"I Cheated, It Turned Him Into A Bad Person"

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about a year ago i ended up going out with a group of friends for a birthday party in which i ended up very very drunk in sleeping with a man who had been flirting with me the entire night it was the first time i felt so good in many years and i can't explain why [Music] what's going on everybody hope everybody's feeling good hope everybody's doing well we are back with another story guys i will put the link to this in the description like usual you guys read the title let's get into it and this one has an update as well so let's check this out so i a 29 year old female cheated on my husband who's 30 over a year ago and he has been punishing me since can i still save the marriage so just reading the title it sounds like you know she cheated he found out and he's just been torturing her but uh let's let's get into the story and see what's going on here's some backstory i have been with my husband for almost seven years in total we got married within a year of meeting and have two children together he is an amazing man and an amazing person handsome well educated good paying job and he has never cheated or disrespected me in any way before all this happened my close friends and family always remind me of how lucky i have been in life to meet him and what an amazing guy he is i used to look at us like soul mates about a year ago i ended up going out with a group of friends for a birthday party in which i ended up very very drunk in sleeping with a man who had been flirting with me the entire night it was the first time i felt so good in many years and i can't explain why but i ended up going home with him within minutes of realizing what mistake i had done i ordered a taxi home and confessed to my husband crying feeling incredible regret and literally hating myself for it he initially stayed quiet and calm but let me know he wanted a divorce but after begging and begging we ended up going to counseling when at counseling sessions he never seems to be coherent and just sits in scrolls on his mobile whenever he gets a question about his feelings or what he can do to improve he says something along the lines of divorcing a [ __ ] maybe or very negative answers directed towards me most of the time he does not even seem to care it just stays quiet even when he's questioned and when we are trying to engage him into the conversation i realized the mistake i had done and i have spent the past year doing everything i can to save the marriage it has gotten to the point where i even agreed to do sexual acts which i despise for him such as backdoor sex i've been cleaning the house cooking in all chores in the house by myself with no help on the side whatever he's asking for you name it i have done it all he has these outbursts in which he calls me horrible names sometimes the children can hear it from their bedrooms and moments in which he just completely ignores me walks through the house as if i don't exist he always treats the children with love and never badmouths me to them and tries to keep them away from our arguments sometimes if i do not perform certain things no matter the time such as backdoor sex or other things he starts telling me he will divorce me and leave me or he begins mentioning my infidelity telling me this is all my fault he says he did a mistake marrying me and calls me a [ __ ] or other words also know he has been speaking to women and when i confront him about it he literally starts mentioning my infidelity i have no proof whether he has met anyone behind my back but i just want everything to go back to where it was one time when i brought up a message i had seen from another woman on his phone he grabbed my hand and took me to the main hall and pointed to the door and told me the exit is right there i feel as if i have lost the caring loving husband i once had and turned him into this monster i love him to death and can't imagine myself with anyone else i regret my mistake every single day and just want my family back i don't know if i can save this marriage but i'm willing to do whatever it takes i don't know what i'm asking for maybe i just need to vent out but i just wish i could go back in time and reverse all of this wow now remember i don't know if some of the newer people probably haven't heard it but i did a story once before where a woman was saying like yo i i cheated and i turned him into a monster like this one is seeming more savage than that one and like i said all my old videos i will put them back up and i'll let you guys know where they are but man this is this guy is more savage than that a guy was but uh let's check out the comments someone said give him his divorce i'm trying to sympathize with you you're trying to make it work but you made a huge mistake by going home with another man because of your drunk feelings you categorized him as a perfect man i believe he's trying to piece together the logic to your infidelity to which which there is none you single-handedly ruined your family he has to come to terms with the person you are now from the person he married i agreed i agree his outbursts are concerning around your children and they are valid concerns but he's also human he has to live with the fact that the person he promised to love cherish and be faithful to in front of your family and friends and also the mother of his children willingly chose to put herself above what youtube built together his feelings of frustration and wanting to divorce our reactions to your night of fun i can't imagine what he is going through you've tried now it's time to understand some things when broken cannot be fixed someone else said it will never turn back to how it was before never it is forever damaged and it seems that he has completely checked out the relationship has now become toxic and will never recover you will have to divorce i'm sorry but you made a mistake that killed his love for you i know you regret it but there is no going back someone else said first off let me say that you need to stop lying to yourself about the cheating you started this off by writing literally a paragraph discussing how amazing he is and for what you clearly didn't give it ish enough to honor a pact you made in front of your friends and family and whatever god you believe in so when you say it felt good for the first time in a while don't call it anything other than it is you cheated and you liked it for you two to think that you doing all the chores and letting him if you in the behind was going to build trust in a relationship then you're both stupid and need to get divorced wow yeah someone else said your mistake has made his love for you you disappear he will most likely never want to actually be in a relationship with you ever again he probably has no trust in you i suggest divorce let him be happy someone else said it's like an inside out how all the characters happy moments of home and playing with friends became sad because she moved away same thing but with infidelity of a wife let's check out the update all right so update i a 29 year old female cheated on my husband who's 30 over a year ago and he has been punishing me since can i still save the marriage update so she says i confronted my husband today as many people have stated i have had a feeling he doesn't want to try anymore and that he just wants to move on initially i walked up to him and wanted to explain the entire situation about how i understand his pain and how i understand that he no longer wants to work on the marriage and move on so i told him if this is what he truly wants i will accept it and let him move on with his life but that i truly love him and forever will he just stood silent and looked at me came up and hugged me and started to cry wow i started to cry as well this was the first time i felt genuine loving the hug and emotion from him in a long time after what i felt like a few minutes of crying and hugging he finally let go and was asking me to come sit down with him he started letting me know that he still loves me with all his heart that he loves our children but he has a hard time forgetting and moving on from what happened he said he has these angry raging moments not only because he has the hatred of what i had done but also because he has these images in his head of what i had done he can't forget about them he told me he had plenty of women flirting with him over the years and that he had plenty of chances to stray away from loyalty but that i and the kids always meant more for him than a few moments of pleasure he also said that he loved me too much to hurt me i broke down even more when i heard him saying this he then kept on telling me how something is broken within him that cannot be fixed he said he had been chatting with other women these months but never actually slept or done anything physical with them because he did not feel it was the right thing to do hearing me tell him that he can move on was the first time he felt i finally understood how he's feeling inside and how broken he is he told me that he does not know what the future holds for us but he for the moment being wants to be single explore his own life and maybe we will end up together in the future but for the time being he needs to work on himself away from me i told him i would agree to sign the divorce papers if he wanted a divorce and that i did not want anything from him what he brought into the marriage is his and i don't want to take that away from him he earns much more money than me but i still don't want him to have to use that money on me so i don't want child support as well hearing all of this made him cry and he said he hopes he can forgive me one day but that time apart would do us both good and let us both reflect on our lives he said that he will get a lawyer and bring the divorce papers in a week or so i will not meet anyone else after the divorce and i don't want to either i truly hope he comes back to me one day so we can have our family again i wish i could take back everything i really have huge feelings of remorse and just lost the one person that truly is my soul mate i guess i am getting divorced now guys thank you for the comments and feedback dang let's check out these comments let's see this comment calls out something she says you said i would not meet anyone else after the divorce and i don't want to either i truly hope he comes back to me one day so we could have our old family back i wish i could take back everything i really have huge feelings of remorse and just lost the one person that truly is my soul mate well this is the result of cheating anyway good luck someone else said divorcing her divorcing him is the best thing you could do for the poor guy he's probably feeling so emasculated belittled humiliated even one year later you regretted it only after the fact not in the cab not in his house not even during using alcohol as a reason doesn't fly here since she went home immediately afterwards and confessed absolutely like she was still a little drunk when she told him so you can't use that as an excuse you wanted to get it in real quick you said it was amazing you hadn't felt like that in years you wanted to do that don't use the alcohol as an excuse but um declaring you aren't going to be seeing anyone hoping he'll eventually get back with you is ludicrous as well you cheated so easily on a random night out with some guy that flirted with you i'd have a heck of a tough time believing it wouldn't happen again especially if you're single absolutely yeah i was reading that too it's like come on now you're somebody within within a week's time she'll be with somebody else like i don't know why she's trying to fool herself um healing can take years might want to check out surviving infidelity for some insight into how those who were cheated on cope with it someone said child support isn't for you it's for your child you cheated it ended the marriage but your soon-to-be ex is still a father someone said if your husband was the one who cheated how would you have reacted would you have taken him back in case he sleeps around during this period of finding himself would you still take him back someone said oh you know he's going to go crazy with other women probably someone said well you reap what you sow remember that you made the decision to cheat on him drunk or not it doesn't matter you were the one who destroyed your marriage and family if you truly loved him you wouldn't have cheated or put yourself in a situation where that could happen you say you can't see yourself with anyone else but you were with someone else i can't blame him for his anger and hurt because i couldn't forgive something like that either so with that in mind a divorce is the best and only option personally i don't see you two getting back together especially if you find someone else who won't ever dream of hurting him that way you also need to wrap your head around the fact that he is going to date and sleep around with other women if you don't want to date that's your business but just know that he will in the meantime sign the divorce papers and move on with your life don't wish and hope for something that may or may not ever happen wow and on that note guys let me know what you think about this in the comments dang he and that first one he was a savage he was a savage he was making her pay he was making her suffer but um i'm glad i'm actually glad he went through because for a minute on this update i thought he was gonna okay i love you let's work it out no i was scared he was gonna do that i'm glad he's going with the divorce and he needs to go work on himself you know go be by himself that's good for him um so let me know what you think about this in the comments guys i will put the link to this in the description like usual and i will catch you guys at the next one [Music] you
Channel: True Story
Views: 61,710
Rating: 4.9420719 out of 5
Keywords: true story
Id: t0goni6T6sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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