubble ball I want an ancient build like this if I throw it to him I know it's right there it's a pyramid now he's imagine this how do I get him to use it for that I need a bunch of block and I think you'll be building with all these blocks like that now my imagination will build the Pyramid yeah let's go now to add some little definition we're gonna go under all of these every single pillar is going to have these why is he so robotic what is this he's gonna be a place in the blocks it's like instant building wait a second this is so cool I don't think I could even help you build okay I'm just gonna leave it what is Linux building now we're gonna place all of these this will shoot them as they come in oh you're building traps and he's going with a similar style to mine now what happens if I walk across this TNT yo oh uh how did that blow his thing was rigged with traps so before resource let me go check up on Kipling and now I'm gonna go look over there never is going to be building doing their normal thing I'm building hey yo that's cool Stephanie gives me Olympus Vibes and you know what Olympus needs a bunch of silverfish hey goodness it's not made out of stone get out of here yeah your place has been infested don't you think you're a funny guy you scared the crap out of me you think you're a funny guy spawning stuff on my plot huh that wasn't me that was you and it's shame if I if I put TNT in these dispensers wouldn't it no and over on zitro side centro's making a pyramid too but this might help my imagination have you built anything inside well not really so I'm gonna help you by spawning a bunch of creepers and just like that they're gonna explode what did I just hear and you know what you guys can be part of the civilization you can stay there and back over on my side yo what's going on here I imagine the pyramid but why is it building a cake please tell me it's Hollow diamonds and gold on here there we go and if I give it to him I think it should work but yeah there's really not much I can do I think I'm gonna give him more blocks so maybe some Stone and Cobblestone now good luck because Kimball is it starting to look really good just the small details make it amazing I have a simple idea if I dig right here and make a quick little trap and then I'm gonna add some gold pressure plates around the bill like this yeah I think that roof's looking good far wait how do these get here wait a second I think she's noticed wait did she just walk over it oh y'all went trapped excuse me no way an over on Linux aside he's made a zombie King Julius and over near just a normal room with gold hey oh he's dying King Julius is dying whoa whoa whoa wait no wait no wait that's mine you just killed King Julius brother just for that I'm turning your pyramid into cobweb yeah someone like that kind of works are you serious just looks lost why can't I play the game man he looks confused she blew up the first time one million percent wait where's he going in the meantime I think my imagination is doing a really good job this is exactly why I imagine Lennox you scared me what's wrong if you mess up my house one more time it wasn't me it wasn't me okay look on the ground well those two doing I saw Cliff building his thing I saw him I could see his name tag over there then Etc they're flying instead although it does look kind of cooler because you're on the blue side and I didn't do it my build oh my goodness enjoy enjoy your infestation of tadpoles oh it's just worth that wait wait wait wait wait this doesn't make any sense oh let me just slowly hide so what's inside here oh my there's no way the build from the outside is just the case the real build inside because we have a pyramid right over here random houses some trees and is this a sphinx I I'm gonna be adding some villagers though cause yeah I think this place needs a bunch of villages someone like this okay we have civilization in here yeah this was a really good job and let's be real from the outside this looks completely trash meaning since this is my imagination it's perfectly camouflaged to cheating so no one would notice but there is one minute left wait one minute left okay and Lewis just kind of fixes build King Julius II I am going to help you though by making multiple on top of each other okay that does look freaky yo what over on kipley's side oh this looks sick yeah I think you did a really good job but if I grab Each corner I think there's a bit of a water leak in your building no no no no no no no no yeah good luck fixing that because I'm also gonna be spawning the butcher Guardians to make your life a little bit annoying although it does kind of make a bit look better and over on Central side zetra what are you doing yeah bro I I don't even know but when the time finally up we had to vote for the best build okay come on to mine so we have a great building here okay and it used to be a nice communal place for people to live but you know since it's Greek Poseidon raided the temple oh small with water hey yo the detail why is the water overflowing actually Linux would make a good point Poseidon you know he he wants to destroy it yeah minus points for that minus points for that but you say this is an ancient civilization where are your people uh they were here you know where they went I think the Guardians killed them there is one Survivor on the roof I swear you just placed him you're a cheat in new scumbag and I'm giving this a one out of ten just because of that okay you know I'll be nicer I'm gonna give it a seven out of ten seven is good with Kipling getting a 15 out of it was now time for Linux it's right here yo bro I didn't do this I just got rid of hold on they're like stacked guys I didn't do that okay I J it just happened it's pretty impressive you did this all on your own I did it's the ancient civilization but it died in the past so if you follow me oh and this is the king oh is this King Julius is also another room right over here stacked with oh oh there's a loot why are there also two of the pyramids I didn't do this part ignore this part but worry about these two down here this is all I did I was gonna give you a 10 out of 10 for those but if you didn't do them I'll give you five out of ten I didn't really like the stacking so because there's two of them stacked I'm gonna be deducting two points but you still get an eight out of ten if you admit to doing those I would have give you a 10 out of 10 but you get five out of 10. well Linda's gonna 18 or 30. no one was impressed and it was now time for zetro alright now time for mine now we all think of setro the amazing Builder and here is a great example of that I give you ancient Egypt hi what's with the random sand yeah why is with the random Sun oh well basically I didn't have um enough time to place all the Sands but to me at least mine has people mine has a civilization unlike someone's I like it a lot because it really gives the vibe of ancient civilization it's just run down so I'll give it an eight yeah honestly I have to say I thought I thought Linux was bad but zetro you've outdone yourself this is a two-hour ten so amazing oh with Central again is 60 now 30 it was on to my build and this is my build what is this shape this is kind of ugly no why are you guys peeing look at all this random blocks right here what is business who uses glowstone to build bro yo I haven't shown you the actual build oh [Music] yo this is actually sick man you got a bunch of people this is my bill this feels like a civilization versus ours yeah this is actual civilization I think this is sick this is getting a 10 out of 10 from me yeah I agree 10 out of 10. it's easy it's the most civilization looking one exactly this is my civilization and zetro I'll say 9 out of ten mine's a 10 out of 10. and with my build getting 20.50 my imagination won and no one knew I was cheating all right we have 15 minutes to make a circus that's where you belong all right let's do it go go go so I'm gonna tell the pro Builder to make a circus and they camouflaged in my skin that means whenever someone looks over they'll realize it's me actually building although I need to go from this to complete invis now what's SB doing if there's one thing I will say is that doing these build battles is making me get better and better at making circles and skids I'm using every one of these plays will try and cheat just so they could beat me in a building competition over a liger side not too shabby look at that he's building a snowman wait I think that's a clown I don't know why you said it'd be easy okay they're storing off kind of slow so far but I don't exactly know what they're making is this supposed to be the outline of the build I just spent so long trying to make this and it does not look good at all but I'm gonna grab some TNT and kind of put it into his build hey yo who's placing TNT it so while he's playing that I'm gonna kind of burn it no no no no no no no no no no I just spent forever working on this that's what you get for cheating all right that's it someone's trolling wait where's he going I'm actually about to get down to the bottom of this he's flying over to SBS why'd you burn down my uh my circus huh why because then I can win no I didn't touch the circus now I don't know why what yo bro actually just admitted dig down like you did to me oh I didn't have to do it he's burning the entire thing you don't want to start a war with me but yo like us looks really cool hey yo hey yo oh yo yo what's going on chill chill yo although I have a bit of an idea yeah I did do it I was literally standing right here no water water oh my God oh my God yeah I don't know what's going on with them Yo what did I come back to but wait it's outside the line that's because I forgot to tell them all right let's go ahead and uh check up on everybody else since I'm Loki a cheater but the inside looks really cool so far they've somehow already made one area yo quiff popped off all right buddy all right buddy it's time for some revenge and I don't know what this is I assume there's gonna be some cool things in here but what exactly is gonna be in the middle hey yo what happened to skidzies don't mess with us an over an SB side not having the best day in the world ever he still made no progress but that's the five minute timer five minutes left are you kidding this is not going well five minutes left that definitely needs to be some in the middle but it actually looks kind of sick thank you Skizzy for this idea summer time to make a viewing area in the middle because other than that my circus look s like damn by grabbing a chicken I think that kind of fits circus Vibe right wait what these guys doing haven't you done enough damage no no no I got it all right I got it all right I've come to make peace and that is called the distraction paste Dash a there we go wait like I just can't beat skids this build I'm about to do a Madness oh look at it it's a great build oh fantastic I think it's amazing hey yo I just called like 4K but if I check back inside yo they've done exactly why I asked I think this is supposed to be a lion they've also made a cool looking car which again I don't know why it's floating but I'm not gonna question it we even have a little stage would you guys hire this Pro Builder because I definitely would but there's only three minutes left oh we only got three minutes left boys we gotta hurry up and over on Skizzy side is he somehow burning his own place wait this place has burned down so many times brother this is so stupid but I don't think he's realized lag has copied his build so if I grab some TNT I'm gonna kinda leave a trail over like this he should follow that right who's messing with me I kind of think he's finally noticed I don't know where this is going yeah keep breaking it buddy just gotta get all this off my my land I'm gonna sabotage these guys to fight why does liger have my build and there you go um excuse me did you leave or I'll buy me from the server all right I'm gonna leave that I'm leaving so while those two are fighting he gives more time my Pro Builder to make the build amazing I'm burning this whole thing down and there's only one minute left one minute left good luck liger look at that okay okay that's it bro I'm going over to yours I'm going over to yours I'm going over to yours but why is liger's base always burning but if I go inside espy's base he has a villager trapped with an amp okay this is kind of cursed spider please no no don't do it what on skitzies what happened how did you even do that but I think mine's pretty much done and time's up that's it time's up boys so with the time up we all had to meet in the middle all right guys uh let's let's go ahead and uh take a look at my build yo why is this you had all that time it's more of a post-apocalyptic kind of vibe bro you had 15 minutes to build this can we just give it a rating and move on because you know this is kind of hurting my eyes I'm gonna give it like a 4 out of ten four is kind of nice I'm gonna give it a two I'm gonna have to give it a zero all right I'm giving a zero so I'm giving a zero as well I'm sorry I'm giving a zero as well zero zero for me too Skizzy got two out of 30. and it was on to ligers all right here it is here's the here's the liger circus finally some originality yo what what happened to the roof here yeah I know it's like it's like an open roof it's meant for like the summer you know in case it's like really hot like air coming in yeah yeah oh why is that fire why is your tent falling down what's going on the tent changes itself talk about a 10 collapse okay okay and just rate it whatever oh man I know I'm gonna have five honestly I like I'm gonna give it a seven yeah bro I'm gonna have to give this a two out of ten man I don't know what happened like this build was pretty interesting we're on to SBS so for my build I'm pretty sure this is the one that everybody copied what yeah circus Vibe this guy has to escape from a smoke-filled cage before the egg cracks and the Anvil falls on his head oh that's right Harry Potter Harry Potter yo where is he going anyways I'm gonna keep it at Buck 50. this build right here it's an 8 out of 10 for me honestly I'm gonna give it 8 out of 10 too this is my build this is 0 out of ten this is my property SB got 16 hour 30 and it was on to mine and this is mine what well it's nice to see an original build for a change inside we have multiple games oh my God like like a I know like a liger bro like a liger yeah yeah it's a liger bro it's a liger where'd you come up with this idea I like it they're very original you grab some snowballs from here I give this building 10 out of 10. yeah that was amazing it's a 10 from me that's what I like to hear free 10 out of 10 and with my build game 30 out 30 they had no idea I was cheating all right go go go go go go go go go go go good luck good luck I'd have the blaster in my hand no I can shoot anything I'm making the best build in Minecraft so for my first illusion what if I was just to do this it's gonna be the best table ever a quick illusion like this it really is just black and white and it's not an illusion yeah not until I shoot it with your grid Blaster so here we go and there we go okay so the first build is illusion so I know exactly what I have in mind yo this illusion looks crazy because if you look at it from here it looks like it's coming up towards me but little do you know it's completely 2D but that's the first of many Illusions okay why is Evie making all these people think that they're gonna win right it's ggs and can't play seems to be making a chocolate cake size of the table let's say but I want to upgrade something else so if I was to make a small has this now how is upgrade Blaster gonna make this into optical illusion all right we're getting close to the Grand table all right but we need to check on everyone else all right we can't be having them build better things than me Five Spot Kipling oh I see him now Luca go in the Nimbus are you not see me you don't see me well she's completely distracted so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna upgrade this and it should turn into okay what is this I don't think Tina expects anything it'll be as simple as trying to mess her up so we just gotta replace some things who is that it's made a broken house how is this an illusion the ladder's floating no thank you excuse me you don't see me yo if I stand right here the house was completely connected but if you get closer it's completely not connected is it Kipling this upgrade Blaster might be a little bit overpowered because how has it made a house into an illusion hey what don't do it ah look she's dripping but we have two Illusions right now so Evie what else are you making this is already like giving me an illusion like I think I'm losing brain cells right now like this is hard and if I pop into inverse and go over to small side okay first of all why is the wall broken but second of all I don't have any idea where she's building no one is ruining my build all right but I think I could do something with this assuming we go over here and maybe just a little uh there we go okay so we got the two table legs look how pretty that already looks people and now I'm back over my side I'm gonna make the ultimate test which is gonna be a giant wall so it's all great Blaster gonna fail because if I shoot this now there we go and what is this well you're way past at your border and what happened to this wall is this supposed to be it why is it making a pyramid three minutes left three minutes left I've entered this area and if I go down here what exactly happens oh my no way it's literally a rising wall and if I move left and right this kind of looks weird it looks like the Wall's moving yo this upgrade blasters op I shouldn't have built this so big although as much as this is cool it's very much over the line and there's one illusion I need to now get rid of you have kind of got to go but the girls thought they can beat me but now if I pop into invis because I'm gonna to go over all the way to kipley's side yeah okay and it kind of looks like the villagers on I might move him it's kind of cool you know what else is cool just some slight TNT here but a skulk sensor one this direction oh oh no no no no no what is that I think she moved I'm sorry to have to do this to you you start it you blow up my belt no way wait what that's what you get you ruined my build first I'm not gonna lie I think I heard some explosions oh yeah that's kind of too I'm not even mad this looks like an illusion on its own I made pasta soup on I can't just go with a classic one which is build out a small island and have the water right there hey yeah I don't really know how this is gonna get upgraded why is my game lagging wait what is this oh wait wait I think I've just made a crazy illusion but how does this work you gotta sync up like that yo that's crazy I don't know what lucian's been my favorite so far but why is Eaves an invis all right guys I'm muted right now and I'm going to her base right now there seems to be a bit of a war going on with the girls oh my gosh this is so bad which means my plan works you buddy but I built this myself I mean with a little help of upgrade Blaster but either way I think this is my favorite I think I'm gonna keep this unacceptable the girls have to win although what happens if I upgrade it again the three of us have to band together to blow up his base I kind of want to test it but at the same time I don't want to be caught cheating because I'll instantly lose the building competition blow stuff up and then we get out okay no one is seen no one is seen no one will know what happens if I upgrade the water there we go and yo it's turned to the void block this might be very trippy if I merge them together yo I've definitely won this by the train oh my gosh his base is ruined the girls are fighting backstor I didn't even sabotage what if I just upgrade it wait no no I'm wearing the wrong thing I find no no please I think I may have messed up first of all I need to get rid of my first optical illusion I'm patch this wall up ain't no one cheating on my territory but it's now been fixed can't play this does not look like an illusion I'm gonna make some a battle and for this I'm taking inspiration from you someone like this should work right imma grab some barriers real quick I'm gonna summer zombie right there upgrade two two zombies yo wait where have I spawn what is this wait yo wait where even is my area like if I was if I was to break out this is way too big we're gonna have three Illusions I mean who can beat that I can't be the only one with a giant build I'll be caught out if I use the upgrade Blaster and blast right there what is this I claim it I claim it I built it I built it wait what have I made I think I could get away with mine now that's really a cool illusion though you open the door what do you say I don't get how this is an illusion oh wait this one looks tiny that one looks big but in the exact same size and time slow up too many we had to meet in the middle to vote for the best illusion come this way if you stand right here all right in between somewhere between these two blocks one at a time you can kind of see that it looks like a table oh that's kind of sick oh that is so cool and then what's this can you survive the illusion go in quick and go first wait why is it pitch black don't worry I'm soaked whoa yo there's a hole if you go to the end and this one best illusion inside okay I thought it was gonna be your mom joke I really like it I like the dark illusion like the table this gets a 10 out of 10. I'm gonna give it a nine out of 10. 10 out of 10. this is beautiful Kipling kipley got 29 out of 30. meaning it was time for Evie what you've been waiting for is this right here there's so many builds this build right here I do not claim it this build right over here I built this wait what do you built this all yo wait a second oh yeah the squares are twisting right now it's like it goes smallest one inside oh it's like it's like it's twist twist I like this I like the whole squares going into like a tilting I'm confused on how you made this but you know I'll say you made it this only gets a 9 out of ten you know what I appreciate it took a long time I could tell I'll give you the benefit of doubt this is a 7 out of ten yeah it's a it's a seven out of ten for me Eve's got 23 out 30. meaning it was time for small you guys know when you see something like solid colors and then there's dots in between and it's like super tricky for your it makes my eyes hurt it feels like it's flushing focus on one part of it and spin a couple times don't blink yo wait it's like the first you go the trippier it gets too oh it's got somewhat bigger than the other ones honestly this is so trippy I'm gonna give it a nine out of 10. my eyes and my brain are hurting from staring at it and it's like it's a good pain because I can't look away because it's so trippy so I'm gonna go with 10 out of 10. you know what I'm giving I'm giving this a 9 out of ten as well I really like this small got a 20 hour 30. meaning it was time for mine you can see the two zombies right there yeah now which one is the bigger zombie it's the left one no now if you come over here they're actually the exact same what no way wow okay I'm giving this an actual 11 out of 10. oh okay I will take 11 . give it a 10 out of 10. I'm gonna say you provide two angles to show off everything this is a 10 out of 10. my build got 31 out of 30 and they had no idea I was cheating famous buildings go go go go go go go I now have the printer in my hand which I'll just quickly place down oh my looks amazing since the first category is famous buildings there's actually a lot I can print I've got to make sure everyone's distracted we're gonna do the Statue of Liberty and what is Jaime doing okay I'm gonna go with The Arc to Triumph fee but the bow print was distracted this is not looking too hot and that means one thing and now we're in My Hope and you see the Google screen will appear but if I send this chair and I Type famous buildings an enslave of pictures in Minecraft like I could do the cool scene right here or the first one's gonna be the leading Tower because that's pretty cool so if I now click this it should be sent down it's right there so while I'm waiting for that if I quickly go over the kiply side okay how do I make a statue this is gonna be hard but we're gonna do like a Minecraft statue of liberty honestly this old it looks pretty amazing but these girls think they're better than boys meaning they'll do anything to win so as cool as ice Kipling oh no they're uneven oh no say goodbye next I'm gonna quickly go with the eaves aside where she won't realize I'm here this will be the first stand of Lady Liberty and then we're gonna put Liberty right here but I'm gonna break a little home I'm gonna add a simple rail add some TNT Minecarts if I was to push this oh wait where's that going [Music] why is this over here I mean it didn't touch my Bill thank goodness but like what the heck man wait what what is that so before these girls fight I'm a kind of dip but it's about to finish loading why did you blow me up I think that was you you're accusing me of something I didn't do we're supposed to be against quiff here okay where you're trying to let a man win huh but I'm gonna join this which in my hand looks pretty awesome if I was just place it down right here yo that looks sick on any second there we go is it actually leaning it looks like it's leaning is it leaning nah it's an illusion right but this is the first of many famous buildings because I'm not stopping here but if I was to go inside we have Lou and a Stairway going all the way up yo okay this is kind of cool but what exactly is Jamie building I'm just gonna do the front No One's Gonna look at the back right because it looks really cool and it gives me an idea if I bring back my printer it's time to print something new so let's go back up instantly the one I want to do is the Colosseum it was screaming my face the entire time so if I send this down down and now the Colosseum is here but I can't wanna put a Coliseum on this side I'm gonna make a little paw just like this look at that okay it's gonna be beautiful but I kind of hope it's not too big but the gills seem to be try Harding right now oh this is going to be such a hard project now that me and kipley are building the exact same thing and no one's really fighting you know what time it is okay no more cringy laughing I'm off you know picture it being better in your mind okay yo this is insane if I make a little hole this is gonna be his nose I play some TNT around here I'm gonna play some Redstone which will go all the way over to kiply side she doesn't see this so far okay yeah at a level it should have set off right oh my God I worked so hard on this oh it did yo yo kiply you scared me I just kind of got over the kiply side I I've placed this I don't know what this what this is Jamie I I know how this looks look at this crater it's legitimately printing from Google now look at this beast in my hand but any minute now it should turn into this yo this is crazy we have our own Colosseum now so I should finish actually connecting these paths together villagers aren't supposed to be the cutest thing in the world but you know what he looks good and the cool thing is inside I can put a bunch of Spectators they're just waiting for the main battle but Evie's making a Statue of Liberty this is the final product I think it looks pretty good which gives me another great idea I need some are crazy and crazy is right there we're gonna choose the Eiffel Tower I need when did you guys Escape Bob Bob now I've got kind of wait for this to load so keep printing because I'm gonna go over to either side all right let's check on Kipling and see how hers is doing hers actually looks pretty good so if I was to grab a sign and then turn it to do it oh wait what when did I do that I was just placing a sign it says mine is better Dash kiply and she is noticed this mine is better Kipling Kipling yeah that's like a perfect sabotage you did that to my face no I didn't look they really thought the girls could be boys I'm gonna ruin their friendship you know what I think it was Jamie look at she's got the the little things on top of her build look at that you're right those look like our statues well I think they've popped into invis but who cares because my printer is done I now have it in my hand what is going on on Jamie's side no no no no why oh my God why is this what you get we're putting lava everywhere ah that wasn't me so I don't know what kind of chaos have started but I'll be placing this one right here so in any second okay it's not too big well now I guess I just gotta kind of shovel this area just to really do some more famous buildings we're gonna add a couple pyramids yep that's right but this space is kind of empty and now for the final famous building what would I just go with the pyramids well now I'm back and I think that's pyramids right but she's also made the pyramids this shouldn't be loud I have a simple idea either I'm making a bill look insanely cool or I've completely sabotaged it I think I've kind of Coolified a build wait I hear water what is this wait no why is it flooding well instead I'm gonna kinda do this instead I've added an extra hand and since she's finished with that I don't think she'll realize all right that's fine the Villager guy he's all right and it seems like I didn't miss the printing because it's about to be here and hopefully it's not too big at all otherwise I'll be coaching and the whole video will end wait okay I think this actually fitting perfectly is there anything inside here or is it okay I didn't there's nothing inside here which I don't really care about all I know is I need to make a little path that goes here looks like garbage hot trash this is where we actually start from add some gates the fear is ten dollars it's a famous buildings amusement park time's up oh gosh okay we barely finished Minnie we had to meet in the middle to vote for the best build as you can see see we have the Statue of Liberty as it was originally gifted yo this is sick why is she copper it's brand new and it's a villager so it's Minecraft Statue of Liberty actually it's already roosting what a great idea I absolutely love this idea we have a test of time it turns different sometimes you know oh that's so cool I like that an interactive piece so as you can see the pyramids always will stand the test of time we got two pyramids as well yo what is filled with gold oh and you got beacons that's pretty cool you wanted the pyramids the Liberty Tower you know what this is like a 9 out of ten honestly can't believe I'm writing this in 9910 as well I'm gonna get this build seven and a half out of ten docking points because you blew up my build Kipling got 25 out of 50. many it was time for Jaime's so this one's called The Arc to Triumph and it is a classic this looks really sick yo picture it being better in your mind well these animals horses on the top and some golden women in and it's really cool yo this is kind of sick yeah it actually reminds me of the actual thing yeah I like how you chose like a more unique building this is a 10 out of 10. so you know what I would give this a 9 out of 10. gonna agree with them both this is a great piece I love this I'm gonna give it an eight out of 10. Jamie got 27 out of 30. maybe it was time for Eaves may come off as a surprise because someone copied me Kipling I did no copying all right this is my Statue of Liberty okay it's got a cute little face here we've got some fire to represent the um lovely light it's even got a robe yes this one does have a robe and a little bit of detail can't remind you of a creeper though I like the base that it's on I love it he looks so happy all right this is a 7 out of ten it is really really cute love it love the fire and everything seven and a half it was a Fair competition I like mine better all right I think my statue better but this one is still really good so I I'm gonna go at 8 out of 10. as long as I can blow it up yo what's going on Eve's got a 2012 30. meaning it was time for mine ladies and okay ladies the fee is ten dollars yo wait what this is sick what oh this looks like the pyramid is if it was like brand new yeah so once you go past the pyramid get hit with the Eiffel Tower okay the detail is insane that's massive although it is a bit of a fire hazard hey I'll put that away over here you have the leaning tower of piso no way is it leaning though no it actually is leaning oh it is kind of leaning yeah it is kind of leaning yeah this is the final actual famous building yeah yeah well look at the side too closely it's okay but you guys will all come up here and you get ready for the main battle no way oh who's fighting free iron golems come on gold stick together go Warden go Golems go yeah we have the champion you know I gotta say I don't even know which one is my favorite you've got so many good bills I don't know which one's my favorite you pulled it off really well uh 10 out of 10. oh this is amazing the scale is crazy this gets a 10 out of 10. yeah that's two tens honestly my favorite was the Colosseum I love the battle that was sick this is a 10 out of 10. all right bill got 30 out of 50. superhero oh yeah 50 amazing superhero good luck guys but if I search Superhero I could build Superman or Spider-Man and since spider verse came out let's make Spider-Man she's gonna make sure no one's peeking over oh my okay my Hulk actually sucks I have no idea what he's making what am I gonna do this is so bad can't please also starting off with green you do not Skip Leg Day he's the Hulk and Bonnie's making the flash I want to build like a really basic like side timer which is like you know the bald man I really have no idea but time to actually Build Spider-Man does someone like this could look good his other hand I want going up slightly oh yo this looks sick this is starting to be a miniature Spider-Man this brush is overpowered okay this is supposed to be the black stuff I hope this works okay what did it oh my yo this looks insane kipley's also making the Hulk now we're gonna make Hulk double cheeked up you know the glutes are also muscles and he's got some muscles bro well who do you thinks is better skizzies okay please I think barnik's making saitama and now we just gotta make ourselves some good old mountains baby well that's definitely an ugly version of saitama but I think to make mine less obvious I'm gonna kind of get rid of the arm although it just looks stupid now but kidley's kind of missing is that one punch man and he was getting on me for World editing huh look at him over there with a little cheater I don't know who she's gonna mess with and I hope it's not me but I'm gonna quickly fill this all up with lapis I know those legs when I see them those are my legs bro like that should work right although I need to make this look a little bit less sauce There we go you want to steal my legs fine I'll steal your torso buddy and I'm just gonna give him like a small looking hand we're red no wait why is his legs blowing up yep now you like get rolled why is that that's the second arm why is his leg missing well I'm gonna pop into invis did you blow what did you blow up my Hulk butt well I think he's got a fighting which gives me a perfect strategy if I was to build oh this is gonna be crazy if this actually works and and then Air Boom oh my goodness wait a second what did I just do oh no that was it I think he's gonna realize what happened here what's wrong with this guy's face I'll give this guy a quiff oh my God bro I need to add some light blue so he's like he's he's crying a little bit you know I don't think they'll suspect this look he's crying because his arm got hit off Spider-Man oh but he's made a crucial mistake people well honestly since this build is redstone is pretty dangerous and how would this look not as cool his face is gonna be the first to go cliff let me get rid of this wait I had tinty no yo yo yo that's all I do activate all at once this guy's crazy for this I knew it was a bad idea who even did this he's broken but these guys will do anything to try and beat me so they can stop me making build battles well there's only one minute left on this guy is kind of broken and I really do have time to fix him which is the issue let me try quickly fix up his face because now we have to meet in the middle alright guys prepare to see the best build of your entire wives yo what is this all right so this is the Hulk no no this is not Hulk bro this is pickle man yo Skizzy and uh I'm gonna smash my keyboard because you get full but you know I just think there's better hulks out there you know I think you could have done a bit of a better job but I'm gonna be too picky I'm gonna give you a six honestly yeah I I I kind of do like it I'll give you a six as well skitzy got a 16 out of 30. and Now ladies and gentlemen look at my superhero I think we all know who this guy is yo what's wrong with his face he's special he's safe and he's so strong and he won punched the heck out of this mountain which someone blew up but I fixed but yeah I'm just I'm gonna be fair I'm gonna give this a 7 out of ten honestly this gets an 8 out of 10 just for his face this is definitely a 10 out of 10 from me bro Barney got 25 out of 30. so Skizzy man build pickle man all right but this is the one true Hulk okay yo now this is Hulk but it does kind of look like pickle man so this is gonna have to be a five out of ten yeah I like big boy Hulk over here I'm gonna give it like a 8 out of ten bro's missing teeth with just a little sauce so you know what I'll give him a six Kipling got 19 out of 30. okay okay oh my dude did pickle man rip his arm off this is my Spider-Man this is a eight out of ten I'll give you a six out of ten I won't lie Spider-Man is like one of my most favorite superheroes ever I like the lore with the arm and the tears you know you just want to make them happy so you know what this is a 10 out of 10 from me my bill got 24 out of 30. and they still had no idea I was cheating Dragon we have 15 minutes to make a massive dragon go go go go go go go oh okay go go go go go let's do this thing but if I type slash slash draw I'll get this and wherever I draw on this canvas will become an actual build instantly I want my dragon to be red and it's face to be semi-scary like this he needs to have some cool eyes and your wolf is mouth is open now this looks cool but since I've now drawn the head the build should come to life it's not built anything oh my it's up here hey yo it's called the blue eyes and the inside's completely Hollow well that doesn't matter but I feel like it's missing something really good job on the head but he's going way too big how is he supposed to finish the body and everything else in that time huh wait yeah the dragon looks exactly like my drawing but I might want to add a few horns I think he's the Amy way too big but it looks like a little worm compared to his bro so let me add a horn here a horn here yeah wait this is perfect but wait what's kipley doing throw a little tiny Chinese dragon luckily I've just drawn the head so even though kipley just saw my build she doesn't realize I'm cheating because if I'm coaching the video ends I don't kind of know how to draw the dragon's body so let me get inspiration from the others okay this looks sick right now but I honestly don't know what to build let's see what everyone else is doing skinsy what are you building why does it look like this is someone you jump off into a swimming pool all right we're just gonna add some horns Skizzy this gives me no inspiration so let me check up on kiply yo can't believe this looks really cool but it looks more like a snake and this body really wouldn't help me so maybe luffa can help bruh what is this and to the conclusion his mouth is not looking good so we must remake I think he's trying to build Spyro and this gives me a great idea a heart shape would work fine with his body the inner layer has to be white so maybe someone like this would work because the wings would go here this looks cool but how does my drawing compare to the build it doesn't look that bad I think I've kind of done a great job but is there no way for me to fill in the inside actually it doesn't matter it'd be cool if he would have some spikes in the back I think I hope that's not the wings though it's actually doing it no way bro wait this might be too big I need to be careful because the next time it built it could go over to kipley's area and she'll instantly realized something sus I gotta be very careful Dragon I may not build you too big but there's four minutes left we only have like four minutes left I have to hurry up four minutes left oh God it looks so bad sorry I'll give you a good body hold on I have no idea how to make these wings so let me check up back on kiply no kiply why we not build any wings now I'm gonna just use this command and turn your entire Dragon pink oh my God why is it pink yeah you've kind of got to deal with it you look at it bloop with TNT okay it's a pink it's a pink over Loveless side hey I ain't gonna lie I'm pretty proud of this okay at least it's made Wings even though they're completely tiny so let me help you by making two giant wings and yo you know what that looks kind of cool what the heck has happened to his wings man ain't got time there's like no time left but now if I go back to drawing would someone like that work maybe fill it in with a light yo this looks cool but just in case I've messed up the drawing let me see how it came out wait no no no no no this is too big this is way too big oh no did I mess up can I make this smaller no once it's drawn you can't rub it out okay well this is bad uh you know what let's make the older one orange at this point it's it's already gone downhill is this gonna work I have so messed up this is kind of depressing okay this looks good and wait did it make it red oh this is orange stained glass but compared to my drawing this Dragon looks amazing but all I've got left is the lower body and there's only one minutes left oh okay wait it left okay time for some like little extra designs I'm thinking I gotta hurry let me see skip these build yours is looking good although you don't really have a body yo wait a second my dragon goes over the wall okay that's it there's turning into a dragon Temple I can't I can't make this an actual Dragon there's not enough time although I'm gonna slightly help you by replacing your water with lava who just turned this into lava this was literally just water and now it's lava and actually that looks so much better wait it actually kind of looks sick though wait I can make this parkour that's a thank you because you've actually helped me I could just rush this out like this I do think he should have clothes like this yeah that looks pretty cool that's the final build Dragon yo it's done now compared to my picture how would you rate the dragon because I'm not gonna lie the detail on this is crazy oh why is this not patched up why is it left a hole but time's up oh I can't even finish this now we all had to meet at the middle and vote for the best build okay who's going first I'll go first all right so I knew most people would go with like a medieval Dragon so I went more like Chinese dragon Lantern Vibes so we got the floating Lantern yo this is sick there's so many floating lanterns and he's breathing fire right here you know he's got golden eyes whoa this is so good this is literally a 10 out of 10 for me I'm gonna give it an eight with Kipling get a 26 outfiti she almost got full marks and it was time for lufflers before something funny happened Something Fishy tomorrow actually had uh some good wings and some better eyes but we don't speak about that yeah this is Spyro I thought so it had good wings and I was kind of got like yeah yeah the wigs are kind of whack man One Wing is like way thicker than the other Wing man hey yo don't be prejudiced this this is spiral this is cool there's a boat here so you can you can kind of ride him I guess yo I didn't think small I would rate a nine but it's just how small it is I'm gonna give it a seven I really like how cute his face is and like his little tongue inside his mouth so imma give him an eight I like how you could ride him so I'm gonna give this a nine out of ten with let's look at 24 out 50. it was time to move on to skizzies all right guys and this is my build right here oh okay okay so you would think it's an ice biome but the fire dragon is emerging out of the ice and then you got a parkour to the other end and then you find out what's inside I I have to break the doors these places these places those down if this was the first build I would have rated it pretty high but after seeing the others I'm gonna give it a 6 out of ten inside I was I was really looking forward to whatever treasure was in there and it was just it was just his mouth I'm gonna go for like a five hey I'm gonna be a nice name I'm gonna give it a seven I like it yeah let's go with Skizzy getting 18 out 30. he was in last place and the final build was mine and this is my build what ow whoa wait dude this is insane Cliff yeah I know right bro it took forever as you can see it's a massive Mighty Dragon it's got massive wing oh dude look at the eyes how did you build this so quick this is wild I want to say it took a while because I know his Kipling was kind of staring at me and she kind of saw me build this just a little bit you know bro I'm I'm giving this a 10 out of 10 dude this is insane yeah I think I'm gonna go over 10. yeah no I think this is insane I think I'm gonna give it a nine though I don't want to give out any tens first round but nine nine okay yo I that boys with my bill getting 29 out of 30 my drawing won me the round oh it says secure base all right we have 15 minutes go go go go go go go go now there's a hundred of secure bases in Minecraft and I'm gonna use the best secure base to cheat but if I'm cool the video ends and this is the first one we're going with it looks kind of cool but it can't be crazy off the start but everyone's gonna get suspicious and it's done it's been pasted in and this looks like a nice secure base but you can't have a secure base without lava and it looks really cool but while everyone's distracted I'm not a builder guys so uh wish me luck some netherrite blocks and some traps I'm gonna secretly sabotage all their builds without being caught and that's why I'm invis I'm gonna slowly go over to kipley's place bam okay I'll it's kind of crazy and then uh wrong choice buddy it's gonna be death who is the best builder kipley I just stopped some TNT I just sell some TNT yeah I'm gonna quickly leave that was really bad that was not okay so what is Rage doing I really hope we're not running out of time because this is taking a while guys oh this is looking really cool he's even gone with bedrock we only have like two minutes left so I gotta hurry up but what if I was to use this command to make lava into water wait what like that what the heck just happened this was all lava just a second ago he doesn't know what's going on let's go over to skizzy's base and he's right inside we have a pressure plate Minefield it's a shame I'm gonna bring a villager to sell off all the pressure plates where did you come from why is there villagers everywhere but I think we need to work on our build right now it looks pretty menacing so let me add some Villages real quick because the skill base needs something to God and that's you I'm gonna set this to water but I'm gonna cover this entire place with elder Guardians my secure base looks kind of crazy right now so it's time to sabotage kipley again I'm gonna tell them five minutes left five minutes left okay okay that's more time than I thought we were gonna have I got really five minute to make a secure base so we got a little security checkpoint I'm gonna grab some cobblestone on a villager and you're kinda gonna go inside to go inside show the door yeah he's gone off again why was there a villager on that side I'm gonna lose my mind I'm sorry it wasn't me okay rage is actually managed to put his lava back I know this is supposed to be like a secret base or like a secure base but it's still a base you know it's still a house to live in and it has some dispensers but if I was to use this command his dispensers turn into furnaces there we go just like that see it makes it look more like a home you know and he doesn't realize at all wait a second what are you building we gotta hurry up we gotta hurry up it'd be funny that Wendy tries to show this it'd completely be gone it's nothing personal ayo's kids you're kind of cheating you're a rage aside but if I do this command and I check underneath there's seriously nothing left and my build is kind of crazy this is looking like the best secure base in Minecraft although I don't know what these flags are so let's make them all red voila it's done with everyone's builds finished it was time to vote the worst one out time's up and who's going first oh and I'll do the honors all right everybody follow me come come to my corner of the map all right that's pretty nice okay we got a firewall we have a collateral Minefield that only I know hey there's no TNT going off there's no TNT all right now you're inside my base this is whoa whoa whoa all right it was rigged on the inside because this isn't the real bass cliff and what's the real base you didn't notice this over here what's this oh what's this what's this whoa where's the base a two out of ten you really that is a result managed to get a 5 out of 30. meaning he or he already lost dead skin they got these Elder Guardians up here chilling in their little bath water and they so you can't mine in and you got your Lava Moat and then uh there's a little puzzle getting all right okay first Builder obviously the answer is anyone else anyone else yep and so there's a villager behind there you talk to him and he's like all right drop your stuff so you put everything you own in the shulker Box you set your spawn on the bed and and you you die but what if it's hardcore well well then you shouldn't be in the space this is a four out of ten then he lets you in yeah and then jump on the Slime and what's inside here and then oh yeah that's really cool yeah yeah yeah I give this a 5 out of ten okay I'll give it a six I'll give it a six yay I give this a six with Kipling getting a 17 out 30 it was time for rages so this right here is my build for some reason you know the server started glitching and stuff my lava turned to water for some reason uh there were supposed to be skeletons in there but but that's besides the point you're supposed to do this parkour and while you're doing this parkour you're supposed to be getting shot at and uh because of the pressure and you're being rushed you won't notice the tripwire it's gonna start shooting I like this it's kind of cute I give a 4 out of 10. I'll give it a seven I like the paintings and the poison arrows I give this a 7 out of ten dude with rage again at 18 out of 30. his chances of winning were looking high and this is oh my goodness straight away there's no entrance yo yo you're completely stole this build right here is insane you need to click the button and jump in at the same time while the Elder Guardians are hitting you this is incredible but once you're inside you click these and you jump on but these are deadly you don't know exactly what the code is damage potions that's not the entrance there is no entrance so you have to end the pill inside but once inside the villagers are completely safe with our family oh baby quick this is this is nuts I think I think right off the bat I would have to rate this a 9 out of ten maybe a 10. yeah yeah oh that's why I like to hear not a safe family with me getting 150 out 30 I was clearly the winner the 15 minutes to make a robot go go go go go go go okay I just need to do slash paint and I'll get this now wherever I draw on the canvas will turn into an actual build instantly I'm gonna get a black and I need to sort of make the outline which I don't even know what I'm drawing this is starting to look like goggles maybe I had summer like this on the top because I know robots have some horns coming out their head so someone like this should work we're low-key gonna spy on everyone else though all right Cliff literally has nothing bro is literally just standing there I'm gonna give him blue eyes like this let's make the mouth more defined and Loki this is good so far let's see how the painting compares to the build wait it's still nothing oh my why is it so big wait yo wait this looks kind of cool it's made the horns right here oh well it kind of has a weird looking mouth and I can kind of see where I messed up but I don't think anyone's noticed what is that hey yo what is Cliff building hello what if I add some more yellow horns it looks kind of good but what's Kipling doing what are you doing okay what is this what is he doing building a Transformer can't believe it was spying on my build and if she catches me cheating the video ends well I just drew these so I kind of hope she didn't see this his entire head is bigger than my entire Wally bro but the head's already so big look there's literally no space for the body so I'm gonna scout out the others and get some inspiration oh my goodness all right honestly these hips do not lie Skizzy your build's kind of crazy his legs are really detailed but you haven't even built the body so you're no help so let me check about Kipling his wheels are almost done okay Kepler You're Building Wally which again doesn't help me is luffler building the same thing okay this is supposed to look like Wally but it's kind of not gone all right um we got a problem either way I think this kind of helps me so if I go back to my drawing I don't know how big I'm gonna make the body so maybe someone like this should work because I can't need to leave room for the legs but this is kind of a small body and if spawned would look very weird so maybe extend this a little bit more down like this and now I just need to completely cool we're in although it does look kind of ugly but let's see what the painting's now made and wait I may have made this way too big I mean it looks pretty cool but already almost touching the floor but compared to my drawing it looks exactly the same which I'm pretty proud of it's also added the little back Wings the jet pack because I drew them right here last minute but if I was to build the arms now there's a high chance they'll go over to the other side and look for this is where I'm stealing your idea the arms sticking up this is looking pretty good but there's three minutes left three minutes okay we gotta go fast buddy maybe somewhere like this or am I making the arms too big but I'm gonna make it better by giving you lightsaber oh wait he's killing himself now let's see how the arms look yo where they're massive how did this big I guess I did build a tall in the head but this is kind of absurd but at least it's added my lightsabers I have no space for the legs and I don't know how to build them so let me check on skitzy we got our Laser cannon we got the torpedo gun up here this thing is ready to go how big are your legs no your legs are too big for me but Kipling might have the right idea plant of life right there is very very cute look at him what if I make so my real feet well thank you Kipling if I make legs right now it's gonna look like this and this looks completely weird but what if I make a hovering system instead it's gonna be floating and it's kind of gonna be floating on fire I think this is the smartest idea because with how big the robot really is there's no way I can fit the legs in yo this looks kind of sick the fire is right here and it's right there this looks really cool but my robot right now is a little too suspicious so let me quickly sabotage someone your build is pretty cool I'm gonna pay a masterpiece by giving woolly a bit of a top hat something like this could work although I kind of make it more block like this I've made it lopsided uh I should have made it more in the middle I'm taking the painting and I'm running where did this hat just come from what on Earth it's uneven that's 60 seconds left I'm bruh what happened there yo what if I shot the laser through the wall sick but seriously watch Japanese what is this robot don't worry bro you win the fight time's up okay it's fine we finished oh time's up time's up let's head back but now we have to meet in the middle and vote for the best build come check out it's Wally Wally wait this is sick but kiply I don't remember him wearing a big red hat yeah wait what is this he's Rich Wally you'll see later you'll see later but yeah he's got this little plant that he found in the beginning oh yo let's see that's so good this is Wally's secret room yo yeah like music player to play stuff he had lighters and candles oh diamonds he's rich man Wally see he's rich man that's why he's got the top hat now yeah I like how he's rich man Wally this is a nine out of 10 for me yeah I like the secret room I'll give it an eight with Kipling again 25 it was time for lufflers who had the exact same build okay as you can see Yo everyone Loops well yeah yo the exact same build there's no secret room this guy is fueled by fire oh I like that your show is fuel and here's the older trees that he's flying on his way through you know oh yo keep please didn't have this yeah wait that's actually Super Creative I don't know yo Skizzy so much sauce has been happening yeah honestly I'm gonna have to go with a five out of 10 luffler would look like an 11 out of 30. it was on to skidzies all right boys and girls Behold a masterpiece yo oh this is straight from skidsy industry Dr robotic so the Gin room right in here yo yep it has two Diamond chainsaws yo yo yeah I'm not gonna lie I'm giving this a nine I feel like this robot to save the world that's what it was designed to do waffler with skins again at 26 out 30 it was on to mine this is mine whoa this is his head here what is this like Optimus Prime or something he looks like a Transformer no he he really isn't he's just I I kind of just uh made him if you come to the bottom it's like hovering yeah I couldn't make the legs yeah definitely too big what the heck is he holding he's holding lightsabers it's got lightsaber oh my gosh wait you could even go inside well it's completely Hollow but yeah I'm giving this a 10 out of 10 bro wait is there someone piloting it I'm glad you know it's although we can't destroyed half his body but yo you know for the for the pilot and how big this bill is imma give it a 10. yeah that's one likely here with my bill get 30 or 50 my robot was the complete winner and no one knew I was cheating okay the next build is a plane all right good look and I've got this again time to imagine I want an air balloon plane please make it good there we go something like this I throw it to them and now he's thinking please think faster and there we go is that what I want it does look pretty good and there's so many blocks I can actually choose from so what if I just throw a bunch of blocks out and he just makes our weather I'm interested to see how that's gonna work but now that my imagination start building I can go check up on the others oh this is cool this even made a whole track why is she standing still I'm just trying to copy this Wing but it's it's not doing it okay wait what is this I'm just going to use it wielding it but your Bill's not doing so let me go check up on Linux you know what that's a pretty good plane man hey yo bro in what world is this a plane So the plan is pretty simple if I get at flint and steel and just light it like that yeah goodbye added a light but someone who was helping me for a second oh is playing is burning pretty rapidly I didn't expect the fight to spread that fast but over on Central's side wait I need to have lines in the middle of the runway oh this is sick he's definitely gone for more of a smaller style okay this isn't symmetrical whatsoever either way my imagination is going wild because the final product will be a hot air balloon plane and if I check online why does this look extremely funny I wouldn't mind someone like this at least lyrics has fixed this plane and the biggest cheer on this build competition what have you got is that Kipling is no passengers Linux bro you didn't make it into the sky so if I go over to his build yo he's gonna pass just inside here wait uh oh no ah what that wasn't supposed to happen bro why is the TNT go off are you blowing my stuff up what no yo those guys have teamed up with kid please what's in your inventory I didn't do anything but I've been building my plane where's the TNT what am I witnessing I don't know I wasn't I wasn't witness I didn't I didn't I'm looking gonna help Linux real quick if I go over here and paste it there you go there's Loki your new plane if anything else happens to our builds yours gone the entire thing and just to make it even better there you go bro you're gonna have multiple planes flying away I'm Loki gonna make them different coolers what is this dude oh my what okay you have helped you a lot brother but there's only two minutes left two minutes left man but what have I come back to hello you just only pull so small apart how big this actual build become hey yo wait you also have upstairs 60 seconds wait 60 seconds left you know what I think I've actually won with this okay 60 seconds uh I think everyone's kind of done time's up okay that's fine but now we have to meet in the middle all right everybody follow me to come see mine we have a fleet of planes we have this plane that is a carrier of people oh oh this is cool and if you look you can actually open and close them using these oh this is tomorrow I like this little detail you added and here we have cole Google guys who's playing the plane punch him in no no oh yo get off this plane get off this plane before it crashes after seeing these I'm off to give it a seven I would have went with white but I love the design so I'm gonna give it a 10 out of 10. I'm gonna give it a sword seven yes with Linda's get a 24 out of 50 it was time for Kipling it's no flea eat but we have a nice little Runway oh here's Tom Cruise Tom Cruise how much does it cost to fly on this plane uh since it's a Kipling plane uh you know it's gonna be about 10 10 grand okay for no space all right that's a two for me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I blocked that yo okay you know what two out of ten you know what I actually think these wings look sick I'm gonna give this like a 5 out of ten and Kipling got a 9 out of 30. meaning it was on to zetros okay now the pro builders back at it again this is my airplane okay the Linux made five of these you made one I'm giving you a one for the unsymmetrical freaking Runway and for that I'm giving you a five yeah is that true I'm gonna give you a five two with zatro's Boogie at 11 out 30. it was finally time for mine and this is my build what you're lying you're lying this is nuts you're actually lying this is my bill I went without hot air balloon plane it was kind of sick you built all of this every single bit you can go back keeps going there's so many floors uh that's all I really have I mean there's all this side too if you come over here you can see all this this thing yeah this is sick honestly with all these little details I've got to give this like a 10 out of 10 literally yeah that's what I like to hear I also really like this I really like how it's connected with the chains right here so it's a it's a 10 for me as well it's a ten I can't you can't critique this my bill got 30 out 30. and my imagination won again I'm gonna one I have the best idea ever I don't even know what that means to get cool Fortress going I'm first gonna build some walls I don't want to make my fortress out of wood too I know what you're saying oh what photo the upgrade Blaster this is gonna look crazy these are dessert and so far it looks pretty good I'm gonna add a little top bits this is a scuff Fortress I can't even lie but I'm gonna have it surrounded by water and now that I have the great Blast from my hand I gotta make sure no one's peaking I'm gonna make a cool Fortress that reminds me of Phineas and Ferb a pink Fortress kind of cool okay you're building some sort of nether fortress no I have a better idea oh I'm so big brain I'm so big brain but everyone's pretty distracted so if I was to just upgrade this right now what is this it's made the Fortress but this actually looks too crazy first of all the airships our bounds let me first get rid of that and now let me investigate okay first of all bad idea I'm getting rid of all this TNT look at that it looks so trippy okay okay that could have been really bad but now deep inside the Fortress we have a ship room which you can pull our ships out I'll have another ship right here we have a little weed feel for everything you need and oh my this is crazy some of the rooms are kind of empty if I place a bed and a few chests like this that was good right let me Patcher back up now another cool thing I realize is are these separate how houses like you have separate houses inside my Fortress like would you guys actually live here because I definitely would but now compare hers all right this is the Eve's Fortress to mine in a battle mine's definitely winning why is it on my side huh get out of here I kind of want to make these red belt kind of looks better it's more my type of ship now this is his own fault all right it might as well spread up here it's on my side anyways why is my build on fire yo yo yo what is it because it's on Kipling side hey or did she do this on purpose look at her staring at me I need to block off anywhere to create contact oh my what is that okay that's that there I can't fix that it can kind of burn now well I'm gonna pop into invis and kiply you're my target I'm gonna do something more annoying than replacing the love with water I'm just gonna make it all obsidian who are you like this is what you get this is real payback everyone yeah try fix that these stone bricks are kind of cool but it'd be cool if it was red now this is more my type of Base I also kind of want to get rid of this oh my look at Smalls how can I sabotage this I really can't it's insane wait a second Eve's just joined well I didn't know who the girls were swapping out just so they could do the best building it's just now taken over Evie's I'm taking over for Eaves let's go Apes Evie's I should have known oh this is bad because look how cool that is kipley's is also insane and I'm scared if I upgrade it one more time it's gonna go over I know there's only three seconds left but if it's disconnected before they switch back or whatever's going on I have no idea I'm not gonna let you guys cheat to win that's so stupid no other times though meaning we had to meet in the middle all right come this way people this is the best Fortress you've ever seen in your entire life yo this looks crazy this is like a typical nether fortress except Kipling version that's why we got the uh purple flag on the very top oh I see that but we start listening the walls as you see you look down and you can see no end in sight oh people I made so many circles it's like a freaking cake Fortress but come this way we got a little biomes what's inside okay and then this is the lava ball in the center yo how'd you do that yo this is kind of dark because if this breaks like uh like that uh the uh wow whoa don't disturb don't disturb the ball of fire it is fully protected and you know I got the Lava Moat honestly this is this is a 10 hour 10. I don't know about a 10 but I'll give it like an eight I'll give you a nine kipley got 27 out of 30. this is my bill oh my and if you guys would just follow me just come with me oh oh we've been trapped yeah yo even got the basalt over here and basketball best part about this is in order to get to the base you have to do some Parkour honestly I thought kiploos is good this is this is a 12 out of 10. yeah you know I really how you Incorporated all the biomes you even got ores over here you got gold and the netherite 10 out of 10 from me yeah I'm giving you a 9 out of 10. this is awesome and I love the parkour small golf 31 out of 30. all right so this is mine and because I took over for Eve there's an e right here there's like a throne hey it's not loud though she Loki just took over I don't know if I count them their names are kind of similar so here's the main build right here this is what I thought of when I saw Fortress there's so much detail oh the inside there's nothing on the inside sadness it's honestly it's pretty interesting it's really cool I'm gonna give this a 7 out of ten I'm gonna go with the 8 out of ten a seven out of ten A's got 24 out of 30. hey yo this is my build it's a floating Fortress that's pretty much it I went with my unique red cooler uh you see there's warships over here on the right oh they're flying just like just like a base you've got another warship inside here yo this is huge there's tiny houses around here there's a lot there's a lot of bunch of little houses for like people to live in but I'm also gonna say 10 out of 10. yeah I'm giving you a 10 and 10 as well this is crazy my build got 30 out 30. and they still had no idea I was cheating all right girls house girls only house all right what do we do here huh obviously I'm gonna do something that's pink and purple because those are my favorite colors just so I know what girl's house is if I check Jamie's nobody better mess with me because I have such a good idea okay it's just a wooden box and kipley's making some sort of death dungeon alright so out here is gonna be war and destruction which I'm gonna solely back away but you know what time it is and I'm back in the chair I'm gonna search girls house and honestly this will work so if I zap this down and it's right there Eve still hasn't built anything so maybe let's hope this works again if I push this here we go stuff now the axolotls are falling I think that was a good try who was it was it look I'm not letting the girls win it wasn't me it wasn't me what happened no you have to take responsibility by teaming with me but mine's now halfway done all right let's Tear Down the Wall I'll get the wall why are these guys still together they've talked down the entire wall perfect and I'll have a cute pink house uh wait I think I may have messed up me sabotaging them backfired cause now they were teeming to take me down where's Jamie going what's going on don't tell me this is gonna be a freeway team whatever's going on here you leave my building alone okay I've had enough of this we haven't done building okay if that's gonna happen I'm going out with a bang I'm burning this build they goodbye to your bill Jamie there's no way I'm not free people teaming no what is it happening but miles an hour doing I think my girl's house it looks pretty awesome in my hands I can't lie let's just see how this turns out and it's done but I think there's a slight problem the water is kind of leaking so first I've got kind of patches off guess that looks better now all right put an L right there for loser there we go same thing on this side and boom this is the girl's house compared to why it was printed this looks exactly the same let me go inside this house oh it's fully done too we have a little enchantment room it lives downstairs yo a little aquarium that I didn't know about there we go we'll get some red dye our house is done a furnace room and a lot of that I think leads nowhere okay not everything could be cool you also have a little bit of a cake room a little nice kitchen I don't know what this room is and I assume this is the pool one thing I didn't check was actually the upstairs which also kind of looks cool a nice little bed but let me check up on the cheers right now yo all right you know I'll work on the grass you just you whatever you need to do yo wait no yo yo that should be illegal is that house better than mine I need to respect closer this is crazy yo this is why teaming should be banned how is this allowed oh my is that supposed to be the boy side boy's house ayo ayo dick they calling your house trash no I can't let these guys win a bill battle but I see Kipling made TNT you'll come right boys have a TNT kind of right there you go wait what yeah Don't Mess With Boys okay yo I destroyed way too much maybe if I place a bunch of trees yo yeah if I play some bunch of trees this looks crazy maybe some bone new on the floor I also might change this Vlog because comparing both of them I might change it to magenta so how does that look now I'm pretty impressed I think I did the right choice I'm gonna pull a sign that says gills and boys with a pressure player on each side now if they step on girls yeah the entire place just blown up but if they're stepping boys they'll easily win the building competition because I'll just quit the choice is up to them but the time's now oh meaning we had to meet in the middle to vote for the best house check this out and inspired by some very famous Barbie thing coming out recently let's go [Music] this is sick wait we can actually go in here yeah it's called a little living room area it's called kitchen table yeah I love how you thought outside the box and you know with the Barbie being so popular this is so cute I love it so much this is a 10 out of 10. I will give this a 9 out of 10. honestly this is so creative and unique I'm giving this a 9 out of 10 as well Jamie got 20 out 30. everyone follow me and Kipling the two of you together that's right team it should be allowed how big how big is this the whole thing tells a story this is the boy side why what what why is it going now because they lost the war so yeah this is our girl's house oh we got a nice little pool I like the pool but you know what I love the cannon I'm gonna give you guys a 10 out of 10. this is amazing can I can I live here all right you know I'm gonna talk to you guys with just teaming up together so I'm gonna give this like a seven out of ten can you bring Eaves go at 17 out of 30. I have this right here yo so this is the entrance come over inside right all the way wow this is really spacious we have the cake area where you guys can eat oh the bedroom's super cute here's a pantry oh okay but what were the pressure plates oh so you come back here for the girls wait what raiding the house before it blew up I'm gonna give it a nine and a half yeah I won just for choosing the girls so I'm gonna have to get rid of a few points I'm gonna go six out of ten if the house was still there I would give it a 9 out of 10. my bill got 23 out 30 and I was so close to winning battle wait we have to build a battle Yeah we have 10 minutes to make a bottle good luck all right good luck boys all right go go go let's do this well that's an interesting one so I'm gonna tell them to make a battle I don't know what oh but I expect it to be the craziest battle in Minecraft hey yo what's this glass on my side all right boom there we go now the villagers are split up boys like a making all right there we go there should be enough villagers is that another command block oh uh I have no idea what's going on and if I do it right who knows I might just win this one and sb's built a poo poo I don't know what they're making so far but it doesn't look that bad make a cool pattern on the side and SP is made some progress he's building a giant cow and liga's made a dungeon but it would be a shame if I was to just break this oh brother oh my God oh my God look they're already hungry for it oh this is horrible the wall is already broken out skit is making some sort of Cannon I know what he's doing he's gonna Destroy liger's Build for Revenge yo on the other side my side go crazy they're building some sort of catapult Cannon thing and there's four minutes left oh we only have four minutes left although there's only four minutes left so I'd better get a move on Yo the Cannon's going to look sick it kind of does like a worm going over to liger side hurts oh my god look there's even like tiny little baby villagers there's way too many mobs there has SP just made a cow and that is the build complete too many stuff's gotta be time to do you know although two minutes [Music] oh my God what is that what is going on what did I come back to they've made tanks yo the detail on these tanks is crazy it's like they're going to war against the free cannons bro this is a whole Army scene it literally Works what is wrong with you that was a test run that was a test run I'm sorry I'm sorry pointed the other direction oh my God and a Skizzy tested his Cannon because what is this hole I think Skitty plans to blow up ligers but you know what's funny go inside here and place barriers when he shoots it's gonna explode I think just to help you out I'm gonna be pointing so it's been a war all right time's up finally oh okay all right time's up boys but with the time finally up we have to vote for the best build all right guys let's uh let's go ahead and take a look at my build okay this is uh the skidsy industries Canon 9000. okay actually I mean if you wanna if you wanna just like demonstrate what it looks like oh no no it's just for show it's just for show yo it's not that good is it honestly yeah it's it's it's kind of rough I'm giving it an egg I'm gonna give it a six let's go over to my build yeah let's uh let's look at a real battle all right what's inside here all right boys uh bets are now open uh the zombies give you two odds uh you can only uh bet with crypto and uh cash oh wait this is actually pretty sick yo why are they so fast let's speed things up with a splash potion of swiftness for the zombies yo wait bro didn't even account for the sunlight wait what yo this is crazy this honestly is entertaining it is entertaining the villagers are gonna win oh my God stacked Against All Odds and they win yeah yeah I don't know what's up with this big hole in the ground so I'm gonna have to give it a 5 out of 10. yeah honestly it was insane I'm gonna give it 8 out of ten a seven out of Tanks I'm not sure about this hole in the ground but yeah like it got 20 or 30. SB what do you have cows do you say battle now I mistakenly thought it was cattle oh wait um SP how come this one's on fire whoa what's going on Hey so uh anybody want a barbecue steak anybody Burgers you know we can offer it all him yo it's not bad if they say it was the wrong thing it's not why is this one burning yo what's going on yo what happened to this one's face gonna give this one like a solid nine out of ten I like this one quite a lot honestly I'll give it a nine out of ten too yeah honestly this one right here is kind of cute um so honestly this is a 10 out of 10 bro I like this a lot SP got 20 out 30. and this is mine yo what whoa these tanks that does not look like a cannon bro that kind of sauce bro it's a cannon yo wait what's going on bro the the worm cannons oh yo look at that they're eating the tanks what would you guys rate it 10 out of 10 100 yeah it's a 10 out of 10 build wow that's insane so uh yeah this is gonna be a eight out of ten okay I'll take that I got 20 out 30 and was tied with SB bang boats all right we have 15 minutes to make a boat go go go go go go go go get out of here but why make a bow when I could have just draw it instantly I need a bunch of water like this so if I make all this water okay yeah that was that was simple enough I can draw a boat like this or a simple boat like this so let me first make the base which I think should be somewhere like this yeah perfect let me fill it all up and then at the top it should be somewhere like this I think oh the bow is pretty much done fail did it malfunction why is half of the bow missing wait even on the top bit yo this is kind of crazy but I think I should add some cannons because the boat does need some cannons someone like this it's fixed the boat wait are they supposed to be cannons they don't really look like cannons so far this boat is looking really nice but it's still far from done so let me get inspiration from the others you're building a ship that's underwater I'm gonna use this acacia wood to make the wood all like old and rotten looking which this doesn't help me at all kiply please help me yeah simply beautiful all right she's building some sort of speed bow which is very different to my build and luffler okay I think this is looking pretty good why have you bought a raft wait although is this Flags this gives me actually a really good idea well if I build some poles like this and then make some Flags yo that should make this entire thing look so much better and just to make it cooler have them all connected so let me see what my drawing builds now yo this looks sick it's exactly what I drew although it's definitely a lot more complex wait I'd even draw this detail but look at it and it build a flag on the backside I am the pirate now no seriously I am the Pyro because this boat is the best looking build ever and there's three minutes left oh three minutes left oh God okay ah three minutes left oh my god well since my boat is pretty much done let me go sabotage the others keep playing both good but if I was to add like a gray Spike right here and maybe some fire I think that should work where did this giant you come from yo it actually worked okay I'm gonna take this I'm leaving this area I've actually destroyed her bow and it's time to go to luffler and what's down here a little area but if I grab some Elder Guardians where's all your protection gone now brother they're ransacking your boat what the hell are these sea level there's no protection except the TNT that's gonna blast them away yo yo yo no no oh well it didn't really help well you can deal with that because I'm gonna go over to skitzy what is this is this no it is hollow this has to be the worst build so far but if I get some gold I'm gonna write some on the side of his boat SS trash and before I realize this let me leave well the only thing left to add is on Villages you guys are all the crewmates go go go go go go ship the ball because it's only 60 seconds left that gets good Lord 60 seconds left we gotta hurry up oh this is I don't know how I drew all this I only drew the outside but either way this is kind of sick I was down here more Villages yeah you guys can get cozy although I wish these cannons worked and this low case someone I might want to do this looks cool Wharf I make the bomb big gold like a rich man's ship yo yeah okay I'm gonna name this boat perfect as soon as I finish my drawing the time was up and we all had to meet in the middle okay I'll go first follow me okay what do we have here that does not matter when it comes to living on a boat because on this little thing you got everything oh yo this is sick Bro what what's with all these sharks bro yo dangerous Waters man these are to guard the treasure you know oh down here dude there's a downstairs diamonds everywhere yo he kind of popped I am not gonna lie this is very cool no way dude it's a secret stash I love this I'll give it an 8.5 I really like it I'll take it yeah blah blur dude this thing's sick this is a nine out of ten for sure would look for getting 26.5 his build was the best and it was time for kiplies and this is yacht Kipling oh okay wow yeah you got your little Top cider if you want to do some tanning on your little towels oh and then we got downstairs you know yacht kipley's got some diamond blocks uh we got some cake for for guests feel free to have some yo yo this is wet I feel good right now I feel like a king free kick for everyone watch the Dolphins oh there's Dolphins around here oh no wait wait what's this what's this yeah what's this massive smokestack yeah unfortunately it takes a lot to power yacht Kipling it kind of it's yeah okay I'm gonna give it 8 out of ten yeah I can't believe I don't know how I feel about this massive Smoke Stack this is gonna be a six out of 10 for me Kipling I'll give it an eight we keep looking at 22 out 50. it was time for skid Z all right listen listen this is an underwater build so I had to put it into an aquarium wait what's on this side whoa whoa I don't know who put that there yo this is diatonic no no no no someone someone's trolling someone's trolling I don't know if the Titanic was made out of dirt this is better than the entire thing what yeah I like this three out of ten yeah three out of ten around three out of ten this sucks with Skins are getting a 9 out 30 he had the worst build and it was time for mine and this is my build what Joe as you can see on the side we have cannons you've got you got Village on the side right to man the Cannons very off the go we have everything you want to be the captain captain right here wait what you were time to build rooms yeah that's pretty much my I think there's also a downstairs but I don't know if you guys want to see that three floors four floors oh my God five floors this is a ten out of six force ten out of ten twelve out of ten twelve okay yeah bro I I'm giving this a 12 out of ten dude this is insane oh two 12 out of tens and look for what by you yeah you ain't getting that much you give me a ten we might be getting 20 out 30. I was the winner but luffler became extremely sauce cartoons cartoons for our favorite cartoon I would have to say Charmander doing the outline first people okay what do I build there's over a million cartoons and I'm gonna pick a complete classic we could either go with a Dark Magician Girl or we can go with Patrick like look at him I think I'm gonna go with Patrick oh but there's a slight problem his head is already currently above the wall meaning that there's a chance they'll see and I'll be caught cheating but since my build is completely done I can sabotage everyone else's okay rage what are you building I hope I'm doing this right guys because I feel like I'm doing this wrong right now I think this is Charmander oh well the final product would be what about skinzi because we're making Naruto and I I have one leg of Naruto all done why is this this looks like a Minecraft torch and kiply oh kiply Pikachu picker get you quickly come on Pikachu we gotta build your faster man come on this doesn't look like Pikachu at all so let me let me help you real quick Pikachu has a tail so I'm gonna build a tail for you right now it's looking amazing right now what is that why does he look like he's holding a gun okay before she notices I'm gonna just quickly leave what is this Pikachu that scared of this what is this long arm over here bro what is this nonsense get out of here now rage my good friend rage this looks really cool if I was to use this command his tail turns pink wait what the what why did my tail just turn pink it was supposed to be orange and I've turned Charmander into chimando huh did my Charmander just turn yellow uh I don't know what's happening to the server hey kiply why did you get rid of the arm y camel shark this is fine going Skizzy just for removing my arm he doesn't have a tail no more I'm gonna tell him five minutes left the tail is gone I'm Skizzy bro I I still don't know where you're building who is this oh okay I gotta hurry up so I'm gonna help you out and paste it here there you go who's just piecing in some random pixel art onto my build what the heck now that looks kind of cool why is this I don't need to mess with kiplies because what is that how can I make this battle I really can't this really looks hella cool I'm gonna tell him 60 seconds left but no one's caught me cheating yet and this might be too suspicious so Patrick I hate to do it to you but I'm moving half your brain and just to make it look kind of nice I'm gonna do this oh no he's looking I'm with a time over we had to vote for the best build who's gonna show this first it's a little small but uh for some reason the server glitched out again and uh he's supposed to be orange but he turned yellow and this doesn't look like orange to me this this looks like a budget Pikachu yeah agree it's Charmander I'll give you a 5 out of 10. all right which one of you which one of you guys are trolling rage did you do this what do what I'm coming to my side welcome to my side so I'm in the middle of making Naruto um someone Pace your weird Charmander onto my Naruto and I thought I thought it was supposed to be among us I give this a 4 out of 10. 5 out of ten with skins again in 19 out 30. he was off to a great start Kimberly what is this this is my my Pikachu okay and listen he was supposed to be cuter but something happened to the tail while I looked away and so I had to rebuild the Tails four out of ten I'm gonna have nightmares tonight so I give this a one out of ten oh 9 out of 30 how did you have the time this is Patrick I couldn't finish off the head in time though I'm not gonna lie Patrick got a dump dude this is insane Cliff how did you do this it's just a Jeep exactly it's killed hey you got 10 out of 10 first round I'll give you another 10 out of 10. you deserve it you didn't finish the eye though so I gotta give it a 8 out of 10 bro oh man this is more susp than skinsies Among Us I'm gonna have to give it a seven for sustenance I walked away with 950 out of 30. meaning I won this entire round villain I'm at Wolf cauldrons back here no you know what time it is we've entered the gallery and instantly I could make a cool dragon morphed with this robot that could look pretty cool right oh wait maybe Optimus Prime but wait these two could work I can take Venom I'm morphing with Superman making venomon so I've got a hammer in my hand and it's dropped that yeah this looks pretty funky first Superman you're next and now I'm gonna throw the Superman inside here and then also the Venom and you can get to morphing but I'll pop into invis I can't is making some sort of Kraken if you guys have seen The Little Mermaid you might know what villain I'm building right now Jamie's making some Oreo cake but skids these bills looking pretty amazing all right but I also think there's like that one part of the building that kind of like sticks out so I'm assuming this TNT dupa so all the blimp goes to kiply time to activate it hey yo what is this Waits kids just kind of realized get it out of here get it out of here at least I'm kind of framed Kipling no no no no no no no we already know the drill I don't feel skit is building with water and then someone a bunch of fish this is your new Pond oh wait wrong fish wrong fish wrong fish ah Retreat yo yo Retreat okay you know what so official's not part of the deal hey yo what's happening to the kid please and we're just gonna grab our handy dandy flint and steel and take care of it what are you gonna give me it gave me this what is that that is like a Venom in Superman clothing but this is now my third morph and you know what if this actually turns out good you guys can have the mod but why is he facing all the way yo wait I see a bit of the cape this looks awesome wait a second no no no I need to go a little bit higher it's got the Venom Claws and it looks like Venom's actually sucked onto Superman it's changed the logo to V oh yeah for Venom and the back of him is the cape but with a spider logo build morph is the best thing and there's two minutes left yeah they're not being this two minutes left oh gosh we still take her entire face because who's gonna win in a fight that Pillager or my Venom man okay and I I think he has some like green up here and I'm actually here for it okay please looks really cool yo why did quiff just built where has she gone yeah a little idiot you don't even know I'm right next to you do you no again no no no no no his butt's gonna be the first to get it venomen you're better than this light on to the other world spread to the other wolf you are not burning this and getting rid of my creation get out of here carefully before I blow up your entire bill so my bill's actually burning I don't know if this will even look good okay I think I fixed this logo but don't think he got away with that but for now I'm gonna upgrade my guy by adding cobwebs to his hands but now there's only one minute left but I'm not gonna do anything because my venom beats them all Psych I'm coming over to your build and I'm literally just gonna write somewhere that we're all gonna give we're all gonna give a zero ten and enjoy these random signs all over your build this meaning we had to meet in the middle all right what is this no way wait this is actually so good yo this is so sick what does this sign say my build sucks I didn't place this here all right someone's prank thinking that's one of you guys all right obviously I wouldn't I I wouldn't I would have this uh yeah okay just let the legs you'll score you'll get like an eight out of 10. I love her Kipling she's actually my favorite Disney villain I'm gonna give you a nine out of ten uh this is pretty good this is a eight out of ten can't believe got 25 out of 30. all right guys be prepared to see the best evil build of your entire lives this is Dr Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated baby yeah this is why I call and lie where's Perry man Perry needs to come burn this thing down whoa whoa whoa what do you mean burn it down this is a great build no it actually is oh I was interior or something yeah I don't know but we got the building just because the building isn't furnished it doesn't take away from the Real Estate Value all right Fox he spent Fox I'm flat you're gonna get seven out of ten yeah I would like to like Terrier but you know go with the seven out of ten I'm gonna give you a six out of ten skincy got 20 out 30. all right Feast your eyes on the worst villain in Minecraft the freaking evoker yo bro is a unit yo he's got a fire this is definitely an eight out of ten from me yo I like this it's simple it's Unique it's massive his head's Giant and for that I'm gonna give it a yeah and his little buddy is just so so cute sitting on a shoulder right there phasing through them like they do and all their annoyingness so yeah this is a 9 out of 10 For Me Jaime got 25 out of 30. yo this is my build okay yo it's not Superman it's not venom venom super super venom venom man it's it's venom took over Superman yo wait this looks insane his face is actually like you can see a bit of Superman's face over here but it's kind of already almost overtaken by Venom and instead of the S on the chest it's a V for Venom I'm I I'm gonna be honest with you quiff this is an amazing build it's terrifying and it's only it's a face only a mother can love 10 out of 10. yeah I do like how the teeth are bone that is a nice touch I can't lie but listen quick it's it's just a little too big I know I know you have something up your sleeve all right I think this is I think this is I don't know I don't know there's some world at it there was something here that's all I'm saying but I do like this build a lot six out of ten this is like a nine out of 10 for me that's why I like to hear you know someone's being reasonable my bill got 25 out of 30. and I was on to my final Mall three two one puzzle all right we have 15 minutes to make a puzzles good luck guys yeah I have no idea what I'm gonna do I can make a puzzle how do you make a puzzle that's the real puzzle and this is my build team who kind of look exactly like me that's because they camouflaged in my skin meaning if someone tries to sneak over they'll see it's me actually building so I'm gonna tell them to build a puzzle and I'm gonna check up on skidzy okay I think this is gonna be the base of our Cube and honestly I have no idea exactly what he's building but he seems to be using wild in it meaning these guys will do anything to try and beat me but kid Place made nothing so far we're almost halfway there okay what else can I use and inside this chest there's literally nothing so if I grab a trap chair some TNT I think the chest is right there perfect add some TNT here and turn it into a trap chest oh yeah that'll work we gotta put the wall in there so now the trap's been settled oh my yo oh my chest chest the 2D went off you idiot no no no block the lava she's mod all right that was Skizzy and I don't know where she's going you think you're funny guy hey hey what are you doing on my side of the map yeah that's kind of rough on those two you you like milk huh what do you mean I never touch your build I've been here working on mine oh my gosh stop stop stop stop stop you don't have to do this but the build team's already gone crazy this room and also this room I have not how did they build this so fast now both these Builders are actually really famous they both have over 5 million subscribers so watch the end to find out who they actually are although back on skinzi's side he looks like he's doing a pretty good job but I've created an opening in his actual base and place a simple skulk sensor right there now I'm gonna casually leave wait what was that yo wait why did my my Cube just blew up when did he say oh he must have used wielded and messed it up if I grab a sign I'm just gonna leave that sign there oh my gosh Kipling and he's kind of reading the sign all right where the heck is kipley at so I'll leave him there and Jolie's Builder is actually starting to look really cool wait a minute I think I went out of the line there's literally nothing here but I'm just gonna blow it up anyways shut up yo I just heard explosions what's happened to our base the back over my side yo look at how many rooms these guys have built I don't exactly know what I need to do here but I think it involves this gold block because yeah each room has a gold block I mean so far this puzzle looks really cool I don't see kiply right now but I think that's her and invis me and jolly we need some help all right look at these two this is too much at least I saw some Bibles I feel like Johnny might have a bad day but I'm gonna ask the builders what's the aim of these puzzles because I know they're building this for me but it's still confusing well let's go look at his build come here come on come here all right all right all right it's to go to the gold block okay so I park up here and whoa oh wait there's Barry is there which makes me think yeah there's a lot is inside of here that's small which means each one of these rooms has a special custom twist I've just called these guys flying over wait what's about to go down yes Johnny place it let me get some popcorn what's all this TNT brother hey yo what's happening you're getting rolled oh this is so mean I love it no no no no no no my masterpiece well there's four minutes left there's only four minutes left and I had to restart my build because it got blown up what's kipley Building B is the correct answer people a fox can hold it in its mouth hey oh skinsy wait what are you doing but honestly someone here is trolling why are you going over to my base I don't know who exactly but my guess is it's quit yo he's going to do this all right guys honestly I don't know what kind of puzzle this is let's go to envious he's going invis yo what's he doing yeah we're setting all this up with TNT bro there is no way oh my gosh why brother he he fully just destroyed one room fine bro you want to play like that at least you didn't see two of them but I don't know what we're gonna do here your hard work's gone well over on Jolly side for one reason because of this right here well I've set you off oh my gosh Charlie's literally this is some advanced Warfare what is this yeah block up no no no no no no no no no no no it ain't gonna work how is it breaking through my wall you know what I don't know what to put at the end so we're just okay let's see where did she come from what's going on yo [Music] I was gonna mess with skizzy's base but you know what I will leave if you're gonna mess with it okay I don't think he saw us I don't think he saw us at all okay but I'll just go on your side simple because now your walls are gonna kind of burn T say goodbye but it seems like all my rooms are completely done and I guess wait how do I get to the goal oh you can just be above the gold I mean yeah this is pretty cool but how did you get to the next room we're going to set up command blocks which will TPU you to the next room once you touch the gold block but that's pretty cool then so there's nine rooms and each room has a different puzzle oh villagers seem to be to be missing because I feel like this place would need about Villages yeah it seems more lively but there's only one minute left now oh my God we have one minute left and I can't paste this thing in properly I'm gonna cry guys there is only one minute left we have to hurry up well she seems like she's finally added it and skizzy's missing from his base why is my Rubik's Cube on kit kipley's side but the time's up meaning we had to meet in the middle and vote for the best build all right everyone come to the kiply puzzle yay okay what is this whoa whoa what is going on here all right we have a puzzle Gauntlet all right so don't mind outside just come here come on the side cross the lava pool and you only have these things I'll make a chest for each of you yeah look at me look at me go guys all right so right you get one pressure plate everyone has to have a unanimous decision about what the right answer is okay yo we're not idiots oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I got that got that one oh you built Rubik's Cube alright this is the last room at break any blocks and so you have to figure out a way out of here yeah yeah yeah it's part of snow yeah yeah yeah yeah I was looking for by the snow it has One Singular ender pearl and if you aim it properly you can get out yep yeah I'm through quick honestly this was very Innovative I really like this I would honestly give this a 10 out of 10. yeah this was a 10 out of 10. this was smart I can't believe we're uh where where exactly did you get this Rubik's Cube from oh you know I I built it you stole this from me what this is my Rubik's Cube but you know what I will give you the benefit of the of the doubt it's still a good build I give it a 8 out of 10. kipley got 20 out of 30. and this one is my build it's actually supposed to be a giant puzzle I really like this I'm gonna give a second 8 out of 10. yeah I really like the colors you use and how you made all the pieces kind of like unique and different like it's not just copy and pasted Square after Square so I really like it as well I'm gonna give this like a nine out of ten yeah Jolly this is extremely puzzly and uh this is definitely a seven out of 10 for me Jolie got 24 out of 30. meaning it was time for Skizzy alright guys let me show you the best build that you have ever laid your eyes on this is a Minecraft Rubik's Cube yo it's even got a little hold yeah but you're probably probably wondering skidsy how come your Rubik's Cube doesn't have a butt I left it empty because look at this cool shadow design that I made yo this is really cool I like the whole design but honestly I'm gonna give this like I'll give this a 8 out of 10. yes kids it you know you know how much I love this build man you know I uh I had something very similar to it uh so this yeah I'll give you a seven out of ten I give this an 8 out of ten skitzy got 26 out of 30. meaning it was time for mine yo wait what is this there's so many different cubes this is my puzzle each room is a different puzzle completely no way and then once you reach the gold block it tapes you to the next room what you guys think about my puzzle I love how each one is like a different theme different puzzle it gets my brain working alright this is a 10 out of 10 from me yeah quiff this is actually a 10 out of 10. this is insane bro I love it yeah this is definitely one of the coolest builds I've seen this is a 12 out of 10 for me this is really good that's why I like that here guys my build got 32 out 30. I had no idea how she would have built team alright round two is mythical creature all right 50 Miss make a mythical creature good luck guys I might go build teams back here you guys did a good job but I'm gonna tell them to make a mythical creature and these are all the mythical creatures that pop up why does this one look cursed where Dragon like this would also be insane but they're off to start building if I pop into invis and go over to kipley's side like that all right I really don't know what she's making and I'm start thinking some sort of unicorn is gonna be right here Dolly's building some sort of alien which I'm just gonna straw this ball and skids he's building a giant turkey this one's really cool like a straight flame oh no no Benson why are you on fire these guys are starting to look sick I have no idea what they're building hey oh wait what this guy's doing yeah Charlie I have I have a great idea I have a great idea okay hold on okay please where are you going let me turn down the wall first they've just towed Down the Walls maybe we turn it into like like a battle they're teaming up Kipling and Julia are now teaming so if they can try and beat me I ain't gonna let this slide I'm gonna make a little hole here and leave a little trail of TNT no no no no no please hey yo who's there yeah perfect I was not trying I'm just saying hi you literally had a TNT Trail I literally see you you had a TNT Trail leading to my chicken but hey yo this is still a little cool what did I miss they've made some sort of legs and some fire I really don't know what they're building like I seriously have no idea but I guess it'll look pretty cool but I'm gonna pop back into invis and I'm gonna paste this oh my gosh hey what's up Cannon buddy who just spawned this on my side oh yeah I think I've just made it yo okay yeah I think I think they're gonna mess with his build now all right yep you psychopath that's what you get I think they're kind of angry but yo what did I come back to this is some sort of dragon and this seems to be some sort of clock and this is hourglass these guys have made a Time Dragon I guess I didn't know that existed but yeah it's pretty cool well there's still three minutes left three minutes left all right oh there's only three minutes left all right we gotta hurry up and if these guys Paces in this in click this oh my gosh what is even happening yo Benson's gone his trick has been straight flatlined that's brutal that that chicken can't fly no more that's all I'm saying you still have time to stop it bye unicorn lava I was gonna troll them but skins just Place lava what's actually going on on that side it's kind of what is going on here they're building another creature this is looking sick and it seems to actually be in the line almost in the line I'll just break this for you have you guys guessed who this is because I think by their bills they should be pretty obvious so I'm gonna head back over to the team aside this unicorn does look really cool though I can't lie but back over on my side I thought I'd be a griffin but yo this I will look sick and it also seems like they're about to kiss but you know what I guess they're Fade Into the actual line okay that's insanely big um what is that yo they they cheated and time soap too I can't even sabotage that but now we had to meet in the middle you guys you guys come follow us to the to the girls side over here it's happening on you yeah okay we got a you know some good versus evil you know we got some unicorns facing off against the demogorgon like this unicorn sick but why is this so big yeah this is a lot of detail like too much oh I get the reason that this one's fighting this he's trying to grab him so what do you guys think yeah I mean after you guys blew up my son and it looks like you guys cheated I can't give any points for this I'm sorry yo you know what I do like this although the terrain I'm not gonna question it but y'all give us like a nine now I'm gonna give this a 10 out of 10. Kipling and Joey got 10 out 30. all right guys let me show you one of the best builds you've probably ever seen all right what is this this is Benson okay why is he half a chicken all right listen listen Benson has had a very very rough life uh I'll give it a 2 out of ten dude he's only got one toe left bro come on okay you know what a three out of ten that's the best I can do yeah so for the face I guess I'll give him a one I'll give you a five dude what is this what am I looking at let me give you a rundown this is a Time dragon look he's got the clock there he's got hourglass and he's a dragon so he's a Time Dragon his best friend is this owl who's also bringing him a stopwatch this is a 10 out of 10 for me I'm gonna give it an 11 out of 10. this is really good imma give this a 9 out of ten this is crazy my build's got 50 or 30 and they still had no idea I was cheating worst fear all right we have 10 minutes to make your worst fear good luck guys oh my builds not here you guys guess them yet well you'll find out after this round now there's many fears I can actually make but my worst fear is right there so I'm gonna tell them to make Kipling okay it comes up all creepy and scary oh God I hate spiders Kepler is already making some sort of spider or is this a black hole I don't know what you're scared of oh no it definitely is a spider let's get this not even in his base okay low-key kipley's build is looking pretty good so we're just gonna yoink the entire thing uh which scares me that he's over there what exactly is Julie making worse here I'm doing Heights right now you might be scared of stairs but yo these guys have already built I think they made a Steve a base I think of an edit it to make it look like Kipling and your spider's kind of gone oh come on our roofs kisses effect oh my gosh we gosh wait my invis just went away I can't play just noticed I promise I didn't do anything look I don't have anything what in the world is this because there's only two minutes left all right we just gotta give this guy some hind legs and he has just stolen this bill why is Jolly just ran into the wall what's going on is she already scared of the build let me make a little door and boom [Music] oh where's it leading hey you get inspiration yet buddy that's insane oh wait it looks like it looks like I got a little fly in my my spider web well this is starting to look really good these guys going to walk stay away from me for me my spider why is it whenever I always look there's TNT just being blown up oh yeah this is looking more and more like her and now there's only one minute left one minute left are you crazy I don't have oh there's only one minute left though okay we can make this better I'm gonna add this to black wool girlfriend and steal and start fire no everyone seems to be kind of done but we now had to vote for the best build all right come to my side check out one of my worst fears spiders I do like this this cobwebs the spider webs actually spreads out a lot I wish I had more time uh but uh yeah I try to connect it to the walls like a real spider I'm gonna give it eight out of ten it does look a little familiar but uh I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt I'll give you eight out of ten I'm gonna give it a nine it's super unique introducing Spencer the spider yo why is he half wool Hof concrete uh it's just to add more detail really like that hey yo hey yo what are you doing I give this like an 8 out of 10. uh this one's a little less unique so I'm gonna give it a seven I'm giving you a two all right so I'm afraid of heights oh okay yeah no this is pretty unique I'm gonna give it a uh seven out of ten I like it I'm gonna give it like a like a seven out of ten yeah honestly I really like this it's simple it's Unique I'm gonna give it a six out of ten this is such a beautiful build quiff no this is my build this is oh this is my worst fear this is my worst fear right now oh look at these claws yeah look at the claws oh look at these like dried out are these teeth are these buck teeth look up behind the eyes yeah I actually like feral Kipling a lot this is a 10 out of 10. so this is a 10 out of 10 for me I'll take that this is a nine out of ten for me very beautiful I won the competition I had no idea I was cheating there's such big idiots
Channel: Quiff
Views: 356,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle..., build hacks, shapeshift build battle, cheat with //draw, draw build battle, //paste minecraft, building competition, cheating in build battle, stealing hearts, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, //draw build battle
Id: 9qBMp0LnKVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 10sec (6550 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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